HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-11-21, Page 71,XiORD STANLEY.
life and
social fa
Oharaeternities, OCientl.,Work. and Rome
, Lire 'r of )ki,);resmat Raveroor, /my
GiiineOLL,- lit Within Rideau pre-**
Ne et areld.) 14101144a
onor jet, liounteons,
heepitable, valiant an inagnineent ; above avighte.
all inaariebly loyat ; that family may eefalt '1Ii4114 Jan
ohollenge history and tradition to show oee 'et Ilar•T
the thro
defeotive link to ithelong- chide et encase,.
sion, to point to stain Oar tbe /7•'°ra
Of ite poblic contitiOLOr oh its' tio iforni =ere eh
oise of the nand and graceful ditties of Thomas
privete. Rte.". - -
torien ot the :•Stailleye, Whine 'head is the' 'Arlgertot
Such le the -estimate liy 'a rOodern,,liis
Earl of Derby, and a scion of whioh, Lord banc"b1
Stanley of Preston, iteGovernor4Geeeral of it 4068"'
alettede. lead Staeley !tea "a!pertion of hie
ismilY ere now on tetotta, whieht waren age stad,thn:
probability be extended to portions. of the in jar"'
rattoa, fitetee4 and, readers of --the ,frei44. ,
will, therefore,' doubtlescr And an elicturit -of • teak*,
Hie Lordship and of the Vice.Hegal state children,
in 'ellen he livee at Rineart sonaewhat a girl,
interesting. George.
Lord asariley.ie Boit- of „the feurteenth The pr
Bad of Dezby., His brother, the present: Oren an
Earl, followed his father in adopting a eldeet s
public. queer, and father and son were rime She
InOroa than once members of the earl*, Heal ot.
Oalinet. Fred Stanley, as the Governor- Will naelt
Generet of to -day was then faintliarlY Maim
called, at yery eady age toed; „a lieoten- .leiefathe
int% otenmitisepainthe Greninier Gust*, Guartlit,.
In /065 he W440104401 te,Resruimeut ima, when be
COutinued to be a member of the Home bare but
itata lasei ;when be Was oteatea re,. land au
with the title -of LordStaeleY of Presto. teeth yo
During lay otteateras a parliareentetian be, Manohes
lilted vedette offieee, snob as Lard of the at that
Admiralty, Financial Secretary to I1
Treasury, Secretary of State forWare‘Teri• taitZwYz
Prellideetenf theeCommletee at 0014nSi•L'Qa returoed.
Education, Secretary of State for the young co
tnoloniee ot,a pregicienty:of the Hoard of Rxcellen
Trade.. It maY well be h. elieved tVit se
1 ' Secretary al State for OzaColoefetejeagee VictOe
, thetrineiglit irate eplenial affairs that
him in good itteled'XietV. eve
*Sys ib
now hisei ATIAVAO UAL. While be
When Settled at the Bali Lord Stanley's eaceeattbthaeue
MOvemente are .quite reethodicel. puffing a
valet rota everythingprepariut for the broth it but to
at 7 o'elock eacIt'mornieg.and at that hour
he ceUe hie Clearer.' After peeing nikEag-, °taw'
liellMeted Adoration to the geddeata"Of eeht Itkhe°11°a41
wider,- awl bowing attired hinteelV in the
getb ebotint 'for him Atytivaaforceitiel anin.,
Oratie featOtutia; fileitorlahlti 'porthole the- ' ;41k1tli
morning -papers. Ile very,r,arely goes oat Caelbri
before breakfast., 'That meal ie serenal
thont oteloote : AU the familY sit detente 1the,
even Master Willie, who ha* 014 ve4a4tYAta
„. 11 artromers, At other meals thepresenen
et the younger Memlaera depends on dr.- Ittegitag
nutPultatenet.- Hy about 10 ,oioloi3kIllii Rj..' J12.00 0
OellertnYbeedisplisoa- or breakfast ,aria of fetncel
Vie matutinal cigar, im4, at that time OW,
*go Colville. "his ruilltary.secratary, on 'e'r°
hand .tvith lormiditliteliateb. a °plow winro;
acionmenut recoutag attentfon. airal:rt°
Excellertex signs nothing withoutoustrusihs
it more or Use' oerefolly, odenpying allege. 10541509
gm in that respeettuldway between Lord, Tlit*a-n
Own Be
, ereeriteewho wet Outhe principle that the and mg
bfflotals who drew up the documente knew
rear° about them then he ata,, voia 'Lora
Tainedowne, wbeWentOVer every doeument „
as enspicioue s pencil- as the, .Tho 0
%mot ooanning the attniotertiporter's firat "home 12
proauotion. Seareelyee Staio POWni.mt fitisru 12*
went through his bands that •,•'‘,411 net energeta
marked With, verbal ereeniltetieloil mean in her vete
aceerdence• wait hie Atte settee of oupbo- her gov
,r poeitions e carriage
itaauturon near is close athand, when ,follows
tla lost of the piiblic entice intim been ate- to store
posed of, and at that refeotiou, as a general
rule, the household, yeas% mut old,
Iota Stauleyet efterncionemplOyment is Agenet
-vasiabie, althougliehe Makes it 6 .poirit to 114. De
tekedrive, teed/ tb
the_weeer le fever. have be
able and the exactingpubliodoes not draw
'him away, he gone down to tbe cricket or embaeabafaaa
tfootleall told. eethf * the latter game he
Merely remaine, speqtatOr, but in 'the ,eattie053
*former be feett gently tekee pert and wields
a mighty, Weed -tee ,bat. Althoughe dam'
aneeetor estataisheci that Bdtish mania, °
to assli
the Derby, Rio Lordehip ia net himself 4a,
particular devotee of Itortie flesh. His
406rriego horses are eleek and wellgroomed, e'rt r:rt
bat theft) apPktere to .,be no iabreey strain
tin ' ',blood. 1218004 'Hie Execillenoy'a af
'virtues are easentially of slid doineethrand Suialgai
uhlie hied. He is .attaxcellent type of She ••
nglisb nobility, whiell has contributed in on gilt,
.a larger degree than-fsZgenerally believed her ow
in emoting and maintaining the structure thnea
-of British grce,,tness. The lives, the eayings
, foreign
eand dolegit qf :euchenen as Lord Stamey
'of Preston do not make such spicy reading
-as the eseapades ot Sestinge or a Marla Ameri°
borough, and therefore we heat less in the Beneath
henblic prints of the virtues o? the Engliale breakin
„nobility than We do ot-their vamp: ,Ittinictp
a expel ne male.
By about plpok the duties and avow,
• tions of the'Sft6rnotin Savo been attended $etti
•to or enjoyed, and thet entite, houilebolct mayor
-Seek their rooms fa -dress for -dinner.
repast de served with the same state, of Lon
Whetbeir Abe-Ligaeste are preetent or not back t
• rEverYlendi deesses for it; even'•:;phen the ane,
young boys are eacorded the ,privilege of •the eh
'dining with inotheeathey come. down te: savage
their Eton jackets, which is a Behooleboyts pluude
full areas. The dinneet mote especially iL eitleett
there are gueets, is a -IengthY affair,die" leitite
genttemen lingering osier the mahogany toted
tit a great pars -of theavening.- 'Whim it eartird
i0 finished, hOweier, the family -are vety f(red
fond, of getting up ernestenr musical 'enter- .131tturd
tabeinants. ,Excellency, like a true :Hound
Lancashire lad, is a fiddler; one or two of whole
the boys ,essay . the, game noble, instru- order t
anent ;blesaBegoti.W,ife of Cantein Begot.' Spatula
who was there last wmfer, was an sworn'. 'at ease
'dished niedieimes ,Ond" ;With, She aid' Of lesnea,
glee or two lecat, Itateninentalistil ' and
Vonaliste most ambitious ranaiOal,, igeanope
were held at the hall two or 'three tiraten
a week. These were never kept up to a late
our, early to bed being a:household...rule.
The world, deep, pot usually oredit the
ihomes of•thehigh ones • of the earth' with
,any striking exemplification of those sim-
pler domestic joys clea{i -peen:, and morediste
/have united in awarding onlitolhebumble
And lowly. The peeve of power and
wialtheere seppoeed to exclude these ; :but,
wfth the domestic con-
•Cierns of these • 'scions of one of the most
illustrious famillea in Etirope would dispel
this idea. Love in the castle produces the
name sweet teflaence that it does in the
,iottage. If, you could see one of Lady
Stanley's big young boys come into the
Morning room in his blanket coat, liberally
besprinkled with, EnlOWi his cheeks red with',
Jack Frost s pindhes, and throw his arms
gretind hie repther and,kies her hist inthe
good old fashioned' Way that your heYeer
my'boy does Yon woeld realize tne eentli ef
Tennyaorite verse': ' ' - • •
,. •
Rind hearts are mm.31138.11 noronOs'
And simple faith:then Nein:tad ,
A mother is a boy's mother whether she
be a Clarendon or e Smith. And that is
She ,keYitetie ent 7.11iiits.GOVailibe-GleneettNI
fanzilY.n.,,Thiecireuedetance „of toffy vposii,
Una' his 'never beet' alloWedicentattid out
those dear ineradicable human feelings and
of feno
it will
cies in
for a
to grea
the art
• The
who w
ing as
has res
ter -Ge
time b
his 79t
by 20)
to a be
i that are the basis of the family
the corner stones of the whole
sric. .
,pley hen Villie a a sister .etthe,
torn Olieendoa.
Pt Evil; '. iiireodC `, ,was thatnc131
i who,' \history the *bottle
r4lat., 0740 &aril the illl-fitled
200_ .,11.0 gitAtenl, benOming motber
mutate pe "who' geooessively filled
)0 et Great ekhoite, no leo
ie-Inda""• - ''' -ntVfitiinihil &a' '••
• '-'-'--„,.:--4y°,1:aot t,i. 41,Z.0,,'-tir-ot,.......,,,e...p.e rfele..
Were; in w om the ftlie °Mord
wee subsecen,ently revteed. Vilna
te, taeould ,jitaiilktheA,004„.
t teaesenete,oso ; eeesenytthecepahee
4 alliance with-roYalY befit. And 'SPE,-
x,eay eettentoy,s eie eeeheoeothee
tf'the,pranda haat tetaliao. -1.0inata. F.in&.
anther, She-takeeet Itvelytentereat ..he
t - , - • ' e.' . 4 b . - - - -a te. :the:trouble
. _
k. PAWLS: OF were ontites.. ,
ltan*leas hibright,ell'eClortl ttlir
of whom OM are dead, a boy and
The boy was twin -brother 04-
. „..
elle.* iga,rl-tof PerhY has' AP Ou":
'Lor4 fitonley ie next, of kin, ,Xiia.
°14 ' 'Ara thvai'fl St°h1l4Y• If be
*Wetted. span, will certaiely be
NOW, end a arogthy enecteeeee he
a to that .lome•roll •ot noblenien•
v 24 years otage, a lieuteuarit. as
r._ wee ,before him, in lles Grenadier
Lard, dwen.d. Wee' 'Pt beetle*
arzivted he Conan,. •Atter etering
it few weeks be reteree4 t° 1eg.'
watmaerietito Lady, Alice IlIon-
.,-, , . ..
ungeet/,daughier ot--he z.nitise "et
ter4 Tint Yetttng lady ta aedater
George 'Victor Deng? eeNeontuagni
offieville, who marrten astelf. wen,
Cage.' the Amerman hems* fie
to:rjanaaaWit4 hia brid"111.11 meth:"
ePie are .13°W traVelli°g W4t'A '!•-4
.. .
07:--,- . • - . , '
''-rita". nolo, ' ' ,
t th,e'840_0,11,4 ishe-Y,,„,4,_ a,aRaittaa_‘'^he
494 a ba'Iter* wt,'" "itettet."eat"Y"
X, seem' intaPerahlo front. the sea.
re leat winter on furlough be Was
Uy inourring reprimands Irons his
or °ailing 'Int° th° arOvilltr°°.,°°
elearettetand there wee nottangeOr
411'44 a window and toes it Into the
Le wee an in:it:owe faVOrite nri.03
We ladies eta certainly returned
/tint= to the „falL . As a sager
411a ie fowl Qua notiOnagn'
4:111e third...UM, Wha ie 'Pow' at
get is the acileiar of the tettkilY.
elltienzed uhtleutil diatiuotienittthek
4 a competitivae;taminatiou ateoeg ,
t the gtott ptiblia 00110010 ill Eng!.
they came out lie4t in modern
, Retie /Mended fat ,tha' 4100.
erVtee- aall will ea.d:SabtealY` le
tetethz the Steolley. name for die.
4 priblio service,.. The other, boys
dinand, Geer% ''' Algona= and
0 .',
lathebabete - Be:la. eleven years
irdinend heetehosen the profesaion
and is A ,fiaeond lieutenant iti the
id Fetid)* tattalione ot aim Him's.
&mint. , ,-fleorgri,40 at Cambridge
- . . - .
Mutat and Wtilia ata at 000 et the
publinsabools, ,
• arta terrts: WM neeente.„ „
,,_, - ,
cily member of the , fon4. newt at
teddest Edward 'is Lady 'Isabel, a
kind. mioa ot fourteen. 4 She la an
elittle Jeays sok when ot. Ottawa
t'delighate to Amine -Up toivie with
inane and "do " the Ettore& The
,with a petienttootrnan end &Wet,
or obOut while she flits, from. store
t having he4ra 05 f411' ,
.. ,
IT Eta0K70. WO LIZAilm
%Xenia, Xiang'
(4. the 13494
tine enotediteneCheadattetBeeBialmp,
adde oleo
'atm dl -ea
some Page
levo.g. we Poffte74..t,gonue.,,,werheurte,..,,pititveyrnwo;
we peratezetl
had -est
Thi of
"-"'• Y
;melee. tY:e.
0 rot .
while nerformica
„ us e
never recobevred.
at 111°°41-Y
the Br/0'
' . /1.
Woe as Oleodis
Est an he
go we know
irt the Profession,
very imPreseive
"O, then.
,ei bele seen
u'e. "at
Ele was
ill r a
. -aft'Ve
cm" me!"
wee waree
titer PlaYlog.
4F" a
wIth 11.4ralYt4°
well beuedt
I; einilreo,v9eL'alt7tel
very ramszlist4.6
- ,
trezln, ,!,,,,e'ett"rfeef"tt,',,tne__
l'eY5Y3'.Y00Y legell""stnI
be only
now we
C6 Adhult4
UIad 5te8ree4
elle brought
on Friday
te.ttete *tett
oleill daYs
!red, if
en the *Mutt
from the
day; their
of 4403
,, „ ,_
to fatten
The most
is the b u
one et „style.
of sickly
of ". female
beck acbe
give it a
horse 2
" That's
" Yes,
yon knoter."--Thee.
need a
ao atentrately
each nicety
ated, tho
my brain
I a
o n't
save me'
tia. adieesneirtvaeadidtreahnuy
in its train.
seat of
that .wilt.
is the
' just
-wag i
. Mrs.
about seeing
had doubtless
, -In
. ...
40 tlte
- Stago.It,00lf.
leTnuce" e41411„*°:"NghetwilitYlfar.140e.13.watunlion
more te the
°O.the stage)
°cited alines.
Win. O. weetall ellnetaatt.eie,
. and
Otte a b.
ureas t le
,kjEterliet,c11).. -
n the etege,
Foot e
D . 4. a in
:r"0 hela
it sta •and
AO' ..•
tit "Measure
not where,"
in lAnnicer
Swls,O tag/4
1c44'._ 4kreugu'
M toares ClharieS,
barna off
tele death
career •
the wroade
art =Position
wba '0006$10hanY
exPired while
in -"Jana
cave itt
e9rPse" m-r0.1,40vgr
and died
at as Holliday
..p , broke down
Lem ,,provee
staraved to
have the ,ebesking
Row the marquis of ir.orne Drank au
'. ' . AnterkaWniistif Cii444.•''' '''''.14131peagis
(San Fraueisco Eranainer.) ,,
you oun get betiex itoofi, i4 tram h
Colunibia Than are Ordinerily to be f Wed, l
for eele m the Matted Staitee- but tho her-
' - ' " • -
keepere de not seem to ha able to. nee Ilp to
the loolity of their honer, . - ,
- TOM Ze fetid to be a kW a ackaavease4
tio. u,s-t,' -p'ev4ipea ell thi. ligh.h it outgo/et
o_perateg. ve'ry liosVerfully 'on the Itriph„
you:unman bar•keepers - •
'11,,„hig gan istit. the .4.' aegt 'litino' r lato a
Cocktail: that tastes wore than the effort .of
the latest reoruit in ;a German, greciery to
give " plesteing elirprise to al hal,f1frezen 'Alajaais4
Milinnart at 6. 4.0iti- .
• The 'agMertest grOggery in.Viotoria, lots,
threaster IdeuneskleY bran. ,, 07 ter sale at I9
centri for a big OW WAt'a */* •quarter a a
pint of eode threwn in ;.. Barke's Irish
whiskey a the beet brana Weir -tap every- '
where, ani it 3'04 want Botarben whiakeY
they will eiveyou tbe best lienteekybrand,
pure and araight as 1tcane from 'the attil•
, It ie all •right, so letig as- you *aka it
latraiow bat iflOt1 want amixed drink you
0. , „... .
ore mire to have trouble. 1 -
They did have, a arat-cless Ametleati,
barkeeper in ViotOria Oacie hnt be left AL'.
it Canto 4hOet• in this way. The 'Man that
gents the men beta there, came desttl to,
San Francisco, and imported a first -AIM
Hearney street barkeeper te.'"Vtotoris, 'to
mitigate the ieperities of life on Vancouver
Deena. - '
Outt-thia preprietoens .neme. wag Gne,e.
was good et -hie neyebetbeeper.etled talbeed
ahotte hire. 000 day Om DIANT05 of Lorne
eireared lete the hotel with bite mite te
plea a gedne of bardS.
Gun was there. ''
lie 04W s °ham to give tb new' bar
. . . , ,
keeper a sendoff, .
'Timidly he approecheathe Nereetie tied
'Old little. that he bad *greet Atnericeu
barkeeper. o WouldEle lalenteriii de hira
tile boner to Semple the work of the great
awe. '
' Ifiellighnes0 would,
Gee gaae the eeder to hie, menh Reuss*
cailetworJaiotitis.,usekirteQo enartAbian4,t0thlw.gelterel'ge:
to.. work, The Nerquie and WO seven
frteede efeheed ttteir games to look at him.
First he put 1.4 the red licltngr end theb
added a eeratuneof pale blue.. A, titan lies
of orange came next Alta then a dash Of
vivid green. A. line of ' nerewehiteot 1301.
liset canary yellow, Ana . A *dark kat%
completed tbe drink, topped oftwith just a
flavor or,spirlie The 04010 litnad of tbe
cunning workman had done his work well.
Net a Ulm was broke*, net' ape' celoe
Weeded with another. *The eiglat britliant
drinke were placed On the hare with, eight
glasses balf full ti water beside there; ,
" An ready, gontiamen," ;ma tua her,.
keeper. •
'AN." wad . tbn • laFTIfei 'se 40
FIVOSinhea 'the bar. ..„. . ,
'' Oi"" said the seven gentlemen otitis,
suite. . `',.
The supremo imoment bad errivedeetina
mil heart beat SO Wildly thedethe room
shook. .
S4lemuly and elowly tbe hterquis raieed
tbe vitrYgMea drink in hitt tight hired,. . •
SelemnlY and. illowlY th:e.vevattgerttlismee
of hie mite reitled theirs, , •
' ib t . 1" ill br 01
Oelmly and del era e r a arq
entailed bee roue ova Into his glees oe
wetorandarank the mixture. , • '
Ceinget arid deliberately the seven ge
tlemen of bie suite did the atone. ' . • ': ,
An hour later the Araerieen berkeeper
neebts beets noon . am, ne a, 'small holt
heeaca for thettruited States.
Sine° then the Victorian ettlootakeepers
bavErbten. oontent with the dd.-sty/0 bar.
hesper. He is always a broad.shouldered
Britons weises a woolen jecket, hes hie
saixtaleeves :relied up :end,cotildn't tell a
Xuby from a garnet. , - • , •
The Remarkable Decadent. 3. °(ta° Prenelt
Daring '1. en 'yearn:
,,,014be440,400, iloome., oge,otheeita.Fr.:414140, • , laro,mn...i.grek00. in..
T9- tilesetehenemeelicz' .4tat city, it '
is meet nOtieetthle ' Triitifeenteithinteooms
'• " - - • - - ° ' ''.4 '''' . .1.- ..1
m its hotele, in Ito theatreshtnn, na Bee etY
V30(1(8000)300 Of thhreinhir *engine lereptil.
.wetkiyeare: ago or,perimpa a littieelloeth one
nntiht Walk the letleitk,OrAt• gAltriOa Pad
Nzidlriise. 4D70,tiketr.,e'eletstiits:neet4.)294,ar.pagyriyordail
.fault, then to.ehnheretann th9,uasv• era by
.1. ttedsistrian or' 'policennan, tionfueen, or
much mixed with Prenelit' Ontheeteamera,
in thtebetalte, *be officers,
nonage:Ore paid woitere eptike „a French
Whinh-, Wee hot" of Frahee and Daglieh,
diaboluVly brekeii. Montreal ;ten team
a'05, Witt, ea far as language' Wed izotinerned,
meielciencir, parlaapes•thea 'Quehee of elm
preen/tit data; Bteketbee ethane, to -y, to
coo who. tie* net . Men. ,MOOttead itz ten
„yearn /A nsagmmal, Tne, preaorohianoe of
ti°:e khgrish, laogoage; SoahtllY *end come
'llierciallY, is 'aiMotalt to 'realiee,, hut that
tipritevaeoblinnoLcOwnezisdutrain.. 0A.thelini3O:4poplr Irge4troo
dividing the* conineeztety into two ?lemma:
(1) The weelthY oOd ,Progreeeive Rogge);
and (2) the hire thrtftY Plit indliatricilie
vieeot. The wealthy• end progressive
English roanufseturer ima eopittast
elieiske. One henguage in hueitzesst 000 lett*.
gunge in society told me language in be
Muria. Tile Pren011 are comp/ailed, through
forma otrentnistarieee, to adept tbis len.
allege. Thepoeitinn. of fibe gueligh.epeen,
mg manufaolorer sold the Englielntipealn-
ing oayitallet Or buther IA Atoritreal to -day
tompe V mem evoneheg on them me
a000rentodation or employmenttO ask wbst
they require in the 1st/gone-0f tho maxt°'•
fentuter, the espitalist • or the beaker,
Maley MOWN eltii be cited, illutitrating
the decline? of thie particular language, but
the powerful, proof of its rapid decline is
. ,..... . . , , ...
the fact that moutontreal,tc.isay there is,
nOti a' French eStablistiment of -note doing
Rh441114135ZrOtritfOtlitilgaVIZOPWittlhi-',Ohbf4.is in,'
into se
B(464,4kuoslat aftleYettilU;,,Iner :44,,,Q,,,,a4earnlat ApelirasUs
of nate ;who tangt,400troP0(11ty an Hugh&
iosiitutieu,reeluiring hien to converse about
his every act in the Ouglieb..teugue. Tbe
iti the hotels the humblest reevant. bee ee
mush licgliebi While on lite traitni feud
steeinerli, at iiSeatiMielle itaLthatTee, the
e1M4PetorstoineetYl ahdaPftr-..„ ever the
cram and answer thequeations MEnglieh.
--VIZim Wok, . ' - ' . • ', ..,' .
Pt, Even 04 ilk0,
in the death et
asa bat of lbw whu
an4. whjah 14-01ad.a
f,roareat Britain.
steal fel. iieed,
,,, RattoxteLtuneeecip
newer reeetvered. She
' 4 ' ( Pdf le ''
a woar ,e,e,,, .livizeisen .14:1„
Lisit,..:7r1240:'Agsr§T. Again
. "..rtle Pow tatturait
was 'also Paralyzed.
his we" conied '
le‘ e - , &
Angel ' that
'raaPectahla."S -°11.4
h a et - -
W 9° .elt*PPearauee
ler 'Nomura"
"Ayetinit '0 die and.
* -sank to tbet
eXidred in the Strand
Been Agorae another
While plying
jtigt itabe.eXoliiiinel
he fell into the arum
tb,,_e rgialgt lege)* end
ell°1-4411 to Wt.
.1 am (tying."
and revieed for *
ewe flood hie
neniek, the 00altaliaar
-0° t00 atage,.. at„,..._aar
of leanimelot awohon.
of eleoP coma
Pl4/4 °gab)" Cam"
ellPeared be
Performing rho role,
Mere." Zerretk
014 =Ws Partet died
sl wes oerded
WV atr40*
aaa4a1a4 af -11" l'e"'
three deys efterward.
of mkt tina
Street:03 atre
tTeoh,he peerrie, eewhilpej
et•hloYsetteeteeY a
on ige fitis 0 in t
., ,_ _ g. _
worse than death, tor
become a latietin end
&nth of Po=
Big. . 9,011..;.09,tioxi, ,9f. : JTro, in
MORtiOal ,
. . ., t , '
''" ,. e s. . , •
-,....,-* -
Beeanoo They Are owned hy 4 O. entlero4W
Who.lo Thee to Prete. et the Jettot.te., .. .
T ereo,e4 tapreseat re entlemen in tate
eityilyhbje'aLt'a isle' bine 4 ogollection of hank, .
ileteti.- llisdVtY 'there iti nOtbiog Pecaltac*
°holt * gentleman baying a ostlectioe 'of
banknotes, but time iti. a,beettilia, eollow.
tion."•JEvere. am* in 1C; he a'oetipterfelt.
citt-theni-arifinitous: ' TheVerttionlaa
in queetiou, has no bad designe on a conAtte
DICOrgli) public. " Re.on if he clesiredite.
0.91114 entt, pees them off as he has teken„
to mark ocoreaterfeit" or "bad"
Ent every one ef them. -The geotleTrtau 111
, „ . ..
question ia..Mr:"I Fred. Olont,'.who,ie con-
nialtecV With _ .DiCelihrizieta lThited States
Conoterielt DeteOtor, a publication whittle
is to be found in ell Amerioari and QUA,.
diva treasury deportmente, nearly every
bank iohoth eountries and en htiodieds of
L'oomittogiaeuserk„,- Bahl ie,,town On bilai-
netts eonneeted withhia publication. LAO
evening a gazette teporter ran up ageinet
him in the lobby et tbe Balmorel Hotel
and, persuaded Mr. Grant after a little
trouble to show him his colleotion.
, /4 To -begin with," said- Nr. Grant, "tbe
Oanadian counterfeite don't amount to
a Tow of pies when compared. with the
Aitantleaa, In We. Aret Plano, they are, es
10, tele -
, ; ; , .
, te-,,,,A, tuimetke wets, execentee,
nd there stenCit Aii4r1Yea malty of there."
0%. 0 di terfeite aro
many Etna , an COMA .
. " There are only thirty•one eounterfeits
Ot Callailati baUlie, Thte et:motley include
hula t le It . li hied?? or that have
. e 441 a 'in go
failist - On tile ottlea Si a we have 100
counterfeits of National bank Acted, 01 ca
United Ste e treaVerY IMMO and already -9
ezt the lately ieeued Silver _ (tort:Meet/en
Here.,. e.Ad Atr. otiolt, 4,0„jog . to, ilia vallee
agd taking Out a Ineadle at bank note%
whighte3 spretWout '404 the table, " are
some of your 0elledieu counterfeits,. Thie
is it gounterfeit Domittion 62 note, Itleit7;
treat ism,. Yoti eau pee yoneeelh that it ie
a very.dpupepea, mete -04.9 ,„ portrait of
lowdy Dnitegin ie not sinite np in the -Mark
emu gexmixio,eriayie paper in ef &yellow-,
ialt C4elt 'Thorn:Am also one or tWominer
detente, ;' ft is a good counterfeitaarheqer
Then that a the TOrOnt0 leans of the ilaMe.
note. ' i • ,
4...Bet here*** ma my.. Greitii Iteitiotea a
eteeetheot zeteetrea cenemeroe au) WI. " id
elle beat coanterfait of any Canadian bank
in, exietence. kt is au' orneedingly hard
roe -th &tot. 1, got 'that' in illetttneei,
eoeleyet , ,. . ,
• "Are IOU finding Many counterfeits?"
;ft tvsti, rio, / lessen% tried, ' It. I did 1
a great many counterfeit Awed-
oan nom, )110144 a §ti, uataa States diver
Pectikatei °he* lOtt,*',4,•. *The Pgitratt of
.peobeee Genet es uot tia goaau vlie original.
it waelmgrdeed by a fellow keuatrymart of
yours named - ,Toluivoit, wbb kildica Xrap?
Toronto. Alepreetzt be is den% limn
. ate at, ttl0M0011*NU*N74tav" ' .
" et, 0 yen 11 0an .
ev1; • 4 0,4 a that?"lIP' a At
Gri40 newel. tbe repeeter . what purported
te, bo ele'Doeteetoo bet, , .
- " teet It giitid". (1116med the reporter
efter her had looked' is ill over end 'tried in
vain •to... :remember what itt 05 bill looted
nee. • , . „
' 4, malt nee° the lights"' anewee'ed, Mr.
Orant. - The reperter ettel tea eenueeted end
thQ* az .thOre made a "teem eatit "a
old, everY q5,,bill that over tiame intOltia
peaecesien Up to the light. NITbert it tivae
na ulle
held oe to the l'igh4.b becataa% La. r '
apparent that it Was Worth . just $5 lees
than fates value. It was origmally 4 $1
Dorolmort-nnte, lbe0wA audit wbere the
numerele weee tormerly bed been elippbed
oft and, re..eltmed, wiirthe mule of a 05 g�ell
of some Cadahliate, bank esahole ..1i,a gone*
to the wall ivithcoa.t redeenungr ate notes.
The paectia (Were the jointer .hed•been were.
carefully smoothed down, loeving.uo tritee
until tbe Mato was held up to ,the ligbe:
" Lae of people would be taken in by
thet note. They would never 'Step no.
think that the'Dominion.Goyernmene does
Ds:Wiens 05 hilts." • • . ,
" 'Whew P' said the reporter, tie Mr.
Grant threw 4017n on the teble a buneh of
44 There's a nice little lot," continued.
Mr. Grant, totally ' oblivious' ,of the re
porter's emotion. „tlEveryone ofethem is
bad. That, counterfeit is one of. the moat
famous in the world. .They are 'some Of
the Brockway note. Never heard of.
. them, -eh? Well, lots et Americans wish
to -day that they had never heard of ,them.
-The• plates were engraved by a mart named
Smith, who, . also , engraved the original
note. They tire a very good 'forgery, man
show how near a.man,' tan come to -Malin.
, eatingLi, a oWnework. •The signatures Wete
forged laY^ a man of the name of Brockway,
and 15 18 from him that they take their
mime-The engriving is beentifin.
.n, ft is a curious feet,! toid Mr. Grant,
en ooneleeion, et thee ,i find a 'very large
• • flambee of Ortna,diee 'counterfeits in towns
alongthe border, isartitifilarly Detroit and
Fort 'Huron.' I don't- understand it. Do,
2,, - ,
.A qtiery the reporter didnot answer, for
he. had; lett with 6 greater sense of this
erodes Wieltednesa. --/Ifontreat Gazette. ..
.. .. , .. .4 1^ , ,
- IVA Mai4 1$440.6,4 War.
.„ .
Rom4Mate„TiPaa (m. tr°401"olch Bride
' tent* „May layette Br. - •
trowlidaye the travelling oesturee le a
oticiesble geatohnt. It is ^not peesible for
any Old drese to be *Ora and tote WOrn.
, ,in „tbe promo ovtooning . witbout
....,,,,k..""-......,,,itra measureremariothie, . paint
i .0,1 4,. tots a • aft, t,a eheee
,Patteee. ea . . , hstart e a
-wou aeptea. auccoreftntaltly.fiteing meet ;
the add Eli exist, length convenient for
walking, aimeasiona only kuitielently ample
to hang welVeoler'' that dOge" not show
•eittealeitilety,.,end, a , shoe that &pee met
• • -
IterPetteellY. etireet ebeeeYatteut W°Ight
et thiamin 4. art, ilea, roweeetiono
'% ' ' 'a - - r - e - • • - '
oto, „ai d nIneh to Mire en walking
•eceendeenie i:t• is enerealeig hew seob,
It•iflea Ideated in the id f ii
MS tor o a teat
will tieve a pleasente to the :wearer or the
•contrary. For the coatemplated trip a.
,deeta snob mein worn. et .borile in spring
re'a ao li. it ht. t a h o
, .1 , - t , , „ e . wee ..,,nr, . °marten
covert eackets which Atlanta at beteg
Worn it desired, withbut bodice .of arm,
but* ',14.'rith tibit fronts or ' loose drapery.
46. variety of Wines take little room and
give a different appearauctr,tolhispestame.
A. aecond morraug deese will baneoessar ,
and amtyliall. one for tante 4' Mite. Disc '
alweyeloolte well. A, 1'6E1g:cloak of elheee
Is convenient 'either for night jiniiineys an
cailwaYS, `or' to eat As 6 dust cloak. A,
couple df pairs of' oomfeetableand service-
:able soled abots Inc ..tvalldeg, and a good
supply ef eteoltinge..,--The Queen.
- , ..
conitillett Attontio Service.
Iwo APti hadlY serene by their
The lout VO),Age of the
r04000h fee leataPes/ a***
con TheBeglielz made whicle
tatChed Usratreal at 10 O'clock '
night last, bringing English
Paranle el lid/ to toat eitY in.
thereafter, Snob a rate Of
reguletlY maintained, would leave
be Oesiredt Tim nablit Pasesiegers
trip were lauded at Plontreal
steamer at 5 'p.m. on the Serer -
beggege ma landed aud those
wbo were going west were enabled.
,, . , . „ „..
'Lee -trate tom eigate-atonetern ,
• 'Stele.
fashionable oolor, at present,
e fn hit d I 11, .
e ma , an 1 WI never so
Its etneleal• and tints are
but all ot -thota ore- exceedingly
It is perfecilyoutoutebing what
ie being cony, wrought by Dr.
Prek-orintion in the looks
woo. Sufferere from any god
wealinveu" pr irregularity,
or netIrOtt0 prO4tratirott .eliould
trial. Allan:Ignite. ,
4atit7"-----n a Name.
-gam) sinipkbai , go a new
Whettle*Itis llama 2
I call /aim Bilaklava,
a deuced ,queer mime for a
you era the &ergs was 000, dont
, --a--.
, " itegularitz." „
itert wtre till:az vesvaatylmv;,hhebeeltenbueeral
digestive pill, I invariably 'take Dr.,
Pleasant Pellets, because they are
graduated, so gentle in their
regniatingtheinteetinal Action with.
that the system Its left %vigor*
natural .funotious are resumed,
is clear for work. My arthita
and my appetite splendid."
.„. ..
,A. 'New tlenittpait liable.
bis tatnv lit ittitheilVaI uf gatieN an
able of her, ti ,,i The diem of
WI aei prim**. Aire reported , to
al anaemia, add its said that -the
3ture et the *able, which Yeah heuf
4 kind, will be vigorously pushed
Hit. The beet. if Ott 'down at
00, for which shin the work can be
if, ete alleged; Canadian cable` Mts.
mit 800*a 'day, it will be a mistake
ne that they will aver all go by one
Like all new cable companiees tide
?ears to contemplate a reduction of
charged for meseagee ; but, with a
se,PtiOhal 'Competition has :led to
nation of competing limo,. and a
waste of capital has resulted from
Lultipiiiiation of cable% Canada
or some resisting, to have a t able of
Our press despatches, it is some-
;omplamed, are filtered through a
attennel, bat it.fie certain, that. The
in press cannot COmpstet with the
an in the collection and transmit].
press dispatches. Still it may do
ing on its own account without
g off existing corarcti9aa.7-reirant°
eeantees. ' , • '
, 4:
, Brooch. X.adies awl the Ilighlandent.
Th P e `11 have a strong leanidg -le-
wad:there !Li:10042h peeoe, asya a corm.
pendent itt referring to the recent *visit of
kV l t P " d have a decided
, Igh azaara 0 atio, and
favor for the tartan. ' The Higbland
aurae is itself a • subject of endless
'eQwatider and adalhirettione W..ith. „the 1..sk.aik. B..
tapecielly the lanntleudera find, imroethato
raalavon demoneteative favor. They are
admired both' for their ?gni nett: and
their picturesque attire. Mite times li, a bY
ebey are told_by, hue pressionable Peridennee
I. t
tow ,eeantuat tney aro, a comp mien
which, unless when a Meanly interpreter
happens to.be at band, seldom reoeivee the
acknowledgment it merits. The ladies ars
ver lb - ' t little matters of
y• gunnies too on DM
detail, knob as the *number of yards
required to make a kilt, the noes and/4w-
tione of the philabeg, the names of the dif-
ferent tartans, and 'the value of 'the cairn-
gonna. Tbe dirks which the Highlandere
carry and the nunterone medals with
whioh many of them are bedeciked areadso
subjetits of great intereet and ourimaty. On
the Whole, there is probably no more
la Oularpart of the entertainment than the
i 11' h' d - bl .- - lib't* is
el-a°11.-Oirig,o w to an a mira o ex 1 i ion
Riven. It is not confined to flings, sword'
dances, reels and .. strathspeys. , ' The
versatility of some of the &moors gees far'
bond the ordinary category of Highland
calisthenics. MaLennan, of Edinburgh,
for example, dances hornpipes and a French
costume dance, While •John'lloLeod, of
SirkoaldY, is quite as much at home in
Irish jigs, far whioh he hail oorried Off a
render medal. on Irish. sail, .as he is in: the
Pefiehiand Fling or Scottish xeet 'Scotland
is setting the_faehion in Parte this winter.
Boottieh tartans, it is deereed, are to be th9
age: for liOlee' dressee. ' Already . the
Black Watt% and other favorite tartan's
have ' "Made- their' appearance - On the
Boulevards ' in the form •02 fashionable
oestutnee, and the windoivs Of .the' leading
' h 0 - ball of woollen indailken -goods
a ps are-
of this claps -New York Scottish American.
. • ,
lrotCs coi itio we:a:3444Mo. ,
The 4.etie-intl. „Taile'ral tildon W. ill. admit
A nenolibio' that eau make 'railroad tic e
has been tried ducoesefully. ..7 '
' /n-Frantie laboreri3.ivbrkai .asit112 hours
a day and have a half 'day off on Sunday.
Female talegraph:olerke, ba Russia must
not marry one thet of the business.
, . .
.At Cutonmeti the shoe 'toinufaciturers
dealer° they haven't a union mall in their
employ. - . • „ . • .
. , The Sint Workeria Union of New York
ineists that all Malmberg ghat' stibsoribe for
their national organ.
Great Britain (=plena- oter10A00 mare
mereiti1888httaii in 1887 hi its. coal, iron
and other 'mineral bide. - '
The working,men of Eintuoky. declare
their intention of preventing convicts from
working -as railroad .buildere in their- State.
The West is said to be, the future home
o e in ass ra e., 9 ou pn ew
f She ft' t glass t d • Tb t t of N
already. ' •
roneral Sderetary Tobn B. Lennon, of
the Tailors' Union, says that 600,000 men
and, women are engaged' in the clothing
tradein the United States. . . ,
The .',German union i ef New York are
still boycietting 'platil beer Mid fining mem-
here -Who diink it, and are fightiug unions
which meet in halls where.,pool beer is sold.,
A correspondent of the Manufacturers
,liecoi.d says that the best weavers in the
world will be found among the new genera.
don of. colOred beet and gielanow " owning
lotion the market," if I tiny' use the expres-
sio'n. ,., .„ . -
. .
A Perermial Snbieet.
writer (for Democratic paper) -
th- ` 'S
ink of a sulneot this morning to
-Well, you might administer'
IltehilnogBaabbon.yt MheeKr efeo.r two
origin of Lord rdayor's Day. ,. ,, ,
Aarlithe 7005h anniversary of We
.. ,,. .
lty of one Fitz Alwyn, in Diehard
nnileart's time, and the institution
1 Mayor has always been tratiect
.'hine,ae gat -founder , by kityhistori-
5 is a -.Very siviki*,..factiliat, while
tef . event mt. big meyorielty 'the a
bitiodktilidion the Jews, who were
ied, tortured and expelled by .Whole.,
o incoming Mayor, who is to cele-
Fitz Alwyn's eeptoentenary, is a
• orthodox., joy named, Dead: • He
'hie religions robsertran era' tO ttiel5oint.
ling the -gatidy-Lord Mayor's hest
ay, When • the , procession reaches
editch, atia ., giiiiih through thatonly
Jewish quarter humbly on foot, in
hat- his, oo-religiooists may not be
Liza `13Yetbe'aPeefaele of ' bill ridiDgc,
011 the liebrew Sabbath. N w Y
-_ e York'
Word to the Wise is Sufficient."
is not simply an inotetvenienoe,
l' d at 1
diseaTi of .woree type. Do not
its +morning; it brmgs deadly evils:'
Before it is too late, nee Dr.
Catarrh 'Remedy. It reaches the
. •
the ailment, arid is the on g
You may close, yourself with
medicines 'till ISIS too tate-'till the
becomes a resistless torrent. It
matured invention of a scientifie
• • " • -
"A word • to • the wise ie
Brotherhood of Railroad trainmen.
Catieen City Lodge, of the Brotherhood
of Railroad Brakeernen, was organized at
Occident' Hell, Toronto yesterday after-
iloon.- -3„ThegollOwiniwere, sleeted • athlete
imd""iiit lied • ', lilaeter ;Bobt. Thompson ••
e• • • ,, . r , , 7
1 'Secretary .josepla- Quinjaar ; Fulani:11er,
: 3. T. *mat JottenatetgeUtaJ. M. Quirk.
. .
, The Brotherhood if- Railroad Brakesmen
-was orginetzed ihaNew`torltan September
28rk 1883 ' and nfillserefore'-' six years 'old.
There are eat Present 321 lode, of whiola
• • - • • - ,
18 are in Ontario, and 26 in all Canada
The total m b' ' li' ' 18 000 d f
„ em ars ep is , , no .. a
thienamber 7,800.are oonductors, 500 yard-
a --a . the - • d b k •
maseers an tm:team er are ra eemen,
• fit ' 4-b g g en
swi o. men. se , ag a em .
• . . •
. ,
• etot. that Day. .
. " e mires,- nge in , Hang 7 ave ycra
D 0 • A r e d • t h
yet fixed upon the day that is -to make me
the happiest of mien ? ..- ,
Angeline=Yes, Itegieeld ; . the .15th of
next moth is .icie, .birthdaY; and how
• `'t ' Id h t h dd
appropriate I wen, , s , 4,3 eve our we ....
ing on the taxis date,* Does -that . day snit
v"ota 9
e • • • •
De ;Courcy --Well, no ; not quite eti well
a me.• Too a th re is t b
, s so ea el tohim
-League game played on• that day, and I
wouldn't. like to miss it.
Ladies Who use the Foils:
a who onderatand and enjoy the art
bag, says a London letter to th"
are be min vat
slphia Telegraph,co e v
- -
ri. ' "}' - Ina e&” it is said
mellows -stet . , i7n 1 ,
be; quite 'the fashiOn 'the . coming
that, ladies have taken up the seer-
earnest, it will no doubt be the rage
hile. Graceful figures are never seen
ter advantage than when practising
of swordsmanship. , . •
Prince ,(3'.f Wales' daaglette,re are all
with the foil, and Many tit the ladies
Lary themselves with every varietv,pf
e in the summer are taking to feete,;*
e substitute in the winter. -
, , .
. scotch Notes.
Theceremony of c6ttizig the 'treated Of
the West Hi hl niiiihilWay was perforreed
g a , . , .
.on the,23rby Lord Abinger, nee
'n nit. . ' / r
Fort ' Willianill • • • • • '
• •• A national -conference of the Liberal
. . - ,. twhioh L td Poseb kry'
, Atisomacons, a o e
will preside, will be held in Gleagow cue the
22n4 mete .. . , .
On the 23rd tilt, the new St. Mango's
Colle e -Alas ow, was foimally : opened in
- g s ' ' gBuildings,.•Cr 1 t t
trite Medical School asee s ree.,.
he principal Biocide, in presenee of a
largegatheringo inn en Bo epn ic,
, ' '' ' f . d t and i th bl'
including a considerable numbevof ladies.
The Vendee!. wee aecompanied to the plat.
' b''and- rofesecire of the,
form y She governors p , .
Gollege.-and also by the managers of the
• .. .AGENTS
Revel Infirmary.
• The vacancy 012theBench of' the Court
I Session in Ediniatirgla caused thnoneh
o . . , , , . , , e
the resignation of Lord Mures has been
ailed by the appointment of Sheriff Gloag,
of Perthshire,- formerly of Stirlingshire,
' d t f the G
• and brother of the Mo era ore • enera
Assembly of the Chueoh ' of Scotland." He
• d Ordinary
will take position as Junior Lor ,•
the Senior Lord Ordinary being promoted,
ci t e Second -Division. •
t it . . • . . ,
Bei ignorance.
Gullible -Do yen knew, dear, John
b ' It in'lc14,
se ope la feelings as -a ever
; .' .
Kawler-Indeed a•
Gallibile-Yes, why it waa only lad'
I heard h* t lie ' h' I
a mg in is a eep
the elephant. The dear fellow'
beeo to the oirous.
., . edenetee. at e The DucshesS. ' '
n,TbitiDucfiegg'."- in really Mrs. ,Mergaret
Heeeereeek eteediee in a home of ootafort
.1.;'" y • I 1 , d , f , ,..
an%aeam,y irk re on S among cotinq,
Cur '. ' She is an ,industrintig 'women, ltoti
. •
1 t 113 ' "
writes a comp e e n,ove • :t2vi more ease
than ' nY f 0 ' Id 'exercise' 1
PLIa - 'P ill W°11 -s li writing
e a shortt' artio,e, $be, lit., Aomeetio in her
: .potty
natuees.en is 1 es o e a ,ou her wor ,
d 'a- rk' •t t'lk' b t h It
et ...." aa st. ' -4
mop. „ p,. y 1,,, proverbialAM= her ' g h
friends; 'arid' many of her neighbors in the
l'ttl I -eh te ' a a h re • •
, i, e ri , ewn w ores e' e„ee are veer.
ant ot, the ,faist "that, -"-Mo`darne Integer.
ford," ' s they 'dim her, is the author of the
,a ; . . • , .: .
. 1 ' that re' on their tahlee -Leda '
Home Jourttat. •• „' • z s
. The Honest Grocer, ,
"InOtioed Mrs Brown 'little girl piek
. , „ . , , .,
a nice apple ont of the barrel while she was
here' with her mother," said Mrs Trouble.
.,,, _ . ,
rinser to the grocer. 1, don't eee how
people Can bring their ohildren np so.
some , ,,
You must Ids° 'a great deal daily by this
' "
PI erlagr , -
" Not aVall, ma'am, replied, the grocer.
"I saw ner take the 'apple and charged her
, ,,
th ' f - t " ' '
mo er oe te quer . ,
. , ....
1350 hatmakers, got i.a. par day
earpentere .3d, • p t 2d
, , , . , , oar en ere, .
masons, 4d.; naasone, tilers and
3d. • and laborers lad
. , , .
D 0 fid 1., ' 47 89.
- , ' 1
, Morin; one •of, the ineges of the Firet
ea of the 'Soo:de01kt of . Session,
., . . .
,ignedj ',He, wee'stitioeseively Solna.
aeral and Lord -Advocate, and was
. ,.., ,, , -
to, the Benoit en 1,86ee , For some
, ,
e -was M. piliii Bate'. : He is now in
h year. ;.• „„ ; •
'-, e ,.
Leeds fietia' hate:bent' ,the biggest
It weighe 309 tons, (levees 75 teat
, • , . , a • . . ' •
andbore 0,, hole „ 40 tophes m eta-
through a 32 -foot hing ingot': •• ',:aa '
!e are ten police matrons in-Glooage
dpy, the W.O.T.11. More thanli3O*
t passed through the etatietie last,
hd'' to each one the way wae reffeeen
tter life. v ' '
. . MAKE $160 A MONTA
r ' with 'us,. Send 20c. for terms. A °wend
ug pattern and 50 ,onlored design, W. 4; ir
nue% st, Thomas, Out.
• The Power of -Bromide.
Master -Tommy was strutting about ver
., • ., his _ , ,, „ , , 9
1. proms or nrst /Air of pantS. ,
.. ,
"„AJA now " remarked a member of the
; „ r .. _, , ,,,
family, "you're quite a„rnan.7-
'' ' 'Fes " addeed the" ' f "and I
, youngs er,can
swear Just i 0 papa. ' ' •
, , , ..,, s .,
. ..,
' '
• '
—• .1
.0 w
. ; a
. .
Ea ward J. Realities of Steert Ittbson's-
' " Henrietta," writes' froth Deriver that they
' • h'''' • ' ' - .
; are doing's, splendid tieiness .iis• the West
and are on their way te . ,
'fill•crlona engage-
''' '' - '
, ment in San Franoiiico.' .. M. RobSonL-Will
eevive '"'A.n Arient Knave.", in the 'East'
' next Year. • ' '• a ' .` "' ' "- ' ' - •
,. ,
. th f the hermits 4, 'being
Ape, er ,,one o . ,
lit f• b ' in- •
• wenaan ni• the posob t y o ea. mg
a The trtily geed do not "alwaYsi wait long'
' for their tamed. A Hawes:I:at • t
a y •repor er
halt fallen heir to 320(4000, . : ,„ •