The Exeter Advocate, 1889-11-28, Page 5NASAL BALM. A certain and speedy cure for Cold in the Head and Catarrh in all its stages, SOOTHING, CLEANSING, HEALING. insiant Relief, Permanent Cure, (ailuro Impossible. Many sA la beasts no alma/7 3yyplome of Catarrh, such as headache, partial deafness,7osmg suss of stash, foul breath hawking and spitting,, nausea, general feeling of debility, etc. If yotl are. grants/44 with any of these or kindred symptoms, you bows Catarrh, and should lose no time an procuring a bottle of mem. $eta. 138 teamed an time teglectedocal in head results in Catarrh,, followed byconsnmptionand death. NASAL BALbt is sold by andsvaggists, or will be sent, post paid, on receipt of 11/400(5ocents and ex.00) by addressing FQLfORD & CO., BROCKVILLE, ONT. itiR,Bevrare of invitations similar in name. E;.g t THE WESTERN Advertise LONDON, ONTARIO. roatottlaally i rioted t ono of tho batweb.• prem', g FrenSed zn America. k Valuable Pre gents .FOR erBSCIU1 ES AND AGENTS. LARGEST $1 PAPER Inebabs of fear and upwarals 75cts. each. SCENT1FICAMERICAN _,. ESTA341$HE0 1845, le the oldest and most popular scientifc trod: mechanical, PaPer Published and has the largest. circulation of any Paper of its class in theworld. Fully illustrated. Hest class of wood, antrum - Inas. t'ubltahed rrcekl send for specimen copy. Price *3 a ,year. Four months trial, SL attain & CO., PaDr beams. 361 Broadway, ARCHITECTS at BUILDERe Edition of Scientific American. Ili A great success, Each issue contains colored lithographic plates of country and city residen— ces or polio bulldlpgt! Numerous engraytngs and full pians and epeeLfcattons .tor the use et such us contemplate building. i'rice }2.50 a year, 25 eta. a copy a1UNN .IE 00., l'r11SLSsuauS. ascot., pyodover PATENTr years' .ezRertenoe PItl lave made over 0,000 applications for American and For. gn patents. .Send for Eandbook.. Cortes- pondence strictly eonitdential. TRADE MARKS. in case your mark is not re laterad In tho Pat- ent Office, apply to. MUNN Ac nd procure enu#edtttte protectton. Send for Co.,handbook. c"qokypouedras charts, maps. ,tttcrd. for 11iUNN it CO., Patera Solicitors. OramaaL OS'$Ics: 3301'H.RoJD1v r. N. '2' EOT'L"'taAR D1 .P ART\IENTS Of intereat to every member of the fatally, including; 0, Firat.ela+s Agrlrtttturtl Depart.; ineat;Spl.ctal Market Department: Seamier *WI SneZed 2.lusie; Intereitillg Stories:Lodi( s aryl youths Department; Carious Depart - meat; Legal Department; Torat.(GF'S arao-' sxlma'ss;aui3 r ndeo ;1Faa by telel tapir. BALA.?�OE OF 7.889 FREEI agent*lrat:Uses and Sample copy on xppla:idiom Tho ntoatiibttrat anducenteatx over offered in Canada to club -getters. Address— ADYEIiTISER PRI:1T'I1G CO,, LONnot:. (lh343ne, When Baby was sick, we gave her Costoria. When shewas a Cbild, she cried for Castor; Wilma she became 311ss, site slung to Castello. Melo elle bad Milken, she Cavo thele ('rasielig, TIIIE. IlEST EVER MADE. Gentlernau.--41,y trouble aro sbeart dis- ease and tlisptlpsia, but I tools two bot- Ves of Burdock Blood Bitters and one o Burdock Pills and got well. I never felt better In my. life, My brother tics also tried I. 0, B. and thinks it a spleudktl uscdieitle. Mrs. duct. Early, Hamilton, Ont. The ADVOCATE OlubBing Offer The Ativotk'rlt soil TUE Wif011in'S Acv11t• Tisitt wall* moiled to any address from now toJttnnary 1st, W01, an receipt of only $1,75 Now it the three* ;t loutsN latit Pub. Co. EXETF.it, Ont. Tet: Best Family Newspaper in'C.nuada Fairra ittatestoi :iii 11tL? HALO x Craartutr. %fNX OF THE WEEKLIES/ EVEREST'S COUGH SYRUP CANNAf Bg EXCELLED. tri it and be convinced of its wonderful aur;tiw prekertiea, Price 25 cents. The Most Succesafal Remedy ever discos, orad, a9 It is certain in its effects and does not blister, Read proof below. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Orrice or C/tABLSS.A. $ASaitE. Ber1:Drn or )r CLZvinal D Bar At.D Tnorrure SEED AMP=7 ELStWOOD, Ira., Nov 20, rasa.. Da. B.. J. Enamels, Co. Dear Sirs: I have always purchased y�oour$en. dell's Spavin Cure by the half doyen bottles, I would like prices fn larger quantity. I think itis one of the best liniments on earth. Ibavo used it enrDYstableyotor sttrthree ulyyeara Cada l►, Ssyazg. The Third, page of the Toronto Daisy glair is noted for "Want" adv ertisemen r' If you want to buy or sell anything If „"$'0U Wa11t a situation, a ultae 0D1 i0, u, business, tttaeltinery, lodgings, if you have lost or found anything, or If you want to find out where auyotro is, ad- vortise in the. Toronto Daily mailaud read the advertisements on the Third paged that paper, The charge is Two Cents n word each insertion. Ad- dress m :i Ata,' orma% Out. IMPORTANT TOO WORKINGMEN. Artisan, mechanics, and laboringrnen arts liable to sudden accidents and in- juries, els well as painful cords, stiff joints and lameness. fro all thus troubled we would recommend Har- yaard's Yellow' 011; the handy and roll able pain cure for, outward or internal' use, There is apt to he discord in the fam- ily when a roan s mother-im-•iaaw talcs to wtriting:poetry and insists upon his playing the role of rhyming: dictionary. WHAT IS WANTED. Is something' that will Make am an sleep well, eat well and rise in the morning refreshed and strong, 'with none of the worn out tired feelings sure to he found where constipations, dispep- sic, or diseases of the stomach, liver,. bowels and blood mist. Burdock Blood Bitters ;keels every indication express- ed Altovtl, Free Press LoND0rl, CINTARI0. _ THE HANDSOMEST FRUITED PAPER IN THE DOMINION, All the Nes in Pini, KENDALL'S SPAVIN. CURE, Baooskynr, li . T., November8,1603.. Drs. B. J. I£SsaA. L Co. Dear Sirs .tI desire to give 7outestimonlalof Aly' WOO onpinionof your 3 enda1i's8pavin Cure. I hays used it for Lamenessnti . Stiff Joints a taovine,andihatefounditaeuracure,IcordL any recnrnrnend It to all horsemen. Yours truty. d,• H. xunaatt . lirinaser Troy I,,undr1r Stable+. KENDALL'S SPAYIU CURE. As. t1.7 I ALJ. 0oca " Qom.1)oc.10.ld$3.. bents t i feeittray duty to way what 1 Base doe* with your Seatiali a Spavin cure. 1 have ettre1 tweaty.alve horses that had kipavins, ten o Mug Bone, nine af=lcted with A3t Head and agree of Ri., Javr. Wilco, I have ha,d one et your' loataease ertmykind, p Pectora � ,e Il atm Utah Atantaw Tema. Horse 23oct •.!-,... hooka bind RIF the directions;laevo naves KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL 'Pridetitbottle.Qrsi.vbettirafora a Drn . tatshaveitoronset itfor yau,or it beaenll to tines ndddrssss.on receiptof priceby the a . ISaosb ' lam t tors B larar a Co , erg a SOW BY ALL DRUGGISTS. By Telegraph, Telephone, Mall and CorrO81 ondenee up to the hour of publication. Illustrated, Practical and Lrsaful, are given each week.. Special Market Department, Agricultural Department. Capital Ltory always Running. Ingenious Puzzle Column. Humorous Reading. Just the thins?' for the family! Emery member of the household eagerly looks for it each week. The Agricultural Department is a noted Sentare of the 'Erse Press," being alhvays up to the time:mind conductor' by persons pritec ideally- skilled in farm. woak. Sfrtrgto $1.00 raper.. In clubs of four and nptvards, 75e. earth.. 'A3alane5 or 1tiS9 Free A HANDSOME Che'istmas Number Only eight dime museums in differ- ent parts cif the corsetry exhibit the only gelatine stool: on which Sullivan sat in his last light. None but first-class grocers sells London Eleetric Soap. "Aro you still in the militia?" "No but 1 march about forty bibles every' night—little Infantry of my own up home. • Juste think washing day made shorter by using London Metric, Soap: . A Hays city (Kan.) paper prints the following remarkable card of thanks:— \1r. and Mrs Gartland wish to express their thanks to the friends and neigh- bors who so 'kindly assisted at the burning of their hotel last Monday morning. This is to certify that mywife hav- ing been troubled over .eight Years, with a sore throat and symptoms of Bronchietis,and having tried I was in duced.to try Everest's Cough Syrup and after taking five or sit bottles ;a, cure was effected. -Win. Hester, Ark OWL P. 0. A politician was boastingin a pub- lic speech, that he could,bring an ar- gument to a p nt.as_quick as any other mall. "You can bring a quart to a good deal quicker,' reblied an ac- quaintance. The Send me another' half dozen bot- tles hf Everest's Cough Syrup, I cannot keep house without it.— John Stephen- son, Sanilac Co., Mich, "Did not the sight of the boundless blue sea, bearing on: its bosom white winged fleets of : com>3terce, fin you with eniotion�" "Yes" replied the tray eller; "at first it. did, but after a while FOI:at CiiROMOS Given away free of charge to every subscrib- er for 1860. Artists who have seen the ad- vance sheets of the Christmas nnmbcr pro- nounsoit a "gem." and. alone worth the price oi'the subscription.. ,Agents ♦Vantec Everywhere. Liberal Cash Convulsion Allowed. t 3S1he most popular paper to work for. More money pan. be made ,during the fall and winter season working for the •'k res Presse' that at any other employment. Address—VEER PRESS, I osnos, Ova anis Seat E t. ADVICE TO .MOTHERS. it of yin,' clicln't till me z+'ith tiuyttnilig. It sor- 11,ro von disturbed at night and broken rest by siok child suffering and crying with ter emptied me." gall. cutting ,,q w, If w' send at once anti getaltctttlrnt,etas.liln331otv'ssoo�Iltr6Svltvr'o invariably find Everest's Cough Fox CsutuRLtl7 Taormina Revalue is lnealcul- Svrnp the best fainily lnedicine--Geo. able. ltwill relieve thepoorllttle suffererdome• tliately. Depend upon it, inothers,there isno Donaldson, forest P. 0. " t it road .dysentery and dear - i nti. 1 y - til;l.a ab nut 3 h added i r old as My tittle two year cures y rhmtt, iofSulat es file stomach and bowels. . tvindeoli ,aottonathe gums, reduces inflamlua something II0w to the sto.ly of Joseph tion, and give',tones and energy to the whole and. his 1,rthrein. 1 told liim the Bible ;system. Silts NVi sr.t,w's SooTHINO STRnP FOR see m 'd r � nstory,,lid . hC 4 taste a d • of thea ttothe version rrt I,r,fs 11.aaan Jh t yy itis -r 1 s' t e 4 trfemaleresaris and p ysiof ci ns in ,Unbeet much interested in Joseph coat of female nurses and gbyslltiru si thtlirou b. 1 States and is for solo by all druggists threugh. many colors. "'When I had finished, he said, "Papa, tell me about his pence." E Sichlleadachoandrelieve all the troubltaittci• dent to a bilious state of the system, volt as .ilitttioeas. Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating,fain In the Side. die. While their/neat remarable :meccas has boonsltown Mauling SICK Headache. yet CAn,xtc s L irn.a Liver! Fuss aro equally valuable la Constipation, caring and preventing this annoying complaint. white thpy also correct all disorders of tho stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate tho boweLi. llama If they only cured E Ache they would bo nimott P rtealcaw to those. who suitor from this disirogain complaint; but fortunately their goodnetei doer mot end hem, and theicu who once try them will find thcso little pale valuable itt 00 many ways that they will not bo willing to do without thein. But atter all sick bead C is the bane of so ninny lives that here 1 ,v ie'ro we make our great boast. Our pills cure It while others do not. Cannot's Lriz t x Ltvs.it Pato aro very small and very may to take. OM or two plus tnaito a dose. They 'aro strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action. plane all who use thorn. In vials atS i cents: five for $1. Sold everywhere, or acntby mail OltBTEU 1dED1CL'ia CO., l ew Tel. small F, a DcIN Sall F i t Oat tho world Prioo:25'cents, abottle. JOY IN JASPER. 1 can recommend Burdock Bl000d Bit- ters as a snre cure for scrofule. I hard it for four years, and was 'so bad at one time that I was almost a solid sore. I commenced ta>,1>lnb E. B. B hist sum- mer, INise um-mer,isave taken three bottles, 11; d` ails cntil;ely cured now. Miss Etlan Pipe, Jasper, Ont, It is estimated that Kent ft 1h lie to the world a surplus of 800,000 bat reis;of apples this season for which the faringrs will receive e4,00,000. ' 'Insist on your grocer giving you London Electric Soap, it is the best. "I am glad this coffee doesn't owe me ainythin,," said a boarder, at the break- fast table.', "I don't believe it would ever settle." If yen'are 'nervous or dyspeptic try Carter's Little Nerve Pills.' . Dyspepsia makes you 11e1 yOUS, and nervousness mikes you. clyspeptic; either one ;rend ers rc'oli•mi'serable, and. three little, pills cure b nth. THE LIGHT RUNNING SEWING MACHINE H S ,. HO EQUAL, THE LADIES' FAVORITE. TIDE CN1Y SEVtal3 WHINE' RINE THAT GIVES —a ��ai. I'1t .'�'f.•d r , �,Y+n•Or t r i i rs r a It an NEW IMBUING MACHINE C nRR141GE,Mi S& cliloaao - 2e UNION 5(111PRE;N.Y. DALLAS. i try Everest's Liver Regulator of the liver' Kidneys, dic., and Purify - fug Petseo3 X of Lhe 7ilood. Price $1. Six bottles for ai,?n 3t'Salu by L1. LRUGolsTs, ifnnufaetorwed eniy byA ak1Q. X. IWEI:ICST. Curate; Feuer, Ors. Furniture and Undertaking. —GO TO— Rowe & Andrews FOR BED -ROOM AND PAB.I.OR, SUITS, SIDEBOARDS AND EXTENSION TABLES; LOUNGES AND EASY (MAWS. TiliIINE UI The famous heavy -bodied Oil made only by McCOLL BROS. & Co'yt, TORONTOI Vse it once and you will use 110 othor. McColI's famous CYLINDER OIL ThIola i est Walxel.'oonts in r Undertaking' outside of the I.11dtlrtal:- Ors Ring, in all its Branches, Open day and 31. 'hht... STAND—One door north of dolson:s Bank, 5 IN.ST. - EXETER. l% ATLANTA rA. g ,SS Louts, h1 sANSRnNclgco.cnl . George' !/ickers, Kirftton. EXETER, MARKETS. WheatP er bushel.. '$75 to 82 . 4b'to7 4 26 to '25 52 to 53 i 13 to 13 17 to 17 . 16 to. 16 6 to 6 6O to 60 9.25 to 10.00 INE KEY TO NEALTHr Is the west Canada for egsue o11nd.ers. ,. a. FOx FOR SALE BY Bissett 33r0019 EXETER, ONT. Veterinary Den,tistr The undersigned having pureheaeol a com- plete Sat of Dental Taietrnnu ut', and haviug the ueceasa y experieuca in that line. wisbea to inform the people of tuts section that he is fully prepared to execnte all 7Ju:oc'1.•s all the slogged aaveuucs of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off eradnnIIy r'tout weakening the �y s. tea, allthe unpuritica and foul ILunlors; of the secretions; at t110 same time Cor rooting Acidity of the Stomach, curing` Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt R- ieulll,rlysi alas, Scro- fula, Flutteringof trio least, Her- vousness, and General Debility ;all these and raany other similar Cons Ilnuuto yield to the happy hi luer.c:i of vii= OC$ BLOOD BITTERS. Ffl'ojr,�S}a�lJoo bp ja�t }Dt�at;(:,m:�:. 1�1 y� {� i.1LLaLW U.1Sai &CO,3P ci i4tto , Tonnto. Barley Oats . . Peas Eggs per doz Butter, Rolls .. . Sutter, Crocks........, Geese per lb Potatoes per bush...... Hay per ton .. WEAK MEN ant 'ir :g quitdy arise t em- aelt"es Of Wetting Vitality, Loot 312atshood, from youthful errors, eta., quietly at home. Ieaon all private diseases sent free (sealed). Perfectly reliable. Over S07eara` experience, Addreas— GILDEDL CO., TORONTO, Canada, La'1ES obtonbrWmuLgaaaxilysayy or Pennyroyal Piga. mauves regularity. geed for particulars. Address G8L 23 Pit,I CO., TOZOUST0, Canoda. EA R DS FORCED enemotbeetlama, hair on tatoest heads, in autotodsis Manx.Latest and greatest achievement of random nctence I Most won. derim discovery of the age. i'.ino ua other prenarationt Magical, tura, almost instantaneous in Datum 1 1ia,,1i'a with 'Whiskers! Bald heads '7,•iredr' Curious eprctncieo, bot poaitnatrntha. Only genuine ankle in market, and certain rsgive absolute latinfaotiaa. Guaranteed. Price S1abettle, or three battles for SO. Zech bottle lents ons mmittf. Add/ass A. DIBON, Box 905, TO1t..NTO, CANADA. VETERINARY DENTISTRY ntrnstetl to him OR t) a shortest notice. argea moderate % Trial S,olieitetl. Sweet, 71 1 7 DOWN GO Pt $►SIZIOiniFyBdLtliti THE PRICES l Merchant T ltor. IlA9AME 61094101Aiil'S POEPRITIORS. �,,gg' 11 }�I0 A preparation tbat em .i r.01♦6'�„UI{Jiiy� dtl.40.0 permanentlyY, .remove superfluous Bair without Wary to the akin. RarzaatttL Price 51. PIMPLES AND ELApKH !ADS Proodin froatletotOdaye. Warranted. Pricotorg0days .treatnient,.SL ANTI.COfpLENCE PILLS ILLa FofghepmbPno. pyilin is smatter of selleltnde, whether because it is amus• fadable or unfashionable -•FAT FOLIOS Wog ' ANIZ, COBPULENCI. PILLS" lone 11 lbs. a month. They cauan. aosioknessl contain no poinnn, and neror fail. Prlco for ons mon We treitmdat. 55;, or three months medicine, 55. Warranted. eIOVAN\ANI'9•- COMPLEX C WAFERS Aithig AL ,Dioae*tthe skin, (Imam Cho form. iiarmie.s. Permanent to affect. Warranted. Price $1 a box. or sin hazes tor. 55. address larADA„La1 GIOV.k1.rx1.711.1ei, 296 San$ Street 'VlTeet Toronto, Oat, ter, ROYAL HOTF L, LUCAN, ONTARIO, 7. HODGINS. PROP. The Bar supplied witllt 'hest brands oi'_Liquors and Cigars, 111 Order to auak es which as f'er Summer rr ftlllaurcltas- a a u we ot* H rr�aa. ass a-oods, tl lfuslins,Peinta.7.aeta,Dmbroialeries, &o. also balance of Summer ¥;Uiuery at coot. i> a have ie qaantlay of Sugar Ort Monti which was .purc astd before the Heavy Ad- vanco which we are offering at loss than pre- sontwholo,alo cast. Our values in Teres and, Coffees aroA-1and ,are not excelled In the: County. A call solicited and an inspection invited. ;• 'A.11 kinds of produce taken in exchange. Butter 14 cents ; Eggs, r4 cents. Koppel cv Olegharnl ZURICH. The Old. Stead E. na risn, If you want an easy shave as good as barber ever gave just call at E. IL FISH'S SHAVING SALOON .At Morning, Eve or busy Noon. Ile will crit and dress the flair (gracefully to suit THE CUSTOMS OF THE FACE. Ladies' hair dressing done to perfection. Stand near the Post Office. CHRISTIE'S Nicsw sTAgL, r. Coil) LIVERY has just received a line of Partin s 4Ycr Goafings not to be found anywhere ill the County, and made up in styles that cannot be beaten, with prices in the reach of all. FANSHN3S BLOCK, EXETER. llow & SHOE STV6E W. H. Trott wishes to announce that lie has opened out business in the stand recently occupied by the ADVOCATE, and is pre- pared to manufacture first- class First Class. RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK - SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Terms -_ Ren saczo a ole Telephone Connection. Have you tried the Celebrated =11 SHOE DRESSiNG7 If not don't fail to do so at once. It isnot a polish but a . wonderful '' leather preserative it will make the finest or coarsest shoe as soft and pliable as kid and very easy to the foot. It will make them absolutely water- proof, and if occasionally dressed with thi$ dressing will Iast more than twice as' long as otherwise. We Mean What We Say. It is the very,life ofleather. It can be applied at any time. No trouble— Shoe can be polished immediately afterwards. Box. PRICE,PRICE,to & i� Cents per Sold by all first-class stores. Sam- ples mailed—Stamps taken. OLIVER CABANA Jr., 8OLE MAfIUF'ACT.URER, BUFFALO N. Y. 12 Founds OF WHITE A For $1.. BOOTS & SIIOPs for all customer;.. A CALL SOLICITED. Our motto is good work and square dealings. W. H. TROTT. aoths. Raw sugm FOR $1. AT THE tstr A fresh and New Stock of gIQGEIIES califectiatato North Dn1 tVL MATHESON. JUST ARRIVED AT THE Family Grocery. Also Pure EXTRACTS and SPICES. A beautiful piece of glass- ware given away ay withof Mayell's Baking Powder. Dash °rood Ilona Flour For Sale. Call and examine ole goods before purchasing elsewhere: G. A. i1YNDMAN HENRY WEILS,. Brxvr 81d �171SiBI GOD R I CH ONTARIO. MANUFACTURER OF WI1 filg' ng PORTER. XX Porter � e l Specialty