HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-1-30, Page 5They Ought to Join Me- Ginty. The world is gieatly crowded now with pestilential bones, Who ought to join McGinty right a- aw ay, Wo meet them everywhere we go, both in and out of doors They ought to join McGinty right a- way. The chap who always borrows, but was never known to lend, Who, when he's broke,convinces you he'll always be ,your friend, But when you ask a favor he has no favors to extend— He ought to join McGinty right a- way. ". The man who always loudly snores within the sleeping' car-- He ar—He ought to join McGinty right' a- way, His wild cadenzas warp the doors and make the windows jar— He ought to join McGinty right a- way. And there's the chap who seems to know when all your time's em- ployed: He chooses just the moment when you cannot be annoyed, And as he talks and talks and talks you wish he were destroyed You wish he'd join McGinty right :r'a- way. The crank who Inas no intellect, but just a mulish will He ought to join McGinty right a- way, For while you may convince him holds his own opinion still-- He till-He ought to join McGinty right a way. Ice's apt to get on juries where he'll hang them every time; He has a monumental gall that real- ly is sublime; His strong opinions with the views of others never rhyme— He ought to join McGinty right a way. And every man whose presence robs the world of happiness— Should go and see McGinty right a- way. The multitudes of cranks and bores should speedily be less- They ought to join McGinty right a- way. This dreary world of ours so much pleasanter would be, If it from all these nuisances could happily be free, So let them take a journey to the bot- tom of the sea, And go and join McGinty right a- way. Mount Carmel Mr. David Steeper, of the 11th con- cession sof McGillivray, has .bought a farm'situated;lout$, of ` Corbett. ` `He' bad his hay drawn through here by hired teams Wednesday. Rev. Father Kealy, in company With Father Kennedy, paid a short visit to his Grace, the Archbishop Walsh, of Toronto, and also had the pleasure of meeting Father Walsh, formerly of London. "La Grippe" has claimed one of the children of this place. It being Abbey .McIllargy,who died on Monday night .last, at twelve o'clock. She was nine years of age. Mass was held . at 9.30 o'clock Wednesday morning, and all " the school children mot in a body at the church to have a last look at the remains of their little school mate. • D. L. McIntyre, late managing 'dir- ector of the Port Arthur ;Sentinel, has gone to Winnipeg to assume the busi- ness management of the new evening paper. TORMENTS OF TOOTHACE. Yellow I can recommend IIaoyard s T allow Oil as a sure cure for toothache. I suffered for several days, then I heated my cheek and rubbed the Yellow Oil on it and was immediately relieved Mrs. •David G. Arnott, Russel, Man. Direct communication between Iiali- fax and Vancouver and Victoria was made Sunday by the C. P. R. Telegraph Co. and congratulatory messages were exchanged, A Nassau letter says:—Gen. Henry V. Perkins, of New York, owner of' the yacht Nirvana and formerly a staff officer under Gen. Sherman, died at Nassau, January 14th. . BEHRING SEA. Contains the great seal of the Amer- ican Republic, and Burdock' Blood' Bit- ters contains the virtues of roots, barks and herbs from our, fields and forests, snaking it a wonderful remedy for con- stipation, dyspepsia,, biliousness, bad 1 blood Scrofula and all skin diseases. Three hundred paraders in Lisbon who marched through the city Sunday Shouting "Death to the English" met with jeers and insults from the onlook- ers in the principal Streets. Everest's Cough Syrup is ahead of 11,11 other Cough Remedies.--D.Stewart, Forest.P 0 The arrival of .Tillie Bly in New York #fter her trip around the world was made the ou. i 1011 of a great ,de- monstration. The time made was 72 days 6 hours and 11 minutes.; ADVICE TO MOTIIERS. Are you disturbed et night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and drying with pain of cutting teeth ? if so; tend at once end get a bottle of Mits. WrNatow's SooiirNO Sylfur roll Cul Deter 'INETIIINO. Its value is inealcul•1 able. It will rel i levo the poor little Sufferer imine. diatolyy-. Depend upon it,.rnothers,there is no mistake about it. It cures' dysentery and diet, threw, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures' clic so tens .he gums, o t Win i , B is, tion, and gives tone and energq"to the whole, system. Ski its. WN:tStiOW's SooriuiYG STROP loess CInLDtnrrr'T FIST itirro is pleasant to the tee te,and' is tho prescription of one Of the oldest and isestl female Nurses and physicittna in the united Stated, and IS for kale by"all d 'ii,gihts through.f Cat ale world; 1'lice sig cents a bottiw, ; This is to certifv that I have used Everest's Liver Regulator, and find it the best I ever used.—P, B. Rosenberry, L. D. S., Arl*ona, Ont. Advice from Montevideo under date of Dee, 21, assert that Gen. da Fonseca, the head of the provisional government of Brazil, was dying.from angina, peel oris, in an hotel in a suburb of Rio Jan- eiro, FIRST HELP FOR THE WOUNDED.. Iu 11 kinds of wounds, bruises, sores cuts and sprains prompt action is .pec- ossaryand the wisdom of those who keep IIagylrrds Yellow Oil on hand is demonstrated It is a prompt effectual and reliable cure for all injuries, Croon, rheumatism, sore throat etc. Used in - 0r 0r xternally. Wm. O'Connor the champion oars- man, having failed to hear anything of Messrs Thayre and Calkins, the big re- gratta promoters,, has determined to leave Toronto on his way to Australia to -morrow. LITTLE LUCY'S LUCK. "I had a disease of the skin for which Ma tried everything she could think of but without effeet,but the first bottle of Burdoel:' Blood Bitters I tried, I found relief. It gave me great satisfaction." Lucy Venables, (age 11,) Boissevain, Man Although almost everybody is now convinced that the National line steam- ship Erin has been lost,insurances were taken on her to day, though the enor- mous rate of 80 guineas percentage was charged. A WINTER'S TALE. Last winter my little girl caught a severe cold which lasted all season. I doctored with everything I' could get ,but to no avail. Finally I got Hag yard's Pectoral Balsam and gave her two doses which improved her,and in a week she was entirely cured by its use. Mrs. C Norman, Cornell, Ont., The International Union of Masons and Bricklayers assembled in. Kansas City adopted a resolution on Saturday re -affirming the nine -hour day. The nest convention takes place in Toronto in January, 1891. OTTT ON THE PLAINS the wonderful virtues of Nasal Balm, are known and appreciated. W. M. Armstrong, of tee mounted police, Fort Saskatchewanwrites:—I have been us- ing Nasal Balm as directed and find it to be all you claim for it -"A sure cure for Catarrh, Easy to Use, Pleasant and Agreeable. It gave me relief from the first application. Everybody suffering from Cold in the Head or Catarrh should use Nasal Balm. Prof. Frederick Freund, teacher of the parochial school of St. Peter's ' Ger- man Evangelical church in Buffalo, reported' to have skipped out,charges of debauching little girls having been made against him. He leaves a family destitute. Prompt relief in sick headache, diz- ziness, nausea, constipation,pain in the side,guaranteed to those using Carter's Little Liver Pills. One a dose. Small price. Small dose. Small pill. A Suspension Bridge despatch says. Wm. II. Tremble,proprietor of theMan- sion house, and his wife have been ar- rested on a charge •e of robbingJ. E. Whittemore, of Hamilton, of $560 in gold while he was a guest at their house January 11th. Both have been released on bail. Are free from all crude .and irritat ing natter. Concentrated medicine only. Carter's Little Lives Pills. Very small; very easy to take; no pain; no griping; no purging. Try them. In' order not to wound the suscepti- bilities of France King Humbert per- suaded the Napoleons not to attend the funeral of the Duke of Aosta.' Ministers, Lawyers, Teachers, and others whose occupation gives but lit- tle exercise. should use Carter's Little Liver. Pills for torpid liver and bilious- ness. One is a dose. Try them. Mr. J. G. Smallacombe having made a move from the north side of the hall over the. post office to the south side, to make room for the masonic fraternity of Exeter, is now in a position to turn out his work on shortest notice and at prices to suit all. A fit guaranteed, The cheapest and best, tailor shop in town. Give him a call. La Grippe" or Li:rhtning Catarrh. MR. EDITOR.—"La grippe," or Russ- ian it is termed ,is infltle a, is in real- ity an epidemic catarrh, and is called by some physicians "lightning cat- arrh," from the rapidity with which it sweeps over the country. Allow us to draw the attention of your readers to the fact that Nasal Balm, as well as being a thorough cure for all cases of the cold in the head' and catarrh will give prompt relief in the severe castes of "la grippe" or Russian influenza, 5 it will effectually clear the nasal pass- ages, allay irritation and relieve the dull, oppressive headache accompanying the disease. No family should be with a bottle of asci Balm in the house with - as coke in the head and catarrh are pe` culiarly liable to attack people at this season of tho>year and Nasal Balm is the only prompt and speedy euro for these troubles ever offered' the' public. Easy to use and agreeable. If you can not get it at your:.dealors'it will be sent on receipt .of rice (50 cents post free p and $1. per bottle) by addressing ,w ,. ' 1i IMPORT,. en 06 Brockville, Ont outl N NOTICE. The Council of the Corporation of the County.of Huron, will meet in the Court House, in the Town of tioderieh, on Tuesday the 98th inst. PETER ADAMSON, Co. Clerk. San. 13th, 1890.-2in • Til E'WITNESS' Important Announcement For 1890 Over 198 PREMIUMS to select from. GREAT INDUCEMENTS FOR OLD AND NEW SUBSCRIBERS SEE THE PREMIUM LIST ANNUAL SUBSCILIPTIONS: DAILY WITNESS• V OD WEEKLY - • 1 $1 00 The NORTHERN MESSENGER, only 30 cents per anuum, is the cheapest illustrated paper in the world. Contains the Sunday School Lessons, and has abundant of interesting information for old and young. See the list of premium books for old and new subscrib- ers. Agents wanted. Sample copies free. John, Dougall & Son. "Witness" Office, MONTREAL. FREE OUR. SNEW �tlt�mea SSG solid FOE' it Glold watch Worth S100.00. Rest $83 watch in the world. Perfect timekeeper warranted bonvy,. SOLID OOLD hunting cases. 13oth ladies' and gents sizes, with works and case§ or equal value. ONE PERSON in each locality can secure one free, together with our large �e and valuable line ofllousei,old AHRANr■o' Samples. These samples, es well as the watch, are free. Alt the work you need do Is to show what we send you to those who call—your friends and neighbors and those about you—that uhvuys results in valuable trade torus, which holds foryears when once started, and taus we are repair. We pay all express, freight, etc. After you. know 01, if you would like to go to work for us, you can sera from $20 to .800 per week and upwards. Addre.s,^ Stinson aft Co., Box S12, Portland, Blaine. HOOS WANTED. Tarmers tarry on your store hogs and fat- ten them for the market from January to June. We have determined to abandon the packing of dressed hogs in order to Make the packing_of hogs so business throughout the year. We shall endeavor to buy at whatever the price is, enough live hoes during these months to ran our packing house. As this business is being neglected during• the late reinter and spring months, we think those who have hogs suitable for our requirements will reapa big benefit. We want hogs not less than 140 lbs., and not over 220 ells , and Will give a ,handsome price for the 'same. Recollect we shall' not buy' a dreSised MIX this winter; whereas we packed 15,000 dressed hogs after Jan. 1st, last winter. J. L. GRANT & CO. Ingersoll.ll. To Our Subscribers. The SPECIAL ANNOITNCI'.MuNT which appeal'ed;in our columns some time since, announcing a special arrange- ment with Dr. B, J. KFNAALIr Co, of Enosbur •• Falls, Vt., pltblishers' ;of "A Treatise on the }Iorse and his Disease," whereby ,our subscribers were enabled to obtain a copy of that valuable work PETE by sending their address to Dr. J. B. KrNDALL Co. (and en- closing a two -cent stamp for mailing same) is renewed fora limited period. We trust all will avail themselves of the opportunity of obtau.ug this val- uable work. To every lover of the Horse itid indispensable,as it treats in a simple manner all the deseases which afflict this noble animal. Its phenom- inal•sale throughout the United States and Canada, made it standard author- ity.' Mention this peeper when sending for "Treaties" .=Oct, -31-13t. Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness, Hay • Fever. A NEW HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally award that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining mem- brane of the nose and eustachian tubes Microscopic research,however, has prov- ed this to be a fact, and the result is that a simple remedy has been formu- lated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deaf- ness and hay fever are permanently cured in from one to three simple ap- plications made at hone by the patient once in two weeks. N. B.—For Catar- rhal discharges peculiar to females (whites) this remedy is a specific. A pamphlet explaining this new treat memt is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. H. Dixon & Son. 303 West King - St., Toronto, Canada.—Scientific Ameri- can. Sufferers from catarrhal troubles should carefully read the above. (10.22'88) When Bully was sick, we gave her Castoria. Rihea shewas a Child, she cried for Castorl When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. .,When ashe Children, she gave them Castoris, .A Fresh and New Stock of 010mit cetioRrij JUST'ARRIVED AT THE Family Grocery. Also Pure EXTRACTS ` t and SPICES. A beautiful piece of glass- ware given away with 1 lb of Mayell's Baking Powder. Dashwood Roller Flour For Sale. Call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. G. L 1YNDNIAN. HENRY WELLS, Irewer an1 aIsier GODE4If,H, ONTARIO 0 0 MANUFACTURER OF e1Is' CI8rBt Me a1111 PORTER. 0 Porter a XXX Specialty, EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel . $75 to Barley... . , 35 to Oats . , .. 25 to Peas 52 to Eggs:per doz. .. 13 to Butter, Rolls 17 to Butter, Crocks ..: . . 16 to Geese per ib , . 6 to 6 Potatoes per bush 60 to 65 :Hay per ton . • • • • • . 7.00 to 7.00 80 40 25 53 13 18 17 NASAL BALM. A certain and speedy cure for poll in the Head and Catarrh in all its stages. SDDTHINC, CLEANSING,' HEALING. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible, Many so -tailed diseases are sire* symptoms of Catarrh, such' as headache, partial ddea deafness, losing sense of smell, foul breath hawkiny� and spitting, eansea, general feeling of debility, etc. If you are troubled with any of these or kindred symptoms, you have Catarrh, anti should lose no titncin procuring' a bottle bf NASAt BALM. .BO Banta' in- time,esneglected cold 'm head results 'm catarrhs carysumption and death, NASAL BALM 9 sold by all druggists, or will be sent, post paid, on receipt of tilce (s0 cents and $noel by eddressind ` FULFDRD 8 CC., BnonkvILLE, flNT. I Isiwsre Of' imitations Shriller in natne. LONDON, pei �d J` Pl, u , � 1'1110111111N, op eEors. • CLOT:HMO J. SNELL, l el st- EXETER ONTARIO Has now in stock SND . V !NIR c4-00=3, IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of England Suitings and Trous cringe, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser- ings. French and English Worsted Cloths All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. 4. J. SNELL. S. UIIJLEY. THE LEADING Undertaker AND Furniture Dealer OF THE TOWN ? I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which I will sell at right prices. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. GIDLEY. —THE— Central Shaving Parlor EXETER, Ontario. -�-- Hastings, PROPRIETOR. Every Attention paid to. Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting. AG -ENT FOR THE TROY LAUNDRY. a Ratings. Cash ONLY W. SOUTHOOTT, Veterinary D o nt is try —§ The undersigned having purchased a coo pieta set of Dental Instruments, and having the necessary experience intligt lino, wishes to inform the people of this section that he i8 fully prepared to execute tree VETERINARY DENTISTRY intrusted to him on the shortest notice. Charges moderate. A. Trial olicited: Wm. Sweet, V. S. DOWN GO THE PRICES in order to snake room for our fall purchas- es which are now arriving, we of- ferreduced prices in Summer =Tess C -odds, htusllns, Prints, Laces, Dmbroidories, &c. also balance of Summer Millinery at cost. SUCARS! We have a Quantity of Sugar on. hand which was purchased before the Heavy Ad- vance which we aro offering at less than pre- sent wholesale cost. Our values in Teas and Coffees are A-1 and are not excelled in ` the County. A call solicited and an inspection invited "All kinds of produce taken in exchange. Butter 14 cents ; Eggs, 14 cents. Happel & Cleghorn, ZURICH Watch for this Space Next Week. E. H. FISH. CHRISTIE'S COMMERCIAL) L!Yi!YJ) First Class RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK - ,SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. '=@=ISLa s Reaaoatairlo Telephone Connection. IN ORDER TO MAKE SPACE ---FOR—— SPRIN GOOD, We will clear out the balance of our Winter Stock AT COST Cor. Blain Blain and John St. Exeter, Ontario. Has just opened out a full . line of FASHIONABLE Including a splendid assortrltent.of OVERCOATS & SUITS FOR MENAND BOYS. LADIES AND GENTS FURS. LADIES FUR CAPS, MUFFS AND HATS. LADIES NETT, VEST AND WOOL ■lliit SHAWLS. A SK ORMIN'S. GA MNTS HEAVY WOOL LTINED KID ITS & GLOVESTOCatFUR 75c worth $1. We cant be undersold in Teas and. Sugars for SPOT CASH. TWEEDS, Together with a full line of GENT' FURNISHINGS Snch U nlaundrecl Shirts,White dressed, Regatta and Flannel Shirts, Underwear, Collars and Cuffs, Ties, Scarfs, Caps, Suspenders, loves and G Half Hose. • Our prices are close and liberal terms All our Tweeds cut free of charge. Wa SOUTIICOTT, MERCHANT TAILOR. n Union Tile Grand U o Hotel, C2:Lxz\TWOMT, OSTtTS-srxo Enlarged and Improved. 30 rooms elegantly furnished. Tables supplied with all the Delicacies of the season, 3 convenient sample rooms. Souse heated with hot air, Electric bells through Out; • PER DAY. . TUFTS;PROPRIETOR; JOHN MATHESON, Exeter North_ G. smAtuoaia:, jIIerckakt sailor. Up stairs, over H. Spackman's Hardware Store. Ile has in stock some of the finest -Winter goods to be found on the market. A CALL SOLICITED. J.. Sldi.�.LLA MBE. G C® R OYA.L HOTEL. t T.,`UCAN ONTARIO T.I-IODGINS PROP - supplied with best brands ofLigtteirs and Cigars,