HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-1-16, Page 8TUM&.IMG iN 'CHRISTMAS CARDS. CHRISTMAS BQOLLL I'S. CHRISTMAS ALBUMS.. CHRISTMAS BU3LES- CHRIST1i1AS WORK BON.ES.' CHRISTMAS WFITING:DLSKS. CHRISTMAS VASES. CHRISTMAS GIFT CUPS. CHRISTMAS DOLLS. CHRISTMAS HANKERCHIEFS. ;CHRISTMAS PLUSH GOODS. CHRISTMAS ANNUALS. 'CHRISTMAS TOYS. AND A LARGE VARIETY OF OTHER LINE -SPECIAL CARD EX- HIBIT DEC. 6th, HOLIDAY GOODS EXHIBIT DEC. 10th. J. GRIGG, WHOLESALE & RETAIL STATIN'R, —AND— FANCY GOODS DEALER. EXETER, ONTARIO, LOCAL JOTTINGS. Call on ,J. N, Howard for hardware, tinware &c• Prices low. Dominion Parliament ppena to -day for the transaction of 0 inada's business, Hardware in endless variety at prices to suit Xit the old, Established house, Lebanon Forest Lodge, No.. 153, A, P. & A, IL ave removed there Lodge Room to the hall peer Sliackinan,s Hard- ware store. Workmen are busily en- gaged in getting the room in order. Girls,don't throw away your old rub- bers or overshoes. Save them for the agents ofthe • chewing gum manufac- tories, who are now buying them up in all parts of the country. Pulverized rubber booth and overshoes, flavored with vanilla, strawberry and other extracts, make the nicest chewing gum on record. Wanted—An editor who can read, write, and argue politics and at the same time be religious,funny, scientific and historical at will; write, to please everybody, knowing everything good to say about somebody else, live on wind and make no enemies. For such a man a good opening will be made— in the grave yard. t The Toronto' Globe expresses regret at inserting an advertisement of the Blanchard & Co., New York, offering a stem winding watchto eaohsubscriber Brief. Howard is selling hardware, tinware &c. Prices low. —11. L. Billings, Dentist, for the best artificial teeth i�V a think that by right Exeter is en- titled to the Wardenship this year and we hope that the County Council with see its way clear to elect • our Reeve to that position, Dr Rollins` has been a use- £ul and faithful member of the Council for a long enough period to make him thoroughly conversant with the duties which the position will require flim =.toj' discharge and as he is very pr0tie44 ho will be found theright'man iZl• the right place, We hope that honor : will be awarded to whom it is idle and that Exeter's claim will receive` first consid- eration. to a paper called the Family Magazine.' A sample of these watches had been sent to the Globe office and they were found worthless. Tut ADVOCATE has; received numbers of Bitch propositions,. The roads for the past few days have but they are inyariably rejected, as been in a miserable condition. rfraudelent- A young lady asked an editor this extraordinary queStiou: "Do you think: it right for a girl to sit on a *wig man's lap, even if she is engaged?" Whereupon the editor told this extra- ordinary lie: "We have had no exper- ience in the matter referred to,but if it was our girl and our lap, yes; if it was another fellow's girl and our lap, yes; but if it was our girl and another fel- low's lap, never! never!! never! ! ! Don't forget the Sons of England concert on Friday evening 24th inst.. LaGrippe has spread considerable in town of late. New cases are reported daily. H you want first-class hardware at right prices call on J. N. Howard, the eld Established House. The weather for the past few days has been very unfavorable and also ;Very changeable. Levi Lewis is at present in this neighborhood purchasing horses for the •Saginaw markets. • Missionary sermons will be preached in the James St. Methodist church by the Rev. Alexander Langford, of Lon- don. Mr John McMahon, of Seaforth; pur- chased on Thursday last from Mr. John Snell of this place three fine horses for. the Boston market. The Grist mill will be offered for sale by:public auction on the 4th of Febnary. We are in hopes that some good live man will- a to -chase it and put in - the s. .roller p The: Huron" uary 4 'be the, rgest County Meeting ever. held in the village. Prof. A. M. Shrieves, of Windsor,Ont., and Prof. W. S. Matthews, of Detroit, Mich., now stopping at the Centras Ho- tel, Exeter, for one week. See adver- tisement in another column. ty Orange Lodge of South ts'here on Tuesday, Feb - It is expected that this Wilt In our issue of last week,we neglect - to mention the death of Mrs. Grace Cudmore, which • event occurred on Sunday 5th, at the ripe age of 77 years and 5 months. She had been ailing for a long time from the infirmities of •old age, when death put au end to her. sufferings. She was well and favor- ably known by all, being one of the early settlers of this part. She leaves a family of grown up children to mourn her demise. The bereaved have, the sympathy of all in their trial of sorrow and affliction. • OnWednesday evening,of last week, a number of the young people from here repaired to theresidence of Mr. W. Dearing, 3rd con., Stephen, and spent a very enjoyable evening. The firm of Brumpton & Ried has been dissolved and Mr. Reid's interest has been puschased by Mr. Brumpton's brother. The firm will be known in future as Brumpton Bros. In our report of the agricultural so- cietymeeting in last weeks issue we overlooked the names of James Ballen- tyne, .Henry Eil•'ter and John Hunter jr., who were elected Directors. Judgment has been given by his Honor Judge Deylein the case of Cam- .eron vs Richards tried at the last Di- vision Court here in favor of the Plen tiff with costs Elliot for Plff, Collins for Deft. The noted pacer ownedby Mr. Harry Wilkins was sold to Cleveland parties for a large sum. . He was of the Ton- tine breed and speaks well for the stran, he having shown trials better than thirty. The glad -hearted cheery woman who Makes the best of everything is a treas- ure in any home. She may,make mis- takes, she may forget, she niay spoil a dish in mixing or in baking,butif with the mishap she sends in a, gleam of sunshine, a smile, a laugh,or'eome,gay and kind word, people forget their disappointments and make the best of what they cannot help. And, how touch better this is,than the unvaring precis- ion of one who has no faults herselfand no patiencewith those who+haver ,,wii, never makes mistakes nor,inal es allow ances for those who do. 4ec1,0aeyand precision . are excellent • ,Pulnetuk1ity" and promptness are most valuabtei;hut "love is the fultillilig of the law " and christian pharity.'is greater than faith', hope, faultless bousekeepin, or, any thing else. If you are'born with sun- shine in your heart, thank God for it, and let it shine out. "THE CIAUTAQUA ORCHESTRA CON- CERT COMPANY. -This talented con• pany was greeted by a large house on the occasion of: their appearance in Cardno's Hall on Wednesday evening` last. The audience, however, was not nearly iito large as the entertainment de- served. It was one of the very ..;best;, musical entertainments ever listened to in this town. The orchestra is cornnp9s- ed of some twelve instruments, and the music they produce is simply enchant-, ing. As a vocalist, Mrs. Murray trick - s= ick son has a beautiful, clear, powerful voice and pleasing manner,and several of her selections were encored. Her only fault is that her articulation is. scarcely ,distinct enough for those who wish to follow the sentiment of the song' as well as the music. MissMacGillivray has a sprightly,pleasantappearance and is a good elocutionist, while Mr. ' Ram- say, as a comic singer, brought down the house every time. The cornet, vio- lin and flute solos were also good. Mr. Arthur Depew, musical director. con- ductor and pianist, a young man only twenty years of age is a perfect music- al prodigy. He is not only a competent director, and accomplished pianist, but is also a clever composer and writ- er of music. His father,Mr. Jas.Depew, the manager, and who, by` the way,is a former resident of this county," is - thorough gentleman, and is -justly proud of his talented company. They are deserving of and should - e edily win public confidence and_ll�j� support. The company la connected with "the Niagara Assembly," •or the Canadian Chautauqua, a summer resort located on the shores of Lake Ontario, near Niagara, and one of their objects in giving these entertainments is to bring this enterprise, which is largely controlled by citizens of Toronto, more prominently before the public. They certainly do the Canadian Chautauqua credit." This company appears under the auspices of the Sons of England Be- nevolent Society,(on Friday evening, Jan. 24th, in Drew's,, Opera: House. Wait for it. Agents Wanted. The following officers of the Indepen- dent Order of Odd Fellows were duly installed in their respective offices on Tuesday Jan. 14th:—Bro. A. Hoskins,J. P. G. Bro S. A. Poplestone N. G. .Bro. G. Brooks V. G. Bro.Thos Prier, R. S. W. G.-Bro. W. H. Trott, L. S. N. G. Bro. John Evaa'is,R. S. V, G. Bro. D. Davis, R. S. S. Bro. Geo. Vosper L. S. S. Bro. A Fake, R. S' Bro. E. J. "Spackman,P. S. Bro H- Lambrook Treas.Bro. J. Grieves W. Bro. Geo. Hvndman..Chap. Bro. Wm. Howard, Con. Bro. Rd. Crocker I. S. G. Bro. Moncur, .0. S. G. Take your home paper... It gives you more news of immediate interest than Toronto or other papers. It talks for you when other papers belie you; it stands up for your rights; you always have a companion in your home paper, and those who stand up for you should certainly be well sustained. Your in- terests are kindred and equal, and you must rise or fall . together. Therefore, it is for your interest to support your home paper; not grudgingly, but in a liberal way ;not as a disagreeable duty, but as an investment that will amply repay the expenditure. They have come to stay, who, Brum- pton Bros. successors to Brumpton & Reid. and they will rush off the bal- ance of the bankrupt stock to make room for two other large stocks to be moved here shortly. Brumpton Bros. The old established house. Kind words are the brightest flowers ..of earth's existence; they make a very paradice of the humblest home that the world can show. Use ,them, and es- pecially-around s- •peciallyaround the fireside circle. They are jewels beyond price,and more pro csous to Beal the wounded heart and :snake the weighed down spirit glad ..-_than all the other blessings the world .can give. . The creditors of the Pickard estate -may be interested to kno that the e case .. of Samwell vs the Molsons Bank,enter .ed for trial at the present London ass- izes,; was not tried the plff. applied to the local Judge to postpone the trial but he referred the application to the trial Judge who granted a postpone- ment on the trial that --the 'plff. pay the .cost of the motion and of the day as if the ease had been tried. CLEARI N RICFIARD PICK_iRD'8. IMMENSE BARGAINS IN Black :,andColored Dress -Goods. _ Mack and Colored Silks and Mers. s. adyes Manta s U1st'rS Dolmans & Jack is Fur Coats, Muffs & long Boas. • ens Fur Coats! Caps & Gloves. 4 :.Boots & Overshoes. Felt & Leather h Wool Shirts and Drawers. & Boys ready-made suits & overcoats It is worth remembering that no newspaper is printed especially for one person , observes an exchange. People who: become greatly displeased with something they find in the newspaper should remember that the very thing that displeases them is exactly the thing that will most please somebody that has just as much interest in the. paper as they have.It takes all kinds of people to make a world, we are told, and the patrons of a newspaper are made' upsif' all the elements of - the world. A man may have a dislike for i enough to ' not foolish eno tobacco, but he is o g complain of his grocerman because he keeps it for sale to those who want it, and the manwwho finds something in a newspaper he does not like is not oblig- ed to read it or to be influenced by it. Mr, John Rendre, of this place, met with what might have proved a fatal ,,accident, while he and several ' others were engaged. in hanging tip a „slaughtered hillock. It appears they had the animai dressed and was engag- ed in .suspending when the pole, which it was attached to, slipped off at one end Where it was supported by two beams, one at each end,striking Mr Randle on the back of the head andla. inb g him ir.'. Y sensible to the floor. He was after wards removed to the village, where Dr, Ilyndtnan pat' severttt , Stitches' .in 'she wolllid,. Pay cash for what you get and you will get it cheaper. When you. buy on credit you have to pay not only your own debt but all the bad debts of your merchant. He tells you frankly that if he did not loose so much he could sell cheaper to you: By the credit system the retail merchant is forced to buy on credit, the jobber' must do the same,and the wholesale merchant the same. Nine times out often the retail merchant gets hard pressed; he sells everything he can, pockets the money, puts his hands in the armholes of his vest, and cooly offers his creditors 33* cents on the dollar. Throw off the burden of credit and adopt the cash system. On Thursday evening last, a meet- ing of those interested in Draughts, or checkers as it is commonly called, was held. 141x. Prouty was unanimously chosen President ar3td Mr. Wm. Levett, Secretary. A committee was appointed to • draft by-laws and for rules for the guidance of the club, and also to engage, a suitable ha 11 for holding games. After the business was trans, acted sides • were chosen for a game:be- tween Mr, Alfred Walters and Mr. John ; lted <in Ilyndman, which resulted favor of Mr, Walter's side. No doubt some 'ex- cellent and interesting games Will come off during the next few rrionths, as some excellent ;players are members of the club. It is .a harmless game and furnishes godd' amusement during the winter months. In fact everything, will be sold at prices that will ensure a speedy clearance. RICHARD PICKARD. tramps; S: Handford 50 cts labor; Wan. Treble $1.70 fixing hell &c Jas. Creech $6,04 -charity to J. Piper; do $4.00 char- ity to S. Fanscn do $400 charity to Jno. Vail. Carried. ---Moved by T. B. Carl- ing secondeyi ,by T. H. McCallum, that the eotlectorJie •credited with the .fol- lowing ..aniiounts :viz.—M. Hutchinson faxes refunded unable to pay $g.20; Mfrs•;Can do $2.45; Mrs. J. C. McIntosh do 44.20; Wm. Webster do .:2.45; John Harris $4.20 error in asst. Wm. How- ard $2.10 do; F. Anderson $1.00 error in dog tax; A. Shipley $1.00 do. Car- ried. . Moved by T. B. Carling second- ed `bv-T.,,H_ McCallum that the Reeve and Deputy.:Reeve be a committee to investigate the case of one Vernon who is reported in indignant cir- cumstances.`, Carried. -Moved by W. G. Bissett seconded by T. B. Carling that the collector be allowed until the 26 January; to complete his work. Car- ried. The Council adjourned Sine die. M. Eacrett,' Clerk. Notice to the Public Prof A. M. Shrieves, of Windsor,Ont., the Lightning Tooth Extractor and proprietor of the "Pride of the . Valley medicines," arrived at the Central Ho- tel, Exeter, on Tuesday evening' 14th, inst., and will remain until Monday evening,'Jan'y 20th • Those who wish tRsee the Professor, get his medicine and get their teeth extracted free with- out pain, should call early and avoid the rush. Sunday 10 a. m. till 5 p. an. Please remember the "Pride of the Val- ley medicines" are a positive cure' for "La Grippe" if taken properly. P. S.—Warts, corns, bunions and in- growing toe nails a specialty by Prof. W. S. Matthews. Nineteen thousand teeth extracted by the professor since the 1st day of March, 1889. A word to the wise is. sufficient. Practice makes perfect. A first-class Life Insurance agent wanted, good arrangements can be ob- tained by applying to E. J. McRoberts Edge Block, London, Ont. Shipments. Mr. W. H. Hutchins shipped from this station, thirty-five thousand bushels of Barley to New York this weer:. -Mr. James Oke shipped two carloads of cattle to Montreal last, week. Accident. . On Thursday last, 9th - inst., while Mr. Fred Hogarth; son of, Mr, Stephen Hogarth, of Stephen, was,eingaged in chopping wood, by Soiree'• means the axe slipped and carne in contact with his foot which infiteted a Yery severe wound in it. Dr. Browning was at once summoned and the wound dressed. 87,000.00 Given Away. THE FIRESIDE Wamcny has inaug ated a novel gift enterprise in order to double their circulation. They are giv- ing away to every subscriber who sends in a new subscriber for ops year,a pair of handsomely chased, heavy Silver In dividual Pepper and Salt, retailing at $1. Anyone not now a subscriber can receive the gift by sending in their own name and ;a friend at the same time. Price $2 per year, „$1 for six months. Sendfor sample copy to No 9 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. • Stoc�la.• — In order to reduce our Winter Stock to the lowest limit, so that it can be more easily handy led, we offer a dis- count of Personal Mention Mr. Brumpton visited • Toronto last week on business.—It. H. Collins, was in the County Town on Monday.—Mr. Geo. Samwell paid the Forest city a vis- it this week.—Mr. John Spackman was in Parkhill during the "'week.—Messrs Edward Gill, James Ferguson and David Dew represented .,'U. L. No. 924 at Parkhill on Tuesday.—Mr.-H. Spack- man visited London on Monday. He was purchasing, some{fittings 'for the New Masonic Halo:--=44Ir. D. M. Matlock, of Clinton, was i :town yesterday in connection with some school matters. Connell Proceedings. The Council met at the Town Hall Exeter jan. 13th 1890. All present, Minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed. Moved' by Ti B. Carl m ing, seconded by T. H. McCatlil , that orders be gra ntcd for the following sums vi.z:wH. Spackman, 90 cts. for funnel & lam .lasses ; T. Williams 50 ets. labor p 3• s W. G.1#issett ,18 3:00 horse hire E'9 9l Jno,Matiieson $2.51 charity to,one Ver - rico JanXes Creech ,55 ets. meals for Pablie School Board Minutes. Jan. 15th, 1890.—Board met in the town hall, absentee W. Treble.—Minu- tes.-Signing declaration of "office by H. Huston and A. G. Dyer.—Dr. Lutz appointed chairman, mover H. Huston, seconder A. G. Dyer. -1. Fitton ap- pointed treasurer, mover H. Huston, seconder W. Hoskin.—J. Grigg appoint ed secretary, mover W. Hoskin, second er T. Fitton. -Adjournment, mover H. Huston, seconder T. Fitton. ADJOURN- ED 'MEETING held in the town hall Jan. 16th, -Minutes of previous meeting passed.-Proceedings.—Teachersto be paid monthly, mover T. Fitton, second- er H. Huston. -Eight desks to be pro- vided for principal's room, 'lawyer W. Hoskins, seconder T. Fitton. —H. Hust- on, A. G. Dyer and W. Hoskin to be a committee topurchase desks, mover T. Fitton, seconder H Huston.—Tenders to be received for the position of care- taker, mover T. Fitton, seconder W. Hoskin. -Monthly official visits to be paid by the Board, the first Wednesday in February, at 9.30 a. m.—Motion to adjourn, mover T. Fitton, seconder W. Hoskin.—J. Grigg, sec. A bsa rug ery Pure. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 PSR CEIRT1 FOR CASH ONLY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 NOTE °I"I3IS I Most Merchants make a sale after stocktaking to • work off Old Calamity Catch -pennies. We make our SALE before stocktaking, and offer the pick of the I TE STOCK, ]E TIE � WITHOUT T - RESERVE, AT THIS SPECIAL DISCOUNT f r lis an aIngo. 0 0o d or1��sthiloo �F�y� REMEMBER THIS,. Our prices are as low, if not lower, than others, and our dis- count of 10 per cent. istequal to 20 offered by two profit stores. EST IIGGEST ever offered by us will be made during this BARGAINS SHORT SALE. Don't 'think that is the old chestnut sale of the snap -variety-. Come and see the genuine reductions and be convinced that we do all we claim. Wishing you all the compliments of the. season, we are Respectfully, CARLINC BRGs. 5,000.00 HAVING BOUGHT THE ENTIRE —STOCK OF 'chis powder never ,varied. A marvel of purity.strength and wholesomeness, More econmical than the ordinary hintls, and cannot, be hold in competition 'with •the um or Multitude bf low test, Short weighta I nnhospliato. powders. Sold only.,: in eons. RorATBAttraw- Poet Dee Co.,103 Wall St. N'I' From the James Pickard Estate, At a nameless figure, I will knock the bottotn clean olit of PRIOES. —REMEMBER -THE Croat Bale THE BEAUTIFUL, MW £LEAH GUT EPS-- :--- Ty�'�. fromwhich this paper is printed was supplied by the IS NOW ON, FULL nom IN ALL LINES, LOOK FOR THE SIGN, SP(� p IC�d �® ��qq A id► R1► 9S , BOOT and SHOE Store, FANSO N' i BLOCK,EXETER. •i lr • �v-�y �M .0 AI,J �-r. 17 r� .l -r t�. MoNTo TYPE FouNna. Dealers in Type, Presses, and. Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON, 80 & 8tiWellington St west TORONTO, ONT. TO Ti LADIES: Miss Down wishes to inform the ladies of D:teterand vicinity, that She has learned. Prof.. D. Moody's taitor.system of Dress and Mantle Cutting, and that she bd M.as,opened a n . nt1e Dress a, a Making Establishment at the Residence lately occupied by MR. RICHARD HAXDrORD On Gidley street. She will be prepared to receive orders fron- all Ladies wishing neat -and glove.fittin dresses and e,xite, and ursine lip in the latest styles es Bt reastlnablopr cod Deb. i 18-3m