HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-12-19, Page 3E 1,480,13 TIMEPIECES. Wonderful Ingettuity of Ancient and Modern Olockteakerin Tula eteionicans sicieltem CLOCK. The ordinefy, everyday tower clock is not Avery complicated piece of machinery. It is in fact an ordinary bottse deck on a big ,lecale, and its multiplication of dials is merelyA matter of pintoes and iadjuetment Of weights. But there are °looks, into Which mob ingenuity and yeere of labor bete been put and a description, however brief, of Boum ot them may be of interim& The old clock of Prague, built by one ainutioh abeot 1470, is one of the wonders ef elmk°1161,011fl ingenuity. The diet Was egg-ehaped and nearly eight feet arose. It was covered with blade, each hand having its paetioular duty te.peeform. So tutu. 'tete was its meobanaro, and SO fearful -were the citizens of Prague that some other city might have a 'similar, or better MO, they declared poor Henneole inane and. put out his eyes. This wonderful dealt tom the anoxia, Years, innathal 40701 benne minutes and aurae. The hone were tolled 94 4 ball by 4 likeletOn. who, as he pulled the repo. added to figure beside him as if to intimate that hie last moment had COMO while the figure ailrugged his ehouldere and looked up piti- LOY as it begging MR/their 10014e4 respite, The Olcalt WAS provided with Nan of the twelve Apostles, ad ICillaterifele Of MI hour they appeared to the opectiktote, " in autos and tigh%a,' ancl performed, a kind of drill Inc the benefit of the citizen!, of Pogue. I think it Is in St. Cathedral, Venice, that a peonliarly dedoned deck to yet to be nen. The diet piste hoor-marke *re the signs of the zoillee and the plume .of Olen:MU, Wile Medan is wetted on* doge over the diet, and, an religions feeti, vale an Angel C99384 Olit, SOON, arid NOWA A trumpet; then the Magi same otit .aud offer nintatione and retire; then two .gionto stymie, lookup at the kvioged lion ot -EX/ark and etrike the hour on * huge AN MrliONCOURAL ODOM The 4StrOIMMICal 01091C of Strasburg is ,vokokigy Om mut famous a the world's eat tipeepleciiia Tho preant clock was begen in 1047 and finished in 1574, Ite kind dasiguere died while it was bade log and Prot. Dasepodine fuddled plan for int completion, ad the WOrk Wall deuce under David AVelkonstein. It is in perfect order tedity. In size it is 80 fees bigh and 15 foot wide at the beim On °noel e windiog end& topped by five Corin- thian columna; On the other aide is s gothic pine; penciled, eaeh panel tilled Idth painting* of human figures. In front of the ben le a huge aloha, allowing the equinexee and relative positions a the ran and moon, while mother arraign men thewe the movements of the pada* fast duty& holy days and feast days. Above diabase ie a doge ou which 'figura repro -- sating the dive of tile week pies in order. OR nebulae of the diet eke a cupid. 000 Wilma the bona and quarters on n bell* while the other reverses an hour glue as the proper moment. Above is the diol with the zodlaoal Ogee and which allows the moon's plume, and eurmoutitIng that a cabinet ot automate then Repot: at noon. At 11.15 a cupid tape tbe bell, and from the upper cabinet a little child teddies out with a wand and etrikea one on a bell and retiree. At the sand quarter Youth names note and with o ehophaddi atelf twined witn /lowers, strikes two. At the third Outer Manhood strides forth, drikaa tbe bell three heavy blowo with bia mope and leaves. Twelve o'clock aeea a ottering figare—Gld Age—hobble out, give the bell form clumsy taps with ita crutch and "drew off the stage. Then the akeleton Death, which has been looking on all the time, mina hie baton—a human feinur—and 'slowly strikes the hour of 12. While this goo on the twelve Apostlea pass in order before the Salon& who blessea each and a cook, Verona on the Gable pillar, crows lustily three tittles, one cupid etrikee the bell and the other reverses his hour glum This is probably the most complicated and wonderful cloak in existence. There is a clock in Paris which onside of a glass dial and two hands. The hands are balanced by a ball on the short end of each, and in these balls, whieh are only .about an inch in diameter, is contained the mechanism of the clock. You Can, tarn the hada to any point you like, and on re - leash% them they will awing back, assoillate dor a moment, and then show the correct time just as if they had not been touched. There are some very beautiful and inge- niously contented cloaks made in Paris and Vienna. I eaw one a few yeas ago in winch the only evidence of motion, save .the movement of the hands, was the per- iformanoe of a oat that at intervals cau- tiously extended her head and snatched with her paw at an almosttoo.venturesome mouse, whose tail alweye disappeared just in the nick of time down a hole in & corner •,of the strueture. Another olook presented 4 very rotund man eating potatoes with evident gusto, but, judging from the man- ner ie which he rolled his eyes, he had 4101)2.3 diffioulty in swallowing them. THE WORLD'S GREATEST c1.00E. The largest olook in the world is in the British House of Parliament, the train being fifteen feet long and five feet wide. The dials are 180 feet from the ground, and are 22n feet in diameter. The Cathedral at Matinee has a larger "dial, but has only one hour hand. The minute hand of the Weetminster cloak does not proceed regu- larly, but at its point jumps nearly seven inches every half minute.. It telegraphe its time twice daily to Greenwioh Observatory. The dial train is wound weekly; the strik- ing train twice tt week. The hour bell is nine feet in diameter and weighs fifteen tons. -"It is distinctly heard at ten miles distance. The quarter hour bells weigh 8,000, 3,700, 2,800 and 2,300 pounds reapeotively. The olook has been running since 1859, and cost, with the belle, 5110,000. The striking movement cost 020,000, and that of the hands and did& 626,500. The ',Columbus Cloak," made in Col - embus, Ohio, occupied eight years of its builder's life. It is eighteen feet high by eleven long at its base. It shows the earth in WI diurnal and annual movements, end the position of the planets in tlaeir orbits, together with miniature modele of the signing of the declaration of independ. once, Lincoln emancipating the dime, a walking man, etc. There ie a ()look in Hazelton, l'a.'which shows forty-eight moving figures. It gives all the planetary movement', the moon's phase% Youth, Manhood, Old Age, Time and Death, each performing a part. Christ .and Apostles, the three alarm Satan, sentinels, and figures which play on the harp and organ, the battle of Monmouth, and Molly Pitcher and her water -keg. These figures perforce almost incredible move- ments, among them being the Temptation and Peter's denial of the Saviour, the latter act being marked by the crowing of a cook while Satan appears tit an open window, rubs his hands and milea gleefully. Tnn BITTEHHousE OLoCE. 4 Ti:e Rittenhouse Clock," owned by a well-known Philadelphia editor, who lute a taste for orgiositieti and the wealth to indulge it, ia perhaps a mereingenhene wOrk then eome I have mentioned. It has Biz aisle, One shows seconds, hours!, minutes, day e of week and month, correcting itself for leap. year variatione and giving the moon'e pbasea ; the seoond ehews the movements of the planet', (emit being represented by a golden ball ; thethird shows the moon revolving round the earth; the foOrth shows Saturn on hie 29 -year orbit; the fifth, keeps son time ...prepared with meridian tittle" the sixtla regulatea the °libelee and gives' the choice of tem tutees any one of which may be repeated by pressiost a knob on the dial. A Riede° legend 'tells oe or a dot* owned by a pellicle Of the far away times. A large gong hung by the dial, and before it A groat beep et human bones, in all enough to make twelve oomplete skeletons. "When 'the hapie of the clookinakete the hour prone," Bays the legend, "out from the pile crawled Aret the number of parte needed to form the frame of one Men, part coming to pert with a• quick click; and, when completed, the figure *rang up, geieed a mallet, and, wallsieg up to the gong, etruelt 900 blOw. Thi e &Me, he retailed to the pile and fell to pieces, again. When 2 o'clock came, two men arose and did likewise; and at the lame of noon and midnight the entire heap sprang up and, marching to the gong, struck one after another his blow, making *Wave in ail; then, returning, fell to piecee as before." Nowadskys we have 490114 &IVOR by widen by oompreesed air, duke imaged so 44 to rewind, themeelvee by on Me co*. rent carried through a fine. Recently * Catiodia, Mr. Oeerge Hem Of Zurich, obtained ie patent for on dectrie clock. In ell probability, however for ante time to mine the 'propelling ismer of oux big cloche will be ot the hind that requirea daily or weekly expenditure of energyto be dared up in weighte ond pad on by grav- tetien, int al in the docks of the fifteenth fleannetz. araohlons for Wen. The four-in-hand is growing in fear and in width. Those great big thiable eoirte amp highs but they are atunuing. A. boom in aced pine boa eet in at this partionlerly festal time of the year. Purchase the lergent bleak Chin eilk handkerchief you on tied, and you, bove the very beet *tillable snuffler. The made up neekwear partekee of the concoct areanementadistio evolutionn and the biff par toady are bigger and bade soma thin aver. The lighter Nandi; at thistle, ash and oilc Are sueoeufullyiroate4 with ortiote deoora- tine in alive; and many artietio walking ;kick examples are thin witted. Remember That, no matter bow audio the fold er bow the real niu le imented, the heed of the pin mast tinily fall in the centre of the scarf. This is au-thentio and irrevocable. That more motel and °Waive article, the umbrella, is offered in multiform design, caloulated to plane the faney of the moat exeding purobasen—Olothler end Fare - liken The tendenoy la growing toworde the able matte; knowledge of the various Van is being ail:feud, and thebuyere are °bowing an inclination for better and bigher priced goode. Now, too, is the lierveat time for tho strictly gifk genies of cane and umbrella. The line in both these beanabes grows anapicionaly ohowler about the first of November. There is a wide opportenity of selection in the matter of handkerclaiefa from the grotesque and richly fanciful to the sieve rely plain hemstitched in silk and linen. The tendency seeing to be for thegukiter effect,. The eared pin positively mint not be introclutied in the Took soar?. Ina four-in- hand it is ithxdaeible and is inserted upon the lower edge of the erns fold, upon the reason or pretence of holding the knot in form. In the made up imitation there is no ultility in the scarf pin's presenoe and the combination is a moat flagrant solecism perpetrated in tbe spirit of a cheap longing for dieplay. Methodist Book Concern. Yesterday the centennial anniversary of the United States Methodist /3ook Conoern was celebrated by commemorative sermons in many thousand Methodist pulpits. The Book Come= is one of the largest publish- ing houses in the world. Its main bust - nem is eituated in New 'York, where there has lately been completed for its me a fireproof building meting 51,200,000. It began a hundred year ago with a borrowed capital of 0600. Its proftte during the last fifty years have exceeded 54,000,000. Last year it furnished 0100,000 for distribution amongthe superannuated preachers of the denomination. The Book Concern is man- aged by a committee of clergymen ap- pointed by the Quadrennial General Con- ference. They have a branoh book publishing house in Cincinnati, and news- paper publishing houses in Syraouee, Pitts- burg, Chioago, St. Louis, San Francisco end other cities. The number of religious hooka published, and perioaioals, weekly, monthly and quarterly, is very large, and Shat the businese operations have been and are ably handled the growth and prosperity of the Concern demonstrate. A. Dream. Cincinnati Friend (to Chicago bride)— Did you enjoy the journey, Clara? Chicago Bride—Oh, yes, indeed. Cincinnati Friend—Is the scenery beau- tiful? Chicago Bride—I did not notice the scenery very much, but those seventeen tunnels are a perfect dream. --as-- Paradoxical. "Thi' is something rare," said Bingley, as he sat at a restaurant table. "What is that ? " "/ asked for a eteak well done and got it." She Called the Dog. Tramp—Good morning, hind lady. Lady—Here, Tige, here 1 Tramp—Don't rush the growler, ma'am [I've just had a glass of beer. It's bread and meat I want now. It is rumored from abroad that P. T. Barnum is very anziorts to return home with a title. The faat that Edison WaS made an Italian count excites his ambition. How would the title Lord Jumbo, of Bridge. port, emit the veteran ehowraan.1 Secretary Blaine is in very good health at present, and Walker Blaine is doing the invedid aot for the family. Washington has never agreed with Walker Blaine. He has a tendency towards malaria and in (damp Weather the air of he capital is apt to give him intermittent chills. It iS proposed by the Caledonian Railway Company to promote a Bill in Parliament next session for leave to construct an under ground railway between Edinburgh and Leith, by way of Princes street and Green. side. Under this scheme the West °oast trains will barna direot to Leith, whit% will then be the Caledonian terminus for the east of Scotland. THE FAIR WOMEN 01? TURKEY. EnlanO1P*434 from tbe Pacixmak;" They wow Drees Like re'lld°nable European*. DdifElifid IiIPS IN OONSTARTINOPLE. Row the Ottawa* Dame aud,,Betaeiselle Look aud Act—Intrigues Threegli Street ihnitee Cerrespondenee of the London Now. CoNSTAliTISOVLE, Nov. 10, 1$89. There has been a great change for the better in, Constautinople. Not may years ago the street@ Were the worst a any ancient city in the world. It was mud- ingly diffioultto navigate & carriage through their tortteme windings and. amoog the army Of inapipent sidewalk vendors, who claimed the right to blockade teac pretty muck as they plefteed. With a donkey ann 4 good guide you might VOIseibly have got through with some delay; but on horse, back, or afoot unattended, auch n thing Wita out of the question. Even the Pashas had their footznen to run ahead isea clear the way for them through elm leased and turbaned population. And, then there were many (=don and purely oriental eights to be seen. %het are rave now. On the street you would ran Acme 4 90101/ler mending the ehoee of the pitied -me while the into!' waited humbly by; while over yonder might be WM A VT94044194 Of 194VOIRait whztefeezed mid bearded /tricot*, or per - here if it were the done of the lidrein feetiVal#a jolly.00mpeny !et Mandate= in gaudy robes etnoying eh= holiday. Perhape the. mod pletureneue and at- tratia future IA the Ottoman oepidei to Wenger, beeenee the mod =Indy& ie the women. The western gunpoint geene with Galan, eyea 04 the (belted ond hooded agora ha gen on the Orate and woodcut how they would look if garbed like the wiveo end maiden of the Ohmura. S9MO of the women one eon are dossed with rare netted& and theirfine, Introit& varhoolored dike eldramer in the enn Os they move by. They are from Rause& the old capital, where nli their dinky it Ofrirgit itt bah dreee and walk, and it would deo wax that the eultielen attend. ant en the domentio life of the Texhiett ladies does not apron the natural ten. deny of the 040 aviary. The pen of ea that flab out /tout am the sop of the opperent yealunak are welt drilled end very eloquent. S. =wen TAW en rio)re. Itt the household the TOrkiell WOMSUI is timing eimple mutate Skate not unlike the nothing Or Ilionlidanal and Florida. /*heaved the IMMO dark rick. complexion, reply, footnote iund deep, luminous eye* ono Ands in the Sonthera States of Amerloo, with the Aleut a pen. oiled eyebrows and keg, oweeplog. lane. i5 is a moaner of ourpriee to the mita to game Turista* betties to find tbe raiatran, end her daughters so foleakinued. Their complexions are of Met rich, trapper:eel type one sea iri eouthern Europe, oll the wee)? from Iffedrid to Florence. During our visit to the hone° of Ben Ali Bel, alluded neer the morgin of the blue Besphoras, we were intreicluced to Fannin the principal wife of the officio'. She came into the aloe and stood haulms navelied and brilliantly attired itt the (Iron Of a Turkish lady of duke Xnatead ot the customer)" fa, oho wore a Greek cap, and in her amen ewe wore enormous ornaments• that might have served for old-fashioned broodier. The &inlet tenet eves reagni, neat affair* covered with /ape int which booty gdd thread was prominent, and the cleaves were embroidered with the memo rich material. Her sash was at terheolored silk and hung in a largo bow behind. Tho national assume was completed by the bifuroated trouts, which were simply appalling to weatern gee in their gorgeous. nese and dimension& Gathered at the ankles, they disolosed an aneedingly meet. wily of dune of a white and silver material shot looked like burnished kid, and which were d000reted with red silk, needs& The whole costume was highly &taupe and added not a little to the brilliant effeat of the vivid colors in tbe seism, the Janitors in which was beautifully carved in dark wade, somewhat like rosewood or old mahogany. YBEEn011 ZnOti nem= After our greeting coffee was wad in ape little bigger than walnuts. They were the tiniest vessels ever platted to my lip& Still their contenta—dark, sang and odorous, with a thick sediment—were most refreshing. Then we drew up to the rctarble basin in the middle of tbe room, and each took a whiff or two of the narghileh ; for the Turk never considers you his &meet till you have smoked a pipe under his roof. After that ion are his sacred charge. Such is the hospitality imposed by the koran. Then candies were handed around on curiously wrought trays of silver, and we all fell to chatting again. The ladies of thehousehold were not so shy as at first. One beautiful girl—Zelve, the daughter of our host—sat in a graceful attitude on the divan and chatted in an amused a/iv with my companion, who acted as interpreter, casting ocoasional glances of curiosity at the visitors—two Americans and a German—and was evi- dently intereated in the dress of our little party. The Turkish demoiselle was robed in a long, flowing house-gowrt of silk that reached below her knees. A jaunty tasseled fez of crimson plush sat on her dark hair, and in her left hand she held the unfailing nargbileh, or water -pipe, whioh she had been smoking as we entered. All the tal was of the feativities attending the visit of Emperor Wilhelm, iu which the ladies evidently took quite as much interest as the men. The girl was about 15, although she was as well developed as an Atmerioanmies of 18. On the street the Ottoman dame is less distinctly oriental in appearance than at home amid her servants, and were it not Inc the ever:present yashmak and the many -hued ribbone and trimmings, she might pass in a crowd of Europeans with- out attracting muoh attention. Indeed, the higher class of Turkish ladies dress quite a la Parisienne. French 'shoes, a hand. some Parisian parasol and a long Silk cloak gathered about the shoulder and reaching to the feet, entirely concealing the dress beneath, complete the costume., The white veil swathes the face and neck and servos the double purpose of a modest conceal- ment and a cool neckerchief. It is only Lair to say, however, that the yashmak, is gradually becoming more and more trans- parent, and that every Itnearaent can easily be traced through its gossamer fable. So light a face covering does not inipOse any restraint on conversation or breathing, and in the dusty and unwholesome streets of Constantinople is a positive benefit, keep. ing the dirt from the lungs. OulliosiTiEs Or COSTUME. Among the wives of the poorer tease of Turkish citizens the yashmak is even more of a make-believe. It becotnes simply a meagre square of muslin Or some gauzy stuff; generally white or grayish, and is the merest shadow of its predeeessor, which a Woo a formidable affair of many foldO, entirely obscuring the whole face, with the exception of the eyes. The headeiress im usually white, and covers the hair altogelber, • leaving only the flee free. While Among ladie0 of wattle the black °leek has been supereeded by the more fashionable diiiman sr pelisee, among the middle-claes women and the r the sombre garnaent stilt holds its owu. One meets baggy -looking ereeturea hidden in its folds front head to foot, and not a feature poisibly a single (IQ ONO shinell out from the black, boo like a daelly amp. It will be many yeere before the ungainly oloals retieek before the. more faehionable garments of western Europe, for all the Tarim, except the Obeid class, are very poor, and the big cloak hides a multitude of ehortoominge. Diephonen veile, high -heeled oboes and elipinta. Atte dressee a.nd Europeen etylee halting to the owners of palaces and titles, Wbeee mistreSeeli never leave home unattended, and whose Nubian Orb trotting behind re- mind the denerieen welter of the custoui of the Southern States in ante-haw:a daha- A picturesque fedora in, the eteeete of Constantinople tiod, Pere is the wandering namileian. Tie in generally a bashi-bazoult —a libeletj from the Consorts. Groupe of them odchleshieg fellow in their queer, outlandish dreasee, may bo san on the street corners end. near the public) squares ttoillog to he Jolted to play for the defects- tien Of SoMo Ofa0fIril household. Carrying 44 43114y weeponi as 91401041 ittetrainelitEfr 11 is puzzlieg to a. stranger to decide whether they ;neon to pity or fight, for they look *golly ready to do either. They MOO trona Asla Magri and belellg 40 a Men that was at olio time the terror and 0,00arga of the Whele Ottoman Empire, bet tneY ere elthieeted now. A Penman head - dread. a Ttirkish jaeliet, iteMeitile45413ell ot many bide of colored cloth, he which are stair angel -in and ,yalaglaana and Paid& Leggin like those wale by SIViSS ninnU. talneer9 and cora siowbide Awe oomplete the 40004$11 garb ofthme wiki.iookiccg men. Their music is ike weird as theirappearanee mci 0431 oely be endured by the Tarlke themaelvea. It remieded ree of the die, ardent strain I once heard in a Chinas theatre itt Sim Fianoiao, or 01 a svg.V 4030 among the Apache Indiana. Ateeng other odd chevatere to be met bore ore the moody -miler, the itrrnenten porter, end the dust oath& The find is ista loatitntIOR earCiAlly :Mired ..by the !Wine, fo.r the average Tared* woo, and even the metros, eat eandy oontinuelly. They *to fonder of awootrooRia ;but the ea chewing and bonberelating American idle. Tise result ot tbia is OA% wblvt h fig -peat& sugared almoude and planes teeth of the felt aabjecte of the Suites; very had way. Not 5 per cant, the Turkish wonted hive ;found toeth at 20, and they paint them blikelt a to dieguiee the diefignatiou. IN rixtraro,T4 CUM. The dad scribe ia * person of 'report. ance. You con ilad him on every other corner, writiog to ehe dietitio,re of some official, or, it may be, some tailed or hooded female who withea to eend a mein cage to her lover. Very few of tho popula- tion owe oble to either read or write, said *big ignoranoe extols even among the ofticial oldie to a surprising extent. A hely goes shopping, and elle takes the oppor tuniey to fiend a note to some &evolution wbile she la ont, or to add ;mother link to SOMO loved(' intrigue; a Man witho, to tell hie friend that he cannot meet him as arranged, end he duo it through the same abikenel. The soribe ie both Secretary and neeeeeager, for be has to deliver tbe note, ancl read it to the person to wham It is addreseed.'irine a man of secrete, and being an Arrnenlint belays them well, for 15 Is cbaracteriatio of the Armenians that they are to be traded shove all others. The street porters aro all Armenians, and very honest fellows they are too. Ono who carried my baggage noarhy four squares en Isia hack made the very modoet (huge of ono lire for tbe aortae& "We can send theta anywhere with gold or valuables," explained an oftiobal, "mid they Inver go amiss. I1 a banker wishes to mend a bag of money soros] the Waite he battle it with the &dards to the porter and Yugof will deliver it eacredly, Without the Ion of a °Din." The moat detested yet not the last oar- vieseble, perilous here are the eunnobs. A eunuch more or leas makes no differenoe," they told me. "You might kill one with- out any fuss being made about it, but you may not even touch XL dog" And it is true. There are still quarters both here and in Pere where a stranger may not venture lest be be eaten alive by the thoneande of evil.looking curs whose lives are held sacred. The doge are pro - tooted by the koren. Seine parts of the city is fairly given over to them. Be- tween doge and dirt find begging dervishes, who spring at you from bidden corners, and who may be seen performing in a fanatical and frenzied way whenever a crowd Can be attracted, there is little to attract a visitor to the thickly populated sections of the town. They are not quite so bad at Perin bat here they are a ma'am*. Blew VON M. Dig Legacy. St. Andrew's University, ailed by the London News "the oldest and most inter - eating and poorest of Scotch *Universities," has received a legaoy of £100,000 from an obi graduate, John Berry, who made a for- tune in Australia. In fact, John left his bountiful mother a round quarter of a mil- lion, but his generosity was tempered by his brother, to whom he gave the power of modifying the gift. Hitherto the profes- sors of St. Andrew's have been poorly paid, and it has even been hinted—but this is probably a little hnmorone exaggeration— that they have been paid partly in stringy fowls. It is to be hoped that as the "plain living" improves the "high thinking" will not suffer e decline. Down to the City on Monday Morning. ' malEfide7Where are you going my pretty She—"I am going after 19.aent. ribbon, 29 -cent. stockings, 39 -cent. cashmere, 49. cent. silks, 59 -cent. velvet, ,69 -cent. gloves, 79.cent. hats, 89 -cent shawls, 99-oent. um- brellas and all the other bargains in the papers, sir," she said. Though it blooms on many a patriot'i nose, the rum Wesson' cannot. quite yet be called the National flower. A weltknown London journalist, a man of culture and ambition, is having his eld- est soh educated to be a. cook. The boy has been trained by a famous chef at.Brussels. He afterwards studied under the ch,ef of the Grand Hotel, Paris, and has just been ap- prenticed for three years to M. Charpentier, chef of the Savoy Hotel, London. Minister—Who endeavored to walk on the ocean and went down because be had not faith. Boy—Oh I know; that was McGinty. James Whitcomb Riley, the hoosiee rhymester is a bachelor, and receives an offer of marriage about once a day. It is for this reason that he is ashamed to look a millinery store dummy itt the face. ONLT AN oysysit, yet xt made 'Ming* Levan for aat Mau in a Chicago Restaurant. Last night a fat man, wearing a low- necked shirt with et tura•down polio three ;sisal' too large for hire, sat clown to a table itt 1k Clark street reetattraot sod called for et plate of raW oysters. Efe got them- cold and juicy right off the foetal:id, harpooning a fat one with big fork, be lifted it toward his mouth. Rut the slippery, alimy, chitin bivalve dropped off the fork before reaching its destination, carromed on the id man's chin, and then slid down ineiae Of hie shirt 44110 POemw etleelm atbar incident. The Obese gent himeelt didn't see it, but he felt that 803336 - thing hgla happ011ed and that he bad arrived at a °ride io his life, A pained, startled exprandon rested for a moment On lois face; then with a 10W, plaintive Wail of heart -breaking agony he half xoee from Ine choir and. clapped bie hand ork his stoma*. He *truck the oyster, but that coy oreitude wike 000 Of the MOSt alert and agile Of Its species, It at once changed its base on ateeorlOainkftliheeirtems8Z% aWidci :trdpallenVOW:frdP14111,1" toting bosom, leaving a trail Qf vette frigidity in its wake, sioci took up new gaartere in hie lett ampit„ With a wild bowl of pieguieti the uobappy proprietor of the oyeter leaped We feet in ;below, uttered another yell like a wild West Indian, and commeneed to worn hie arm often the menner at a bitglipe meeicien. The oyster got excited aid etatted again on ita trade, bue was apperently uneble to aloof' ▪ permanent locetien. After making several blind radio/it halted for a moment tenor e allort rib near the opine to catch its amend wind. The nufertnnate fet MIR WWI now in * atate of mind bordering On Ineellity. He kicked owe hie choir, yelled and aworee webbed hinnielf in freak end behind* mod on bothaide?'roiled up his eye& frothed ot the mouth, ood epun round liko * top. But the .slippery bivalve was now there ougnabierattewtitote.ed, and l000ted here and there like 4 Streak Of greased lightning, taking greet patine not to travel over Ibe ame gro*` 408 get A tit I" iiereemed i wild -seed manemaltieg a roh for the door, with napkin inked under hie chin, d lee either diet or he's etre beide o bbs olotholik" (mid another pale -fiend diner* edging *way from the aufferer, " For nuiron'e aim hike biro. off, some- body; demo I" wailed thestricken ran *e he threw up both bands and eat down heavily on the floor. When the victim of miepliced refresh - mate etruck the fica the oyster shot oat of the beck of his nook like a bullet. hit tbe ceilingerith is equeeby plunk. and then bit beck amiS hang limp and Moles; from the chendelier. The tot rain's physician says the pitied will remover !torn hie attack of narV044 prostration in a few days.—Chicago Timer. roue iluedreit Tboumandehrtatraaa Twee& Chttal matt trees ought to be cheep in New York this year unless a trust is orgonized to control time evergreen market. In the town ot Orlend, at the mouth of the Ponobent, a Rockland Arra has o large crow of en en employed in cutting An trees end expect to ship 400,000 to the metropolis between now and the middle of December The firm pay about half a oent & tree for the privilege of cutting the fire, and all the expends exoept the treighting are small. The trimaran:4a from five to thirty feet in height, but the greeted demand is for those measuring between five and eight fee& Tbe bushiest and most symmetrioal trees bring the best prices, and thee° are found in abundanoe along the edges of (he woods, There are 'enough young fir frees along the Penobscot river to lowly the world with Chriatma evergreens for (tenurial to oome.—Bangor geoid fn the New York Sun. Kissing at is Riming. An American paper, speaking of the Boatoniane, says But the kiss I Well, it'a a fair and aquae mouth to mouth transac- tion. No Poniel-Forrest left cheek delivery,* or Xary Andereon false shot clear of the target. Neither le it (he severely kind cow:maid= a la Illoajeeks of half a lip or so ; nor yet the motherly caress cif Ianausehek. These Bostonians lila& as if they liked it—as birds would kiss if their bills were shorter. Neither nuts in the faintest semblance of an alibi. The blitah- ing maiden meets the ruebbashing wooer halfeway—more, perhaps, to make good the blushes. Four lips meet —islet for an in - sant the current is as ew'ift as the thrill of a ir dead wire '—there is areport like the popping of a chempagne cork, a flash and a blush, and all is over—for that time." Mental Exertion. "Do you know,' eaid a young woman to Gas De joy, "that Mr. Smith boarded 'at the litt1318 hotel with papa and mamma and me this summer?" ei No—did he?" "Yoe; and he's awfully nice." "Is he?" " Yes ; indeed. One day be found rue asleep in the hammock and told mamma I was like the sleeping beauty." "Did he?" "Yes; don't you think that was nioe " "Quito a napped comparison," said Gus, and then he went and tied hie head up in Wet towel. Hard Luck. "What has happened to you? You look so vexed ?" "1 should say so. This morning 1 was just going to be very angry about some- thing, when some one spoke to me, and I have been trying the whole day to think what I was going to be angry about, and I oan't do it.', mbrvoito AND LPATA. Lord WOISeler% X*Sinlate of the centre Eigures or the Vila War. The perusal of then patient has revived my reMenabrernee of this great struggle and of the impressions it left npon cne st the time. The roatine of military dutyhad stavioned me in the neighbering Dominion of Canada While thirs mighty fight wan going on. It itt not easy to deseribe the breathless interest and excitement with winch front month to mouth, almost from day to day, we Engliele soldiers read and Studied. every report that could be obtained of the war as ihprooeeded. No doubt many of our impression e of the fate, as we re - vetted them at the moment, required to bet arrested by anbaegnent inveetigation, 15 tabu, a long lime before the fade can bo, eroug threehed out from the mikaa of evideries bearing upon the complicated. vv9nta of a genet war that spread over * no, ty continent. Nevertheleiw, ,532 ons eeepeot, at ail events, the brood irapresdonst Shen formed Are con0rmed by the condi:L- eine since arrived at, both from the more elaborate bieteries and from thin meek valuable series of papers. I refer to the opinion that, amid the crowd e of able nine of galled eoldiere, and of clever statesmen 'whom tbe epoch of the American civil war produced, She two men. Abraham Lincoln, and Robert Lee, stand out a bead and shouldera above all others. Neither ot them were tea from human error. Er- perieli00 and the teechinif of hittorf warn tut that perfection is a myth. Rut how great were both of Shea two greet men in, their antral epberes l Bow moth*, how wise, how seltreetride' ed, bow generate, bow large in their video, ad how grendly patriotic,, as each understood PATIO:ions-I --41rtfoZo in North 4merican Review. Grim Glee. Dolly:—I don't see how there can be any humor in your profession. Doctor—Why my dear, a miser died on my hands last week, and I had to give the cause of his death on the certificate as en- largement of the heart. A, review ot fire losses' for the United States and Canada printed by the New York Commercial Bulletin gives the follow-, ing totals tor the first ten months of the year named: 1887, 5102,953,325; 1888, 5104,595,520; 1889, 4104,562,850. These figures show a ()talons coincidence, consid- ering how largely fires are the work of ac- cident. Jinks—Winks must be doing finely. He tells me he has a country house and a city house. Binke—He has. He takes care of my country house in winter and my city house in summer. Mrs. 13orirap —I do wish, John, that you would get me a new winter wrap, my old one is a sight to behold. Mr. Sorinap—H'ro. Can't you wait m little while longer, Lo it oan pass as a Christmas present? --' The proper place for noodles is in the soup," say s our private Chinese phil- osopher. --Priem Albert Victor of Wales will visit Burmah during his journey in the East. A loittle fiirre awake. Little Lizzie may not hive Made such * mistake after all, when she told her plAy. mite that niananikt was ever so ranch better ainoe the began taking "Golden Medal Dis- oovery." Lizzie meant Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Diet:revery, bat many* restored sufferer has felt that the disooverer waa worthy of n golden medal. Better than alt tne =dale, m tbe ormaciousnees that gam. - ARO Ot 044sti of Consumption, 44 Liver Qom - paint," Raney Diensee, and diadem of the blood, have been cured by it. Lizzie* mamma, was one of 4 oonntlese army whet bete leaned by egericatne lbe vidsuee the "Dieoevery" tor diseased Liver* sod, coneaquent impure blood. It urea all Skive Soalp end Scrofulous Affection., Salt. rheum, Totter, Er,yaineles, Boils and kin- dred aihnente. II is the only medicine of its clan add by armlet& under a xositive guarentoo tbat it will benefit or cure in all nen of disease for which it is remora mended, or money paid for II will be re- funded. Inert the Dorty.Sccond Itighlanders Mad. the Worst *115. "When the Forty.seoend Highlanders, or Bleck Wet*, tended in 001CUtta 111 thit end ot 1857, tbey were marched to the. Scotch Kirk on Sunday in their full dress, with kilts and bonnete, to the great admiration of the publio. Butthe ennui. toes from the 'age tank near the kirk emelt fresh blood, and it:valet the oared building, and soon found their way to the unprotected parte of the Efighlondent lego, espeoially About their naked knees. For a while the men endured it bravely. Theo ona tioldier ond nut Another began to slap at the mosquitoes, until so many of them were fiercely plopping at their knee* that the noise overwhelmed the preacher's tons, and he stopped bia disoourae, no that the men maid be marched away to their barracke.—Zongnian's Magazine. Dr, Pierce's Pellets, or Anthhiliorur Grantee, Laxative or Catharic awarding to size of dole. Purely vegetable. Money '011.11r11113111. A great lawyer 'hiving died, some one asked Daniel Webster how much of an . Mate he left. The answer came qui* r " Like all great laivyers, he lived well and died poor." This was called to our mind by the remerkable statement lately =Wein a newspaper that all men of intelleok accumulate property. Everybody known •that money sense frequently, sathough not alwaye, goes with a low order of brain.— Dayton (Ohio) Democrot. Don't hawk, hawk, and blow, blow, dia- gulag everybody, but me Dr. Saone Catarrh Remedy and be axed. 11..11.0•11MM! Johnny Doesn't See the Point. «rn, Johnny Henpeck, who wears the trousers in your hone ? " "Pint me fader hes 'em, 'n then I git Jew. rfooring His Va. Johnny—Say, pa, are you in favor of the. Bible in tbe publio sohoole Father—Of course. Why do you ask? Nothina. Only I notice you never have one in the house." An A.pproprlate Name Jones—Sey, Browne, why do yoa call your eldest boy Telephone? Browne—Because he never works. Husband (with a my-naother'e-never- did-air)—Phew 1 how the ohimney smokes Wife (oalmly)—Well, that's a common/ail- ing Bat the chimney has an advantage over some smokers, it don't cost it 25 cents every whiff. —Te Prince of Wales, on his present trip, drinks nothing but German miners' water. Mr. Stanley is expected to vend Christ mas either at Zanzibar or Mombassa, whera he will be welcomed by Oolonel Ewan Smith and George Mackenzie. Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain, nee Endicott has left London with her husband and skeet children for a winter in Egypt Chrietmae will be spent at Luxor on the Nile. Ignatius Donnelly is said to be a dist- appointed men. He had confidently ex.. petted that the world would accept hie Baconian cipher at once and shower upors its discoverer the wealth and fame he lenge for: But instead of taking Donnely eerie OUElly the world is inclined to look upon. him as a brilliant humorist. D is strange that Donnelly should not be satisfied with, this reputation. D 015 1, 51 89. ' A GENTS MAKE $100 A MONTIT ..C1. with as Scud Mcfor terms. Aeolorta rug pattern and 50 colored designs. W. & la BUSH, St. Thomas, Ont. 1NC DER THE COOK S BEST FRIER