HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-11-21, Page 4TEE W . SAFI F RS, Rditpr, Thursday, Iievenlber 21st 1889. Xtr2v,tark',41L. Ere long, the . municipal elections 1 lit» on us, The names of the pro - A candidates are being mentioned. The names of all the old council are 'beteg spawn of, while the names ofMr, Edward Christie, Mr, James Oke, Mr,. J, Parkisec and Mr, Hugh Spackman etre freely mentioned as probable can- didates. From what we can hear and un derstand Messrs Christie, Oke and Park - Ism have signified their intention of net entering the field, while Mr Speck, man leis not as yet gave any decided Z Swtlr. Should Mr, Spackman consent to alrew his name to go before the el- ectors of this village, we are sure he will ba elected by a large majoeity,yes. and even head the psis, .1dr^ Spaele- .elan has a gage! Itne ledge Q£ lf',>,niciee aaffkias and would male a first-class councillor, and the ADVOCA rn will lend to suplaart to aid his election, 41fO MoNS L , Y4D.A.. A Pent years sign a community of here led in a district south of Fort od N. W. T, asd from all we can. are well ll sati, led with the elle-lige They made in emigrating from the 'United :States. The.: are represented as being industrious and thrifty , as bongo good settlers anal good citizens, and it`; lass been said of them that they do not eirectise polygamy, Recent rumers,how evele say that polygamy- is being prae-, eieed ;nal a former member of the Brit. WI Columbia Legislature, who has t 3lae:en in hie lot with the "Saints" has weitac'n in d'fenee, and declared that There is no law in the Dominion to pre- vent 1iormntous having a plurality of wives, On the strength of the repre- sentation that the Mormons now in. Can aa;da ars' not polyp anists.they have been well treated, no obstacles being in the way of their settlement in. the country; 'but once let it be understood that five nae to have a seemul Ptah in the coup `try, and public s'nttirent will prove aufllaintly etenee to stamp out the amoral. pestilence. The1lormans have zven the Ata ricins no small amount' trouble, on :mount of their settiug at defiance the laws passed. by Con- gress for the suppression of polygamy, and it is just aswe llbefore they succeed in establishing themselves in Canada, that they be given to understaud that .similar condition of affairs to that WIricn prevails at their headquarters in iI tlx: United. Staates,will not be toiorated,', id this country. If existing laws are not sufficient to lneet their ease, it will lie the duty of Parliament to pass such =measure as will do so. ende of Mrs. John Cox; Porters Hill' in the evening at 7 o'elock,William Walt ers, of Colborne, as united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss' Susanna Cox, The numerous friends of the • in- terested, participants, assembled. to give the happy couple a cheering departure in the ship of domestic felicity on the voyage of life,. We extend our con- gratulations hoping they may have a long and happy wedded life. Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness, gay FOWL A NEW HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of jiving parasites in the lining mem- brane of the nose and eustachian tubes Microscopic researeb,liowever, hasprov- ed this to be a fact, and the result is that a simple remedy has been fornxu dated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deaf- ness and hay fever are permanently cured in from one to three simple ap- plications made at home by the patient oneein two weeks. N, R—For Catar- rhal discharges peculiar to females (whites) this reniedv iS la speeiflc, :A pamphlet explaining this new treat reemt is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. H. Dixon & Son, SOS West King, St,, Toronto, Canada.—Scientific Amen - Can. Sufferers from catarrhal troubles should, carefully read the above. (10,22'88) alga nTos. xDFOItu.-.-.In Centralia, on the 18th hist,, the wife of s1r. Tihas. Hand- ford, of a daughter. Onosa .---In U'sborne on the leth inst., the wife of Mr, Thos, Hodg- son, of a daughter. Avis,--Sn Aa'ro1.. --On. the 20th inst.. at the residence of the bride's father, Stephen, by Rev. Jasper Wilson, Iifr.. Sidney W. Davis, of Exeter, to hiss Lucy Shapton, of Stephen.. n1EA,Tnis. Nnwcounn.--In Exeter, on 19th inst., Edith Jaue, infant daughter of John and aaaIt Newcombe, aged 0 months and 15 days. Con«lisIL--In Usborne, on the 19th inst Francis P. Cornish aged 37 yrs. 4 mos. G days. STRAYED. Strayed into the premises of Mr. Alex Aitken, Lot, esflhalt' 89, South boundary, Stephen, on orabout the 15th of October, 3 yearling tori and 1 heifer.The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and ta�.a them away. Stray Cattle. Strayed into the premises of the under- signed., about the lst of October, 1 ono -year• old heifer, and 1 ono-yoar•old steer. The owner will prove property, pay expenses and take them away. S. STA\'LAKE STRAYED. Strayed from the promises of the under- signed, Lot 8, Concession 11,Hay, 6 yearlings, 4 heifers and 8 steers 1 heifer white, 1 brindle ll' J 1 14_4 3fBTO 1: 1 light red. 1 rets and white with white on hand,2 redsteers, Heifers all Have slit in right -ear; steers rings in right -ear. Any in- formation leading to their recovery will be lioeraily rewarded, by addressing, D. LIVENGOOD, Nov.7th-3t SAREPTI, ONT. Thegreat triangular political con- test in:West Lamb on was brought to as close; on Monday. If the tight had been between a Liberal ni.d a Conserv- ative we, would have anticipated the letitrn of the Government candidate, as the constituency is decidedly Liber- al; but the so-called Third Party, the chief plank in whose platform is pro- kibition, having placed a candidate in the field, and as the Equal Rights or- ganization has endorsed him, it was a aliffacult matter to predict whattthe re - suit would be. Al hough Mr. Mowat said on the day of nomination that it made Iittle difference to the Govern- eient who was elected, it having a large majority at its back in the Legis- lature, we do not remember a provin- cial bye -election in which the members of the Government manifested so much interest. When the presence of four Ministers in the constituency is deemed necessary to assist in securing the re- turn of the Government candidate, it is ;evident that the situation is not quite so: favorable as Mr. Mowat and his col- leagues in the Cabinet would like to be. A. contemptible trick was played by (causing the election to be held at a time which prevented between four. and five hundred' voters from exercis- ing their franchise for the first time. As the majority of them had Conserv- ative leanings it was not considered advisable by the Government to give then ate opportunity of depositing their ballots for the candidate of their choice The constituency Was overrun with agents of the Government,and no stone was left unturned by them to secure Mr. Macloenzie's election. Up to the time of going to press Mr. Mackenzie's majority reaches seven hundred. On Wednesday, the 6th inst, a very 19�easing affair took place at the Tulle Valuable Farm for Sale. Compriein 100 acres more or less, being composed of Lot 20 Cons Township of Ste- phen, County of Huron; 1?i miles west of Exeter. On tbo premises are n fine Brick House 30x40; kitchen 16x1S• wood shed 20x80; two good wells; a fine orchard; 2 barns; driv- ing shed; stable and other buildings; also a small portion of bush on the premises. There is a river running through the hush part which is never dry. The farm is well drain- ed and in a good state of cultivation. For further particulars, apply to SAMUEL RUNDLE, Exeter, Ont. BREAD-MAKER'S50 wm.A.isep NEVER FAILS TO ONE SATISFAOTION FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. BISSETT BRAS . LIVERY. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN, Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS REASONABLE, A TRIAL SOLICITED. BISSETT BROS The Grand Union Hotel, sex a \�� •::�ti\„tie' N\\`te.eek\ \\\sis\ee :. . ,.•••• 'vA�A`C �'�� �. Q\ -:QA\. ` \�\\v`,"" tea•\•••�a•',V, �. for Infants and Children. taetorIsiseowelladaptedtochldrenthat Castor's, awes Colic, Constipation. [reicommenditussuperiortoanyprescriptioh Sour Stomach, Dlarrhdna, Eructoptianw, teMeme" MA.. ,]tD., K1 worms, gives sleepand red1 8estion, flSt Ill 80, Oxford , Brooklyn, ji. Y. Wathou; injurious medication.. Tax CENTAUR Colman-, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. Enlarged and. "„ Improved. 30 rooms elegantly furnished. Tables supplied with all the Delicacies of the season. 3 convenient , sample :rooms. House heated . with hot air, Electric ,bells throughout. S 1 PER DAY. R. J. TUFTS, PROPRIETOR. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! ilcClary's Famous Modal Stocs are the fast INTSE ➢IAItKET. FOR SALE BY BISSETT BROS. milisimmorTEMIne A:FULL LINE OF ALL RINDS OF PARLOR STOVES . , . „JEST I ..... IBl; settxotl^s.exe. E CHRISTMAS GLEBE THE QUEEN OF THE HOLIDAY NUMBERS FOR FORTY P .GE 3 of 13eautiiul Illustrated and Literary matter, Coated Pitpe7r4olored Lithographs,magnificent PressWork, I • 1samcG e1. xl Cover, TWO LARGE,, SUPERB LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES, in 15 colors, acconipangin g this number, entitled FRIENDS - - TEE CANADIAN MILITIA. Gen. :air Fred Middleton, In Writing about the letter plate, saps,—''I must congratu- late THE (ILOBE upon having liroduced so cre'ditable a picture, It is very well ece rated, and appears to me to be quite equitl to any from home, Tan DzrrlaRENT UNI- FORMS ARE CORRECTLY G'viol, antithe grouping not to ?.tiff," The whole number is, without doubt, the 131iS'I' IIOLI?f)4. PAPER ever issued in this country, and much superior to the g;re:tt majority of English productions. No Canadian family should should miss securing a copy of this magnificent number. Price 50c. To be had from all Newsdealers and at the office of The Caobe Priming Company, Toronto. Orders from the Old .Cpuntry mustbe accompanied by additional .Five Cents to cov- er extra postage. oodommead -9 IF YOU WANT Bays, Cafes, Pie, &c3 - o iJ. H. NORTHCOTT Imumezumsseoffsram All the Leading Lines of tle purest and best COXFECTIO NERY ALWAYSIIN' STOCK Wedding Cake's of thetinest'quatity made on-Short,notice. A TRIAL SOLICITED; S. H. NORTHCOTT. :THE BEAUTIFUL ;AND CLEAR CUT .111111 IS YP from which this paper is printed was supplied by the TORONTO TYPE FOUNDRY Dealers in Type, 1rfressee, and Printers' Supplies.: J. T. JOHNSTON, 80 & X32 Wellington St. west TORONTO,'ONT. Eyes QUI M4R01I .. 11 front, CX W. SOEITHCOTT'S ] Clothing and Gents PITIMISIIIINTO STO E. 1 EXETER, - ONTARIO. —0)-7-- g, tome of the finest ooels that can be • secured, are arriving every day. GENTS' FURNISHINGS IN THE LATEST STYLES AT RIGHT ;PRICES, A CALL SOLICITED, W. SOU.T.HCOTT3 Corner Main and John Street, EXETER, ONTARIO, MARKET SQUAB GM[EIRAL STORE The undersigned would inform the Public that he has just received his FRU lila WIPER STOOD, INOLtJ])ING A FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, AND CROCK- ERY, BOOTS AND SHOES. � �„ Those wishing,. anything in my hale will find it to their advantage to call ' and inspect my goods and prices. Best .Roller Flour always on band. f/ighest Price paid for Butter and Eggs, and all kind of Produce, J. P. ROSS. (10-22•'88.) WittaiMailikkiJilf .1c `i i TalIor.f Up stairs, over H. Spackman's Hardware Store. lire has in stock some of the snest Winter goods to be foetid on the market. A CALL SOLICITED. J. G. SMAL' , .COBE. CITY HOTEL LONDON', ONTARIO. $1 per day, J. & J. llolilAIITIN, Proprietors. MED,ICA:L. THE CELEBRATED DR. LE CARRON, OF PARIS, FRANCE, HAS ESTABLISHED AN AGENCY IN TORONTO FOR THE SALE OF HIS MEDICINES, WHICH ARE A POS- ITIVE CURD FOR ALL • CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES OF LONGSTANDING ALSO YOUTHFUL INDISCRETION,EARLY DECAY, ETC., SHOULD WRITE FOR IN- FORMATION. CORRESPONDENCE CON- FIDENTIAL. ADDRESS ALL LETTERS TO 'HIE E. B. CRAVE AGENCY, CAMERON PLACE, TORONTO. •.� p� r YELL CC `O`Et'F.a aR I TtIS FREEMAN'S POWDERS WORM. 'Are pleasant ea take.' Contain` their own Purgative. .Ts a safe, sure and effectual destroyer ofwor..ms in Children of•Adults. London Huron & Bruce Railway 'Passenger TIiiieO Table. GOING' NOREN. GOING SOUTH London,dep't8.05 4.25. Lucan Cros'g 8.47 5.20. Clandeboye 8.52 5.28. Wingham Belgrave Blyth 7.05 340. 7:24 9.00. 7,38 4.15. Centralia 9.05 5.45. EXETER 9.16 357. Londesboro' Clinton 7.17 4.25. 807 445. Newell 9.28 6,05. Brumfield. 8.25 5.04. Kippen 9.S4 6.17. Kippen 8.34, 5,12. Brucefield 9.42 , 6.26. Hensall 8.41 519. Londesboro' 10linton 19 7.03, Centralia , 9.07 5.45, 10.28 7.12. Clandebo e 8,' SG" 18 5. nelgrave '' 0.42 ;7.27. Winnham 11.00 ' 7.45. Lucan Cros'g London, arr.10.15,. 9:21 6.02. 6,45. L4THIleTG J. SNELL raiz KETER ONTARIO Has now in stook ALL O0 WINT:11 IN TIIE FOLLOWING LINES West of England Suitings and Trous ringe, Scotch Tweed Suitings and. Trouser Ings. French and English Worsted Cloths A11 made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. J. SLL. L. H. Dickson's it Iflii1 Lot No,, 22, in the lateoneossienoftlto tow hip ofHibbert,containing 3.00 acres, TM - arm will be sold Okay!, and an easy terms PIto farm is situated middy between: eaforth said Dublin, on t»o Huron Gravel Bead. :hurch and School within 10o yards of Enron. poil the best in the county. A number of Exeter village properties far Isle ontbe best of terms, including some of.. he most desirable residences in towot. Some property in the villages of Centralia, ted Farquhar, which can be bought cheap, eTo BoerdiniHouskeepers—On eonple- ion of Verity's Foundry, its calculated that 'role lr to 20 additional ]lands aro to be em- Moved, A !louse to let at a small resat can- ble of ancon odating a tole boarders. Atout lve minutes walk.fram the foundry.. For further particulars apply to larch L. H. DICRSON, Ilarriater,EReter, S. GIDLEY. TUE LEADING ncl° AND Furniture Dealer OF THh TOWN? I have an immense Stock of urniture and Undertaking foods now on hand, which I -spill sell at right prices. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. examin, ttion of our Stock Solicited. S. GIDLEY. —TI-IE— Central Sharing Parlor, EXETER, Ontario. -_aStlg PROPRIETOR. Every Attention paid to Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting. AGENT FOR THE TROY LAUNDRY. A. Eastings. Ex�lor Po10 Sivaio. Why ie it that in other towns and surrounding country they speak sd highly of the* photo- ' graphs that are taken in 'Exeter. And how is it that there are so many photos sent into the different cities of Ontario from:. EXETER PHOTO GALLERY Because Senior's work is as if not better than any of good the leading' ; alleiies ill. the citiesand their' prices are .$4' and $5 per doz., while they get them at Senior's for 53,00.