HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-12-5, Page 1>SA UNIT CANA A DECEMBER BE 5,1889. The Molsons Bank. (chartered by Parliament, 1$145:./ Paid iv„ . s 2)OOQ,OOO nest l'ural:.. . .... . . . . . 1,000 000, 1I4 f4ge 3Iontrele, WOLFERST.AN TH0 1., Esq„, (4Ell it L lima Oa'c. Tweety,Braueh offices in the Domiinlou- Ageneles a:n thoDominion,. w, S, and l neepe, Opttii every ,St3to .o p alays from I. A. general banking business treetert rt Rous per cent, 'per tsunami, allowed for MOreay 04 Deposit lt, alet,* >> ed Soeziolto 11,. IL ARCHER, Exeter. Jou 2S,'. Mallagt. e un gess pliWallet( °very ThnrednyMoruing* at the Office, ltrtT 1 TSTRZET, E i.ETEFi. aSAalPERS'PU1ILI,SIIx.NGCOMPANY Q SURSOItIPTION. Fum i paai41 in. 44v 498 paid. 041. VO pit {aer dl+a atiiixlail aaanlil all a;ri lave •,rartl?iei� arras without aa.irt:i trains w l 1nblialied. tilt fosbia or1wMsKient iaadvertirec Liberal inserted Yong period', Every *leer:it+tiou of JO StRI' TING tarried out in the finest "tyle, and atmoderate rota* u1- 1 ri.lLe.,''oradvertising, ruteteript3QUA, .ato.taR lfa radii% ettrateo to William Sanders, =tor ..AT: ndb busmd ss urges us on,t t daily enter our store on For the Old ack, pra GhlIrek filreetfAr7. T u ZTT MZUMUAY. t'triaRa?1t,•*1i4Y, s. F. Robinson, turn pmSbtlhl" ttRTUOMPIT t<gUltnit..3entes-sit„ Rev: D. Clement, Paas tor. Sunday Sarvlces, 10.10,.m.'. 11.11a16.S) 1a. M. S+G19io t L 'haat) 2 pre. MAO Sz".utRx-110V.,%. W112924 PAINT'. Sun .lav Services,ltlal3+4.ra, and ilJa) p.m. Sabbath Schools,�iP mh,aa. PRaa: RY/R1 ikx Cxvnait.-Rev. W. Marais, riG5tor. Sand y )ervice", It a.m. and 610 p,. air. Galbhtih School, OAa.zaa. ��.o4114, d*.. .._,_.. i. ILLINGS. ORlco over O'3,Tell," Bank, Beater, Outer 0. 21.itrouIOxide ()aster painless extraction. Goes to Lticaiia ever 'Rritmay. 1I. KINSMAN, DENTIST, L,D.S. ox tracts teetlh without pain by giving; Vegetable Vapor, or using_ the uew .4baostheticon the gams. Makes ©old F111i'. Ings and other dental work the best possible. Goes to Zurndilast East sine of gain street, tolath. t J .%et in i T B. WHITELY, It. D. C.l[.. Pli' SIOTAN t • anis Surgeon. Office and residence i'orner Victoria and Elgin streets, Godorioh, °uteri°. TAR, x. A. I OLLINS. OFFICE-Ilt,'1AI:7 ST. Exeter, eCorner Andrew and North Streets, A, 1pS.lasEdinfl,,,C. hi L>. C.P.‘EDi1-.; L, L.F.P.S iGIasfiow; i.. M., E iinbnrsth rtnt� C*lasgOW L U: P. & S.. Ontario: T. T. M. S., Toronto. Night elti° 8 office. Crediton, Ontario. -raft. CONVEY. OPI'N'E --MAIN sertneer, 1J Exeter, upstairs, opposite Centra Hotel Side entrance on soutlu--dames street letdingto the 'Methodist Church. T W. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. P. S. tlurodent° of Vittoria University, Office and • residence, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. 'WILLIil.Mi SwERT, V ETER- �i inarVSurgeon. Graduate Toronto. e Dentist- ry iasgOicnd Re- sidencoono block east of Rioh. Pick ard's'store. Opposite skating rink, Ex- eter, Ontario. ') H. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT- OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. a)tli0-Sainwell's Brock, Exeter, Ontario, Money to Loan. H. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR "e �I■ ofSupreme Court, NotaryO on- .Pubh ,. veytancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan Once-Fanso1 s Block, Exeter. -C •LLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOL'TO- .114 itors, Oen veyraUeers, &c. Money to loan inti per cont. B. V. EL$IOT, J. ELLIOT TAMES eter, Ontario, Licensed Auctioneer ORE, Ea, U . Aoneers for the County of Huron. Sales promptly attended to and satisfac o guaranteed. ,° sales arranged at this office. ••�� BROWN,,. Winchelsea. Licensed Auct- SJl ." ioneer'for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne. S ,.'les paromptly attended to and terms reason Able. Sales al.srurigeclatPost office, 'Wi7lolaelsa BOSSENB79R&Y, Hensall Ontario. Lic- _l,..l. ensed Auctioneer for the Countys of. Huron and Perth. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. ITOLT,Khiva, Ontario. LicensedEeuct- ionor•for the Counties- of Middlesex and Lambtoo, and the townships ofStephx and Hay. All sales promptly attended • to. EXL13T it; Licensed Auctioneer for Hay, -Stephen and McQ illivrey townships.; ffice-Crediton, Ontariw. Wanted. d■ Situa;tioil A lady wishes to secure a situation for her .son, aged alaoia 11 vests. Tho situation tyre-; ferreia is one in whae]Y;l'ii'e can go to school and do the chores meriting and evening. Tor further particulars apply at rile .ADVO- •'C,ATL'o`lfiee, Exeter, ems Fu g to remove al barges: Depa ro Crockery to a; n FRIDAY cam dot tent Medi e ca� department, w wit 1,%A.TURDAY o' of War xuxdert ared to give you T N POUN d an, other Goods gold equal you have not Money, , bring od.0 the best value in the country ti CrIPTON. & TEID, Establi4o6. $ +izeteert tanc, a } f Mr s. Think of i ! aa !IEA Come one, come . d get the highest prig k'fT@ speo- and Ray School Report, Kerslake, Jessie Luxton, Hunter, Poly Fisher, Blanch Rook, Annie Jones, An - The November report of S. S- No. 2' nie Handford, Maggie Handford, May i• as follows. The names are in order. st forcers:-Firrm-Jno. Chapman. SEN. itch, Jas. Campbell. ire. Fouivvit - salt. 1T1L--Homer Russell, Jno. Camp - AND WELL DEi ,. tvn - . stunme ----Our Stock consists Of- Watches, Clocks, Walnut and !■ � keI Alarms, solid gRings, s Keep:- • gold I, g. n ement !rags, ' . er Rings, E �',�g � � Ce,, t Rings, solid gold Broaches, Cuff Ea . toln�9 Bracelets, Chains, _ocketsg &c . next60 days we purpose giving the Public. the For they p po 5 :� big- gest chance to purchase `Goods to X x X te- FOR SPOT. CA.SII. NO, 131 Noble Qarraaud-,T 1'. Wren, Hensa?ll Herald of No zth. --15 . Crawford, lrensoll; Herald of South. -D. Pur 7s`a 4email; Herald ofEaa,t.- l•• Blatllford; Herald of firers. -Xi', t;oiwerl„ hens all; During. the ceremony a snag Uicent altar 'Wag erected renreseniing the Thomas, Olive Down,Almenaa Kerslake. Part First Class. -Alfred Coates,Rome1 Busn'ali, Rettic Esse ry,Samuel Thomas, Lulu Dompser;, Laura. Dempsey, Clara Chas. Aldworth, Mee Shirray and Al. Luxton, Lida Quanee, V ilimet Smith. f a<'il :tiieTag aid equal, Cecil Ross. The above report is based on the merit '1']intim.---Kate Chapnn n,Ratehel Atkin• of written examinations which are held ,^pas Chas, Blackwell. SLcoN-i ---Nellie v. eekle- and on regularaattendaanca. It tt5'lyrien, >{41iee Gould, Annie* Northcott. is through irregularity of attendance ".gt:eOND PART. -Ralph Chapman, Bea- that some of the names appear as they tries; l aarren ami Maud Russell equal, Amelia. .JaeI son., FIRST Paler.: Beck - ie Northeott, Etl.ward I)illin Clras. 0' Brien., W. 1.1. Johnston, Teaeher. works of the order. Stephen' Council, 015111100„ met on 2nd inst., all the members. pre=ont. Minutes of the last meeting read and signed., Mr. O'Brien is permitted to keep bis toml.orary fence in its rrrsenat place 021 condition he lonerit during winter or 3 - movealldrifts impeding travel caused in consequence thereof. In the matter of ono \Vrn.Mitcheil;theoouncil do not see that they are responsible for his keep under exist- irg circumstances. After passing the follow fug orders the 'council adjourned, to meet again on Monday, 46th inst. Orders granted: EX.OteTCorporation,halfkeepof the late S. Mord, $66,5,; C. Stody, gravel, $5 40; G. Murlocle a 4• A McPhee ditch iii, R. Hodgins, culvert, $ `ark, SS; It, Cook,gravel, $12; r. Clark, livery, $3•. McEeolaen and others, gravelling $14; C. Either, 0010.. 0, It, $9; I. Sharp, culvert $6• E. .Tones. ditching $1.02; T.11.ollins, gravel, $8.75; I . Heist; culvert, $10.1. Boland, culvert $81 I. Iran l es, lumber $1'2.20; T. Sanders, removing d 'Avood. 75c; lir. Kellerman, nails, 38o; I. Dlol- lerd, 5 ditches $1; I. Wickert, coin. a$5;'I:Kuhn rep. culvert, $4; L Wind error in dog tax, St; A.Diaherda'ai, tax remitted, $336; ,T. Steeper,. gravel, $7.45; H. Moatz, $1.50 T. Keys, corn., $13.1.2; S. Holbein, culvert, $5; S. Treumner and others gravel, $57 55; W. Mitchell, relief, '$7• A.DisherOau, grading $40;1. Mitchell, gravel $2.66: A. Dislierdlau, rental, $3,66;: M. • Silber, M. C. D. $L66;53. Schwitaer, lumber, $12,02; S. W. W.IIj�yw�.kins,76c;W.Ching, wort: in 1687, $l; T. Podia, gravel, 9(3.75 C. Prouty, Clerk. Eden School Report. - The follow ig is a ,correct` report of the standing of the pupils of this school for the month of November. FIFTn CLASS-LdieBuswell. Sr. Fourth Class- Laura Ilieks Alice -Kerslake, Minnie Cas+e.-Jr.Fourth Class. -Warren Snell, Alfred. Hunter, John Heals an. Sr. Third` Class. -Nellie Dempsey, Ma gie' Luxton, Nore,.'Heeuia n, Lottie Hand- ford, Lizzie Coates, Edgar BuswelI,Li1 In Hunter Jemesl13eaaman. Jr. 'Third We dont say . give us the first call 'but_ ,?e (To say ons 'benefit.ofrise surrounding commnnitv.. ? , �a part ; Class.. 111Innie I ua ton,Alma Dempsey, t'f a ,l#!TY. FA Ira, F lll>:tl :' . ...- st;lwprtS,"llt$ rias• plliity of life end eolldUet of than members of the or der; The se coi:d,represents .the warmth. and ardour of youth.; The third, repre- sents the good wilt existing between the brothers timid the guidance and heli to the struggling careworn mari- ner amidst tha fiercest risorius of life; Tim fourth, rept-assns iery:2 rank and power worn alike by Priest and Xing, and is the girdle :end, 'breast plate of judgment; The fifth, represents the cheer and helpgi er along,; lifer thorny- pathway to the despoi.derit, farinting, smiting, and eareit ern add of toil; The sixth' represents that golden rule "what so ever you would that others shoulddotoyolmdoyeeven sotot en Tbo ' smith and greatest is charity, Mein the symbol of "the brotherhood of man,, rhes fatherhood of Gods, every where prcaelaiifming peace on earth, good -wilt to tm an. The iibovcs is the embodiment of the grand pri:1e ple5 that underlies rimy szlipetitions fabric of Oddfellira ship, whosstl chorine her drawls from the paths of error, mann" a noble heart. After the Ilall was duly dedicated, Dr. Bell G. M. gave a short address which was very appropriate for the occasion and, but for his severe accident which nhnost rendered him incapable of 41.t - tending he wotald have even a more e .liamistable aatidress on preetices of the order; the pronouncing; of the benedic- tion by Rev. J. IT. Simpson Grants Chaplan of Ontario ended. the cere- nmonya-11.1'ow unto 1'li.n who is able t' keep you from failing, and to present you faiultless before the presence of His Glory with exceeding joy, I tom - moue yon and the 'whole family of men; ' and to Bim, the ,.only wist's God otter Saviour, be Glory, &Ings sty, Dntninioxt and Vowel, now and f'oa.•ever."emtln, do in the report. Parents Can there- fore see for themselves that it is of the utmost importance for them to send their chiidreu regularly to school. The average attendance for the month was 39. J. A. Demesne, Teacher. Eensall. On or about the i-th of January 1890, court Ivy Green, C. 0. P. of this place intends holding a band concert this will be the best concert of the season. Wait for it -We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs. John Scott, which sad and melancholy event gccured on Mon- day morning last. The remains were followed to their last resting place on on Wednesday, by a large concourse of sorrowing friencls and rela tives. We join with the many friends ins extend- ing our sympathy to time bereaved hus- band in his hour of afliieteen. I7 11R AVIO_N OF I. 0. 0. F. HALL, . HENSALL, The concert took plate in the even - ins, and one of the largest crowds ever in attendance to any concert ever held in the village was pres,mnt. The pro- ceedings raceedings was opened with a short ad- dress from the chairman, Rev. J. H. Simpson, Grend Chaplin, Brncefield. He dwelt upon the privileges and use- fulness of t, ddfellowship. He .was pleas- e toltnow that he was an Oddfellow, and would not to day have been in the. ministery had it not been for Oddfel- lowship. Ile cabled upon Miss Park, who is the Scotch singer ofthe west, who rendered a beautiful • Scotch song, entitled "abird from o'er the sea" The reedition was in a very masterly way and. "took" with the audience Ira meucel, . The next was a recitation by Dir. William Hughes, entitled "The Jitters" Mr. Hughes kept up his repu- tation as a Reciter and handled his - subject it an easy manner and which kept the audience in one continual roar of iaughter.Mrs. Cook, of ileasaall, was the nett upon the program for a solo which she rendered in excellent style. The P. G. M. Rev Wm. Martin then took the floor and addressed the ,audience itt $oma length, setting forth. the objects of. Oddfelloti};ship its origination.. The order was first or- ganized in England in the last cen- tury. The I, 0.0. F. was formed in. Maryland. and ' founded by "'Thomas Wylie in 1819. It is now 000'000 strong in Canada. Oddfellows aro the largest lodge on the face of the Globe, being 1;800,000, and the Masons next with 1,000,000. There is not to day an Oddfellows widow or. his Children in an orphans home or poorhouse, or could theybe found in , destitute cir- cumstances. r cumstances. Ile concluded by urging all to become members of one of the randest and best organization on the face of the Globe. The chairman uan then called upon Mrs. Cook, who favored the audience with"lThe, Old Tirol e -," which gave a thrill to the heart o'i every one present. Following, !drs.Cook was a duett by the Misses Hughes, whichw as wei.t received by the aud- ience. The little girls 110 doubt in a few years will be two of the best" sine - ars in the town, "I don't like a cur at my heels"was given by Mr. W. Waugh, and he was most heartly encored A duettwas rendered by Messrs McPher- son and Hughes which took well with the audience, after which Mrs. C'ioh. sung a solo in fine'Style,aiiid was ie;art- ir ` recti:,. ed. The whole concluded: With a roaring farce entitled "The `in- itation." This part of the 'program was taken part in by a laege ?mailer of the, brethren of the T1 ' .all lodge, and Ikraas full of gags and wit and kept the aud- ienceu continual uproarofla:iigh- ienee in one ter. The whole is as e01.(.. LIC by In "God save the Queen.'' The mem- belie of Bonsai lodge are `to be compli- mented I mented on the sway they :handled the d sat 1tr<iICi, -r it sa,L'll a 'real affair.aCl ass.... i Hensall Lodge No. 223, 1. 0. 0. F. Set apart and dedicated theinew Hall to the business and purposes of Oddfellow- ship on$Thursday the 28th. }The Cer. emony was performed by R. W. Bell,' of Peteborough, Grand Master, df the order of Qaltarao• The ceremony throughout: was most solemn and im- pressive, and the large number con grerated to witness the same, shows that the order is popular acid that the public duly 11l preciate "2111(1 are;, in harmony, with the work of the order, in their choosing to erect -a home of their own which not only reflects great credit on the ;order. but adds greatly to the appearance ' of the e and 1?p village sr h> order is e •tabllshed on a With your money until you See our stock and 0111" ricers Georg Walker; itlaalcom 15empsc3 Also that the oa; � Y �` p ., > msec Rook Annie Smith, Annie solid financial basis. The following Cloc ks and Watches cleaned and bialy �llt tc time;Quatee, Jerry Remain PereY Luxton took part in :the dedication:- Frain -he Hinter •Emma, Sn itil Grand Chap. I2ev.J'.i3. Sire son Brueefie d;. icrlanl� ©��5 l�Aal � ,Grand Afat•hdll Tar Maclharnoid H'ansail Second Class. iltvrtll Walkel, Nellie third 1aasfer-Dr Bell, eter orou ,, • 1d�a-,'Caa8 o Part Second Class. -Rhoda Clrand Warden, -,T. C. Klausen, Howell; Success.