HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-11-21, Page 5Cold in Head '4 CATARRH STAGES, aEeTx Consumption. EVEREST'S COUGH SYRUP CANNOT BE EXCELLED. it404 1+e coevinced of its wonderful curative rake 25 cont!!. There is positive danger to health and life in negleoting a case ofCold in the Head on Catarrh, Anti at this season with its changeable wtatller, unusual moisture and sadden changes from ]teat to cold, there is peculiar liability to cold iii the head. A. neglected case of Cold in )lead rapidly developes into Catarrh, enditiglec tea Cothran just as certainly developes) into Censureption and lads to pm -mature teats. Medical testimony proves conctusavely,that a largo percentage of ell the deaths occurring from Consumption had their origin an a neglected Cold, winch by gradual et ages, developed into Catarrh, and then into Consumption,, that dread disease, with which unedioai soienco is as yet unable to cope successfully. If ;equate suliering'f om eon) in the head, or from any of the numer- otu.symptoms .of Catarrh, such as bad broil tit, dull oppressive headaches, drooping: from the heed, into the thr athawkiig and spitting, col i s dishargesfrem the nostrils, l os- ing sense of smell, or taste becoming dull, bucking cough, or a general feeling of debility, husky vseiee,a wheezing orcracking sound in vour(hcst when breathing u feeling of diz- ziness, particularly whezl.stooph1g, a feeling of tiredness and indisposition to exertion, a feeling of nausea in the morning, when at tempting to dislode accmnulation in the throat. 1)o not neglect them, These aro but a few of the many syanptonis of Catarrh, and if you exl,erienceany. De wartiedin *late. Do not permit; then to run under themistaken im- pression that the desoase will eventually wear away. It will not, but on the Contrarywill yen. away as it has thousands before. Procure at once a bottle of Nasal Balm. the only certain and speedycure ever offered to the public for Cold in the Bead and Catarrh, .This is no idle assertion, but an unquostionablefact, which is verified by the thousands of tes- timonials in our possession telling ofinarvellous cures. These testimonials wo have re - cowed from. all parts of Um -Dominion. and we append a few, selected at random as a fair sample of the whole,* Mr. Alex Burns, of Sudbury Ont., says:— ]hiss Maggie M. Martin, JKerwood,Pa, say:--• Oents,Iaaa . state that 'have been affected Through a friend in Canada I become ac - with Catarrh for seven or eight yours, and it qutainted with your NASAL BALM. I have was attended with consequent symptoms suffered for years with Catarrh, and it is the *Rets as foul breath, constant tiro i,}ing into l frrot 1•t:utr,ly frena Wb tell 1 have experienced the throat, hawking and spitting,• par : relitf, and r feel certain it will cure me, tial deatnese,rioging in the ears, mei sicken rug psis in the heat ,lireetly over the eye , Miss Minnie AleNarn, ;)title Roches, Ont., I havoused powclera nut) 110110;03, Mit all of , lt+� Vcur bottle of NASAL BALM did 'Ins no effoot,the only result arising from the u," ueh , otel. The rain in my head disai�pear- 014=11 was temporary relief, followed l -the e t before i had used the bottle, and l Mainly usual Syr') ptoens in A more aggravated form ,elf res, iving the, greatest benefit. t am. ser - rho results aridiugtram thou.e° tet')ialmltainNASAL BAL.ltwill cure myCatarrh if Ars sweet breath, atopage of the throat ,eon. use is perserved in. segpently21ees hawking and spatting,, Blear ii ness,of heariirg. aur) not one() since 1 began , 1F, :A, Doyle, Beulah, 'Adan., writes:—As a its usebeye Ihad paaininthehead. f et it.1l.lanB Intdicint+toebeekUatarrltalafiections niy opinion that! capfull and persistent or sold in the head. NxtlAI. BALM IIAS NO use of the •Bah& will street as euro ie the 1• a t.'A1.W e,rizeit highly. was3tc>;ae et' Cataxrh, :lir. John H. Adams, merehant, Brantford, James K. McLeod Think River Road. ) . ti ; first says:—1 have used NASAL BALM for sayst-I have tried ether reinedys for Catarrh ' Catarrh, and found it a CERTAIN CUBE. o t ().. • v >, itt � fir no good it a li nl atretel t i l 1 lj d .y I , Ir A. Sc lonzi�* Toronto, .aa a a ii t. I i c ly the Best It , t s. F r Ogr.�r1. ?tlil * /lI is Flaln . 1! , �' fielnetly I have tried, anti all you Oahu for„ number et years my wife rias been badly it. The fact that it is pleadeut au,t conven- �, troubled with Catarrh. Dr• litre fent to use adds greatly to its value, but its promised to cure her,but after usinghis rem chief worth lies in being a certain cure for ^ edyfor six inontitsshe beanie worse andweak urildoasant cure -•Catarrh, er than before, and ironed that 2 had spent $Saifor medical treetop ent that did no good. AV. Ohs. Stanley, postmaeter, Spry Bay. My wife than began to use your NASAL Strews; --I suht;rlt the following to the mild ' BAJA! and has unproved wouderfally, awl that .way who may be arfflictedMay IleLomat- she 14 better and stronger than, for •ears, aditti theaamo remedy, Two bottles et yogi Your rtmetly is the best an the markets and 3VA�#AI. HAIMI ( has ItE; TO8E l to yon Cair Ade dais AS testimony, ik'EItI E er II F:elLTII a fourycar old child I oioura,aut%red from Catarrh. Emilio I'itlitier, Greenville, says: --I can ecarvely find words to telt you how highly I Irenrietta Blackwell. Porker. Ont save:— , prize .S SEL BALM. Its efft;ets in any ase 'Your lt'A t4.1.I. BA Lal is the REST itI': I- fins le en wonderful), 1h1I)T shave yet need for Catarrh. I can ler.uth mor has gained afreelythan before and nth'breath A1}thaIfDales, Tarbert,Ont•,writes:—Your A its :sweetness. I consider 1ta- 1CAhAL DAm.v. has anode a new man of mo. L A 11 -1411 a boom, to tbt'wulll II11g. I have never idled a remedy so satisfactory. A dealer m Bewareofimitatlona. If your lector has not NASAL BALM instaak 4�� 31Q e --""do not lot lila pessuudo you to take any other remedy which he may say is just ay good, but se ad (beat to the undersigned alto it wilt be sent you on rectipt of 1nee:•-5ceents and $L. to bottls. Fitl%.Jl''ORI) it CO.,•Urockville, Ont.. ADVICE) TO ItIO UEUS. SLEEPLESS WORRY. Are you disturbed at of ,ht and broken of yont rest by a rick child suffering end crying with Is Often occasioned by a harassing, lain of cutting tooth 7 if sot send stance and tickling cough which might easily be WitCUIturletEN iia'rtigiO. Itgvaalluelelnentenlr.`cured if the right rented 1Iai v8r s able. ibisl}l relieve the poorlittlesuffererimme•: Pectoral Balsam was Ina tits!; of. Its it, 1 urea dysentery rind niar, F i,t ling' and expectorant dlatety opcnd ern it. mothers, there is no lnlstakan out t to , zoo 1ItiIg ileac rhtoa, regulates the stomach and bowels. ceras' qali uties make it wonderfully useful in WInticolle, aoftonit the gum., reel noos inflamma- men, and Fives tone and emery/ 6 to the whole' el'ery family for coughs and colds. system. A Fives Yt"ixsLOA'A Soo'rIt firmer Jrorz” Gw n= Tsternisols*aunt totheta• steand' Tile report that the czar Ivill sit isilioiyrtwarlptlanol'onotatthgQlaertaaliabelt the sultan js conffruted, female mamas and pbysiolans in the United States, and is for onto by alt drltltctltlte 'through. JOSNJA SPER,anttho world. Biles a aunts n bottle. For any truss of nervousness, sleep- lessness, weak stomach, indigestion dys• pepsin, try Carter's Little Nerve fills, /I Relief is sure. The ouly )terve medi- cine for the price ill market. It is stated in St. Petersburg that the czar. !)•itch was betrothed to Princess Margaret of Prussia, in Berlin during the recent visit of the czar. • Paipitation of the heart, nervousness, tremblings, nervous headache, cold hands and feet, pain in the back, and other formsof weckness are relieved by Carter's Iron .bilis, made especially for'. bleed nerves and complexion. A converted Canadian smu g]er has sent evangelist D. L. Moody $2,500 to be paid over to the U. S. Government to square !natters with his conscience and the customs. All case of weak or lame back, back- ache, rhetllnation, 't 11 find relief by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed old Belladonna Backa:lhe Plasters. Price 25 cents. Try them. It is expected that Emperor William, on his homeward journey, will have interview , vith Emperor Francis Joseph, The Obser•r'ator•e Romano says the eiericals,who desire 'to avoid a. political conflict, will not take part in the elect- ions iu Rome. WI -IAT IS WANTED. Is something that will Make a plan sleep well, eat well and rise in the morning refreshed and strong, :with none of the worth out tired feelings sure' to be found where constipation, dispep- sia, or diseases of the Stomach, liver, bowels and blood exist. Burdock Blood Bitters Meets every i'ndicatidire: press- ed above., .. _ . The Third page of the Toronto Daily. MAILi6 noted for "Want" advertisement If you want to buy or sell. anything. ( If youwant a situation, a mechanic, a business, machinery,' lodgings, it, 'you. have lost or found anything, or if ` you: leant to find out where anyone is, ad- vertise in the Toronto Daily Mrailand rad the advertisements on, the .Third page of that . paper. The ,charge is Two Cents ;a word each insertion. • Ad- dress TEL MAIL, Toronto. Ont. IMPORTAN i' TO WORKINGMEN • Artisan, meclll,hlts, and Iaborintinaen are liable to •ifilff ti accidents and .in. juries, aswell a, paill£ul cords, stiff r joints and 1 ul 'i.. ss To all thus •'' troubled we,would recommend, Hag •yard's Yellow Oil;" the handy and rah ably pain cure for outward or internal The of Mount Cashel) is dead. THE BEST 'EVER MADF6 Gentleman.;. -My trouble was heart: dls_ ease and, dispepsia. but I took two bot t,es of Burdock BlbodBitters and one of B'urdocl: Pills'and got well, I never felt better in -any life.. My brother, has also tried B. B. B. and thanks it a splendid medicine. Mrs. J'no. Early; I-Iarilton, Ont, TLe stot3ever v. erect, asat 1G isuecegcertainful InRemeits sheetsdyeand Apedteios not blister. Bead proof below. KENDALL'S S. SPAVIN CURE. Oaglcs or ChAnrrxs A. *pews; /Mean= CLEVEIASD BAs ..lin'VitoTrnao Bas» Hosara. ELuwo0e, Iu-, Nov. 20,188$.. Da. 13. T. 8m>»ALL Co; Pear sirs; have have atwaye purchased Tour en. tial#'a spavin Cure by the halt dozen bot! would like prieesin larger quantity. I think It One e of the best liniments. On earth. I have used J. en my stables for three years. Yours truly, Cues. A,, Sinn.=. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURS. Baooltere, N. Y„ November3.1S 3.Kes»AIL Co, Dear Sirs :I desire to give you testimonial of my good°pluton of your 1.endall's Spavin Cure.I have used it for Lameness, Stilt" Joints and StinvIns. anal have felled it 4 Euro eure.Icordt . illyroeommen i 11 IO SAJloraeren. X(044%s truly A. 11. GtLsrsr,; ¥IIna$erTrey %sandry Stables.. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURTII I call recoaltitend Burdock Bl000d Bit- ters as a ssnre cure for serafule. .1llsld it for four years, and was so bad at oil time that I almost a solid sore. o sit was I comae+need taking B, B. B. last sum- mer•, have taken three bottles, and am entirely cured now. Mss Ellan Pipe, Jasper, Ont. Mho Pan-American degelates finish- ed their Journey yesterday. FOR FROST BITES. There is no better retnecy for frost bites, chilblains, and similar troubles than Hagya.r'cl's Yellow Oil. It also cures rheumatism, lunlbalgn, sola throat, deafness, and lameness and pain generally. Yellow Oil is used inter- naily and externally. Six inches of snow fell in Brandon, Man., district yesterday. Insist on ,your grocer giving you London Electric Soap, it iS the best. 'We invariably 11nc1 Everest's Cough Syrup the best family medicine --Goa. Donaldson, Forest P. 0. The Roman Catholic university at 'Washington was dedicated yesterday. The Send me another half dozen bot- tles hf Everest's Cough Syrup, I cannot keep house without it.— John Stephen- son, Sanile.c Co., Mich. The king and queen of Sweden are going to pass the winter at Bourne- mouth. , , This is' to certify that my wife hav- ing aying been troubled over eight years with a' Sore, throat and symptoms of Bronchietis, and having tried I was in- duced to try Everest's Cough Syrup and after taking five or sic bottles a cure was effected Wim. Hester, Ark one P. 0. The Teutonic and City of New York have, ,'started in another race across the ocean. 4 bars of London Electric Soap for •25e: '4Vaslnug: made easy ;:anti 'heroes made Ilapp; by using London. Electric Soap. Ask your grocer for London Elect, rim Soa11 `. The wonder, of t o -da y is Lgndon Electric Soap. , London ,,. Eleetric Soap' is • only made b D. Richard4a ti oodstock , Trade Mark Register ed. Washerwoman's friend is Electric Soap Don't forget to try London Electric Soap once and you will use 'i o. `other kind:" None but first-class grocers sells London, Electric Soup Just ' think ; washing- dry ,„ made shorter by ; using;London , -Electric, Soap , "Mr, + Boyle, editor' of the London ondon S ilT, wnt't0N CO111Y're Ditto, Dec, 19,18M 1)n. D.3. xv.s--oAra. Co. Gelds: Ifeelitin•duty toseY w�hatIhavedone. with your iCeodalt's Spavin Cure, I have cured twenty.flve horses that had Semidries, ten.ef Ring I3one,nine colleted with !dig Head and sevea of l3i�rrf Jany niece Ihave had one of your bo bks anti foliowe'd the direettons,1 have never los a casein any kind. Yours truly,. Asoliew'1'tru a.. Norse Docker. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE.. c ne Pelee batt a: bottleso AM/rage r losi1ele gaatE, baro It or cu>l�at It for you, or it will basset to any address on roeelpt of pPrice by the propzla- tors. D& a J. RKsatan Co., Eun olburgh Pena Yt. SOLD Br ALL D,1EC17GGISTS. Oke`039tc70,'3S dead. CURE SickIIeadaeheand relieve all the troubles incl• dent to a bilious *tate of the system, such as MAO less, Nausea.1)row'slnais.Distress after eating,fain in the Side. time. While their most rtmartabie success has been shown In curing SICK Headache, yet OAnrzn'a Lime Divert Phut are equally valuable In Constipation, curing and preventing; thistannoying complaint, whito they alae correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liven' and regulate the bowels. Siren If they only cured. HEAD Ache they would be almost priceless to those who suffer or fro this distr gssl»fifi complaint; e n d oa notcn but fortunately th Ir ave a d here, and those who once try theta wiit tied, these little pills valuable in so ninny trays that they willnot be wilting to do without' them. But atter all sick head - ACHE is the bane of lie many lives that hero la -ellen) we make our great boast. Our pills cum at while others do not. OAnran'a I;I'rrr.E LIT=PILts aro very Small and very cagy to take. Ono or two pills make it dose. They aro strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by action gentle actit please all who use them. In vials at 25 ce11ts; five for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. CASTES 1MEDICIU CI, Now Tait. Sma11 1 �1 Small Dasa! Small ?dice, THE LIGHT.RUNNING SEWING MACHINE HAS NO EQUAL. THE WILY SEWING MACHINE. THAT GIVES NEW NOME•SBi1NG MACHINE C°:NE�NCE,MMS' CHICAao - 28 UNION ,SQUARE,NY. DALLAS, s'e� UIS; Mo. jiTLANTA GA.sAjNFRAnci Crn1AL. George Vickers,' . Kirkton. EXETER MARKETS. 14 M l t�ete.r• (T1tADE MARK.) Try Dercstf s layer Regulator vas Diseases of the Liver JSidneys. 4c.,.and Purify- ing of ttl'o Blood, Price $1;, Six bottles lor$5. Ter Sale by ALL DaVadISTS:. Abmid etured only by 480, H, I:YBBEST, Caws; Fosse, O. Furniture and Undertaking. —0Q TO— Rowe & Andrews' BED-ROO AND PARLOR SUITS, SIDEBOARDS AND EXTENSION TABLES, LOUNGES AND EASY CHAIRS. • The Largest Warerooms In town. Undertaking outside of the 'Undertak- ers Ring, In ail its Branches. Open day an& night. T,A,N'A—One door Iloxtit of +,iolson s Bank, MAIN -ST. - - EXETER • THE KEY TO REALTHII Wheat per bushel.. $75 to 82. Barley40 to 47 ,. Oats . . 25 to 25 Peas .. 52 to 53 Eggs per doz .... .. 13 to 13 Butter, Rolls 17 to 1'1^ Butter, Crocks__ ....... 16 to 16 Geese per ib....°. 6 to 6 Potatoes per bush ..... 60 to 60 Flay per ton . - - .... 9.25 to 10.00' ROYAL HOTEL, L -u -CAN, ONTARto I. HODGINS PROP - The Bar'supplied with besot brands. ofLutuorsand Cigars, Unitict s ell the clogged a ,venues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Livor, Carrying off, gradoelty without weakening the lerS. tem, an io` impurities an ilunq dfoulburn= br of the secretions; et the seine time Cor- recting Acidity of tho Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Heartaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Bheuln, Erysipelas, Sere - Ma; Fluttering or the heart, Nor- vousness, anti General Debility ;All these mammy other sunellar Complaints yield to the happy inflt3C11D of EUnD0CK BLOOD BITTERS. , For Sale by all Draw. i. T.1URN & CO,,Proprietbrs, Toronto. WEAK MEN ati i4yerthmn selves of Wanting Vitality, Lost Diaahood, from youthful errors, eta., quietly at home. Book on all private diseases sent tree (sealed). Perfectly reliable. Over 30 sears' eaperienee. Address— GILDED PILL CO., TORONTO, Canada. LADIES oar•'RelleticrWomen" got O i1 lama sellable; bettor than Insures regularity. or Pennyroyal Pills. IDoore, re1ularlty. Eland for part) ulare. Address GILDED PILL CO., TORONTO, Canada. BEARDS10FFOiRCto ayllama.. Latentria �J on gteateai achievement of modern sclmtco 1 bloat won. derfnl discovery of the ago. I.ilce no other propsrationl tinkle!, euro, almost in,tantancona In action) Boy's with whiskers Bald heads "haired I" Curious spectacles, but beehive troths. Only germine article In marker, and oertoia to give absolute eatistacNon. Guaranteed. Price SI a bottle, or three bottles for SI. Eaebbottlelasts one no th. Address A. DIXON, liox S05, TOIt.:NTO, CANADA. MMI ME 610YRNflI t S PBEPANITINNS. SUPERFLUOUS ti flgtl� U 681,1 A orcparntinn that will {U GERFL000 19111 ! ponnnnonslyy remove Ilsgi, ons hair without injury a0 tho akin. Warranted. Petco 51. PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS �°""n"end% semevod In Irom 10 to SOdaye. warranted. Price forgo days treatment,SL ABTI-CORPULENCE PILLS Fohhaeppn point is a matter of solicitude, a halter titmouse itis amain.• fortablo on 'unfashionable—FAT FOLIi8 using ' AN1TI• OOBPULENCS PILLS" lose 15 1be. a month. They cense no dolmas. ; contain no poison, and never tail. Price ter one moteh's treatment, SU: or three monlhe medicine, qs,. warranted. COMPLEXION W51 '1 S 6IOVA2:\ANI'9 Al1SESXCAL- Bleach the sktni'darelopp the loin. liarmlo.e. Permanent in effect. 'Warranted. Price St a bot.or six boxes for 55. address = ADA1t=E GZOV. NNANI, 296 Ring Street )lest Toronto, Ont. • • Have you tried the Celebrated ECTRIC • SHOE DRESSING If not don't fail to ,do so at once. It is not a polish but a wonderful P leather preservative it will make the finest or coarsest shoe es soft and pliable as kid and very easy to the foot. will make them absolutely It y water- proof, and if occasionally dressed with this dressing will last more than twice as long as otherwise. We Mean What We Say. It is the very life of leather. It can be applied at any time. No trouble— Shoe can be polished immediately afterwards. PIIICE, 10 & 15 Cents per Box. Sold by all first-class stores. ' Sam- ples mailed—Stamps taken. OLIVER CABANA Jr.,, SOLE MANUFAOTURER, BUFFALO, N. Y. p, F OIL e famous heavy -bodied Oil made only by IcC011 EROS. 86 Co'y1, TORONTOI Use it once and you will use no other. McCoII's Famous CYLINOER OIL Is the finest in Canada for engine cylinders. .Ess? '7'4= 1.4c. - Y3. .. FOR SALE BY Bice Eras. EXETER, Olift Veterinary Dentistry ......._yam,_ The undersigned having purchased a cam - late set of Dental Iiistrttments, and having the necessary experience in that line, wishes to inform the people of this scetion that he is fully prepared to execute alt VETERINARY DENTISTRY Intrusted to him on the shortest notiea. Charges moderate. ' A.: Trial t elicited. 11a, Sweet, V. S, DOWN GO THE PR ICESrder to matte rooiin`£ar our fall yorebno es which are new niacin):. WO of fer reduced i*riees in mimes = nu8'-cods, mtualinsrPrints Laces. Dtihro3 deirons. also balance of Summer a Millinery .at emit. SUGARS! Wo Were 4 rrl1utautity of Sugar 00 laa,ntl' wllicll was ppurehosedl'iefore the heavy Ad- vanee 3r1slcll WO era offering at less than pre- sentwbolesale coast. Ont values in Toot and Coffees areA-i sand are not excelled in the County. Acall sollcited and an imineoti.on invited. ,A11 kinds of produce taken in exchange.. Butter 14 cents ; Eggs, 14 cents. Happel & Olegho>r'n, ZURICH. REMEMBER Vie Old Stand GIDLEY, FASEICNABLE Merchant Tailor, has just received a fine of Pant!n s . 1 %tiling& and O Coatings s not to be found anywhere in the County, and made up in styles that cannot be beaten. With prices in the reach of all. FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER. llowilOOT& :110Z STall: E. H. nsn,W. H. Trott If you leant an easy shave as good as barber ever gave just call at E. H. FISH'S SHAVING - SALOON At Morning, Eve or busy Noon. He will cut and dress the hair gracefully to suit THE CUSTOMS OF THE FACE. Ladies' hair dressing done to perfection. Stand. near the. Post Office. CHRISTIE'S ...rev I �tN• 61iY srbeeCF COMMERCIAL) LfJ)IVER First Glass RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK - SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLEVILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Terms - Rea .orsabler Telephone Connection.. 12 Pounds OF WHITE SVGA For $t1 QIb$. Saw Sugar FOR $1. AT THE t r� 1th J. MATHESON, wishes to announce that he has opened out business in the stand recently occupied by the ADVOCATE, and is pre- pared to manufacture first- class BOATS & SHOEs for all customers. A CALL SOLICITED. Our motto is good work and square dealings. W. H. TROTT. OTICE . A Fresh and Net- Stock of 1rocgr!es :t GflflteotioIrij JUST ARRIVED AT TH a, Family -: Grocery. Also Pure EXTRACTS and SPICES. A beautiful piece - of glass- ware given away with lib of Mayell's Baking Powder. Dashwood Roller Flour For Sale. Call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. G. A. NYNDMAN. HENRY WELLS, Brewer aqd jilaIsier GODERICH; ONTARIO. MANUFACTURER OF Welis' GoIe rate e a PORTER. 0 s XXX Porter a Specialty. :calty.