HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2005-04-07, Page 7THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005. PAGE 7.
So. what did you find when the
snow disappeared last week?
On March 30, Hullett Central School held its science fair. Katelyn Roetcisoender and Heather
Hulley (foreground) presented their first-place project. Whitney Hulley, back, checks out the
projects on micro-organisms. Second-place winner was Janneke Barton with her project on
Bubbles. Third place went to Caitlin Plant’s project Oil Spill Clean-Up (Photo submitted)
Happy Gang learn about safe driving
As the years go by we realize the
things we always did as a matter of
course such as cleaning the house,
washing windows, gardening,
mowing the lawn, etc. take far more
effort. This aging thing creeps up on
So, too, with driving. After a
number of years the act of driving a
car may seem to be second nature.
But, advanced years bring other
problems to safe travel. More traffic,
wider roads, distractions, speed can
be overwhelming to many.
Recognizing this the Happy Gang
Seniors of Londesborough invited
Sr. Const. Don Shropshall of the
Huron County OPP detachment to
speak to them at their meeting at the
Londesborough Community Hall on
It can be a surprise to see just what
didn't get attended to before
last fall’s first snowfall. Personally,
I hate this dirty, grimy time of
We missed the rain that was
supposed to wash away some of
that last week and settled
for a freshening of snow. At least
with snow that comes in April, we
can be assured it won’t stay around
Perhaps if coffee cups had a
Wednesday, March 30. Vision
problems, hearing loss, slower
reaction time and less flexibility can
make what was once a pleasure
somewhat unsafe. During his
interesting talk the officer gave the
seniors a number of pointers for how
to make their travel safer.
Today’s seniors may have been
driving for 30, 40 or 50 years and Sr.
Const. Shropshall noted that much
about driving and cars has changed
in those years.
His talk was also a review of rules
of the road and driving etiquette. A
question-and-answer period was
most helpful to those in attendance
for clarifying points which may have
been causing some uncertainty on
the road. It sounds like an afternoon
“return for cash’’ like beer
cans/bottles our landscape would be
It was promising to see some buds
poking through the mud andspotting
some snowdrops. And the snowbirds
are gradually making a reappearance
in our midst.
You may remember that the 2005
World Day of Prayer service which,
people around the world attended
the first Friday of March was
prepared by the women of Poland.
that would have benefitted all of us
regardless of our age.
A donation was made by the
Happy Gang group to Crime
Stoppers in appreciation for Sr
Const. Shropshall coming to their
meeting to help make their travel
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Lean ground beef..................
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The theme of that service was Let
Your Light Shine. Saturday
the world lost a Polish humanitarian
who definitely let his light shine
for nearly 30 years - Pope John Paul
Another very public death last
week, that of Terri Schiavo,
underlines once again the
need for all of us, young or
old, to have a power of attorney
and a living will. What are you
waiting for?
of peace
The title of Rev. Pat Cook’s
message at Londesborough United
Church on Sunday, April 3 was The
Gift of Peace.
The author of Psalm 16, the
responsive psalm, rejoices in the
knowledge that God maintains his
lot in life. Jesus appears to the
assembled disciples in John 20, 19-
31, the morning’s Gospel reading.
Rev. Cook will be on study
leave/vacation from April 7 - 17. In
case of an emergency, contact Rev.
Jan Fradette at 482-1115.
Women’s choir practice will be
held Sunday at 10 a.m.
The stewards could use your help
for the Songfest on April 16. Call
one and volunteer.
Have you submitted your
favourite recipe yet for the
cookbook planned by the UCW?
They would like them all by April
more enjoyable and safer.
During the business part of their
afternoon together, the group
discussed the upcoming spring rally
to be held in Varna on Thursday,
April 21. Registration begins at
11 a.m.
Hit and run
in Huron E.
Huron OPP is investigating a
crash that took place just off of
Molesworth Line" in Huron East
March 29 at approximately 10 p.m.
An officer learned that people
inside the Molesworth Lanes
Bowling Alley heard a major racket
outside. Some of the occupants
exited the building to see a darker
older model Oldsmobile Delta 88 or
98 collide with a garage door of a
residence behind the bowling alley.
The vehicle after smashing the
garage door then reversed from the
wreckage and struck a parked silver
2004 Nissan S25 left parked behind
the bowling alley. The parked
vehicle received damage to the front
left driver’s side bumper and fender.
The driver then fled south with a
concerned citizen giving chase. The
victim lost the vehicle in the area of
Cardiff Road in Huron East, due to
the dangerous driving done by the
fleeing suspect.
Huron OPP is asking for
assistance. If you can help solve the
case call the local OPP or Crime
Stoppers at l-800-222-8477(TIPS)
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township
of North Huron proposes to pass a by-law pursuant to the
provisions of The Municipal Act, 2001, and amendments thereto,
for stopping up and closing and selling that unopened portion of
James Street lying between the northerly limit of Goderich Street
and the southerly limit of Queen Street in the Hamlet of Auburn.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Council shall hear any
person who claims that his/her land will be prejudicially affected
by the by-law and who applies to be heard at the regular meeting
of Council scheduled for Monday, April 18, 2005.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the proposed by-law may be
examined by all interested persons at the office of the Clerk of the
Corporation of the Township of North Huron during normal
business hours, prior to the passage of the by-law.
DATED this 16th day of March, 2005.
Doug Layton, Reeve John Stewart, Clerk
(We have the authority to bind the Corporation)