HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-12-19, Page 4EAT B1 PT S� Over $20,000 worth still to be slaughtered. g THE der 'Atectorate+ iF lei.. SANDERS, ditcar. Thursday, Decorator I9th. 1889. COMINV 110.1(E. An liagarzine published Ito Chicago van_ trd r2inerireu,haa began a savage crtlisade against the Irish.. Quoting' from, M. T. Roved, a :spilus' 'FOT11114• it states that 5.5 per cent of immigration from the mitt$1I Empire to tie United States,a.b percettt. comes from Ireland, To theprieea population of the Repub. lie, the British E aspire furnishes 12.5 per cent. of this 9.2 percent belongs to Ireland. So Americo demands that Islets immigration he eurtasled or L;ven prohibited by legislation, for the dan- ger is, that the war against Goeern- releuts now carried On in. the Monster Isle will he traesferred from England Yta dlle'L-taiitNI Status. £4O,l sterling tills tturni;l slut : buss bet sent' to lzir Parnell to fight landlords, while his ,pwxa ntlatiter is .about to be evicted, for ulcus p:1 tll#Atti ol` alt+tat is America. So it may turn out after all that when our Yankee friends encouraged the feuiaris t) Blake raids on Canada. they were silly a viper that will -*lug at home and ,st.'lading out :t corse which new. seels.s its tune nest to dwell .in. $5,0 0.00 �IAti'IItG BOIIGI-IT THE ENTIRE —STOCK OFeeeee BOOTS 110 SWOES From the James Pickard. Estate, At a nameless figure,1 wilt knock the bottom dean out of Croat Sala IS NOW ON, FULL 7 ��STOCK IN ekTeL LINES. LOOK FOR THE SIGN, P CKMAWS 800T int S80E Ztor: FANSQN$ BLOCK, EXETER. M . SPACKMAN a rs. Tht►rnas I lialg, eL the loth con. v,eeo has been ill for the past •eeke is again leaartiv,a'a+ionift.--Tube, public i11f15�1 i'tltertetaatta'°n c held ill: tate Mown h alL Steria, on Friday evening htsr, vete e greed .toce e, ---Me John lie-, fac'an Fait of ;airs II, McLean, tab the 12 caul., ➢tans copula meed anis apprentice. chip ;i IAldtc'ii.$1444:13 o it:a Nr. re Nichol, AAI t1r`.1rt. —:. Christmas a tree and ee. teeetitlluent itt eolttlection with the Methodist thumb, will be beid In Stalia! on the evening of Dec. 2.ath. et pleas- ant time is expected, as Christmas comp's but once a year. but whelp it comes it brillge Uw111 Cheer—The new sacro IItl Cromarty is ;progressing rttpid Ig. It is expend that it will be in use by Christmas.—Mrs, ki. M. Speen, a ' afartll. vent lana week with biro Wm, Spare. of Cromarty. --Ailsa Minnie McLaren, who has been itt ,Seaforthh for tit pace fats months na the millinery has returned h•glne.®:Iessrs. J. D. Welber and Jannis Miller, who have spent that summer months in Duluth and the 'Soo,'respectiveiv, have re - ,turned horse far thol Minter, nut will sp the long evenings- with their, swot tit'arts. —Mr. i ebelt Nieho, liiiticl:- smith of Staid'a, has purchased out of the finest brick residences in the vil- lage, the one formerly ozeupied by Mr. Muir, who intends moving to Detroit shortly, Notice Tzt t1z(3, matter of of the township ort W,tebb, dealings:, la the County ddlesex. iia,rtxresr, an ixrsal,VeUt. itilONT NAMED I;CSOT.313 w"'S' HAS Wide ana•1sFgneln;at oral), his Estate 4zEtlrlfci„ttto'William Cornish, dr.. of the tivn:+lasi, of' ifsbnrri tut cloy+t:.oaat�� orf _of :srmer i n trust last t?ae 4=1'4 ex his erad- tol�a. ;neeting of said (*liters'sell* held iu be .'Moersvitio Fatal, in the Town;ihi oC dihislulpls, County of Middlesex, on t iAs 24tk THE RUSI ST1LtLt GOt4TINUES. The stream of Customers who daily enter the Old Established House cannot be excelled by any store west of Toronto. Think of it 25 YARDS OF GOOD GINGHAM FOR $1.00. 10 YARDS OF ALL WOOL FLANNEL FOR $1.00. 7 YARDS of TABLE LINEN FOR $1L We knock everything endways for Dress Goods, and in Tweeds we ill give you such tearing value that you cannot resist buying. Ready. made Clothing.xis the line we shine in. AU wool Tweed Suit for $3. Crockery and Glassware in endless variety. Put on your price and carry them off for .the a ' ointmeentt of Inspk ,' appointment Inspectors, arta for t;ivsng directions as to ; he disposal of the estate. Creditors arercquixed to filo their rialtos duly troveu with sane or the said William tuerssisl►oss or before the days of swat moot- . Mr. John ltieG re or,who has been for some time in Manitoba, returned' home last Friday. He brought home with him his son John. who bad been sick. with malarial fever.—Mr. D. Weismil- ler is selling gaff, he has got prices cut away down nearly as low as Exeter.— Mr. Schad'er is buying all the pork that comes along. Harry is a hustler at anything he underta kee.—Tho people of Tuckerstnith are very sorry that their pepular Reeve, lir. R. 13. McLean has &leti.i; cI not t;• neeept the position any more.—The Literary socia)- had its regular meeting on Friday evening, the Mb inst. .1 very it:>'c•re8ting and instructive programme was disposed off, consisting of lnusic,both vocal arid' instrumental, readings &c., and a de• bate took plate on the subject "Resolv- ed that the pen has wielded a greater influence than the sword." The leaders were Messrs. W. Thompson for the af- firmetive .oil Filet. Ste illie for the 1le;ative. After an animated discus- sion a decision was given in favor of the negative, The next meetiu; will be held on Friday evening, the 24th inst. er # Ish will proceed to q)dI tribute the ]said state. ArvinR regard only toss1 eft claims* aArsllall then tsa►vo notice at;anc� he will not he responsible for the asset* of the said ,y- "1 RETI)- prsons tlnypart LAIM reui:to any_Isrrsast or � `� 1` 1 �, w persons whoso claim Or t lttia:s sista rat taloa ?� �� tush e I tea #Flocs. cls, �a�tl�s,Kays, caj Firs a11il Gavels re�arless of cos We are whir ...g on our way to the Grocery Department, virhere we D. get 6 lbs. of Noyoun Young Hyson Tea for $1, which came from the most extreme parts of RJ aapan. Come one, Come all, and if you have not the money bring Produce and get the highest price and the best values. the country for it. CO1iLDTS, tolititorfor Tru . Exeter, December Ilthi,IVa. vo.1• W E!GyT ROYAL POW ie° i esourn v PWK 0 HE .ARIES. Maas Downn wishes to inform the ladles of Exeter anti vicinity, tlu+tt ,she having learned D. Iloosiy+'b from now tailor system of Dreait Cnttirg,oxlo of tho leading dress sand mantle watters,andthat she has opened A► Dress and Mantle This pdwlier never varies. A ma vel 6fx purity.strougth, and wholesomeness, c1!.2roi'ee- ucenemieal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be. sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans; ltoirAL BnRR avis ,lnowi)en CO.,1081vV'all St, NY, No one knows better than tlioswho have need Carter's 'Little Liver .Pills what relief they have giiveti when torten for dyspepsia, clizriness, pat n. in tine side, eonsfipat:on, and disordered stomach. Malting Establishment at the Besideico lately oceupiod by MR. RICHARD 11 on Gidley .street. She will be prepared to receive orders from all Ladles wishing neat am glove -fitting dresses and salts and made up la the latest styles at reasonable prices. Doc.18-Om HOGSWANTEDI. Farmers harry on your store hogs and fat- ten them for the market from January to Juno. We have determined to abandon the packing of dressed hogs in order to make the packing of hogs a business throughout the year. We shall endeavor to buy at whatever the price is, enough live hogs duringthese mouths to run our packing house. s this business is beingneglected during, the late winter and springmouths, we thunk those who have hogs suitable for our requirements will reap a big benefit. We want hogs not less than 130lbs .,andnot over 220 lbs, and will give a handsome price for the same. Recollect we !shall net buy a dressed hog -this whiter, whereas wo packed 15,000 dressed hogs after Jan. ist, last winter. J. L. GRANT & CO., Ingersoll. 11ORTGAEG SALE rtrit Prapity. 0 TTNDE1Z AND BY V iltTUE OF PO w. R OF Le sale, Contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced on day of sale, there will be sold by Public Auction, on Tllrr 10, BO bolt's 'Hotel, Khiva, At the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the following Real Estate, viz:— `All and singular that certain parcel or tract o£land and prenii es, situate,lying and being in the Township of Stephen, County of Huron. andProvinee of Ontario, being core - posed of the Nsi of the NVi of Lot Number 17, to the 13th concession of the said Township of Stephen, containing 25 acres, more or less. unless thexnonies on said enortgage be soon- er paid. This property is one of, the best in the the township and le a fair state of cultivation, There is a nice-fram6 hong° on adze premises; and the improver outs are first, Terme madc known on day of sale. L. H; DICKSON, Vendor's Solicitor, Dated; Nov. 19th, 1583. Exeter TO EU Etaiis1i6i jinn, Eeter. Do ,you despair of burin your sick head aolie when you can so easily. obtain Carter's Little Liner Pills: They will affect a.prompt and permanent Cera. Their action is mild • and iaturtc ...:'.".vas/ •'" •` , We will start a great knock out Sale 116 1311U1 miq 9 I/ ntillh And continue the same for 40 days, and will offer a large stock of Stoves, Tinware, Axes, cross cut Sarva, Lamps and Larnp ( pods, for cash only, at prices that will. knock Bankrupt rates into a cocked hat. This is no bombast but actual facts. A call is only necessary to convince.. Agents for the Raymond Sewing Machine. P. S. All accounts must be settled by Cash or by Note be- fore FEBRUARY 1ST 1890. BIS ETT B O 89 IF YOU WANT— Bnut Cakes, Piga &c,; J. H. N1.;RTHC All the Leading Linel the purest and best m of I� I�:CTIU\E A.LWAYS IN STOOK thgeddifilg Oakes of the finestquality'made on Short r s ticez I Ati TRIAL SOLICITED. .I. H1 NO', THC®TT :TRE .BEAUTIFUL Alb CLEAR CUT or an rA • spa• am u.s Irons, which this paper is printed was supplied by the TT-0WD TYPE ��07 Dealers in. Type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON, S(3 & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. I The famous heavy -bodied Oil made only by McOOLL BROS. 86 Co'TORONTO. me it once and you will use no other. cCoUU's Famous CYLINDER 011 Is the finest in Canada for engine cylinders. L FOR SALT BY ' M35 t`L EXETB 'Y, ONT. B1SSETT BiloBos LIVERY. Valuable Farm for Sale. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN, Orders left at Bissett Bros:' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE, A TRIAL SOLICITED. BISSETT PROS • BOAR FOR SERVICE The undersigned. will keep for the improve- ment of stock, on his farm. Lake oade. a thorough:brpd Berkshire 73oar. Terins $1,00 with privilege of retlsrliin;s•. THOMAS CIiT�T(t, Comprising 100 acres more or loss, being composed of Lot 20, Con 3, `Township of Ste- Ghon, County of 11 son; 11£' miles west oP Xe1 er• On the premises aro a fine Brick Ilona ' 30x10; kite en iGxI8; q,00d shed 10x30, 1wo ;coca�y ells; a fine orchard; 2 barns; driv- ing shed; stable and other' buildings; also a sin all portion of bash on the premises. There is ariv'r running through the bush part which is never clry. The farm is well drain- ed arid in a good state of cultivation. For further particulars, apply to SAMUEL RUNI'LE, Exeter, On Estray CattI'.' Cance into thepremises of the sebscribers; 11 Lots 15 11( 13, eon: Sind, Siicplien, Nov. 28.611.: three yearling steers and six yearling heifers Owners can have thorn b,' proving ,property and paying expenses. ' Anal PIE DIe,TAlin T�$tVi� Me C12At10x, Ct:oetyay, Ontario