HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-11-21, Page 341I RIXOrette WIRE. Boasts a florae, Throws the Driver 01lt and Knocks Sergeontfienseleaa. A New York deeptstoh 'lays An eleotri light current yesterdea Intoning;reneet Eerie to aeath, throw the driver to Van sIre bald linooked a police gerg'eant- eensel es The deedly current was, carried to its vie - elms through *telephone wire, A,pole oer. ✓ ing numberless wire!' eind ou rood) *venue near tbe, corner of Twenteeeighth street- About 4 o'cleok in the morning one of tbe wires, a. telephone line, fell to the pareet, ankh:noted a, loop across the down %rack of the Fourth Avenue Reiirme Soon after it fell Thomas Whelan, driver • * Herald delivery 'wagon come elong. The berm instantly came to a holt and then sprang aside end fell. The jolt of the -vehicle threw Whelan to the etreet, &Da when he ttrose be -received a ehoolt wbioh threw him prostrate to the gutter. Regain- * his feet the drive undertook . to raise the horse but as Hoch a he touched the animal smother ehookpassed through him. Re then comprehended the ceose and lay • Citizene attretited to the ;teens noticed flaehea of blue flame emanatieg from the prostrate .nniuul. The fleehes came from all parte of the horse's body and the smell of burning flesh was perceptible half a, block ewey. Whelan watt *Basted to hie feet, but the bores wee given a wide berth. Ono mate ran to the Thirty-fifth street police station and re, ported the reinter. and Sequin Albert Meteloneld and Bonndernan Thomaa Cassidy hurried to the snug. They atm the horse still ethitting spathe, aud clliug nut the reeeeVea a opera wee eatablithect at VOytte aufkfiently for from the roestieg Itneneel to Warn all weeferere amity from the fetal opt. Sergeent fdaodoneld under. took to Med the deedly wire, and in making a turn *mead the woggou came he °outwit with it in Om automats. The wire struck hire in the forehead aud he fell to the pemmican emeeleae, es Omagh be lied been Boeudemen Oiteeidy went to the moue a his aricken comzede, mad when be (omelet hold of the Sergeant'e leg he re. OeiVed & ebook wbith compelled bine to release hie hold. A meoond effort was more euotiesetul, and soon being curled to eidewelk tbe Sergeant slowly reoovered hie Insoles. Elie head was covered with above his brow was the, imprint of the wire, while beadle it waa a pale, evi- dently oceasioned by the fall, .M3 W t3 dazed and Itelpleee, co Beet he was obliged to go home. About d'oleok, up to whitely thee the, hero oontinued to root slowly. it eceurred to IMMO one to send to the Nenhatien Electrio Light Oompenyle then ietWeseTweney.liftb, areet. Foreman Haight and two linemen 'sighed the scene. 'wearing rubber boote and glover, and foetid the deadly wire, on the end of which the Urea% body lay. They pulled it down Irene the pole, and travel was reamed atter the home had been dregged off the Recite. A deep furrow woe burned in tbe imitretra bus. Efforta made to fled the pellet where the wire creased the electrie tranemitter were ot no :even. "1 I WPM 4 WOMAlv." What some Famous Nen Wouid Do in Teat Case., Tee ruses recently informed a waiting ovorld WhotIvrellete„ WOuld do if, they were Mee. The Bok Syndicate Compeey teolt tip the ebreeds of the subje6t, mid it:ens sympOstum the views of weleknownexperti 'in the knowledge Of the wee's Of the: danith- lees of, Eve are given. Some of them tire es follows : WHATMB. onuw &Ira, Clmvqfloq L Dee W tetytft " I went one to a lecture wherein, %Wel the most eminent physielegiste in the world ergued thee woolen were not only weaker phypipally hut thee they were not so strong and vtgor• ous n mtnd as men. My 'own exp_eneeme , with the two women (my mOther and, ray wife) with whom I hove succeeded in, keep- ing up to date has been directly the oppe- site of -this proposition. The processies may not be the same, but the results are ideotioal. "Europeans claim that Mir feshionable girls' are not educated. They acknowledge they are pretty, Sleet, witty. and audactione, but claire they ere not mune. They are aeoused of knowing comperatively nothing of literature, ecience, politics, history or int. So Europeans eay--and for that rea- son, it I were a girl a weelthy minute, I would postpone the halt and the german and get educated Ant of all. " ell women of fashion were °boated in proper instttutions no heterference need, result with sociel pleasures. Such educe, lion, where needed,. would add enorammitly to the Wore of we:Attlee poeitient in the femily aa4 before Xt 1 Were a WOMAN no minter wbat Wan my condition in life, or whet matte° it would be neetenery to rottire,1sbouldatrein every nerve, lint ond lest, to aequire en alueetiou. The area Of self-support to a women el:deers iu prOpertioa to the edUelt. UM* of her nund, "And, farther, were I \Wreath 1 amid let Aty ambitious coneideretion compel 4 meertage without love, If the Mari woe Arm of ohareeter, eepeble aud energetic), I would defy ell teppottition and take my cloalaCea With hiu From my OWA ObaerVit. don mud experience I do not think it le difficult for a woman—unless she ie °tetra - dee and offeneive—to eh upon the box of the dontestio carriage, hold the reins and direct the comae, of the coach about me the " wenageeon's mum." SISS/Cit CIATHAltilfri rho Bellsioue Ivatue of lifUllonaire Drexel% ihausitter. 4. Pitteburg deepatoh a Thursday nye nrchbtehop Byrn, of Philadelphia, bee arrived ben' to &Wet in the ereroonies er receiving Mine Mete Drexel, daughter of P. A. Drexel, the naillioneire banker a Phila. delphie, into the:now oonvent cf fit Mary of Mercy. The reoeption took place today. A large member of friends and relativea learn Philadelphia were present. Miss Drexel's spirituel edam; Bight Bev. Jne. O'Connor, Bebop of Omaha', has enede the journey Irom Nebreske to thie city to be preeent et the ceremony, which was «in- ducted by Bight Bev. Bishop Phelan, Biehop ot the Diocese of Pitteburg. Al- though Mies Drexel at Brat refused to wear ihe white gown and orange blueprint of the bride, alio finally ooneentedto attire herself in a beautiful white satin drew. There was no display at the reoeption. The oerOmonies were condnoted as quietly and se unostentationale as poesible. Thenovioe bee made a special request tbat all pomp and spleudor be diepensed with. Her first aseignment will probably be as a nurae ii Meroy Respite.' on Stevenson street, She 'will be known as Sister Catharine. An Infant State. A Bismarck, M D ,.despatch of Thuraday says: Monday wag the last day of the Territorial Government of Dakote. At 3 o'clock the Territorial Governor, Secretary, Auditor and Attorney -General, stepped down and out, and in turn. the Bonanza farmer, 'Sohn Miller, ond his staff of afiters took their places. The change Wmmade with little or no pomp and cremony. At the UMW time Guy Cornea, of Grand Forks, only 31 years of age, became, by the courteey of his elder colleagues, the Firet Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of North Dakota. The first not of the new Governor was the promul- gation of the proolarnation convening the _Legislature on Nov. 19th. steamboet stxplosion. A Levee, Del., despatch of Monday nye To -day vthile the fishing steamer S. 13 Brown wets cruising off the New Jersey coast, twenty five miles from the Delaware breakwater, her boilers exploded, killing Fireman John Leoostes, and fatally nalding Chief Engineer Charles Bailey and Aseist. ant Engineer Wm Ludlow, all from Con- necticut. Three deck hands were seriously but not fatally scalded. The steamer Allyne went to the assistance of the Brown, bringing the injured men to the Melted States Marine Hospital here. • ?, Mallen° Says Re Didn't Sheet. r„ A. Petersburg, Vii., despatch of Wednes- day says: At the investigation of the alleged shouting of Herbert Harrison here by Gen. Mahone last night Chas. Romaine testified that the General's son, Batler Xalione, knocked witneas down either with kis fist or with &revolver. Other witnesses testified that three shots were fired from Mahone's yard and that somebody in the yard shot Harrieon. Total Furnace Explosion. WEIERN flialitaTA W A.S. rathetIc Incident of 'frays)). on * Itailroad Train. It was on a Pennsylvania railroad train, coming north from W'asbingten, taya writer to the New York Swag San, Ali the passengerbut two in the sleeper had dozed off. The exceptions were a young man god o baby. 'I he former was to tone,* the example of to majority, bot the latter objected pi a Icod, voice. Tts cries awoke the other peseengere, and some pretty etrong language Was heard. the yoong man got out of his berth and carried the haby up and down the Car, trying to seotheit. iet the ' baby wets ailing and fretful, attain' veice would not no stilled. Finally agriydiesded man, who was WO* deotly an old traveller, stuck his heed out front behind the ourtisine" aed eallea to the young ram in a rather therp voice "See here, sir, why don't you take that child to its mother. 13be will be able to manage it much better than you. It evi- dently warnita•Mother."- •• Yes, that' t 4t," echoed bait a dozen other irritated passengers. " The young men continued to pace up and 40Wil for a moment, then Paid in a quiet, strained voice: "Its mother is in the baggage oar." Thera was an inetentaneouti hush for a moment. Presently the gray -beaded man Steck his head ont into the aisle again, "et me take it for It while." he midi softly ; perhaps I can quiet it," john Efebherten, the Author of "EeIena Sable," Bay*: "If I were 4 women; "1 Should tattiest my appearance ruore to Lbone Benno then to the dreesinalter, for I See Abet healthy women attract more attention then exquiately deemed inPaildS. 44 I rhonld. regard any heath se my for - tome, to be respected ecoordingly by others as well on myself. "1 Omuta spend* good dud of time out of doors, even if I couldn't do it except by weeding my own garden. "1 Omuta moorland study ae much a* my father, husbaud, brother or sem tue ea enver to be regarded, u only a woman.' "1 eltettld never treat a mate of doubtfril moral character as any better then a woman of these= Sert. I know how men regard women who make ollowanoes for mina whose lives are not what they should be. "1 amnia never regard a mare admirer las a panible husband, nor accept admire - tion ae a eubstitute for love. I have °eine thousentla of doge as much admired as women. "1 abalga 'out any male acqueintenee who talked seine to men, but triviaties to uto." A Lebanon, Pa., despatch of Monday says: By the breaking out of rnolton iron in the stack of the Coldbrook furnace No. 1, this afternoon, Harvey Bohr, Henry Fortig, Demo Siegrist, Wm. Streaer and Harvey Beck were killed. John Bobr, Benjemin Eck ad Enoch Eieenhaur were severely burned. THE half-hearted denials of outrages in Oreie, which appear from, time to time, only help to deepen tbe conviction that the unhappy Cretaus are the victim s of Turkish brutality, and that political exigeneies compel the British Government to wink at it. It IS no secret that Christian women are being daily outraged by the lairkish soldiery and that their husbands and brothers are the objeote of Moslem ferocity, yet Christian England, which could put a stop to this to.morrove if it liked, does nothing but extenuate the offences. A mates' conseionoe never hurts him for deceiving those who ill.treat him. NEW DISISASIO. %he Teiephooe Breeds a Now Trouble for igan1144. Poor, euffering man 10 Oleos dere of pregrees and civilition is exposed to new deugere and dieesses. Pie la eephyedeted with gas, atriclien by the dewily (enema' ueed in electric' lighting and blown shy - weed, by the exploaton ef mein', which con- ey steam for heating purposes in the atlas. He bee writer's comp, telegrepher'e peralleie and the beeebell habit. Giglio develop cancer, ice water gives hien dyes pepeiet and whiskey brine On iinejexue, Railroad *revel johe hie nervous Oentrell ma of plumb, the electrie light be* devel- oped a special form or opthelmie, and now comes Mr. Gene, of Feittoie with eu indictment of the telephone. IJo SE1)14 'moor:ling to the Washington Capital, that he has seen men who have to uee the 'phone daily suffering fr9ra mita! over - promote " caused by the strain of the auditory apparatus required to Atle thee *vitriol:tent. The cotenant tinkle of the belt irritates some eitre arid the Internees of the vowed in. the tithe: egneleilly when it aplutters from too much induction, 'rel. tate* °theta into * *tete s overseneitive• nein width reekeetheigeiotolerant of mud as leffemed eyes err of light. Those afflicted with " telepttove ' thmitie," IS aoree authorities call ittentter trent nervous exaitabiliky with buzzing noises *the um, giddinees and nouragio poles. The only cure is rest—a complete diause of the tele- phone. We can't belp but wonder what will be the next evil to befall us. ODOM wair, crairmoto Will Carleton expreeeeti hiumelf briefly, but to the polut • "1! were a women," he says, " 1 should thank God for cushier - lug my soul worthy such an environment and strive eaoh day to eboW Him that His maiden%) was not ralgplacea." =wools ZITTLE SERMON. Dr, Talmage puts his thoughte in these words "1! I were a woman I should stay e woman. Just in proportion au woman does her work in the sphere that God has appointed for her, she will be happy and attractive. 6Thera is a great multitude of men who, by their manners, anume a sort of woman- hood. They want to be .soft; they go aim - poring through the world, and they are far from being of intermit to anybody. A titan should be a man • A woman a Vit01326D, and nothing else. •• here is no reason why there should be any distinction ea to wiser° the line should be that divides man's appropriate field and woman's particular sphere. Every man knows when be is engaged in his right ocoupatiOn and so does every woman, and wben they attempt otherwise they become offensive to all sensible' men and all sensi- ble Women." man fawns' woatax. "Were 1 a woman," says Edgar Saline, •• I should consider that nothing was lese aristocratic than disbelief, and nothing more vulgar than jealousy. "1 would never forget to remember that beauty may allure, but that graciousness enohaunt. "1 would not do anything important—I should emulate the rose and its wisdom; I should charm and be silent. "1 would not wear corsets. "1 would net wish to be a man—until I was 80. "My motto would be • Pourquoi pas,' and I should be careful not to live up to it. ' FEENCHMAN'S TESTIMONY. Max O'Rell, the author ef "Jonathan and His Continent," tells what he would do thus : "1 have been a man a good many years --More years than I care to tell—and I have come to the conclusion that, if I were a woman, I should consider few men,if any, worthy of me. If I were a woman I should expect a trittetiphal arch erected over each clear through whioh I weerebout to pass, and each floor strewn with flowers upon which I was about to tread. .1 . " This is what I would. do. , 4 •• And if the men were to expect me to 'return any gratitude to them for it—why, that just what I would not do." , Sennacherlb Unearthed. • The results of English resett‘ robes in Aseirie the pastyear are said to be very valuable. Almost the whole of Sen- nacherib's great place at Konytinjik he now been oleared out, including the library and thambers, and the result le that some seventeen hundred now tablets, etc., have been secured for the British museum. MARRIAGE appears to be, about as much o a failure in China as elsewhere. The youthful Empetor who had to . marry not the girl of his ohoice—but of his 'mother's choice—has got his back up about some- thing, has looked himself in • hie room and refuses to see either his mother, or hie wife. The astrologers must have mad; a bad break when figuring upon the lucky, stare. , —The runaway horpeelwaye gets hitched to a rotten post. , •• , —Some things are so rooky that they need blasting.. IN fONTIAO. Ourione Proceedings at Gaerge Daggs' Place. A. BEWITCHED FARM 4013•.$, (Oatiseris Vest'. West) The mystery pt (Jbirendoo Pont is not yet solved and is * deeper mystgry than ever, The time, Stated by the, wet& of Piton Hollow, when the 'lawful dalues in Geerge 1)40i house would Atop, is over, and the steenge oroPeeding0 are 0,414 g°54'g on, in an even more weird and uncanny maneer then before. Being sent out specially to vita the hews where these fearful things had been happening, the representaeive of the Free Press Jett Ottawa by the 5.10 p, m, train on Saturday for Bttowvibtt Olerendou Front is the mane, no of a village, but of pert- ef et township, end it is SOM8 eight or nine Miles dietant from Shaveville. A drive out there was made on Sunday, and the bouseof mystery examined, and the Dagg tenuity and itelgh. bore interviewed. TM house IS a InOW One. buili IA the eldefeabioned style of loos, and might fitly be termed 'the house on the Marsh," standing ea it does in a wet and dieneel-looking hollow, with bore bleak fields around it,in which stand ghttnt block 0;nolPs mei dead trees. Geo. Dtsgg or his family never had an *eery word with any of hie neighbors and never hearth enemy till a couple of months ago, when some peo- Pie. he Wee took umbrage over a cliapritea tilde line end ;nue that "neer epeek as *hey pen by." Elo eaunet nOentlat for the awful engine whieh. hue been trereapiting einee September 29t1I. On that day he soya his wife went out to the shed to get nmaerild for dinner tend toned tilts% 40ine ODD had *milt all the milk, thrown the but. ter emend and dragged tbe meet through the mud, rendering 11perfeetly ueelees for eeneereption. Vera:dates before he had given his wife 87 to put away. Oe Extd- bition cloy. the 87th, the motet' watt miss. log. A bey named Dkone employed mound there toiled a 85 bill on the Eine as he wee lizieg the fire, end he was acoreted of the theft Mr. Itegg went to the room where the boy slept and eight On top of the bed ley the 52. The boy pleaded ienooenoe, and George Pegg thorougbly believes in bine DOW mid thinks thetthie reeney WAS placed where it wee fovea by SOMe oupernetorel agency. Next day fires were stetted indif- ferent peels at thehouee. Direotlymembere of the bee:Behold would go to one place to put the flee out, another would zuystereonely break out in the eppeeite Bide. One place upateire, the gable eud, caught Ltre and woe • extinguished after considerable trouble and work. The boy Dome wait. arrested, but he was soon afterwards relensed, ea while he was Ander lock and key, the AMMO thing occurred. &eel jut at thie time o serious trouble came on the family. While away viaeing her giandmiotherhi, house the eldest daughter of George Dego, aged about 5 years, wam burnt to death. Although there was only * amen smouldering fire in the stave which was not of itself sufficient to int fire to anything, the poor girl's ',lethal' might euel although helnWee near. the IMMO could not be extinguished and she was go badly burnt that death SOOn after wee a relief to her sufferinge. The agonized parents, although DOG openly believing that the setae supereietural agent* which was acting so otrengely in their hone° bgia a hand in this work, atilt hold the same opinion as the remainder et the family and the neighbors that the dia. 'Orme fire was not °ought from the aura - herb* ashes, of the stove, but nether from thienystertous being who is at the bottom of all their trouble. After, this teed event had ocourred the trieke Mr. Dagg Gaya were of greater f re. gamey. " name AND Grain 11017hoxitti Blighlandara in Paris. The Scottish gime given at Paris, eti side thew in connection with the expoeitiont *tattoo to hive been * grand success, and for the time threw Buffalo wild Wein Show into the shade. The *Torts appear to have been well *minted, elthough there wait evidently *greet deal of hippodromireh The Highland dewing was received with tunitiltuons applause, and the men in kilts were the heroes of the hour. Beth the squad. of Glasgow bobbin," magnificent specimens ot physical toeultood as they were, aid not command half the admits. Sion that wen so freely heatowed ou the "great big bare -legged Melanin:inn" Lord Lytton, the British Ambasador, was pro. 8801 on ciao of the days, and had se le epeeist guard of honor the whole squad of the Glasgow police. The climax of the proceedings wasreached on the 181h hist Prora behind the mountain scenery thief hems in and forme the beak ground of the Wild West Show emerged a proceneiOn eon, dating of the piper% theband and the main body ot the Highland. toompetitors. It win headed by Colonel sod 3Ira. White, ihe former attired in a 'uniform resembling that of the Gordon Highlendere, including the familiar red military tunic, sword, belt and bearskin headdreas ; while Mrs. 'White wore a tartan coeturne. The kilted lade tnatie a splendid show on parade,being per. hips as fine a body of men as Scotland or any other country could prodnoe. The band, as it lea the way round the big arena, played the 4' Marseillaise " and "Scots whit bast "—airs which both evoked enthusiestio plaudits on the pert of the Scottish and native spectators. The demonstration terminated with the Britith National Anthennplayed by the band in the centre of the arena, Colonel and Mrs.White having meanwhile taken up their position on the round pulpit.like platform from which Colonel Oody's spokesman is wont to announce to the audience the enocessive items for the wild West entertainment. The xaghtermenis Strike. A London cable flays: The General Steam Navigation Company hes sent a circular to its customer'', stating that owing to the lightermen's strike the Company will load at Norwich. At the Master Lightermen's meeting several swatters expressed die - ph Beare because' Cardinal Manning and !Sidetey Bexton sided with the men without inquiring into their demands. Even Lord Braisey's award, it was said, would enable the men to earn Ze 4s weekly, the highest artisan wages in the country. Cardinal Manning, Mr. Buxton and the Lord Mayor !'ave sent a letter to the masters, deolarino tat the prinoiple of one job to coestitnte a night's work was accepted by the mestere and that the matter was not refereed to Lord Brassey. They advised thainasters to surrender. The lightermen have with- drawn their strike manifesto in the hope of settlementwith the masters. Jack A 'DPACA MAN WITD L 0WOANS cutting. your Oren t, pieoes," All hands iremedietely radioed tete the reoue the feightened child had kat left in time to see a big butcher knife fall from the .feldenf a dreee h,eoging on the wall, end wbiobupoo eszetltrenerr ptileoesin nlweeIoilait0410havuto having ell the bettoes torn off and the heiton holes alit. The terrors of the house Were noised ',broad and thousencia of Ikultionit people have visited the spot. The neighbors gathered in strength and every day and utgbt some dozen remained in the house with, the family. Last Friday as all were spatted in the front room they were horrified at a terrible din which arose in the next room. 'Upon entering it every- thing Was qoiet, hub every potore and ornament on tbe wells tend even tbe °look off the shelf was, fund lying on the floor, 00me broken, some noleuet. Soma after, wards, the men baying gene to the taro, the women folk were called into the far bedroom by the orphan gide who shouted out that there weean ' awful black thing" in the room. Direotly they entered the room Abi3 bea010thea fell off the bed, and the slate followe4 snit and commeoced a regular War dance around the terrified women. In a few snoods they stopped and lay on tlaefloor with the bedclothes and mattressea, The sight was too much tor the little orphan and she had fainted, Sinew dart after this, on a horribly dark and stormy night, when the willa waB wailing and sighing around the desolate bozo° and all eeside were gathered in ea °lose proximity 10 thanes SS poesibie, eween, "rater -memo amen were *well aa it SOMO peer UntOrtUnate 1811 Critic. Young Lady—Are 'Allen' as Superstitious now as they used toe he, Mr. Seven's:islet?, Do they think theY, see ',supernatant. things? Jack Servenmalet—Aye, anthill' like that, "Now, what did you ever see that' Witen:14 natural? " "4. the -ay -ter motor, mum." A Dunner Done For. Angry Man—See here, confound yon I don't propose to have you &mane for that bill any more. Angry Collector—Yen don'teeh ? How're you going to prevent it • 4 "By peying up." --The man who does not find adVertising profiteble generally finds Winners unprofete able. IN January next Louis Kossuth will be: come a man without a country. On the eth day of that month he .will ,have cow— pleted the period ef ethietice freire tingay whioh will terminate and forfeit hiadtiaen- shipof that country. His two sonehave be- come Italian donnas r end the venerable patriot has been etrongly urged to do like. watt 1*g draWien hii hset breath outside the house door. The grieve were loud aud (neglect, averred pee ot the neighbiere, who was pregent. lIttr. Smart opened the deer mad cautiouely peered out. A strong gun of wind eeented SO MUM in through elie half open door, throwing it wide* open and blowing out the lamp. At thanmoment from out the baky bleat:wee of the eight OaMe a vivid lightning of dazzling bright-. DORA Whi011 1100(104 the bourse for One second, with ite brilliant illumination, end then all wee again dark and atill. The n eighbor already epolteu of etoutly avera that an intolerable emelt of eulphur filled the hottee for a long time atter this occur - rows. It soffieed, at Any rate, to frigleten and terrify all beholders, aud with steered obildren, trembling women and a fainting girl, the men bed a great dee/ of nerve lo mit as they did. 'materna were got out and • vigereee mareh of the premien immediately made, But it wee of no avail. Demon or timu, the groaning oua bed fled. One of the strugeat of ell Ole entin was the One tOld by cad Mr. Dagg. On clay she was thumb)* After work -log et the CreeM for Immo time aloe opened the churn aud diecoveredthat there was nothing he it emeptmg blue milk. The OrerMil had vanieltede She put the chum in one corner at the mere aud left it them. Next morning there was & piece of paperon tbe lid v4101.040. the; 44 We stole your cream, but we give lou butter," end um enough on *potty the churn there Wee the butter ready made. On Hallowe'en it was thought by everybody %het something very eternity would be sure to happen, as from time inernerooriel thie nigh; has been given over to the pranke of !Alvin!, witehea, ghoete, spectres and such like invisibles. So the whole aountry gathered at Den's plum to twat developmente. But nothing happened and the people went away disep poluted and many disbelieving. Oconion- ally the Dagg family would find on getting up a note or a letter from the invisible or noknown written in a large, sprawling, child's handwriting, sim- ilar to whet the 12 year old girl at Dagg's would write. Those were witched plat* until the perpetretora of the outrage have been fonnd, whom the "witch of Plum Renew " told him were • women and her two children, when be went ;tome day e ego to ere:1watt her as to the came of the place being haunted. Mr. Degg has tried to get his wife and family to leave the house mod go to Mrs. Dag& father's, but they arkfer to etiek to him and the place anti' a discovery it merle. That thiti wiJL be dOne Mort there ia 10 41.9Obtr. Oa tbo dwellers iu the "balloted house" bin* increased, Anti), now nearly a some of people stop there, taking watches by turns, ready tO fethOin the mystery of Olerend0A Front. were hurled by mime invisible hand through the windows, and every pane of glue in the house was soon destroyed. On one amnion *bout 3 in the etternoon a big stone weighing some twenty pounds came whizzing in at the front door, and struck one of the children, aged 2' years and 6 months, fair on the breast. Tbe atone tell with a orates to the floor, but donee to see+ the baby girl was not hurt nor knocked over. Again while the family were at table with some neighbors a wash- board came tumbling down the stairs into the room. The men jumped up and in a second were on the floor above, in whieli there are no windows, doorways or holes. Not a soul was to be seen. Soon after- ward the fiddle, which was hanging on the wall in the next room, was heard playing a tune. The excited. inmates =deed in and found the fiddle and bow on the floor and a tricking chair empty, but rocking vice lently. The windows were all boarded up and there was no outlet but through the room in which the fanaily were seated. A fire was seen burning inside a cupboard which had glass doors, and Dagg opened the door and eat the burning paper out. He then looked the doors. Next Instant be Was startled by hearing a crash; look- ing round he saw elm glees of the doors broken and flames !gain bursting out. On another day a burning smell was observed and smoke was seen Issuing from the mid- dle of 6 newly wide bed. With great dif- ficulty the fire was quenched. It was then discovered that burning wets from out the stove had been carried from one room and plak.ed in the bed in the next. , 'BORNING COALS WERE emo POUND in different corners of the rooms during tbe next few days. A dress hanging up on the wall caught fire and as soon as it had been put out, a vesthanging on the opposite wall W88 seen to be snionldering. One of the little girls, who bad golden looks some eight or nine inches long, was found to have had one half of them out off and the little orpheas, girl, aged 12, who wore her long hair plaited into &queue down her back came in one day with jast stunned -it lef b., ,Neither of them nodded the loss Of their heir, although the orphan girl's located as if it had been torn off and not oat. ',While washing the dishes one day Mrs. Degg was astonished to Me a large blue saucer dancing around the kitchen table, just as she reaohed her hand for it, it bound- ed in tile inland (trashing down on the floor broke into a thousand pieces. There was evidently some goroery here. On another =melon she hed just lib the lamp on able very mime table. She turned around for a Moment and lo and behold the lamp was on top of a cupboard, the chimney on the floor and bluesflemes gushing out of the burner. The enkar bowl, ink bottle, chain, cups, paile itndother articles too numerous to mentionlilPhad their little antics and were moved from place toplesoe by the same mysterious egenoy of the invisible hand. If aey of the family wanted to write, the ink bottle whibb they had placed on the table would disappear and be found onteide the house. The sugar bowl would haunt the vicinity of the stove and would empty' its contents into, the ashes. Chairs would move and , pails pf ,water tip over and upset. Altogether Dagg's house was not a pleasant one in whit:Alio live. A few days ago one jcif the littlactnee ran out of the bedrooin and etartled the family and neighbors gathered wise, but he probably will not do eo. by yelling 110h mammy, *heron' TOCCUING XIICID/ANT. Dead, P1re,nau' eIitld Writ)* to flake Bim fronl DIs Liat Sleep, "What la then:Letter with my peps? ' Steve leleall's n -year-old daugheer bad eatight sight of her deed father in his coffee lest Friday evening, saya the 13an Vreneisco Examiner, iina asked the question of those who had gathered about the bier. " iteleepl" they told her, "Why ie papa in thee ugly box?" she Persisted. " He on eleep better there." GOIXI night, papa," She paned into the adjoining MOM and was SOM3 asleep. The mourners sat about the ceffin of the dead firemen all night, allertf7 before T. &tele* fla the toozeteg the gong on the wall Methodo Often WM" montel him to hie duty clanged, an ale= for the rollx street Are. 1; had, *minded onoe end wen xeneetioffl the eletM when the tittle girl ooze flytog mto the wont * her long white illghtafeSe. She looted at the talent watehere and then ran to the side of the dead man. 011othing on* °hair sloe ruched into the Genie Raul *hook Iler fetherby the eleonlder. " Pap", pipe, wake Opl " ;the oried- " Tilers II a fire I Wake opt" The Woke of the people in the room and the amigo gnome ot her *leer frightened her. "Wake up; phone, piing," the pleeded, her votes beginning toquiver. 44 ain't you beer the bell? Yoo'll °deo the Are." The father still not opening his gee she looked aroma woroderlogly and then added what she thought could not fail to brims kiou to hie feet: "Wake up, papa, T00% Mies the Are and be feud I" When he did net stir be kneW 'bat mmetleing was wrong, *tad torned ber tear. puzzled five to tbe older people. "Never mind the bell, darling," SOMetXte answered, "paps won't go the nee the WOW "Bute" persisted the baby, "Intalwityis oot up before whth the bell rang; why wouldn't he get up? Whet's =room crying for? NOON everybody orybg for " And the troubled little child burst luta teari and, ming piteously at whet she did not know was carried gentle, beck 10 her col to ory herself to sleep *gam =WEN ON ODD SOAPS Or Penn, some in ink and some in pencil. They were generally chert. The words were written up and drown and acme and round shout so thet e long scrutiny was necessary before anyone Weld decipher them properly. A few we copied. The drat was 'we stole your axe," then "we mimed your 000.—We cau do anything we like we are the divel.—Be good to Arthur. —4011 divot your cows.—Wait till Hollow eve knight—We made a white doll,—You gave me fifteen onto.—We won't do much when there be a lot here." The last one of these remind Sunday Morning nye "In the name of God forgive us for nosing you SO math trouble; we will never harm you any more. There is a lot of tricks going on. ' A mysterious note written, on birth bark and found unlike the remainder out- side the house reads, "We had a great time; do you know 'tvho we aro? Maggie, Bill and I, signed. Mother Wallis." ATTEMPTS AT EXPLANATION. Of the Dagg mysteries there are also several tales, the two principal ones are worthy of rejeotion'although they do not throw very strong light on the subject, there being no ultimata objeot in view in either case. Speaking with * near friend of Dagg's the Free Press was informed that the whole trouble was attributed to one of the neighbors with whom a dispute had been had regardingsome fences. "These people," said the informant, have, it is believd, invoked the unholy aid of the evil one, and some invisible imp of dark- ness is working the mischief simply ont of spite." Another story told by a citizen of Shawville is to the effect that all the havoc and "black art" is being exeroised by intnates of the family circle who are de - strew of getting George Dagg and his • family oft the plus, in order to make room for his brother, or some mole object. Family matters are mixed np anyhow with the fuss and trouble. '1 hero are a number of people amongst whom these stories would gain no credence, but if the veracity of prominent citizens and farmers in .the neighborhood is not doubtful, these tricks or whatever they may be called are performed as stated without an iota of ex. aggeration. Even yest rdav afternoon eomething happened which was very un- canny. The house was full of Serious visitors and neighbors, and suddenly there was a lull in the conversation. This wee evidently taken advantage ot by the unknown, for the next moment, the pocket of an overcoat hung on the baok door suddenly gave up int treasure and a large paper bag fall of candies belonging to bne of the visitors was emptied of its contents and hurled aoress the room striking several of the occupants violently in the face. It was the work of an unseen hand, an invisibe agency. ANOTHER et STOTTS INCIDENT happened while Mr. Horner, brother of Rev. Mr. Horner, the preacher, wen known ,in Ottawa, wag offering up prayer. It was ata prayer meeting convened in the house to help drive off the spooks. Mr. Horner etates that he had just read a chapter from the Holy Scripturee and laid the book down on a ausir in front of him while he .keelt and prayed. Next minute when the book was wanted it could not be found, but was, after a diligent search, discovered in the oven, twisted all out of Melia and all in pieces. Twenty, thirty and forty pages had been torn clear out, evidently the work of an iron -fingered person with a grip like a vise. The troubled, of George Dagg are terrible to think of, and yet ha declares that he will nOt leave the weird and be - How to stop a Runaway Horse, A policeman, who has distinguithed him- self in *topping runaway h01104$ grail in the Medical Classics the following potato ** so bow to accomplish that end with the greenest emcees. When you I8e8 =limey coming do not try to check him by a rush ftom the oppeaite direotion or the aide, for Ton will he immediately knot:skid OM by the colliaion ; but instead peepere yourself for a short run with the horse. Measure with your eye the distance, start for the rtM while he is yet some diatanoe off, perhaps ten feet, in the one of fair to needirun run - sways. You may depend upon his keeping * straight line, for a really frightenedherse is belt blind, eod-wouldnoteseee engine. Be will go straight ahead mi 31 he smashesi into something. So do nos get clam to the line on which he is ruthingand as he passes you, grab the reins Rear the meddle. Gather the reins firmly. aud then, leaning backward es you run'give them a powerful yank. You rosy heabIe to -brute Yourself somewhat es you give this jerk by half sliding on your feet. The strong jerk on the bit -tells the horn that he again has *master, and prepares him for the final struggle. A step or two forward after ihe first yank, do it 'gain. This is the finish- ing stroke. It never fails when given by a determined man. Xeep a firm pull on the reins till you grasp the bores by the nostrils, and hold him so till he is pacified. Salvation Lassie' in Sateen'. The women of the Salvation Army have taken to visiting the liquor ealoone of New York and Brooklyn m order to sell the War Cry, the newspaper of the army. Two of tha very pretty army girls were in a notorious saloon not a thousand miles away from the Sun Mice, on thie mission the other night. Leaving against the bar were gamblere and pugilists, and one or two who haj ve been ailed for using their pistols too freely. They seemed to be shocked at the appearance of the girls among thern. The modest drew and red ribbons on the ugly straw bonnets easily told them who the visitors were. Several papers were bought, when a strapping pugilist strode up and said: " Young women, P11 buy the whole bundle if you promise never to come here again." The proposition was not oonsidered for a second. They said they believed it to be their duty to visit such plane, adding that the mule of the Boman Catholic Church did eo. "But, don't you know that somebody might ineult you," the big man almost pleaded. "No, sir," replied. the speaker of the two, and in words touched with scorn, she added: "No man will insult ns; the remarks of others would not hurt ns." It was onlyafter persistent entreaty from the proprietor that the zealous women -were induced to leave the place This Is the Very Latest Style in Joke& First Mattress—" How do you feel 2" Second Mattress—" Fall as a tick." First Electric Wire—" What's the news 2" Second Electric Wire—" Shocking." First Whiskey Barrel—" Are Ton empty 2" • Second Whiskey Barrel--" Not by a jugful." ' First Tree—" How's' businese ?" Second Tree—" Branching out." Old Sol—" You're five minutes behind Town Clock—" Oh, well, I work by the day." First Cannien—" How's biz ?" Second Cannon—" Booming." Old Mustaches--" Dyed, but not dead." Young Mostaches--" Downy, but not downed." First Key—" 'Well, what ails you now 2" Second Ditto—" Oh I am in a hole again." The Coffee—" I am boiling with rage." The Pot--" Yon have good grounds for your anger." ' It has been estimated that the habitual opium -eaters in the United States number 400,000. , —When people see a rctan advertise they conclude he is e 'Malmo man.