HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-11-14, Page 4THE .et:Axon vat, SA. VERS. Editor. Thursday, November 14th 1889, TO OUR CORESPONDENTS. We would like aw eorresponpentsto writeeegull,riy if at all possible' Let every neighborhood be heard frcm. We will supply paper and stamped en- velopes veklpes to those desixin,, to act as cop ntespandents, provided of course that they are responsible persons. A good We newspaper is what we are endear - wing to furi,ish and our sixteen cor respondents can assist is materially by :Keeping their respective neighborhoods and villages before the world. The ;enir.gs are Icing and news fairly plentiful, nog, for ati lou;and strong pull alt together. O1$ N GE INCORPORATION. 'ht committee aappointed by Grand Orailtge Lodge a British America to insider the revonmtlmeedation with ee trrd to Orange Ineorporaticer contain eti in the Grand .,laster's annual ad-' xIe s.s delivered at Uodericll ii ;1iav, ;met in Toronto last week, and ou b half of the Loyal Lange Association'. R itish American, decided to apply for A,et of Incorporation at the next ess on of the Dominion Parliament.!. This conclusion was arrived at after an, tore consideration by the mnembers ed* the Grand Ledge committee, and ,"'{. ttwithstanding the unfair and mis- leading. statements Tootle by oppon- ents a the Orange Aesodo.tion as t4;A the motive in applying for the Act. STILL INCREASING. The gross earplugs of the Canadian f';xcific Railway for the mouth from. the 1st January to ,",0thSeptember amount- ed to $10, 650,185,19, and the working tenses to 66,677.592,66, leaving net profits for the period amounting to 83, 73292,53. The net profits for them - =Spending period of 1688 amounting to 1,6 79,71;3,7`3. This is the road which some pessimistic individuals de- iiared W011141 rz .ver pal, and that very nixie after the vempany had had ex- p erienee in working it they would xbondon t ,leaving it a "white ' eleph- ant" au the hands of the Government There was a tune when the political opponent of the Government would, leave been delighted if the failure had taken place,; but no si ;inial have been elle success of the road audits value;to .31e country so appearent that it would lee difficult to Intl in the most rapid Reform circles one man to maliciously 'hope for the financial disaster of the a lmpany. over tothe gztliows, Ifit weeeethorwise jlmsti a weedd b4;reg4 ded as a farce,. But how ludoquato-justiee wilt bo Hangiug Cronin's assassins, it allows the prompters. of the murder to eseepe unwhipped of justice! As one of our exchanges adds, G4The O'Sulliv'.ns are doomed. Rut the men who set the O'Suilivares on, the cunning intellig- ences that made bloody instruments of fanaticism, hoer about them'?" Noir* about them.. Let those it authority see' to it that honest, patrotie Irishmen are net fa forced. to bear a portion of the shame, Let authorities see to it that erne is not allowed to escape because cloaked in broadcloth, and possessed of local politic al Intl ueuee-rheunfortunate dupes who murdered, or connived at the murder, of Cronin, were, even with his blood upon their hands, less cull), able than the cunning villains who in- duced therm to commit the foul deed, Ireland wants no suck friends; they are leer enemies ---the enemies of her complete restoration to peace, freedom. and progress. THUGISM I e' CHICAGO. The State of Illinois proved, a short time ago, Thie isrn found no consider- ation when placed upon its trial before oma intelligent tribunal. Chicago had too long been the hot -bed for and nurse- ry u sexy of, firebrands, faction -mongers and foreign denmaogues, and it was felt f1 -et the rope did good work, when the Anarchist bomb -throwers felt its grip epon their wind -pipes. And as the Thugs of India fanatically believed. in 2te righteousness of murder, so certain classes in Chicago,and elsewhere adopt- ed <a similiar policy, persuading them- selves that mistaken views of devotion to the land of their birth, and not the Paws of the land of their adoption, aton- ed forcrimes and justified the shedding of human blood. Henee,that Nemesis which pursues and eventually over- takes the majority of criminals, is grad- m41'y circumventing the peculiar met- lods of a faction which, all too long, has preyed on Ireland, under the guise i honest devotion to her intrest. So far the evidence in the Cronin case poves that Camp 20, wrought upon by Sinister intelligence, decreed the mur- der of Dr. Cronin as the righteous exe- el ution of a. spy. The assassins were ably told off for their diabolical work and accomplished, it. Beggs was a drag, Burke was a thug, O'Sullivan -was;a thug, Coughlin was a thug It matters nothing how each' may justify Els damnable work. Clan-na-Gaelism fe as foreign to the institutions of the American continent as thugism. The fanaticism of the individual does not reuse murder. Beggs' commitee ac tzvmplished Cronin's assassination, and. be murderers will have to answer to ale P;w of Illinois, They will have to pay the penalty of their fanaticism. The poor devils whose ' feelings were upon to the execution of mur- der,- must answer to the law which calls in the hangman: Camp 20'S mur- derers, if found guilty n i111: e delivered m•��s.---In Exeter on the 11th ins' the wife of Mr. John Evans of ; u axao ..,�Ilz Usl>orne, ou 9th inst., the wife Qi Mr, Wm Glidden, of a daughter. .luICATirte. Amos.—At West'eIcGillirray, on the 7th inst.,'Mrs. William Amos, aged. 67 years and 4 months. TRe,Qm, e.ett.---1.n Tuckersmith, o 8th inst,, Jr.hTrio. Tr'aquair, 74 years, th Sale Register, on lot 7. con, d, Usborue, omi Thurs- day, Nov. 14th,1S8 . Horses, thorough bred and high ;rade cattle, Jas. Ake, auet; Richard hunter, prop. On lot 4, eon. 12, WO on Fri- day, ri•day, Nov. 15th 1869, farm stock, 'im le- Tnents, household furniture &,:e. cu- ry Wasnidge, prop; Henry Etimer, auet At Farquhar, an Friday Nov. 15th. 69, Farm stock. .Parties wishing o sell stoel:canbring it to Farquhar on day of sale, Ii, Brown, elute 11'inchel• sea. On lotl 7, con. 9, Usbprua on Satur- day Nov. 23rd 1889 farm stock, imple- ments &e. James Boll, proprieter, 11. Brow.u,auct, STRAYED. Strayed into ti l3aremises of Mr. Alex Aitken, Lot, Fest half9g, tioutlt Batutdary. iltepUen, on or about the 38th of Clctober, 3 yearling Ateors and r heifer. Tho owner is rc nested to prove property, pay obarges atld take thein away. Stray Cattle. Strsycdi,nto the promises of the under- aiened, about tate IAL of October, i one -year- old heifer, and 1 one-year, old,' steer. The owner will prove property, pay expenses and take thein away. S. STANLAKE STRAYED. Strayedfrom the premises of the under- ligned, Lot 8, Concession u;Hav, O y'earliziggs, 4 heifers and 2 steers, 1 heiferwhite, 3 l riudlo 1 light red. l .rad and white with white on hand,2 rec1steers. Heifers all have slit in right-ear;isteers rings in right -ear. Ant: in- formation lealing to their recovery will be liberally rewarded by addressing, D. LIVENGOOD, 1ov;.th-3t SAnEPTA, O\T: Valuable Farm for Sale. Comprising 409 acres more or Tess, being composed ofLot 20 Con. 3, Township of Ste- phen, County of Huron; I?i miles west of Exeter. On the premises are a fine Brick House 30x40; kitchen 10x18• wood shed 20x30; two good wells; a fine orchard; 2 burns; driv- ing shed; stable and other buildings; also a small portion of bush on the premises. There is a river running through the bush part which is never dry. The farm is well drain- ed and in a good.state of cultivation. For further particulars, apply to SAMUEL RUNDLE, Exeter, Ont. BREAD -MAKER'S C YIELASIT NEVER FAILS TO CIYE SATISFACTION FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. B1SSETT BROS LIVERY. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECTAT, RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders. left at Bissett Bros.'Eardware Store, will eeceive prompt attention. TERMS REASONABLE. A TRIAL SOLICITED; BISSETT BROS The Grand Union Hotel for tnfnnts and Children. •• 4oireAl daptedtneluldnenthat castor/a cares CoUe, -Goattipatioa, Erecdmmentlitaasuperiertoaynyprescripti00 Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, IGOD'Ra, tom,/ .'H..cl. Fillet. Worms. elves, steep, aa,Q, promotes til - 1 A 1I D•, esoon, 4 Ski l3reol l�xi, N, X Wit ou; injurious mtldicatiitA, 'rrm Cmereuu Ccemusy, 57 3Intray Street, N. Y. • eeek- LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! cClary's Famous Madel Stoyes are the fest INTIM MARKET. FOR SALE BY BISSETT BROS. winewriammeigeml 1JLL,LI iE OF ALL BINDS OF PARLOR STOVES ••,,,'JUST IN. Mssett '.(3xotiers� CI;;SSTTON', —' oz.TmuiR2O Enlarged and Improved. 30 rooms elegantly furnished. Tables supplied with all the Delicacies of the season. 3 convenient sample rooms. House• heated with hot ewe.. Electric, bells throughout," 1 PER' ` R DAY. d TUFTS, PROPRIETOR. E CHRISTMAS GLOBE. THE QUEEN OF THE HOLIDAY NUMBERS FOR I889. FORTY PAGES ofl4ti iutUnl IIiustrated and Lttera,it•;}= matter, Coated Paper, Colored lithographs, magnificent PressWork, Handsome Cover. TWO LARGE, SUPERB LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES, 11115 colors, accompanying this number, entitled FRIENDS - - THE CANADIAN MILITIA. Gen. bit brad Middleton, in writing about the letter plate says. --"I must congratu• late THE GLOBE upon having prod need so cri'ditable a picture, It is very well exe- cuted, and appears to me to be quite equal to any from home. THE our' RENT 11N1- ruRAts Alta CORRECTLY aivlty, and the grouping not to stiff," The whole number is, without doubt, the BEST UOLTY1)'L. PAPER ever issued in this country, and much superior to the l;raat nlnjority of English productions, No Canadian family should should bliss securing a copy of this magnificent number. Price 50e. To be had from all Newsdealers and at the office of The Clobe Printing Company, Toronto. Orders from the Old Country most be accompanied by additional Five Cents to cov- er extra postage. 6F YOU WANT Brea& NE, Cakes, PISS, &c, J. H. NOTHCOTT museammEnEomeamo All the Leading Lines of the purest and best COF HSC TI O ERY ALWAYS'IN STOCK. Weddin Cakes oftheflnest ' g quality made on Short notice. A TRIAL SOLICITED, J. H NOHTFICOTT: THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT yP E:'- 1,01 - frons which this paper is printed was supplied by the TORONTO TYPE F04N0RY Dealers in Type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON, 80 & 82 Mollington St. west TORONTO, ONT. ATTENTION l Eyes ` front, QUICK MARCH W. SOUTHCOTT'S Clothing and. Gents FURNISHING STORE. EXETER, - ONTARIO. --(0)--- Some of the finest goods that can be secured, are arriving every day. GENTS' FURNISHINGS IN THE LATEST STYLES .AT RIGHT I''RICES, A CALL SOLICITED. SOUTHCOTT$ Corner N'ainl and John Street. EXETER, ONTARIO. MARKET SQUARE GE HE RAL &TORE The undersigned would inform the Public that he has just received his FIIU. Rill MUER $TOGK, INCLUDING A FULL LINE OF DRi GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, AND CROOK- ERY, BOOTS AND SHOES. Those wishing anything in my line will find it to their advantage to call and inspect my geode and prices. Best Roller Flour always on hand. Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs, and ali kind of Produce, J. P. ROSS. (10-22= 88.) J. G. LLLACEL8E Jllerokagt Tailor. Up stairs, over H. Spackman'.s Hardware Store. • He has in stock some of the finest Winter goods to be found on the market. A CALL SOLICITED. J. G. SMALL:ACMMME. CITY HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. $1 per dad. J. & J. AlollAIlTIN, Proprietors. MEDICAL. THE CELEBRATED DR. LE CARRON, OF PARIS, FRANCE, HAS ESTABLISHED AN AGENCY IN TORONTO FOR THE SALE OF HIS MEDICINES, WHICH ARE A POS- ITIVE CURE FOR ALL CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES OF LONG STANDING ALSO YOUTHFUL INDISCRETION,EARLY DECAY, , ETC., SHOULD WRITE FOR IN- FORMATION. CORRESPONDENCE CON- FIDENTIAL. . ADDRESS ALL LETTERS TO Tun E. B. CRANE AGENCY, CAMERON PLACE, - - - TORONTO. FREEMAN'S-- WORM POWDERS fire pleasant to take. Contain their oz'n. Purgative. Is a safe, sure and effectual destroyer ofworms in Cid/dress or4dults. London Huron: & Bruce Railway Passenger Time Table. GOING NORTH. am, pm London.dep t 8.05 4.25. 'mean, 8:47 5120, ntlehoyo g 8.52 5.28. Centralia 905 5.45. EXETER 9.1.0 5,57. Tien call 0.28: 6,09. Kippen 0.84 Alt. Brncefield 0.42-6.26, Clinton , 10.00 9.45. Londosboro' 10.19 7.03. Bt. Ilelgrave. 10.42 7.27. Lncan Cros'g9 24 0.02. Wingham 11.00 7.45. London, arr.10 1) 6.45. CLO17HTATG EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock TALL dND WINTBri GQ0 - s., IN THE FOLLOWINO LINES .- West of England Suitings and Treats er lower Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser - lugs. French and English S4rorsted Cloths. All made up in the latest Stype, at best Fates. A. `. SWELL. L. H. Dickson,. dist of Real Es�at� %r S�1c. slit of No. t, the We acnes ° town farm will be solei cheap, and on easy terms The farm 1, situates cciday between bestbrth and Dublin, on the Huron Gravel Road. Church and Sehool within 100 yards of farm, Soil the best in the county. A number of Exeter village properties for sale on the best of terms,ineludtn,T some of the most desirable residences in town. and Far property 'which can be bought chealliaa tion of Vetty'sg House ry,itscalcnlated that from 1:i to 20 additional hands aro to be ern - played. A Howe to let at a amali rent cafe able ofaceomadating 8 to. 10 boarders, About five minutes walk front the foundry. Per further particular* apply to 3IR[,314 700889, R. DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter. S. GIDLEY. THE LEADING t7ndertaker AND furniture Dealer OF TIM TOWN ? I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which I will sell at right prices. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. GIDLEY GOING Sotrrn. a.Inp.m. Win Omni -, 7.05 840 Belg rave 7 24 9.00. Blyth 7 3s 415. Londesbord 7.47 4.2.,, OXinton 7807 445. 13tucefle1d 8 20 5,94. Biffen 8 34 512 Hensall 8.41 519 EXETER 8 50 ri 88. Centralia • .907 5.45..: r with 10.28"7.12, Clandebgye 918 ,,.56. • • —THE— Central Spaying Parlor, EXETER, Ontario. �._astirigs, PROPRIETOR. Every Attention paid to Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting. AGENT FOR THE TROY LAUNDRY. A. Hastings. Exeter Po10 Stuaio. Why is it that in other towns and surrounding icountry they . '.. speak so highly of the photo graphs that are taken in Exeter. And how is it that there are so • many photos sent into the different cities of Ontario from. EXETER PHOT() GALLERY Because Senior's work is as �od if not better than any of th•e leading galleries in the cities and their prices are_. and ` $5 per, doz., while they get them at Senior's for $3.00e