HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-12-19, Page 1VOL. III. "A UNITED CANADA AND BRITISH. CONNECTION," EXETER, ONTARIO, TITURSDAY, DECEMBER 19,. The Molsonls Bank. (Chartered by Parliament,.ie55.) Paid up Capital, . «.. < . $2,00Q,000. Rest Fund , . , 4000,000, Head of ,ce Montreal, WOLFERSTAN TROMAS, Esq.; GENERAL 'MANAG 7R. Twenty Branch. offices in the Demaniori• Agencies se the Derailiit n,1T. S. and Europe. QpeR Overt i&vrfnt day from 10 a, auto 3 Ix atn Ieys AQ a. m. to It p, nr, A. general banking business transacted -Four per eaut.,o{a},.e' �ajriuu s aline far an4ney Can Deponit itheid at1.. B» , ARCHER, Exeter, Jan 2S','SS: Mattaet;or, TRderF Ix pilbiiehedImm Thursdaarllaraiixi>;, at the Wave. 'ss a-1v,5TREF w. EXETE ` TERX$ Or SUOSOUTPTIQit. One Dales per annum, if TAU in, Albano $140 if not so paid. .-r Ott. oxz ,22.r3i- IMMEN ,loom expressed themselves wolf sat- ishedwith the standing of the set ooi,. The musica. l part of the programme as ally sustained, by the', sses Hor amef Staffs, Mr. and Miss Sanders and hers This t`throl is in a fleursiaing nditien and ale people of 'this section ay congratulate. themselves on the. fortune of having secured rvices of such. an efi<icielat and taking teaehrg as lair. Arthaz t lobi Martins has displayed of hla wt 1niQvcd .his i• Yn1dy Fiitf kl XRaI]• shore he with ef: ago? u faviiung,� failure makes xnlliy, and we his week to =menace the failtare Reny Webb. fie AFslglied to (Bine' Cornish for the general his creel hears. Lia bol: ge 011.. 'Thip creditors will meet on lfith math -The School tailldttlph, "fuel 'been elan. st �throo wt I,�s u tax !dents aafferi'ug from Quite a IivvIy time' is ex- xxlBnitripai elections- Our plats Re4 ve, will be opposed T C. Uodgans, Several new ,as- for councillors are spoken of. t r for this time f the year a plowing has been, done f this tuoutb. ,We regret the death of Mr Axndrhrr >; ille, which sad and uly vcllt eecuie t on Monday, raa finch respected by lift, having been one of of the taailship. sd bis do $tit au eta- bytelrJan church, and was \o'papperdiscontinued untilall,arxoaza ms aro pato,. Advertisement* without i tilsectiazlewill b published till forbid r;n charged acvor iInicry, Liberal wiis countmed.e for trxneeiou,t advertia;ementeinsorta,l for logia riots Every description of JOB P& wriNGtlaruaduutta the finest style, anti atrnad tsaratw Chorlues aiierty rd� era, &• for edvertiaing, sabaoriptioues etc. ra Aye mndv, payable to William Sanders, row. uvula, pllrac.te rr. Tat vtx ' 3lr;xoRIAZ CsnRC1 .--'Rat. 8, T.RbSSohao2iges11i, m. and pmSabath? .) n 3183B0nr5T Crllutest--James-at., Ray. lx. Clement, Pastor. Sunda, Svrrkoo,taa0 aa.na and 6:30 p.m. Sabbath oof, It f4 111. MAIN SVirazr--B44..T, WiTsoi, ratVto> San clay $ervioes, t.0.30 a, m. and ti.3O p. m $x .bath' Sc#soal8.40 p. re., James Howard, o lxer, g pure seed the above stock of 11 offers at and below cost, to make room for Fresh Stock aMvr- i g, for Clash all Plated Ware, Planes, Barb Wire, Etc., Away dog Prize le prices of the following hues: Horse Nails, Shoes, Bolts„ Springs, etc,, e Folks, Hay and all Harvest Tools. [eyed tptiou of Bent Stuff Hubs. Rims, Trimmings, Aeme, German and Roller Rink, 'ow Racer, Lance, Champion, Drag, Circular, Hand Saws ;E: a.mx iers, Nails, Lining Paper, Tarred and Cay et Felts, Oils, Coal, Water White, Linseed and Machine, a fishes, etc, 17,„rindow Glass Colored, Double Thiol; »amoud Star. .sixes, Shingle, Lath, Broad, Bend, Chopping, etc. M. Wanzer's Cookers below Costw i wing Room, Parlor and Cook Stoves and Tinware Cheap, 1'111=2'21;11Illi cavi *—Bev. 'W. Martin. ,' Pastor. Slund&y Sorvicei, ix a. m. anti 8.30 p, M. Sabbath Sotaoo1,9.45A,ro. rrolessnannl 'Cards. L. BILLINGS, yam ser.. over O'Neil'. ]i4uk, EX414r, On Nitrons Oxide Gee for rainiosa extraction. Gods to Taman every Friday. n H. RXNS]IAN, DENTIST, L. D. $;, ox- treats Meth without pain by saving Vogetable Vapor, or using.the new ing+mi and obis aalhovtal�work the bot Goldssibly Goes to ZuriohlaatThursday in eachrnonth. East aide of Mainstreet. Exeter. (CEDAR POST, RUEL FENGUTLKFL ALVfAYS ON HAND IH EXETER OR IT THE BSH. 11. i1O1CUR, Mau. B. WHITELY', M. D. C.M.. PHYSICIAN go:Snrgoon. Office and residence—• nox'Viotoria and Elgin streets,FGodorioh, Ontario, mit. J. t,. ROLLINS. OFh'IC',E—MAI ST. $ . 1 J Residence—Corner Andrew And North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. AMOS,: M. D., CAL 3 . R.tS. S„ Edia:; L. V.>?. & S.. Glasgqow; Edinburgh and Glasgow IL C. P. & 8.. On tario' B. T.M. S.,TorY onto. fight bell at office. Crediton, Ontario. 412-8' Dlt. COWEN. OFFICE --MAIN STREET, Exeter, upstairs, opposite Contra Hetet. Side entrance on south;-,1limes street Tending to the Methodist Church. '(' W. BROWNING, M.D., M, C. P. S. Graduate of Victoria 'University. Office an residence, Dominion. Laboratory, Exeter. UTTLLIAM SWEET, VETER- r' inarySurgegn. Graduate Toronto, Veterinary Dentist- ry a speciality.. Office and Re- sidenoeone block east of Stich: Pickard'e store. Opposite skating rink,. Ex- eter, Ontario. RH. COLLINS, B RRTSTER,. SOLIOIT . OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office— Samwell's Block, Exeter, Ontario.. Money to Loan. - T H. MESON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR L. of Supreme Court, Rotary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &e. Money to loan Office—Fanson's Block, Exeter. • ELT.IOT & BLLIOT, BAE aTSTEBS, SOLtC-' (tors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan at per cent. B. V'..ELLIOT. J. ELLIOT JTAMES ORE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed, Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Sales promptly attended to and satisfactioh' ge}tranteed, Sales arranged.,at'this office. HBROWN Winohelsea Lioensed Anct- . ' ioneer ttor the Coulrties•, of Perth and: Middlesex, also t, rt#ie townsl,ip.of U'sborne. Sales promptly attended to andtermereason able. Sales arranged at Post Office, Winchelsa OSSENBEIIBY,HensallOntario. -Lie- E• . ensed Auctioneer for the' Countys of Huron and Perth. ;Charges moderate and satisfiiction guaranteed: WHOLT, Shiva, Ontario.: Licensed auct- . ibneer,for the Counties of ;lttidalqsex and Lambton, and'tl e tewnslups`of Stephen and flay.' 'Allsales promptly attended to. E bra Cattle. Caine irate the premises of the undersigned.. Lot 13, Con. SI, Stephen, on or about '19th of Nov, $7, 1 grey ,steer rising 3 Yrs. ,old; 1 beif'er rising 2 yrs, old. The owner will prove pro, .awu perty'andPay expenad take'themses n JAMES CnO . N away. Grand Bend. Estra Cattle. Came into the premises of the undersigned, 1 of 0; Con. A. 13„ 1 yoaring heifer, brindle; 1, pearling 3tAer,red and white. The owner to prove property pay expenses and take them away. 01.1A;:Lits MysoN Grand Bend. I 1 .n HOWARD cwt Shrviee wt lliliiaig curried en bury St,, 7 cthodlat iL l ttv p, pt Selkirk u, is apeuding ith bb fends iia town, prior to isle tiopztrturt3. for Manna where heiluriaoseadovoting a year to the study of .his ltrol easiola.- 1`fes*sa T. C. Doherty, A, Knox, E. Foody, W. T Whitely, ,8,. Cook, E. Cor- Ilett and W. 11. Cooper were delegates the Cen exvative Convention at South's mill, on Tuesday. -The t ekes Organ Co. sold a magnificent organ to the Trustees of the BWsgreen Methodist Church one iiay this week for use is the church. At the last meeting of Clinton. L. O. L.No.710. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year. W. M. Tiro. W. G. Smith; I). M. Bro, John ford; CIiap.Bro. Geo. ilanley ; Rec. Secy Bro. P.Cantolon; Fin. Secy. Bro, M.Todd; Treas. Jiro. W. Mur- phy; Dir. of Cer. Bro. W. A, Ross; Lect- carer, Bro. W. S. Swaflield; ist Com. Bro. I). Cantelnii,-Mr. Robt. Porter M. P. stayed in town on Monday night, on. his way to :the Conservative Convent- ion at Smith's Hiil.-On Tuesday a Coronor's inquest was held in connect- ion onnection with the alleged poiso>ing of the late IL J. Whitely. The body was raised and brought to the Town Ball, where the stomach was taken out and sent to. Toronto for to be analized. The in- quest was adjourned for one week.- Mr, S. Wilson, of Chicago, is home for the Christmas Holidays. --lir,. Brown, son of Mr. .Alfred Brown formerly reeve of the township of Morris, but now of Dakota, is visiting friends in. this section. -It is rumored that the popular drygocds traveller, Mr. J. C. Gilroy, is aboi.a buying out a. business in town. -Mr. John Joalin left for St. Marys last Peek.- T here is big com- petition amongst the Grocers of the town for to catch the Christmas trade. Some of them, it is said, are selling be- low cost.- Mr. Josh Hanner has rem- ed his family to Toronto. Centralia, Wm. Bolt and daughter Mary E. Holt were visiting friends in Shipka on Sat- The roads are getting rather muddy, urday. and farmers are wishing winter would set in. -Some of the scribes In this vie inity have been amusing the public at the expense of others. Such jokes are not relished by an intelligent commun- fty.-Mr. Thomas Handford has secur- ed the service of a first-class black- smith and 'self] snake things hum in that line in future. If you want good work call on Tam. --Considerable rain fell on Sunday. ur Stock is Large' AND iELL ASSORTED. Our Stock consists of Watches, Clock9,Walnut and Nickel Alarms, soled gold�lVeddin Rings, Keep- er Rings, Engagement Rings, Cern ,�. Rings..,solid olid' "Broaches, Cuff.Mat- -tons Brace etsChains, oc etsc. For tile enext GO, days we purpose i l the Public the X bcr -� gest chance to ptu ch use Goods X -4 -F %%borne Council. The Conneilmeton 14th inst, allthe mem- bers were present. The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. The by law appointing Deputy, returning officers and fixing polling places werereadand pass- ed. Tho Treasurer was authorized to prepare his•finimolai report as Per 51 VicChap, 28 pec. sand have the same printed for distribution. After passingthefollowingorderstheCoun- cil ad3ourned to meet again on Monday the 30th inat.aftertbe nomination is closed, viz: —3..Ker9lako $9550; A. Turnbull$15.95; R. Bell 57.68; W. Mitchell $2.80; J. Wood 8475; T, Cud - re ore $44.85• 3, Moir $24.93; 3. Blatchford $5; J. Dew $2.25; T. Jones T. Veal 25ats; T. Fisher $20.50; T. Bassett 21; T. McKay $53; W. K����pdd'$10 G. W. Halms $113;T. Heywood $8; White & Son $4450; J. Hells $40; J, Shier $40; T. Cameron 140; T. Coates 55; T. Hayton $9.90; J. Iroine $6. G. IV. Holman, Clerk. Khiva. Mrs. and Mr. Wm. Holt, were, visiting friends in Dashwood on Sunday: -Mr. Bert Gillespie, of Exeter, was in town on Sunday. -There -was a : very fine Xmas tree and entertainment held in Shipka -1lfethodist church last Thursday 12th,,t kreat'number of presents were presented to numerous friends. The proceeds amounted to $22.50. -Messrs. Wm. Holt and. Wm. Wein, of IChiva were out hunting on Monday of last week`, and were v ry successful, they ceeded'itt shooting a Very handsome White Owl, they were offered the sum . of $8.. cash for him before. `reaching,, home, but refused to sell. Mr = x Eilss, of Dashwood, has got the job of FOR T CASH. llbut we c o don't . it We don't say give us ilio first call, 1 say, ?�t pax,. with your 'money until you see our stock and learn our prices: Clocks and Watches cleaned and broughtto time. MO MRS FITT() seeing it.—Miss A. Godsave id still visiting in Khiva.—Miss Elise. Tetert- man, was visiting friends in Dashwood on Sunday. -Mrs. Wm. Holt Sr.: is yet very sick, but under the care of Dr.. Amos, she is slowly' recovering. -Mr, Angus McCormick's Ji ,infant baby has been very side with infiam<ition of the lungs: but 'under the 'care of Dr, Catton of Dashwood; is iuendin;; ; fast. -Mrs. Stephen Council. Dee. 16th 1S89.—AU members present. Min- uses of last meeting read and signed Re. solved that Clerk instrnet Engineer to see that the condition ortho award between T. Hustin and W. Winer be carried ant. O. Prouty to make further enquiries respecting T, Priersantra for damages. Resolved that the person who was so unoormoneonsly dumped at town hall. On council .meeting day be sent back whence they came without explanations. Moved by J. Sherritt, second- byVv. White that D. E. O. and places for holding elections berednced from E4 to p3 Resolved that the places for holdingthe elections bo same as last year vile —School Hoose No.1: No. 5, Town Han, W. Hoit''s kit- chen, W..Beitzman's kitchen, S. House No. 8 and 10, and that the following persons be D. R. Officers viz:—Thomas Shapton, O. Brown, O. Prouty,_ 7. Galion G.Koys it..Armstrong, Thomas Mallard. Resolved that the follow- ing orders be granted viz: T.May rep. Lon- donRoad, a'1eta T.Marshall R. R. statute labor, $8,00; R. Bond coupons $525; D. Sutton lumber $6.624 C. Kulmtile$l9•RatzBros. lum- ber $104 09; it Finkbeiner balance of salary CO; T.Baker for lumber 81.86; Eilber sun- dries $12_.61; G. Spikman Calvet $4.03; C. Bea- ver Spouts $1; D, Disherdan S. Labor refund- ed $2; T. G. Young spikes 98 ate; G. Mawhiney ditch $2; W. Hickey work 21st con. 4 charity 20; S. Brokenshiro rep. Bride 4 S. R. 1.25 N. Eitherileedand: for gravel pit 4.00; Daniel Rsayan S. labor refnndcd 8.26 Error in roll 19.75;; salary of councillers each 65; TniET Ad. N.meeting 1.53; C. Prouty expense G. B.'0. 60.71; Sundries 1325• C. Prouty work T. 0.2.15; R. Coad service GB.O., :2.50. O. Prouty sel- ecting jurors4.00 Seeretary33.of H. 15; local drainage charg 15.88; C. Frouty balance of Salary 7.50; Regeitery D, B. M.20; postage 18. Stephen Examination, The annual examination of S. S. No. 8, Stephen, was held on Tuesday 17th inst. The weather although wet and roads muddy, yet there was a large at- tendance of both parents and visitors. At noon a Bumptious repast was served by the` good ladies of the section, which for both quantity and=quality could not be surpassed. The pupils were put through a most searching examination by the teacher in charge, Mr. `Hotham assisted by Messrs Latta and Doig and Misses Gregory and Gill, teachers, and the ready manner in which the pupils answered the various questions pro= pounded showed that they had been carefully and systematically trained. The recitations were interspersed by music which added greately to the success of the examination. At the close of the examination Mr. jury was appointed chairman, and a most inter- esting programme was rendered con- sisting of music, recitations, dialogues and speeches from the ratepayers a110 f a► Bayfield. Messrs Baker, Erwin, Swarts and Walwin, having procured the skating rink for the coming season and are do- ing all in their power to make this one of the greatest attractions going. -Mr. Edward Rutledge, one of our enterpris- ing young business men has closed up. his store and will probably go to the city. Rio father, the late Andrew Rut- ledge, ran a store here for long time -We understand that Mr. John Esson has bought the Doak farm on the Bau- ble line, -five miles from here. Now is the change for some of our speculat- ing farmers, as this is acknowledged to be one of the finest farms on the. line. -They still keep pouring in. Mr. Wm. Alsworth has moved into tows. and is erecting a fine house over on the river bank. This is a lovely spot and Mr: Alsworth will no doubt do credit to our town. Mr. Win, Atwood is also building a new house.—Christmas time, is coming and every person is prepar- ing for The annual Christmas tree promises to be -a great literary feast. The Presbyterians will holcltheir enter- tainment on the first Friday after Christmas, the 27th inst. The Presby- terians have resbyterians'.have always been noted for their goodentertainments and this one.•,.: will not; fall short. The ,Eiiglish Chur- ch intend holding their concert on the 23rd inst. This will no doubt also be a pleasant surprise.