HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2005-03-31, Page 16PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2005. Classified Advertisements - RATES - 20 words or less only $5.00. Additional words 200 each. 500 will be deducted if ad is paid in advance DE—O* INF 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114 Accommodation for rent HOUSE FOR RENT IN Brussels, available immediately. Call 519-570-4085 after 5:00 p.m. 13-lp ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENT, Turnberry St., Brussels, no pets, available immediately. Phone 523- 9681. Ask for Brian. 06-tfn THREE-BEDROOM UPDATED farmhouse between Brussels and Molesworth. $650, utilities extra. First and last months. References. Phone 335-4321. 12-3 Ar tides for sale FRESH MAPLE SYRUP, potatoes, onions, brown eggs. Orders taken for naturally-grown beef and pork. Noah Stutzman, 84407 Prosperity Line, RR 2, Auburn, N0M 1E0. 13-4p PHONE BOOKS The Citizen’s 2005 Phone Book is now available at our offices in Blyth and Brussels for only $1.00 each. tfn STOCK TRAILER 16' PON- derosa, $2,500 o.b.o. Pickup ’94 Chev, 4x4, 2500, club cab, short box, transmission 1 year old, $5,000 o.b.o. First-cut hay, round 4x5 mixed, no rain, stored inside, 523-9362. 13-lp MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN Church, Brussels is having a pie baking bee Saturday, April 2. Apple $6.50, rhubarb crumb $7.00, pie shells $2.00. All 10". To order your ready-to-bake pies call 887- 9831. Pies will be ready for pickup between 1 and 3 p.m. April 2.12-2b REPRINTS OF PHOTOS TAKEN by Citizen photographers are available to purchase. Many in colour. 4x6 - $4.00, 5x7 - $5.00, 8x10 - $8.00. Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114 to order. tfn BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! COME in and browse through our selection of books mostly on rural themes. The Citizen, 404 Queen St., Blyth, 523-4792 or 541 Turnberry St., Brussels, 887-9114. tfn 93 w * Hafritat for Humanity Call Habitat for Humanity at ' 1.800.667.5137 40 Albert Street Waterloo, ON N2L 3S2 Email: habitat@habitat.ca www.habitatca Births GLENN/HALLAHAN. Someone special has moved into our hearts. Arietta and Steve are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Grace Lauren Hallahan, born on March 20, 2005 at 7:12 a.m. at Stratford General Hospital weighing 10 lbs. 3 oz. Proud grandparents are Bernice Glenn, Gerrie Glenn, Marian and Frank Hallahan. Great-grandmothers are Cora Thompson and Leona Hickey. Together with all aunts, uncles and cousins we welcome our newest member to our families. Looking down from Heaven are great- grandparents to keep Grace safe and sound. 13-1 BUY? SELL? TRY CLASSIFIED Business opportunities VENDORS WANTED: SELL your fruit and vegetables, home preserves and baking, crafts and more at Blyth Area Farmers’ Market July 2 - Sept. 24. For information call Keith Roulston, 523-4792 days or 523-9636 evenings and weekends. 05-tfn Auction sales Auction sales AUCTION SALE Of machinery, household effects, antiques and misc. items to be held for Bill and Irma Phillips Lot 9 Cone. 9 Ashfield Township 3 corners south of Lucknow and 1 corner west on Belgrave Rd. Em#36672 SATURDAY, APRIL 9TH AT 10:30 A.M. TRACTORS: JD 2120 Diesel (motor completely overhauled); 530 Case with loader (manure fork and bale prong, sell separate). MACHINERY: NH 477 haybine; NH 707 3pth forage harvester with pickup and 1 row corn head; NH 328 manure spreader; NH 56 hay rake; NH 3pth mower 7 ft.; NH 68 small square baler; JD 16 run seed drill with grass seeder; AC 3 furrow 16" semi mount plow; IH 3pth ace bottom plow; Kools forage blower; 6 ft. single auger snowblower; George White forage box on Joe's wagon running gear LH unload (box like new); gravity box on Joe's wagon; 16 ft. flat rack and wagon; Smoker 28 ft. bale elevator, Glenco 12 ft. cultivator; 4 section diamond harrows w/stretcher; 3 pth fertilizer spreader; Gehl 14" hammer mill on wheels with screens; George Smyth 3pth wood splitter. ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES: 2-wooden split pulleys from feed mill; 6-wooden pulleys; jacks for steel tired wagons; steel wheels; fanning mill; wooden Pepsi boxes; platform scale; anvil; hand water pump; slush scraper; old ratchet vise; glass churn; washstand; trunk; coil oil lantern; wooden hockey game; 2 crocks; boiler; windmill plates; 3 matching press back chairs; antique quilting frames. MISCELLANEOUS: PTO clutch for Case tractor; truck rack and tarp for 1/2 ton pickup; VW car parts; oat roller with motor; tractor heat houser; 18 ft. grain auger w/motor; tractor weights; Stihl 034AV chainsaw; drill press; feed cart; battery fencer; vise; weigh scales; wheelbarrow; electric fencer; silo pipes; forks and shovels; snow fence; water trough; 100 ft. nylon rope; cement blocks; misc. lumber; scrap iron. HOUSEHOLD: Floor covering; TV stand; medicine chest; folding rocking chair; humidifier; small electric heater; high chair; light fixtures; manual typewriter. 2 wagon loads of misc. items Plan to attend this interesting auction. Owners retiring from farming. LUNCH BOOTH For more information call Bill Phillips at 519-529-7257 TERMS: Cash or acceptable cheque with proper I.D. Owners or auctioneers not responsible for accidents, injury or loss of purchases. AUCTIONEERS: Brian Rintoul - Wingham 519-357-2349 Bill Horst - Millbank 519-595-2625 Cards of thanks FISCHER. I would like to thank my family and many friends for the calls, cards, flowers, and visits, and for all the food and treats that arrived following my fall. It was very much appreciated. Thank you so much. - Doris. 13-1 GLENN. Arietta and Grace would like to thank the Stratford Hospital for the excellent medical attention we received. A special thank you to Dr. Bloch and Dr. Tejpar. Thanks to Dr. Shephard, Mary Hall, and Sandy MacDonald for the care and support throughout my pregnancy. A very special thanks to all my friends, co-workers and family for all your love and support and concern during this wonderful time. To Mom, thanks for your support during my pregnancy and during Grace’s delivery. Grace and I would like to say a special thanks to Daddy for all his love and support and for being a wonderful coach. 13-1 Cards of thanks MACDONALD. I would like to thank Susan and Kendra Wilts and Vai Shortreed for the excellent care they gave us during the labour and delivery of Braeden. Thank you also to Diane for looking after Kayla and Hunter. The biggest thank you goes to Todd for all his support during the birth of our son. We love you. - Pam and Braeden. 13-1 MITCHELL. I would like to thank everyone for cards, gifts and visits while I was a patient in Grand River Hospital and while I have been recuperating at home. It was very much appreciated. - Emerson Mitchell. 13-lp SEERS. We would like to thank all our friends and neighbours of the Aubum community who took time to come out to our farewell social. Special thanks to all who organized it. Thank you for the cards and water fountain. It will be a wonderful reminder of our years in Auburn. Your thoughtfulness will not be forgotten. We will miss the village of Aubum, its activities and people. You are all welcome to come and visit us in Goderich. - Bill and Maxine. 13-lp Coining events OLD TYME COUNTRY BREAK- fast, Sunday, April 17, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Londesborough Hall. Eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes and homefries. Adults - $6.00, children under 12 - $3.00. Sponsored by Londesborough Lions Club. 13-2b COME OUT AND CELEBRATE our 25th Anniversary Gospel Songfest at Londesborough United Church on Saturday, April 16. Concerts at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. with supper 5 to 7 p.m. Featuring - choirs, families, soloists, Londesboro Ladies of Song, Music Makin’ Moms, Gladys, Leona, and more. 13-3p WOMEN’S DAY OUT - THE Blyth United Church Women’s 11th Annual Women’s Day Out at Blyth Memorial Hall Saturday, April 9 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This year’s theme is “Laughter is Good Medicine” with keynote speaker, Gisele Ireland of Teeswater. $10.00 tickets still available at Luann’s Country Flowers, Blyth; Crossroads, Clinton; The Gift Chest, Wingham; Radiant Life Christian Books, Goderich or call Joann at 519-523-9274. 13-1 EUCHRE AND CRIBBAGE Tournament, Blyth Memorial Hall, Friday, April 1, 7:30 p.m. Bring a partner. $5 per player. Blyth Lions Club. Proceeds to Community Betterment. 11-3b BLYTH FESTIVAL SINGERS - Rhythm and Rhapsody, Sunday, April 3, 2:30 p.m. Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton featuring the University of Western Ontario Percussion Ensemble. Tickets at Campbell’s Photography, Goderich; Blyth Festival 523-9300; Dutch Store, Clinton; Village Bookshop, Bayfield; Tasty Nu Bakery, Zurich or at the door. Tickets $12 for adults, children $6 (12 and under). 11-3 Coming events SILENT AUCTION, BAKE SALE and Garage Sale, Saturday, April 2, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Women’s Institute Hall, Belgrave. Lunch available. Proceeds to Belgrave United Church building renovations. Everyone welcome. 12-2p AUBURN UNITED CHURCH roast beef supper Wednesday, April 6. Sittings 5:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Family rate $30 or adults $10, children $5 and kindergarten and preschool free. For reservations call Shirley Andrews at 526-7762 or Sandra Popp 526-7088. 12-2 SPRING PILATES IN WALTON begins April 7. Classes are morning, noon and evening. New members welcome. Call Sue 393- 5832. Stott certified. 12-3 CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL Auxiliary Meeting, CPH Conference room, Monday, April 4, 9:30 a.m. Chairs’ Annual Reports - 3 copies. Regular meeting to follow. Come along, bring a friend. Phone Marg Makins 565-2934. 13-1 38th Annual Belmore Maple Syrup Festival Belmore Community Centre Thursday, April 7th 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 4ND Saturday, April 9th 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. All the Pancakes and maple syrup you can eat with sausages and applesauce Homemeule baking, Craft Show and entertainment for young and old. ♦ALL EVENTS INDOORS* ♦NO ADMISSION CHARGE* For further “Festival” information call 335-6204 OR 357-2147 Farmland CASH CROP LAND wanted for rent, Claussen Farms. Phone 519- 233-3198. 10-tfn 75 ACRES FOR RENT IN SOUTH Morris Twp. Phone 887-6964. 13-lp For rent DRY STORAGE SPACE FOR rent - main street, Brussels. Phone 519-877-2227. 12-2 Free TRAILER TO GIVE AWAY, 12x12 add-on, 4x8 deck, requires wheels. Phone 523-9672 evenings. 13-1 Hay & straw WANTED TO BUY - LARGE square bales of wheat or barley straw. Phone 523-9595. 13-1 Classifieds advertisements published in The Citizen are now available on our website at www.northhuron.on.ca