HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-11-14, Page 7His Name is in the rapers. The Chump who trios to cross the track in front _ of gying trams— His name is in the pewees every day-- Tnat I 0,U hikacquaintaeces thstiuguish hk3 remains, Nis natootll. in the papers every Ilse,. The melees hoed girl, who wheit the kineniuge wet aud green. Would hurry-ap tbe fere with a little kerosene And give the airmen aelience bisjuey to eon - Irene, eater uame is in the papers every day. The husband N413.0 goes home at taight and scares hus wife for tun, - MS IMMO j8 in the papers eveey (lay— And quite forgets he bought and told her how to esea gee:— Nth Dame is in we PePers every day, And there's the hurried eitizee who basret time to wait, But boards or leaves the train wb„ilo running at a fearful rate, And walks with crutones atterware with slow and baltiug gaie— Ms mime is in the papers every day, And there! the than who monkeys witiat,be IN= saw when in tune— Bis eame is in the eseers every ilea" - His race very likely will be exterminatel soon— Their namee ere in the papers every day, And therea nie daring deotber, who is still it bigger fete, ltnio dies an awenl death with vomeeeption to the rube, 7or be's the men who gets to near the bied of* mule— Ma name is in tbeeapers every day. Viatert Johnny Gets ate Gun. Vbere's coming up the pith et Time a gracious °path wieen The ttter motives el withe eart Abell rile the deeds et num; When politioleue °elute with lice to raced their petty totem. Aue odiee-holdera heed the wish of their con- entnents: When every (meta:WI bays the thought to 'watt* the vetted they (AY . When all our deem anti inotevee than be open as the (ley; lifilea V4011144' tricirery, deceit aud freed we titian Ilene doge, In that uncertain ported Wilton Johnny gees les grin, The men will ewe to melte and chewaucl tither _ _ end rudely gem. Avg siris be tangbeto belie and moue awl come bang theirbeir. Azad lie stho peddlets wee will put tee water to, bin can. Whiletben the becemae, eyrie, may beeeme an hottest men. Bow gladly a° SUall greet Ole day when there things come te poet lent One e is Mill the cloud et tleubt in lancet lair sky. Want New 'reek will stilt be forma with all het, moon - mean) undone, They% eon 1.4 Just as they arc now, when acetone gets lets gten, ng or ;be Ta ellenbreatlauge an the tanseend blies 'wire, afede by ilower•burdenedzephyretrom zepor- tuwe.roekizzg teeth; than the Imam/lily herpthee of the rapt 1 °their. mire endleate mule, of my ever -sound. tb I owl 'ovens gidey gurgle 1 HOW llOre MI Silent nowt Row love to triad my mouth up! New I love to beer it gel Sweeter them the bulbul ainglug bid in Oriented eve— /low It mitigate the buoger of my wide. Yore- elous Rare; listen to ite emote and no longer dietelleve e Tee Isythagereen Xsney at the musk) ot the spberes I Row I lova its giddy gurgle! FlowIlovo ita Munn ilewl Bow I love to wind my mouth up 1 Row I love to bear it gel SWeeter far tban abawros and cymbals, liarps and psaltery to rao; Sweeter time the IIONY at water three slut. emitter& lands ot deoutb; Sweeter titan the gumbo musio ot liennionien melody the tinttheeheletioe of my Automate) month! • Wow t love its giddy gurgle! e Row t lore ita fluent nowt How 1 love to whel ea. moues up! 11074 I lee* to boar it go: Br..Poss n as Yankee .731e8s. The Chronic Ricker. Bog love a man who always kith& no matter -whet you do, Vito Make with most prodigione eese the wbolo long south through, 'Who kicks if anything goes wrong and kieks if ell goes riglat, 'Who kicks because he like to kick, and Make 'wall all bis Wo lolow some awful kickers in this vacated mundane arbor& 'Wbo earth on earth by accident and lack because they're here; They matte tbeniseives uncomfortable and other people sick: They drive their/vitas to suicide, and stillthey always keck. We now a matt who kicks audit/eke tho blessed live long day. And if *bereft naught told* about he's kithing anyway, At times wean things are going right and other men would smile, Bo kieks, n general principles, and kicketh all the while. Baltimore Apple Bread. Make a Pico dough kr sweet rnsks, as They are known in New England, or buns, as they_are known elsewhere. When this dough ie very light, roll it out into twe good-sized cakes ebout half an inch thick, mad spread one with stewed apples, place the other over it, and let it rise for half an lour, then hake it in a good oven. As moon as it is done spread sone stewed apples over the top, add plenty of sugar, bite of butter and nutmeg, and set the cake back in the oven for the sugar to form a coating. Serve bot or cold. Bausomet sad rate. Mrs. Gadd—Oh, Mr. Shrill, stop a moment; I want to speak .to you. Have you been home sinoe morning ? • Mr. Shrill—No. Heard anything?" "Why, no. What do you mean?" "011., I can't be the finale tell it ; indeed I can't. The neighborilintie saying that your wife and Ur. Hanlidirhas eloped." "Well, well 1 .It's lile ovin fault. I 'warnedhim to keep away from her. Lost—A Golden opportunity. She (arolaly)--Whom should you call the prettiest girl in the room 2 - He (looking about him) --Hen. Well, to tell the truth, there isn't a pretty girl in the place. The commercial Instinct. • What a root (admiringly to Jessamine) —I wish I had your teeth. Why, I'd give $250 for them. SmalL Brother (in a stage whisper)— " Sell 'ern to dm, site GOOD INT1INTIONS. The sinner, howsoe'er depraved, Has hopes he'll change and 3 et be saved ; Forgeltsng in his state depraved, As Johnson mentions,. How that a certain p808 is paved With good intentions. —It does not take a very hard hit to Imook some people silly. . —One disagreeable feature about postage damps is that they are apt to get atm* on themselyee. A news% at Brooklyn Bridge fell in a fit, and sorne one asked "Who will teke care of him?' Annie Corcoran, a little newt/woman, replied 'Oh, no one but God, and He is too busy ,with other folks to give m mu& attention." Over 3,000 American women in New York city have already signed a petition for the release of Mrs May brick. It will. go to the Princeof Wales, with a request that he aresent it to the Queen. IeLfieelYeaRtteldiel 001:111TERfeellai Singularly Imprettaive and Wlanifur POING Manuera of pr. Newmen real. This tall, broad -shouldered men, who, strinde in the pulpit of Christ °hued!. Lambeth, eeye a Loedon letter to the New Orleans Times, is, ethevenee Eau, we my mind be is as good an actor as there is on tee English stsge, andel), orator who cyanid make himself fatnotts in the Commens in a eight. Lhe, church is erowded. It is altveys Ito. It is A rether impoeitigegekine etruoture, to which e great many Ameri- cans go, and they are elwaye repaid for their trouble. Unlike the experience at Spurge00% or at the ait)' Ter#1110, the visitor in alwaya pro, vided with a seat. There is nothing espe- cially noteworthy about the service or the people who attend it, or the, 100AtiOn of the church, to tinge, visitors over Westminster bridge; but tbose who like a clear,. simple, ringing sermon from the lip of an orator whOknows how to nsehis voice and his arms es well, go there often, and are never di. refTeinted• it makes little difference what text he seleets or what the peeled, there is always, a vigorous handling of it and a Niagara of thought that will take the average Male the remainder of the week to digeet. In menner be recolle Depeer. Hee quite as graceful, and hie words ilew as eaBily as de Aimee front tile lipe of that charromg emitter. Now be speaks in An entreating, fatherly way, then when he coulee to some important pellet isa hi e diecouree be raises his voice, bowie over hitt pelpiteeeke eteedila at hitt peOple, end eltalcee hie lone:, bony flow for it Minute or two at them and re- peats the genteeme over owl over *pie- Tbere will be e paneof AU instantand then he will eurnp beak a foot or tiro, drew I:engine: up to hte fell height fg44 elteke the raters ot the char= by big denoncietioes of aln. aed the devil, Dr. Ball tens leo notes and never refers to hie Bible. Be hoe everything itt his Angora' elide, There to no hesitation for a word. They flow BS freely as a running stream, Twenty -Ave mimeo areooesumed by she corneae, and then when be eomes to hie Jest prayer he throwhimself on hie knee, holds his face in his tondo and sobs like a child as ho pleeds for mercy for his people. Viers ig A tear in bis eye, and among the Andiencsi men and women are using their handkerchiefs freely.: Fife voice vises and fella in agony of grief, otid every- °tie within spend ot it iamoved by hie eernestraege. When the prayer ie over lhe organ reale foxill, the oho= boys Ong and the preacher atop forward to deliver hie benedietiott. Bo raises hie bonds and holda them ige the Air AO ho tells hie people that upon the• couched= of the eervice there will be an ontdoor rateetteg, whiet all, are, invited to Attend. Those who wait to oeo will fele the toll Agate Of the great preeober atanding in the midet of three or tour hundred men and women in the evening twilight on they are siegiug and preying. Tilers) is e crowd in the etreete, and few venom' seem to tea Afraidto venture near enough to hear the serviee. Those Mx. gall goes to hire. self, tekee themeitelly by the hand, epentlie o word et two ot oecouragement and brings them over to the meeting. Work and Wages. All of the Tamar:lane of Pittsburg %ranee?' ntembere of the ateeleierna Lattmehire (Eng.) Operatives'Union has eecentey given 0100,000 to idle mem. e be Boat= unions intend to reek° the eigait. hour dey a political inn*, whisheandidetee meet respect, San Fraud:goo has a white labor league. Fifteen hundrea elm &slue have prom- ised to sell no Ohiteguernade cigars. the Farmere Alliance is only 2 years old in alarth °Arenas', but it has already 85,000 Member& including nearly 10,000 women, and there is also a colored branch. The Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' As- sooietion. of Cincinnati, O., have forbidden any !Wits membets from knowingly em- ployneg any Rosen who is a member of the Boot and Shoe Workers' International Union. Iia 17TATire the average weges received by head fanners last year were $81 for the year end found; herdsmen and shepherds, $36; workmen and cheesemakers, a56 ; •ordinary farm hands, 459, and women ser- vants, e47. James P. Arehibald, Master Workman of the Paper Hangers' and Decorators' Netional Assembly K. of L., has just re- turned ,frOta an extended tourthroughEng- land, Scotland and Ireland, where he was delegated by Otte general executive Boma ot the Order. Regarding hie work he reports that he organized 19 local assembliee in England and Scotland and two in Ire. land. Samuel Gompers, ,President of the American Federation of Lebo, has issued the call for the fourth annual convention in Boston on the 10th of December. Tbe chief liminess to be taken up is thus an. : The St. Louie convention re- solved upon A general egitation for the establishment of the eight-hour work day npon May 1st, 1890, and it now becomes the mission of the Boston convention to transform, if in the wisdom of the dele- gates there assebabled it may be deemed advisable, the agitation, which ha e now be- oome world-wide, into an organized move- ment for its realization." , Stopped the Cloak. Dentist (to patient)—Tbis laughing gas doeret seem to have MO011 effeet on you, alt? • Patient—No. I'm a Professional humor- ist. And the old clock on the wall *hat had been in the elentister family for 80 years with never a stop, held ite hands betore its face as a dull thud announced that a cord bad broken and, a 10 -pound weight had dropped.—Time. She Got the Facts. "Oh, I had my fortune told, and Miss Larkin, broke off the engagement." "Why, is she as superstitions as that ?" "Ob, no; but my fortune was told by Bradstreet, and thatmettled me." Theory and Condition. Doctor --Take these powders as direoted, and your cold will be gone in two or three day. Patient—you seem quite hoarse, dootor • Doctor—Yes; I've had a bad cold for four weeits. The Usual Way. " Shall we sit on the sofa, •George darling, or would you rather have the big chitir ? " "I'll take an easy ohair, my charmer, and yon shell have your own kneesy seat, as usual." How Be Rept Hie Mouth Shut. "Don't sleep .with your mouth open,' said Peed to his younger brother. "You should breathe through your nose." "Bub I don't know when my mouth's open. What do you do when you wake tip and end your mouth open ?" o Whet do I do? Why, I get up and • that it." GOV Twariesea Testilla. That:Wait tj,SentOnee. IMPOOK,C1 oa. Barry spiesz tee Inpnrderjne Ruby Nahum, The Boffalo News has thefelthWing Ithent a ease which tweeted coneiderable talk in this oity at the time: The logo see ie the Ruby Neleen Murder cese Wee Peri by WADY People in the Supreme Court room yeatereley rooming. Judge Corhat gen, tamed Harry Spies, who escaped with the aebt yeedme of manslaughter, to 12 years' • ittiltrisOnMent. Good behavior will regimes his actual term of penal serVitnde to 7 2^3 ears Great desire was manifeetee, by Arr. 'Beech, representing Spiege's family, to have tbe young man allowed to expiate hie crime in, tae perateutiara of this county, art4 a law was found which allowed ot this being Owe, • C. 8. Hatch read affidavits of Dr. • !teething, Joan Spies; W. J. "Mettle and Rose Spieliz attesting the Petoe:nee g weak mind. "John Jacob Barmy Spieez, OW1,41 ..uP„ said the clerk. The prisoner orose looking pale, but answered in a firm voice that he had no reason to nrge why sentence should not he pronounced against him. "1 AM 21 years of age," sold he in „further reply, "and born right here in Buffalo. I am a bartender by ooeupation," Judge Corlett then arose and spoete with great eolemity and impressiveneee. "You have been tried," he said," on an indictment for murder by a very Wein, gent jury who took your cue under eon- sideratioe Atter numb effort by intelligent ourtgel. They 00 great pains in debet. ing theoege end gall) you the benefit of every reamovehle doubt they turned in each instance on the ettle of energy, eardnetrile, remarke mule to & pritemer alter °envie:Wm are not preducative of mu= good, 44(1 ere meetly unheeded. Tour habits of lift) bave been elm:lute rood tops* and your situation remote the words of the 'Nitta Men SiMkett $.000 years ogo ()fleet CBITSHED Jit A BALLING WALL. A Glasgow Horror—Bitty Girls inaiaalhclr ibives..-sesrobing for Bodies. A, haat (Friday) night's Glasgow cable SAYE; Tee oleo wail of A building which wee being erected alongside TerepletOu's carpet factory helm wee blown down today. An utletenee marls of 404 fell on the roof of the weaving department of the faeterY:. °rushing it in, end burying fifty girls &tat women e 031 in the weeving xoome. It probable that forty of tem Moiled Are dead. The week 04 eeerthing the mine for haalea ie beteg parried on this evening with the Aid of electrio lights. 09 far six oorptent there been recovered. Eighteen persone wage bully injured. The widen* happened shortly after the workmen bee lete lin new buildieg. There were 140 girls at work in tha carpet fitetora. The majority of them made their way put safely but mazy had narrow escapes. Midelght,--Hp to thiti hoer 17 Wise hive been recovered. As far as ascertained 33 girls are still miesing. The briedieg was SOO feet long. Tbere is A main urrent that the foundation of the bending wee laid over a disused coal pit. Survivors of the accident relate that 4 sudden eXtin- gaishing of lights Wag the 0:11Y tesening. iltlirnarle a ruah for the exit, veal* Tackler beeteme eaenned. There moot of the ladiee were fund during tbesairob. Tbe tremor melting from the fall of the building was felt at a great distance. POW Rettletie goeues were witnessed among the fermate end ether relativee of the victim% etclu.—Vp to this boor 25 bodies have been recovered, The eettroh ter mere hodiet) lie beteg vigorously progieouted. The ieteet estimate of the loos of life ie that fully 50 Imams /lave been /titled. The toss of property aggregates a75,000. aT4RV1NG BLUE NOSES, auch people AO you 11Ava PArga4 4."*. Tarrlble Talatitatloa among Terrence it gorted with. Remove stay way far from j imbennew hoe certle 119t 4erre to 1191 ; herhotttLe is tile way of hell leetli bomber of Deatb.' It yen bad 11,0=0 to the eupplioatione of your mother, if Yon had obeyed the ordere of your father, you would not have been here to,dey. The affidavit e reed allow that you 1200170 con. treeted a loetbsoeue elleeage oe A OrMile, (pence of yeur gin, and it may be that that has =oh to do with your weeenees of in, telleet. As your time of Iffe, it you era eubjected to rigid 4180043e, it you oxe "ttalY Penitent, it may be that yon. may yet bee0MQ an indeetriette, quiet and sober mere The scene:we et th,e court in yoor caeca is tbee you he confined in the Erie County Fenitentioxy „for the term of 42 yeara," A renerour of syropetley ran over the ante reeve, for tbe genteoce woe more severe than had been expected. "By good belnevior," oanoluded the Judge, "four yegara and bur menthe may be deducted from your sentence," Then the Mad surged to tbe door. There will lie no appeal and Spiesee friends exprese therneelvers well eattlefigui with the reeults ot the trial and with hie being allowed to expiate hie crime in the penitentiarr in hie netive city, wbere they can visit h A BOMalle0 °traria, A female heart, with the tItle '1 Gaza into her eyee i" exbibited by Teniester, the artist, at the Paris Elston last year, created quite it sensation among the visitore. A. Sottish leted of the mune of Penrhyn was so enamored of the pieture that he stood tor hours looking at It. Jet length be called on the painter and insteted on been told the address of hie model, which '14 he artist, however, refused to give. Loot of all Mx. Penrhyrt eaid "You are destroy. ieg the happmees of, the young woman b your obstinate,. Take me to ber, and giveyou my word, wboever and whatever shi e s, that I tvill marry ber next week." Tenissier reltiotentiy ooneented, and led ,the elootobenan to a humble lodging, where he found the sweet face bending over a sewing mei:bine, but as its owner rose to greet her visitors, Mr. Fenrhyn saw to hie horror that the pretty girl was humpbacked mid lame and unable to walk without the belp of a crutch. The laird fulfilled hie promiete—La Chronigue. Behold Bow They Love One Another. The action of a neighboring Epee:opal congregation in redueing the salary offered their minister to el per annum, and the taotice adopted by the Anti-Federationists in the fdethodiat Church, as well as a good deal that takes place in many other quer. tors may tempt people to ask whether pro - teasing Christians can afford to denounce politician. in the swage terms in whith they are often denounced by many wbolity claim to Very superior piety. Supposing a lively politician should preeent the world with a graphic account of all the church quarrels, clerical scandals, mem of disci- suapensions, depositions and other matters of that kind that have taken place in Canada during the last year !— Canada Presbyterian, what is Tom righting Weight? Railway travelling should lae charged for on a basis of two cents a mile. Everyrail- way in the country has been assisted by patio funds, and railroad fares are the same now as they were twenty-five years ago, namely, arranged on a .basis of three cents a mile. There are special rates by which SOME/ people travel cheaper than others. Why should not all be treated alike ? Then why ie it that the railways do not charge in the same way for carrying passengers as they do for carrying freight, that is to say, so much a pound? Why shotild thin men have to pay the same fare as fat men when it takes' less engine power to haul them ?—Dundas Banner. I, Mrs. Leland Stanford is said to have the most valuable private collection of diamonde in the world. One of the neoklaces is worth $600,000. —It has been observed thatthe man with tlie fewest failings ie theman most tolerant of those of his neighbors. Police Commissioner Monro has pro- hibited Barnum having his parade in Lon- don on the same day as the Lord Mayor's show. • A prisoner named Botha escaped from the St. Vincent de Paul Penitentiary Saturday night and has not yet been cap- tured. John McIntyre, the Merrickville school trustee, has been sent to the Central Prison for four •months for assaulting a school teacher. John Watson died under peculiar eiraum. stances last night at 78 Berkeley street, Toronto, and an inquest will be held this evening. Another new ease of smallpox has developed on Pelee Island. Wm. McCor mick was taken down yesterday with the awful damage. Hon. Oliver Mowat, Premier of Ontario, atal Mr. Peter Ryan, of Toronto, will ad - tires', the electors of Wed Lembton at Sar - 11110 on Friday, Nov. 8th. It is stated that Premier Crispi told the Anserian Ambassador to Rome thee Italy would not hindee the efforts of Bulgaria to establish her independence. 7 A.Lealifez deepotth says 4 man wh vleitee Terreuee Boy, West Balite', las week, found many familia, iza the settle. moue bordering 00 a state ot starvation, Tbere are hat four tennilies who have any nrovieloes on band, and as their legie forte - note neiebbore eget/gee to beg etiough to keep them and their fogniliee from starving. it le orobable the iloer, tto, will not hold out * reenth longer, and if fide do not strike ha le Otto meantime thee° will be nothing to keep the 40 or Atte, reeideat fanglike frOM ettartatieu. Oce ead oase itt vartionlar came under the visitor'e eye. A roan 35 or 40 yeare of age, who had a wife and four or are •ebildren, and whit had been in the hospital bore all enunner, was begglog piteously for something to eset for his wife and little onee, and gwoo OW not mouthful et food bad pulsed eown tale throat ter Ave days. Mrs. Steogheowhitee to wbom he was apathies, gave bine a place of breed, which he took bOIPO, 11114 tbbo with about* gill of molassee, formed A day's food for the family of six or seven, who did not know wbore the next meol was to oome from. The people ot lower Proopeet are said to he bat little better off than those at Terrence Bay. It is pro. posed to get up a petition to the Dominion Government, to be eie,ned by residente, aohiog that their fishery bounty for thie year sod part cat next year be divided among thern inenediotabe Lost Ifer Grip. Fee turned sternly from the quivering Allure -convulsed with utter and, leaning hie elbows on the mantel.spiece, geted darkly into the empty grate. 1. Then 10 15 true ?" he asid, AS *be frown deepened on his brow. , Forgive me 1" she sobbed, rotting to spa fro In her grief one abasement. But you told me you had never loved be/ore e that no man had ever stirred your 11.64641t.:t 10 I have loved you," she eried ,Anwildly. 4e, yet you admit that you were engaged to Ferguson, of the °lase of '87 V' "Tee," the Murmured- " And that before that youbad au tinder- standieg with 'Williameon, of 180 2" " "And with Gtabam, of '85 ?" "No, no," she cried, "not with him; with both bier brothers in the Sheffield Scientific, but not with him." a' But you 'Were engaged to Sandimata of '85," be went on, referring to a letter /nixie band. "Gan you ha forgive nae?" the pleaded. "I could, Clara ' he said, after a pause. 'I believe I could' bring myself to dell if that was all. But you were also engaged to Moldaffy of '84?" Ah 1 " sbe °tied feebly, "do, not spurn me from you!" " What have you to say for yourself ? " be demanded hoarsely. "Speak, woman!" -She rose to her full height and looked at him with a psthetio dignity in her glance. "Ab, George," she said, you little know the exigencies of a young girl's life in a college town." % For -an instant be heeitated, ea if his better nature moved him, and then he turned toward the door. " Farewell!" he said and walked rapidly away. In another second the street door clashed behind him. With one heart -breaking ory the girl flung herself on her knees and buried her face in the cushions of the parlor sofa, " All is over 1" eke cried, brokenly. "He was my last hold. Henceforth I am re- duced to freshmen 1"—New York Sun. A Muck-Narried Minstrel. A New York despatob of Monday says: Willie M. Johnson, one of the stars in johneen. Slavin de MoNich's =bleared troupe, and brother of Johnson, its chief proprietor, was arrested last night at a hotel on Tenth avenue where belied regis- tered with a young li: dy as W. M. Carroll and wife. The young woman was Helen M. Souse, of Watertown, whcien he married recently. Inspector Byrnes received a notice from the Chief of Alice in Water. town that Johnson was already married. The latter said he was married thirteen years ago to a woman old enough to he his mother, and he was tired of her. The young wife from Watertown, was overcome by the revelation, and as she is pennileme Impac- tor Byrnes Will pay her way Imre& Wanted a Pension. "Yon say you are suffering from a out 2' "Yee, sir. In, what battle was this received 2" "Well, it wasn't in a battle, but I was rather prominent in the recent Gettyeliarg celebration, and one of the newspapers printed a---" " Wood -out ?" it yepe• "1 appreciate your sufferings, sir, but I can do nothing for you." While excavating for a foundation for a new house at Paola, Kansas, on Friday workmen found the, remains of three men. The skeletons were found on the late of a log house which at one time was a general resort for travellers going to the west from the States. It was noted for the hard characters who made it their headquarters. Each skull had been crushed ill. NORTHWEST worms. • Robert Gerrie, the proprietor of the Grand Union hotel, he evicting a man from his place was assolted,and received injuries whioh anay lose bine the eight of big right eye. Tile Sun Pn3Ol1ebee tbe ofieletle et the editors Of hIenitoba oa the eutleot of ..the Abolition of the deal language and Separate sehoole. With the exeeption of the mane of the Catholic) Church and Qf the Free Press, they onattniouely eripport the Government Chris Beelsen and John Hubbard were indictee for having in their poeseesion 10 Cana* A obeetaut mare And a hay horse which they heel seem from WM. MoCarthy, itt Itermay empty, Daltota, and brought them into Canada. The prisoners had beim oonfined itt jait op the other 8160 01 the beuedary Ithe for 1:v0e-stealing, but they broke pill and %soaped to Cenada, stealing the horsee iroqueation =their way here. They were captured nethe neigbbor. hood of Cryetai Clay by tbe deputy eberiff and hie bailiff, assisted by the Mounted Police Ana some ferment, and were brought into ellbeeipeg. They both pleaded gtititY and were sentenced to two yore imprison- ment, At Vert Seskatoliewins, Constable Graham, of the police thrce, whilebandlieg a reindeer, moideetally ebot Constable Blared:tat who was standing near, lu the eQFBItigitalnr,eszett;uasyrecnooltecistxoperoofteirlana, Revenue, has eecurned teem Calgery, where he was looliing into the recent spillieg oi 7,400 gelleue of whiekey,.thippee in beer barrele a Welt.keekwa any grocery arra, with a 'new of defrendieg the deperteceall. Mr- Ooatigan says the metter is uot yet ended, but Riley, the hotelkeeper, it to be paniebed. In itlanitobe yesterday Otte Beal Reoperty Act of asao went irate foe, getank the regiatration of Ittisd sales in the barge* of three °Miele, looted at Wineieeg, Fortoee Riereirie lied Brandee. OABiNG 130/t TAX 'MB. What the Children CfM do When Brother 1* ItiOt Well, A writer itt 040 Boettal Budge: rieYe Being olio ot ewe gitio, nd oar mother bieleg quite 111 recently, it wee one duty AO Wall AS our pteosuro to wait upon be. 101y eater beieg Away daytimes, she waited on mother at nighte egad I in the deytirne. I had not very steet stiocess l nealdeg Iter oomfortable, but u souao sister came home eed lend been with loge a shore time mother would leel very much better. tenpin to Oh* out what «geld zinthe Oho difference. or (MO thing it was lolling attention and forethoughe. I hue Peet se tench affixation for Otte reethee, but hid not thought enougk to thew ray effeetion wit= ill, One oan wait au a elak pereon and think oho ig dialog MI oho oan, yet there will ite gornethine leaking. It hot clothe are to be eppliel and re. placed, they should be haneled as theugh the patient had not tome infectious diseattet, Dirty dishes, spoone, etc., need eat be left -ra the room, bue can be quietly removed without being asked to do so. Anytbieg that un be done witbout reterrine to the eick one should be done. If 11 le the mother who le sick, no tamely amender:is abould be referred to her, ae to liana when ehe is well. Vele is a good time for the children to practice relying on therneelvete *god not ren to mother with every small trouble. It there ie pain or dietreaa itt head, ahoulders, cheat, °old !este etc., the hair oan be gently bruabed, which is very gootbing to the nerves. Beek or chest oan be rubbed, with the hand -arid =ado much Mere comfortable. A loot.water bottle oan be applied to Oho feet. Breech Ladles and the Highlander& The Frenola bays a strong leaning to. wards the Scottish people, says a comae. pondtmt in reterrine to the reoent visit of Highlanders to Pans, and than a decided favor for the tartan. !the Highland Costume is iteelf a subject of endlese wonder and admiration. With the ladies especially the Highlanders lied immediate and even dernotestrative favor. They are admired both for their Lux warm and their picturesque attire. Fifty times a day they are toldby impressionablePerieiennes how beautiful they are, et oompliment whiab, unless when a friendly interpreter happens to be at hand, seldom retteives the acknowledgment it merits. The ladies are very inquisitive too on little matters of date% such as the number cf yards required to make a kilt, the uses and func- tions of the philabeg, -the names of thedit- ferent tartans, and the value of the cairn- gorms. The dirks which the Highlanders carry and the numerous medals with which many of them are bedeoked are also subjects of great interest and curiosity. On the whole, there is probably no more popular pint of the entertainment than the dancing,of which an admirable exhibition is given. It is not confined to flings, sword datum, reels and strathspeys. The versatility of some of the dancers goes far beeond the ordieary category of Highland calisthenics. MoLennan, of Edinburgh, for example, dances hornpipes and a French costume deem, while John McLeod, of Kirkcaldy, is quite as much at home in Irish jigs, for whioh he has carried off a premier medal on Irish soil, as he is in the Highland Fling or Scottish reel. Scotland ie Betting the fashion in Paris this winter. Scottish tartans, itis aeoreed, are to bathe rage for ladies' dressee. Already the Meek Watch and other favorite tartans have made their appearance on the Boulevards in the form of fashionable meturaes, and the windows of the leading 'shops are roil of Woollen and silken goods of this olass.—New York Scottish American. About Taking Cold. When a person begins to shiver, the blood in receding from the surface; con- gestion, to a greater or less extent, has taken place, and the patient has already taken cold, to be followed by fever, in- flararnation of the lungs, neuralgia, rheum- atism, eto. All them evils can be avoided and the cold expelled by walking, or in seine exercise that will produce a prompt and decided reaction in the system. The exercise should be sufficient to produce perspiration. If you are so situated that you can get a glass of hot water to driek, it will materially aid the perspiration and in every way aesist nature in her effoets to remove the cold. That course folloveed your cold is et STIend, and whatevet dis• (tam it wietild ultimate ins avoided ; veer sufferings are prevented and your doctor's bills a aved.---Periscope. • Lord Mayor Whitehead, of London has been made Baronet. It is understood he refused to entertain the' Shah, rather an expensive job, until he was proneised baronetcy. On Sunday morning the first arrests were made in New York under the law prohibiting musicians from playing in the streets. Twelve Germans were the offenders. They were heId for examination. The Guelph grand jury in their present- ment reported that in both the St. Joseph Hospital and the House of Refuge the dormitories were in the third teat and the buildings were without fire escapee. Art RLEoTeatt RoAST, A Horse Hnookkd Down and Burned to Petah lu the etreet--Severai Verson" Severety *bootee - A. New York deepatch z eye An decide light cement yesterday moroing routed a, heves to dee*, threw the driver Ie the strata and knotaked e police sergeant geeselegie. The deettly cerrerit was carried to int via. time tbrough a telephone wire. A pole oar. ryieg norabeeleee wiree @tends on FOOTtb, iovenuo Pettor 4tht 4 o ecofoniejokcilinT44zgoming weety-eighth A one 0 the wire, a telephorte Mee, fell te Otto target, *pa $0inlea, a inn» ncroff, Oho 4°"tr44PfiTolalrt4437etT14800nift4itflhoeae1een4driverot a Herald delivery Yeagert etleme along, The horse instantly aut to 0.'halt and then sprang aside and felt. The jolt of the vehicle threw 'Whelen'am the etreet, and whee he storm he received A oJock Whida d 1114grEilibeetWabPtre trraiertr4to hoodegrcrotoefF. ree,gzaatsirli; Otto horse bet al (goon as isa touched the Beneinithaelnicoonemthperrebehendooko4ptebegioezdanthe:ollagnha ettli, Citizens Mtraeted te the eget* noticed Seabee of Wee gang), IPMAlabling fron » Otto preeteete #173$111al. Tbo fleshes came from all parte, ot the ktereieat Way awl the emelt at burniug hleah was peroeptible half a block *way. Whelan was aseisted to hie feet, but the bore° wws given a, wide berth. One num ran to the Thirty -Attie lareet PaliD8 statism arid ree Perted the moiler, eed Sergent Albert • Megelgueld lard Roundeeten ThOmag Catioidy hurried to tbe 80040. They saw Otto horse still emittiog swim, and oath), g • out the reeerveee guard was eetebliehed points eufuciently far from the meeting *lanai to Warn all Weyfererli away fa IA Otto fetid epot. Sergeant Maocloneld meter. •took tolled the deadly wire, sea in making turn around the waggon oaten) in contort% with it in the dereneige Tbe wire streak him in the fortheod *rid he fell he the pavement veeeelege, as theugh he bed heert altet. Rounionnan egatieldy went te the moue of hie stricken comrade, and when be °Aught hold of the Sergent'e leg he re- ceived a elecole which compelled him fie relea1p bola. A. loomed effort lanOtta4re eoceesterne etud emote after being carried to Otto sidewolk the Sergeant elowly reoovered • his Ream faiA head was covered with blood, eve "hove big brow wag the imprint et the wire, while Nelda it WA° a ;este wt. dently ortostiened by the toll, Be WAS dazed eucl hell:lee; ea *et he 'wee obliged to go home. Abut 5 o'clook, up tat whitth time the borate continued to not elowly, it, cceurred to 40140 One to send to the ettetilaseten Electrica Light CoMPtee's thole in Weet Tweney-lifth 'street. Foreman Knight and two tinerneai villited the Menet, wearing robber boots and gloves, and found the (legality wire, on the end of which the borse'e body toy. They pulled it dOIVA from the pole, and travel Was retunned after the bores had been dogged off the tracks. A deep furrow was burned in the animalee boot!. Efforte mid° to find the polet where the wire croaoed tbe electric, tranemitter wer of no avail, Britain's Gratz.. The feltioage &raid sityse Let eft nee deceive enrolees with totitiotas greatneSit. There is another (gauntry at whose great. nese we may well payee for coonterepletion. Its oral% exceeds eight end * half MilliOrt square erallee, Tbe bests of its power is not lend but weters. Its greetnese le maritime, ane its tooset line is tweriteeeight thousand five htindred miles long. It lies au both sides of the equator and its boon, dries ton& the Wren:eel:if beet goad oold. Its uncultivated area Whial Oan be Made to feed unborn egitbout the help of the United Stator, °event millions of square miles. et contains one hundred thousand !quare miles of forests, which are being jealously preserved, weele otte's eze beteg ruthlesely asoritioed, • Its population amounts to 815,000,000 saute moludiug pretty nearly all the remit known to man. Its revenue for government amounts to more then & thouteend million dollars annually, only one fourth of which is tweed in direct taxetion. It has nearly a million of men under AVMS. It has one policemen for every sixteen square ulnae 02 110 entire area. Its 246 war vesselare all itt °eta. minden, not rotting in harbor. its mer. chant navy omegas a 30.000 ships, manned by 270,000' sailors. Its sea -going tonnage amounts to eight and a half millions. It eurpagges in ineemers all other powers on the globe, and nearly equate their oonabined total "in sailing vaginas. Forty-nine per oent. of the carrying power of the world is under its flag. Nearly. half the entire yearly cargo of the world Is under that flag; more them half the ship earnings from freights and passengers belong to it. Two-thirde of the tonnage annually built belongs to it. The banks of that Empire transact oneetlaird of the business of tbe eutire world. Its manufaoturee comptise one-third thoee of all Europe. it uses 30 per cent. of the horse power of the world. Its enormous debt, sehich it uses as the moat profitable investment of its own earnings, amounts to only 9 per cent. of ite wealth. It ie the wealthieet 5tate in the world, and its wealth hes been made by its exports. Its name is Great Britain, and it abandoned, after a full and fair trial, the economics policy to wheal the United States fatuously clings. It tent ite ships to every clime; 11 offered its wares in every port; it asked no tax on articles offered in exchange, and the cargoes its ships carried back to their wharves enriched it s,s much as those they had borne away. How to Stop a Runaway HOTIO. A policeman, who bas distinguiehed him - esti in stopping runaway horses, givea in the Medical Classics the following points as to how to aoomplish that mad with *be. greatest success. When you see a runaway coming do not try to ohmic him by a rusk from the opposite direction or the side, for you will be immediately knocked flat by the oollision; but instead prepare yourself for a short run with the horse. Measure with your eye the distance, start, for the run while he is yet some distance off, perhaps ten feet, in the cage of fair to medium run. away& You may depeed upon his keeping a straight line, fer a reallyirightened home io half blind, and would not veer for a steam engine. He will go straight ahead until he smashes thio something. So do not get close to the line On which he is rashingetna as he passes you grab the reins neer the meddle. Gather the reins firmly, end then, leaning backward SS you rue, give them a powerful yank. You may be able to brace Yourself somewhat as you give this jerk by half sliding on your feet. The strong jerk on the bit hale the horse that he again has a master, and prepares him for the final struggle. A step or two forvetird After the first yank, ao it again. This is the finish - hag stroke. It never fails when given by a determined roan. Keep a firm pull on the reins till you grasp the horse by the nostrils, and hold him so till he is paoified. heavy shock of eerth ,uake, accom- panied by a low report, was felt at Cairo, III., at 1.50 on Saturday morning. It was about one mmute in duration, the direct. tion being from southwest to northeast, No damage 15 reported.