The Exeter Advocate, 1890-1-2, Page 4PP— atle, +' WIT, SANDERS, Editor. Thou l y, Jari,u iy 2nd 1$90, ���EUIIIPPT res .THP.; .11TUiYTOIPAL COJY TEST. Tina E1;E1c't`O1ts of Exeter will be called on heart Monday to exercise their franchise in electing a Council ;lar the present yearn. Now, Wklat we want to say to the electors is this; this s an important contest. The time has arrived in the history of our town when we have to bestir ourselves, and do as all other good live towns do. We want a council that ,will be alive to the best interesI.s of the town. We have a great twiny important quest- ion's coming up for discussion and so- lution. We want better market faeili- Deities. We want some better lighting • system. In our opinion it would be becoxhing in the end to have some better system of lire protection. A High school is needed here. We want a good, live, stirring council that back- ed by the people will try and put new life and vigor into the town. There was an element in our late council that should be eliminated. The elect- ors should select those candidates who have backbone enough to push any legitimate enterprise to the end. As was said at the nomination meeting,. we cannot defer public improvements forever;, and we mustface them and deal with them. Then, elect a council that will not shirk its duty or be a- fraid of spending a few dollars for pub. l:ic benefit. If a good substantial indus- try could be induced to locate here, be prepared to give it the necessary en- couragement. We do not think that any member should be elected to that council who is prepared at the start to deprecate and sit on all public ` enter- prise. If the people wake ' up, the council will soon do so too. Some ;alembersof the old board' seemed im- bued mbued with the proper progressivespirit abut were held back by the insane economy and absurd penuriousness of the others This market question, after the -explanations made at the nomination,"should forever be settled, and the ' North End and the South +nl& join hand in hand, to advance together, and let all local jealousey cease. It is time it did. The North. End has nothing to fear, nobody wants to injure them. No one proposes to inove or interfere with the grain mark- et. arket. All this was definately settled at nomination. The little conclave about the market, who always scented dang- er from afar, and was always suspic- nous of cliques and mare's nests, may rest in future. After the plain and emphatic statements of. the Reeve and the various candidates that question is settled. That settled, then let the whole town unite, and ` attack some sae= for the general good, with common sense and progress as the watchwords. The members of the council should at least be leaders of public sentiment. Of course no coun- cil can carry out great public improve ments without the consent of the elect- ors, but we want men who personally are in favor of progress, and will nor' scout all talk ' of improvement. Let each elector pick out from the candi- dates the persons who represent those principles and vote for them and the town will have an executive that will at least carry out the wishes of the people. pcccweioyg. ROYAL �ovKfoEaa ' esdtu ototg,'• Absolutely Pure. !thi`.. powder never varies. A marvel of parity. strength and wholesomeness, Al ore riconomic.l;than, the ordinary kinds, and gannet be solei ,in th Competition with e rei;nitittnde of low test, short weight alum or, osphate:powders. Solt. only' in cans, 4>:1w•AnT3ATCt.1Ci POwninrx Co., lchi wall St. Nin HAYING BOUGHT TIIE ENTIRE —STOOK OP ---- OTS II POES From the James 1'icl;.ar,, Estate, At a nameless figure, I will knock the bottom clean, out Of '•t ES. —REMEMBER THE Great Bale IS NOW ON, FULL STOCK IN ALL LINES. ' LOOK FOR THE SIGN,, SPACKV = API'S R4T 1.18 lore I'ANSON',S BLOCK, EXETER. E. J. SPACKMAN. THE BEAUJTIFUL MTD CLEAR CUT t� 11.1TK:--- rom YP which this paper is printed was supplied by the TORONTO Ty FOUNDR Dealers in Type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON, 80 & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. Valuable Varna for Sale. ComprisingglOo acres more or less, being composed ofLof 20, Con, 3, Township of. Ste- phen,,Count• of. Huron; 1h miles west' of Exeter. On the premises are a fine Brick Rouse 30x40; kitchen 10x18; wood shed 20x30; two good wells; a fine orchard; 2 barns; driv- ing shed; stable and other buildings; also a small portion of bush on the premises. There is a river running through the bush part which is never dry. The farm is well drain- ed and in a good state of cultivation. For further particulars, apply to SAMUEL ItUNDLE, Exeter, Ont. fo: Ti; LADIES. Miss Down wishes to inform the ladies of Exeter and vicinity, that she has . learned Prof. D. Moody's tailor system of Dress and Mantle Cutting, and that she has opened a Dress and Fantle Making Establishment at the Residence lately occupied by MR. RICHARD IIANDFORD • on Gidley street._ she will be prepared to receive orders from all Ladies wishing heat and;glove-fitting dresses and suits:and made'up in the latest styles at reasonable .prices. Deo. 18-3m HOGS ?ANTED3 Farmers hurry on your store hogs and fat- ten thorn for the market from January to June. Vire have determined to abandon the packing of dressed hogs in order to make the paeking of hogs a business throughout the year. We shall endeavor to buy at whatever the price is, enough live hogs during these months to ran our -packing house. As this business is being neglected during the late winter and spring months, we think those who haveh.ogs suitable for our requirements will reap a big benefit. VPe want hogs not less than 140 lbs, and not over 220 lbs , and; will give handsome price for the ,sante. Recollect we shall not buy a dressed hog this winter, whereas` we packed 15,000 dressed hogs after Jan. let, last winter. J. L. GRANT & CO., Ingersoll. A certain and speedy cure for Cold in the Head and Catarrh in all its stages. SOOTHING, CLEANSING, HEALING, Instant Relief, ,Permanent Cure, Failure impossible. Many so-called diseases ate simply symptoms of Catarrh such as headache, 'partial deafness, losing sense of smell, foul' breath :hawking and spitting, nausea, general feeling of debility, etc., If you are troubled with any of these or kindred symptoms, you have Catarrh, and should lose no time in procuring a bottle of NASAa BALM, Iia toiirneci in time neglected cold in head results in Catarrh, followed by consumption and death. NASAL DMA! IS sold by all druggists, or will be sent, post paid, onreceipt of price (go cents and nee) by addressing FULFORD It CO., 8noc tiara Our. I. Beware of imitations similar in name. O ou,tnew FREE i. tusru ljdtjt��+atuyE�il. o1111Vikh `fro lvtcl, n too.oq. bogledWalsh las the arrant• Peary, l'llitts bum Warranted hear, 'seldin sett) hunttn4 Gleet, Sour 1571175' and gout dice,: wale irork. and 0571 a 75 of egnll rattle. Ona one each totality can secure Orin - � J (ret, together with nur levee 11 -. and ',eligible line offti0i7Ae l,171t1 It `Jonson''. Tlwee 5ampios, ne rval `IRIiNtto ;„5e: the w tch, and free.:All the work •o H,r eed do a to show *hitt wn 7ond ybu to thole who cul'—ylr our fridndt Heid neighbors nine 111 , nbOnt you—thot0 7::7;5 Omani `IH rlUtnblo trade for u5 Which bolds f.rycnr.,vhnn oncesty tort; slid r7ue we are reptile: Wo pay n11 express freight, etcMing you sopor 011. Ir 70007ould hkt to goer a orto for tie, • u r:nm ' IoM frotm'+„g20 to 1f0Ai:) per ,'-.: fiend npw7r:1,, • Add,see, Stinkgr�i 'set Co., ]Sart B li It Il ,ortl.tud; Maine. Wil? l ,ant4a t F l av,r n l @R val9ttftl t�trF;gaaa 030itf VA r kr' tclr.i( *0 Ski±ki k1 ,'d d tiro ittk , I I b11 souse. k�i's�',''>�a' C' 3°"'m 1.` '. ” k.' -wow:4 %wo w';';'r-°-h r James N. Howard, of Exeter, having purchased the above stock of $11;000 now offers at and `below cost, to make room for Fresh Stock arriv- ing, for Cash., all Plated, Ware, Planes, Barb Wire, Etc., 1� ,is d.® in Priced 'ust get the prices of the following lines: 21,11 Iron, Horse Nails, Shoes, Bolts, Spring's, etc.; >anure Forks,' Hay and all Harvest Tools. =very description of Bent Stuff, Hubs. Rims, Trimmings, Skates .Acme, 0 er nnan and Roller Rink. 'ew Racer, Lance, Champion, Drag, Circular, Hand Saws, Itiammers, Nails, Lining Paper, Tarred and Carpet Felts. Oils, Coal, Water White, Linseed and Machine, Varnishes, etc. 'window Glass, Colored, Double Thick, Diamond Star. Sebes, Shingle, ,Lath, Broad, Bench, Chopping, etc. M. Wanzer's Cookers below Costa =raving Room, Parlor and Cook Stoves and Tinware Cheap. RUSSEL FENCE STAKES ALLAYS ON HAND IN �E�A P�ST�XN 0R IN THE BUSH. 116M011C11113 J.IV 110WitY11),Prit. T WELL AND emozsummozo ----Our Stock consists of- atches, Clocks, ainut and Nickel Al rias, solid gold Wedding Rings, Keep er Rings, Engagement Ings, Cern Ri g's, solid gold ;; roaches, Cuff ', ut- to s, Bracelets, Chains, Lockets, &c. For the next 60 days we purpose giving the Public the big- gest chance to purchase' Goods x x X X. X •X X _ =+= = F� R SPOT CASH. We don't say ,�:ive us the first call, but we do say, dont part with your money until y ou see our stock and learn our prices. Clocks and Watch cleaned and brought to time: T OLDA.s . ZITTON. BOAR FOR SERV Tho undersigned -will keep for tlieite mentof stock, on his farm Lake a thoroughbred Boar. Ter with privilege of i•o turns n g. T116SrAO CAAO r CE prove- Itoad, as 51,00 Estray Cattle Came into the'prenti,oes of the sabot rihers, Lots 15 and Ill, con, 2211d, Stephen, Now 20513, tlireeyeailingsteers and si\t yearling (offers Owners can have diem by lrovilss'i, pr c ierty', and paying'e:LpenseS. AUOT.roi DxS,TATtnot, l 1 LI;wfs ciaA'17,ON, C41:04nway, 0 Mario;,. BS$ETT BS LIVERY. First Class Ilor'ses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN, Orders left at Bissett Bros,' Hardware Storewill receive prompt t attention. , L 1? TERMS - REASONABLE. O.. ABLE. A TIi,IAI, SalLICIT D� ,, {i 'Il T;1SSLI' nROS .11 The famous heavy -bodied Oil made only by cCOLL BROS. 86 Oo,yl, TORONTOI Use it once and you will use no other. McOoD's Famous CYLINDER 0!1 Is the finest b Canada fOT engine cylinders, 3k =lax Zlaa c -ira.e_ FOR SALE BY ME35.9sett mos_, EXETEtR, ONT. • It` .tpA�N t—, ••t.a.••x?AVM t. We will start a great knock out Sale OPV T��rsday,l��c� her. 1.tli,-1889 And continue the same for 40 clays, and will offer a large stock of. Stoves, Tinware, , Axes, cross cut , Sams, Lamps and Lamp 00 ds, for cash only, at prices that will knock Bankrupt rates into a cocked hat. This is no bombast but actual facts. A call is only necessary to convince. .Agents for the Raymond Sewing Machine. l .. CashbyNote ,_ b of ' must be settled 1 All accounts�o P. S.y fore FEBRUARY ' rr AItY I5 1890. BISSlI E�.,�y T r iiIr 5.:f