HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-1-2, Page 1VOL. TIT.. The Molsons .Bank. (Chartered by Parlian ont,1655. ) Paid up Capital ;,- $2,000,000.; Rest Fund..`; ; ,.• 1,000,000, .Reed otl�'ce Molrtreal. • F.::WOLFFRSTAN .TiLO.1AS, GthzER At, MA15AGISE,• ',P verity;Branch (dices rn the Dominion+' Agencies in,the Dominion., (I, S.. and Europe, 1^3a^�7TF EL Open every every lawful day from IIO"a ' m. to S p. m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 1 p. m. A general banking business transacted Four per cent. er iianum' allowed for money on Deposit 1'ecelpts. R. Ht ARCHER,• Exeter, Jan. 28, 'BS. Manager. 'CI extter vf• r . te) Ia publiiihocl every . Thursday Rai ling, at the Office, 1,11" AIN -STREET, r EXE'ER. B,,•,'the SANDERS' PUBLIbHING CO\LPANY. . TERMS' OFYSUBNDRTPTION. One Dollar per an' arm if paid in' Advance. S,1.ba}'fnot so paid, _3v exp5 �Sr F► mate ' ori Sipplloa- s, tipa:s f • No paper discontinued until allarrearages, are paid. Adverti:'emgnts without specific directions will be ruble—shed, tillferbid and charged accordingly. Liberaldiseountmade for transcient mdvertiseirients'9nserted', for long period's. Every desdrip •on of` JOB PRINTING turned ()labia the, nest :.style, and at moderate rates. Chequ.s,mOrley ord- 'er3, &c. for advertising, subscriitiob.s, etc. to be'nrado payable to ' NVilliarau Sander s/ Editor. hurch Directory*. 1TT Mr uO tIAL Csuscn --1 ev.'S. F Vinson, Rectorl Sunday Services, 11 a.m. in:.•. Sabbath School,; 33 p. rn. Wil t ` s- TllOI'I5T Gtr:rJ3t CII-Jair•{ st., Bev. B. •Clone t, Paot Pa,or. Sunday Setvioes,10.30 a.m. „and G,SO, p.m.-. Sabbath Seheal, 2 p. m. al;sig STlti:t'T Rev. J. -Wilson, Pastor. Sun day Servibos,10.30 a. in. and 6,19 p.m. Sabbath School 2.30 p, m., '3?i%ESE TEU2.45.N Culruofl-Tort,. W. Martin, Pastor. ' Sunday Services, 11[x. m. an p. tn. Sabbath School, 9.45 a.m. Professional 'wards. Ts L. BILLINGS. • ' aENT2x. Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless extraction, Goes to Luean every Friday. W. KINSMAN, Dk NTIST, L. D. S., ex- tracts teeth without pain by gyring', Vegetable Vapor, or using ,the now Anresthetic on the gums:. Minces Gold" Filli ings and other dental worlf the best possible. -Goes to Zurich last Thursday in each month.: , East side of Main street. Exeter. :.,s..L....-dei•.Y;rs1� .1: �'";�iim i ..,43.'741,".;,f13.,:-..4.,4, vjamtngvitmamsmagmcsrasr slain nansinommusso t The stream of Customers .who date entert,he Old E3tablished , House' cannot be excelled by any store { quart f Toronto. Think of it 25. ARDS OF GOOD GIN FOR $1. 10 YARDS ` OF ALL W LANNEL 7 YARDS OF TAB L LINEN FOR ;ere We knock ev ry in endways for Drci., oods, and in Tweeds we will rin value that :��°. isnot resist bu in eady- made You such tearing � y� g. 1. thin . " This the li.n: w e: shine in. All wool Twee . . ; made Clo g � �^ Suit 'or $3. Crocker aria '''.assware inendless variety. Put on your tee and carry them off. lilinery, , maallesHats,o We ar whirling on our' ay. can get .6 -1.1.s. -of Moyou n Young -11.-1, most extreme parts of Japan. Come one, Come all, and i Produce and get the value in th MPTON R B. WHITELY, M D• C. M., PHYSICIAN t3 • and Surgeon., Office and residence— Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderich, Ontario. OS LINe. 'OFFICE—MAIN ST. • R J. A. R Residenco•-Oorner Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. rr A. AMOS M.D.; C. M. L. C. P., EDIN.; =L, JL. •R:;G:S;Edin.;:L.F.P'.8y S.,G1asgow; L. M., Edinburgh and Glasgow; M. C. P. & S.. Ontario; F. T. .S., Tomato. ` Night,b'ell. at office. Crediton, OntarJd. Tyi2-9. , R. COWEN. OFFICE --MAIN STREET, Exeter, upstairs, opposite: Contra Ho tel. -Side entrance on south --James street leading to the Methodist Church. „ W. BROWNING, M, D., M. O. P. S. cT . ,Graduate of 'Victoria 'University.' Office and •residence, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter... "WILLIAM SWEET, VETER- inary'Surgeon. Graduate' Toronto. Veterinary Dentist- ry d, speciality. Office and Re- sidatc.eone block east of Rich. Pickard's store. .Oppoeiteskating rink, Ex- eter, Ontario. "D H. CO L138, ,iL RRIST It, sinToTT- a..>ti. OR, Cohroyaneer, -Notary Public. Office— Samwe4 :. alBlock, Exeter, ,Ontario. Money to Loa*.. • H1 DICESON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR .. of Sulire:no Court, Notary Public, Con- veyyaracer, ComrnLtisioner &c 'Money to loan Office—Fanson'rl3lock, Exeter. LLhOT"rs, Conveyances &e. btoneytolon at6per cent. S3,V.ELL 1o'r1 J'. ELLIOT TAMES OE1'.Exeter, Ontario, Licensed A •u auctioneer for the' County of Huron. ' ` Sales prorriptlyEitteiidedto$ntl'ddtrsfaction guaranteed. ,.Eales arranged at this office. BROWN, Winchelsea. , I ieensed' Auct- •erfo9the Counties Perth and T1� M do"Osborne. Mddlosox, also for the township of Salet romp tl atete edto and, dte term src axon ab1e.ales .erran datPortoicerWinclelsa riBnieeorte . enAuctioneer fhCbuntLie- XIsf r:.and Huron and PiJrtii, 'Chnrgos'''nxodorato an satisfaetinrx guaranteed. �X HOLT'Xbiva,,Ontario, Lidensedauet- Y,y . ionecr for tho Countidat of Middlesex and ray ,nbton,and the townships'•of'tapphen and :flay, All ,.ales prorn ptly' attended to. btr Cthe 'nto the remi.es of the u, ioreig nett,- Came x p 4 i; t 13 CAM. 21, Staphon, on or abdiyt 1. �h df' Let • 39, r gtY+y, steer ri;Iiri g 3 yrs. olti', t heifer rising 2,yrs, old.• The owner will ,rove pro - r take thorn awa licrty and fray altpenses an , . e y Jx;uix:r}Clskitnex Grand Bend. at t lewi C70um a rote tire prentaas of tiie Oat i a? trod,, . 1 oarin' Meteor; f britr1ld• 1 Lett Cori. 4. B, . i r ;yerbrung steer,red nn<bNfellto. T tvrtere fo prove prepett,:y pay expenseand tae them a Way. t' CUUA'1tLLS MvsoN Oratnci Bond, 'trance Examination, 'cls Te�ardles� ot cosL grocery Department, where we or'1, which came from the 1 1 e notthe money bring. yes"t ' price and, the best ntry for it. - - Olg Establigteg llollse ' Exeter. Below will be found the list .of candidates who passed the Entrance Exirmin: ation, who wrote at,Goderich and Exeter recently:— To PAss 39'7: Sexooz a partox TEACnEI? Cruise,` Torte Carlile, Diantha, Crocker, Della Earl, Carrie Gregory, Laura Johns, Lilla McCallum, Hattie Browning, William Currency, Charles Follick, Leonard. Gardiner, David Sweet James Miller, Jessie thron William Bonthron, Cook, Charles Elder,,` William, Kaiser, Albert Greb, John Hagan, Charles Russell Homer 370; 439:, 418 42.6: 452. 441 494' 444 527 468. 436•' 485 432 508 '417- 46,0: :095 ,375 556, EXETER S; S. No.1,7, Walsin Haim • g No. 3 HayMr. Geo. , �` - }tLIWn, Exeter P. S. Mr' Thos. Gregor' y Hansell P. S. 0 it 4i p 14 (4 /4. Miss Jennio'Murray tt 14 No. 1,1, Stephen ' Mr. Edmond Elliott.' No. 7, Stanley Mr. R. Richardson'; No. 2,;Hay Mr. W.11 Johnston, Curtin, Anna Webb, Mary Shannon, Charles Tighe, John Acheson, Eva Costie, Lizzie Johnston, Maggie Morrison; Katc Spence, Hattie Tait, Nina Wiggins. Vera Miller, Ellen Bailey, Horace Cox, Amos Careen, Fred Hutton, Abner McLean, Herbert. Naftel, Percival Stokes, Fred Tiehboriae, Albert Carrick,,Jemima; Austin,'Philip Cummings, Alice Duff, AJulie Gledhill, Florence McKenzies Jessie- McLeod, John IUCIaeli1Ta11, ?, ale0lnn, Pose,li „�, it ,• a 'o 3allon4s, Maud '1: ell sley.,,, Mary A lin Henri r y Robertson, Cha ilex 1-labei, John E. ' 515 375 489 424' 472 407 415, 819 505 '368 452 442 433 3f12 491 405 409 439 452 425 412. 403 475 992 447 404 397 397 485 480. 487 .454 ,< lss 444. GOI IiTCH Separate, School it 1i 11 Model School 44 it' i4 it, it GG oderie ` . hM.S.. i4 '4 4' 44 u 41 No. 3r 'Ashfield No. 9,;Colborne No. 3, " Nto: 29 4t No. 4, Ashfield No.15,'shfil .A. ed No. 1, Colborne t6 '; o.�8 N Colborne No. 7, Colborne. Sister Beiedieta Mr. G. TI. Tom tt 14' u . u '4 it it 44 41 4l• tiii s JennieCoiyap r1 31iss (1, Ti.1illam i i . s ,, Mr. A. buff • Mr, Thos,lliiott' Mr. F. McLennan Mr. John McRae' Miss May Jotoes 12r Tilos. K i,icehtel Chiselhilrst, A raffle and shooting match , was held1r1 this place'on Christmas day. Mi" G 1 rgo Connor returned' from MiehigG hist week,, and ';reports dull' blocs o r there. . Mr.:. , B. Latta, who was recentlyrat- tendin� the Mitchell'model school, �I'as 'been e gaged tis teacher in the second dopa rti eat of the Zuripk public school, at alai' salary. .. Mr,,' ndMrs. ,James•Hachney arrived kers :o Monday last from Dakota, hav- ing ' n five years in that place. They both l ok as though the far west agre- etl'wi' t[lem...; 40 Nomination !for .1890 Th`fol following g emen re nom- `i i : inatet r thevarious:muncipa ies- SxurnEri., lir. rvlt.—V.:Ratz. (acclamation). • D.arnrr-hiatus.—H. Eilber. (accla coatn�rt.;i l . 1Sherrill. accla- Di)Y.—Jol n z x►at il. hW ition.)CnNCII,LOgliwVV.,'YWireduer- 11i �H. Hepple and Fred Hess. 13E EEvir:---Wnl.Buchanan,H "He r ohn ` Foster W n. Co. tiLolle: T 9 Moir, 3r. 1l,oltsman, ,Ayes M wen, J.H. Sehnc,'Sl and J. Voelker. . • il'ssotcti t 'Tho,.. i1 cotittcillorrs re-elected by' ac - 1 clall;� ,on. . . TacEF M S ilia. .'.. lz Tr�f���e I1:.�M ]l. s, (ace.); Deputies, ,ruties lLe4. , ( J9, G 9 Geo, 1\[Kay, ay, J'. Weber; and Peacock; Count lot's, Dallas, Sproat, McKay, 't+vaI lk4rr Mason, ,McCartney, McIntosh and Srtrod. SI]APi o1LT1i Mader, B. Wilson: (ace.); Reeve, D. D. Mayer, (_ ) V,i`loon (ace.);'T eputy, Cco. E.Hender- son, A. Strong;; 'Third.' "Deputy, , Adam Cranston, W...fh Broughton. L titAN T1eclitcc,, Win.- Ellwood (ado,),, Cottni l - c Y , lots, t",pe1l,,J: Hod�'Go.ins, G. �Iloclgiis' (re cic+ltcd), and Jas. Stanley (ace.) , GoIn:cicli, qY-or, John tittle', J65iL .�,1)ac vo1 Jr, W hitt J'nt.P oudfnot;• 'Deputy, A. tri `' t. Ari W: t t�� �u 'c;illo S tk 'Y'y cL t1 o i {r Y 1C ^�r� C lreiv"' at.1, Reid, Neftel Cantelonr strait, t it; t. David's' Ward, plumber, Mulrn''T`hordpson (gee.); St,; George's W ard,Dunlop,Nicholson,Campioni (ace); St. Patrick's Ward, McKenzie, Holt, Sloane,Dowjing, Pridhanr;School Trus tees, Ball, Nicholson, ;.Crabb, -Acheson, by acclamation. BLlrrit.,- Reeve, P. Kelly - and C. -Hamilton; Councillors, J. Wilford, R.. Symonds,;,3. McGee, N H. Young ;F. W.• Tanner, As; Taylor, F. Metcalf. BIonnta, . C. C. Hodgins,Deputy; J. 11.Hodgens; Councellorsr Wim. McGee, F. Davis and A..E eatson-all elected by acclamation. CLINTON. s 'MayoTr,Wm' Doherty, John McGarvie, Jos. Whitehead; Reeve,Alex McMurehie David Cantelon;.Deputy, A.' I#. Man- ning; -Councillors, St. Andrew's Ward, Alex Armstrong, Jas. Angus, John Johnston; St. James', T. McKenzie, ' Ar- thur CCouch, Wm. Cooper;' St: John's, D. B. Kennedy, Chas; Overbi ry, 0, S. Doan: St. George's,Stewart Plummer, W. C. Searle, Jerome Andrews. A Living Feriae, - NO.135. is a Hedge fence so constructed, that it wilt be proof against any animals and when once proof, age does not cause it.. to decay, but the older it becomes the stronger it becomesalso. A FA-rnium.. How shall we fence our fart's, in the near future, is a question often' asked by farmers; butnever satisfactorily answered. The rails split -eighteen' or twenty years ago and built:ztig-zag a- round the farm are fast sinking into decay,. True some of the best preserv- ed are culled out and used in .building the Russell and other patent fences; but in a short time all kinds of rail.fences' will''be-a thing of the past. Board and post fences make a good but expensive fence, subject like rails to decay. It will not be many 'years before it ' wilI he 'very difficult to secure' posts for fences. n..comes the barb wire fence; f;a, fence that hags little" tocommend it to the public, but, mirth to condemn :. it. It is, not .likely that we will ever have herd law in this country. If. so, _ we must have fences of some kind. -;1 'e might do as some of the • early settlers, It were too lar,.lit'rails p a to' S "keep who yp ! , shot gun and half a dozen hungry dors, that, at tines, hated as a kind of locolnotive fence' ?finny of oily most enterprising fi r- lners have tried.hedgcs, but in M' ost cases tiro''t6oriot herltaSiCae85: The hedgekint grids, a,il right ita p otirr elidiate. But whil'e the hedge, will turn cattle and horses, pigs and 4other small animals' get throtighopenings near theground4 Not' what we want . ayaleld, roturne e• WflL aeon has it, fromMr. DetroitLizzi; Master,Wra, Morrison, of ITensal , paid us a short visit last week. Miss Lizzie Huston, who ' has been pursuing special stlulies in Detroit has returned home. Mrs. Geo. Lawranson, a;, confirmed invalid for some years, passed away on Thursday at the age of 51. School closed here on Monday of last week,Mr. Baker is pushing the scholars ahead. He sent four more this Xmas up to the entraneeexaminations. Division court was held here on Fri- day. The only interesting caro :;was McQuiver vs. -`Townsend, ' which -after some discussion the defendanatt ,'on." Messrs Chas Logan and Albert Als- mond returned home on Monday from . Saginaw. They are both enterprising young men, and like a greatmany other Bayfield boys have found spicndiid positions in the States •. ' On Monday evening a very large crowd assembled in the Town, Hall t' take, in the .Methodist Christmas tree entertainment. The night was fine and the program excellent. The God erich choir was in attendance and gave some beautiful music, Mr. Hislop espec- " 'x ially is quite popular here. Master li. Beatty, of Clinton, sang and recited like a boy twice his age. The order though: out was good, and the Methodists de- serve credit for the good substancial entertainment provided. A very pleasing entertainment .'was . held in the town hall on Thursday night under the auspice of the Churclas of England. Messrs. Shane and Tanner kept the crowd in amusement with their comic songs, but we do not en- tirely approve of such such a class of ' songs for children. MSas>;r.r.London Hodgens captured the cake from"- mongst the little ones and Miss Lena" Geimenhardt captivated: her ; hearers with a beautiful rendition of Longfel-: low's "Hiawatha ,' ' Mr: Frank Edward. . . amused the audience with a very hunt• erous reading. The hall was filled and at 15 cents the returns were 536a. St. Thomas, Dec. 24th, 1889: We, the undersigned, farmers al Huron Co., having received an invit- ation from Mr. W. C. Huston, Solicitor . for the Ontario hedge and°Wire Fence Company, to visit Oliver Penwarden'e place at St. Thomas, to -day, for the purpose of.seeing the Hedge the Com- pany plashed one year ago 16th day of last May. We found it as represented, , a per- fect fence in every respect, so close at the base as will turn ali'kinds of stock even to the smallest pigs. The fence being very handsome and strong, oc- cupying not more than one foot of ground when finished. We also saw a portion of the un plashed Hedge at the same place,whick we consider worthless without the met- hod of plashing the company uses. , We feel that we can very cheerfully recommend their Hedges and their a- doption by our farmers and would be s, great benefit as well as adding to the general appearance gad beauty of the Country. Signed Paul Madge, i R chard Hicks. Usborne `Connoi1 The Council met after the nominativn'- All the members, were present. The - - minutes of previous meeting were.. read _ .and signed by the Reeve.., ., The 'Reeve and Treasurer were era. powered-to. loan on first Mortgage an, per Statute, the money belonging te the Railway Sinking Pried. The following orders were granted n sine` and th$ council adjourned d' de`vi o —T. Coates $5; T.'Werry $20; ,i'. Woods $42.10; L.,Hunter $5; G.•,Ferguson $18- 75; T. Brimacombe.'1g10;11.+Quinton $L - 50;'J. Ballantyne $42,50;: M. Samwell $13; D. McNieol $2; E. Stone $3; .W Gardiner:. $1.16; A-, Duncan . $3.45; W. Brock $2; J. ilotyelifFi, $5,. ';W . Treye- thick $3.50;J Delbridge $1; P Kehoe $24. Loadman $20;'3; Allison $1,25; S. Skinner $8.25; W. Mitchell $250, G. May; $10; J. Walker $6.50,:' Geo, W. Holman, Clerk. otmen TRivtrr.—irci L" C' er on'' 2 .t lt• ,t• �.i 1 u „ Elizabeth 'beloved wife of Tunnies Trivett, aged 71 years. Towers.—In Exeter North on 28 u1lt�, Ann 'Towers `aged. 65 years, 3 months and Towers, s. " In Exeter, r, o '. n l tilt. Willi Weeks,:. 1; e 9 ani Daniel infant` Soil 'of James land f aged 1 l� year ,, �, i'a cels e. d inonths.I4 t N. -n I7sborlle 2e it 9 JamesiIadgson, aed.5onot ars, 1'.