HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-11-21, Page 6Trig. OWEN Villge O'Sullivan/a Admissions Come Up in BF*deltee Against gine- etaale otED ARREST Cat COODELT. Obioago eteeeise of Thuredity say*: The Creein 'wee oentieneil to -day. Comer Hertz, who beta the ixicetese on the body of Dr. Cronin was *slammed. He identi, Awl the trultiin which. Cronin's body had been packed, Mertee, a milkman, testified the% he caw Etuaze end Coughtin drive up to the °eels= aettage 011 the evening et Ilsky 4th last, anti stew Coughrin enter the cottage. Eunza drove away. O'SVLI.Mlea =oar =Bra Ilia At.eAt Bolick) Captain Seltattelt testified about his conversations with B. O'Selliettn, the Imernall, aft= the =Mier. O'Sullivan refUsed to Kite the names of the inembere of the frieb, National Brotherhood, who at- tended the meeting at which 0 Sullivan made Dr. Cronin's acquaintance. The witheee went over the etoty as told by O'Sellivan ef the Contract with Grown about attending O'Ballivan's ioemen. ad,ed he had never had an aceident to one Of his men, and the captain's quest -done were intended to get an admission that it wan numasonable that under ettch tereuresteme he would pay 850 for the tee semen, -which be 114% were the *ere= ateretel ma. however, sinted thongbt *geed thing to do. O'Sulliven edmieted atter acme Invitation that Cotighlin teleelenuelto him in April, but eatil It wee Octet getting ice. Ho first denied that he )ted telepieoeed to Coughlin, but enheequently admitted he hed talked to Coughlin thout Kneze. O'Sulliven the Capteirt said, et first denied. that he hail been out of hie =toe on the night a May 4th alter 7.30 o'cloels, but afterwitde ;O- mitted he had WM eet. eteld he Wee be the tea! of the ebede. hut neturthex.- wee in relation to *horee O'Sullivan said *Oho wanted te Couglolin. Chid of Petite Hubbard togged to tisk- ing pOseetelon ot the bloody trunk, ide11 ntided the truule mea also identified Itteeke as the mien brought trove Winnipeg under hie supervittion. aoription-book bore the doctor's' name, and they ea" Well we every article, oft ouiaazd clothing were recognized by the Conklin' and *dozen other Wends as the property ot the miardered phyrsiciana The root dal:ening td, °Irene:0444+38th Ing_ the prieeneze le the teat that all Me was found only cue block kora that spot where the bloody -trunk was dieotdiered. Aftereite had, been thrown tram the waggon en ulet night of Malt 4th. Out? holt eolith from Where tha body. of Dr. Cronin was found in the cetchhasm. The paper velise '14 suppoeed to be the one nor:hissed by "S. B. Stmmende" irons A E. Bevelle d Co., and a aerie trent that establish. ratent Will endealiOrtro identify the rematinir Tittozor Bar ON TEM BBILI.A, tree° event which occurred"' jaet Iu front ot the ociutt house while everybody watt examining them ttitiolea esettred the wildoe excitement, A shot was heard just at the entrance of 4tidge McConnell's court, The State Attorney end a dozen lawyere and reporters rushed from the State At - Varney% office WO the etreet. Stretched lengthwise on the eiaewallt was a strong man with e emoking revolver in hie hand and breine oozing from his alma. He was quite deed, and as ri0 One ocula ideo. tify him it WAS at One° presumed that hie tram death had eme mysterioue core, emotion with the =omelette! discoveries of the cher, After an hour's investigation by the attites officer, however, it was tomer. *sated that hie name was Edward Rhein, and that he Ilea been for some time per- tielly insane, fie denhtleets committed kitlieide while laboring ender motel alter. titian. enzettettes wen& oresteelareinethin attenept Watt Glade tO get the Witileaa eive deteile 01 interlieW be laid with Coughliu ateverel weds atter the weeder. Obteetiert wse inedit by the prevention which was alle- Lana by the cond. Actlug Ceptein Sehnettler tied a section of *bedewing el the Catleou cottates, on which there Were footprints in the pact. rr coesev, " zee rex " Chief ITchhetel reoeivea it telegram 10- altY from Sparte. Wiscoutia, laying thetit men rawly anewering the dew:n.10°1'4 of Petrick Cooney. "Ta Pox,' the *hive Cumin suspect, hied been emitted lu the °ode, *where he bad been Beteg on berries d 'wild fruits. Ile will be held to awe:; tbe arrival ot Cooney's picture. Attorney Gilbert this morning made Application in Judge Balter'a Court ter the relesse of Alex. Salty= from the bell bend of 425,000 given by lam last June, Mr. Gilbert eald he lusted for the diselearge of his client for the reason theft the greed tory, otter it long Investigation, had failed to return any indictment ageinat Pfr. liven. 'Upon the rtoommandetion a the Oererleell jury he Led been held to %omit, the eetloo of the grand jury. Several grand juries bed. met ohne that time, but no return of tne ledietment had beenreade against Sullivan, amitherefore he aaltedfor hie aiseiterge, "The State of GPM* notate that motion," Said Mr, Elliott, " The ratter te pending before the grand jury new, and is adfl undittleCed. , TIUI T.TIO WITitte.01%, ; Atia C ow States **Taw titan 0 arta Jana gNO4 An Owen Sound eleepatch "eye t At 10 'dente there* Lordahip Chief Justice rumor aseended the bench and tbe fsU Wings Of the kart= Court for this couuty ammo:melt. Both -the criminal and obakt Sides are heavy., and it is likely the eittinge will he of considerable duration. Owing to the tact that this Bettie come 000300 OP for trial at this session tit the Court, more than weal interest in taken in the prooeediege by the general publio. While Kiri Lordship WAS delivering hie saareee to the Grand Jury the Court room WAS Crowded, In the cosine of his &dame', the learned judge dwelt at considerable legth on the Bettie Calla, legit:ding out that unless the death was the direot remit at the ill.treetreent teeeived, or thet the deceased came to hie death by jurophog overbonrd owing 00bex ot further violence, it true bill for murder or rem:slaughter should not he found. If the Grand atity thought the boy took his life from theme and Mortification, it bill for *gemmed, assult should be returned. The Baltic Ereloners acquitted. The trial of the prisoners in:mite:lead in whet is known as tthe 13altio outrage took plasm tat Owen Sound yesterday. It was SilDtin that the Unfortunate boy Hardily bad, been tarred and feathered by the pr. - aortas, and that in an exams of elteme he had thrown himself overboard and was drowned, but On a technical point (that the drowning ot thaboy mold not be proved to he the reenit of the outrage), the pri stoners were acquitted of manslaughter; but two of them pleeded guilty to mean% on which charge they will be sentenced to- LONDON'S LORD MAYOR. The Meat 'pow Witneeseria by Two Milliou Iteople, , • A Sign BUT. ritriBle 8PBOBt.01,B. A last: Vanday) nighae Louden cable trays Two millions of people teitneesed the Lord Mayor' s eliew yesterday. 'More people may have awaited to, look att it, but lack of room 'prevented. An the ,prepeot year the trevett hundIedthttlpiversp,q of London'a mayoralty it was decided to make We yeae'i stew more gorgoeue than any of the shows that preceded, it, and the Oldest inletbitant, it is understood, ie =tie - fled the% no patriotic) Londoner lute ground for growling et yesterday's anent as wart certainly calculated to attract atten- tion it not toisfy expectation. There tvere gold and tinsel in it ; there were men of high standing and people of little cense- (pence in ; there was ree0h to stare at and more to laugh at. The modern was overpowered by the medieval, and much of the letter, instead of fining the multitude with admiration or awe, was provocative of emilea and occasioneily gave birth to groans and jeers. There -wee music *toot aria on bOrSebeelt, and if there arose at time rears ot dieepproval there were also thundering cheers. The show got under way ttt =bra and Ameba its wanderings four and it half hours later. Though aupposed to be the prineipal Agora in it. Sic Henry loam, the new Lena 'Meyer, ohteloed only it Mall there ot ettentioe. The show was like it =nee with five ringe. It wee tropeeeible to =arta' XVIISANCLINI.OltraNr« The poeitive ideutificetion of Burke es the tenent of the Carlson cottage wee out. done toeley by the etartling story of Wm. Mertes.* milkmen living m the neighbor. hood at the murtler. In 'the mem of Sotto) *Da the visidiestien of the lew it wee 'pro. iridential that this citizen ithenda have been within a &Men feet of the Carlson cottage when Coughlin ena Kure. -drove up to the itleughterhonse half an hour before their victun errived, blextee convinced she jury by his positiveness that he sew Coughlin leap from the buggy, run up the steps and let himself tree the oottege, and that Renee wee the companion of the detective. The little German anted „ae driver, and when Coughlinalighted he turned the horse quickly atoned aud drove heels towards the city. The inevitable couclosion to be drawn by the jaryfrom this story is thee Coughlin asaii stee n the butobery,11 they believe thit cottege was the gone of the raerder,but there is it reasonable doubt at preaent -whether Nun= bad it guilty knowledge of the tragedy which VAS to be eneetea within half an hone after he ar. 'rived at the cottage. The milkman unin. tentionally infused some humor into his ,seny, and amused the audience by hie can- did admission that he had lied to Judge "Wing when the lawyer for the defence called et tbe witness' house to find tut what he would. teatifiy, and dodge Wing was very angry said savage in his crosieex- amination when be found out how he bad been deceived, but the witness, though ignorant of much English, held his ground and would not he intimidated. As the ease now etands the State can reasonably expect it conviction of Burke, O'Sullivan, Coughlin, and poseibly Kunz% The defence will not try to Impeach any of the evidence, as in the Anarchist trial, and their cue will necessarily be it weak One. A. Chicago despatob of Friday says 1In the Cronin case to -day Police Captains Sobenkler arta Wing and several others gave testimony which contained nothing new of importance. Wm. Niematt, who at the time of the murder kept& saloon not fax front the Carl - eon cottage, then testified that O'Sullivan entered his saloon between 10 and 11. o'clock on the night of the murder. He was accompanied by two men. The witneas was reluctant to say whether either of the two was one of tbe defendants in this case, but finally said he thought Coughlin was one of the men. The other could not speak English plainly. Re bad it slight German accent. Witness thought this was Lanza. The three atood close to- gether and talked in under tones for twenty minutes. il ThiteOliTANT *BID. A GALL TO ABM. Fiery Circular of the Chicago Auarchlits • calling a Dealing for To -day. A Chicago despatch opt; The Chicago ibirelliste have issued it circular calling it Meeting of the ferithfriricecliy, It ie. more of it tract oe Aparehrelean enythiog else. It is a four -paged do It the first page is lined with , black heedees, there netog orosehertm at the top to indloete it gallows. Under the top oross-piace are iho words tittered by Anglist Seim,' just before he wae. banged: Our tittertoe itt the grave will be more powerful than our. Speeolaesnenld be." Then comes in large type 4cr NOMPEIPM of the MartYre of, the Working People Mnrdered at McBee on Nov. nth; %V' and following: "It too iddlit us with Getting guns we will dynamite you,'" it gleethibg quotation from one of, Lents Ling& pacific epeeehee. 13urralt for Anarchy,' end "Long live the ectOial rev luzien," utterances ot Engel and Risher while on the death trop, PAM ',loggia words, and at the bottom o f tho paper is printed: Let the "iee et the strange was noticed in the appearance of people be heard," aPoken by A. R. Porr„..°°°. the father. WeetbrOok,„ with his wife, The circular is se follows : 431411 occupied it room downstairs; their three QV brute? that to the quettim that each dattglitere, ranging in ogee from to 14, and eve0 one will find himself confronted eeeeplea a ram near them, while the son, with On the Uth a November. 4 °rime aged 15 atlerla occupied it reera upateire. was perpetrated two years ago such as his- taeasi te.Teehusbandsodfaheraroees month o:eepple wrict eelin00id:billighted it lam,dre7ethime f,andpro- s0hieoonfNoveml:ceeeltothetohepwereiobtinecan 01 videaaewaapordlrycsrnterab4amr,4euen a. seseriiime AWFV MIKE. A Tr_aaecly Thaint wrXdeelivrca the Claelph A Grand Rapids, Mich., deepatele says;: A tragedy unequeled theoriniiiiiilannals /tent county was enacted an Vagennes trOttit.ltattn01:144741.5402: ,fleggai Weetbrook, heretofore an indus, Volta and proenerous former, did be beet totexternoinete his entire family, sletighter- ing hist three ,,yduna, deughtere, probably mortally voatnoding his wife, eeriouely though net fetidly hurting hie Ben, end then olorieg the caritival of bleed by cutting his own throat from ear .to ear with an eld razor. Weetbreek lived with his family on a fine foam of 160 well- 1313nelPgrehbovelandAhig:wly pprlood4uoleptivaegraoorbeys, abnadd bad the tesPeet and esteem of ell his bueiness management he Buffered financial lessee, which, it is soppotect, preye& on hie mind to eneh an extent as to affect his brain. Insanity is the only ezplanstion for the tragedy of this morning, The 'Westbrook. •family retired' at the Bso=mil hour Monday night, and nothing cleeed to *show that they violMea emgle Went tO the bed where hie wifeweeeleeping QUO of those berbareee hors which rahaern and etruell her three heavy blevits oa tho goolety rate forth in inctideation Of their forehead With the weapon, °reeking her skull, IN left her unconscious and went to the bedroom where were sleepioa hie three daughtere, one of them it mere belle. Ee cerried the lamp with hire and with tts light be dealt the three innoceete blows limiter to those ednateietered on the idaill Of hia wife. Westbrook then proceeded up-eteire to hie 802'4 bedside. le turned the boy upon bia heels, hie time being 'towards the wall and away from hieri, end rattled hie death. dealieg hemmer. Tbe blow glanced trona the young manse forehead, awakeuing the boy, and, pet as the SeCOlia blow was de. sonading to eilence him forever he caught the wean= and, wrenched it fro*n hie tetleer'a heed. The Unease murderer heatened down etairt and the ter:followed. Upou reaching the foot of the ettirs the boy beard greana coming tremble inother'e reOill, and when he had gone to be ahle and made thil awtol diestovery that she had been cue of the Vietinis he Xtialled out doors to ring the farm bell and alarm the neighbor°. ln going throulth the kitchen he tilecoveeed hie father out. etretthed dead upon the floor. Weetbrook, atter tailing to kill his eon, had out hie OWn throaa, and must have died instantly. The baby alert within it few home. Another deughterdied this afternoon, aud AO hopes are enterteined for thereeoveryof the third. The mother te still altve, but is in a procarioue condition, with her taken fractured. - Still there ie a possibility of her eurvival. The eon *Nue of all tbe family escaped. ooneentrate attentton 'upon any cam eesi tudunel -,---,•--•--. of 1C " Die Yon meet,' fetid Btate's Attorney In ,Ite centre °I Itg" °ItY. tb° now Imra Grhmefl, nethecause Yeit haVe Permitted murder, but betteuse you have preaohed Mayor, for mecum not gx en, was 1 while the retieieg Lord Meyer WAS cheered. The Lord Mayor's Poe* la Paid tO be over it oentury old, but it is really not 00 ancient looking as that a Deadwood. Lord Meyer topics beteg it Behreet, and Setae:lay being the =threw Swede?, It wee supposed hy many be would objeet to driving, but he came out In more state titan =eel. Why more =Vete was not paid to the city mar. abet, who walked, all alone tied carried an Ulna:tense matte, be did not room to under- stand, and he scowled et the commeute made upon his pare= ited ardferre. ritteen hundred- children sang as the thow epproaolted St. Botolph's Church. A great multitude ilettlted every irtelt 01 apetle which they could listed from the pollee. At St. Botelphts an edareee Wati Made te the new Tema Meyer, and to it be *Impended. There was anothergreat multitude around the Law Courts. There was more pow- wowing there, the principal tenter; bong the Beeorder of the city ot London and Lord Ghia Justice Coleridge. Then Sir /levity Lute= took the neth of °Mee, mid the proposal= moved toward Guildhall, where the banquet was hod in the evening. Kati there been more room there would have been more people in the vicinity of Gollabell. The crowd was quite big enough, to eatiety many of thote who attended the hangnet,for the prominent Men vittOdid,not happen to be the favorites at the orowd reCelVed it warm roosting. The thief teeter° of the bituguet was the turtle coup. There were 840 people at tbe banquet. There wee enough turtle soup for 8,400. Allthe mem- bers of the. Cabinet ana the higlt °Motels of Ibis city ot Landoll were present. The speech of the evening WWI of course mule by Lord Seliebury. Including the banquet, the Lord Mayor's Show of 1889 was it thing ot the past at midnight. The sensation in connection with the Cronin case to -day Was the finding of the surgical ease and clothes of the murdered physician, and the forging of another link in the chain ,of circumstantial evidence that clanke around the conspirators: For eorne time complaints have been made to the .sewer department of the Lakewood station that the sewer at the intersection of Evaneton and Buena twenties was flash and running over. To -day, two Or three sewer cleaners were detailed to investigate the trouble. The oover was removed from the rcianhole in the centre of,the street, and with long poles the workmen prodded among the rabbieh ateneath the water. Finally a solid substance was encountered, and the workmen then realized that some- thing more than alluvial dePosit was oaus- ing the trouble. After some hooking and digging two valises were =earthed, one it leather one, and the other the roam -nth of it paper one. In the leather valise was found Dr, Crenin's prescription bo with several • prescriptions beari his signature. • The papet one dropped to pieties as it WWI tinned out, and front It rolled a mass of tattered clothing that bore evidence of having been cut in strips with it knife. The only intact gement was the vest, which Wha in the centre, and wheal awarded the doctor's case of- surgi cal inettuelents. The elothing had evi- dentlyebeen out end the buttons rembved in the hope that they would the sooner drop apart and he borne away by the water The Prince of Wities tit Egypt. A Paris cable has the following: The Ittpublique .Praneaise siva: England. can- not be sarprieed that no one in Egypt con- sented to fete the Prime of Wales as thoughbe was on e tritunphal quasi -royal tour. France and the other Powers, which have not cev-sed to regard Egypt as a Turkish dependency, in no way bound to Great Britam by protectoral vassalage, atill demand the evacuation of the country by the English. The Cairo incident, the paper say°, proves that Europe is not dis- posed to allow the Egyptian question to sink 'tato oblivion. Prance will lose no oppor- tunity to remind England of her solemn engagement in reg Ira to Egypt. A Lynching Postponed. A Danville, Va., deepatoh of Thursday rays: Some excitement was caused bere to -day by it rumor that a party from 13o01h Boston would come to Danville to.night and lynch three negroes in jailhere charged with being members of the gang who fired Iran ambush at Hon. R. R. /goblin and other white raen on Tuesday night. The Mayor ordered out the militia and the jall is well guarded. The prisoners will be protected at all hazards. The prisoners have confessed they were with the mob and heard them make their plans, but deny that they took part in the shooting. The ringlesder has not been arrested. lintneal,Gas it commerelafcenimealty. An Indianapolis deepest& says: For ,the first time in the history of natural gas its commercial standing has been fixed by a court of appellate jarisdiction. 'lo- day the Supreme Court bandel down it decision which holdsthat natural gas may become a commercial , commodity, and that the State Legislature cannot enact any law regulating comma= between the States, therefore the j.legielative Act °fleet winter, prohibiting the piping of gas ont of the State, is unconstitutional. The law was , passed to prevent the Chicago Gas True; Iran piping gas to Chicago. 9. Olanioncl Robbery. A Louisville despatch of Tuesday says Mrs. H. E. Harris this morning.took from it jewellery store .n pair of diamondearrings and a finger ring, which, ehe bad left to be repaired. A well-dressed man saw her receive the diamonds, and followed her until she reached an alley, when he sn'atched the pocketbook from her bands and escaped up he kolefery was witnessed by it number of persoisS. ONTARIO letatETD, DILLS. Anarchy,' Die 7013, mutt,' fetid judge Gary, as lie abed cmeodile teare, for you have eioned egeinet one sopreme deity—Jelto- vah.litenereont " Die you cried the twelva ecoundrelein the jury tiex es they:felt the gold ot the money.bitg men in their tor you bave bearntrobed the holy rights of property.' it Vie you roust r runs tbe howl through the columns of the prees ruled by modern caneihale, I for pan helm incited the slaves egainet their =dere,' "4 Die yea met 1' thunder the clergy from every pulpit, 'toy Too haveintreeolted 'open the tree et knowledge: " The gellowe were and on Nov. lith four telenae at the people—Spiee, Paxiente, Blocher and Engel, werestrangled in the name otthe people, and the execte tion was witnereed with calm inaifferenote 4 fifth, the youthtul heroic Curti= of the modern era, WAS hien to hie death the dee* before. A. daring deed. would, hive fernitrated the liovemIter °time ; Natoli the working peoplapelasilreeolutious. Plow different it would have been if the people had made it bold front as the urgency ot the situation demanded. "On the Iltb ot November ot this year, revolutionists ot all countries will aesereble to commemorate the annivereary of their heroes. They will thou denounce the coca. mon enemy and renew the oath to output° the will ot the five victims, end to wage war, implacable war, ea not lay dowo their arms until liberty has been secured. The watchword is given. The roll.call has sounded, 'Working people l De your duty! Anarobistal The day has arrived for pay. ing houtage to your oomradeo, to brand your eneunee, to advance the struggle end to hasten the triumph. Sooieliste I The honored deed belong to those who tier° wont to serve ae pedals to your army. Do your dety 1" The circular then calla the trades =ion. lets, Knights of Labor, turnout free. thinkers; and "citizens" to joie the awell. iog body of the revolutionists of America, and ends with the deolaretion to "Olorie the ranks." It is tripod: The Committee on agitation of the International Working. men's Association." The body is considered it revolutionory one, eltbough it is not as strong as in former years. A Vast Sabrina to fitillsetbe Water Power at Natirabltklot rens, 10 this Province. despatah from St. Paul states that it business transaction has just been com- pleted. which involves it gigantic scheme to Millie the water power of the great lialtabkilia Pane situated a few miles from Port Arthur, Ont. Deeds havebeen recorded by which Thomas Marks, of Port Arthur, conveys to Dr. A. M. Eastman, of St. Peat, and R. T. Andereon, of Min. neepolis, representatives of it wealthy St, Paul, Minneapolis and Philadelphia synch - este, the property known as Itakebkika Falle, containing 480 acres end the water rights to the Eaminietiqnia River at that point. The xiver there is 850 feet wide, with it perpendicular fall of 100 feet, and can be developed to furnieh 200,000 horse power. The new proprietors propoee to build up at that point it Canadian Minneapolis. With this end in view it large tract of land adjoining the property bats been scoured. which will give ample space for a large city. A large amount of capital is behina tbe scheme, and it is proposed to build there flouring mills equel to those of Min- neapolis for grinding Manitoba wheat, pulp and mills for utilizing tbe poplar forest adjoining, reduction works for turn - leg the silver orea of the neighboring mines into bullion, blast furnaces, saw mills, and factories of all descriptions for whioll a market can be found for their output. Eventually it is intended to use it part of the power for generating electricity, to be used not only for loeal purposes, but also to operate the silver mines. The Port Arthur, Duluth as Western Railway is extending its line two miles to tbe falls. A branch of three miles will connect the Canadian Pacific: with thenew city. Engineers are now on the ground to mike a complete topographical survey in order that the plans may be made as com- plete as possible. , Noveraber..23rd ie the date set for the marriage of Right Hon. Lord Edmond Fitzmanriora brother of the, Marquis of Lansdowne, viceroy -of India, follies Caro- line Fitzgerald, of ,leew York.' ", The cere- mony will take gape*, London. A fan, a walking stick, it hat and it bonnet frame, se eesy chair, a hair comb, o corset, an Omelet end a dance hear' the whole of Edison: thich is fame,' —Love la en 'excuse tor it Womintio tell into the lake. The surgical case and pre- ycn all her tronbleo. tRasenes Lova Wits Strong Enough to Brave, e Wrath of Her poople. Irene Weithburn, the, daughter of au • • aristoorattoa, bratelo c I the Six Notiofl. Indians, has ereetsd a very oonaiderable eensation by eloping with it young ;Men - treater named 'W. L. Bruce. lreee its the daughter et ParseEmma Washatirla the well linewn ledian sopestress, ** KeosItst- leta," whom she somata:pee agroMpaniell when on her concert Mere. At was on one of these trips that she ,reet the young Montrealer- Theywora, in Mnatrettl, and tate metner of Tong" Bruce ' thoughtlessly invited " Neoskelete " and her black seed daughter Irene to be their gueste. The invitation - was tteetpted and the visit laeted it week. During this time youeg Bruce was aevoted to tbe faint- • flitting Indian maiden. and she was as fasoineted by his devotion, so thet when the peetiog oaree titers was a taCit understending thet •• the friendehip BO quickly !armee elajuld be contained by letter. Irene returned to her home on the Sirs Nations Reservation, where elle resided with her stunt, it Wire. Powleos, and though ebe wrote regularly,to her derling she did not always get an answer. Believing some. thing wrong she enlisted a bright young Indian friend to aseiet her, one eat as a sort Of distributing porit,office. Every week came the love laden missives, and faithfully were they *towered. Each one but served to whet Brutot's determination to poseese the ditighter of **Neoskaleta," ano Slimily he wrotethet he would meet her On Sunday laet, and that they !should drive to/a mioister, he worried alai leave et mute tor Montreal, Mot Powleee " ereellea * rat " attcl Watt determined %het Irene eltould net merry the young men. Though she knew nothiog Of the errangebtoote for Son. dee', there was somethiegiu Irene'a actioriS thitemaile her veryeuspieetus, hire. Powleut tad cer toils of her t rieu mono the Inclianis to keep it there lookout ler the young vela+ face, and when he pet in an appearance to Ma him oft the Beservatiert. But little Irene had her cone= ludiait friends, too, *lad they aseiated to !smooth the way. On Suuday.Bruce drove frcue 33rentiord eta compemed by a well-ktenves young Indian A through whom it le suppoeed, the corral- pendence was kept op. At a epet near Eanyengeh, the lovera met. but them meet. mg was ottreaed opon. Irene was Carried hack to her home, and 'Bruce was put on terry end emit Agresti the river. Irene's friends Arranged for it ingenue on Moridey., They met, drove repidly toit olturch, were married mod had test started away wawa elle Wee again teken from him. Bruce ooula do nothiug elope. end with* wbieper of hope to her drove rapidly to 'Brantford to inatittite legit' pro 'dine for the retiov- ry of leie lawful wife. Bet while he eat =eked with hie lewyer, Irma% friends were et work. During Mendel night they ale her from the hoes-, brought hex to thie eley and delivered her up to her huebana. On Teem:lay they left for Von. treat as heppy as two eoutig doveee— Brent/oh/B:1)=4er. The Pope Setting Ills House in grder. A Rome despatch of Sunday says : Official paperkof this city, in article's refer - rind' to the'extreme feebleness of pope Leo III., state that the Pepe, in view ot, his early death, which he confidently expectsiobas given orders that he shall be biried in the Basiliceaof San Giovanni, in the Lewin& He has selecited it spot which opens on the gallery, which runs round the avast, and he has set apart money tit defraythe 4xpeilEtes of his funeral. Dr. Ceccarelli 11=10801=01y forbidden tbe Pope to bold any More remit. Morns for some time, and directs that every means shall be employed -by those abut him to divert hirs mind,frern these gloomy thoughte, -1-,A new , Erepp gun beets the world. The calibre is 15.1, inches, barrel 40 feet in length, and its, greatest dial:oder si feet. shoots 11 miles and fires two shots per utinnie, each abet costing between 41,250 and 51,500. slo sins POLITIOPM TYRO. ilo11 ha, 1 you say thdt politic ' Hereafter y'ou twill shun• ' Because you're flndiug,out the tricks ' By, which your vote was wont You find it hard to understand .-Why imlitielan who Before election ebook your hand Sheuld after it shake you 2 • Wel14 do not be offended, but • That you are grateful show t The candidates have h, iped you cut „Your Widen' teeth, you knew, Miss IOnnie .Flood, daughter of the bo- naiize, king hi the richest numarried Woman in Californut, and spends it great deal of her time looking after the condition of the, poor. 4. 11.01011.13LE REVELATION. OW &slaver Got Rid of Troublesome opponents. A San Tose, Costa Rica, despatch says The San Salvador Debates publishes it sensational story regarding the investiga- tion of the cause of it peculiar odor which bite occasioned much complaint at the quarters of the National Artillery in that city. A medical commission, appointed for the purpose of investigation, asserted that the odor was caused by decaying human flesh. Exploration in the cellars tea to the discovery of more them it bundled skeletons =mated beneath the floors. Many were covered by not more than six inches of earth. The Debates asserts that they are the skeletons of the victims of the late President Seldivar, and that the sudden and mysteriona diaappear- ance of triany.persons who opposed Saida var's is 1 ally explained by these horrible discoveries. Saldivar robbed the people and then fled to Spain. • Health and Spirits. Whatever may be thought to the con- trary, the standard of health is as liable to fluotne.tions as the weather. The barometer 1E4, in it measure, the gauge of the state of the weather, but we have no instrument for estimating even with an approach to the truth, the state of the vitality of any individual: The ettetomary salutation, even when replied to ia the usual verbial • manner, is certainly no =aerate eriterton of the state of the health, since a general paralytic often feels' much better than he has any physiological right to' do. And, in opposite fashion, a man who does notlinow how he feels may be iniirst.rate health, or at least in a splendid condition for oppoeing • those forces which are constently tending, like the force of gravity, to bring a man to earth. Everyone knows in greater or lees degree, what make for his physical Welfare, but it s not always realized to the fullest extant that an improvement in the feeling of health is by no means always desirable in the interests d longevity. 'I o feel extraordinarily costs much, apd the excessive expenditute of mentel force may derange a OrtnsiderabIe =mbar of corporeal funetions. The desire to,want to be in good "form" reauires restriction in the case , of many nervous individuals, whose power's &remit always Neal to their • appetite for high,spirits.—Lancet. Dow to Enterta ri Well. A, hostess should thielt twiee before she invitee people to her hoop. She Shoulabe so generous rie to let her Mende alone, =leo she 'wishes to treat them well. nee, haviug reed° up her mina to invite them, she must remember that, from that income= she is their slave. She it to be all attention and all auevity. It the has nothing to offer them het it cup of tea, she must reek° it a "booker full of the warm swath" by her manner. In the stualleet house, the humblest surroundings,. the hostess ill queen, and °he muet be mown, M she is not, oho is it °nob, a vulgarian and a poor creature, no matter if her hataband is a millionaire, it proaident, or it great seholar. A lady should be very parties:liar to epeolfy whom she withee to are, &nano lady should go to a strange hem unin- vited, on the spoken belief of some other person that ehe Will be welcome. Still len should it gentlemen presume too much. A young gentleman may be taken by a mar- ried lady, who is all powerful, to it bell, as she is supposed to endorse hie respeotabil. i ity, but it s always better for hire to leave his card, and for bite to receive an invite. tion. If, however, throrigh any misappre. Itension, it; n gate into e hones unin- vited, a teas el enld never show by word • or mann e 4,1166 ill observes it. The very fact that it person bas armed berthreshold gives, for the moment, that person it claim on the politeness of it hostess.-12ra. John Sherwood in Ladies' Home Journal for Nov- ember. • Naturally. Miss Ntverthink---Isn't it *do lawful about Miss Wildeltatt having to be,put in, the lunatic seyium 7, •a, Miss Rettlesnake Horrible 1 • If thought I should ever go crazy, I'd go mad. A miniater of the gospel in Lexington Ry., is attempting the extraordinary task of conanaitting the entire Neve Teetanientto memory, 4P —General Thomaa Frances Bourke) the Irish pstroit and Fenian leedera wherwas once sentenced to be hanged, and' who died at his home in New York on Sunday; will be buried to _Morrow. 3n His Proper .Place. Yes, "the world do move," after all. Those wbo were present at the meeting of the W. 0. T. U. m the Baptist (deur& one afternoon last week witnessed a sight which was =lauded to inspire the moat ardent advocate of women's rights. Whilst the wives and daughters of the land were die missing the **third panty" and other grave gnestione of state, one of the eretwbile "lord at creation" paced the corridors in the "lordly" endeavor of trying to keep his offspring from breaking out into open rebellion. The Wives and daughters looked upon the sight.with feelings of eatidaotion .at the thought thet man had at last found kiie proper place, and the " yoke " bad been broken. As for the fallen "-lord,' he pre- sented the appearance of a man who was prepered to sell 'himself without making anything, on the. trannotion.--Galt, Refit. mer. • • lasTbeing nave Good nes. Ever get Phased by a barber who wore glasses? duet think over now, and see if yon can ramember any barber who ever wore glasses. I've been'in the business 20 years, =ye a writer in the Chicago Tribune, and I world be mote apt to Bee stioh bar- bers than you. I -don't believe that I ever satiquore than three. A Medi who asn't see well has no business fooling aroond' an- other man's face with it razor. 1 werit into Britain's Greatness. The Obit:lege Hemel Hoe: Let us not deceive ouraelvea with auntie= peetnese. There is auother Country as whesa great - nese we may well penile Inc contempletion. Itli or= exeeede eight and a belt million Keen mdes. The bunt tf its power in not land but waters. Its greetoess Is maritime, wad ite coast line fa twenty-eight thousand five hundred =lee long. It lice on both °idea or the equator and Ito bona. dries touch the eetreutee of heat end cold. Its nnoultivatedairect whieh ten bee made to feed unto= millioue witheut the help of the 'United Stens, covers mullions of wpm° miles. it contsiosone hundred thOneand Nemo miles of forest!, wbtch are being tealonely poserved, wide out's are being rtithleeely eeerificed. Its population =somas to 815,000,000 Bonin =eluding pretty nearly all the moo laymen to man. Its reveune for goverturant Amounts to more than thomiend million dollen annually, only one fourth of svhioh is levied In direct taxation. hes _nearly it million of man ander arms. It hes one policeman for every sixteen square naive of its entire aro. Ito 246 war veseele ere all in coin- -mission, not rotting in butters. Ito mer. chent navy tandem a 80 000 manned by 270,000 traitors. Ito sea goin g tonhtage amounts to eight and it belt millioloa. It surpasses In steamers all other powers on the globo. and nearly equals their combined total in. sailing veasels. Forty -Mee per tont. of the carrying power of the world is under its flag. Nearly halt the entire yearly cargo of the world ie utidt r that flag; more than half the ship earnings from freights and passengers belong to it. Two.thirds of the tonnage =nuttily built bslottge to it. The banks of that Empire treesect one-third of the business of tbe eatire world. Its- roantifactatee eompri:e one-third there) of all Europe. It was 80 per cent. of the horse power of the world. Its enormous debt, wbioh it nees as the most profitable investment of its own earnings, amounts to only 9 per cent. of its vialth. It is the wealthiest atate itt tho world, and its wealth bas been made by its exports. Its• name is Great Britain, and it abandoned, after it full and flair trial, the economic polioyto which the United States fatuously olinga. It sent its Olio to every clime; it offered its weree in every pont; it asked no tax on articles Offered in =hang°, and the cargo= its ,ehipe carried back to their wharves enriched it ha =licit as those they hed borne away. seanetne Bound Dawes. You may, with propriety, strive to climb hilla, even if yon are not a climber. You, are justified in surf bathing, even though you cannot Swim. It is riot it heinoue offenoe to go driving along the sande when you do not know ,hOW to drive. Yon may converse with a Boston girl, even though you have never 'read a page of Browning and know not Emereon. Yon may be for- aa given ' for losing „your heart to a Newport girl Whenyou,haven't a cent to your name; buts:young men, be weaned in tirne—if you ineutt tipon • enteting the ballroom and h reortuting office once thinking. I would dtmoing round dames wken yon emo know enlist.. • They asked, me 'several questiono.how, bays 'the Gide?, execration by E400. one of them being an inquiry about my • , trinity is' too good for you, henging would, business. I said I was a barber, T144°,; -reyou nder dinette:rue, and death by e inviting center replied at onoe i,slow, torturing proceas of being shot in the yonreyeeight is all right." 1 dont thinttl with imked apple world be yein. desett. ever saw a crose. eyed barber in my ide As a rule, the barbet"e, eyesight is bette4 than any class or hoarier:9 Or profeSsion •The t est l'repnblic in, the World: which you find. Probs.', s the smellest republic in the- 2the one which dedered its lode - e Safest Part of the train. That was a keen ()beerier Who excrledreed of the Aelands of tbe e as he clambered over the wreck at Ninth and Brbian ' streets yesterday, that he inhabitants -coaiet of 40 i Alt:Lease would not ride hereafter on either end d -duding sQ;iiikry'Etighs1.1., /A1).1, ,a) d 'n Th caviare alwayz ) 600 le k rad ros e ea ae weeine Iiinnionce • on August eat, • eteetd m, chevinir,rd' the ,,feet. Theja do net ereceave it de- structive blow from either ti front or rear collision ; if ,the ettgine leaves, the track they wine* remairain ',place, eod they are never snapped offi itt 'the' rear bar anaie. "titnes } is. ,trAlinost Abel; only cese in which tha noicliila;iers puffer is when they are :thrown off traolt by >the breaking of coupling or of come pert of the running gear, and that Was likely to happen to one part of the train as emother.—aPhiladelptia Inquirer. S, French company. -Tite 'republic havine bse,,,, dela, Itoitatias sae, French gunboat Ss, -ea leede& a detaeL,,, mentand *elated the t Bader , "'" DO yen like the. Scotch 0*18 travelling Men of another' vehre Burns, ' „ . 4',Yes,''' was the ,reply, !az( co . weather and the Scotch ape „