HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-11-14, Page 8TO VIOLIN PL A.YEBS. We have pleasure in inviting your eexamivaztiona, of our new:, E. strings which will be in stock about the 1st of Nov. We have the guarautec that there are no better xnade, J, GR100, .:Boom NI lacy Goods. -rain St. Briefs, The roads are a little sloppy, Don't forget the Roller Riuk,open to- night. We hada beautiful shower of rain yesterday. Business was somewhat brisk in town yesterday, L. Billings, Dentist, for the best ar,:tticiai teeth. Get your concert and sale bills at the .,ADVOCATE office. The Exeter APTOCATE from now till January lst 1S91,for only $1. - Mr, David Spicer is erecting a new stable in the rear of his residence. —Rau Riliings,Dentist,Gold linings a specialty. Office over O'leirs Bank ,Exeter, Mr, Gee. Moir, of St. Marys, is in West Lanabton,in the interests of Mr Fleck, the Conservate Candidate, Mr, B. Higgins lost one of .his valu- .able horses on Tuesday last, The animal was valued at 4200. Roller Rink open tonight, weather. favorable. Band in attendanee. All come as a. good tie is expected. Mr, S. C. Hersey has his oyster rooms rtinaeing in fail blast agam Sam al. ways gives good oysters and lots of them, and in any style. At the mor 1gage $ale en Tuesday. MX. l . Samw e. purchased the Crocker property on the east side of India St., payieag therefor $:$60.00. Mr, Walter G. White, of the Taylor .Safe Works, Toronto, was in town on Saturday working up the town In the iuterests of that eompany n Every member of Plymouth Lodge No 63, Sons of Eeg laud :13.5. is request ed to attend the meeting gra yforrday evening. Very i'uporrant business to transact. Street loafing will soon be'a. thing of the :past, Setting around the orthodox stove, spitting on the damper and in the eraeks in the floor, will superside that sport. Mr. James Howard, has just com- menced the erection of a large skating rink 40 x 100. This will furnish excel Mr, S. S. Nash, of Crediton, Huron Co. Canada waS in town last week can, vassing and creating a more brotherly fellowship amongst the teacher's assoeim ation of both Countries. ---Unionville (Mich,) Echo. Never whip a 'horse when it is fright,: ened or nervous, or try to fares it ..up to the object that has causecpthenlarm. Draw in on the reins, 8114001 4y, ; speak out with assurance that you are not afraid, then turn the animal a little way from the unpleasant sight and bid it go. A blow of a whip upon a frightened horse gives it double cause for violentaction.. Bill Nye says never attempt to cheat the editor out of a years subscription or no other suns. Cheat the minister, cheat the butcher, cheat the lawyer— anybody, but if you have any regard for your future consequence don't fool the printer, He will get even with you and more too. You will be up for office, one of these days or want some public favor yourself or for your friend and ;fust when yours is a thing of beautyand joy forever the printer will open upon you and knock your air eas- tle's into a cocked hat the first blow. An exchange which undoubtedly knows whereof it speaks, very truth. fully says. The reputable newspaper tries to he scrupulously exact in all its statements, and nous but newspaper men appreciate the contest and untie ing, efforts that are put forthh to secure. accuracy The great majority of errors that ereep into newspapers ari:'e fro in misinformation given to the reporters either maliciously or innocently by in - ferments. To guard against such er- rors there is nothing but the judge• meet of the newsgathers as to his .in- formants varaeity, and this is, of nurse, fellable. The wonder is not thaterrors occur, but se few of them ars found in print, fang people think a newspaper should have about a page of local news whether any thing happens or Pot. Delated: Inortals', Local editors can not make people break their neeks,coin mit suicide, or do ally other exciting thing that goes to rneke up material. If Si}, probably we could supply their manta as the local reporter delights to weave paragraphs. Furrish g d - � mesttc news when there is none, is very much like extracting blood from a tur- nip, It is no more than fair that those who grumble at the local news in their palter should stop and think whether they could not give the editor an item or two worth printing. Merchants and business xnen gener- ally throughout the Province are com- plaining of the system of long credits here, elaimiug that it would be Innen tent amnusement for the young people better for all parties if a system of duringthe winter months. cash payments were in practice. There A meeting of theSearlett Cha p. of the is not much room for doubting the fact District Orange Lodge will be held in the Royal Templars hall, Exeter. This Thursday evening at 8 p. tet. Every Sir Knight is re;speetftally reentestecl to be present. A meeting of the Exeter baseball elub was held last evening to wind up the l tics. The receipts for the year ar remounted to $173.14, together with a silver earp,valued at $15, expenditure $17.2,14, leaving the club in good shape, They are telling i T ofa Meant, man who asked two boys to carry half a cord of wood from the sidewalk up a flight of stairs to his office, and when they had finished the task handed one of the lads a cent, with instructions to "divide it" betaveeu them. Look here subscriber! if you are bothered by borrowers who are just as able to pay for a paper as you, cut this item out, and they will fan around to the office and buy a copy to get this item, and probably take the hint and subscribe. Only one dollar a year. Mr. Chas_ L in Bert, of Centralia, was in town yesterday, and judging from his actions he was more fit to be in quarters of safe keeping than at large. He drove up and down Main -street several times and at last was captured by Chief Gill,who bore him to the lock up, where he remained till this morn- inc• On Tuesday, a number were engag- ed ngag-ed in shooting sparrows, and by some means one of the party fired through the window of the residence of Mr. D. Mill. The ball went through the blind and lodged in the wall opposite. This is a warning to all sportsmen to be more careful in future, before some serious injury is done, and be put to trouble. • Attention ofour readers is called to the advertisement of The Globe in another part of this issue. The Christ- mas Globe for this season is a beauty and is said to surpass any publication of the kind heretofore sold in this coun• try. The illustrations are all of a high order and the two large plates• accom- panying the issue should be in every home. The Second annual conference of the Evangelical Alliance the Dominion of Canada will be held in St. James Square Presbyterian Church. Toronto, on Dec. 3, 4 and 5 next. Branches can send as' many delegates as they deem fit, but billets will only be provided for one delegate to every, ten members of: the branch appointing. Arrangements have been made for reduced railway- rates. At a committee meeting of the God erich Ttirf Association, it was. ;decided' to have a colt race, Canadian bred, 'for colts of 1887 at: their next meeting, to be. held July • lst. 1890. Purse—$900; divided -1st, $125; 2ne1,.$75;.r,3rd, $60; 4th, $40. Nominations close "1st Feb. Entry fee,10". urse a able '$10 lo�,�p , p y �. 1st of Feb 1.0"1St of May, and -balance 15th June. Also a number of ter o�her 'races to bdecided on at a later . date. that if cash were paid at the retail store for goods as they are ordered it would make store -keeping a much more pleasant job than it is at present, and by reducing the chance of loss,and rendering- account keeping unncees. nary ,enable the .merchant to sell his appreciably g-ood s at lower prices than he is Able to under the present system.' No doubt it is almost impossible, in the faced a not very favorable season to insist upon straight cash payments for goods, but as a means whereby prompt settlements may be secured, and the expense of book-keeping saved, a sys- tem of credit coupons is gradualiy conning into use at many of the bus- iness points in the Province, and it has many things to recommend it, not one of the least being that it enables the purchaser at any time to know:exactly how he stands without asking anyone. Shipments for the Week. Messrs. F. Hoibein & Son, of Dash- wood,shipped their last carload of bark for the season from this station on. Tuesday. Mr. B. Aubry shipped one carload of horses to Montreal on Satur- day. Lost On Thursday last, in. Stephen, be tween Exeter and 2 miles west, an overcoat with"small stripes with a pair of mits in the pockets. Finder will be rewarded by leaving same at Snell's Butcher Shop, Exeter. Feathers Cleaned. The undersigned wishes to state through these columns that he has pur- chesed a machine for the purpose of cleaning feathers. Every variety of Feather Beds, Pillows .etc., renovated and made equal to new. Shop next door to John Treble's Harness Shop, Exeter. A trial solicited. JAS. FE1tGU- sOS, The Farmers. An experienced hide dealer publish- es a note of advice that farmer and others who have hides to sell should take off horns and tail and any dirt that may be seen on them. The depress- ed state of the hide market and low pri ees demand this, otherwise dealers 're- fuse to handle thein. It would be well for all interested to bear this recom- mendation in mind. Jemesl Pickard's Creditors. „ A very largely -attended meeting of the creditors of Mr. Janes Pickard, of this place, was held „yesterday -et the office of Messrs, Gibbons,MeNab &•Mui - kern, London, Mr. Samwell,`'' assignee, in the chair. ; The unsecuredliabilities are placed at '$$0,000. and . privileged claims at $2,600; wholesale •,creditors are in about $45,000;. local 1 creditors' about $30,0004and Moisons Bank about $5,000 unsecured. The assets consists, of stoclaabout $35,000, and accounts and notes, $25.000. The estate ,will 'pay aboait 40;cents on thedollar. ' Mr Samwell was continued as assignee; pad Me'6srs. Geo C..Gi(borrs Jphn Mar- shall W: R, Hobbs, ion don) Robe, • Greene (Ifauiiltoo) andW. 3. Metore,e ,appele• ?• t insn eters We nnderst�tad tlf k (Toronto) wee e' s oe ' w•" ', e a next "1" sold on Thairsd y• ....,tea e lslectl a, The local election will be brought on in December. They are ready for the fray in East Huron,and it is now al- most beyond doubt that Mr. Musgrove will defeat Mr. Gibson in this riding, In the south both political partiesare watching each other tor. a supposed advantage, but we are of the 'opinion that the conservatives will be caught napping if they do not bestir thenasel, yes. The popular reeve at Seaforth, Mr. D, D. Wilson,is.the "da rk-horse" on the Reform side, but it remains to be seen wheather or not he wil;succeed in "shutting out" the Arch Bishop at their convention .On behalf of the Censer vative party,President Torrauce should be up and doing and calla. convention at an early date, ceuucil I.'•roceedi ism. The council met by order of the Reeve at the Town Hall, Exeter, Nov. 6th. All the members present,except Mr. Pickard. The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. Moved by T. B. Carling, seconded. by T. H. Ma'allum, that orders be granted for the following sums vier—H. Smoot, $69.14 for lumber; W. Sutton, $81.25 in full for b.•tlauee of account for keep. ing8, Ford 5th to September; J; Creech, $1.35 meals to tramps; Jas_, Creech, t$2. 00 part salary; Jas• Creech, 86.27 Oil &c; Ilart & Co,, $1,17 blank forme; W H. Moncur,6W'7 nails &apart art contract; Jas. Beer, $4,00 selecting jurors;, M. Eaerett, 650.00 part saalary;S.Stanlake, $50,00 part account for lumber;; ,lies, Creech, $9.00 charity to J. Piper; Albert Bissett $84.16 for street watering to elate; And the Sect.Provincial Board of Health $15,00;expcnses to Exeter.—.Car- rigid. Moved by T B. Carling, seconded by tiff Ca. Bissett, that a statement of account for keeping, S. Ford au Indig ent he rendered the tp, of Stephen. Carried. Applieatiou for the use of the Band xoom was made by the Juv- onile Harmonica ;Band, The privilege was granted. All ac couple against the corporation to be fyled with the Clerk ou or before Wednesday the 4th Dee - ember next. The Connell adjourned until Wednesday, the 4th Deeember, eft 7.30 p. m., on motion of T. IL m seconded by W. G. Bissett, Ohservatious. There is winter in the air, and out in the country the roads aro shoring signs of freezing up,the cattle are look- ing towards the straw stack, and the trees are shaking theirgreat.barearms in the unkindly fall winds, there is a voice of mourning in their tops and all the fields are grey and sombre. The hired man is wearing ant his harvest mitt and the farmeris setting him an example of endurance by*going about bare.handed, The dust comes early upon the fields, the supper is eaten by lamplight and the evening is spent about the cheerful kitchen stove. Dull, you say. Perhaps so. But.fuli of calm content and simple pleasure and sound advantage. A winter in the country would put meet upon the limes 'and new energy into the life of tlia�' miser- able office dyspeptics of thecities. They have had the paring -bee, and the corn- husking, and the surprise party,, and the church social, and the singing school, and the temperance lodge meet- inee and the sleighing party. Best of all, there are long nights at home, when the young folks come over from the neighbors, and the swift hours are engaged by harmless games, and josal. chat, and genial controversy, and rare good comradeship, It may be the neighbor's son and the daughter of the house will take occasion to withdraw and establish themselves in distinct exclusiveness in a remote corner, but the company could not help inethe so- lution of the problem upon which they are engaged, and it would not be a kindly thing to intrude upon their de- liberations. Personal Menden. Mr. G. A. Mace,of Toronto,spent Sun day in town.—Mr. A. Hastings who has been visiting his parents in Water- loo county has returned.—Mf. and Mrs. William Garner, of London, were visiting:friends in town . during the week.—Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom, of London. were yisiting their many friends during the week.—'Mr. Geo. Eacrett, of Lucau, paid our town a visit one day this week.—Miss Phoebe Hodgins. of Clandeboye, and Miss Phil- ips, of London Township,ar'e the guests of Misses Bawden.—Mr. J. Spackman was in Clinton on Tuesday. -Mr. Wan. Routley spent Friday in London,---Jno. Atkinson left for Seaforth on ` Friday last, where he has secured a ...situation. —Mrs. Robt. Pickard left . for London on Tuesday. -Mr. Rd. Gidley left for Detroit on Thursday* last, ., where he will remain for, few days..—Mrs. Thompson, of Winnipeg who has been: visiting friend here for a few weeks, - returned home on,. Monday.-eWe are glad to hear thatMr. Jas. Jewel arriv- ed in Europe safely.—Mr. John Grigg went,to Toronto yesterday on business. =Ttrd following attended the meeting of theea-editorsof Jas. Pickard at Lon- don yesterday;—Geo ,Samwell, R. H. CollinsB. V. Elliot, Jas. N. Howard, B. W. Grigg, and about len others.—Mr, A. Walters went to London on business yesterday: -Mr. E. ,H. Johns, of Guelph; who'has been the, guest of Mr. .Frank Gill'for the past few days, returned on Tuesday. morning.--MissErni ly Thomas spent Sunday in Crediton —Mi -s. John B3rawn, left .on,Tuesday for Wroxeter and intends' spending the evinter with - her son.—The Rev. B.: Clement. preach- a special sermon.to the young ,on , Sun,. day last, hi the James'st. •church.-,-M,r.• and. Mrs. Isaac, of London, • •who* 'have` beets the guests of Mr. Kerslake for the past few days, returned.home•; Thurs., day last. -=J tiff. Spaekman spent Tues-' day; in Parkhill.-ReivMartin left for' Clinton Tuesday kevenng Rev, Mr..SimlYson,.formerlyn of 4anit- oba;has been selee"tej'as piisto"r• of the presby tcriaii church at Fort'' Williaani. oa: ar.m. RIczARn inCzART'?'s, The Largest and best Assorted Stock of 300ErSroinrC)C)T.31). In the County, bought strictly for CASH. Everybody invited to call and inspect C?U'R COQS, WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF MILLINERY AND TAILORING. Insist on your grocer giving y:ot London Electrie Soap, it IS the best. OTICE ARD PI K. Fortune For 0 It is said that every person has a change once in their lifetime to make a fortune, and it they allow that time to pass may never have the, opportunity again. CREfill'ORS. THAT TIME HAS You eau depend upon it that everybody purchasing their goods at Parkinson's saves money, by doing so will soon make their fortune . His prices are le ary s down. In the matter of of the Village Cow tg of Bassos; an Insolvent, ea Pi•s;irard, eter, in tine The above named Inaolventhasmaade an Assignment of all his Estate and Effects to George Samwell, of the Vit- lage of Exeter, in the said County of Huron, Gentleman, upon trust for the general benefit of his Creditors. A meeting of the Creriftors of the said'. Insolvent, will be held in the Law Office of ?Messrs, Gibbons, McNair & Mulkern, Barristers and Solicitors, in the City of London, and County of Middlesex in this Province, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon of !thc:ga7,tkg 13t1 day JOIEJIIEER, 1889, for the purpose of receiving the report 0f the said George Samwell, Assignee, forthe appointment of Inspectors and. for giving directions as to the disposal of the Estate. All Creditors and others having any claims against the Estate of the said Insolvent are hereby required to deli- ver or send by post prepaid to the said George SamWcll, or to the under- signed, his Solicitor, their ehristitan and surnames, addresses and descriptions, with full p•artienlars of -their said claims, (verified by affidavit) and the nature of the securities and vouchers, (if any)held by them. After the lst day of January, A. D. 1890, the mid George Samwell, Assig- nee, will proceed to distribute the Es- tate of the slid insolvent among the parties entitled to participate therein, having regard only to such claims as he shall then have had notice of, and he will not be responsible for the said Estate or any part thereof to any per- son. or persons of whose claim or dlaims he shall not then have notice. R. EL. COLLINS, Solicitor. fol George Samwell, Assignee. Exeter, November 1st, 1889. Absolutely Pure. This powder, never varies. A marvel ,of purity. strength and wholesomeness, More economical: than the ordinary kinds, and.. cannot ,Jip:. sold in:competition with the multitude of loin test, short weight alum 'or. phosphate ,powders.' Sold - ewey ue cans,' EOYAUBAKfl a P,6WOR., Co:,.los Wall St, NY.. You ate not asked high prices to .make up losses, for debts euntra��_,,.� , Customers; don't you see there is thousands in it. Parkinson's Stir. is new and consists of Dry -Goods, Groceries, ('rockery, Glass- ware, Tweeds, Boots and Shoes, in fact everything usually* kept in a first-class General Store. See his Black and Colored Caahnei. from 25 ct& up. You can get the cheapest all wool suit in Exeter rade toora r ,.S.'T's , fie,—iii.601\T' . Make no mistake. Consult your own interests and examine his stock before making your purchases elsewhere and you will soon save enough ` You y �, for a fortune. I ou . do better at the Cheap Clash Store than any other' place in n Exeter. Highest market price allowed for Awn). n ) lPARKINSON'S, First doornorth o£ the Town Hall, Exeter. INTERESTING INEORMATIQN! THE MENCARLING BROS .�.,1 ill �.�I .i�� V► These men Will treat you fair and square, When e'er you conte to buy; They'll give you bargins rich and fare, just give these men a try. We may not have the biggest store On earth; but write it down, In bargins we will give you more • Than any store in town re. rn CO ram 1n m eracnr✓a rn rn to to rn axY t7612 vs rte to co THE STOOK, DRY -GOODS. re. re. to re. re. ter ram Oa to re. to J) co to to to co co v) 0) m ✓a ) U) m Our stock is fine, and large, and new, In every line complete; It's just the stock, my friend, if you Want goods that can't be beat. 000000000000000000000000 THE QUALITY, THE BEST 00000000000000000000000.000 For quality we rank Al, In styles and prices, too, .And better bargins there is none Than those we offer you. t = -+, ,_' x - .,+ + TE :PRICE, THE LO x 4- - x x � Although ourquality's so high, , We want you all to know Wm..% is the cheapest place to buy; Wur is always low. •. pricesY. a If u are wise .. ou ll come YA Y to -day, .. While bargins still abound; Theyes , bargins , sy ins for Y ou,an wa When'e1You come around. Highest Price for Farm Produce. 131Z6S_