HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2005-06-16, Page 18PAGE 18. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005. Well, the Walton fox has been busy this week paying a visit to Jamie Mitchell’s chickens. Unfortunately, one bird suffered an untimely demise but Jamie fright­ ened off the fox before any more were hurt. The fox was spotted Friday morn­ ing heading home with a bunny for breakfast and Friday night he toured through the main laneway at Lees’ farm as we watched her. The fox was not very afraid of humans as we were only the width of the laneway away from it. Keep a watch out for her around Walton. The Lee farm was the hub of action with motocross taking place. With almost a 1,000 entries, it seemed like the Transcan race in August condensed into two days. It was very hot and the passing rain showers were appreciated. Brussels Minor Hockey and St. John ambulance people had a hot, dusty long day Saturday and are con­ gratulated for doing such a great job. Sunday wasn’t as dusty but it sure was hot. Lome Glanville suffered a fright­ ening encounter with a grinder and his face is quite a sight. He received over 150 stitches and was lucky he suffered no permanent eye damage. He jokingly told me that this was the result of forgetting his wife’s birth­ day. We hope that Lome comes along well Congratulations to Jim and Sheila Thompson on the birth of their first grandson. Proud parents are Will and Liandra Thompson. The new baby is William Hunter Thompson. Jim and Evelyn Blake were the FL Cullen, share the wealth with both Joan Bowers, hosts for the cousins’ family shower for Mike HAggitt and fiancee Christa Smith. They enjoyed a wonderful Sunday afternoon together with around 60 people enjoying the potluck dinner and fun. The diamond was quiet in Walton this week with teams playing away from home. The Wonders played in Brussels and defeated the RBIs. I suffered a foot injury during the game but am doing just fine nothing broken - just sore. The Brewers and Indians enjoyed the week off. Birthday babies include McNaughton, Laura Caedon Newman, Meghan Burke, Emily Wilts. Christopher Burke, Larry Bolger, Hilary Bachert, Jason Konarski, Jeanie Newman, Tanner Boven, Colleen Smith. Duff’s United Church. Walton cel­ ebrated its 140th anniversary service this past Sunday. Those attending were greeted by Leona McDonald. Special musical guests The Cunninghams opened the service with the song Coilsfield House. The youth choir sang Dreamcatcher. Guest speaker was Nancy Corrigan, who, along with husband Bruce, are starting her ministry at Great Village Pastoral Charge in Nova Scotia soon. Her reflection was entitled We are Called. The Cunninghams also performed the songs A Love Never Know and Love So Rare. The scripture reader was Shelley McGavin. Duff’s choir sang How Lovely are Thy Dwellings? and Irish Blessing. Lunch was served downstairs fol­ lowing the service. Any Regal orders for summer 2005 need to be to Monique by June 16. Male singers are needed for the Father’s Day choir. Call Brian Black. There will be a mini board meet­ ing at Walton Church June 22 at 8 p.m. to discuss the turnace issues. The shower for Sherry Hoegy will be Thursday, June 23 at 8 p.m. V. Adams The Ethel euchre was held on Monday, June 6. Winners were: share-the-wealth. Helen Cullen. Viola Adams, high. Edna McLellan, Mac Smith; lone hands. Viola Adams. Verna Crawford. Marg Peebles. Many lucky tally prizes were given out. The next euchre will be held on Monday, June 20 at 8 p.m. Women are asked to please bring a lunch. Moto-cross NETWORK CLASSIFIEDS "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" CAMPING! ONTARIO Book your holi­ days! CMT and Chevy Truck presents Havelock Country Jamboree Aug 18- 21/05 Featuring Travis Tritt, Tanya Tucker, SheDaisy. Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. Ricky Skaggs. 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