HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-12-5, Page 8CHRISTMAS C AADS. (fiIRiSTnA SOOKLI TS,' CHRISTMAS ALBUMS.. CHRISTMAS BIBLES. ,w onus T?tris WORK 130XES, CHRISTMAS Vi"RI'rIXG D .SSE CHRISTMAS VASES. CHRISTMAS GIFT CUPS. OHRIST'IA5, DOLLS, CH ISTMAS,HANKERCH:IEFS. CHRIS'TMASf"LUSH GOODS. CT-IRISTM'AS AXNI?ALS. CHRISTMAS TOYS,. Mr. Emanuel Bissett succeeded in. capturing a .fine fox oue day last week. This is the hist we. have heard tell of this season. Some of our other sports tog;'etber" with their hounds had a longchase after one and pursued ie as far as Glandeboyc,' but `vas not as success- ful as Mr Bissett, the hounds when last ff seen were about two miles south of Laean in close pursuit. Illi,eeplgour Feet Pry $5,000,00 worth of boot's; and shoes from the estate of James Pickard. Boots and shoes for the millions at right prices. E. J. Spaekm.an, Fanson's Block, Exeter, goes Wanted. Farmers should read the important anuouncement of J. L. Grant,R. CO- of Ingersoll, in another column, in refer - AND A LARGE VARIETY OF ence to fattening hogs early. This 011/ER LINE_,SPECIAL CARD EN- lirm will buy no dressed hogs this HIBIT DEC. 6th, HOLIDAY .GOODS winter. EXHIBIT Lase'. 110th. , bi,3pn,ent . Mr. J. \Viilis,shipped a car load of cat J. GRIGG, tie to Montreal this week; also Mr. WItOT.FS ALE & RETAIL STATI? 'R, James (11;eAhiped a carload of Stock- , ----AND-- era to Baden,-�-?lir, George Blatelaford, who recently started in the hay press FANOY GOODS DEALER. business,shipped his first carload of hay EXETER,, ONTARIO, this week. • Another Failure. ooea C'"'Ci'� s 9n Wednesday of last wool: another farmer made an assignment, being Mr. John Sample of dlsborne. Ile assigned to Mr. Lewis IL Dickson for the general benefit of the creditors" The Liabilities are estimated as follows; --unsecured $1000; scoured $5,65,00. The assets are estimated at about $6,000.00. Feathers Cleaned, The undersigned wishes to state through these eoiumns that he, has pur- chased urchased a machine for the purpose of eleauing feathers. Every variety of Feather Beds, Pillows ate., renovated andmade equal to new. Shop next door to John Treble's Harness Shop, Exeter. A trial solicited. J&s. Fnxotf- SON. A Great Memeatter. The Christmas Number of the Mon- treal STAR is out, and a shining beauty it is. There are three art plates and forty-four pages. Every purehaser is entitled to a copy of the great picture, which cost the publishers three thous- and five hundred dollars. The priiee is only fifty cents, and is a lovely thing for a Christmas present. Shooting Bectu, A pigeon shooting match: wilt be held at the Central Hotel, Exeter, tomorrow, Friday, Dee, Gth. This will be the lar gest shooting match held in the county for some time, and will, be attended by a large number of sportsmen from dif- ferent parts of the county. Thus far A lady's True Blue lodge has been over 400 birds have been secured. • formed in St. Marys with 25 charter Every body is welcome, and all come. members, Could nob Exeter follow Officers Elected. At the last Regular Meeting of Leb- The festive season is approaching anou Forest Lodge,No.183,A.1: