The Exeter Advocate, 1889-11-28, Page 4THE. act. WM. SANDERS. Editor. Thursday, November 28th 18,39, 1 .e.F..11/0117,17' el14 D IIS CLUB. UB. Aud stow there is trouble in the vaults. of those sturdy gentleman who happen- ed to be mantis pieces of the "Reform Club" in Toronto. Reform, as well as aaliarity,shQlild commence at home, and some of the more s e.ai?hie members Qf fbeinstitntion ie question profess to Stave discovered that Ontario's "Chris- tat Premier" ---and Who but a Reform- er could be a Christian? watts and is reeky in the 1laerdsnf a'hcst of political t titublieeringe rs toed''pag'=hunters,tbat (hese bald stolen into the fold other wise then by the doer—aged dared to pass twixt the wino and nobility of the more prefotuuaally rose etatbietaiembers of the party. Hence the disturbance. The t3r'a7aP areata that a Certain "gang is well known, It undertook. to sten the Reform Cledi whie'lt Sir 11ieh:ard Cart Wright ante others instituted in Toronto; they made alitaee nut of every teu hotel - keepers ire diet ci ► :olio the club and gave theta to unait ,eland that their Iicenses depended thereon. This same: 'mug handled the licenses. They not t�;tiy c ravel tit • h ,, ltitea� :lllaal of at,rat several ettuservaaivca hotetuaen:'� o lr iv the dues of tiv.t Reform Club, but these melt h t'1 to pay any calls the ging make upon them. The gang un- dertook. to di rptnce the patronage a the (eitaarie {; ovol;nrrrent in, Toronto, They neat their grip tin it by :going t that meet pate: eeut m ltd. r: ipe table ald: gentleman, Hen. i diver liawM, andin iaa ; Mian to appoint his owns= to tile =PST Ineretive tnllice iu Ontario, Sheriff of Wee! In this Ivey they gat, to use their own wards, L. old cock in their pewter,' This to It A: sure+,is a shocking state of affairs; but what the iron -clad "I.ilrtat it ' stonmeh eenuot stand, in the form of corruption, aurid hypocrisy, is set to be discovered. The Very Hann CANADA'S ,CREDIT.. In the course Qf his speech at the•Vic'. torie banquet in his honor, the Goxer- rior-General remarked; that last yeer the Dominion floated a loan on ; the market at the same rate as the securi- ties of the Imperial Government. Many, of the cities of Canada to -day, he said, could go into the money markt, where. no sentiment exists,aandfloat theirloa.s on equal favorable terms with many of • i e < the old world cities of far �, greater r •t,,o and size. This would show that the progress of the Dominion wals;the result of solid growth, of which Canadians should properly feel mud. Ills Ex- eellency advises his hearers not to lis- ten to the representations of those who, said that theDolniniou was not making substantial progress. He did not go beyond the lines which he cannot con- stitutionally cross when he tendered his advice to his entertainers at 1: ietoria. He lead just completed a journey of three thousand miles across the coati, tient, and had gained $ante idea of the vast extent of the Doniinioe, awhile the facts Owed before hien at each place he visited during his travels eorttai i d in themselves the most convincing proof of the advancement which had been made during the last few ve>atxs, As, to financial and ,general standil g of the Dominion, there never was apt r- iod in the history of the country when it stoodso higinand in referring to this gratifying condition of things at Vie - torte, the Governor-General didno more then might have been expected of one filing the distinguished posi- tion of representative of her Majesty in of the roost important and most porous portions of the British Ent - whose progress he naturally fcolsinterested, , for infants and Children. .Qaslor3ais oa�eadapted Lqchildren thatGasL r1s►cngee Colic, Constipation, att Mt ion trecemmenditassuperiortoanypmereptaoa sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, MIMI* zne.:7 ILA b2osss,iLnz Mlle Worms, gives sleep, raid promotes di- gestion. 11180.Oatard.et, Brool;tyn, Z•1•. T. Without injurious medication. Tim Cstraian Ccxi't T.?7 Murray Street, N,Y, Hann Iarr.—In Exeter, on 25th inst., Mr. Isaac Horrel, aged 71.. years. EAcRra'rr.---In Exeter. on, 22nd inst., Jane Enacrett, a eed 29 years 2 months and 17 days. LOOK! LO who hats been a ringleader in this bi;uenn;s,—In Stephen, on 25th hast,, Mr. Joshua Mealei us, aged 25 years nodes Of patronage dispensing for anti 9 bays, party considerations, travels about the country with Mr. Mowat, accompanied; hint recently. to Leenbton.auil will be wherever Mr. ?Iwai directs. If the Pleader of f?a, .•rio ale.ires practical people to believe in his sincerity ,ai,cecpt his protestat'iaaa,a iif linncst submission eo the trill of the p:lopie. -let him annul the Statutes t'tnlaatwering his Govern. !client to control tlo f.a. eensee let him hand over te th latnnirip :lilies powers of nhieli they never should have been depriveai. Let him get rid of the bum. 3.1aers and heelers who call themselves Licenses Inspeeetors, as well AS issuers c,f lil',t:t.aes. Let Mtn make it obliga- tory npnn his bailiq's and wood rangers, and understrap ars generally, to atter;d tothair duties and not accept salaries paid out of the public treasury, for the performance of •dirty political work Then. indk!ad, ha will have jus. reasons ra expJet public appreciation. At the present time Mr. Mowat and the Reform Club requir.:s s.:vertl coats of white- wa.sltaced none know this better than. Mr. Oiler aTow. ` and ringleaders of the club, which at present presents two very back eyes! THE DEATH S.ENTL'XC.E. We presume that the unfortunate ;rnan Harvey, now under sentence of death, will suffer the extreme penalty to -morrow, the 29th inst., at Guelph, as it is more than probable, had Itis Ex- cellency decided upon reprieve, the fact would by this time have been an- nounced. If aur supposition is correct doubtless the Minister of Justice had sound and logical reasons for advising that the sentence of the . court should be tarried into effect, The awful crime ti which Harvey was guilty, and guilty while in a stateofperfect sanity, --for his execution means this, if it means anything—is unparalled in the :annals of criminal deeds. From a lov_ ing and devoted father, he suddenly became a bloodthirsty rulfan, a hater of his offspring and the butcher of the 515or mother who broughttliem into the wnld. It is difficult to reconcile the unfortunate man's sudden transformat Mtn RI,1.f.KE i. Fa r:.-gotta,—At the residence of the bride's father, by the Rey. B. Clement, on Wednesday,2ith Inst„ Mr. Wesley Sneld,son of AIr. James M Snell, to Miss Grace Rowe, daugh- ter of Mr. Thomas Rowe, both of Stephen. LOOK! Eyes front, y�,A p���+ QVICE .STIR 011 Clotting and Gents TR! , - ONTARIO, -----(o)-- Some of the finesgoods that can be secured, are arriving every day. GENTS' FURNISHINGS RNISHINGS IN THE LATEST STYLES AT RIGHT PRICES. McGlary's Famous. Model Stoics are the fest Ir;THE MARKET- FOR SALE BY BISSETT BROS. enromomMasommg "FULL LINE OF ALL KINDS OF PARLOR STOVES ,..,,JUST IN....,,. Missett Bxothexo� FOR FROST BITES. There is no better remecy for frost bites, chilblains, and similar troubles •dien i agyard's Yellow OIL It also cures rheumatism, lu nibagn, sora throat, deafness, and lameness and pain generally. Yellow 011 is used inter- nally and externally. A woman who is weak, nervous and sleepless, and who has cold hands and feet, cannot feel and act like a well person. Carter's Iron Pills equal- ize the circulation, remove nervous- ness, and give strength and rest. The wonder of to -clay is London Electric Soap. Valuable Farm for Sale.. Coraprisin, 164 acres more or less, being composed of Lot ,5, Con ;i. Townuhip of Sto- .ht>.n,County of l ttrohl 1' miles west of Rhea, On the TT.renlises are a lino Brick House 8000; kitchen 16x18; wood shed 20x5); two good, wells, a fine orchard; 2 barns: driv- ing stied; stable and other buildings; also a sm all portion of hush on the premises. There is a river running through the hush ptirt which is never dry. The farm is well drain- ed and in a good state of cultivation. For further particulars, apply to S AML'EL litNDLE, Exeter, Ont. ion with the theory of sanity; stili, we areconvincedthat unless the ? very highest expert opinions were setu red. His Excellency would not be advised to sanction the death sentence.. '.We have all along believed that this was a case.in which clemency might . well have been extended: but if subsequent investigation—industrious, earliest and eliable, and based upon an ' unqueet. ionabje diagnosis of. Harvey's mental condition -established the criminal's sanity—then there was no course left, thai1"expiac ` tion of.: hts awful of- „qr ei ee uponathe gallows. E CHRISTMAS GLOBE, THE QUEEN OF THE HOLIDAY NUMBERS FOR 1889. FORTY PAGES of Beautiful Illustrated and Literary matter, Coated Paper, Colored1y d Lit' hCg llS l R Llf e. ly Press Work, Handsome Colored Cover, TWO LARGE, SUPERB LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES, In 15 colors accompanying this number, entitled - THE C..%'ADI .N. IILITIA.. FRIENDS Gen.'tiir bred Middleton, in writing, about the letter plate. says. --"l must congratu- late THE GLOBE upon having produced so creditable a picture, It is very well exe- cuted, and appears t, me to be quite equal to any from !tome. 'Is DIL rERENT UNi- rOanis +113h CORRECTLY otvaN, and the grouping not to ',tiff," The whole number is, without rcubt, the BEST IIOLIVT) A. PAPER ever issued in this country, and much superior to the }great majority of English productions. N Canadian family should should miss securing a copy of this magnificent number. Price 50c. To be had,from all Newsdealers and at the office of The Globe Printing Company! Toronto. Ordersfrom'the Old Country must be accompanied by additional Five Cents to cov- er extra postage. A CALL SOLICITED. W. SOUTMCOTT3 Corner Main and John Street. =TER, ONTARIO,. BISSETT BROS LIVERY. First Class Horses and. Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention: TERMS - REASONABLE. A TRIAL SOLICITED. BISSETT . BROS HOSPITAL REMEDIES. What are they? The growth of intern' gene in medical matters has given rise to 'demand for a,' class Of genuine, reliable medicine. The opportunity of the ignorant quack; who grew rich curing everything out of a single bottle has passed,. To supply satisfactorily this, demand thislistof reme- dies has been, created They:are. the Savor-` ite prescriptions of the modt"famoiis medical practitioners of the 'day, gathered from the h ospitals of London; •Paris, Berlin and Vien- na. Prescription•"which cost the pe:tients, of these specialists from $25'101100 are here' offered prepared and roady for use"at the:: n ominal price of one. dollar each: Notone of them is a` cure all;; each one has only the reasonable power, of curing a single disease, and each one keeps is contract. a Sufferers from; Catarrh, Diseased Lungs, Protichitie;' Asthma; Consumption,• lahenrnatism, Dys? pepsin, Liver, and kidney' Complaints, •Fever , and A ne � Neural is r FemaleWeak ness LencornceaorNervous DeUilit ,sh uld end :'stamp for descriptive catalogue: to,I3ospital • Remedy .Co., '303i_West'Kin' St.,,Toroi}tb,;_ Canada. If your dr,ug3ist 49q notkeep these rettiedies;xemitbr'ioa and toe tvillie'nd direet. —IF YOU WANT- Can, PiU5 T``w' COTT J. H. NO ..2.:a`..� .d ..,-L, 7 "f, ;..fir •,:�,,„ All the Leading Lines of the purest and best ISA.RHET SQUARE., GENERAL SPORE Z/.Cc" .l.r4., ►�-tet., EXETER - ONTARIO Has now, in stock. a, LIQ MI VIIRDA r . The undersigned would inform the Public that he has just received Ids HIIII. RNII J1TER STEIIR, INCLUDING AFULL LINE OF DRY GOODS, HATS AND GAPS, AND CROCK - EU, BOOTS AND SHOES. Those wishing anti thing in my line will fad it to their advantage to call and inspect any t;oatls and prices.. Best Roller ]+'lour always on hand. Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs, and all kind of Produce, J. P. ROSS. (10.22-'S8) J. G. VALMOME flIeTctLan TalIor. CONFECTIOIN.E1{Y IN THE FOLLOWING LINES ; West of England Suitings and Trolls erg, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trous er- ings. French and English Worsted Cloths All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. : i,:Jt. S E „ S. GIDLEY. THE LEADING U nciertalTer AND Furniture Dealer OF TUE TOWN? 1 have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which T will sell at right prices. Up stairs, over H. Spackman's Hardware Store. Ile has in stock some of the finest Virinter ,goods to be found on the market. A CALL SOLICITED. 3', Cr. BE L AOOMBE. CITY HOTEL LONDON. ONTARIO. si. per days, ALWAYS IN STOCK WeddingCakes of thef nestquality made on Short notice. A TRIAL SOLICITED: J..HI NORTHCOTT. THE BEAUTIFUL AHD CLEAR CUT • from which this, paper is printed 'was supplied by the TORONTO TYPE FOUNDRY Dealers in.• Type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. JOHNSTON, 2 Wellington St. west T TORON O ONT. J. t 1 IollIARTIN, Proprietors. MEDICAL. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. GIDLEY. Central. Shaving Parlor, EXETER, Ontario.' .astir-.gs,, • PROPRIETOR. Every Attention paid to Ladies' and Childrel's Hair Cutting; AGENT FOR THE TFIE CELEBRATED DR. LE CARRON, OF PARIS, FRAINCE, HAS ESTABLISIiED AN AGENCY IN TORONTO FOR THE SALE OF HIS MEDICINES, WHICH ARE APOS- ITIVE CURE; FOR ALL CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES OF LONG STANDING ALSO YOUTILEDL INDISCRETION,EARLI DECAY, ETC., SHOULD WRITE FOIL IN- FORMATION. CORRESPONDENCE CON- FIDENTIAL. 13)DRE8S ALL LETTERS TO Trne E. B. CRANE AGENCY, CAMERON' PLACE. - - - TORONTO FREEMAN'S-- - ---WORM POWDERS Are pleaiant to take. Contain their'OWn. Purgative. Is a•saf, sure and effectual desiroyer efworms"in Children orAdz 11s.; TRAY LAUNDRY. London Huron & ,Bruce Railway • `Passenger "Time 'rabic. off.. Hastings.' xter PIiu!o 5119610. Why is it that in other towns and surrounding' country they speak so highly of the photo- graphs that are taken in Exeter. And how.is it that there are so many photos sent into the different cities of Ontario from EXETER PHOTO GALLERY Because Senior's work is as (rood if •not better than any of the leading g,alleries in the cities and their prices are $4'h and $5 per doz., while - they get thein at Senior's for $3.00. GOING Noia•1i. Goi4G Sou?.ii. .a.m • Pan. Lonclon.dep't805 4.26 Wingliam •7.05 840 LucahiOros'g 8.47 5?2t) lialgrave 7.24 4.00, Clandeboye' • 8 52 5.28.lilgtlh ', " 728 415. • Centralia • "'105 5,16. Lo desboro' 7:47 4.25 EXETER 0.10 557. Clinton 807 -445 ensall 9.28 6.09. Brucoield 8.26 5.04 lipi n •9 s4 6 17 lei1P en, 8,84 512 1d C Rrueofi l 5 4z 26 Fiensa 1 84L t 0 9 e 0lintoa. �, tU AO 6 98 '�Xl':'CF1xL 8.58' 5 38. c,ondesborot 101) 703 Centralia r 9.07 545 Sl'ytli 10.28. 7.1n Cl,tndol7oye 0,tta 55r 11olgrave 1142; ; 7 27. Lueari:.Cres g 0 24 NV -bight= 11,00 1.45, London, err.10;15 6,46. The Grand Union Hotel, CIZINT'S'ON, -t ON 1"AR20 Enlarged and Improved. '30 rooms "elegantly furnished. Tables supplied with all the Deliermies of the season.. 3 convenientsample rooms. House 'heated with hot air. Electric bells throughout. ER,DAY. R. J. TUFTS,' ` PROPRIETOR. s READ M AIER S _:.._ a NFAILS 70 O�fE'VSA fASATISF401'ION, E:A FOR 8ALE BY ALL , DLER8