HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-12-5, Page 494, • kE Notice to tIreitors. (5.:7; ter Abro_catV. S•A,NDER.S„ Editor. 14 th.• l'°"-tt°1'Of .(:"21:11 of tb Townsbap o Usborne, in the Thurzitav, December 6th 1889. Qounty oflton,. an Insolvent, ULT NAMF.D• I'NSILVENTLS 01131, uitutaiiu us-,1.1.nueut urea estate • and infects to, Robert tiibboas of the Town. or Goderielnin the County of Huron, chrr•i Thriv,,c,,,,t was in Tomo iu. trust fur tur beuewit erliis Creditors. A meeting of saidC ters will be hela in the office ot the A•isianc.a. la the Town Of —Uoderieli, on the— lass wook. rank Slieppd lads opened out Smith's block. ;4:4% ns 0-unlie has puhased. the old, 'boxy resiiinee nearly opposite Qatte 801.163.n:a was caused in town on Frithy is when it was knowu that a lady, tveently a msident in flab: 70'.'u.„ Wei baan arrested in Woutistoek On ellarga Of pOiSallings her 'Messrskiornr Coop:r and Robt. have eilt,•ril iatO partaer$hip fur the purpose cif carcying un gener grx-try business, ?tali Ow 11017 Ural aviii Teo 1t4lOwn S Cuuper and tiogar. taeni t.•very Sllet•eaS. A Grand Convert will be held in the Town Hail on alit; 'f'firarsday) evening itnd-tr the ausrictos If Rattenburs S. Zia'7.4.-a•z; 4,:lieta. Tit.. artists taking part Iv ... 11C•=arly aii a provincial man- ation ar.d. no ti,in1/4. a large audience will greet them. Th t West linr,ii VonservativeCon- Ini, ..„, ..",,.„,,,,,....,„,.., .. i,..,,.,,4„, to caateat the riding a. ,1;•ai 1:,i':•:h .111:1.A. M. ,.t iss, at 01,1 approa- thing oleetion to th-s lova' lionse. A itreng, ni ;14 wi:1 l',. put in the fluid. i-ozo t ingate-tii u•N:inalis ago V. J. and it,..- s:itni it was thought under MIS- 1 f a LAVIaillip, cited, 1 T irsg . it 0 Boosoor 19 891 1114 gall 0011161, 9, At 2 o elock p. kk.. foi• th.; pOiatMertt of Inspectors. and for ,..aiving aii;eetions ta to the disposal of the estate. Creditors are required to Ale their claims duly oyea with lac. or the said. Assignee on o be(oratlae (tax ot such meetiug, After Januar; 1st. is..%). the said Assignee wilt to distribute the said estate, having regard only to snail claims as he shall then have notice of, and h•• will aot bo re- sponsible for the ass its of the :Aid estate. or any parr therot, to ally person Qpeasous wlioSelaini or elaiins shall not Mott have. beau Alva. R.R.00LT,INS, Exeter,. 2nd Dec, Seiicitor for Trustee' MORTGAGE SALE 1.10e. When a Candidate T VN DER a.N I) BY "V`Ill,TrE, Ora POWER OF , sale, coatal lo eartain Martgage which will, ho proaneed ;Ai (lay of sale, mere - win be sold by Bablie Auetion. on • ''. r tt'a". a""".....!' r,a, • .,:al.....i.aae'aatalig!",.1.4.•aa,'...,:aaa • 1.. " ' " ''N'"\ '..‘'''4'.\• \'''NA•%'i1/4-V,S.'•`,. ?•:;,..., .,,•'••;,.'..',.\•',y.`• ,s, ,, •t-'kkv4; c..;;; ' `._ ' ',^. ,.;,. , .= • ...... ..:,,,,,,..,-zi:. •-••• • : , • • ?• .7 . . ,. 2. ,..•:. '-'" 'it:":;,1 '-1:•$.9 , . ' 11'. .....ti 4, • „!..1 ,: ., , „... for Infants and Ohiidren. ""Cv•-stmULsgiovelladaPteatOehildreattiat Vastoda Ca= 0011e. eenstipatioa, Treeonametal it as superior to any prescription _Sour Sornnehr Diarrnmaa ''uatataan, Imatrm tome." II, A. Aiwa= )11. )), aaatia Terms, gives sleep. aria prOmotes di, Ill Her OztordSt, Fre0•472. I'l. T. WitIMit laprioUs Medianten, Tam Casa, sea. Cow -via', 77 Murray Street, N. Y. r'• (....,•itat.U.- zaaataaarat-.Tatt, piefoua eireitais,ances, but tho matter Wai (C"..' Tila widOw after- OOK! 0 KI war.itt a 61 Clinton, whert3 site ary 3 Famous Model Stows are the BeSt sli,• :re .r.l.v.;t.;:s. 44 Wood -If OR s Hotel Dna INTIM MARKET. FOR SALE 13Y itlati a sa t 4.Tavtit, when sta:t'i„ •..?; 4.14 • 7,1i Ca, it tam).- 1 i•sir.;A:sil,irs have • , the um rag the inri.truc•ori,the Ta; brother of de fulluwiliaRecanruate,viza-- : to swear out an ..ku awl stop:Oar that ra,atain areal Or 1:af,)rt:la a,. a s' '14.3 igritber's avid traet 0flaaa. , sitaata,tiUg And 017' "' and on •111=!1'.,,,,V11.14''",•',1,4*0::-'rtttvricar4.4'lliin.51gzuctraYz:1 Ivo. •„,,q; aaalasaa Baae 11 of tileN 4 Lct Nniaberr. ;,1 tavillton, kirlq e-03.344” 18V1 said Township artist,. ar ?a:res.-mare or /less. • ;a •" " '1" 1' I "4: „ .4...1;?alaary Alves, un.• tAIICSUO:4*(': 0;4 3-Ra3'1age ,;:. .c? • To. .1, ;g •tol, 44.1t,!;;;‘•:,' r • "! o,"^ Sarvaat This praperry is one p5' ?Ire best in the 't empiri,y when 14•14',47,,, '`..° 1 31, far bt'uo ;,• vers that the was S21440 51,ad'... Vo'aelaia 1.lr..itasa rat liote• tr. :mown aar L. I/. IlICE,S gON, -.1 arsmiie, th iin gond." Sati • a kaa siikt saw INcter ; 4.4 . a ; • ' ia a dose of stratill„thitt WA , .1.ig, S tjU WA, rennin- IN /AIi 9 told it Wa's Male ai !ler icaSiiieSq. The i filet th.,t • ti-, 'ail/held her! :e. -.,1a” • Zi' 7 l4' =atter Or5ac=7C.Ilundle.ot iIS thOlIghtwnsulvormvIhen,yeout au,s•,; tar tesIlliOna" • an InsOlvent. anti or elittipterit 1e,•44 or ler; -r inra;la Ctn.: tendS dint she; xtevised statues 0. aantaiao, kept al..' •t',.'e•*,...t.)wing*0) throats mode above named X- -44t has this day1 by Mrs. r• kin*: Ni • t z•Irw t ould kill her made au assigm nent4,1alfllA. scsatt tate aia anatl til .1all 1 eIntr; Stlitin'e •ii3 if the, crime, etd 1" 11oo11" was dia....1.:•a„al, Tha fine1(111 Of a:alum- VILLAGE 03? ExETER, body is now under considerat- son by th authorities, and the fat of the Attorney -General is awaited iu the /natter, 'punt, in the said County of lInran. 1114M:smith, in tut for the general benefit oafs cre.lit- ors, A meeting of the creditors of the said Insol- vent 14.‘111" he held at the law ofllee of Lewis H. Dickson solictor for the said Assignee Ex - Bale Bemiater. eter on On Tuesday, Dec. loth 188, Lot 1 con. 3. Usborne, farm stock, implements &c. Mrs Francis .P. Cornish, proprieter,, IL Brown, nuct. On Frida,v Dac. 18th on lot 20. con.4, Usborne. farm stock, implements &c. Daniel Moir, prop. A. Bishop, auct __... —. —,2,...... ,..........., The striking trrein-glass bottle blow- er of Baltim iv: have issued an address indicating that the lookout in all the eastern ilistrt,!ts is likely to continue through the wil.ter, When Baby teas sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she criedfor Castor; When she became aliss, she clung to Castoria. When elle had Children, she gavethem Castoria, Estray Cattle. _ Came into the premises of the subscribers, Lots 15 and 13, eon.2.2nd, Stephen., Nov. 25th, three :yearliag stears and. six yearling heifers Owners can have them by proving property and paying expenses. Dxsamtarar, t LEWIS (311.ATTON, Greenway, Ontario. Notice to Creditors. TN THE LIAT'PER SAMT:EL C. HERSEY it. of th viltage211f Exeter, in the County of "HuroM n, aroban., 11 Insolvent. The above named Insolvent has -made an m assignent of all his estate ancl effects to .Robart Giabons, of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron Sheriff, in trust for the benefit of his erJtlitors. A. meeting of said. Creditors will be held in the office of tho Assignee, in the Town- of Geaerich ma the I:III/DAT OF DECEMBER 1889 At 1 o'clook p. VI, for the appointrrient of :Inspectors, and for giving directions as to the disposal of t he estate. Creditors are required to file their claims drily arovea with, me or thesaid Assignee on or before the day of sach-ni sating. OfiLLINS Solicitor for Trustee "r., 'keter, Dec. 2a.cl, 1883. Moday ihani flay of Dic 1530. At, the hour -of 2 o'clock p. ro All creditors are required ±44 their claims with the said. Assignee or his said Solietor on or before the 1St g80 Of JOiiii0f11 1000 ...v... legally proven with full. particulars as to an seenrity or securities held by them or any of them. LEWIS IL DICKSON Solicitor for AssigneeExeter.November 22na 18S9. HOGS WANTED Farmers hurry on soar 6 -tore hogs and fiit- ten them for the market from January to June. We have determined to abandon the packing of dressed hotas in order to inalce the packing o± hogs a business throughout the year. We shall endeavor to bay at whatever the price enough live hogs during these months to run Our paoking house. As this business is being neglected- during. the late winter and spring months, we think those -who have hogs suitable for Calf recruirements will reap a big benefit. Wo want hogs not less than 140 lbs., and not over 220 lbs4. and will given handsome price for the same. Recollect we shall not boy a drefised 'hog thi$ 'winter, whereas -we packed 15,000 dressed hogs after Jan. lst, last winter. J. L. GRANT & CO., Ingersoll. Valuable Pam, for Sale. comprisin,„ 100 acres more or less? being composed ofLot 20, tion. 3, Township of Ste - Wien, County of Huron; Ili Mites west of Exeter. On,the premises are a Pak. Brick Horise 30x40; kitchen 143a.18; wood. shed 20x30; two good wells; a fine orchard; 2 barns; driv- ing shed; stable and other boildings;, also a small portion of bush an the premises. There is a river running through the hash part which is never dry. The farm is *ell draln- ed and in a good. state of cultivation. Fax farther particulars, apply to SAMUEL RUNDLE, Exeter, Ont. BiSSETT BRCS LIVERL First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. SOtders loft at Bissett Bros.' Ila,rdware tore, will receive prompt attention. EZA SONAI1LE • • 'A TRIAL SOLICITED. BISSETT BROS .01,050401WARImmomat -01"„Itramei NE OF ALL KINDS OF PARLO1. STOVES • • • • • 'JUST IN - • • • Mis. sett UE32:otla.exm 41...161.01TVOINVOMMORMIKOMT41,7490110/#1,..011,031.FROMPORIMPRAF/01.1#7,041.006714.111/XPAIWINFAMAININFAVIIIMOSIMPYIPIIN Brol 11 YOU WANT ATTENTIO Eyes frontl QUICK ICASAOH W. SOUTH30TT, Clothing and Gents IBXG87:0110. EXETER, - - ONTARIO, Some of the finest goods that can bo secured, am arriving ever,y day. GENTS' FURNISIIINGS IN TIIE LATEST STYLES AT =ELT PRieEs. A GALL SOLICITED, SOUTHCOTT, Corner Main and John Street, EXETER, ONTARIO. MARKET SQUARE EllEIRAL, STORE The undersigned would infuTin the Public that he haS just retteived Hill Rill WIRED STOOK INCLUDING A FULL LINE OF DRY 'GOODS, IIA.TS AND CAPS, AND CROCK- TOERy,was AND SHOES. CLOTHING AI 1 S 11) 1\Zain. EXETER - ONTARIO Ilas now in stock FALL AB 111111\111 IN THE FOLLOWING LINES West of England Suiting's and Trots ming; Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser- ings, French and English Worsted cloths An made up In the Latest Style, at best itates. AN SNELL S. GIDLEY. THE LEADING ndertaker AND Furniture Dealer ose wishing anythinn' i Thn will find it to their advatA,,re to call and inspect my ..l'eafts and prices. Best Roller Flour always on lima Highest Price paid for ButterandE9gs, and Eggs, and all hind of Produces P.ZOCV bo. (10-2-'88.) tR1 nIT I, FitiELMMacilatnar7-...?2,4" All the LeadIng Lines Of tu purest and best CONFEC TIONERY ALWAYS IN STOCK. Wedding Cakes of the fmestquailty made on Short notice. A TRIAL SOLICITED. J, NORTHCOTT THE BEAUTIFUL HD CLEAR CUT ......Typ .4 • from which this paper is printed was supplied by the TORONTO TypE FOUNDRY •••••••912KIESIMOMMICS Dealers in Type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON, 80 S-; 82 Wellington St. west • TORONTO, ONT. Jo The famous h.eavy-bodied Oil made oll.13,7 by McCOLL BROS. & Co'y., TORONTO. Use it once and you will t1;30 no othe7Q. MCC011'S FarilEILIS CYLIHDER OIL I e the enest in.CaaaEor engine oylinders 2L,T51-7".. Z9ox Up stairs, over II. Spackman's Hardware Store. He has in stock some of the finest Winter goods to be Annul on • the market. A CALL SOLICITED. J. Cr. SMALLACOMBE. CITY HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. $1. per clay & J. &MARTIN, Proprietors. AMIN MEDICAL. THE CELEBRATED DR. LE CARBON, 01' PARIS, FRANCE HAS ESTABLISHED AN AGENCY IN TORONTO FOR THE SALE OP HIS MEDICIlaS, WHICH ARE A POS- ITI'VE CURE FOR ALL CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES 01' LONGSTANDING ALSO YOTITHETIL LNDISCHETION,EARLY DECAY, ETC., SHOULD. WRITE FOR IN- FORMATION. CORRESPONDENCE CON- FIDENTIAL. ADDRESS ALL LETT= S TO TIIE E. B. CRANE AGENCY, CAMERON PLACE, - - - - - TORONTO. FREEWAY'S-- POIff'DEA:T Are Alearcznt to tahe. C'ontctin their awn _Purgative. Zr 2 serf e, ste.re and effeetzeci I desfroyer ofivorms L'hi :drat cr4dnl. London Huron & Bruce Railway l'asSeng,,or Table. 81 'PER DAY. ,G9trzer _ouTu, ,„ • , - ' London.depit 8.156 4.25. WinghaM' c ' LueaeC)ro'g 8.41 52k )3e1rnv 724 44)0.' R j ',TUFTS POPRIETOR. OF THE I i have animmense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking - Goods now on band, which 1 Nu. ll sell at right prices, UNDERT,IIKINu A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S I 110eLVIVIMMUSWANUMIRMINVOMMOVAMM,a."4110 Central Shaving Parlor EXETER, Ontario, • ...,,""astirles, PROPRIETOR. Every Attention paid to Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting. AGENT FOR THE TROY LAUNDRY. A. Hastings. Exeter PitOte Sill1110. Why- is it that in other towns and surrounding country they speak so highly of the photo- graphs that are taken in Exeter. And how is it that there are so many photos sent into the different cities of Ontario from EXETER PHOTO GALLERY Because Senior's work is as good if not better than any of 'the leading galleries in the cities and their prices are $4 and $5 per doz., while they get.them at Senior's for 83.00. The Grand Union Hotel C=g2ITTOST, 01.72,-23.MX0 , Enlarged and Improved. 30 rooms elegantly furnished. Tables supplied with all 'the Delicacies of the season. 3 convenient Sample rooms. House heated with hot air. 'Electric bells throughout. tral ja 05 5 45, Lornicsbpro, 747 445. • • , •••,' ,"77 .2 ; • • „ tt .7zros ' ' EXETER • 919 '5:4. Clinteri .307 4.45. ' ' ' ' 9,28 0,00, Brucefield.: 8.26 1)04 Rippen,_ 934 sa7. Kivven, , , 8,3a 02, „ ' 1101,, ove 10,12 7 27. Laden Cros'g 9 24 0.04 . CBIEj ctici°1 2:31 14b1 :1'r '1 .1 9.4220 8fa 661 41: 03: 16X;i3 111 tT's (11:: lel inel 1 1' 988 ;114' 831 43t5 6333 oN NEVER E FAALLESTOCVIVI'ASIAT;_l$F9A0E7AlOHL 1:0MG ErETEE, OTT. Lon-a..,.rr.10.0 6.45.