The Exeter Advocate, 1889-11-28, Page 1"A UNITED CANADA AND `.I$ CONNECTION:">r • MORTGAGE BALE (mowed iTyFirti aib, ib55j Pard up Capital, R . , R . R - . $2,400,000, Rost Fund.: R. , .. 1,0001000, gt ti ,, V MIRO rrOlgrt Mod o n oa �� sl'o treat]., V W_' H THOMAS: CL �A � 4 , 1 GOlaullat.t, MANAGER, Twenty leveed oteees irtr the IiominiQ: .P411110144ill the lton itlion.17, $4,0444"Perot* aaelie&alT<IPS.C., Open Tao t e'1 ' . a.m.t4 ftI • A general banking: busirtese treatise Throe per coot,a rooms eleewatd fee money oo Dwelteceipte uloid Rooftop Dorm, . ANT/ ZYTIIITUUE Ob` TOWER OE • aide eeeettelried•to a Certain liisirtgage fob s+iil'bo redueel on day°fool% time willhose,leer Reale Apetleo.eta orslaillgantlet19,, '41wI , rtl Hole's 'Toted h 1Malat, $at thetiJkl+?IERS'7'L:11ustEmiCQ,3ilell::'t TKIlMt;AP" su:BSClli?*TION. QaePollex r eeoepe if rata is Adv&nc 01.10 ifnotso 044. .is,sk•:s•, aaxi lr 244ft-1041 Q;A. ! ? * #.`+tat, WO Pa axeauto, direetia'na will cheated eooerd' for trausetont Ions_ rag.»1 IMG r.satl atMoat ere, ke, for advert bs made raYstble w1 uut111+11 airraearat{ei auto without, tree l: toil or tel at 9 It the hour aft o'clock in the afternoon, the. following eal li;s!teta,virc— All am singular tact ccrteirt payed or tract nflara,l hued proittires, situs to,1yftig cud• atnlr ie. the Tetweedop of Stephen. County of woo and Province ofOnterio, ieeing corn.. pesojoSthe ;,rli,9fthe1MofLot NurnIer1L to the 12th coneol d opn of the salts Tomtulsip of Stephan, eonfaiutna: 13 aereaa, =ore or loss. unto** the sal:na to on cold mortgage be soon.: or paid. This property is one of the ke11t in the tho townasltl a and ir< at fair attµte of C4ltivetlon. oro is et ttiee.i'.retne houSo on. the pxeanier,t, Rtta the imprevelnents aro first 100. Tcratia:tnade knc+wn on day Of Sala, L.. R. DICKSON, Veudeval Solicitor, Xts►ted, \ av, 2sth, ll . Exeter. bl mod - g; Worm' die eentreide GESALE prtisoosenta lneertad for text' eleetriiatien of JOB oat in the uncoil• atyrlos -cheques-on oneiterds alelostetiene. ono. to Wiililrltutlt Sandex°a, Baiter l;hanrrci4 Directory. Te r1TT Womerstlrr. 011111Mel •-Burr, S. F. u7tnabr'icoLfIt .nd.thhoh ) p. Marl1ovrsr fl 4amese,st., Rely. B. Clement, Pnator. Sunday* titervicos,1o,4t1 tt,art. and a t3O p.131. Sabbath, &heel, til p, Tn. lilxrlc BTxnr.•r—Rev. J'. Wildon. Factor,. Ron day taervictea,,ieSAa.irt,#t dat40Ia.m, Sabbath Se10013so p.113. Pa aarrahlart Otienosr—Rev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunda Son/tete, 11 at. m. and fUla p. m. SabbathSchool. &Sa.m. P rof►e+wr000 l Dor+ IT L. NIL'LINfib. xy2a34=1137C'. `` • Office over O'Neil'a frank, Exeter, Ontario Nitrous Oxide Gee for painless extraction. Goer to Luean every p'riday R.RIVS1tA;.',DENTIST, L.D. S', ax- „° tracts teeth without pain by giving Vegetable Vapor, or uaiug tine new i Anesthetic on t gurus. Makes Gold Filli Ings and otherdontal work the best potrsible. Goes to Zurich 1astTbursday in each mouth, East side of Iain street. Exeter. .11111/11. • 33, WHITELY, W. D. C. M. PHYSICIAN e.P • and'Snrgeon. Ofiice and residence— Corner Viotorin and Elgin xtreote, 0 oderiolt, Ontario. R. J. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE—MAIN ST. • Residence—Corner AndroW and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. TA. AMOS, M, D., C. M, L, O. P., EDIN.; L, • R. C. S, Edinr L.P. 11. & S., Glasgow; L. M., Edinburgh and Glasgow; M. C. P. & S. Ontario; F. T. M. S., Toronto. 'Night boll at ,office. Crediton, Ontario. Jy1 -8 DR. COWEN. OFFICE --MAIN STREET, 1 Exeter, upstairs, opposite Centra Hotel, Side entrance on south --James street leading to the Methodist Church. TW. BROWNING, M.D., M. C. P. S. Graduate of Victoria University. Office and residence, DoYhinion Laboratory, Exeter. -WILLIAM SWEET, VETER Vr inary Surgeon. Graduate Toronto. °Veterinary Dentist- ry a speciality. Office ond Re- sidenceone block east of Mich. Pickard's store. Opposite skating rink, Ex- eter, Ontario. 'D T. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT- . on, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office—Samwell'd Block, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. .Z7I1�0 N BARRISTER SOLICITOR LiH .of Supreme mCourt, Notary' Public, Con- veyanoer, Commissioner, &o. money to loan office—Fanson's Block, Exeter, 'Til LLZOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- Li iters, Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan ate per cent. B. V. ELLIOT. - J. ELLIOT TAMES Of E, Exeter, Ontario, .Licensed GI Auctioneeror the County , of Huron. Sales prompt] attended to and satisfaction guaranteed.' Sales arranged at this ofliee. BROWN Winchelsea. Licensed .Auct-' orttorthe Counties o f Perthand • lone ao e f Middlesex, also for the township of'Usborne. Sales proinptlyattendodtoarid terms reason able:Sates arranged. at Post office, Winohelsa BOSSENBERRY, Hensel' Ontario. E Lie- . owed. Auctioneer forthe.. aozizlt y of Duron and :Perth. .Charges; moderate and eati3faotion guaranteed. II LrI' `ihiva Ontario. icense .a •t, O ,J B duo TAT forth Counties o f YV': ioneer1 C o hI' l les zC d ax and Lam. bion, ancl the townships of, $tephon a iicl Ray. All sales promptly ettendedto. �T cense Auctioneer for ,EILBEIi Licensed Ila f ` e end, DToflil i ru - townships. y .LJ.. S o h n tine 1 v Office—red"'ton O aria. y C t tedalt1, ' o . e .� Anted. Ia 1 wishos to seeure�a situati nfor A a ,Y e,o her son, aged abou.il years. The, situation tprc- ferred is one in .which he canego to 'school • end do the - 'oh ores inorning" and evening. 1' or further ;.particulars apply at, the. ADYO- 'V lir: office, Exeter, TthfthlI Tarrn Propt Koine of lin the naatter orSawtuel, C. Rundle, o>< theta township of Stephen,yeortian, an anaialy at au an dofehapt'er,ltii, of 1teviscd l9tatueee of Ontario, 'ho above named Insolvent leas this day male art assigonient of all lets estate and efftets tn, Ictsac 1latndferd of the VILLAGE 01? EXETER, ire the said County of Huron, Blacksmith. in trust ler the sclera benefit of his credit. ors. .i tucoking of the creditors of the sei4 'Insot- sent will, be held at the law office of Lewis H. Dickson sokctoe for the said _ satigneo i►.a.. etcroa Moad�rih�2r�� ftS0. 44 tho hour of; O'clooit o,rn. 11 crecUtorsare Teetered to the their claims itli the eerie Aaaaigueo or Itis sial Selictorou or before tits dilly Anal legally proven with full particulers net f o Any securlty or seouritles Reid by titernt or atfy Of them. LEWIS Ti. DICKSON Solicitor for Assignee xeter November 2.2nil laiFO. HOOS WANTE h 1 Farmers berry* orayour stere hop and tet* tea them for tha rnurket from Jennery to June- Wo have drtt;ruuntd tat aletednn the paaelcing of4re9aed haze in or,la.r to slake the t'aekin ofltegs a 14u,1a1eas throughout the ear ii de:di endeavor to l uyat hla.atever h.'Piro lo.onoUlth Jiro hags uritis themes oath*. rn our pocking ,a tideia a is being neglected during tltaf ]alta and spring months, wo think those leo hog. ruitalle for 011r ta<'aiuirt'nienta ftp a I I. Nowlin VPs., want hoofs not tan to Its .teral not over :Yee lust, ane] c vasa. 1.14114$91110 pries for trio itant). 'lost ''n•a' Shall riot her n atreestrd thin wI,, cr,harees we peeked 15,000 altoized hoed efts: r Jan. tat, lest winter. •UNDER ANDit'� lr'ill'I PE OVA POWER orf solo coeortatn register ed )tortkaKa ane e` y.lamork 7dcnaneld and wife, whirls will proalnocxl 1st the time of sale, default having been made in the pay menti thereof, there will bo, sold by Public Auction, at Reynold's iiotel,in the. Village of Hensail, ON__,_ SaNmag, 3111k fag of Jo. At 2 o'clock p. me by Mr.,Tarn Oke, Auctioneer, subject to such conditions as sahali then bo produced the following vain. vide property, vis, Ali and singular, that certain oared or tract of Iind s ncl premised. situate,] in and being in the township of Hay,.in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, containing by admeasurement fifty aeree, more oriels being composed of SOUTB-HALP of Lot (umber NIldk., in tho FOURTH Concesssion of the :said township of Hay.. There ie a frame house and largo barn on the premises and the situation as to markets is good. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent. cash and the balance in 50 days, or as may be agreed. For further particulars apply to ELLIOT Sc ELLIOT, Vendors' Solicitors, Exeter. 11110TIOJIE S9iE farm Stook & imIlmonts OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES PICKARD: 0 THERE WILL BE SOLD BY PUBLIC Auction on the store premises of James • Pickard, in the VIll4llE OF EXErFL. 13y James Oke, Auctioneer, on Wednesday Dec. 4, 89 Commencing at 1 o'clockp. m., the, follow- ing farm stock.and implements, that is to Say:- 1 ay.s team of benvyb orses, 5 and 9 years old; 1 pony 1 years oltl, in foal; 1 pony, aged; 1 'Prado of Athens";horse colt, 3 years old; 1. "Stone Clover" horse colt -2years old;1 "Pride of Scotland" horse colt 2 years old; 1 "Fear-' naught chief" mare colt 2 years old; 1 "Fear- naught:Chief" mare colt 1'year old; 1 "Stone Clover" horse colt one year old; 1 horse colt 1, year old; 1 mare and colt after "'T'urk"; 1 niare and colt after "Foarnaatght- Chief "; 2 nfilch coesi4fateotws;5 -.steers;, 3 calves; 1 yearling heifer; 1 two-year,old heifer;1 calf; 12 ewe lambs; 4 ewes; 1 buggy; -1 Phaeton; 1 light wagon; Lehi, sleigh; 'a newwagons;: 4 old wagons; 5n tons of hay; about to acres of peas; el) 0 acres of barley; about 9 acres of wheat; so,: bushels of turnips; 5loads 'ofgreen feet.; a:quantity '; of cealarand stakes, an num eroirsOther a'rfiolesa TERMS,'OSALE. 5;10 arid under cash,' all stubs 'above 810 twelvem onths credit-otifurlsishing approved secured notes. For further r' partzculitrs, apply to R. H. COLLINS, GEORGE SAMWELL ' Solicitor for Assignee, •.� ' ;Assi gn4e Exeter. Exeter` JAatEs OEE{Auctioneer, Eeter, November lath, 1880. I,. GRANT CO., Ingersoll. Leave it to tho .flays. The essential condition ofsueeess in life for all normally constituted men is undoubtedly the rightchoice of a vo- catiou. What to do with our boys is a eeriouS question with every parent for itis just here that so many flitat. blunders are made. Parents omits- be actuated by the very best Motives in laying out as plaits of life for their sons but they are too oftenunmindful el the fact that what may prove eminently successfnl in one ease may be equally disastrous in another. And very often the decision iS rendered mare difRcuult by the necessity laid upon the boy of earning his daily bread as he eats it. Then, too frequently, circumstances usurp the place of decision; and what should be the result of careful thought is left to there eceident. Wtt have no hesitation in saying that a large per- centage of failure in life can be attri- buted to the fact that young men have been compelled against their own pre- dilections and desires to adopt a vocat- ion entirely unsuited to them Parents are too prone to shut their eyes to the natural bent of their sons' minds and learn their mistake when it is to late to rectify it. The boy may show a pos- itive dislike to the position chosen for him and protest strongly against con tinuing in it but he is either encourag- ed or forced to remain and the result, in nine cased out of ten, is a failure. In such cases an immediate change to a vocation more in sympathy with the boy 's disposition and tastes is the only safe course toms i . p • e It should be. borne in mind that the loss of a year or two at the outset of a young man's, career is nothing compared to the in- jury and life-long disappointment en- tailed by belie; forced to remain in :f trade or profession for whichhe is nat- urally unsuited. The world is full of poor, breifless barristers, doctors with out patients, prosy preachers lacking the first requisites of their calling, who would have turned out successful far- mers or business e, men and hosts of struggling clerks' who would have ve made good mechanics and vice versa. All the perseverance in the world won't make a man. successful in life unless his heart is in his work and he finds pleasure and profit in what he under- takes. Parents cannot therefore be too careful in the choice of a ; vocation -for their children, -To Our Subscribers The SPECIAL ANSTOWr0EIVIENT which appeared in our columns some tulle since, announcing a special arrange- ment with Dr. B. J. KiSEDALL' Co, of Enoslmrg Falls, Vt., publishers of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Disease" whereby our subscribers were enabled to obtain a copy x of that valuablee work: num-b 3 *' sending their li address to Dr. J. B. KENDALL Co. (ancl ei1- closing a two -cent g o stamp for maiiut�, sande) is renewed for a limited period. We trust all will avail themselves of the opportunity of `obtaniug this nal- uable work. To every lover of the Horse it ie .indispeesable,as it treats " a simple manner all the deseaseswhicl afflict this noble animal. Its phenon inal sale throughout the United States and Canada, made it standard author- ity. Melai'io 1 this a or WlUl)l 'sencliia for "T•reaticsa" :=net 31-13t, Farquhar.. Don't ;forget the open Court of the r O, F. of this place, ort Friday Dee, 6th a gQod time is eXpeetetl, a 4 Wed ul o —6. esti e1 e f, . k as Air. A. Robison, who lives one Y iIo north of here, was doing Ids chores the lantern, which ha was using;, exploded setting fire to the barn .and wassoQn in flaaince and before helparrived was burned.to the ground, -with all, 'its este. tents, Insur e:1. Su the taboret! and Hibbert :fire,Insurauee Coy. for $1,000. Turnberry. Iifr. Robt. Senders, of Exeter, acc=. Fulled by two of Isis; friends were on a hunting'espeditioa in Turaherry and adjoining townships for about ten days of late. In four days' hunt they sue - needed in killing thirty Ave rabbits and fiftetin patridges. )11 Monday they trek the C. I'. It. for Grand Valley in *argil of ltugor game. They had been in that vicinity but alt short time before the hounds started a large black bear After a short chaser the dogs succeeded in driving hint out near Mr. Sandals, who shot fit him, knocking hien over and wounding it. White he wasreloaiding and walking towards the bearit got up and commenced to rrlpv4 Qgt, +led Mr. Senders at once shouldered his rifle and pulled but tate artritlg0. Aimed :fire, but would doubt. less hate killed him had, the eeat-trid OM The bear moved off rather T rat dl but.the hounds d ua t t, pi Awa got emit of blood and had a lively chase for about ten minutes, when they overtook him and furious struggle must have en- sued as one of the dogs returned badly used u and t v had o removed tet m sad, from p the bush. it,partys' Thetill IIrA et nits. p Bruen for about an hour, and would 'Borne; no.ioubt, captured him had the hounds not gave up the chase alt ac- count of.the thick bush and being; woturdcd. It was ane of the largest boars ever aeon in that vicinity. Qommunioatione e 4 'e deo not hold. onrsolveta responsible fez artialisa appearing under thio heading.. To the oulttorofTag AuyOCAM1. Dear Sir:'—We .saw an article; in your columns of last weeks issue from gourtlriantvaty'correspondent regard= ing the la* suit bztNght to that village agtihist the Grand Be'a'd boys, We wish the correspotdcnt of that town to un- derstand that wean) not in the habit of imposing on old people. After the ev- idence nothing could bo proven in this way or against their character, but the J. P. to make himself safe he fined two of the younger boys $10, one for eat- ing candy and where the put it and the other for shooting a squirrel and 1, where he shot it, to cover the expencos of his wife who had to drive after the plantiff, who did not put in an appear- ance at the appointed hour, which his summons called for. We understand that the plantiff wished to settle the !, case out of court, but this the J. P. re- fused to do, no doubt thinking he would make a living out of the Grand Bend boys, bite he found out they were to well bconght up to be up to such misde- meanors. We. wish the Greenway cor- respondent to mind his own business and notinterfere with the young men yug c of Grand:Beud, as wo don't make a practice of slugging'Sabbath nights and robbing 'boo hives &c. Thank you for this space. We are yours Respectfully, YOUNG FARMERS. Grand Bend Ncv 19th 1889. Hensalh Mr. R. McIntyre has had his hotel 'lat- ely repainted which adds greatly to to its appearence. Considerable rain has fallen here of late. A heavy fall of snow took place yesterday morning. Remember the L O. 0. F. dedication this Thursday afternoon and evening. g A grand time expected. Dont miss it. Considerable grain is coming into the market, Mr. Geo McEwen and Mr. McLellan, are good buyers, farmers are getting top prices. PERSONAL.—Mr. Wm. Hughes of St. Thomas, is here at present visiting friends.—Mrs. W. R. Hedgins,and daugh- ter Kate, augh- ter'Kate, of Kincardine, are visiting• friends in the village. Robert Bell our enter Mr. , rising p b lumber merchant, is building a hand- som and commodious residence in the e village. The same is now roofed and a enclosed. Mr.Wm. Welch is the contrac- tor. li ssrs-'os. aro bush TetPetty e Petty� y it eeiga„ed in purchasing and paclata,, pork; : They are paving the highest figures and our village looks lively with many farmers teams coaling ' in loaded with pork and grain. TheMethodist church anniversary saty services will bop reached on.; Sunday, Dec. Sth. There will be three services during Sunday. and on Monday a pub- lic tea:will be held, Dr. Griffen, of Stratford and others Will be present. The Masonicsin concert .held Cox - worth's Hall on Thursday evening las,", under the auspices of Zurich Lodge was a decided success, The attendance wets facia Laundering the bad state of the weather, It. Wer, Bro. W. G. Pus, D. D- O. M,, of SeafQrth, occupied the chair in to 'very able and efficient manlier, and delivered ashort add ess setting nuforth ;oae othe many objects of - A ,ent Preemasonery, The programme Was an excellent one,, and was taken 'tart in by some of the best tatent that: could be secured. The Musical, glass performance by Mrs. and Miss Sage, of lk414I11, was ex coilent and they were heartily encored also was the young Highland dancers, In short, we may say that the concert was one of the best ever held in the village, arid should, that bairn hold another, it will be more largely patronised than the aria ,just passed. Centralia. Lots of mud on our streets now, Wm. Carroll is visiting at the Royal G. Essery was visiting friends it Zurich last week, Miss Louisa E. Marshall, of Forest, it visiting friends here. T. Parsons shipped a car load of pouf try to Winnipeg oil Friday. Quite a number attended the Chuml opening in Exeter. on Sunday. iiiiss Elliot, music teacher, lurid our town at flying visit last weak.. ' Mies Stewartsoe, of McCallii•'.'ray,, ; visiting at the Duireriti Rouse.. G. Esser.y has his new stable bricked; up Mr Neil having the contract, The beautiful snow has come at last which will be ro tell bettor for thed 'wed- iA, Mr. Parsons I \I has returned from eturn d f to Manitoba looking .ltalr and hearty. IIe reports things booming out there. Mr, Wm. Cottle, of Sibley, Ohio, once a resident of this place is again in our midst lend intends remaining for at' week or two. Our new -store keeper (Mr. Runt)) heal opened out and selling very champ. The farmers will find it. to their ativent- aage to give him a call. Mr. French was home from Michigan, where he has been packing apples!, het has returned Ifo report that apples nets plentiful in that section, ' Alt old vetran, of the North West re - hellos!, with both feet shot off, remained in our town last Tuesday night" telling his stories of hardships in that fair off country, Mr. Isaac Handford and J. 'Quante and family have moved to London where Isaac and John Have received lucrative poeitious. Wewish them success in their new undertaking. We have received a number of "drives" from Centralia for publication. We have more than once repeated un- der this !lend that 'drives' would not be inserted. This is the last time we in. tend mentioning this fact and intend throwing such stuff in the wash basket in future.—Editor .AD OOAT> .. . McGillivray Council. The Council met pursuant to ad; journnlent, on Nov. 4th, present W. IL Taylor. Reeve, W. J. Corbett and G. T. Thompson, deputy Reeve W. Ritchie and E. Morgan, councillors, minu- tes of last meeting read approved of and sighed. Moved by G. T. Thompson seconded by E. Morgan, That the sum of fifteen dollars be expended in ditch- ing and turnpiking on sideroad be- tween lots 5 and 6 on the 22nd. conces- sion and tl at ThomasHall be commis- sioner to expend the same. Carried,— Moved by W. L. Corbett, seconded by W. Ritchie, That the named individ- uals be paid the several amounts as set forth viz.—T. Duglas,tile acrose Doug- las sideroad $1.00; A. Munroe, 1 lamb killed by dogs,$2.75; J. Bullock 2 Iambs killed by doe's, $5.33; J. Dixon, gravel ..6.00 ; T. Lewis lank account, for cul- $ > p cul- vert, ?.2cts; J. Veil, 'reparing Behan's bridge 2nd con. $6.00; A. Munroe jr., putting in concrete culvert at McVicars on main gravel road, $2.S0; T. Jenn- ings, account for plank, $14.26, J. Thompson, repairing bridge and col - vert, on front gravel road, McGillivray portion, $5.00; J. Charlton, account for. gravel, $2.10 1 R. Ceili, account for plank, $37.06; A. Morrisey, putting in concrete culvert on Morrisey's side road. $3.00; T. Hodgins ,jr., gravel account, $25.00; W. Thompson, putting in con- crete culvert Biddulph town line, $3.00; T. Lewis, ditching and repaving cul- vert 13th con., $14.65; Li, McDougal, ditching on the 13th con. $13.25; A. Nichol. building -bridge on Parkhill i road, $13.00; I. Hasltot, filling 1n brid- ge,and puttingin 2 concrete ppe sit. lieuco lc etc.. culvert on 7th con. E. C. T, $6.70; I. c Haslet, cleaning ditch on hill on town � igf m 7 line; west of Ailsrf'C1a $7.25• A:Iilboin= b field, putting in 'concrete culvert on gravel road•$3.00; C.'Medcof, grading and gravelling on W. William's .town line,b y $51.00; •W, Forgart ,:a gravel grant g. on Thompson side. road $1:5.00; 1. Mit- chell, gravel account for 1888 & 9 $7.00 I. F. Durr, gravel account Division No 10,44.00;;. Mawsin, gravel account $4.10; I. Durr, attending and stripping gravel pit and account for pick $42.00 I. Reeder, grading and putting in: con - N0.1311. Crete culvert Idobotharns side road, $?, 00.3C. Poor}building culvert West Wit, lutm"s town -line McGillivray portion lig Corwell, tilt across road 10th con" 42.00,��edCerried, , Sioved by �i , L. Cor - bo s ond ' 1?y IIsli �, I ltchrtia t tel s council adjourn to meet Towts the first liffondqtncerber at ten .o'clock a M. Carried. Wm. Fraser., T. P. Cleric. Orealtiona r W# sda • a edt)e .ors. a �. `# iw birs, S, Lina is very Low at preSen „ Vaccant houses are in ;rent demand art present. A. wedding yesterday, particular* Itezt `reek. tislr •1tfr. and firs, I.,atmport,. were visits ; their daughter In London bust week.'. The '^enfal Jar dlord of the Central, Mr. A.1101,11beers land up with rheums al, Mr. C. ii`ibbler is improving his re, tly purchased property by the erect- new stable. Mr, and Mrs, Jaynes Hill have °gone' -R a trip to Cleveland, Ohio, to attend. the wedding, of Mr Hill's nephew. Mr. W nr. Geiser', returned autur y db. 1 from est f ru Rufi'alo amid Dunviliet. Whexe he has been visiting friends. Wo are sorry to learn that Mr. Ate- silo Melliu is seriously its with typhoid' fereri31. Waltaburg, Washington, Mr., Mellin.lost his wife two years ago fronii: tial sure decease. Tho R r many friends o fAi'a Wm.P rw�a was glad to flee his pleasant fad again ht their midist, He has been. is Winnipeg for the past four years and report business g oad in that city. The shooting' match held at Clarleia hotel, Crediton, was it grand sueeeSe every way. The allowing done waits fair and everything passed alt very "' pleasantly. We hope lie may have au.. other in the dear future: We regret to announce 'the death 4 Mr. Joshua Meakins'r ho died at tete residence of Mrs. Anderson, 4th °cola., Stephen, on Monthly Nov. 25th. R. bad been ailing for over a. year Anal his death Was trot unexpected by hie relatives, His remains were interred its the Kirktou cemetery on Wednesday_ Four of our citizens became by some means or other, the owrier of a turkey each on Friday last, and had them con fined into au old shop. These four than conspired among theenselves,the result being that one of their number was: is persuade three innocent youths inta csx,tracting the foul that night, repre- senting that it would bo a good joke, -. and that they could return them in a day or so. The remainder of thequar- tette were to secrete themselves in the shop and catch them in the act. The scheme worked all right and the shame and fright of the youths can be iin- gined when they were accused of thiev- ing and threatened with the terrors of the law. ' We fail to see any cleverness - or 'ammusernent in such a 'joke' so call- ed, and trust that the authors of it aro not suffering from mental overwork in. originating such a plot. British Grain Trade. - The Mari, Lane Express in its weekly review of the British grain trade, says:—English wheats are stea- dy, though the deliveries are large. The sales of English wheat during the past week were 7%17S quarters, at 30s, against 54,433 quarters, at 31s 9d during the corresponding week last year. The prices of foreign wheats are maintained. Califcrnia is a. fract- ion better. Oats are 6d higher. Casa, is 3d higher. At to -day's markets wheats were slow. Flour was 6raa Grinding barley, oats and corn advaa ed 6d. Beans and peas favored sellers. SLEEPLESS WORRY. i .r Is often occasioned by a harassln�,, tickling cough which might easily he; cured if the 'right remedy- Hagyard. Pectoral Balsam was made use of. Its soothing, healing and expeetorant qualities make it wonderfully useful in every family for coughs and colds. MONOPOLIES AND COMBINES are a source of menace to the publ'1k welfare, and should be stamped oat: So should catarrh. Mr. J. Duncan,, Maple Creek, N. W. T. say s:—Nasal. Balm has done my catarrh good' more than all the numerous 1ra;medies ;I ltaifc. previously tried combined. I q ave im- proved so much that I believe one bat- tle will completely cure mc, 3' The petitions for the ` C Cetlllll tit , commutation of the deathp enalty in the case of Har,- vcy, the' Guelph murderer, are being largely signed by people throughout the country, My friend, look here! you know how., weak and, nervous ~our, wife is, and l knowthat '' . you t a Carter's Iron fills wftk relieve her, now x wh - not be fair oboist it and buy her a box. Amolbg the many sweet sticks, disF: and pastel burnt u as an incense le" prepared orangerind, 4 bars D ecl - 1 ' tri'c Soap p .fes 25c,