HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-12-19, Page 8TUMBLING IN
-+CW IST11 AS of r CUPS,
The trreather has been_ very disagre
able of late.
The sale of the estate of Samuel
Rundle will be held on, Saturday.
veutyftve candidates are at pres-
ent engageA at the Entrance Examin-"
salon at Exeter, f fteen of whom are
from. the Exeter. Public Schools, Mr.
Park of eaderich is presiding examiner.
While Master Andy Thompson was
delivering some glass for Mr, J. N.
Howard. one day this week, by some
means the box fell out of the wagon
end the wheel passed over it, smashing
some six or seven dollars worth.
10 the l is tel#s. of the Village of
Gee -Te me e ---In compliance with a,!,
requisition preseuted to ane, and signed;
by at. nuxnberoi the Electors through-
out the Village, I have consented to
'llow myself to be nominated as can,
dilate for Municipal Council, If elect -
cd, will do my best to promote the:
ntereste of the village at leege.
Yours Respectfully,
At R. flicks' can be found Gold
Vatehes,Gold Spectacles, Gold Loekets,,
Gold Bracelets,Goid Box Broaches, Gold
Sets, 'Diamond Finger Rings at popular
prices, less your discount, during .the
holiday season. One door South of the
Big Banirnpt Store.
We have received the Christmas
Number of the GLosxa, S'rAat and Fres.
PRESS, All are excellent. The big
Toronto daily is fighting hard for the
front, place among Ontario journ. ale,
while as regard to our own neighbor-
hood, there is no doubt the preminence
of the plucky and well managed FxraZ
WO understand that Mr, Walt An-
drews has leased the factory and build
ing recently vacated by Mr. John
Brawn, and will con ienee tnanufact-
uring funiture. Ile will open out about
the first of January. The business
now carried on by Messrs, Rowe & An.
draws, will be continued by Mr. Robert
Rowe, in the old stand,
On Monday Daae, 4th 1, there.
died in the Township. of Wilhnot, Mrs,
Elizabeth Leathern, aged 94
year$ 10 months and 4 slay$, She was
buried on the follow ing 1 ridav in the
Bethel Cemetery. Deceased left to
mourn her loss three eons and three
daughters, one of the sons being our es,
teemed townsmen Mr, RetortLeathorn.
Read Bissett'l3ros, change of cad" In
this issue.
-.-IL 1L.Uilllnall,Den tist,foar the beet
*rt#ttelaat teeth.
Christmas Goods ill endless variety
et the Dominion Laboratory.
Read the ads-ertlsteeut of Mr. James
N Howard on first page of this issue,
H. fi 1t7ltran r, PenUst,Goldtlilliepn+
*specialty. °Mee over O' Bile Bank
All our lady readers should read the
4divertisreut of Miss Down which ap-
pears in another eelumn.
Mr. George Seawall, assignee of the
Pickard estate has declared the first
ellvitlend, it being 334 per cent.
Don't forget to read the ativertisment
of E. J. Spackman in an other column.
Ile is selling boots & shoes aware
ReadBrompton & Reid'; advertis-
inent'in. this issue. They are slaugh-
tering things at the old established.
where t• get Booted.
Spackman, F,anson's Block, Ex er,
cau boot any man in the County. Boots
and shoes any style and right prices.
On Monday Net, a. Brown Spaniel
pup, answering to the name of Diek,
The finder willbe suitably rewarded;
by leaving the same with A. Handford
er at this office.
The Mechanics' Institute have just
xeeci~«d a targe consignment of native
hooks and ,n tr tot is on thewa
Just receival at•the Dominion Lab-
rtrator„y, a full supply of Christmas
Cards, photo. Albums and Plush Goods,
Holiday Cheap Fares, call on Capt.
Geo -Kemp Town Agent of the Grand
Trunk Railwayen ice Town H"aall, Exet-
There is some talk of Mr. James
Marr, of 1lfeGillivary contesting for the
reeveshipef that.township the earning.
Go to the Dominion Laboratory for.
your Christmas Cards, Photo Albums,.
PIush Goods and ell otlie^r Chistmas
Mr. B. Hicks is offering his entire
stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelery,
Silverware and Spectacles at a dis-
count during the holidayseason.
Municipal canvassing is quietly go•
ing on in an quarters, and all we cam.
say is that the men who secure the
most votes are going to be elected.
Just received at R. Hicks` Jewelery
Store a Tot of new Watches, J'ewelery,
Silverware, Spectacles, Clocks &c. Just
the thing for Xmas presents. A call
The real property of the estate of11lr•
James Packard, was offered by public
auction on Tuesday last. No bid of
any consequence was made and the
property was withdrawn.
While a couple of ladies were driving
a, horse up front street, , the horse • got
choked and fell down in the road in
front of the Commercial %louse. No
damages except the breaking of the
shafts was done.
People are already studying the
newspapers to discover what business
houses are offering the greatest at-
tractions and inducements for the
Christmas trade. We advise all such
te keep their eyes on the advertising
columns of the ADVOCATE, during 'the
next few weeks.
It has now been definately under-
stood that Mr. James Oke will be in the
field for inunioipal honors. For several
years Mr. Ohe has been pressed, to allow
his name to go before the electors but
declined. He has now consented to
stand and we hope and know that his
expectations will not be dissapointed.
Should Mr Oke be elected lie will make
one of the hest councillors that ever
sat at the council board.
A number will be sorry to learn of
the death of Mr. Fred Furgeson,of Ethel
He -was at one time a. resident
place `' of this He had been ail-
ing for' some tine with consurnption
from the effects of which he ' died on
Thuasd<ay last 12th inst. The funeral
took place on Saturday and Was attend'
ed by a large concourse • of sorrowing
friends and relatives. He ,was buried
under Orange honors, he being a
highly respected member `of that order.
g y pe
He was a brother to Mr. James Furge-
•son of this place.
Go aid Examine.
Grigg's Fancy Goods Fair opens . on
Friday at twelve o'clock' noon. Go and
take a friend along. We are going
ourselves for all our knowledge of his
stock bids us believe it tobe well
worth seeing.
Shipments During, the week.
Mr. S. Levett shipped five car. •loads
of oats to the Liverpool markets this
week; he also shipped five car loads of
barley to Philadelphia, and three car
loads of wheat to London. ---Mr. James
Oke shipped .one carr load of hay to
Boston.—Messrs. Edit and Hartleibe of
Dashwood shipped a ear load of flour to
Montreal.—Messrs. Cook and Witzel
shipped a car load of flax to Patterson,
N. J.
Great holiday sale of Christiania and
Auction sale of Christmas and New-
years goods at Brodoriclee Bankrupt
store, Exeter, on Saturday next, et 2
and 7 o'clocl*, The :stock consists of
Toy, Albums, Christmas and Ncwi eats
Cards, Jewelry, Work Boxes, Chains,
stationery, Fancy Goods &c, &e;
also a lot of Ready made e1othing't
boots and shoes. This sale will a
rattler. Positively no rarve' none
whatever. All must be sold, Remota-
ber the.plece in Drew's Block, opposite
the Hewn Hall.'
It is often couvetiiealt in ptireheit1n
a stack of hay to have some rale by
which to entente% the number of tons
therein. The following emit!,. will lie
found to work correct:—.Multipl*y he
lengt abreadth;and heighttogether„and
divide the product by 512. In well
built stacks that have stood for a feu*
months the above ruts will be toned to
work nca, lv correct.
The Trivitt Memorial Church will be
beautifully decorated for the Christmas
Service at 11 a„, m., on Wedn sday next.
The Guild Committee met at the rest -
deuce of the President, Mn. Trivitt, on
Wednesday of this weea'k, Remember
the entertainment by the well ,known
Children's Society called the "Busy
Beets"' in the Town Hall, tonight
(Thursday) at 7.80.
Stilt they Orme.
,A Mr. Webb of Biddulph, made tan
assignment far the general beueftt of
his treditoraa, to Mr. Wm. Cornish .Jr. of
1 o$t..
Between the Lake Road lard Mr.
David iticbards, a new chopping axe,
The fender will be reworded by leaving
the same at this office.
Boots and. Shoes l'orAll
One of the largest stocks of Boots and
Shoes In town, consisting of .all the
latest styles and 'makes atright prices.
E. J..Spielman, I'anson's Block, Exeter
Rota "fronted.
Farmers should, read the important
announcement ofS. L. Grant & Co., of
Ingersoll, in another column, in refer-
ence to fattening hogs early. This
firm will buy no dressed hogs this
Endeavor. Society socis'i.•
A Stcial, under the auspices of the.
Young People's Christian Endeavor
Society of James streetMethodist church
will be given on ' Nese Years night,.
January 1st, 1890. A good program
Will be .rendered, Adtpission 15 ets.
Debates to Stray Animals.
After the notice is published three
times in a local paper, the notice for
sale for one month after the advertise
ment:has been given as above; and.
three notices for sale shall• be put in
three public places, at least, and kept
posted up for three successive days, in
the munietpality,, and specify the time
and place at which the animal will : be
publicly sold, if not sooner returned or
redeemed by the owner orsoine one for
what we may Expeet.
Bad roads if snow does not come soon.
--Municipal elections; -Messrs. H. Spack-
man, Jas. Oke, Edward Christie and J.
P. Clark, neminated for councillors;
Messrs T. B. Carling and Dr. Rollins
for Reeve; W. G Bissett and T. H. Me
Callum for Deputy Reeve. -A lively two
or three weeks of 'entertainments.—
Xmas trade to boom and,people to deal
with men who letthe public know the
bargains;.tbey carry. Santa. Claus to
soon get down to business.—A large
number of ehanges in School . teachers,
in the various rural schools.—Renewal
subscribers and new ones too to , pour
into the Advocate for 1990. '
Fraternal visit.
A number of the, members of Leb-
anan Forest Lodge, No. 133 A. F. & A.
M., Exeter, paid the members of Brit-
annia Lodge,'Seaforth,a fraternal visit,
on Wednesday evening of last week.
The Exeter Brethren were invited to
the Lodge Room, where a candidate
was passed to the sublime degree of a,
M aster Mason. The brethren then
were invited to partake of an oyster
supper which was ,prepared at Hawk-
shaw's Hotel, at which all did ample
justice.. The evening was spent in songs
and speeches,and all report a very ;en-
joyable,time. It is understood that the
Seaforth'-Brethren will pay a` fraternal
visit to the Lodge here shortly.' We
might say a good .time will be looked
for should they come down.
Sorra oaf J nrtt:rnd..
At the last regular meeting of Ply
mouth Lodge, No. fid, Sans of England
Benevolent Society, Meld on Monday
evening, 16th hast, the following of -
!l -were elected for the ensuing
year. -.Past PresidentBro, Daniel Davis;
President, Bro. William Sweet, '1 V. S.;
Secretary, Bro, Charles F. Verity ;Treai-
uve; Bro. le, D. Hurdon; Chaplain.Bre,
Thomas Ilartnoll;1st committee, Bro.
Samuel Sweet; 2nd,com. Droo, Edward
Brett; 3rd con. Walt Andrews 4th
cone Bro. James Taylor; 5th Bro. Wil-
liam Follaud; Gth cam. Bro. Geo Kemp;
I. G. Bro. Charles Snell; Q, G. Bro.11ugh
Sp.ckenan; Lodge Surgeon 1)r. Rollins;
Trustees Bros, John Spaekanaam, James
Sweet, and George Davis; Auditors,
Bros. William Sanders, John; Eliiot,and
James Taylor; Delegate to Grand
Lodge, Bro, Samuel Sweet.
Council Proecedl'nggit.
The council met at the Town Hall,
Exeter, leith. December, pursuant to
statute. All members Monti except
Jas. Pickard. The minutes of the
previous meeting were read and con-
firmed. Tenders for printing Treasaar.
er's statement were received f.eom "The
Times" and 'r,A.dvoeste'offices. Moved
by T, B. Carling, seeondeli lay , 'I`.: H.
McCallum that White and s"`p1a "tenders
being the lowest $4.25, be accepted,—
Carried, An order was granted J.
Creech for iet.00, charity to J. Piper,
Moved by T. }i, McCallum, seconded by
W, G. Bissett, that a by law be drafted
and submitted at the nest meeting of
the council to aid Mr. Creech in the
collecting of Poll-tae,—Carried. The
council adjourned for one week, on
motion of T. B, Carling,secondeti by W.
G. Bissett,
115. Eacrett,
Black and Colored Dress -Goods.
Black and.Colored Silks and Viers.
�:U t' Dolmansk '
Ladles �an�l gs is rs? & hack s
44 Fur Coats, Muffs & long Boast.
lens Fur Coats Caps & Gloves.
44 Felt & Leather Boots & Overshoes.
Wool shirts and Drawers.
Boys ready-made suits & overcoats
fact everything will be sold at prices that will ensure a speedy clearance.
Cheaper than the: cheapens
Any sive or style of loots and shoes
at the best .possible prices at E.J. Spack-
tnart's shoe store, Fanson's Block 'Exeter.
I" attic Sekoot $Qaur.t, Motes.
Dee. 10, Board met in Town Hall at
8 p, nt.. absentDr.Lutr,J.Grigg. Pass-'
ed.. --Minutes of previous nr;eting:-
Jatnea Beer act, extension to died 830;
and the following: --Bissett Brei tea n.
dries 81.35; White & sin. printing $6;.
S. Sanders, a advertising $2.04;Secretary
salary 820; Griggs act 72;MissSpic.-
er for teaching 126,60; H. Kinsman for
teaching„*6; s►odRCauckcr labor
The last to be investigated by the chair-
man, The secretary to see that care-
takers duties are performed until the
next meeting of the board. Adjourn.
,neat. J. Galore may.
P. S, Annual meeting Doc.26th,(T urs -
day) in Town Hall at 12 01410C1{11000.
The municipal elections are not, a S
yet, creating any great amount of stir.
In the village we understand that it is
likely that the present Reeve will be op,
posed by Mr. T.11. Carling,who hes eery.
ed. for councillor for sometime, Ainong
the names we hear for coiltneilbrs is
Messrs. 11. Spackman, Edward Cil s
T. JI. McCallum and Jammers"Oke, on
paint our ratepayers should slake in
their selection, is to secure and elect
men who will work for the best ia.ter-
estsof the town, We neat nitanti'#aet-
uring industry, wed 'tie who wilL''Itse
slat in securing such concerns, shottki
be elected. Mr. Spaeiaman's cardap-
pears in another column and he states
in it that the best interests of the vit .
lags he will try to farther. We think
the ratepayers can elect no better man
to represent them,alithough we are sure
any of the above mentioned would do
their best to further the `hest interests
of our thriving village. We ask every
elector to set a marl: opposite the name
of Mr. Spackman at the corning elec-
Perso11111 Mention.
Mr Fred Godbolt and family,. of
Bute City, Cal, arrivedhere on Thurs-
hursday eveu;ing. They will remain here
for some time visiting friends in this
section.—Mr. H. B. Elliot. Mail Clerk,
spent Sunday in town.—Mr. Herb Smith,
of Detroit; is spending a few days visit-
ing friends here—Mr. Thomas Hamlin,
of Owen Sound, is here on a few days
visit.—Mr. Wm. Delve, of London, is at
present the guest of his parents.—The
family of Mr. Thomas Cave,left on Mon-
day for Detroit,where they will join Mr.
Cave and reside in the futur. '.—Mr.
Lewis H Dickson, will attend theBlyth
Court to day. -Mr. W. H. Hutchins, of
Parkhill,was in town a couple of days
during the week.—Mr. Ed. Downie
left for his home in Minnesota on Mon-
day evening.—Mr. Jonathan Hodgins,
of Lucan, was in town yesterday. --Mr.
William Doig, of Kippen, was a caller
at 'the AdvocATE' yesterday.—Mr, G. H.
Tom has just returned from his duties
at'Goderich, and although his term,
there bas very short he received ,a
handsome present when leaving.—Mr.
Samuel J. Latta and wife, passed
through ton nroute o the schcol ex=
amination at S. S. No 3 Stephen.—We
area glad to notice that Mr. A. Taylor is
ableto be around again after his ser-
ious illness.—Miss Shannon; of Walker
ton, is visiting at Mr. A. Dyer's.—Mr.
John Southcott, son and daughter: left
for London on ;Monday.— Mr. R. S.
Lang left for Orchard Lake, Mich.,
Wednesday night, to complete packing
apples. ---Mr..\ 4I iam Levett spent a
few days' in Parkhill last week.—Mr.
and Mrs. I. Handford spent Sunday, in
London.—Mr. E. Harwood left for St.
Thomas on Friday.—Mrs. Robert Delve
is lying seriously ill- at present. -Miss
Lillie Morgan, of Bayfield„is spending
a few days Here visiting frie,nds.--
La,wyerCollins attended -the; Division
Courts at Crediton and Zurich on Tues
ever known disease of the human day.and, Wednesday.==Mr. .R. McDool,
y of l3ayiield, was in town' yesterday. ---
body becomes curable in cold .weather. Air. A. Buswell:. tailor,who has been•
.fl tin, eour.t of .the last .50 years a engaged in Dashwood for some time
number of observant physicians Have was compelled to leave his bsitiom
evinced 8 more and more outspoken: P P .
conviction>tbat pulmonary disorders there on Tuesday; on• account of a
` Y severe felon.
nuke A.10 exception to the general rule.
As the same experience) has left no
doubt that a .change from indoor to
— n Stephen, on the 14th
outdoor occupations could, in four..: out ConGHLLN.I
of five cases .be relied upon to avert inst., the wife of Bat of
the doom ;of heriditary consumption. ason.
Exeter Division. Court.
Division Court was held here on
Monday, 16th inst., in Town Halt, His
Honor °3udge Doyle presiding. Tine
docket was light. The following are
the cases: --Cameron vs. Richards.—An
action upon a promissory note whim.
the defendant claim was abandoned by
plaintiff in order to bring action on
other notes within jurisdiction of Div-
ision court. Judgment reserved, un-
til an 12th 1890. Elliot for plaintiff;
Collins. for defendant.—Leathorn vs.
Oke.—An action upon a promissory
note and t> recover the price of lum-
ber. The defendant claimed that 850,
which he had formerly paid to plaintiff
upon a consideration which had failed,
should have been applied'on this note,
and pled a tender of the balance.
Judgment for defendant. Dickson
for plaintiff; Elliot for defendant.—
Neely vs. Elliot.—An action for the bal-
ance ofaan account which the ' defend
ant claims was settled. The .plaintiff
did not appear and the case was 'ad-
journed until next court on payment
of costs of day by plaintiff. Elliot for
plaintiff; Mins for defendant.
!lint for Winter.
Now that winter weather is upon us
people' are :reminded to close cvery
aperture by which the cold may enter
their residence. But this may be ,over
done. It is possible to shut in the foul
air that generateswherever the. fam-
ily congregate, and 'thus encourage
many=pulmonary ` diseases.'” Dr Felix
Oswdld, the distinguished physician,
tells -ns that instead' of hating winter
weather, as many people do, there
Would be universal rejoicing in these
northern regions did residents fully,
comprehend the sanitary tendencies of
cold air currants. About the middle
of October the traffic in'"malaria bitters•
begins to slacken, and typhoid fever,
ague and cholera' morbus become less
frequent and` less msaligivint Nearly
Great Rejoicing over the unprecedented Bargains at Poi ix1
son's during this month. Bargains in Dress
Goods, bargains in Flannels, bar-
gains in Tweeds,
x, 000
BARGIR? ao000o 0a0t Ca Cfar
009 000 00 00 0009000'0
Bargins in the
whole of our shock, which con-
sists of staple and fancy Dry -Goods, sat
3laneis,Wool Yarns, 'Underwear, Gaxpets, Hosiery,
Dices, Embriodei ies, Prints, -wlute and grey cot
tons, grain lags, Quilts, Hats d:
Cap; Boots & ;Shoes, all of which we will orb: a 1.13duced
prices until after the holidays.
A quantity of Mons and: Boys long Boots, nand a lot of Crockery we will close
out for the ucxt 30 days at cost. A complete stock of Groceries uiwae s on.
hand at bottom prieea. Farm. Produce taken at market prices. A quautit r of
Cordwood.. wanted. A call solicited. Bembe'vber the piece for bargains is first
door north of the Town Hall, Exeter.
: axTcis o..,
Get what you pay for if you get inferior Goods at . re alar
c*t what you pay for if you pay, for a quality you dont
for if you pay 'a `extravagant prig.
G Y payhelp
et what au for if you to swell an exhorbant t
whose fault is it if you don't get what you pay foe
It is your owe fault Because
You can always get your money back to the last ' cent lay
- . trading with us,
guaranteetl one .
we the best for ie m
guarantee most for the money.
lowest prices. Every el othese
�Ve itaz'altee the very s p y one
facts go to show that you 'ought to trade with
Yon can get a; square deal for a round dollar.
Remember you can gel a high grade for ,a:low flgui,
R.emenlberyoupay'for what ou et and aE wlt
� :._ Y g. g
you pay for.
;ar1ing Br