HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-12-5, Page 6IVIULBY ON THE RfnifE anneal imris* Oven Seeefl. litentleed penne U eeis cementite. Inetneten teeny Women *en ChtIneen -. Pone pare Contlieuene Inxieting Witte neettne neette- 3?"ts1't Geographical neenoverx. 4, ZangNW eitine tieeen Centskin wise- heremieeti the following letter Irma Mr. Shipley ;;, GIMP" Semen, liverentve. NOT,Uth. Nix Dealt Cm= wessenneeei em bold ,nuough to Ask that yert be .geeel enough to ferwera my two lettere Zaireibie et ewe embed convenience. 1 hive often wished. to wpm, ana fete has brought you but 4 few deys' journey from me. I hePe it will still be auepteious, end liege you until I �n have the pleasing opportunity of know, lig a ocileagoe who heeletiOrea so Onosten, tediously saa 40 Well in a einellar Acta anaturaerthezetee myalpetronege. lJutil va -meet, 1ombeedbe invent Anent:an Mat faithfully, Mr= netinne, Oeptedu Wiesmen, Imperial Pommis. *tome to met Africa. Mir. Stanley is not expected M liagemoyo testa December 5th. =rem nom szienne. I em indebted to Mr. Smith, Acting Beitish Count at Zennitee. or the follow, nag leder from Mr. Stenley, dittea at the Osman etation, lapwepwee November 11, 1882e Deem Sen. -We arrived here yeeterdey. the 55th day from Victoria Nyenne, and 'the 188th day from the Albert Nyanza. reembei:ed Mtegethee abed 700 Amis.• At the lot muter, thme diva lige, Emile 3aahll'4 Wade numbered 204, of whom 00 .are children, mostly orphan ot Egyptian ertdieerr, The whites with me aro: Linen fitaire, Ceptein Neleme, Mountenri, jetple. sate Orman Parke, Wee. DOT* filn Rolf - Men, Emu PA** vla his daughter, °Apt. Carat, Signer Nemo ana a Tuutaiein Vittl Baseso, an apetliecery. We lreVe else Megan Peres, eiteult ,u3d. aolVAPzet of the Algerian ramelon, Armes the principal algae of the Raab!, are Vakoerft, of the untoriel province, and Maier awash Eftendi,ot ehe 'tea Bettelion. Shire leaving Vendee Nyeries, we have lost le ot the Wealune people end one netive of Zanzibar, who watt leillea while we were parleying with the hostile people. Every previous frp4Xlitieri I hone lea has Peen the lighten, of ger labors 44 We ffrevr neer the gee. bit I mend sey the mese of tide gee. OrlillVMO TIM MCI, Airing Of beepreock homers tells tale, and went we pima Uwe shiphoma them will be re0 The word of Stitt we have not. ot showieg at Zeuziber she a aur Ishors. After carrying 1,000 mile* to the of the sick, driving the their prey, otter rose efter eine, with every mew on hey slip through, our limas eud, IIARD Doak by WI TEE aTATE'S A hid (W nespetch says ; et Mrs. ThOnnA nese called by oma today, foe effen rem, et her eleteete afternoon ot Ib the fiaturdey oi Whelee at he O'Sullivan itin 000 blre. tbe eltting-roon Nra h holm) enter 10 JA23302 reedlog fee01 uPstaire tO O'S The light wale O'Sullivett sun Witnese Vete 10 deWiletaire, we* in the hen pest 8, aid dm when she get te the pitmen Oundey <Meting. Under does. confamd, ona 4 was ist nth, the wee eni Slew pteoen eight ot the ea repeekea the eto time with her ale 4‘11, ;ma their re Witeltell hire Tom VII She ooreolnirete her slater, es to Narea and the 5113 teertillea OM the to Mae 41h, epee CM= et the She ateo Wide 0,Sullivau AI versetion conner ence. Winton teetimony oonoe Olney, Abe New Wien oe body wee disco the house and the al000verg ot 44 I binVO whet go with use en said; you, though? 1 end never MOW police officer emu will go *Whim. full a MOIWATOrleti ate in Mei hammock* (Inc Way, 75 The State A years old, the mother of Vended, died 101 Whet= **greet %his moaner in North llaukurne, south of 1 es to the locst10 the Tiotorie Nyanza. suddenly raked ; roue peen COrrilineualflearnle, yOri Wed SO wet We had as ;stirring thrie for four dm1 04,7,1 as WO had auywhere. Por those four del' Thatibiellacm"aa° vr* taa couthmons tighting during the ___ „ tgreider part of the daylight hours. The wj"..;4_7,".11,t7,,,....., !eolith natives took an unemountable pre. „e7tiTaiitr.4-:. judioe to the Pasha's people. They he aeneten, .n,_"432 eistea that they were eannibal" and haa .:_ntontnntrieten ug 10 then wee ot no ene. Any attempt at nnntn, *0106 10 their country for AO good, Mak- ni;" feaid" disproof &eve them into I white-hot rage, --4-531a-34;;;It MA in their inadnale, flsaicg ikemalgv55 eth Ifs 24 cei no, they sufferea. sen *dirndl that d the route to the. sea vie Shrilet aud Blweno "110, I as° is ihe best for one thing that spetfielly " Did you not *meets desirable to me, an ahundence 01 toed. I propose to adopt that line. As =genes the danger of an *deck, one road seems to me to be as bad au another. XilrOlirMr DISCOVelir. We have mode an unexpected alsooveryot zeal value in Africa considerable eaten. lion of the Victoria' Nyanzet to the south. west. The utmost southerly' reach of thie extension is south lat, 20, 48, winch brings; the Victoria See within 155 infies only feem Lake Tangenike. 1 'amigo °erten' m my mei` a that this was h foot, blown to mac; through the many voyages of the Church Missionaries' Society to Uganda, AIM I did not feel particularlymoved by it. Meceray, however, showed xne the latest snaps published by the society, end I saw that not one bua even a suspicion of it. On the roaa here / made a rough sketch of it, aria I find that the area of the great take ia sow increased by this disoovery to 264900 square miles, which is just about 1,900 same miles Larger than reported. a LA NZ Willi ISLANDS. If you will glance at the map of thelake towards the southwest you will find that the coast line runs about weetnorthwest and east-southeast, but this coast line, so drawn, Imelda mainly of a series of large and mountainous islands, many of theta well peopled, which overlap one another. South of these island is a large body of crater,just discovered. Lake 13rigi, which Captain Speke so slightly sketched, turns out to be a very respectable lake, with populated islands 1011. In hope that we shall meet before long, I beg to 'remain your obedient servant, HENRI M. STAN/Me To the British Consul•General at Zanzi- bar. A GAS MAIN EMARED, And an Explosion Followed,Wreekingthe Arouse and trilling inmates. A Braddock, Pa., despatch of Friday says: A two story brick dwelling was blown to pieces here to -day by an explosion sf natural gas. Two persons were fatally burned and six otherseriously injured. The accident was caused by. .a leak in the main. The leakeige wee discovered last night, and this morning Chao. Householder, an employee of the gas company, was sent to repair the trouble. He descended into the basement and almes$ immediately there was a terrific explosion. The others in the house were Peter Keith, wife and We children. The foundations upheaved and ehe sides and front*of the building entirely collapsed. Mre. Kelsh, who wits sick, was • thrown into the street and fatally injured. Iler three days' old baby was not hurt. ilonseholder was frightfully burned from Ms head to his feet and ' will die. Kelsh and flve children, aged from 3 to 11, were Thi -own into the street or buried in the debris. All were serious injured, but will geoover, Not Choice in weapons. Dudely-I lost my heart, Miss Fanny, last night when I was talking to you. Yon have it in your possession. Miss Fanny, frigidly -Yon are mistaken, Idr Dade1y, but I will ask the servant girl Perhaps she picked it up when ehe swept ont the other trash this morning.-Texasi Pingo:. _ _.........._, -A woman may think a mania a genius 'adore marriage, but she calls it by ooze other name afterward. movement by th that *ohm 2" I ilia aia not° • Martin Bathe men with a bimok nese stand. The e e*Iocn'keepersi avenue. On the on duty at seven berkeeper. 151 Pinancial Secret Patrick Cooney time. Martin B about eight bo Coughlin and JdIs saloon during the On crou-ex&rn veioped that wi Camp 204 limb camp, ana had Witness denied tk night until 1LBC was supplying B that he vietted ago for the arouna," Be de money to Burke merely paining t way to Chicago west. He dealer cence of Burke, a why he did not in of the fact that the time the re replied that be w busmen to get th up in the matter paper interviewe. that he applied a epithet to Dr. Cr or had called the witness admitted active interest in Treasurer of the Wm. F. Coned City Health Dap reiteration ot De maw Burke in Da ing of May 4113, a 23E00 judge D. J. L night of Febrile Beggs went to I respects to Pres wanted torecorn eral embAreaeuter and Beggscalled about 2 o, clock returned to Chi evidence was i character of B publics men. John F. 021611 town assessor's called at Matt evening of Mel' O'Malley oorrobo as hi Burke. Chafe 20 James Lymeni, ber of the Clan•na story of the meeti miry 8113, when a to investigate the of the Buffalo T maturely been m camp. Witness resolution to app adopted, it was de proper method of matter was referr Spellman, of Poor 20 for the report SWEARING were referred, to tho Rodalo committee and not to a oommittee of Camp 20. , winter ,e, oieson, an employee of Mar, 01141 Field .14 Co., and an ex.-100Mber of Camp 20, retold the Boxy of the meeting tip h 8th t- ily so n z. toci o 0 roary , prao tea er 4.. ettbYalLe7.1414' Thewit"" 'k"Ilf 9111C) inner . 04 croMexaminatiOn. the State Attorney pressed the witnees closely *thou% hie testi- peony before the °Mena a jury and the grind 'jury, with e view to ehoweeg thin his memory ba, unproved ono° then. ri„,01 , . shewitne" lx"4" angry444 "talked back" wherenpon.the pond threatened to Ano bixo for ooetempt Ic.,00og000tolko iebn F. Pinerty, altar of the ensfeen, was the next witeeee., • lar, Pistexty said he had beeo A Meta.= Of the Clee-mt-Gael eihoe 1872, and belmegea to Camp 20. Who never heard of all inner oitoia Egt it. The witnesa was A member of the national convention hem of the Olen. ne., ,Gael in lft$$, at which Dr. Cronin was .420 0 her of the committee to try the triangle. metthete p..Bredrievyorieea a reernher of the Clan ea Gael teatiged that he hack never heard of anineer ninth; in the °rot*. zatien ' , . Francis F. (*violet constable, testified that Beggs; was with lone at a Repoliene club meeting at the Grand Notts) Hotel Itrenljr441,40b°4-et,7 to 9 o'clock 441 the °Wit of IP ;SAM WM " nniee OrecUle, zob.„, pwle.,, ,nexa„, a the nntenna, eael, dolma, Sad he had never betted of. an inner °hole in the orgenizotion Oa the oross.ex' ananaticla this Rua- %le 00, 44E4;04 - s; Now this Order had what 34, CleUed sill - 4 -- - 4 'i - --- - --- - - - - " 04000tiv0h047 e ' 4,'„ Xivcaeriaatvya''rt oar 11=404 to koow the nliMee Ot Sti executive body 2 " "No. Ur, ' 4' nit WM mord from you? " " X011 sir." "Then you don't itlIQW Whetter they all ismer circle or not?" - ' 0 EQ. sir," The State AttorneyeeThat is all. Thewitetimetheerestentlyseld onredimet exaMination Maine& camp elected a dela, . _.. to the stationlamee by the WOO Polioe togdPermieSionionhteletheeeletterefroM fleggr Artterhe weserreekedf " eliremembertheOhief got theletters thin had been moeived from SPellMan," "this correspOndenCe between him and . - . •trireilimothi"loe'rrse!erert101),,g *eh; intestifieredthtethbye Mr. . . Begis on that 00eAsion, before the Grand Jure, was the finit intimation you had that there hail been pith a correspondence, waset not 7 " , , "Well, 1 viin 7,0* "newer the llinietiolt thatwi*Y‘ if Y°4 will al* Ille & C14941414 ithatt the lettere,' will try to tell whet 1 krow about them.'" "The queetiork is Whether or riot you intlo P'44ined Yew tnimulytten het"' hiln ?' . ,, "I would, like to bane then queenon teem, ea ihe Coed Will we it in petting words. he , , niyMonth." Reediest man) , "Rweald *eve were letters there that VOW +WWII the whole ihing, 'think, or 1013eiMbg to that effect" sixarmanttettaah..„_‘1,/,..,e1312,,,twrii2"t° SPellMilnlind '0 Yea to explain thesecret coromittee ar- rargenterit. '' And did net he want you to examine these lettere f" ' ' Yee, airn" _ fir. Ensue said, " That'll OW , Chief e °'' 15E°Y4ta) j 444x/3'13'4 - - - ' , 1, o Police o ar , who testified MUM days ago for the pmeeetion. Wee errellen cet. behalf of the defence. Chief , otileend admin tn _ _tea Slid Betee ee at_ter helot brreetbew beu 'MID 'VW"' oir 4034 114Q they baa, a co_uverfiektion_ regarding l_ettera mitten ett Vegge CY b. . 442* Beggs air cted Ali ch!et t hi offi d to the' e - - ' 0 , -0 • 0 ° -IA' 0° ..., . . . . .. ..„, . .. . -War Partier% of the desk le whieh sk a number of lettere were to be lowed, ilist:howittniwout breceimetivecio etilte:atraelltioheritt ell takatbara t°4°4a14°5°°a°14ers A ()Woe aeepeteh of lad (Thureden) eight oyez rnteiolc Men, liyery enable, keener and owner of the fatil04* white home, was the ant witnees in the Cronin Me Waliv. lie teetieed, gilt litil tuirlie 1 WI in * ahlle otrieenre ill this city. It Well the Itlenie horn be lied let Coueltlinte friend IMO Oli, the everting et the weeder, - wespeerwx, teenonx on ....,-,...? Louie Dadeabenner, of Hoboken, enn, a " estate agent, testified that between, An,* nth. inne, and hhey neat, nom he urn et nhtn,00 he a a.t co wbtok, Dr, orennehi- o;,ina A* the neeehriae. On the „wag of the warder town woe •tr, jesters eta" atom °melte Dr, create** , e Wee IVO la e reetneace .31 ' potift. he w to 0, Igor atom et 7 undo*, end mins heve re. mined there emu 8 aro. 0,0100h. Attar he ha,,a boa them a sew lahlatee he natiaad, the berm and b , in trout of Dr.Cropline atties. it was as sraisaey side bar ha ea had the top nn. Witnese %Intim i ame Dr. orook„ and mother man ao if. the house 804,4 otio to *0 ha . 2ibs atisee stow for tba berm while the or ' *WM 4 * liny, ere deat atattea t a * h Th Woke 100re ME on tho aldethidlCmettn the MUM nue who celled to Dr. (koala and ettreotealdeatteution, kir thedootonteneed. round, but OM kepe gob% toward* the buggy. Then the driver Went to the horse'a heed stukuthitolted the horse, went., to the Wray. gob zU, elle alis On sue Was Mee, Then Dr. Omaha got ta„ Ro vita tom% **this Man pa the while, •so it maned te me. Thou they diitted mats, end thin roan get la frees ;gibe doctor, "a Quip they Set down and went oil Dr Cronin uawlat ' ' p tea to he a smell chest or box which t hem onesined hie treatments or cluee,". Witniese Welt etlindleg in the oar of the cigar store looking at the horse shoat toe= minutia awl saw it wore men tame dawn and an The Incidents of their departure. , what was me odor of that horse? ir ashHeditthe Wry.. er; ,was 0 ay, a apaciaa gray, with dark lege. The florae which I paw Teeter. day at the aims museum was not the hens that drove Dr. Chain away arid am not reeerato it. Tho bone I saw yesterday was a white hOrre, but thelenne 1 sew take Dr. Cronin *way on the night ot Mey 4th was a speckled grey. The lege of the horse that took Dr. Cronin were dark while the egs Of this horse ere white." mat nu= smogs. remainder of the 80281012 Via ceou. b relorosoo 'Mal ex nil who ave ehei Y. . ,i P . ke ,, . _.,? te eke seas minty snowing tutu were twaai rs x loot sbo ine nail tit fine bated for dietinguithingthe it shat i th rugs fromo e lower sulmels, I scare= von ern= moionen. As Judge NOConnell Was 60121/1200 court this morning he was rad by II men Who inactlad;!beainara biltii,„ etelfaa,„anta..t. Sel.f 31,,,,t..blisi -- - - --- ----' - ---- - one o,f_ tho. dediaaanntetin oath; toCrobenizain Conahlin A' le w Cliedae-11P in the cage, he said, end for that reason had not spoken before. Hie coneolence, however, would not let him rest till he had related what he new. His story was that he had seen Con hlin between * nd 10 g - - 5 - o'clock on the night of the murdeenat the Chicago avenue police station. Judge McConnell informed the State Attorney and Mr. Forrest of Martin's story, which corroborates the teatimony of Officer MoDonald. Martin will probably testify t°431°rmw. ., NOTES: • Every one of the five defendants have now been represented by an alibi, but the lawyers for the proemial= have no &pers. henekin that the jury will long consider that bran& of the defence. Nobody has accused, Burke of being at the Carlson cottage on the night of May - • 4th, but the defence evidently think that the jury may have their opinicine that he • • - ,(impatiently) was hence the alibi witnessee called for ' • • fails • Burke. But an alibi to explain why rented the Carlson cottage and why ' • he tried to escape to England by way of a • , - foreign country. Mre. Whalen damaged O'S Ili ' n van s case by herirascibledisposition and over•anxiety to Flow herself off and swear to an thing • - y which would get her cousin cle . sr The class of witnesees ler Beggs were a ova. e average ca e . or e e epee, b th 11 d I th d f andhis chances of acquittal look bright . tonight. . ' , . -.: The iniported here° alibi overreached imse an Firma is a my y telhng the iii lf d ' h' t b ' • jury that he remembered the number and • • • color of various horses which passed him on that occasion. This was too much for any sane mart to beli e a - F - ev .. . , rank Woodruff is out with another con. • • • fission. This time he says that Dan c - . hi. • a h• tau h dig in instructed am to t e yarn about r. Cronin and - a woman in the trenk which he setting on. an tuistspecting publics at the time of his &Mel for eteal. mg a white horse .from Dinaii'll livery .trived stable. The objeot of this 1alee,o0nression was to",throw the police off the scent of the murderers and disconnect COng,hlin's hiring of Dinan's white horse from the appearance of the horse at the Conklin .residence. Woodruff gays he was paid to , get arrested for horse stealing, so that he ootild.,tell his fairy tale, end was supplied . , with' putt enough information about the movements of the conspirators after the murder to give an appearance of truth to his cenfession. Jacob LOWeileitain. i. mamba, a +It. police force from 1883 to May, 188$4 and partner of Ceughlin'e On the police force from 1887 to the thee witness was die. ohtiegea, gave testimony tending to show that enmity existed between John 0. Gar. ray, one of the witnessee for the proseco. : A + -. . *1°4 05400(le igtitgetkul.a recess until a 0"ohicir to take the deposition of Lynch, the die, tiller, who is ill. It IS twinned nyenne testimony will. praotioally Anieh the list of wituessea. for the defeooe. r now oven s. wirincts, The trial was productive et. *mother sen, a le - th 1,4 • 13 a t a Ion in . 0 afternoon. . eete is en ere, aer, the New Jersey witnesa Who aware to the ' white horse alibi, living the central Agora, Through. lack of proper MO040, *ions Detective ,Liudyille was MO SO serve A a a sir prank OD the winesit at is • Mel.Natalercur St t b " ' ' ley li The detatitll, Under a threat of calling the . - ' e . . . - petrel Weggen, brought the witness to the state morns .8 once wh t --a 04 crimia- at oearYt hailata'g the rate°0714-eang hie prisoner were intercepted by John DeialeY and Lentil' Oar* °Jerks in-laiwyer Forreat'a office. They made* desperate ,. . .: ._ ' • ' . eodi Se gee ine lenneee Out et Stle detee, tiveis hands, Iola in the ,stroggle the detec, t• a - - roughly handled. . tve an witness were Other detectives Wile to, *he Moue, and Budenbender was Ueda into the State Attoroere office, hut immediately released, The diegreeefel affair well Ventilated in the eiourt, and took up the whole afernnon, witennee being gelled on both sides The nnege while of the Imam that there had 1;etee Mt contempt. of court. odd 44 It With very wrong, very b44, iza 4 Orem per. Avenel ontmege, The 0,..encer leadrio" mg` ht to arreSt the witness a 23 subpoena '0 ' . Annum IspEss, a . The European eeieeiste ef oast bitne on ova to 000tona with yid rewire vigorous legisletion to get even to mitigate. Leproay bee lo: i ' ' d - - - - t o 0001,0 in cadent pertnine 0 ei linroapelqxiikeolatittion'anciterthtliee:efgalfdretetg Lea disease is already heeling fi -ohleetreee kind. Public atom receony drawn to the matter by to• the Pall Iltall ahzette and Blocks the colonial Frees has eweikelied ic that something MOM he done to re, t t 01 a- Th a amp on 0 'seam. e an ere Condemned for their slowness ing legislation in the interests , afflicted with the dises.se and i Premutione for the public safe 0 1 0 t b eth • if o c o er ,,m, to the eurctioo, atla ; " We have es a people, failed as yet to uu how terrible andi0:auhl:Woinfrececot411( portentous lad that it ie. ahead midet. On that feint the empiric tiemoxiss2on left no room for dc .- indeed - . . Wonia be strange were a le subtly oinneannicative to be AB Xife - the 0 Colony, a, t lo,, . eCape and Ye to 1 AVM Natal;.for not only *re the the dimase indigenous to South Al the Asietice we have brought to a 14" aloe hvenghe with them, ti fern% of teproer We are much -; , „ , it at this moreene et Meet two lave leg 04 t eir Pennine all the Aster' malady, *rend daily parading 0 exia streete. It is nobody's; but duty at present to take mite of st Mate Bemire theirisolation and tr. arel nnttt that duty is imposed bed responsible Perseus we the% as otooltY* he liable t0 them pilule ultientie al111. penrilonatiposillittir of ti I' 94.,a..' & II' ° -,F1,." *at W ‘f,eaka '',,Te: 4nele"a '141*ue ,n49,1_,"."T 8"'"Y s""C''' lecPP4 on ''''1:4"14* A that oolouy lee it the Jtfercury to . *het the Natal authorities; Meek it thet the lepere of Nei ProtniAY nod, .ProPetlY Undated a minim* looked ;After as well, 1? °at° the Tim" 7 "Tho tile Udd /7 to zeltestt here. It wen+ to thew.] thin to the horrors of a kOatilgOillt dltaltt 01 sT lovotahhh 4110elleo* * 5 taloa n eri7"Pa ebbnea 1"Y ,°Ta ,,,a '4°,4 1"b PeUe73141 del entwines 'nemesia tereniente, fa e,e,oalf, end giving *cede to tie emttatt (hat rage 1°4°2 theeCIPP of "'re °"01Theiat*ng 44 `"'S t"t4t A 'be itompea away; ' filthy heddiz t no °Teen .e.:Paenr° The a" trot itTertuta5 on 'a*" "Ii_vImeae414' to i a (am,, . =4 palltumitg, 434,,k, 0 , ineren ;ens, 40 adeenve .o eo; tertuantott bY boats of glee, in an b'er° aftell /11334Ing "I7r " "a I %Tot; unniterY arritegewlente el bnellteets Tinto invades of the isim ettieliertenoin asegneting meanie inferior in quality eed tireited inc badly cootted mid gerven-euth experimose of leur patients at ysi a In it- it a latempletehaortiryw °Ianat freeat eill Shove the see level, needs to let tol theerlesiness of theses% *boom by I GOVernOtent for the accommodati by side, of lie hewn *ma its la tool - u .1 h t a. t pima vie me o t e wo lree ties that Olin Well Mellllind. 3 ...u.re zob__ - . , . '''''' Ilg• 4/11X0len ARUM MA done Leta Puim ini ootratraitt-ft tabbb ue and'Mb 13g 4 55155 ar sham plow the eye shelter the b woe the =Inv ' ...---..a., ID ARV t tali it) L110 AMA IR ' 'WA SRA. 1* -1,7-...,--- ItnOtain raCASI314,El. ineltes,y) eight's febetego 144 111CC°Vn*** a 4Bi'r liThelef/A was the filet wit- dm defence in the Orortin he 1Vtd. known VS011iVen iva an XV 5theeho w4e 3116:40 gom 413,6 /34 the 5 4th, Atter ettPPer °It. net, she weee clot with hire. Lt-Pttat 8 o'ciwis, loviog 14ibthe hisi,teba,Neilb, ble Whalen0 4kosm•w4iwag„ AA ' Nei.4h Me two e444reb• n sister renegued to the ,cietv..k "a were let ts by 4, She and her stater sat , nir see hour eua then Wen, OliViilegf recite tor a oot, - • nirnmg In the room end `hfolotiq were lo bed" , the men and took the 00t ,. . 130 when WvrhanPmstteiVezerallilt CI bat he Weil in Ilie retire 4)F....avaiwayeltragat, tre.iit airninnwbittrAottwaneusier:eaxiMhee Ins on Senney night. Bien - 0 n0401000' *Wit Ow *la ng night, whittle was the ,rei4ezielleWr. otuteopeitep‘ohnejleavert: or ou Saarclay night, the lune to the berme. OetriliVe Mennen. nen was the next wituene i the testimony given by 'heir doling and O'fiellt, 4$ eir the nigtit of May ittle , fars. 'Melon fernier board (Maim rovi,puit c of his *petted with Dr. mew table to the tup, k as to Couldiens visa* to iy, nth, and ea to bis con. eing °MOWS' disappear. lee ileirt exited to ewe her mieg the vielt at Me YOrli eorropendeet, who ran the day ebet Cumin a rend. Chewy cause into reedit mono remmk about 'lleniu'll body, ima midi; he demand e. want eouto a ideatify the remeinn" "Why ehtend I go with am% know who yea are, foe before today. If * ea kva asks Ine SO SO, I e T'01 coma mum hew exerehted Urn boob, aed atter loannee t et her hitchen window; 44 ps. thee the window e the ontem, gone, ent, hat)** sat o Ann r amt. het die wetched the earl. er then modified, his quese "Did you not may la na, watottehe (hewn eat. 1 of May 7" : et the ourositiell over A Witileilli. tothet the day Oa the editing else to do." it there end, wMoli every -Gallant, ena, nue watch o xeitioxlto do it and / t era Zeit Imam :opted interested, el A tail moustache took the win shuns was Matt. Dangly, t Clark street Ana 0111410 might of Mey Atli he came o'clock sod relieved his tin Burke, P. E. Nolan, ary of Comp 20, endThe vere in the *Moon at the trke Was in The aaloon for re, laitneae seia4 Vine. ti ,011alley mime into the t time sled Ireet Burke, 'nation the fad was da- Mem was a member of : joined from a Buffalo 1/30W21 Burke for a year. At he was out riding that I, and .admitted that be erke's meals to him, and Winnipeg nom time "impose, or enoahhog nea that he had ever sent at Winitilieg. He was nough 'Winnipeg on his ram the Canadian North- d his belief in the inno- id when questioned as to form the State Attorney 'mite VI" ib hill Saloon at rder was committed, be is afraid it would hurt his 3 notoriety of being mixed and subjected, to news.. He et"211"itlY denied 3 epprobrions and. obscene Intn when talking of him, deaa man a spy. The that he was taking an the case, and that he was lefenoe fund. in, an employee or the rimed, testified in air. ahy's testimony that he aley's saloon on the even- s3nt 7 o'clock. 11 MIABAOT12.13. en testified that on the 7 20th he and defeedant idianapolis to pay their ident Harrison. Begin tend a friend for the fed. at Chicago. The witness on President' Harrison in the afternoon. They 212g0 that night. This itrOdneed tO, show the eggs' associations with ey, a clerk in the North. office, teatified that ,he Danaby's sawn on the 4th with Wm. Coughlin. ftted Danahy's evidence : DOINGS BELATED.• iity contractor and mem. .. -Gael, Camp pro, told the ng of the camp on Feb. committee was appointed itaternent that the report ria! Committee had pre- de pnblic in Dr. Cronin' iestified that after the Ant . the ' committee wee . ailed that tbat. was not a i procedure, and the whole 5 d to the District Officer ta. The calls in Clump nf a nravisits averriwati.eals Another Zdhalvargh Ns222121tion. ethane o Acrid 00 16 ream nue i awe e-tahaineetwe -triaeoh evea eet a goo' tog ; that mod aumensfel as Were beet of the rotten* Exhibitions in the Modern Athena and lit talikegovr, liiretlier 40 WM thereafter -.net year -may net take quite . co wen with the pone. But eertalnly we wish it every meth% Emelt, and weemst mama shit the indications are very pro. reisieg, neeerdinn to the proem*" loused the toniertskipg hie been leuWleed under the emit settraetive &wine, and the eutereetfonee Exhibition to be ermed there in laity met will prove me of the wed interestiog eat beta tie Scotlited. It hi tole; under the patronege of the Queen, There are branch *neon as wen 45 boa oommitteee in both ehtenew and nemeoe, Applicetione for epeoewill only he received. until the A -et of next reiontheee Imp OW* her beving *leeway bean reoelea, Among 0 t , . * th IVA beterestiug ;exhalent; evidently,avarrwheve.na will be loony wheat were at the Pole Ex. hibithee. Everynneg peewee* to be am to render theEthibition highly Reuter, in. ducting ocencee eua iudoor muneemente alta. The hot 03040 w'rethat in Europe: The site 4oeen, too, is within cay clic, knee of the centre *Ma city* end will have ocenection with two railways. The Exhibition itself will be in two aivieloue °°e mPliting *wez/tY"tiw° "4-* imufl 16"4" "avateti to E10041°*, reun'000400 104 It"' ntnettre°1/.." -14°..nrin.°T-1°....43-8-unneultiouwveollmt.: ,,-5-arx„----rizlirix- Me gate, and *het them delegetenee a netionel aseembly, selected the *emotive, as he Aindeedood it. John S. lituiligen, Senior Ousedien of a former camp and member of the Order fer minty ewe, **Med he bad never /Aqua of au voter oixole he the Order. he teenier Onerdian be UMW the neraell Of the Men- Aim body encl how they were aeon te Illetiond Aleembly. The State Attorney -In the COMMittleil you were he bat summer I will leek you if then did 1101 tgeet * liebzet bb744 With* *wet billet mad kept their eltrnee Seargl froue the oonveution? "NO, sir. Beth at the aiviliono preestated their remade. The minority took tom and the mejority five, arid the AlMeil were amonnoed on the report of the core. mitten," WM arAre'll ATZOrefer =EV= State Attotney Longeneeker was hero ogled as a wituese on belalt lot the defend. tint Becht, end wee shod tote exemined _hen_Mr.p_osettr, .Be... gine ntnerhey_, when_ .litr„ .tenegenclieer lialir, " r. 00)0CS tO wog mum , • 4,.., as a mends In nos ogee." llirePottarne" Wh1"2" The Stint Attorney-,, Bemuse I am Faaate auttag t'l th° °°142*" een. 17 otter--" That does Pot rilake any difference. You need not oomemet On your own testimony:, The State Attorney -ft No ; inia I then t dO it? 311r. Yolltor-ft The gentle argue OM his testimony is to by the jay." The 43004-"Pr°00011," " Were yen. preeent ir,t the coroner,. inquest iii this die 2" "Yes, sir." "You heard Beam testimony that eseasioe." " I did." 44 Ind you subsequently cause to he brought before the grand Jury the •defeed. ant leggy as a witnem 2" 4 / did," il Dia ewe exit:nine him before the Grand aury ?ft Mr. Mille -We -object. The conrt•-I want to know whet YOnpied mew by this tine you aro going on, kr. . poster, lar. Poster -I mean to show. if Tour Honor pluses, that Mr. Beggs voluntarily told. the taste Attorney when a witness before the Grand Jury about this Cronin coreepondence and the action of Comp 20 in this matter, I pro to show that the Ant information came from Um F. Beggs to judge Longenecker of the matter being referred to the district olll ,, mr. spell * ` man. Hs informed. Judge Longenecker • as to what oorrespondence they had, and, bathe; though chief af paw trabbara, presented to Judge Longenecker the cor• respondence in his own behalf. I further offer to -prove that after thet examination, and in pursuance of what Beggs stated under oath, Spellman was subpoenaed as a witness before the Grand Jury, and he was interrogated and furnished letters which Beggs had written to him in pursuance of the -voluntary Mateo:tent of Beggs in this matter, which the State Attorneykn . eW nothing about. Lamm% ounce. Dm Court -I think you are entitled to get thin befere the but I am a littl jury, 0 sorry M the method you have ureued in • • - P . ening It. g lilr Feeder If Y •H ill ire t * -- --- 55r 555r Iv .; 55-e'r f making him state it I will any meaneo . . offer no objection, , ..... . -xn Court -The only thing 1 comment • hil 1° a it, would have been a little o e tb t ' ' tter if von had asked Judge Longenecker He h,, .,..; t • . - . -•Burke willing to adroit that fact - - 21° • - • before you. put hnn on the Mend. I think h. 4 e world have been entitled to be askea that- Mr. Foster to nudge Longanecker--You ere now a simple, plain every -day witness, and I don't ask you what Beggs -told you iii detail, but whether or not he told you with reference to the correspondence between him and Spellman 2 . A. -I will tell it all: The Court -I will not allovr him to answer tbat'question. Mr. Foster -Yon put him in the position of answering it, and now how shall he &newer it 2 ' The Court -I want him treated just the . same ss any other witness. ' The Witness-Int:mew-art° your questien I say yes. • '"Lady BMW =Mime to OPEntuAll• "Now, in ruin:lance of this information, did you came Mr. Spellman tobe examine,d and subpoenaed?". " Yes, sir." ' ' "To produce the letters he had written to Beggs ? ' ' , " Yee ; I bad that down at Peoria." "In pursuance of that you canoed lettere to beg:nought into court wills* Bens had, written?" ,, ' "Yes." "Up to that time you did not know he had Written Mr. SpeIlnien any, did you 7,4' "I did not." • ... ti T mill atilt ann collstligir nr TIM win ilfalk 0 iCatinearo ill if f li ..1 sr A curious rietre..en O. t..0 neeelloity atar°411414° itt tit° b°11ar raeut °In" JO lb° '50 05 at 2710 Zoe""6" 4 few dells ago. A. Milan engineer is in the hablt of shutting off the water column when 1447, lug hie boiler for the sil ht. One moraine , g , 1 h - 001„Peueo re ..311aa, betut 1 le a 4til"' Pogue, Ittle Preneomen to get en *team defter a time, it OcOUrred to him to consult his gauge clam, When he notioed that it wee either full or empty --he =Ilan% tell positively which, bot from the "%pearlier* of it he tudgea it to be ball, and the autiw goonrernotot.evpernoctseepdrowvge,deldersetjourdentochutts blow. off valve he opened. it end snowed a eon- eiderible Amount of water to move. About this time it struck him thet it would not be a bad idea to examine his try -make Eluding nothing but Maim be became fircati7 allinoaa szta bonded out hie lire Wottirthingsrpeesettoexrerai, to twfahncirctlinaae oxaenptlati%rea°13iabg be could not make steam. The impeder, viewing the fire on the floor said lie aid wonder mach at that, and immediately Rupee ng the oaule ot th rouble he ti ei t ped up to the water 001t10311 ad examined the 0000, The lower one wee broken eo th t th wheel turn a it lv th e • ye . re" whie le thee veil remeauredeeti sled 41de:a its aeat. 'Upon opening the broken valve the water 10 the glen immediately ran out, and the trouble was at an end. Water was then pumped in, the fires were re-atarted, and fill went " " "nil Wives for Benebrimit Colth Benthreen Collie, of Letligow, west Territory, Canada, who woe New `Pork Emigration bominiesio; from farovemifelAseafttry, ada570011 mega*, cikapututot. &We. Secretary jaeksoa Mel AW answer. Here le A Sample letter yeiterclay from bliss Celia Wilcox, 188 Sae° sheet, Bothester; I see your adverthemensin the /km, grenticui" a alta Pa' alikathalia' • enrol e want. Tam 26, an Irish I', "inatbgacroWeminif .412:31igigr.' bWiurrtol , possible and let me know if lir. Collis I wite -or It he has* brother j ust like Ill= MIS EL Pal I've seta double aged riLtieeV4,14j, it don't matter. rvo been disappointe fitetiolen Authorized. Assistant Editor -Here is an , from * fellow who wants us to tal our "Answers to Correspondents"' it is proper to use tbe word "with the sense of " =lees." Editor Daily Tomahawk (rale moment --Haven't I need it in that one or two editorials lately? Assiatent-I think you have, Editor -11e11 him flah use of the PuctioneabYroantroftheheetliting of English. Conmesed n.s. "Sing Three." • When I think of the towel, the old- taehionea towel, that used to hang up by the printing house door, I think that noway in them days of aioday eau ham, mer out iron to weite as it wore. The tramp who abused it, the devil who used it, the comp. who got at it when these two were gone; the make•up arid foreman, the editor, poor Man, each rubbed some grime off while they put a heap on. In, over and wider, 'twits blacker than thunder, 'twee harder than poverty, rougher than sin; from the roller suepended, it never was banded, and it flapped On the wall like a banner of tin. It grew thicker and rougher, and harder and tougher, and daily put on a more inkier hue; until one windy morning -without any .warning, 't , 2 fell on the floor and was broken in two._ Burdette, Baru Water for the Bands Borax Water will instantly all soils and stains from the and heal all sorattihee and chafes. 1 it, put crude borax into a bottle sr with hot weiter. 'When the bores solved add more to the water, nod the hot water can absorb no more timidly= remaine at the bottom of ' Ile. To ' the water in which the ha to be 'washed, pour from Olio bottle ' it very soft. It is very cleansing, ita Ilea the hands will be kept in e condition.--Mait and Exyreis. Be Could Swim. Tommy S 11 ' .-Mr. mi , can you ins Clara (impatiently) ---T l -Tommy, e room. Yon are annoying Mr. Smit "05,th ta t a question oes no am Mime Heartesse. Yes, Tommy, I mu Who do ask?" "Cause I heard Clara tell sister 1 was going to throw yen overboard." ----..- . Why Be couldn't Accept. Farmer's aon-Did you hire the man, father? r I miner- wanted to, but he wouldn't swept the place. "What did you offer him?" ,, e off a 13: $ ere lin 60 a month and to fmd 'Mee • • • h' lf " • . "And he thought 660 too little? " "No he was satisfied with. the wa es b t . , . g , n he osia he couldn't find himself." '" B h ' d ' - . .. mann 0.25 an ex- eteotwe from Chicago. He said he never could find an 7- '.. 1 thing.' ' ' ;Sanitary cooking orcabbage • • • When you boil a cabbage tie a lit bread in a bag and put it in the French cooks say that all the un odor which makes a ho ll 1' 1 ase sme ike drain will be absorbed by the bread. Patriotism and Piety. - . y. „ . . . A Prase terzan ol2nron in Melbourne mie •on, t d d some• ti into iri ro nee mnova oils its ser. vices which, altho h h '1blendingVidor, . ng appi y Patriotism and Piety, would -startle the sober minded ficotobrash at home. The ' choir, composed of gentlernen wearing the Highland kit' d ' Iattired.- the _ , 3 an gir a ,m e cos - e ' • their turns of the ady of the Lake, sing hymns of praise to the musk of the bag- • • Pipes. . The ingenious parson who con. these effects hew .his reward 'in greatly entarged 0OngregatiOne. Prince Louis Napoleon, son of pi an ,younger brother of • • • will soon go on duty in the 1 Army of the Caucasus. lEie holds a. commission. - ' The body of a man named Ant found floating in the canal at Moritz • tads, afternoo Y . n. He left his hc Saturday evening, after, it is eaid, rel with his wi e a . e , wife. H h a then pooeet *135, and when found he had Fool play is suspected. "Did not the sight of the -bo , bine sea, bearing on its bosom winged fleets of commerce, fill yo emotion ?" " Yes," replied the tr " at first it did; but after a while i fill me with anything. It sorter( nts." '0h," moaned the NAM as it rolle in the gutter, " I vies inahist nig I'm broke u l'i' " ' o ' r . " . " Murant s Extra Dry," remarked -, __ _ ' Miss Mary Randolph Harrison of Chi, cage, a niece of the Preeiderit, ii to be married ' in the Spring to a Minneapolis real estate dealer who saved her from drowning in Lake Minnetonka, hot mummer. 17iscount Falmatith is dead. He wee born in 1819. • Chicago has named a tie t tt ' a er John c It et 0 5 5 • - rerar, who e 1 , 00,000 to Chicago _...._ -..•' - oy W1s8e roo er was tbiraty. h Africa lob Wilt rid of or. g had a Colony. provide. with the eit of a . DO Was - Ogee 10 ood, and 'the fact, WOO tte - thoritiee • in peso. f these 11 taking. 174 The• eferring. indeed, erstan4 uo thie ize the in Out s of tho obi'. It seam 00 Agit ht lament soda or rice, but r shores eir own Walter" es, tear- s ef thie er mede beds or ole mos tment, ave upon. e Qom- exhibi- cordon. oh the of thew eland, demand, see to al 140 d their 0 omits - toe ead OWerer, e Added domestic tituttonn g into tierce Storms n neVer g rage des of - shelter. , wine oh, yet *tame ven 100 rid out d* under 0; feed uentityr, re Alm Rebhan et dem. few fest 1101 Aim daeCapo on, side Waxen Woke', martyr.. ✓ there' d iemfy y au Roth- e to the. sr' !or- b pink for the, ay each* received of No.. at ana, e's Just. °tests:it as, alone somas as got COX. tireless din love. inquiry - him in , bather. et" in cling a. sense in . inmate writer*. relativer bander, o make - a fill it; is ab- et last. , and a, he bet - ds arise ()make and by ;entente Lm? ave thee h. oy me,. 8WiDiv ate she of dry' kettle. lament. an OW "Plow Prince - neaten er ware , sal yea. - me on, quar• in his - but 116.• dlees, white with didn't retitled 11090 131, 501