HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-11-21, Page 8TUMF.kDI1 IN
rad Carlieag Bros. change of ""ad;'
The roads are getting in a very mud
cry condition,
-411.'i,,111111usa, Deutnst, for ,the best
a?arttlielal teeth,
Get your concert and sale bilis at the
New '.subscriber* are pouring in and
we uapset tornados of them shortly;
Let a iriehdn 'of tli:a:A1$vocATit speak
a good word for It to thole who do not
take ;the piper-
lass there been. 4 move bade yet te-
Wards organizing a debating club,
night seheoli or some other club of a
literary character. Some of our neigh -
borings towns have already ,orgaivaed
for the season.,
New subscribers are cowling hl ev-
ery week. Bow is the time to get your
earn° on the list. fire ` are offering
every inducements possible, by mak-
leg the Aevoceru ore of the best local
papers published in the Province and
giving it to you from now to the orad
of next year for Si, and every one
should take advantage of this liberal
Hags Wonted.
Farmers should read the important
announcement of ;I. L.rant. ee Co.; of
Ingersoll, iii another column, in refer-
ence to fattening ho early. This
firm, will buy no dre ed hogs this
E eatheret aliened,
The undersigned wishes to- state
through these eolnnuis that hellos pur-
chd a ruaehine for a purges° of
cleaning feathers, Every variety of
Feather Bads, Pillows etc, reuoy :ted
and equal to new. Shop next
doer to John Trubie's Harness Shop,
Exeter. A trial solicited. JAS. Fnn w-
G..4 Prespeeeta.
The fine weather'this fall bee given
e opportunity to :farmers to get
am 1
their croharveted in good: condition.
and to petforin ell other feet), operat-
ions well. There has been a great
amount of fall owing done, and a
good start has been had in preparation
for next springs work. The late rains
came in the: nick of time forthc streams
and a water supply, and for pushing
forward the growth of late sown wheat
Ther Exeter ADVOCATE from, naw
till J'aanuaary 1st i89.i,for only $1.
& number of wedding are on the tap
is et present„ Further particulars later
Weildina;; invitations iu, New York
and Paris styles at the ADvoeA'ra of.
.11k11Lle1Ki *Deek:illet, i+lel.4 AA11sie
ata leltx, °Mee over 0'\rU s Tank
The stock of Mr. Jas. Piekard will be
disposed of by public aauctiou on Tues-
day next,
Look out for the Sons of England
concert which will take place in the
near future.
The coon hunting season is over.
Rabbit hunting will bo the next order
,f the day:
The 'next meeting of the Sons of
England B. S. will be hold on Friday
evening 29th inst.
Dr. Oronhyatekhe, will be present at
the L 0.F. concert on the 2nd of Dee.
and will deliver an address.
A grand glass -bail shooting match will
be held at Clarke's Hotel, Crediton, to -
wiener, A good time° anticipated.
To be auto about the superiority and
exeellence of the L 0. I . Coneertac usult
Mr. Ed Roberts, seey, of committee on
Mr. Sharp, of Seaforth, purchased. a
handsome driver from Messrs, Wood
Bros., one day this week, paying there-
fore a handsome sura.
A grand concert under the auspices
-of the Independent Order of Foresters,
it will, we understand, be the event of
the season.
Military Drama on dit for the I, 0. F.
concert, the best hit yet and just the
thing for the fashionable and fun lov-
ing public of Exeter.
It has been rumored that Pickard,s
grist mill was closed down. The rum-
or is false and without foundation, as
the mill is railing every day.
Our blacksmiths,howevor' much they
may feel disposed at times to be become
weary of their arduous and grimy em-
ployment, can always find a shoer
All new subscribers for 1890, paying
51 in advance, will have the ADAOCATE
for the balance of the present year free.
Those who send in their subscription
earliest will be the largest gainer.
Mr- Geo. Walrond, of Stephen, receiv-
ed word on Sunday of the death of the
wife of his son, Mr. Wm. 'Walrond, who
resides in Woodstock. Wm. Walrond
is well known in this section, and all
will be sorry to hear of this misfortune.
As the end of the year approaches
municipal matters begin to occupy the
attention of the ratepayers, and dame
rumor is on hand with the probable
candidates. If that estimable person-
age is reliable the municipal contest in
this village will be exciting.
Sunday next, Nov. 24th, has been
set apart in the five Ontario Dioceses
,of the church of England as a day to
be specially observed in commemorat-
ion of the establishment of the first
Bishopric, that of Toronto, fifty years
ago. Special psalms, lessons, hymns
.and collects are ordered by Episcopal
pastoral. In the Trivitt Memorial
Church, in addition to the special ser-
vices, the Rev. 0. H. Bridgeman, of
Hensall, will preach in evening. Of-
fertory in aid of parish fund.
One day last week, one of Mr.
Trampship type, proceeded down the
London,7oad just south of the village,
.and entered every house pretending: he
was a Physician, and demanded to ex.-
amine'every one in the house. In
solne,.cases he would make the Lady
sit down, show her tongue and feel the
pulse and wo .ild tell theinthey had
some ailme'nt. In„ some places th,,e�r
would not allow him to come in, and
would then produce a revolver an I.
level it at them, in some " instances
scaring the inmates. At last. he met
his match Mr. ".Viiliam. Balk -
slake Mit Teethe Nark,
Dr. Washington, of Toronto, has had
proceedings entered against him for:
advertising in daily papers in Otta-
wa, and distributing bills ou thepublic'
street. Petitioners are askin that bis
name be struck of there'll of• the college
of Physicians and surgeons of ontario.
If he pays for his advertising it.is all
right, but the ADVOCAAT has an ac-
count which that gentleman has ne-
glected to settle. If be dogs not pay
strike him oft
C. 0. r. elect 0meers.
At the last regular meeting of Court
Harmony No. G$, Canadian Order of
Foresters helden. Monday evening,Nov
11th, the €ollawin g *Meer' , were duly
installed to Oleo for the current year:
W. C. Ranger, Bro. W1n. Harding; V. C`
Ranger, Bro. T. JL McCallum; Chap.,
Bra. Alex Davis; Fin, -Secy, Jiro, John
Dignaau; Ree. -Secy, Bro. D. A. Bass;
Treas., Bre, John. Taylor; S. Woodward
Bro. Geo, Bill; J. Woodward, .Bre. F
Witmer; S. Breadle, Bro. Wm. Creech;
J. Beadle, Bro. Thee Prier
If you wish to avoid being swindled,
never trade or purchase of a stranger,
Patronize home institutions, conducted
by men you know to be fair and. hon-
est in their dealings, Look through
your own yapers and see the signs of',
the business men there, who invites
your patronage, and if you find them
offering an article desired, buy it there.
Do business with your neighbor as far
as possible, and the travelling and for-
eign swindler will soon be a thing of
the past,
What We 11[ay Expect.
Muddy roads and brocken weather
for a while.—People to find fault on
dark nights that there are not more
street lamps.—The boot'and shoe trade
to liven up.—Municipal election talk to
be the topic of conversation. The skat-
ing rink to become an object of special
interest—Bad colds from wet feet.—
Jack Frost to resume his business at the
old stand.—The front gate to be taken
in by the parlor stove. -Christmas goods
will take a front seat.—Tea meetings,
socials, school examivations, surprise
parties, &c., to become numerous.—An-
other wedding or two to finish up the
year. -While people are settling up their
accounts they will not forget their sub-
scription to the ADVOCATE..
a9hipi.Ae*ta Durinap the We 1r.
Mr, Thos,Balleetyne slapped a car.-
load :of cattle: to, Montreal "on. Friday.-
r. Jas. Okb shipped a carload of fine.
cattle on Monday tG%ntreal,—Mr. H,
Lovett shipped seyeiral carloads of her'
el' a11d other grain, this week,
Last evening Anc'ot'thoSo'yery pies-
ant events occ,uxred at the residence,of
Mr.: Thomas "Shapton, Stephen, being
marriage of his daughter, Lucy, to
Mr, Sidney Davis of Exeter. The core
mony was performed by the Rev; Jas
per Wilson, in the presence of a large
'number of invited guests. A number
of costly and useful presents, besides
the best wishes of all present, were
showered upon the happy couple, They
left the same evening for their new re-
sidelice near Devon; where they will re
side in future. We extend onr best
wishes to the newly wedded couple
and hope their joys may be many and
sorrows few -
What we like to Bear
A brother editor of considerable ex-
perience thus sums up his , islikes:—
We like to hear a man refuse eo take
his home paper,and all the ttee sponge
on his neighbors for the readingrof rt.
We like to bear a roan coiuplafiu when
asked to subscribe for a horite paper
complain that he takes mora new then.
he can read acted thou go and borrow
his neighbor,s or loaf around until he
gathers all the news from it, We like
to hear a mart run downs his home: pa-
per as not worth taking and now and
theeditoror for afavor in the
celuum. We like to see a
swan run dorsa ids home paper and try
to get a share of the trade which the
newspaper brings to town. V''e Pike to
see this; it looks econot aical, thrifty,
progressive and—cheeky.
1* Ever, le sere.
Tie local newspaper should be found
in every home. No children will' grew
ignorert who can appreciate the
orae paper, It is the stepping stone
intelligence In all those matteel not
learned in .books. Give :veer
rain a foreign paper which uuntarins
eat a word about any.,per$ane place or
thing which they never saw "perhaps.
stover heard of, and how can r yen ex-
pect theca to be interested But let then:
have the borne paper and roaad of per-
sons whomthey meet and et plaices
with whikh they ere fernilaar, end soon
an interest is awakened which iriereas-
ea every weekly arrival of the local
paper; thus a habit of reading•is forrn-
edand .those children willreadthe paper
MI their lives and becornc intelligent
men and women, end. a eretlieto their
ancestors, strong in their ltowiedge of
the world as itis today.. ,,,
The Spider and the Fly.
Among the worldly goods of a cer-
tain farmer of West Nissouri 3000 feet
of elotliline. The honest yeoman allud-
ed to did not purchase it for home use
nor did he think this time last month
that he would posess in a lifetime so
great a quantity of this useful article.
It is the old. story. The oily -tongued
agent and the • too confiding farmer.
Some two weeks sence, two agents for
a patent clothes -line appeared on the
scene. They were looking for a local
agent to sell the greatest of modern in-
ventions in the clothes -line commodity
and subsequently induced the farmer
to sign what he thought was an agree-
ment giving him the agencyfor a cer.
tain territory. A few days latter a
man with a wagon load ofclothes line
haulted at the gate of the homestead.
The farmer was wroth and refused the
teamsters admittance. The mars knew
nothing of the bargain, save 'that th
farmer in question had signed an order
for 3,000 -feet el clothes -line to be de
livered at his residence. It was none
of the teamster's business, he was only
an employee and if the farmer persist-
ed in his refusal to admit hien, he (the
teamster) would, dump the whole cargo
at the farmer's' gate. There was no
escape, however, and the 3,000 of cloth-
es -line was, safely„ housed. It is report-
ed a Blanchard farmer was caught
in the same sway but not °;so large a
haul, vis: -$136 the' amount sig Lied. by
will who appli, :d the boots to him for the Nissouri farmer. The operators it
about forty rods, making Mr. tramp 1s said,hailed from London,Ont. When
sorry tie had ever entered there. lie will some farmers learn ,not to attach
should have been arrested and give a theirsignature to documents proffered
month or so in Goder'ti`h, iiy atraugers.
11,1C114113) PICIMARZYSi
The Largest and best Assorted Stock -of
In the County, bought strictly for CASA.
Etrerpbodg invited to m,11 and inspect
British Grain Trade -
iui week?
,3faa�l� I.arae.Rapr•ess, r�
Ey ; eiew of the British grate trade,'
says;—English wheats arca firm, The
sales of English wheat for the week
were 77,817 quarters at .$0s 2d. .per
quarter. against 49,528 quarters, at
318 lid per gnarter for the correspond-
ing week last year, The prices of
dour are maintained, though sato are
slow. Foreign wheats arca steady, with
aa, goodca�arequuredesst, forBarleys Californianareiu and
demand, and grin+ting rs 2d dearer,'
Corn i$ a stronger, At Liverpool there
has been an advaiuen of 104 per ton,
Oats hay orison Gd; Tape seed is Gd dear.
er, At to days markets wheats were
dull, but steady. English flour was
well held, but American was a sluide.
weaker. There wee as further rise of
Gd ht: the price of grinding barley,
Oats were ed dearer. Good American
mixed corn was fief higher. The price.
of round earn was maintained. Peas'
nand rice were 6d bearer.
To Our Subscribers.
appeared in our columns same time
since, announcing a special arrange-
ment with Dr, 11. J. Xl3NI'M.rr Ca, of
Enosburg Falls, Vt., publishers of ,1A
Treatise an •tbatUorse end his IMtaeese,"
whereby our asubseribere were, enabled.
to obtain a copy of that vaaluabie. work
rn by sending their address to
Dr. J, 1i. Knvvar . 'Co. (atrial; en-
closing a two -cent stamp for mailing
same) is renewed for a limited period.
We trust all will avail themselves of
the opportunity of obtaniug this val
cable work. ,To every lover of the
Horse it is indispensable,as it treats in
n simple manner all the demises 'which
afflict this noble'animal. Its phenom-
inal sale throughout the United States
and Canada, made -it standard author-
ity,, if`rntion this paper when sending
for "Treaties" .—Oct. -81-13t.
On Saturday last :Mr William Taylor,
of tliddulph, proceeded is Londtin for
the purpose of getting hitt. a ,warrant
for the arrest of one Howe for''''assault.
It appears from what we can 'gather
that two persons'by the-nature°of Howe
and Rollins have been at Taylor's for
some time past, :and during last week,
some angry words took, pplace, between
Taylor and Howe, and Droves; ,strew a
revolver and threatened tekVett Tay-
lor, While Taylor Was in,: London
Howe skipped, and Rollins andTaylor's
daughter cleaned life:lead ttf 'barley
and took it to Granton and theta dis-
posed of it and made arratugla; rents for
the delivery of one hundred And fifty
bushels more, giving his vain .as Be
han. Mr. Taylor on his arrlvrii home
discovered the theft and, got a;ut war-
rants for the arrest of theda,ughter:and:
Rollins, who in the meantime had fled
to this place. On Monday morning,
constable McLeod, of Lucan, who had
been notified to keep a sharp look -out
for the fugitive, discovered them here,
He at once .notfied Detective Schram,
of London, who telegraphed Cheif Gill
of this place to arrest them. 'The
Cheif in company with Constable Mc-
Leod nailed the pair and they were
taken to London the next 'Monday to
stand their trial. The girl is about 13
or 14 years of age while Rollins appears
to be about 26 or 27 years. They are
now after Howe, but we have not yet
learned whither he has been captured.
Personal ?Mention.
Mr. Geo. Leathorn, of Bruce Co., was
in town on Friday evening,;and gave
us a pleasant call.—Mr. H. B. Elliot, G.
T. R. mail clerk, spent Sunday here.—
Mrs. Robert Hughes, of Hensall, is
visiting friends here for a "few days.-
Mr. Edward Gilbert, wheihAtie� been in
Michigan for son* 'time p ,steal Iter° Mr
present the guest 61.edit r ".Mrs.
J. N. Howard, who has hee'n visiting
friends in Mitchell and Stratford for the
past two weeks, returned on • Saturday.
evening.—Messrs, G. Samwell, Jaines
Walters and E. J. Spackman visited
London on Tuesday. --Mrs. `Rev.) Rob-
inson left for London on T.iresday.
Mr. A. J. Snell, spent Thursday in Lon-
don.—Mrs. Joseph Kitchen,of Lovering,
Ont., who has been visiting her many
relatives and friends ,here; for some
time past returned home on Thursday,
last.—Mr. R. H. Verity .spent 'Friday in,
London.—Mr., Thos. Cornish was in
Beachville on Friday.—Mr, W. J. Bis-
sett visited the Forest City, on Satur-
day.—Mr. R. H. Collins was in the
County Town, on business, on Satur-
day—Mr. Geo, : Walrond, of .Stephen,
left for Woodstock on Monday .to at-
tend the funeral of his son's: -.wife. --Dr.
J. W. Browning left for ,Port Huron,.
Mich,,on Monday. -Mr. Wesley Crocker,
of Crystal City, Man., once a resident
of `this place, son of Jamea 'Crocker, Is .
aal present visiting'friends` here. -Mrs.
Thos. Bawden, of Blyth is spending a
few days in town visiting friends.—Mr
and Mrs. 'Edward Magutre visited
friends in Ailsa Craig last week. Ther
Rev. B.`Clement is at Ridgetown at
present.—Mrs. John Farmer, is visiting;
friends in Loudon;,,
Sale Register.
On lot 1V, con. 9,'Usborn° on. Satur-
day Nov. 23rd' 1889 farm stock. imple-
ments &c. James Bell, proprieter, H.
On north} of lot 2, con.4,1Usborne on
Saturday, Nov. 23rd 1889, farm, farm
stock, implements,&c William Cor-
nish, proprieter; James Oke, :tinct.
Syndicate sale to take place on the
market, Exeter on Monday Nov. 25th
1889. Horses cattle, Buggies. cutters,
harness, .&e.' James Oke, auctioneer.
On lot 16; north boundary, Hay, on
Thursday, Dee. 3rd, 1889, farm, farm
stock, implements &c, Charles L. Sch-
oemacher, prop; Ed. Bossenberry, amt.
On Wednesday, Dec. 4th, 89, at Mr.
James Pickard's store, fans i stock, im-
plements,&c. R. H.Collins, solicitor for
George Sainwell, asst, nee; James Oke,
J. P
It is said first every person has a ei ante
ca lit their lifetime to make a fortune, a>tirad if
tire() to pass may never have the opportur
lthiF,,powier never varies, •A. marvel (.f
purity..treugth and, w1iolesomenees, More
°cone icer than the ordinary 'kinds, and
"cannot 6e fold' in:aompotition with.Ethe
mniiltude of lowste-.t.,,knrt weight alum or
err i ei ow o on y ''in cane
h pl sat p deer S ld X
} E0 LBki iIS(1 pj{1F DEk Cu.,'106 Walt' St. NY.
you•cart depend upon It that everybody ptlrnelis,aing'• their
at Parkinson's saves money, by doing so'+rill'atoon >arll+raa;
their fortune His prices are always down::
lea arc slot asked high prices to make up losses, for debt. contracted bi bad
.. ere; don't you Fee there is thousands in it, Parkinson's Stock
w and consists of Dry.Coods, Groceries, Crockery„ Glass.
re, Tweeds, Boots and Shoes, in fact everything usurall +
tirst•class General Store. See his Black and Ou ored Caasbiae ups
eau can get the cheapest all wool suit In Exeter inautc o e
Make no mistake, Consult your own interists an
examine his stock before making your purchases tilsei,the,re
and you will soon save enough for a fortune. You van de
bettor at the Cheap Cash Store than any other Ow fa
Exeter. Highest market rice allowed for farm produceat
PARKINSON'S. First doorTown. north of the a ,
�'. .+. ar . s,
dyke is Cfleap.
The only cheaper thing is Carling
Bros. Goods. Come and
see them.
In the general run of things, people
who wear Carling Bros
suits get` there.
Dainty Gloves for delicate hands at
Carling Bros.
There is no temptation to steal cloth-
ing when Carling Bros,
sells it so cheap.
Good Morning. Do you drink Carling
Bros Coffee for breakfast.
It is .the best. "
Hose Hannah r course,lots of
them in- allstyles ,Of .les andweights. �'' g s»
A splendid, idea, get Carling ; Bros.
prices before you spend
a cent.
4 suit in Chancery . will not : last as
long as a suit bought at
Carling Bros.
The best, the most; the -urest, at
Carlin Bros.
. .
u require a niceor
Ladies, if you Hat
� .
a accommodate nlrn d s„
Bt�nnet . we can o o ate �� � .
now a . first -cls s Milliner r in
we have o s M e
with the .. n t r
ti est.
connection sto•re
C it