The Exeter Advocate, 1889-11-28, Page 8TII7&B.LINC IN CHRISTMAS CARDS. CHRISTMAS ,BOOKLETS. CHRISTMAS ALBUMS. cniusTAMAS BIRI4EZI. CHRISTMAS WORE BOKE.S. CHRISTMAS WRITING DESS, CHRISTMAS VASES. CHRISTMAS GIFT cui'S. CHRISTMAS DOLLS. CHRISTMAS HANK1aBC1dI1FS. CHRJSTM ieS FLUSH GOODS. CIRISTMAS, ANNUALS. CFIl;,1STMAS TOYS. ANI) A LARGE VARIETY OF OTHER LINE—SPECIAL CARD EK-' HIBIT DEC. 6th, HOLIDAY GOODS F.,NHIBIT DEC. 10th. J. GRIGG, WHOLESALE & RETAIL STATIN' -.-.•.--A,ND ._ . FANCY GOODS DEALER, EXETBRI ORTARIC oCa. . e"' rC '"e, i Tint r is Hexa Get your snow ovela Clean off your sidewalks. Fix tip y eaut sleighs and cutters. Put away your wagons and buggies. Tramps were quite numerous in town this week. --IL L,;ieutengs, Dentist, rot` the best. .arttteicial teeta. Get your concert and sale bilis at the A»voavri'a odli Ge. 1.0ok out and watch for the deter et the sons of England canter(. .A. new addition is being built to the wood :shed at the public school. pL1 The fuleeral sermon of ,the late zlecepY•■r !Peet Ars Joshua. Dieakins will he preached en a5i�,00 worth of boots and sho SalIdav evening •nest in the Trivia from the estat tlloet ickard. ]300 Meinorisl church. and shoes fol* t ee ion richt pi�i.ce. s, The Baitifi $ sale of the ,goods seized E.J.Spaektnan, Fanson'�ock, Exetr r, front the e{etsta of dame" Pia" was AKawwtic aiteregul. held yesterday; Out of the fifteen. eat- The next regular n 133, meeting of Lebon, heals seized only six were sold, Those an Forest Lodge, no, X83, d, & weenies sold brought hing prices. G. 7I, C, meets on,'masks, a -sir ng Owing to the poor Groes, low pxicas, next a at. 7.30 o'clock p. iin. °1' ery nein- arad so much farm, property thrown on of i requested to be a traneae tedtsiitess the market, good farms are selling so of importance will be trapse06ed, low in Bidduiph as the unimproved �iatlt°rzf>�><1srp. lands in Stephen mud McGillivray, Qn Friday last, Dir; Samuel C, Run- At RHicks' can be found Gold die, who lives 1t miles west of this vill- Watches,Goki spectacles, Gold Lockets, iage)uu de an assignment for the goner Gold Bracelets,Goid Sox Broaches, Gold al iidforit of his creditors, to Mn )Giese Sets, Diamond Finger Icings atpopular Handford of this village. The liabilit- prises, less your discount, .during the les are estimated at 1$3,500 and the as, holiday season. one door South, of the sets $300. A meeting of the creditors. Big Bankrupt Store, will be .held on Monday next, Decem, her , yl.,aw offiee of Mr L. 1 . On Friday morning last, Mr. Stun- Dickso2ndn, at the irel Sanders, of the 2nd con. of Stephen, Lonkb„gfbrber, was tken by surprise on entering his Kingston. NewsAvery funny thing horse stable and finding one of his happened Inst Sunday in fa certain horses Tying dead in the stall. The church when the minister, owed his night previous the animal ate a very 1 sermon with these words—"We would hearty feed of hay and oats and showed be pleased,moreover to have the young no sign of sickness- Lasa about $150., men who is standing out side the door come in and make certain whether she The failure of J. N. Hooper, goueral is here or not, That would be a great Merchant at Shelburne was the deal better than opening the door half result of the assignment of Mr James an inch and exposing the people in the Pickard, of this place, The creditors last row of seats to the draught, meet to morrow when an offer is ex- 1lc ons'[ 3rent1N,,. pected from Mr. Hooper, The creditors ir. Robert Sanders, who has been on think they should receive 60 cants on a hunting expedition up in the North. the dollar. The liabilities are placed ern counties, returned on Thursday at $15,081 and the assets $16404,, evening,—Ur.11. Reynold and sou and It is with feeling of deep regret that R. J. McIntyre, of HetisalJ, were in we ttnn:uunco the death. et Mr. Isaac town on Monday. --Mr. John Elliot t tai Borrel, et the advanced age of 71 years. rioter, visited. Toronto last week on butt - Ur. ilorrel was one of the pioneer set- mess.—Mr. Rich, Fanson,of Fenton=who tier!► in this part of Huron, Ho Wali has been visiting his father, who is ly- burmed on Saturday le the Eden Cernet- cud dangerously ill;returned on Friday. ery, and his remains were followed by —Mr. R..1`1. Moir, of St, Marys, spent a, large concourse of surviving friends Monday° evening in town, --7.1r Thom. end relatives. We extend our scinere as Caves, left on Monday for Detroit,.•-.. th„v totheber vedrelativesandfricuds. Mr. Frank Gidlen boa given. up bus The Anniversary Services of the iness,and intends returning totl¶1'&ronto James St. Methodist Church will be held shortly .—Mr. Jos. Senior, spent a few on Suudey and Monday Dee. Sth and days in Uxbridge the latter pert of last The Exeter AbVOCarri from now 9th, The Rets; Dr. Carman, General and the beginning of this' n k. MMr. till January 1st 1691,for only $i.. Superintendentaf the Methodist ChurchF. Quiggley and A. Stonily, . + ;e►a ., .of 'Liman, will preach on Sunday,, and, on Monday were in town ycsterdiy, eveldts:* deliver his far famed lecture roam school Hearrriza[laawtes, on "Colonial Empire, " As Dr, Carsnau Nov, 19 -.--Place of rectiug,Townhall is known asone of the ablest dlxines in _Absent none, Passel—Minutes of our Dominion„ we can promise our road• previous xm eatingeamiss Waldron, to ors a rare intellectual feast, be teacher of No. 5 dsipertrnerst at a.eat- The real secret of Freemasonry con- ary of two hundred end fifty dollars, slots in the exercise of every social and mover D. Mills, seconder W.Hoskin.— moral virtue, not only in the ostensible Miss Pringle,to be teacher of the infant'. actions of our conduct, but also in department at a salary of two hundred` private life; our latent springs are sci- and fifty dollar-,,moverT.Fitton second ence and truth; our Craft is reason and er Aills.---Mr. M. Eacrett to be chair-, good per et; our cunning isjustice and man of the annual meeting. --Annual humanity; our plots and contrivances meeting to be held in Town Hal, Tues - are sincerity and benevolence, our re- day Dec, 26th at 12 o'clock noon, moo, venga against our enemics,is by labor- er 1). Mills seconder W. Hoskin. ---Mr. ing to convert then into friends. Senior to be auditor, mover T. Fitton We regret to announce the deathof seconder W. Hoskins. --Woodshed to be Ma Joshua Meakintr, who was well put in repair forthwith and an exten- known here, which. sad event occurod tion built of 22 feet under the supervi- on Monday morning last, Deceased tion of W. Hoskin and D. Mills.--•mov- has been ill for sometime past with that er T. Fitton seconder 'W Grigg.—Ad- dreaded decease, consumption, and on journment to second Monday to Dec..; the above date succumbed to the fatal mover T. Fitton seconder W. Hoskin. effects. He was engaged in farming J. Grigg, Secretary. N. B. Parties in Usborne for some time,but his health having accounts against the board will failed and last spring was compelled please present before next meeting. to give it up. He removed to Michigan l[nnicipai. and remained there Meth about ten it is now generally understood that days ago, when he returned. He leaves Mr. Hugh S ackman will be nominat- e wife,fathcr and sister to morn his loss, ed for councillor for the coining year. We extend our sympathy to the bereav The electors cannot make a better ruave ed in this their hour of trial and Wilk- than elect him. It is a well known pion. fact that our town is behind the times Getting; on a Plus Rat. in a great manyways, when ein come Base ball players next season must to consider the stirring appearance of address the Umpire as "3fi• Umpire." the neighboring towns. One of the es000eso questions that should be considered by Boots and shoes for the millions at our residents as well as our council, is away down prices, at E.J. Spackman's the advisability of trying to get some; store Fanson Block, manufacturing concerns located here. Shooting Match. A large remanufacturing concern, say A pigeon shooting Thatch will he • employing one hundred hands would held at the Central Hotel, Exeter, on and must be the means of-•if"ringing Friday, December 6th. 'A large quant= one hundred men and their -families to ity of pigeons have been secured for town, this, consider four to the family, the occassion. Look out for bills. would be four hundred. The one hun- Noes Wanted- dred men would receive on an average Farmers should read the important $1.87ii Per day, or ItS.25 per seek, and announcement of J. L. Grant & Co., of the greater portion of this would be Ingersoll, in anothercolumn in refer- spent orinvested here. is St. this not once to fattening hogs early. This help the Town? There is St. Marys, firm will buy no dressed - hogs this Clinton, Goderieh and other towns with i wnter. ' " Electric light, The town of towns 13nt orll:nslind Attention. er. cannot be called near equal to The members of the Sons of Eng- Exeter in wealth,elea:nliuess &c.iind yet b . they have -electric light. Why' cannot land B. S. will kindly' remember that Exeter have it also. The above two the regular meeting will be held on schemes or any oil ers tending '` to ad - instead Friday evening (to morrow) at 7.30, vance the interest f . E>eter, should instead of 112onda}- evening: Every have the' full consideration' of f hcf coun- Rowse Fair.cil next year, and the people have now The holding of monthly horse fairs plenty of time and opportunity to select The ringed in Brussels. The men who will consider`questions.of tnis are he .Post thinks it will be a good thing for kind i n our council for the coming that town. If it is a good thing for y ar. When we mention the.name of. g Mr. Spackman, we know thatehe- will be willing to consider any question that'wilhrnaterially advance the inter- ests: of ,the ,village and its residents, and we'ask all citizens who have the inter- ests nterests of this village at heart, to- lend . a helping hand and elect Mr. H. a mem- ber of our council for the year 1890. Yesterday was a very miserable day owing to tate weather being sleety.. We are glad to anotia that Mr. J. Parkinson is able to be around again. Don't forget the I, U F. entertain-: moat next Monday evening Dec. 2nd, Conslderable snow fell during Tues. flay night and Wednesday morning. Wedding invitations in New York and Paris styles at the Azmyoe4TE of- fice. —mere islilie s,dentist.GEotclAlll■R4'. A apeeisIty*. °nice over O': Red's Rank Exeter. Mr. Silas Handford is aiding his res idence on Main St. which adds greatly to its appearance, Every one should attend the I. 0. P. concert as the program provided is of the first class order. The syndicate sale held at the Mark- et on 3ionday last was a success, The stock sold at fair prices. Dr, Oronhyatekhe will be on hand at the I. O. F. concert Monday evening next, and deliver au address. Every one should hear him. The Rev O. );I. Bridgeman, of Hen- sail, preached a very able and impres sive sermon last Sunday evening in the Trivett Memoral church. Mr. R. Hicks is offering his entire stock of Watches, CIocks, JeweIery, Silverware and Spectacles .at a dis- count iscount during the holiday season. We are glad to learn that Master Jas. Sanders, of the Brd con. Stephen, irho has been laid up for some weeks past with blood poisouinO7 is recover- ing. Just received at R. Hicks' Jewelery Store a lot of new Watches, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles, Clocks &e. Just the thing for Xmas presents. A call solicited. A large number intend going to Hensel' to -day to witness the .dedicat- ion of the new Oddfellows Hall in that place; and will also remain for thecon- -oert in the evening. A number from here took in the ?Masonic concert at Hensel' on Thurs- day evening last. Had the weather been favorably, no doubt,a large crowd would have attended. Mr. James N. Howard has purchased the hardware stock of the Pickard estate, and will open out for business at once. Mr. Howard intends selling hardware as low as the lowest. The re -opening of ' the Main -street Methodist church took place on Sunday and Monday last, at Which some . very able sermons were preached. The col; leo ions 4n Moth occasions were very 'Brussels why could not Exeter have a Targe. good monthly horse and cattle fair. Mr. E. J. Spackman having purchas- Feathers Cleaned. ed the boots and shoes of the - .James The un4ersigned wishes to state through these columns that he has pur- chased a machine for the purpose of cleaning' feathers. Every variety of Feather Beds, Pillows etc., renovated" and made equal to new. Shop next door to John Treble's Harness. Shop, Exeter. , A trial solicited. JAS. FI Rcru- SmN.• Important to.liotel-.Kecperd. During' the last sitting of the general session for the count}- of York a hotel keeper of the city of Toronto Nvas sued for damages because he had sold liquor to a customer after he had been warn- ed not to do so. Tho plaiutif, who was the wife of the drinker, -• was awarded' damages to the amount 'of one hundred: dollars by the jury., Compel for the. defendant raised the point, that notice' to `the liquor vendir was, not ;properly gaven., His Honor Judge (McDougall' gave judgement on that point a few days afterwards, enforcing the verdict of the ,jury. He held that it did not matter whether; the notice was by the wife of the toper or Ly, the inspector. member requested to be present. Pickard estate, will open out in- Fah - son's Fail son's Block today, where all cap -,Pur- chase boots, shoes rubbers, &c.,` at the lowest possible prices, An immence number of cattle• and hogs have been shipped from here this season. It is estimated that between .fifteen and twenty thousand dollars: have been paid for the above daring`. the last {couple of months. Mr—Reid, of London, having pur- chased the dry goods and groceries of the Pickard Estate will open out in full blast on Saturday. .Phis is one of •tlir best dry goods; and grocery stocks to be found hi l estei'n Ontario. Look 'out for advertisement next week' An agent of an English syndicate is now said to be negotiating for the pur- chase of all the cheese factories in Gen- trs,l New, York, which amountsto some thing like five hilndred. Those factor, les are run on the co-operative princi• pal,and are patronized by thousands of farmers. 'the Stocks Disposed Oii. The merchandise stock of the estate of James Pickard, of this place, was sold on Tuesday last by Mr. Jas. Oke, Auctioneer, and realized the handsome sum of $22,06289. The •attendance was very large and bidding was brisk. Parcel number one, consisting of Gro- ceries Crockery,-(lassware;Wall Paper' and furniture appertaining thereto, amounting as per inventory to $11189, 97,=was sold•to Mr. W. J I inmpton, of Lucknow, at 63* cents on the f dollar; amounting to $2,552.05. Pardo nure- ber two, consisting ''of Diets, Shoes, Trunks; and Furniture ,itippsrt"ai11iti thereto, amounting as per triventbmy'to e4,503.9O, 11as sold to that. J.P ack- man of this village,, at a rate of 64 cents on the dollar, netting $$2.8S2.53. Parcel' number three,consisting of Dry - Goods, Millinery, Hats, Caps, ]Furs, Ready made teething and- Furniture .2sat RICmARD PXCE'S, e La�.Fest and best Assorted Stook of PZ-WaisQ-- (DC)3:30 In the County, bought strictly, for CASH. Ever71,0 r invited to call and Inspect 4VR COQT?S. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF MILIJNERT' ANTD TAILORJNc., appertaining thereto, amounting as per inventory to $10,874.03, was sold to Messrs, W. J. Brumptora,, of Ltiekuaw, and W. S. Reid, of London, at rate of 67e ceatts on the dollar, netting 010,- 714.99. Parcel number four, .consist - Ind of Hardware, Stoves, Tinware and Furniture appertaining thereto, a- mounting as per inventory to 81.0,550.- 50, was sold to Mr. J. N. Howard, of this villag,e,at a rate of 56 cents on the duller, netting e5,913.34. The mill was also offered for male, but as there were no offers over the reserved bid, naineiy,-$7,000.00, it was withdrawn. 'rhe merchandisestocks averaged 63 cents an the dollar. The stocks are in firat class condition. The dry -goods, hardware and groceries will be contin- ued at the old staff+d by the above nam- ed. buyers; but the boots and shoes are replayed to Fanson's Block, where they will be disposed oft The sale of the farm stock of the estate will take place on Wednesday. December 4th. Shortly after which a dividend 0f 33 , or some- thing there -abouts, will be declared.. Slowly but surely the evidence A. statist the cranin suspect is winding a web around the prisoner that will fin. ally bring to light one of the most at- rocious crimes ever perpetrated in that country; Tth most damaging evidence against'the prisoners is the -finding of to .leather valise .containing Dr. Cronin's prescription look bearing hissi nitture, and also to paper valise which fell to pieces.as it was pulled out of a sewer. A mass of tattered clothing which was evidently cut in strips with a sharp knife, dropped from the paper valise which also contatned the Doctor's sur- giaai instuinents, which were wrapped in it test; it is supposed that the butt- ons removed so that it would easy fall apart, and the sooner wash through the sewer into the lake. The valises and contents were found about a block from where the bloody trunk was dia• covered, after it was hurriedly thrown from the -wagon on the night of May 4th, and only half a mile from where the body- of Doctor Cronin was found in the catch -bairn. Sale Register. On lot 16, north boundary, Hay, on Thursday, Dec Ord, 1889. farm, farm stock,; implements &e Charles L. Sch- oemacher, prop; Ed. Bossenberry, .auct On Wednesday, Dec. 4th, S9, at Mr. James Pickard's store, farm stock, im- plements, &c. R.}I,Collins, solicitor for George Samwell, assfgnee; Jaines Oke, auctioneer. _ BU1Tiit3. WEA1tY.--In Usborne, on 15th inst., the wife of Mr. Thos. Weary, of a son and daughter. - Hv.rrEn.—In treborne, .on 24th inst. the wife of P. Hinter, of a son. 1 V alb bs i tel inure. ' This pow,ier never varies..A marvel of parity. .treugth and wholesomeness, More economical than the'ordiwiasy kinds, and cannot he sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders.. Sold only in cans. ROYALI8AAIriU POw»F:r C0;,106; Wall St.'NY. RD PICKAR . nriue For aI1.1 0 It is staid that every person. has a chauee once in their lifetime to make a fortune, and if they allow that time to pass may never have the opportunity ate. ►T. TIME HAS Xiart an depend upon it that. everybody- purchasing their goods at Parkinson's saves money, by doing so will soon makes their fortune. His prices are always down. You arta not asked high prices to make up Imes, for debts coutrzctel! by bad customers; don't you see there is thousands in it. Parkinson's Stock is new and consists of Dry -Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glass- ware, Tweeds, Boots and Shoes, in fact everything usually kept in a first-class General Store,. See his Black and Colored Cnsbnmer s from 26 cts. up. You eau got the cheapest all wool sult in Exeter arsaadetporder . . .R.a. L =11\7a .,#' (may ,T a Make no mistake. Consult your own interests and examine his stock before making your purchases elsewhere and you will soon save enough for a fortune. You " d o better at the Chea Cash Store than an other � p (ir �jC'1C�G :x�' Exeter. Highest market arise allowed y 1 0� eel for farms produce PARKINSON'S. Firstdoor a north of the Town Ran, met,. :gvioe is Cheap. The only cheaper thing is Carlin Bros. Goods. Come and see them. In the general run of things,people who wear Carling Bros. suits get there. Dainty Gloves for delicate hands at Carling, Bros. �9 There is no tem. tation to stealcloth- ing th- ing when- Carling Bros. sells it so cheap. Good Morning. Do you drink Carling_ Bros Coffee for breakfast. It is the best. s... ania.ah . Q o e f course, Tots of them in all styles and weights. A splendid idea get C. arlin g Bros. prices before"youspend a cent. A suit in Chancerywill , not last as long :as a suit bought at Carling Bros: The best, the most, the; purest at Carling Bros. MILLINERY! MILLINERY! i: �a d��, if you require - a nice Hat or. Bonnet= we . can . .. gaceommodate you,as... have, a ow a first-class n C ass M1ll1ner 3n connection with. the store. .;'; s.