The Exeter Advocate, 1889-12-19, Page 5......... Cold in Head 4 CATARRH STAES. These is positive clangor to health and life in neglecting a case of Cold in the Read or Catarrh, and at this season with its changeable w(ather, unusual moisture and sudden chanes from heat to cold, there is, peculiar liability to cold in the head. A neglected case Of Cold MA dead rapidly developer into Catarrh, andneglec tea Catarrh just as certainly develops into Consumption and leads to premature ;Beath, Medical testimony proves conaluslvely_thata large pI.ercentage ofall the deaths occurring from Consumption had theirorigin in anegiect.ed Cold, which by gradual stages, de\ eelopc d' into Catarrh, and then into Consiunpttop, that dread disease, with which medical science is as yet unable to co s es uli C nsuffering uC s 1f a ooi t o f arefromd in fa h head, o from copemany n or- tof the nail. o s • tont of ya ,ar Butner - oar symptoms t r�, a of asbad breath, 1 dull oppressive 3 ppu pse t i,plxessivohcadaohes, tiroPpivgs from the d - t thetl h hau><n intotrout, hawking auds�p�'tting,PPlions discharg,est"rem thenpstrilc los- ing senee_of smell, or taste becoming dull, hitching ceugh. or a general feeling of debility, buskyvo,ce,a wheezing oreraoking sound in vourelsest when breathing u feeling of diz. amens, partienlarly when stooping, a feeling of tiredness and indisposition to exertion, a foe/ingotnausea in the morning when attempting to dis).ode accumulationin the throat. Ito not neglect them, These are but a few of the many symptoms of Catarrh, and if yon experience any.IRO warned in thole. Do not permit them to run under the mistakeR.m- pression that the decease will eventually wear away. It will not but on tbecontrary will you ainxmetes b edycure @ er ofe before, d to the Procure fonce olbottle the Meas un g• the only speedy 1# al d Catarrh. This es. is no idle assertion, hat an, unquestionable fact, which is rarified tv the thousands of ten., tzmoniras in our possession telling of marvellous cures. These testimonials we hivere- ceivedfrom all parts of thoDominiora, and we append a few, selected at random as afair sample oftaoWo ,— lfr:Altx.rurns,of Sudbury, Ont., says.'...,. AiissMaggie X.Martin, Kerwood,l'a,eay;-� togzeta Imyg state that 'have been aA'eotcd Through a Irieud iu Canada 1 become ac-! withfaats►rrt. feraeven oreight.yeurs■end It uainted with your NASAL, iR le itr 11AIi1kI. T bola', was attended with consequent svmpting igma suffered for years with Catarrh, and {tis tho tOP tlatlatR ial alaatntws,xing P in the and ea? itting, Par, nto deli remedy from which t have eeme.ouped sicken- ing lain in the head lir a!y over rho eye relief, Ida s Minn feel cortaia it Roches,! Oat, in Ihaven,sed powders and douches, but all of says: Your bottle of .1�AS.A.14 BALM did m sac tllect,the only result arising frcon the use much good. Tl.e pair; in my bead disaggear- ofs-u h was'temltorary 414441011a wed bvthe 01 beforoZ lead used the bottle, and lfindmy usual svniptornv In a more aggravated form. soh receiving the sr�eatest benefit. 1 ani per. • #,� 3s f, sal 1 t i a maul arising from#heus4c va in a x 1; B' The g 13a NASAL BALE will caro my Catarrh if ' e threat e* d' arros,t breath s,t ;► a of a br at c n use is a AM , >t ( perserved cd in. A p p tsarpuonfly).lesa harvktn an(.1opt#tiA;.), clear - 'aces of hearing, anti r qt once since I began W. A. Do,Y lo, Beulah, Alan., writear-.As a i'tistnelis*rc1hadTenn Inthe head. In foot it- faro 'ly,nedicinetobliccitOati►rrhalerections my opinion that a eart•fell and persistent orcoluintltahead,NASAI*,AA.LuJIAS l:iQ use oftbe'-.haler;" wilt e1Tect a aura in the INIJAl,Wo prizoit highly. rrPttst least of Catarrh. Ur. John FI, Adams, morohant, Brantford, 'Tames if. McLeod, Mink liver Road, N. S. Ont. , s aye' --thaw used NASAL BAl;li for says I boyo tried ether remedys for Catarrh Catarrh, and found .it at OJ:RTAI.N Qi i40 hetrtceivod little or no good iron $hent. onr1 u#ieliellLlliertainly the 'Writ1 Mr. A. Se1ilent-1g, Toronto, says Por a a I have tried, d allyou Clair .for niunber of years ray wife hos been badly tial that itts awont wind canven• firoitLled rvltliCatarrlx.p)r. --.,-_ :-.-2taxt, c+nse adds great twits otlue, but its promised to clue Iler,t,ut atter using his rem* elalef`worth lies in being.a errtaus cure for adyfor dlxMentha alio beanie worse andweak Pleasant or than before, and ifoundthatI Pit, aY3kitbr,mtd1Caltreatmentthatidhnog spent w.oakt,Stanley, postmaster, Spry Ilay; +. UV wsf0 OVA* began to use your NA Sl,says..---Xaolimit tiiefallowing to the public 1111.11*nd has improved wondearfi lys?snd #isatasarywhowas b4 ftI1etedmarbebe•nefit. she isbetter and stronger than fbr years. • i tw co same s..nicdv. Two bottles el your l ogrrruetiv is the best in the market and 1w 1:a D ALA' has ItESTOItEI) to you can use this as testimony. I'Ell:lhiriv1' Rio/Lyra a fall ryear o)dobfld afoiiis, ercdfruin C . F,osilie Pillitier, Greenville sayscati seareel_s find words to tell you' .;-•T haw highly 1 Marietta, A1au+ltwrdl, Parker. Ont.. sans:14e NNAti1.I'4BA,LM. Its effects IA my odes TourNANAI.IiAi.11 is the it ST It $.151. has been wonderful'. EIbYIhave yet used for Catarrh. I eau ]arsitlinteratreelythan before anti my breath AI r -ha 1T hales,'larlert,Ont•,writes -14 Lau: fisiaed its sweetness. I conoider \d$- NASAL BALM has made a new man of me. AltEA.L11 a Loom to thcaufforing. Thome never used a reuiedyse satisfactory, To Our Subscribers. he'sPECIAL ANNOUNGER.IENT which Appeared in our columns some ;Gime since, announcing a special arrange anent with Dr. B. J. Kurtnar r. Co, of Enosburg.Falls, Vt•, publishers of 'rA Treatise on the Horse and hisDisease," whereby oursubscribers were enabled to obtain a copy of that valuable work FREIE by sending their address. to Dr. J. B. KIENDALL Co. (and en- closing a two -cent stamp for mailing same) is renewed for a limited period, We trust all will avail themselves of the opportunity of obtaniug this val. liable work. To every lover of the Horse itis indfspensable,as it treats in a simple manner all the dcseases which. afflict thins noble animal. Its p#►ehom final sale, throughout the United States and Canada. made it standard author- ity- Mentiola this paper when sayndinp for "Treolr'es" .—Oet. Si ---13t, Washerwoman's friend is London Electric Seal). Catarrh, Catarrhs]. De41o40Ray rover. ' A NEW HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally aware tl t a<�a these diseasesaro a era generally. to n .ons or g' that they t y ar e lac to ilu presence of living parasites in the lining MOM - bran() a£ the nose and eustachian tubas Mieroseopic re search,however, has pro -- ed this to be a fact, and the result is that a simple remedy has been formlt lated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deaf- ness eafmess and hay fever' aro jrerinencntly cured in from one to three simple all, plications made at home by the patient ormolu t r s o weeks. N. II mor Catar- rhal discharges peculiar to females (whites) this zeroed?' is a spoeliac. A pamphlet explaining this new treat lolernt is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. H. Dixon & Son. 1303 West King. St., Toronto, Canada.—SCientil~c.Ameri- can. Suf-ercrs from catarrhal troubles should carefully read the above, nu (14.2288) P'bnITlui.iBewaroofimitation.s, If your dealer has not NASAL »ALE in stock denotlot bin pt undo you to take any other remedy which he may Farr 4434:.'1 lire good, but as ltd direct to tete unihrsigned and it will bo sent you ea receipt of pram--SL1tents and $t.00 n' bottle. If b107tD to C0.,7 roi,kvillc, Out. ADVICE TO INOTIIERB., sii b ,.[tinyea itisturbedat.niglstanicibrekenof y out Sale Register. :valet by a, Welt chat; suffering and erring with valuer cuting teeth? :If su. send at once and 7"cn C 4I Ot» ot jl,'aiTBiNo1.. value sa luta I.cuul. able. 1cT l ditIrollayothepoorlittleeuffererlmma- ute 'Depend upon it, mothers, thorn Jana mistake Moore* dlysenteryanddtar. tliaaa. regulates the atoxnachand bowels, aures windceile,aoftona thegums,redticeelutfamma. txian, and eeivos tone and energy tathowllole system. kilts. Wisst.ow'S SooTnixo STROP /OR CaxranccTI.LLrielsoisplcasanttothetaate and is thajircacriptian of one of the oldest and beet Itrnude nurses and physicians in the United stntea,untl is for cillo br an druggists throngI earth* world. Price =Scouts! a bottle. Our Diminishing Forests. 'o the editor anis Alavocaxs. Datilt Selz;—A11 :[tre aware that throughout Ontario al.t present, both cord woodand.timber ars rapidly be- co1nin scarce, and much loss am •in- COri eniellee will shortly be occasioned thereby: As one passes along the road, be seat on every hand, where patches of forest are still retained, that while the larger trees are being taken away for fuel and other purposes, no smaller treesare growing up to replace them, in consequence of the cattle being allow- ed to male a pasture ground of the bush, the result being that ina fern years no wood. will remain on the farm. It appears tome that if our county council in the older parts of Ontario could so legislate as toexempt bush lands fro taxation, a great deal of benefit would•accrue to the country' at large. This means has boon frequent- ly suggested and seems to be the only possibleglanof preserving some forest, ,If some method of the sort be not adopt- ed the difficulty will only become great- er year by year. Thereare now many shall reserves of timber which such a' law would pre- serve, while if delayed till most of them are gone there' would be little use in faamung it. Yours Etc. R. W. Plnlsrs. Toronto, Dee. 5th 1889. Their gentle action and good .effects on the system reaIIy make them 0. perfect little pill, They please those who use them. Carter's Iitfle laver Pills may well be termed "per- fection," • A NEW I,IUEhrT NP. lttrnef hr info FerN'info +1,A t,lnod of 4.11e. n•oy:1- 7P 1 P n a , n v.., f C il 'T n.f 1 nalff.r m illy R n :*rt Fl , f '1 1 ivnr: hr Tn: lcllnrvs'nr 1'lr,n1• r"414res vi4nli 1TlpnnnSfitinl,+ issnnnlinrl 1,v' 77,renn7=.P.Tnnn 11jf+nre tyi,irh rrr,a;rs wn.e+n. ;7r .on• otl itn,lnri Hot and restores health. to fhe en•ire s-sfr'rr. *,rosc-r; r‘,111, 'nrna r f+1; T 11011,, 1 1,1e #hn i n S.+tlnnl, nfsh !1 TT11r0n nrrT{ TrirlTn- o n ✓^ ,;•ire cur, n. n1r1 1,1 _1111 ,,Pr.' C,1n,,,n1 T r, rrr�n nrT rq/1. ,'nf'1d„p +n,vr, c1111, vvnn +hn' ,-err r7 r'fi „r,^n :i1,. 1,ts,1 ,++h n't4.,,npinlir niar R+.P11 ,n 1 1„Bili.; 1478.. T•n+ n.nrt(1n i11 .'1 c enn,n of .-011,innnl u- '7' }par' t • + 7 fn ,1 18.n1n a1•n: en1 , rr ,,0 xn 'n T, 1 1,11r ,1.R +1 ,,,, ,,, n..S, a (, , - „7, /'rt•n-n, c.in 1 ,+, lvlr('i 11',17II al„1� • nisi 1-rnfl,ren, such filing, 'ought re't/1rr. • . r,T ., -1-41/,;70 o•, , n, nn n. ,,P41” • 7r.:,lpfrt .i -.1 yr, T n r 1 T 4,-<-r1 7in.n. 7SRn{:n 1r � 1.n r111•@1Tne rn- i�73', 010'0111 >+ Tern Ti: TNTT, FON,lir !Tr eftcowl, 1T: nn+., Tl'f Til,{•,. ('x,1110 .( .pill rr1,na A'Mr ;, ef. '7h.Ydnlpli, haye enne to Thlt-ish flohiinbia. A T,TTTTP. S.:0ARJT. 'PrNP 7 -in .11p n nnr•Q l:frTC;.1'194 eo 1pSl,n„q'Sl t T T t 1 p 7x,r,.. len n` nun 41+,0. - • y.177,7,0,1,r1, o 1 (1 r M, 7 • v 1 .TfnrT'n C (? r +1 1 n1 11 anrt T1><r ,a , n n•r nr11- ,•An 1 i41nn 'i,- 1--5. 74 Vr,n i,n ,1 n - 11 :011 a, i,-•, ^a 0„00, ;11-e-, P./T, '/•n7 r,Tooc1 ancTall coin plaiuts Of a slim it- ar bri,P,in.: R(OST;Tc:1'A\1) R1'1'011TS, TYr1 tn 11n , 1 Ts n.n1+ Til7Trrw n Tr 71re+ nn .rfn iner1 t ''r•rnt% n`; 71,0.11^„nt sh (•A 1 Rnrl•..i'• Trrn er,;ra 1rarornn e , x + 1 n �nry us,fiii and goo -7 n n .1, . Lire... A:nu, I L.:r0, 1 oserTslanl, Ont. On Saturday, Dee, 21st, Farm Stock Implements, Household Furniture Sc., on fame of Samuel :Bundle, 1 miles ~vest of Exeter. 1. Bandforii,Assignco; Lewis It Dickson, Solicitor. WBAzty,—In Usborne, on 15thinstr,.the, infant son of Mr. Thos. Wear, aged 1 month ROWTorarra In 'tlsborne, on 1Gth inst., the son- of liobt. Rowtclife, aged 11 months and 2days. L. 0. L Officers. The following is the officers of the different Loyal Orange Lodges in the Biddulph District.— MOUSY LODGE, 121D. W. M. Bro Jas, Gibson; D. M. Bro. Samuel Scott; Char. Bro, David Poul - ter ; oulter; Rec.-Sec. Bro. G albeit Grieve; Fin. - Sec. Treas. Bro. Ninon Grieve; 1) of C. Bro. Wm. Mawson; Lecturer-Bro. Thos.. Smith;. Committee Jas. Long, T. Gar- dner, ar dner, A Grieve, J. Wales, J. Gilbert. TAICIAN Loi a> , 662. W. M. Bro Thos. Coursey; D. M. Bro. Jas. Weir; Rec.-Sec. Bro. Geo. Etodgins, Fin, -See. Bro. IB. Cousre3; Treas. Bro. N. Ryan; Chap Pro. W. County; A of C. Bro. W. Bryant; Committee. W. Carter, E. Gtxilfovl, W. Cunningham, It. GZtilfoyl, Tylers, W, Cooper and J. Atkinson. Dashwood. Mr. William Freid, of Stratford, spent Sunday in our village. ' Ho • was the guest of his brothel in-law Mr. Mich- eal.henn,—Miss Jean Tovell, who for the last two years has been engaged as assistant teacher in school section No. 8, Hay, has handed in her resigna- tion to the trustees of that section, and has accepted a' situation sltuat on Qifered her as assistant teacher in the Wroster school., Miss Tovv11 is an estimable young lady and leaves with good rccommen dations as a teacher. She will be gteatly missed in and around the vil- lage. -The funeral of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Morsworthy, took place on Sabbath last- The remains were carried by four young ladies. Chiselhurst. OBiTutluy.-It is with regret that we have to record ,the death of Frank Mitchell, of Usborne, which sad event took place on Sunday `last. On :Mon- day the remains were interred in 'Mc- Taggart's cemetery, followed;. by , up- -wards of sixty teams. DeceaSed was 16 years -old, a clever boy, and was mak ing rapid progress in his studies at school. the relatives have the sym- pathy of the entire community inthis their sad bcrea remeLt TuAMEETING. —A tea meeting was held in the Meth- odist charch on Thursday of last Week. Despite the bad condition of the e roads, the church was fiiled to its utmost cap- aci ty,Tea was served frorn 5 to 8 o'clock after which Mr. Jas. MtTaggart• took the chair and .a, lengthy programme was disposedfollowing of. the, • ' On p evening ti social was held which was also a success, Proceeds amounted to 862, to be used' in improving tthe ap- poarance of the church. When Baby via; stick. wo gave her Cestoria. When sbowasa Child,aha cried for Castor) When.abe became A1isa, she clung to castorla. When shelled Cbfdren, sire gave them Castor's, NOTICE . A Fresh and. New Stock el Cioes & CoQfloas JUST ARRIVED AT THE Family : Grocery, Also Pure EXTRACTS and SPICES. - - A beautiful piece of glass- ware given away with 1 h of Mayell's .Baking Powder. Das ,wood. Rower Flour For Sale. Call and examine our goods beforepurchasing elsewhere. 0. A. HYNOMAR. HENRY WELLS, Erewer agtI Jilaisier GODERICH, ONTARIO. MANUFACT t ce OF we�s� Colehrateg 0 XXX Porter a Specialty. EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel., $75 to 82 Barley 40 to ` 47 Oats 25 to 25 Peas 52 to 53 Eggs per doz .. 13 to 13 Butter, Rolls 17: to 17 Butter, Crocks 16 to 'r 16 Geese per lie .. 6 to 6 Potatoeser bush.. p EO to 60` Hay' per ton ... n.25 to 10.00 ROYAL HOTEL; LIJCAN, ONTARIO, . I. HODGINS PROP. The Bar supplied with best brands of Liquors and Cigars. DEATI-DEALING DRUG. Such as CaIoanel, Ifospbine, etc., aro rem- edies better left alone.' They often weaken even strong .constitutions. This Burdock Blood Bitters never does,itcontains no min- eral or other poison, and cures all diseases of the stomach., liver, kidneys, bowels, and blood by unlocking the secretions and re- moving all impurl ties. 1VtAKT5 NO DELAY Is a.perfect cure fur coeur and colds, and I can sceoan end llagyai a's Yellow Oil -one bottle of which. ch bared mf 0o avery bad cold. I•WOnld 9a to all sufferers. uff3rers ma Ykeno delayin n using it as it gives quick rel e£ W. 3. KENvy, Stattaville, Ont, 11 Ir. Geo. Porto, of Clandeboye, is danger- ouslyiA,, CLOTHING f M' SIELL, 1\/.L EXETER * ONTARIO Hasno i w n Steck ANDwintil IN THE FOLLOWING LINES ; West of England Suiting% and Tions enings, scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser- lags. rouserlags. French and English Worsted Cloths Ail made up In the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. 3. SNELL. GIDLEY. Tki. 1, "GRADING 'Undertaker AND Furniture Dealer OF THE T -OWN? have an immense Stock of Furniture and'Undertaking Goods uov on hand, which I will sell at right prices. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited.. S. GIDLEY. T7E Central SliaYing Parlor, EXETER, OntaritO. PROPRIETOR. Every Attention paid to Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting. AGENT FOR TEE TROY LAIINDRYX A. Exter Pkoto. 1u!o. Why is it that in other towns and sturounding country they speak so highly of the photo- graphs that are taken in Exeter, And how is it that there are so many photos sent into the different cities of Ontario from EXETER PHOTO GALLERY Because Senior's work is as cod if not better than any of the leading galleries in the cities and their prices are $4 and $5 per doz., awhile they get them at. Senior's for $3.00.; Grand ,. ooh �o tel C2.,1-11TCN , - ON TAR20 Mlaa ged ° and. Inlparoved. 30 rooms elegantly furnished. Tables supplied with all the Delicacies of.tlie season. 3 convenient sample rooms. /louse heated with hot air. Electric -bells throughout. Syi PER DAY. Ti'r' R. J. TUFTS, PROPRIETOR. READ-MARER'S ** NEVER FAILS TO OWE SATISFACTION FOR SALES ESV ALL DEEALERS.'. Furniture and Undertaking. —GO TO-- Rownn Andrews' FOB B -BOON AND PARLOR SUITS, SIDEBOARDS AND EXTENSION TABLES,LOUNGTS AND EASY CHAIRS, The Largest W u erooms in town, Undertaking outside of the Undertak- ers Tung, in ail :its Branches, Qpola day au& z , 'htr STAND—One door north of Mosso is Bank, 1‘14.1N -ST. SER. W. S:.OUTHQOTT Cor. Main and John St. Exeter, Ontario. Has just opened out a full line of FASHIONABLE Fall aid inter TWEEDS, Together with thafllline G T ' FURNISHINGS Silvia as Unlaundred Shirts, White dressed, Regatta and Flannel Shirts, Undcrsvear, Collars- and Cuffs, Ties, Scarfs, Caps, Suspenders, Gloves and. Half Hese. Our prices aro close and liberal to All au' Tweeds cut eed7ccut frree ofl,eeharge. L T. SOV HOOI% MERCHANT TAILOR. MR= SQUARE GENERAL STORE, a ,lee i The undersigned would inform the Public that he has just received his F1. Mill WINTER STOOK, ,Ef''CLUl7ING A FULL LINE OP DRY GOODS, BATS AND CAPS, AND CROCK- ERY, BOOTS AND SHOES. Those wishing anything in my line will find it to their advantage to call and inspect my goods and prices, Hest. Boller Flour always on hand. Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs, and all hind of Produce, J. P. ROSS. (10-22-988.) a. a. MALLAMaE J�erc�agi Tailor. Up stairs, over R Spackman's Hardware Store. Ile has in stock some of the finest Winter goods to Uc - found on the market. - A CALL SOLICITED, J. G. SXALLAGOIVIBE. CITY 10TEL LONDON, ONTARIO. $1 d per ay J. & J. MCMARTIN, Proprietors. Veterinary Dent is trry Theundersigned having purchased a com- plete set of Dental Instrainxents,, and having the necessary experience In that line, wishes to inform the peol>1e of this section that he is fully prepared to execute ail VETERINARY DENTISTRY intrusted to hire on, the shortest notice. Charges moderate, Trial Solicited. WIll,t Sweet/ V. S. DOW I1TGQ PRICES TT In order to make room for our fall purchas- es which are now arriving, we of- fer reduced prices in Zua,mer gess Goads,. Ilfuslins,Frints,,Laoes,Tlrnbroidsoies also balaneaot. Stunner Millinery at coat, SUGARS! We have a quarxtity 0f Sugar on hand which was purchased nefpro the Heavy Ad - wage which we are offering at loss than pre- les.l;o;et in ithCFeareAendarvalues e County. Avail ao ' it lac e don 4 an itis ilccti n v o invited d ~All kinds of produce taken ala exchange. Butter 14 cents ; Eggs, 14 touts. a Ro,ppel lir Qleghorn, zunioB. BiiiBXii,idXtG"?EdiiAl Tile Old Stand E. Ea rir z nR It wan l; you t an easy shave as good as barber ever gave just call at E. II. FISH'S. SHAVING - SALOON At Morning, Eve or busy Noon. Ha will cut and dress the Hair gracefully to suit TE CUSTOMS OF TEE FACE. Ladies' hair dressing done to perfection. Stand near the Post Office. CHRISTIE'S rky met. COMMERCIAL) LIVE RY I'? First Class RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK- SHAW HOUSE OR AT TBE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. 'S®zmm a Meoosaozzo ao Telephone Connection. 12 Pounds OF WHITE For $L 2OIs. Raw sugar FOR $1. AT THE— EsESr Norah J. rllTHEo1 Hsu, B9aT & ETOR E W. H. Trott wishes to announce that he has opened out business in the stand recently occupied by the ADVOCATE, and is pre- pared .. to manufacture first- class BOOTSE T SHOEs for all customers. A CAL"SOLIO{ TED. Our 'motto is good work rk a _.l square dealings. W. FI TROT T .