HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2005-06-30, Page 16PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 2005.
Classified Advertisements
20 words or less only
$5.00. Additional words
200 each.
500 will be deducted if ad is
paid in advance
2 p.m. Monday
in Brussels
4 p.m. Monday
in Blyth
Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114
Ar tides for sale
and Produce Stand - best prices
around on plants and in-season
produce, all grown on our farm.
Two of this week’s specials:
Perennial Crazy Daisy in one-
gallon pots: 3 pots for $10; tall
Dahlias in one-gallon pots: 5 pots
for $5. Our $3 and $6 sale tables
are restocked daily for great deals
on whole flats of annuals and
perennials. Our prices are often half
that of the competition and all
prices include tax. For additional
specials see our website:
www.papple.ca or stop in to our
stand at 118 Main Street, Seaforth.
(519) 522-0874. 26-1
Paradise, Vanastra on all annuals
and perennials. 26-2
Come in and browse through our
selection of books mostly on rural
themes. The Citizen, 404 Queen
St., Blyth, 523-4792 or 541
Tumberry St., Brussels, 887-9114.
by Citizen photographers are
available to purchase. Many in
colour. 4x6 - $4.00, 5x7 - $5.00,
8x10 - $8.00. Phone 523-4792 or
887-9114 to order. tfn
There's a better way to
^move that old furniture.♦. >
Unload your unwanted
items and pick up some
quick cash!
One Call
Moves It All
The Citizen
523-4792 or 887-9114
Auction sales
1 CLINTON 482-7898 1
' Thursday, July 7 at 5 pm - Y
A Furniture, appliances, some 1
▼ tools, etc. to be held at Seaforth y ' Fairgrounds Agri Plex Building '
A for Marion Saw of Goderich, A
y Mrs. Stewart of Seaforth, plus ▼
I Clinton homes. See next week's !
A paper for listing or A
T www.lobbauction.ca y
t Note: We may also be having an 1
A auction Wednesday, July 13 at 5 A
Y pm at the Agri Plex . We are Y
A accepting good additions. Call 1
♦ Richard 482-7898. ♦
Auction sales
Of Tractors, Machinery,
Household Effects and Misc. Items
to be held for John & Tina De Vries.
Lot 44 Cone. 14 Hullett Township
1 /2 mile south of Auburn on Hardwood Line
at 10:00 A.M.
TRACTORS: Case IH 5240 MFD Maxxum 4 WD cab, air, fully
equipped - 1580 hrs. (excellent condition); Case IH 585 with 2250
Case IH loader and 6 ft. bucket - 1700 hrs. (good condition); Smythe
attachments sell separately - round bale spear, adjustable pallet fork,
5 ft. rock picker with adjustable wheels.
MACHINERY: 498 Overum-type CT 4 furrow adjustable width plow
(good); 352 NH mix mill hydraulic feed (good); JD 7000 narrow width
corn planter with monitor and cylinder; JD 494 A corn planter for parts;
Scavenger II Gehl #312 manure spreader; IH #45 18 ft. Vibrashank
cultivator with buster bar; Triple K 8250 3 pth 12 ft. cultivator; Case 10
ft. disc (new discs); M.K. Martin 18 ft. bale thrower wagon on running
gear; 18 ft. flat rack wagon for round bales on running gear; IH #10 16
run double disc seed drill with grass seed; 101 Lucknow 8 1/2 ft. single
auger snowblower with hydraulic hood (like new); RJ Transpackers 18
ft. wheel land packer with cylinder(12 ft. base with 4 ft. pups); IH 100 7
ft. balanced mower; 200 gal. Continental weed sprayer; Turnco 12 ft.
packer; 10 ft. chain harrows; 7 ft. 3 pth scraper blade.
STRAW: 28-4 ft. x 5 ft. round bales of straw; approx. 150 small square
bales of straw.
MISCELLANEOUS: Turfpower 12 1/2 hp 42" 7 speed riding lawn
tractor; MTD 5/26 rotor tiller; 3 hp 1500 psi pressure washer; Honda 3
1/2 hp gas engine; several electric motors; small electric bale straw
chopper; Devilbliss 1 hp air compressor; electric shop furnace; 2
milkhouse heaters; 4 electric fencers; 3 water troughs; 3 mineral
feeders; 2 round bale feeders; stainless steel milk porter - Model
LB300; quantity of 4 way pallets; hydro poles - approx. 25 ft.; barn
beams; approx. 3 cord of firewood; plastic tarps; approx. 100 ft.
galvanized water pipe; water pressure system - tank, pump, motor, old
tools and wrenches; cattle dehorners; hoof trimmers; aluminum ext.
ladder; logging chains; forks & shovels - 2 WAGON LOADS OF
HOUSEHOLD: large computer desk; kitchen chairs and other misc.
chairs; brown couch and chair; old tables; several small side tables;
small desk; steel frame single bed; wishing well; canning jars; old
wringer washer (no wringer); numerous other household items.
NEIGHBOUR'S CONSIGNMENTS (selling for Jim Dickson):
JD 6620 4WD hydrostat combine with AC and chopper; JD 918 flex
head with air reel; JD 216 flex head; 443 JD 4 row narrow corn head;
JD 912 dummy head with 9 ft. sun pickup (heads sell separate); 2
storage header carts; JD 4430 tractor quad range with AC 20.8 x 38"
new rear tires with duals and weights; JD 750 no till plain grain drill with-
JD flat markers and JD fitted tarp; JD Model 35 forage harvester with
2 row narrow corn head (needs gathering chain); single row corn head
and 5 ft. pickup head; JD Model 65 forage blower; JD 2500 semi-mount
plow 5x18” spring reset; JD 1000 series 24 ft. cultivator with mounted
harrows (new teeth); 40 ft. NH bale elevator with electric blower; JD
14T baler for parts; McKee 8 1/2 ft. double auger snowblower; 9 ft.
Bissel packer; 2 Badger 16 ft. forage wagons - LH unload -1 with roof;
Gehl 16 ft. forage wagon - LH unload with roof; 16 ft. flat rack wagon
on Joe's running gear; 12 ft. chain harrows with stretcher; 6 section
diamond harrows with stretcher.
MISCELLANEOUS: 1998 Patz silo unloader 12-16 ft. with 5 hp
motor, 8 ft. truck cap fits older GM or Dodge; J.M. Hoover 6 ton hopper
feeder; 3 grain augers with motors; 14 ft. high x 16 ft. wide overhead
door with track (complete); set of 18.4 x 38 snap on duals; 18.4 x 38
Plan to attend this good quality auction. Machinery has been
well maintained and kept inside.
NOTE: De Vries Auction selling first followed by
Jim Dickson's Equipment.
For more information call John DeVries at 519-526-7547
For more information call Jim Dickson at 519-526-7286
TERMS: Cash or acceptable cheque with proper I.D.
BILL HORST - MILLBANK 519-595-2626
Check out The Citizen's
at www.northhuron.on.ca
HUETHER. John, Lisa and big
sister Kennedy are thrilled to
announce the birth of their newest
addition, Kaden John, a son and
wee brother. Kaden was born at
SGH on June 13 at 2:58 p.m.,
weighing 7 lbs. 12 oz. Proud
grandparents are Mark and Lynda
Kennedy of Clinton and Margery
Huether of Seaforth. Smiling down
from heaven is Grandpa Roy. 26-1
Auction sales
STEVENSON. It’s a boy! Chris
and Lisa are proud and very excited
on the arrival of their first-born
child, Kyle James weighing in at a
healthy 9 lbs. and 20 inches long
on May 9, 2005 at 5:14 p.m.
Spoiling privileges go out to first
time grandparents Jim and Evelyn
Blake and fourth grandchild for
Bev Stevenson. Kyle is great
grandchild of Eileen Haggitt,
George and Marie Blake, Eleanor
Stevenson and the late Betty
McCall. 26-1
Cards of thanks
BADLEY. Surprise! Thanks to
everyone who attended my birthday
party. Special thanks to my devious
friends, Bruce and Sharon, Ken and
Brenda who invited me out for
supper and celebration. Thanks to
Dietmar and Sophie for the use of
their shed. The decorations were
beautiful. Pictures I totally forgot
we had ever taken. Thank you to
friends from in and out of town and
on the eighth line of Morris for the
gifts, cards, flowers, and the
beautiful assortment of food.
Thanks to my wonderful husband,
Larry and my children who kept it
a secret. It’s wonderful to have
friends like you all. Love - Myrtle.
BOSMA. The family of the late
Anne Bosma wishes to express
their sincere thanks to everyone for
the many acts of kindness shown to
us with cards, flowers, memorial
donations, food, words of
condolence and phone calls. Your
support during this difficult time
and over the past eight years means
so much. Thank you to Dr. Hay and
the nursing and housekeeping staff
at Clinton Public Hospital for your
wonderful care.. Thank you to Rev.
John Kuperus for the service and
support at our time of loss, to the
ladies who served lunch at Blyth
CRC and to Christopher Smith and
the staff at Falconer Funeral Homes
for your professional guidance. -
Siep, Janet and Clarence. 26-lp
DAER. I would like to thank those
who visited me, sent cards, brought
gifts and food to me while I was a
patient in Stratford Hospital and
when I was at home-recovering
from surgery. Special thanks to
neighbours and friends who did
chores for me and helped with
- haying etc. It was greatly
appreciated. Thanks to all. -
Gordon Daer. 26-1 p
HUETHER. A huge thanks goes
out to Drs. Lal, Hillyer, Kalos and
Bloch for all their excellent care
prior to, during and after Kaden’s
delivery. Thank you to all the
wonderful nursing staff at SGH for
their kindness, patience and super
care we received. An extra special
thanks to cousin Dori. Thank you
to Grandma and Papa Kennedy for
taking good care of Kennedy and
for all the extra help Mom, since
returning home. Last, but certainly
not least, a big hug and kiss to
Daddy John for all his love and
support through it all. - Love, Lisa
and Kaden. 26-1
McCONNERY. On behalf of
Curtis, our families, and myself, I
would like to thank everyone for
the generous gifts and kind words
at my bridal shower. It was a very
special night and we greatly
appreciate everything that was done
for us. - Katie McConnery. 26-1
would like to thank everyone who
supported us at our Stag and Doe.
We hope everyone had as great a
time as we did. It was wonderful
having our friends and family
together to celebrate our upcoming
marriage. - Curtis Mutter and Katie
McConnery. 26-1
Help protect the
Reduce, reuse and recycle
Cards of thanks
STEPHENSON. Thank you to my
neighbours and friends for the
many acts of kindness you gave me
while I was in hospital and since I
have come home. It was much
appreciated. - Sarah Stephenson.
STEVENSON. We can’t say thank
you enough to Dr. Matthews, Dr.
Omole, the O.B. nursing staff and
surgical unit at Listowel Memorial
Hospital for their tender loving
care. You all are wonderful people.
We would also like to thank
Grandma Blake (Evelyn) for all her
help staying at the hospital while
Dad ran back and forth. All the
meals on wheels were really
appreciated. Mom arid Kyle give a
great big thank you to Dad. You
were outstanding. Your love and
support really got us through a
really emotional and trying week.
We love you. Thanks everyone -
the Stevensons, Chris, Lisa and
Kyle. 26-1
TAYLOR. I would like to thank
everyone who sent cards and those
who made inquiries after my recent
surgery. I am recuperating well and
will be back soon. Thanks for all
the concern. Donna Taylor. 26-1
Coming events
cooking during the Bluewater Dog
Show, July 5, 6, and 7. 7 a.m. -
11 a.m. - all-you-can-eat breakfast
buffet. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. - fries,
hamburgers, hot dogs, homemade
sandwiches, fresh homemade pie.
5 - 6:30 p.m. - Tuesday: pork chop
dinner. Wednesday: chicken
dinner. All served from the tent at
the Blyth Community Centre
grounds. Hosted by Trinity
Anglican Church. 26-2b
and Jean Pentland, who lost a large
number of their cattle in a bam fire,
Lucknow Arena, Saturday, July 9,
9 p.m. - 1 a.m. 26-2p
at the Brussels Pool, Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, 1 - 2 p.m.
beginning Monday, July 4. For
more information call Nelva Scott,
887-6691. 25-2
35th annual Pork Chop BBQ,
Sunday, July 10, 5 - 7 p.m. at BMG
Community Centre, Brussels.
Advance tickets: adult: $10, pre-
teen: $5, pre-school: no charge; at
the door: adult, $12, pre-teen, $6.
For advance tickets call Sharon
887-9095 or Marilyn 887-8381.
Theatre programs: Children’s
drama workshops for ages 5-12 in
Blyth from July 4-8 from 9 a.m. to
2 p.m.. Registration deadline June
30. Young Company offered from
July 11 to August 19 in Blyth - free
7-week training program for
students 13-19 years in Blyth.
Students will create their own play,
present five performances and
enjoy seeing plays in Blyth.
Information call Josie at Blyth
Festival 523-9300. 25-2