HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-11-28, Page 3" BATHER " 0 ausow.
zee. Mr. Carson's glowing Tribute to the
A Kingston despeach sari: At the aloe.
ing evangelistic meetings of Messrs. Oroseley
and Hunter the Bev. W. W. Ceram lately
of Dominion Church Cinema, created a
genuine seneation by his remarks. Every
minister wits requested to (Teak for a
oertein religtenee denemination Awl Mr.
careen wait celled upon to represent the
Bowen Catholice. lie was introduced as
" Father " 0ereon end said that Air..
/fleeter in callieg hire had recovered his
amity, if at the Opening of the ineetieg
twee loot ft. Be (the speaker) belonged to
the Holy Catholic, °hutch. ile lived lo
oommunien with the Babette Ile had re,
ceived the forgiveneee of sins. Be heti,
through Obriet, the hope of life everlasting.
After all there wee tenth they °mad learn
profitebly from the great itoreen Cetholie
Church. If they wanted enimienttries to
nodeetehe difficult fields they could
preeeetuo more devoted men than the
aerephio ireenits, ofteo e,ondemnea in these
days. If the smallpox broke out in
the city they would wane some one to care
for these patients in the hospitele. They
would hive bed better experienoe than he
lad in Ottawa if they did not eels the
lassiatence of the sistere of obarity,
peseased of a EPirit t love 44 immaculate
ea the mother ct the Neeeteenewho, with
their, lives in their handle will banal'
themeelvee in wafting upon tee a eted,
they wanted A abaft to pierce into this
worlo's lazarettos they would have to go to
a Father Demtee, It thee wanteel to
learn elialute maraca for euthority the
lame 'will epelled ova for them in
Places like the Itomen ethoUe churehee.
revereeced her lime. lie reed her
blistery with inspirationflow° of her
Prieets Were onionseeMB MOO personal
-treacle, Hie took te Aa the grateet fever
they meld (Peter upon him to repreoerze
the Itoinan Catholic Ghetroh, ide mete
Olicga 044 Cheroh. If he had
doubts a the epeetolio suoceseieri it
the Aeglion Church he hied no doutite of
that ot the Romsu Catholio Murcia EIe
*mortal there wail no reitelem denorelea.
P'ion with 0, breeder or wore miente
theology then heal the B04411 Catholic
Church. ale hope(' that the mteetioge
which were oorieludieg woula be e pre.
nheeef of the nitimete 'unity of Proteetetes.
He hoped be wonid V0 to see tam day
whim the denoteinetione apereted now by
sane ealesieettal teoludoelities will he
Bikktekl. end when all will helong to 444
Chriekiell ono:ably to meta spreeaiug
the love at the Dead ahem Moja. Fie an.
ertaiteed the collection as $457, end vote
• lletteeing tame of the evitugeliete,
then latimeted theta was no ram Pro.
teame or 11017444 PlikkbOlin. who sten:d on a
broader platform of Chrletian fellowahip
them he dtd. 004 tied glean hive a nature
tO sympathize wieh every maxi. With ea
the fervor of hie lettere be believed in God
mid trout the depths' of hie mut be believed
In reran That was the begriming reed eud
ei hie theology.
TON MAURO MileenanT.
A*rtcs1 Deliesioneries ideating ttle Ant
Stave tuxedoes.
London cable seys Now received
from the greet lakes thews that
the mietiorieriee are nOw mernhera of the
church militant, and ere in a etate of open
war with the Aria) slitveastabere, A letter
from the Bev. Mr. Wright. who is at
Fwarrawe .on Like Tengaraike, says the
104001karkfle theta were daily meeting en
etteck front the Arab* The Tanganyika
animionariee have endeavored to avoid any
querrel with the Arleen who, however,
mem determined to avenge themeelves
upon the white men there bemuse the mis.
otoneriele at Lae Nemo, are trying to put
e, stop to Wave raids. So the whites et
Zwambe have been ooropelled to build a
fort, hem surrounded it with a strong
stodge of ihorey trees and wire entangle
went, and smattered broken bathe over the
ground to interfere with auy attempt by
show barefooted enemies to take the plane
by storm. This ie hardly What the
missionaries were sent to Africa, to
do, but they ore compelled in self-
defence to prepare theraselvee for
the evceet. Meanwhile the ieniettionariee
at the north end of Lake yassare kept
Inlay fighting elave.raiding 'intim The
Arabs are constantly making &tome
seemed the minden stations to attack
native villages for no other purpose then
to male staves of the women and children.
The Bev. Mr. Cross vnitee that the Arabs,
well supplted with bark =pea to tie their
coptivee, surround the villages at early
dawn and fire into the huts. The terrified
natives, wbo have no weapons except
spears,rush tor their liver. Many of the
men are shot down and the women and
children are captured. The missionaries
axe taking the part of all these nativeg, and
when they hear of a slave raid they send
ems parties from the fortified stations to
atteek tbe murderers and release the cap.
tivee. On one occuseion in July last they
killed all the Arabs in a raiding party, and
releesed a long ening of women and chil.
dren who were tied together with ropes,
around their necks. These rescues, how.
ever, cannot restore the rained homes at d
murdered friends of the viotime, and terri-
ble misery prevails. The miseionaries ere
very indignant to find that the guns they
capture from the Arabs are of English
make, and they long for the day when
Governments will ref nee to put instruments
of deetruotion in the betide of murderous
To Put Down Slavery.
A Brussels oable says: An antieslavery
congress opened yesterday. Prince de
()hinny, the Belgian Miniater for Forergn
Affairs, presided. The Prince addressed a
few words of welcome to .tbe foreign
delegates, which were responded to by the
Minister of the Netherlands. He conexmol-
aa Med the King and the Belgian Government
J upon Me initiative they lied taken.
Baron de Larobermont, the Belgian
Minister of State, was unanimously
Appointed president of the ociegress. He
delivered a speech in which he traced the
history ot tbe slave trade, and pointed oat
the great humanitarian interest which,
renderedft the duty of civilization to put a
atop to that which Livingstone had desig.
seated a monster niquity.
Delegatee were present on behalf of Great
Britain, GermanyeAuetria, Hungary, Bel-
gium, Denmark, Spain, Congo Free State,
France, Itely, Netherlands, Portugal,
Russia, Norway and f3tveden, Turkey, the
United Statere and Persia.
A Horrible Scene.
The New York oorrerpoWdent of the
Philadelphia Ledger wrote in his letter to
that paper last i ueseiay : " In a tenement
house on Eighteenth street ari -officer last
night found Daniel Hynes and his wife lying
dead drunk on the floor, with their little
516%reala son Daniel sitting astride his
father's body playing hone," and an i
Wept child 10 montbs old, lying dead on
the table."'
—It would be no sin to worship women,
for they are make anything on the earth
beneath, in the hesvene above or the sea
A Oonnty That Owes Nuoh to the Ontario
Drainage TAWS,
Relieve the most extensive seltemo of
land eeolemation ever undertaken he
Coned* is new about to be entered upon by
the people ot the County �f Rent, iw the
construction of the Rahxigh Draine Outlet.
Borne idea of the magnitude Of the WOrli
may be formed from the feet thad, heeled,
ieg the present outlet proper, it effects
1823/4 roilee ot drains and will carry off ;he
water from over 62,000 acrea of low lanae
ha the townahipa of Raleigh and Tilbury
Eat. The oath:netted cost of the work, not
intendingthe enormous aurae spent in
the drains already oortstruoted, is
4271,425.51, and the by-law iteelf, a most
formiciable dootimene, oeoupiee twenty
columns in nonpareil type irt the °leathern
The working of the drainage system ha
augoreted by Hen, A. Meoleeller, of this
eltY, hes been of ineaimable value to the
western muntiee of the Province, and
uoder the Municipal Aet many theneande
of pores of the Meat Valuable wed produo,
tive eon have been reclaimed from a otate
of marsh. The township'of Releigb,
Chathaand, Tithury Easi
t, n Hem, littVe
also extensive arose drained by whet is
heown as the " Pitrap eystem," under thei
Drainage Aot.. Several thousand aorde are
tributary to each of thew" schemes. The
plan is to dredge A out arc:mutt the territory
to he dreheed, (which le aooaed lead at tee
low e level to littera fell for nettual or
gravity drainage), thee reehleg a dike. At
the loweet poles 0! the enclosure is ereoted
a pumping house, and at it the great deities
- tome worthy of being *tined camels --
converge. The " pump" is A huge wheel
from 24 to 86feet ve (Remoter ad with
peddlee ikiX ia iiktk fest wide, set in a race
or theme, an the% thwee grip six or eighefeet
deep of weter, Itt abort, it is an nederehot
milt wheel, On A gigantic scale, wilieh, in.
etead of being driven by the water' is
driven by a powerful ergine end is gaited
direct front kk pinion on the :nein ehelt to
s. rack or oog ttegmente OR itik Central pert,
pbery. Travelling et an apparently elow
tate Ole enormous wheel Wake out the
water itt the rote oe
irgar Trionginn lkananki a
into the slate° way AO the outlet prodmin
an ertifloisa felL 144011 irk MOM of the
natural mie, atei a few dna ecitilee to leave
size extoleaure la e ooudition for ploughing.
After the „fiat draining and texturing a the
bantet a dey or tendepuumieg in the spring
is sufticient. Ottext farming °vastly=
can be mead on in these ea -
°lama when the surrounding higher
laud ia too wet to work upon.
Of Ulla obereater an the dreiteige
achemea known as the "Skinner Drainege
Works," in Ohitham Township; the
"Pike" works In Beleish, end the
"Rothe." works in, Tilbury East, each of
welch hew' brought under otativattoa large
tracts of the moot fertile sell' beim Waste
• end geagraire. The orops produced are
onorrome; and being *beep; free from the
effect's of drotalt they are pertienlarly
velnettle is hay, grain and grazing lauds.
Three or four dredges fled employment in
the diked end other armiessa Gehenna of
Ken; and Essex and. the *seemed values of
several tom:411.18o have been more thou
• doubled by the overnment and neunicapal
dashing°. In these western °aunties' the
beet wheat lends of Canada lie, and they
have been ramie so by drainage.
TUX ZetaIXIOX haws
are not yet peafeot. 'Where sub vast
interests are Involved objecitero aro
sure so crop up, adjustment is dila-
ault and appeals inevitable. In not
a few cases enormous sums hive been
spout in law costs. Appealgo up to
oourni whose judges have no pruned
knowledge of the drainage question, and
deolaions the most absurd and contradic-
tory have been given, so that the shrewdest
'meant will scarce give more than a
gneas et what some emotions of the
emended -to -death Aot may be °manned
to mean by any particular Jaded. 'What le
required is some simple and inexpensive
plan of dealing with appeale against the
engineer's eseessment and ihe question of
outlet, and none oan no well Wealdwhat
should be done as the people affected and
the officials of the locality who have it to
deal with. In the present aohetne the
outlet devised drains the whole of the
northern watershedfrom the Talbot road
to the River Thames, and is an undertaking
worthy of a progreseive people.
A Romantics Story.
At the regular monthly meeting or the
directors of the Montreal Society for the
Protection of Women and Children yester-
day the Secretary's monthly report con-
teined a recital of a number of cane in
whittle destitute or oppressed females had
been relieved and protected by the sooiety.
One caee in which the booiety had most
beneficially interfered was 'somewhat
romantic,. Some time ago a young
woman came to the Secretary and
stated that she had been betrayed
under promise of marriage, which her
betrayer refused to fulfil. On inquiry
it was learned that the young man had
aolreowledged this to an Anglican clergy.
man in the oity. On the advice of she
society's counsel the young man was
&nested and placed in jail. It appeared
that $25,000 was coming to him in Eng.
land under a will, provided his widowed
mother remarried. This she had done, and
having become entitled to the fortune he
consented to marry the girl. He. was
relessed, a 'image and ring premed, arid
having settled $15,000 on his bride they
were married end are now living heppily
together. The report also stated that it
was through the instrumentality of Mr.
Wm. Darling, Mr. Barnard and the Seer*
tory that Vaughan, alias Melbourne, had
been arrested. Mr. Darling had raised
about one hundred dollars for carrying on
the proeuution.
One Quanacauen.
Sumway—I am in hopes of getting an
appointment in the Agricultural Depart-
Maddox—What qualificatione have yon?
You don't know anything about agricul-
ture, do you ?
Sumwity—Well, I'm getting pretty seedy
what Bits crime was.
First Texan—We had a lynohha' here
y esterclay.
Second Texen-t Hose thief?
First Texan—Naw. 'Twits s N' York
dood who couldn't say nothin' but "jest
Mr. Biznis—Whew ! but Vnt tired ont
Mrs. Theme—What s the matter? Mr.
13ienis—The second bookkeeper asked roe
for half a day off to attend his aunt's
funeral, and like a smart Aleck I said I
would go with bine. Mae Bizeis—Wae it
a very good grime? What was the score?
Mr. Biznis—That's juot where I got fooled
iit* self. He was really going to his sunt's
below. funeral.
yetvereity reeteatora surprising Dia
Consumption of the tangs, that dread
diresete which has long fought humanity to
the death, may be the next to yield, op its
fatal sway before the march of medical
reseerch. Profeeeor Samuel G. Dixon, of
the lattiveireity of Penvoylveeke has re -
(aptly made a diawvery within the reelm
ot baeteriology -which, it ie thought, wtll
revolutionize the tight against the disease,
t la the baoWile ttlberculoate whjcbcon-
semea the lunge in the dreaded phthisis,
eod ft ie ftx the study of this animist organ,
ism *bat Professor Dimon has gained ouch
the p'
Dpeat anniraer PP:lesser Dixon
was in Englan& and, while pursuing medi-
cal research there, he deoided to experi.
ment in bacteriology. It has long been oue
of the teachinge of theft galenite, supported
by De. Roth, of BerlinPug of the rucat
unergo any change under varying condi.
em,atedente, thatthe beeilli never
gores. According le thie theory there are
various baoilli—one appearing in eoustimp-
tion, another in leprosy, another in atathradt
mad ettolz having a distinct, unvaryiog
species, Dr. Dixon, however, found that
this was not the °see. Taking the virulent
bacilli, which, in tho human lenge, would
epeedily bring death, the Profeeeer bred
fume them new baoilli, Bat in the
breedieg process, he, tie to speak, starved
or devitalized the growing organism. He
hetrodneed conditicas unfavorable to full
development. Great was his simpriee on
diecovering that the newly bred bacillus,
ineteed of reterebling tho vaeleet erighea,
eetairding to the Zeal eheary, wee of an
maturely different term. It wag. se Dr,
Dixon believed, the bitoillue, tubeeculoole
deprived ot Ito virulence, and, on the truth
of ;hie theory Tefiia ibe diecovereee hopes.
In the more refutation, however, of Pr.
/aochle thesie, haoteriologieel smeece bee
hale revointiortieed,
Gime sure or his dieeovery D. Dixon
beget' experimente with hie new haeillis
atom of virulence. Au he reesoned, thie
organiern, though fared from a fame type,
would not prove latel if imeseleted into Ille
humetu ;venom. Guinea Vet( Awl rabbits
were inoculated one Month Ago. Yager.
day they were strong and free from disease
of any kind, Ti3t•Sk taking the *nutlet°
time bermleaily ineculeted be iojected the
virulent becillue whielt under ordinary
cemelitione would speedily canoe death,
The animele are aill strong and well, and
he dootor'e tharies hikV4 44 .yet proven
rretThthen, will be the new preventive of
coneninption. AO the /vamp beteg by
vaociamion is seamed frora stnell.pox, so
by inoculation with hsentlees boiUi tbe
terrors of ooneumption will be warded off.
The hernia thieuee will be so treated thee
the virulent type of bacillus cannot exist,
Indeed, so ter -reaching may be the effeete
of the diecovery thae 090/1 after conetimp
Moe has began the Wel organieres Ailey be
deprived of their Virulence mid the dieatee
thus etayed. It is believed that other
bacilli° diseases as WOL as coneutoption
rinior be eimilerly treated.
Mr. Dixon is slow to gay that he has
discoverea e preventive of oonsuroption,
but he is inelined to bellevethet hie present
inveetigetfons will prove thet hie theoriee
ere oorreat.—Philacielphia
IftelearAteSIA INSANE.
tare. Harrtat Beecher Stowe's tied Mentol
A Hartford, Comte cleepittch says: Tare.
Harriet Beecher Stowe, the *whereto of
"laaela Tore'e Celan," hoelInatIy heoome
hopelessly demented, ao her friends are
teased to aoknowledge. The patient le Mile
to walk "bout, but is followed oonetantly
by a mere°. She spends her entire time
singing Methodiat Church hymns popular
fifty years- ago, and tenting to viewless
beings, whom she flays are her old friends
long dead and come to life again. This
ghastly behevior is very trying to her at-
tendents. Pier physiolane state she will
gradually lose all her itmultiev, and pain
away scene time when elle sleeps.
etre Live Longer.
The average length of life is greater and
tbe standard of bodily health higher than
ever before, mad if it were not that medical
and sanitary ki11 now preserves for a life
of imperfect health many weak persons,
who in former times would have succumbed
to the first attack of disease, the standard
would be even higher. In the words of old
writers there are many passages which
how that a man wet considered old and
past his prime at 40, while now at that
age one is in the very height of his powers
There may be mere diseases now than
formerly; but Mere is lees disease, and a
vastly greater knowledge of how to avoid
it, or, when atteleked, to bring it to a
favorable termination.—BalPs Journal of
The Deepest Bole in the World.
The deepest bore in the world, claimed
at different times for a number of places,
is, &wording to the latest accounts, at
Sehladebach, a small German village neer
Leipsio. 11 meaeuree 1,748 metres, or
about 5 785 feet. The time expended boring
to this depth eroonnted to six years, at a
met of e 52,00% A peonlier experience
enoonnterpd connection with Rife end
other deep holes in different parts el Ger-
many he according to Unlendei %chem.
&raft, that the observed temperature,
while steadily increasing with the depths,
show a smaller ratio of increase in the
lower striae.
A Good Word for the Sparrow.
To the enemies of the English sparrow,
who are making an unavailing attenapt to
eliniinate the plucky litile creatures from
the list of European immigrants to this
country, the British Consul at Baltimore
points out that as a reside of the terrible
mortality resulting from the blizzard of
March, 1888, there has been an increase of
grubs and eattxrpillers corresponding to the
decrease in 'marrows. The -sparrows eat
the larva of destructive insects, preferring,
so to speak, the egg to the chicken; but
they get little credit for their usefulneas.—
Philadelphia "lewd.
Two Consultations.
Customer— Is Rabnoseht Rheumatic
Remedy good for acute rheumatism the re-
sult of a cold?
Drug Clerk—I---1 don't know. I'll see.
(whisper r to proprietor). Have we Rub -
nose's Rheumatic Remedy?
Proprietor --No ; only Bullfinches.
Clerk (to customer)—No; not half eo
good as Bollfinclan's.
• Venerable Ballet Girl.
Young Samson (who is seeing lite)—
Your dancing is simply raviebing, Miss
• Pedal. By the way, who was that charm-
ing dancer next you on the stage?
MEM Pedal—My ge,nddanghter.
Henry J. Steere, the raillionaire philan.
thropiet,of Providence, who died last
week, left in bis will 4100,000 in cash to
kis private seeretary, and 450,000 to his
Why it Made Bill A rp ,P Sorry for the
Jessie asked me to bear her leeton last
night, end it made me so sorry ,for the
poor child that 1 fele like throwtng the
heed; in. the Are, for he b04 been 1 or en
hour straining her mind arid her memory
over the etuff, and had eemnitted it every
word 00 es to pleitee, her teacher and get a
good Mark. Here are a few opeeimens of
tile *rower ste the queetiona in the grana
A oognete equivalent, or elliptical acmes-
tive, may be used witle a passive verb.
The cognate er equivalent neen he often
omittedend a neuter adjective useialimiting
tbe oogeate notion underatood,
An adjeotive limiting a complementary
inauitive agrae with the Sobject. The
oornplementery infinitive is an scousative of
digeoe object or limitation,
The infinitive pessive ot an intransitive
verb 15 Need 858 complement of eh %vet -
Lionel, expression,
The complement of &Sonceseive gentence
es enadeerSitiVe.propoeitiov,
The adverbial )6 Often Med for the adjec-
tival relative,
Dependeut catioal propositions aro intro-
duced by the oeusal oonnuictiens.
IlrbaclI al propositions in the oratio recta
become iodate propositiona in the oratio
maybe they do and nisei* they
don't. I don't know and I don't ore.
There wasn't any of that fool stuff in my
Srauarattr.—drianta Constitutfon.
An Avener.
Fieleemare—Well, whecher want?
Guotemer—I want to buy a hit.
Salesman — Why didn't yer ray so?
Move lively now. Thin aio'trmo oledgee-
Outitonier—I 400-'1 like t9lia epolieu tie like
Belem:mu-7er amat ? Web, whatther
eteppin' the whale 1 trade ter? Did you
ever see a reel hat?
Cnatomer—Thittal (moult, Good day.
Salomon— deist wait a mornent,
ele,1 reeeetifee you as the ticket getter at
the Troperiel Central, etation, 1 tried to
bay a tweet of you yesterday, and juat
endeavered to give you an imitation of the
way you treatect me, Whet!tx the size, air?
Molten et Octet).
" Ara you fond of ramie ?" *eked Mre.
aye:Thou, of al' elderly relative fromn the
Well, rev, I 010," WWI the manful re.
ply; 0 that is, when it's good tnusle,
Leery. Now, yea lake a good accordeurn
' r.Adele an' a pair ce home ma' A Ante
an' let 'cm ell play 'Old Nicodemosi ell
at the tame thine, an' 1 tell you it'seweet
—Ilarper's Racer.
Bow Way to Adrortiati.
Brown—Ana so you hey° got a &nava.°
cook? Whet paper did you advertise in?
Fogg—Didn't advertise in any. My
wife sold Mrs. Gray we wanted. e girls but
made her promise not to tell onybotly.
44 Weli?"
"Web, we bola the door bell ringing for
fortnight bone morning till night. No
less than A hundred opplIcatiove for the
for Action,
"Say, mister," inda a emelt boy, MS he
climbed *he fence to meet the waggon thet
came lumbering up the, road," what hey°
you gain %het waggon?"
"Vtir W4140480 ?"
It yew,
"(o� on, dimmy. Get the musketa and
the buffalo robes, and the awe Meat out of
the wood ehed. We may as well start weal
Tragic Death of an. Author.
Zan Warner, a caltowyouth of a country
tome in Deleware, wrote a novel, paid a pub.
Usher 01,000 to petit in the market, and he.
cense only five oopiee were sold in a 'year
the author went out to the dear ota 'mode
and hanged himself. Ito he done this M
firet it vrould have been money in his
pooket.—Detroit Free ?roe.
Young Lady—I think that the young men
of the precept day are very deficient in
mentos] culture, don't you, Mr. Strokhor ?
Mr. Strokbor—Very. Why the other
day I actually met a young man who didn't
know what I meant when I said that Kelly
'ambled 4 foul ball.
But Probable Loss.
laamay—Ijust lent 00 to Pamby ; I
wish Ion would make an item of it, Mr.
Bookeeeper—Shall 1. debit it to oath?
" I guess you don't know Pataby very
web. Put it in the profit and lees ate
Ins Pa Was There,
First Boy—I hear you ran off to ihe
circus yesterday. Did you enjoy yourself?
Second Boy— Oh, I had a spanking time.
found pa there.
Must Pull Solnetbing.
First Policemen—Everything is quiet
around here—no one to pull to -night.
Second Ditto—Well, let's pull a cork.
A Coiored voice.
Friend—What color are ycnir baby's
Fond Father -1 don't really know; but
I have discovered that his voice is yeller.
• Accordieg to an Englishmen, politics in
the 'United States is the art of getting rich
men to contribute money to pay poor men
for voting.
The men who is mean to his own
children is usually very good to the child-
ren of others.
"The servants are getting worse and
worse every day," said Mrs. Weary. " he
last cook I had could not even boil water
without burning it."
Austin Steers, an inmate of tbe Soldier's
Home at Chelsea, Mass., has fallen heir to
0388,000 by the death of a relative in Rhode
'eland. „ •
The Duchese of Rutland is one of the
most rictive women in England. She opene
bazars, attends temperance meetings,
inaugurates olubs, eings at concerto and
makes a large number of speeches.
Distillery in Banffshire. Die.
tiller to drouthy neighbor, after handing
him a large glees of Cilenlivet--What do
you think ef the whiskey, Tamales?
canna say that I Was ever a
hedge ce the first glees, mairster.
A third of the deaths in the French army
are amid to be due to typhoid fever.
• In a small town in Baden a minister closed
hie Berinon the other day with these words :
"We would be pleased, moreover, to have
Ifie young man who is now standing out-
side tin door boon in and make certain
whether she is here or not. T , opted be
a great died better then open e door
half an inch and exposing the pin* a in the
hot row of BMW to a draught."—Frankfur.
ter Zeitung.
It Dees hot Seem. to ee oe a Very Lively
Itt Order to disprove the tregueut mar-
tian that the Scotch are not humoemie,
gays the New York 81.47A, the editor of a
Scettiaii .paper recently declared ide
columnsopen and invited all the joie** Of
the people 'which his cooatitnente would
mad to hire. 'These are fair simples of
What were banded in
ft Two bop; having met 4 man ilk, White
'epats' one of them saya he wore white
penterie breeke below his ither SOVS•*"
" This is lint the forefront of thebettlea-
aia rare, whet this boy oia4 la A Wag^
gerye "
A woman, having foreworn whialty in
*glass, &Kale it out of a cup,"
" A man took the hat worn by ie mare.
Whiskey having been ordered for out.
ward application the patient drank it."
"A man, having eaten it herring at tette
wished alga for 00112e treacle, which was
'A boy, beteg &shoe if he had 'peeled
the dater aean a Medi* examinetion—
coad, Yee, I passed him up 04 Coehreneet
• corner.'"
"A clergyman said thet he would visit
the tweediest in hie district, *embracing the
servant girl(' so he went along.'"
"An underteker, being Asked to pray at
a funeral, said he would rather mike a.
• coffin gratis."
"A woman in a shop, wiebing to sale for
debentetx asked for A doniteY-"
"A leora fallieg down deed, a men waxed
Did it ever do that before?'"
" Heaven WW1 deilued es* plea where
whieleee le plentiful wed peli0014014.
" ‘11144ve YOU se= Tom dace he left?'
No; bet I'm gum tee write tee hire tee
apeir hitt address'"
lutellectually the Scotch are oee of the
very greatest people la the world, but they
floret soem to be very fenny..
Simple Itcroody that 34A nosed to ROI th
The Spread, of diphtheria, in this State
hao alarmed Many, and a treatment which
may be used immedietely urn ita alarm-
ety mity he opporeme. The following is le
simple remedy offered by the New Deafen()
Ohm ver4. The oubtem of diphtheria, ite
prevention and cure, ia am *het is of great
interest inat POW here, when the dead elle.
emit is ea prevalent in (*rade perms of trio
• eity end county. Dr. Allen, of Peterhoro,
believe* that he bee found ammo that will
remit even had awe, and be has
had an opportunity te test it, with
emellent moults inevery case. Heeturobled
npon it, as it were, entire!), by me -ideal.
Ite d a Mere OM Of diphtheria under
hie mire, the rebut -being a young boy.
The dootor was niaug chlorides 48* digit'.
feetent end the boy took 4 fancy to the
odor and salted, to lime Bane placed near
hie nose. The doctor would hardly heve
*medal to Sho requeat, but it stems thet
the hors grandmother saturated *bend,
kerehief with the diainfeetent and put it
On the child'e face. At this dna* the
membrane peculiar to diphtheria had
teemed nearly up to the teeth, 004 Dr.
Allen considered the SILSO e, hopeless
(MO. That night after the application of
the chlorides, 'bola appeared in the meta.
inane, and in the morning the membrane
bpi disappeared. The boy lived. Dr.
Allen sari that be bad moral oaaee three
then that were bed, and he has not lost
teie. He bed need Ibis xenzedy in than
oases. The direction which are given are:
Dilute the °World° with 10 parts weter.
If used so prevent the disease, wet * cloth
in the liquid and plaoe it over the mouth
and zoos for about ten minutes at time
mayoral times e day. If need to cure a
climate, keep the wet cloth over the lam
nearly all the time until the membrane is
A Headless Booster.
The Initial of Laporte, ecoording to th
Huntingdon (Qua Okaner„ is the proud
possessor of a live headless rooster. On
the evening of the 81st Got,, john Leali
went out to °etch and kill two young
neaten to have ready for next &kyle diri.
ner. He oat off their betide below the entre
and left them. To his astonishment on
goingfor them, he found one alive and
swigging its headless neok in & most un-
canny fashion. At last amounts ft was
still alive, the wound having healed, and
reoeiving food down the open gullet. The
creature makes a notes as if attempting to
*row. Thirteen days after decapitation
Mr. Leahy sold the curiosity to young
Brian O'Connor for about $100, half paid
now and balance if the fowl lives for a cier.
lain period. The buyer is going to ex-
hibit it.
Lawyer Qusekenbes Says
Having no correspondent at s certain
town in Pennsylvania, I wrote to the post.
master of the town there, asking him to
give me the address of a reputable lawyer
to whom I might address myself. The
answer came baok as follows:
"Dear Sir, --Thank Good there are no
lewyers within 20 miles of thie place:"
An Autumnal Proposal.
He (es they stend on the balcony) It is
very. bright within and very dreary with-
out, te it not?
She—Without whit?
He (inspired)—Yore
Experience Teaches.
Her Old Man—And could yon support
my daughter, sir?
Her Laver—I have two strong arms.
Her Old Man—But can they support
Her Lover—They often have, sir.
The Priming Sophie's trousseau filled
about 200 trunks. The linen alone is said
to hens oost over .1000. Neerly the whole
outfit, with all its beautiful dreasea, was
made in Germany, prinoipally at Berlin
and Frankfort. The skirt and body of the
wedding -dress were of the richest white
satin. A Wilier of silver brocade, made in
Lyons, fastened with rieh feather trimming
and genuine hand.reade Venetian lace
whioh Bete off the silver brilliantly, waa
rnserted in ths akirt.
Leaf by leaf the rotes fall,
Drell by drop the spring runs dry,
One by one beyond tem%
Bummer beantiea fade and diet
But the roses bloom again
And the spring a ill gush anew
In the pleasant April tain
And the summer's Sun and dew.
IT is stated that the work of revising the
German Bible is now eo far advanced that
the finsesenerel conference of the scholars
engaged in the work will shortly take place.
At this meeting, not only will the task of
revising the Old Testament veraion be nom -
plated, but there will also be a revision of
tbe New Testament, in order to bring the
literary form of the whole Soriptures into
A man may smile and smile and be a
whiskey still,
—Some men are neither good nor bad
and there is no demind for the Indifferent.
Habra radthiati Soria.
Sweeto and fro he the twkiigbt gray,
V*, e the feria' for enadowtown ;
ys si1s at t end of day,
Just as the darkness ut 0041g (TOWS/
Rest, little head, 021 my shoulder, so,
4 eleagy xis 13 the oily fere;
4444,1414 Wig krera the werld woo,
Baby and 1 ilia rocking choir.
See where the tre-legs glow And spat*,
oetter the lights of Stunlewland
The pelting rama on the voudow, hark
Are ripples beeping open xte eteeee,
%lone where the minor le glancing eire,_
a lake with Mt abitonietteg cent midstill;
lloattoms are waelegehove tia beim.
Those over them en the windowaill.
Reek slow. more slow in the dusky light,
Silently lower the anchor down"
1:lear lttlteassettget say good eight.
We've 4,8•Che4 00 barber et $124dOSIOSre
—,rrederick News.
The SW= and the ZIT.
Among the worldly geode At A COttaiA
farmer of Wet NiaeiPert iti SAO feet of
doltee line, The `honest yeoman auued
to did net pinches() it for home use nor
did he think this time hid month that he
would pavans during his lifetime s0. great
a quantity of this metal ietiele. It is the
old story, no oilyatongned agent end
ape tee mending blamer, Some two week
since two agents for a piteet wire clothea
line aPPeared en the scene. They Were
looking for a looal agent to sell the greateet
of modern inventions in the olothea liner
commodity and eubsequently inauced the
farmer to Piga what he thought was an
agregnient .gwing him tike agency for a
artein terraery, A few dirt afar * Mkkii
with a waggon load of Olt:libel' liva halted
t the get° of the homesteed. The lamer
W40 wroth 004 refaced the Ammeter
e draittancea, The nau knew nothIng et
the bergithe cave that the farmer in ques.
tion had siguea au order for 3,000 feat Of
olothee line tO be delivered ay hie reeideeee,
at Was mule of the teameter'e beilineet, he
was ooly ae employee and if the farmer
persisted in his reineal to admit hint he
(the teamster) wapiti damp the whole cargo
et the fermer'igete. There was no eseape,
however, aud the 3,000 feet of *Uwe
line wee safely houried. It is reported
thst a Illanshara farmer was (Aught in
the earett way but not for too large si
haul, via, $135, the eenoent of the order
teen*/ by the Niesouri farraer.—M. Mary's
New Tort; Pottera Meld,
The Potter's Elea 0t New Yotk dlity 11
tweed M preseut on Hart's Wiwi. Sines
1869 more then 60,000 bodies hero bee,
baried there. Theret 4T4 no single
=ante ; the bodies are placed In trim
dog ia regular rows, 45ft. long, 14 la wide
and 10 ft, deep. Each of theSS Pita will
hold 150 bodiere which are Uhl three aptp
in six xows of twenty-five aria In 1887'
4.158 bodies were buried ou Mirth, Itlar.d ;
the interments average *bout 30 per deg. In
the publto or poor qnertere of Celvery Cana
etery a trench le deg 7 it. wide, 10 or 12 ft.
deep, end of indefielle lougth in Which the
oefilue ere stowed tier upon tier maldng a
night of steps, live or more deep, and with
not enough earth to bide one from the next.
It is with, tattoo chained, that cremation ie
more deem*, more healthful, more mono-
rolota and more respeotful to the dead thou
Me. Theola Potteee Field of New York
was iu Washington Park, mid it ***Raged
that ita malignant effect la still Visible in
the death rite of surrounding 'treat,
rerefire Notes of Root rotereet.
All the pollee in tgland 'mother
The Eiffel Tower Conepauy have now
paid the stockholders more than the entire
It is seid, that Blanche Roosevelt bee fn.
dueed aven Barden to help her dramatize
her lest novel.
George Eliot's novel "Remota " was a.
had bargain for her -publisher. He piaci
her 035,000 for it, ended the first expereave
edition only 1,500 copies were sold.
There is said to be one pieture et great
promise by a South American artist at
the Paris Exposition It is IS by 15 feet,
and represents the discovery of eta Elver
Platte ut 1516. The artist is Miss Urbana
M. Samaran.
The Frew& are now able to put in the
field seven armies of a total strength of
1,1300,000 men, equipped for a, prolonged
campaign and supported by an ample re-
serve. This is five time° the force that
Nspoleon 111. could muter in 1870. -
Her Scrap Book.
Mrs. Harrison keeps three sorareboolca,
in which she pastes all the newspsper
references to the Harrison, Soot* mid Mo.
Kee families. An entire page RI devoted to
Baby Benjernin, in which poets, (adore,
paragraphers and correspopdente extol hie
infantile °harms. These 004 the printed
references to the President coat ?Ars. Har-
rison 8100 every month, a Broadway ayn-
dioate of newspaper. clippings supplyingher.
Literary Attainments.
You should read more, Ida," said one
girl to another.
" I do; a great deal," WAS the reply in *
rather indignant tone.
" Wbat did you read last ?"
"Why, I read every word of the theatre,
programme the other evening.
One on Bilks.
Landlord—Say, Bilk% I should judge by,
the way you pay your rent that you had
played on a college football team.
Tenant—Why so?
Landlord—Well, you are always a quar-
ter back.
Lemon, Girl mut Squitezer.
"Lemon parties" are becoming popular
in a number of Hudson Eimer towns, It la
stated that every young man is expected to
bring e. lemon, a girl and a equeezer.—
Kingston Frei117411.
Close Cali.
May --Charlie, yon remit be careful and
not expose yourself. You were out in all
that rain last night.
Charlie—No, I wasn't. What made yon
think so?
Msy—Why, papa came home arid said
he met you coming from- the lodge, and
that you were thoroughly Waked.
In Chicago.
" Why, my dear Mrs. de Jones, I haven't
seen you for a year. How have you been ?
And how is your dear daughter Emily ?"
"Badly is very web."
And is ehe still married to Mr. Bender -
son ?"
A woman who favors equel suffrage
wants to know if it ifs a crime to be
woman. No, but it is not manly. We will
say no more.
The heed of the London Waiters' Union
says the tip system has developed to each
an extent thet in mom restaurents the
waitere pay five shilling. a day for theprivi.
lege of waiting.
11 ia expected that cable communication
between New York and Canso, Nil, will
be open on Saturday.