The Exeter Advocate, 1889-11-14, Page 1"A UNITED CANADA AND BRITISH CONNECTION."
VOL, n
The Mot ons Bank
s •
(Chartered. byPisrliamotit, 18-55-)
Paid up Capital . $2,000,000.
Rest Feed .... 1,000,0001
Efeadasface Montreal.
GnxeRAL 1W4N4Gna.
Twenty Branell offices la the Dominion.
„agencies in the Dominion. D. S. ana bbat'One^
'arm -77==S. 3sMassaIaTCaTa.
f,tpen every lawful day from INS a. so. to it p.
m., Sat1x4ays10a.tG1p ra,
A. general banking business transaeted
Tareoper vont. per eupeot ellowee for
marls" VI Deposit Ramat* and Seviees
Exicte P11 28, '88,, Manager,
vitte %tura
Tarte% Oe' eldelsourPrzox.
One/jollar per *imam if void in Advance.
ilea* if not se paid.,
far tr
aPaatie* am, Aapraaaa.-
'411:41g le,11
twl Sze
v etaiezrAenta inserted for
description of .10)1
in tile tineSt style,
re. Chequar,money ord.
ugoaboaciptiona, ate. to
I lia derst
T111TITT ArE14411IAT.. 011[111e11....)10V.
ROhla$411, Beaton Sunday Services, fi sans
and 7 pan. Sabbath kiehael, 2,S0 sn.
lOrrnointer Otinacliajameia st., ROW B.
Clem eat, Pastor. Suuday Serviees, tam a.m.
sattL040 p.m. Sabbath Sahool,*p.
KAM TIW11“011, Fatlt0s.
itikr SerYlces,10.40 a.m. and 00 p.m. Sabbath
Scaool ta)
r/110111111TRIA.IT C1117/%014.-ROV. W. Martin,
Pastor. Sunday Servicei, 11 i. m. and SOO p.
un Sabbath SeboOlalta5 Lisa
rrItre14811011811, COWAN/
Office over O'Neil's Bank, t actor, Ontario,
Nitrous Oxide Gaoler painless
e" e.xtrs.ction.
Goes to Luean every Friday.
tracts tooth without rani hy giving
'Vegetable Vapor, or using the new
Anantbetic on the gums, Makes Gold Filli
Inge and otherdental work the best possible,
Goes to Zuriohlast Thursday in each:sleuth.
East side of lliain street. Exeter.
ts • and Surgeon. Office and residence -
Corner 'Victoria utta Elgin streets, Goderiela
Jar Residence -Corner Andrew and North
Streets, Exetet, Ontario.
arqu at . ; tep ng alibi* bridge leeks seine what liter after his tri ' missett
Geo, Monteith and sister weee
visiting friends at Cramarty on &friday
lasMt'ISPea.' Elizabeth A. and Mary J.
Carapbell are vieiting friends in Ful-
arton this week.
Mr. William Gerduere who hes beeri
in Iowa eille4 laat apriaaa returned
inane on Saturday lest. Mr, Gardiner
bee taken 1104114 WASP, StOte- And b-
new ng *s Rent there sown
A very happy eient took place !tete
On Wednesday last, in the uniting in
the bowls othyMen, Mr. George Bell to
Miss Annie trackney, by the Rev, Mr.
Martin, at the rattnee itt Exeter, We
Pin. their many friends in wishiug
theirt a long and happy life together,
and may their joys be many and their
ows few",
V t
Th eather la very pleasant just
Mr, end Mrs. Holt Dasliwood
on Sunday.
Mr. B. Holland of Parkhill, Was here.
on Sundity.
Miss K Portioeh f Corbett, spent
Sunday here,
Miss M. McCann was vieiting friends
Jete on Sunday.
Mise Mary McDonald of Louden
tome visitlyz, her parent&
Mr, Daniel liceormiek is spending a
few days with friends here.
A sociable evening' was spent at the
residence of Mr. 'McCormick one oven -
One day last week Mr. Geo. Wein,
who was engaged in Mr.17. Ilatxt mill,
got one of his fingera cut off,
Ms Thompson, who has 'Wel viSita
Jog friends here for sometime past, re-
turned to London one day last week.
Grand Bondi
The weather is very cbapgabk
around our burg,
• The fishermen are back from Sontlx-
ampton and report having caught lots
of fish, and made lots of money,
The farmers are near through fail
plangb,ing Imre. litelairr weather rens
dered eorne of them unable to finish
Henry Green hada ploughing bee
on Saturday last midget a nice piece
of soil turned over for the few teams
he bud,
few of the boys around and about
here celebreted the 5tli of November
going to Parkhill, and report of having
a good time,
Bachelor C. is talking about having
a wood bee shortly and giving the
boys a dance, ns he says the next will 44
be the wedding dance,
and material, $1.6470t. 13eateon, re-
moving fifteen carieads of gravel laid
dowu by the $84.80; Mora,
live cards gravel, con. 14; $16.25: Jas.
Murray, cleaning out ditchi $.80; A.
Langford, bracing bridge, andleveling
Div. 5, $2.50; A. Beatson, jr., covering
bridge and gravel,$1.25:Treas, BlanSh-
arcl balance $3.96-13. ThOnipstra rep.
bridge, coirering culvert, $5.50; R.
and looks- thoughit egeed witlehite^
From the- rumors we Were led to be
neve he was about to tering a better
half with. Iiint, but did. not turn out
thet way.
There *wee quite at couhesielt atneng
the people who drove to cilUrch on
Sunday eveeinee it Appeers they left
their horses in the Shed' while they
went %hear the good man preach,
Brainson, taking: AvAter from gram and when reterning Made a mistake
road, $fit Sarisherre culvert. Mid and took the wrong lame. thae teen
ditching St. ttlarYs gravel rca (it 2-315; stared wand went some distance be-
$.1.angfoed, grave' to road beat, $10" fore he discovered his mistake. The
ight very dark,
"Sfilrie 0 the yonng socalled eentle-
an Ara the habit of attendlng
church, every Saliday evening, and
riliSeellanating therneelVea while there.
They think themselves Mart 111 SO
doing lettliwe weeld give them a word
of edvica neat* cent1111/0 it to lone, as
peeple, who go to church for the 16e.
fit ef hearing the sermotedoes not want
atonabettinileutttlaidtr dobtyps4zelt balderdeele talk.
gilite sensation is being eeneed
ever le,Antogreph quilt that was old at
Shaw Dia* FetitiYal, On Doreiniee day,
and PnlOaseel by a. Syndicate to be
ptesented to the first bride of the Lad-
les AltiSnelety, All wont on well, Un-
• till A aer'aiti lady of the Aid got dis
sapolutesi, in the liven that "hath so
ev nevi and the lovety farm". This
lady can be 40011 alliloat every
ig untila pretty late hour, dew-
y Mustang around the village
find a etistomer to buy the quilt
o e
Fran PliNtratteee her endeavors
Prove failure /18 the majority
aro in fever of giving apeording* to
first agrement. Thia lady has the
deepeta Itympathies of the people for
her dissepointntent in the pest, and
heee she will be mare successful in the
Dufferin Rouse Centralia, were the future. *I a thing of this kind rest
guests of his brother's George aud Alex 'mealier on an aged person than a maid
on Sunday last. of lender year&
Our old and successful coon • hunter,
Mr. John Shute, suceeded in capturing
a 25 lb. coon on Thursday nIght near
Jas. McRoberts, geevel ace., $6,e0;
McDonald, gravel eece $1.05; Pt J.
DeliVATIs ditehing cedar swamp, 514.OS;
Thos. McGee, culvert; t•S; A. Thompson
rep. bridge, 20 ets.; D.jlutehipson, plk.
n bridge, 50 cts; T. Seel!, filling wash.
out, ets; Jas. Kelly, gravel ACC. in
full, $18.90; Jas. Gi !Mart, grant tO Clala;
debOye, $10; W. Whalen, ditching, $13.
The Cleri; Wafi instracted to notify the
Reeve, of McGillivray to take surplus,
Water from Clandeboye, The - Connell
adjourned to meet in,tirantou on Mell-
day the 2nd day hi December, 1889,at
10 a, In.
T. D. SrANLRY, Clerk,
M. Robt. 'ToFn11s1(uncle Deb) ha
been spending his iolidays with bi
old frieud Mr. Wm, Keys of Londen.
Miss Mary 7deFalls, o ddpb, who
has been visiting at Mr, Geo. Ilodgins,
or the past:two weeks has returned
Samuel Laugford, of Granton,
Sunday. with Ids old frieuti Mr.
el Hodgins, (Red) Deputy Reeve
f Btddu1h,
Mr. and Mrs, Menne Hodgins, of the
ProsPeet• 'rhis is the best we Izave UnionTrtankagiving services
heard of this year. held inthe Carmel,Preabyterian etre
Mr.- Andrew Dempsey, of lisborne, on Thursday (Thanksgiving
who has been on plie sick and lame list, The Ora 0. IL Bridgeman, J. S. Hen -
for the past few datesaisa.ble to be around tleeson and J. S. Cook took part. This
again. Andy says all he wants is rest loelta mtieh-like Chrietian nnion. ,
2.liptallatuallutttl,e,444of4Iliharemm,unk4;.alkeeb3e;thuvason's ci,A7tot*IltSwt reutularetoe.ertileuzg tedfaCiloonwrt
again. in offi'cers were installed -C. R., Bro.
The shooting match at Elimville, on la Trigger/4one V. C. R, Bro, J. Coulter;
Thanks -giving day, was a grand affair. IL Se Bra. D. L. Thompson; F. S., Bro.
A large number of fowls were dispos- A. Weseloh; Treas., Bro. J. E. Troyer;
ed of, and some very fnir shooting was Chap., Bro. W. H. Kerslake; S. W,, Bro.
done Mr.Mark Hoagie's, of London, It Livingstone; J. W., Bro. J, Byre; S.
however, proved to be the chatuelon B., Bro. le W. Foss; J. B., Bro. S. J. Per -
shot. kins.
Mr. John Dempsey, of Usborne, met The new Oddfellow's Ilail will be de -
with quite a painful accident on.Setur- dicatea by Grand Master Bell, of
day last, while lifting a large stone. It Peterborough on Thursday Nov. 28th,
suddenly turned to one side, aud in at- assisted, by A A G. M. Judge Tom, of
mptinr, to stop it bis hand_ was Goderich. In the evening a grand
caught between the stone ateli the conceit will be held at which au init.
ground, the result being that 'the top intim will take place The whole
was almost completely taken off one of affair is in the hands of a good. cotn-
his fingers. mittee,and we ratty look for something
very ititeresting. For particulars see
posters and programs.
Mr. Felix Wild visited friends in
rat A. AILOS.M. 4, C. M.L.10.P., TWIN.; Exeter on Sunday lase
fit! Mr. ... 13-tap•1raft removed to his
Lt1EdubaOntario- P. T. f3., TorontO. Night bell at
b new residence, on the 16th concession
office. &Alton, Ontario. ayi2.8 of Hay, last Monday.
Exeter, upstairs, c•ppos„. Oentra
Hotel. Side entrance on sonth-James street
leading to the Methodist Church.
W. BROVicNING, la. D., M. C. P. S.
G-rilidnate of Victoria University. Office and
residence, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter.
ry a spetaality. Office and ice-
sideneeone block east of Rieh.
Pickard's store, Opposite skating rink, Ex-
eter, Ontario.
-tta 011, py neer, Notary Public.
Office- sarawelesv Blaock, Exeter, Ontario.
doh) cs no damage with the exception of
Money to Loan.
Mr. Mark Wild is at present visiting
friends in Alpena, Mich., and will re-
main for a couple of 'weeks.
Mr. Henry Burke paid Mr. James
Willie of ard concession of Stephen, a
visit en Sunday of last week. Rate
says he can come again.
Mr. Felix Wild, of the 16th concess-
ion has his new residence, nearly com-
pleted, and we expect will move into
it when completed. "That's pretty
good what next.” °
One day last week a horse belongine
to Mr. Gee Tiedman, which. was lert
standing in front of Mr. John Pope's re-
sidence, took fright and ran away,
breaking the harness somewhat.
T •11, itICKSOle, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR Our gun club who have been in Mug -
of Supreme Court, N o tary Con-
veyaneet, Ooranaissioner, &e. Money to loan koka for some time past returned last
Mace -Fans° n's Illook, Exeter. week ;Ind brought with them seven
fine deer. They report of havirec a
TaLLIOT &ELLIOT, BA.BRISTERS, sole°. fine time and say there is no placelike
itror:e, Oonyeyaneers,ake. Money to loan Muskoke for hunting and fishin
e •
B. V!ELLIOT, J. ELLIOT The party aiio left the dead horse on
the public highway between the 16th
TAMES OltE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed and 17th con. of Stephen, will Confer a.
Auetioseer for the County of tauten.
saaes promptly attended to and satisfaction ".favor to the travelling public by re.moy.
guaranteed.sales arranged at tilts officemg the same to some more suitable
place. If not done by free will
mar BROWN, Wino/also:a Licensed Auct- our }my authorities will have to look
ioneer for the ComItifis of Perth ancl
Middlesex, also tok the township of 'Osborneinto the matt:a:.
Salmi promptly attondea ta and. terra s reason
able. Sales arrangoa a t Ft/sac/Mee, Winchelsa
Bicldulph Council.
-E. B0SSRNi3E1RY, Hensall Ontario. ale -
_s2). ensed Auctioneer for the County of The Council met pursuant to ad-
Raron. Charges moderate and satisfaction • i . ..,
journment n, tne court Room, Clande- en
boye, on 4th hist. The Reeve and all1r
WHOLT, xhiya, Ontario. Licensed. auct- the members present. The following ;8
. inneer for the counties of Mid.dlosvx aceounts were ordered to be paid: -R. 'Y
and Lambten, and the townships of stephen
and liay. A.11 sales promptly attended. to. Guilfoil, ditch and tile, p12.50; R. Giiie
foil, rep two culverts $1. 50. J Howard ei
. , , , • , J. r 0
TT EILBER Licensea Auetioneer for Ray bridge and spikes, S. B., $10; W. D.
,4:)ffiese___Sotreeprinoiznodntaiarcio-..iffaysay township, Stanley, to London and expenses re -
Our new butcher has not started yet
Mr. Wm. Bunt, has rented Gee. G.
Essery's store.
There is a great rush in the bark
lousiness just now.
Mr. W. Hnston, has been on the Sick
list for sortie tiine past.
Mr. Thos Iaiii, is visiting friends
in the village. 'Welcome back Tom.
All the stingy, pee& are taking free
seats'an the new church this year.
The club room is closed for a time
but will be open again before Xmas.
Mr. Geo. G. Eseery,is doing arushing
business in the livery, get more horses
We tegret to thronicle the death. of
Mrs. Duncan nteRwen, which sad and
melancholy event.oeurred on Sunday
evening last at six &cloak. The funer-
al left her husband's residence on Tues-
day at 1 o'clock, and the remains were
followed by a large„concourse of sor-
row:in friends and relatives. We join
their' many friends in tendering our
heartfelt aympathy to the bereaved
husband and family. -
Mr, Richard Reynolds, the genial
landlord of the 10,11Si011 H01144, is retir-
ing from the business, and bas dispose
ed of the hotel to a company. The ow-
ners have commenced to improve the
premises by moving the barn and stab-
les from the•front street to the back of
the hotel. We understand they intend
Mr. A. Hastings, of Exeter, was the raising ahe hotel higher/ and will also
guest of Mr. Thos. Essery, on Sunday erect new and coMMOdlOuS sample
roonas,and otherwise tinprove the place.
When the affairis improved the travel-
ling public can expeet first class ae-
eamociation. We wish the new pro-
peietors eyeay prosperity.
• MaSonIC CONatar.-The Free Masons
of this Ledge, intends to have an open
Concert in COxiverth's Ball on Thurs-
day evening the 21st inst.As the com-
mittee atae sparing neither trouble nor
expense, the public may look upon this
concert as the concert of the Season as
an the best literary and niusical talent
of Clinton, Seaforth, Exeter and Zurich
has been secured, besides all the local
talent will be out in full fate°. Several
prOminent gen amen will deli ver short
addresses and an effort is being made
seetire the services of the celebrated
Mrs. Sage to play on the musical glass-
es. Admissiot 25cts, children under 12
yea,rs old 15c1 -s. So mote it be.
On Thursday last, Mr. E. 13oasouberry
helct his first annual 'shooting match.
The weather proved fine, and the
attendanee was large. l‘lr, Jolla Hey-
R. Cobleigh, is on the road buying
fowls for air. Parsons, for the Wester%
ma rket. ' • '
Mrs. Jas, Switiorton, of Detroit, once
a. resident near Exeter, is .visiting
friends here at present.
S. Kenney who 'has been engaged
111 getting out timber from the Usborne
swainp haS returned home.
R. Neil sawed and split six cords of
wood at the Duffeein House, on Satur-
day lag. 'Who. can beat that.'
The annual S. school mee tin e r as hell
on Thanksgiving day and die officers,
for the ensuing year was eleetectnear-
ly all the old offieers Were re-elected.
Livery businesS in our town at pres-
t is rushing aa the commercial rnen
e numerous. Our gehial proprietor
always ready and awaiting to sup?
the, wants of thorn all.
Our town Iva s ratherquite on Thanka
ving day as all the sports were in
the woods, some went to the
swatnP to .0700d acted as aefree in 7ery suitable
hunt the Wild eat, but pussy tait
a clear and impartial manner. Below are the
Wm. Oke 80 5'! it bat could not get a scores: --
shot at it. J. Neil and S. Davis, went reeteoets.
to the 13th of McGillivray, and b'ag,gecl NAmE.
24 blaek squirrels. ev.. sTaxnGbanbersz
. Carling
Mr: Grantor/. ThonipsenalW
ias retinai-
ed. from Forest after speading two R. Nad
months 111hrtM
aPiece. r. Thompsen 1JVa's Setaetnedsejcs0 t t
Situation Wanted
A lady wishe's to securo a situation for fier
son, aged abou 11 years. The situatioti tpre-
ferred is one in which be ean go to school
and do the chores morning and eyenthg•
For further _pasta/tilers apply at the Anv0-
CATE office, Exeter.
garding Digman ditch $45(i;-
Lateopening gravel pit, SaB.. $6; W.
Kelly, ditching, W, R, $G.50; J. Thomp-
son, overseeing gravel read, $10; Eli
Davis, eight days minding gap, $3.20;
jas. Mitchel), damages drawing gravel
$1,40; M. MOlintin, grevel acc: in full,
•tot iloo-e;
1. iiandrOrd 1 ft 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1-4
H. Weaves, 0i0111001 0-4
0. Hegnander 0 vi 0 000
040010000 �-i
E. Bossenbery 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 11 1-9
A, J. Snell 1 0 I 1100110-0
liandford o 00 1 1 1 01 1-5
omit/zit 0-5
001000 -1
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1-9
0 11 1 1 011 1,--8
EA. moot 00000i0
V. Jfo1
Jas. Westeo tt
H. Weaver
11 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0-6
'Prise winners for pigeoa matates-Robt.
Sanders awl W. J. Carling ist and sad; B.
slissett toad laTrebner.ard a-na
134)zi:4171".11. f#00.V44:1'. 41:14!10/Metrilirif.
-Elk literary and debating society was or
ganizea here last Friday. evening. The
Rev, afAehe.son oceupied the, chair and
delivered It very able address pointing
out the advantages of such a society,
and learned agemst felling into such
improprieties as gigg1in, bnoping &c.
It was decided that the church was not
a. suitable place for such. EneetIngs,con.
sequently they will be held 14 the
Orange Hall every two weeks. The
following officersewere eleetet1.-Pre6t,
Mr, Robert McMordie, Vice President
Mire; Monteith, ,Secretary Mr. Wm.
Doig,Treasurer Meet., SuillIte,Exeentive
cortunietee Messrs Thompson and Mun.
teith and Misses licMordie, Cooper ,and
Thompson. A. committee was appoint-
ed to procure seats and make any nec-
essary repairs to the hall, and W. Doig
and D Weietniller were appointed to
draft a constitution to be submitted At
the nemt meeting,which will be held on
Friday evening the 22nd inst.
The oyster supper at this place un-
der the management of the O. Y. B's in
the Orange hall on the evening of No-
vember 5th was a grand success. By
eight o'clock 11. number of the male
dults of our town had assembled at the
hall, where everything =essay waa
ovided by the committee in Charge.
t was noticed; however, by Meny of
those preseut, that those who aril Sup-
posed to be IoYal to that honorable and
protestant order which was fettedred by
their forefathers,(viz. the Orangemen
of our town) we absent upon,' taw no
casion, thereby showing that -they do
not "practice what you preach; IL
Howard was elected to take the chair.
After supper'which had been beartly
partaken of, toasts went round in right
good style. The programme consisted
of songs, aeadings, ar.d speeches which
were rendered with considerable abilitv
and taste. Instrumental musis was
fusnished by "our own boys," who as
Players on the violin etc are excelled
by none. The proceedings were
brought to a close by singing the nat-
ional anthem, when each wended his
way home well pleased that he had not
forgotten to call on the O. Y. B's.
Misstplhter of St. Catherines is tbe
guest of her uncle, Mr. Chas, Ether.
Mr. P. Holtzman and sister of Dash -
Wood spent Thanksgiving day at home
with the old, folks.
Mr. John Wein had his hand badle-
lacerated in the edging saw at Rates
mill ea Thursday.
* The packing house of Scott, Gilles
& Co., was again entered on Tuesday
be- some sneak thief, and. about 20 doz.
of eggs taken.
Mr. Wm. Dauncey who has been, ill
with Typhoid fever in theVorth West
returned horae accompaneed by his
father on Thursday.
Probabilities for the next twenty-
four days: -Snow and sleet in some
localitieseeith heavy blowing and seal-
ette jackets in Crediton.
The Crediton Hunt Club took a run
across the country on Monday. Reyn-
arcl led them a lively chase for about
four miles before he was killed. God-
leib Fahuer, on shanks pony won the
Mr. August Hill's dote lecomine a-
* e e,
lamed is in Mr C. Zn iker's store,
made a dash into the show window,
smashing some china and glassware,
and making his exit through one of
the large windows, doing about $20
The tea meeting held by the Ladies'
Aid on Thanksgiving evening 'was a
sueecss. Addresses were delivered' by
the Rev e Messrs. Stabler and. Wilson,
of Exeter. The autograph quilt was
purchased by Mr. Sweet, sr. A social
WaS held the next evening. to dispose
of the remnants of the pretious eve-
ning's tea. Total proceeds about $80.
General News.
The Orangemen of Goderich march-
ed to the Victoria street Methodist
church on Sunday morning, where an
appropriate and able sermon was pre
Total. ached by the Rey. Mr. Hutton/ Mc
1 1 1 o 1 0 1 o 1 i -D musical portion' of the service was ex-
ceedivaly well render'
ed There was a
1101100101-6 - '
000100011,0-0 largeattendance, the church beleg
cooiiiioo les .
tocoloioo eas crin'Aded•
Ailsa Craig.
Mr Allan Carmichael has iinproved
slightly during the past week.
Mr. Sbackleton Hey spent Thattlw
giving day here visiting his brother
Mr. T. Ifey.
Mr. Hugh Gilchrist of Montreal ship-
ped a couple of car-lcads of cattle from
here on, Mouday.
The new Minister for the Baptist
'Churcb is expected to arrive here this
wee.k from lilsonburg.
Mr. Alexander Brownlee the Oral
Jeweler, ie. eeported to have received
fortuue from Australia.
Jno. Morgan has commeneed
purchase grille and produce of every
description on the market.
The latest gag, that the little boys skT
this town have to salute the Witted
Pedestrain is
'say Mister" "where did
you get that Rat,"
Mr, Richmond Sands "Alias Dusty"
is repidly recovering from the semiotic'
utiehap which occurred to Ms 1404,.
about two weeks ago.
Mr, The& Parker 'fl'as zU for a. eouphs
of days last week witit aa Weed; °Via-
liaraation, bet his friends are peseta
to see tbat he is able to be exeunt
Master Jrie Donaldson son of Jam.
Doualdsopair. died on Bewley lest from
Consuniptimellis remains were illWrred
at the Carlisle Cerileterv on Monde;
the Rev. Mr. Mitchell, Preabyteriait
Minster, °Bleating.
)(fr. Bruce, Inspector of the see -tie*
on the 'western dirisiou of the G. T. It
was in town on Mooday examining the
course of the WM' sewer whielt the
council are puling in on Main St. tb
outlet is on the G. T. IL premises.
The Dominion "Chapel Organ" in the
Methodist Church which was recently
purchased from Mr. Duncan Stevenson,
of this place is givieg the greatest wet-
is:action to the members and the Dir-
ectors are well pleased with their pus -
The noted trotter "Clemiutine" bas
been purchased. by Mr. W. J. WAWA
from Thos. Overholt Esq. who woe bits.
at O.J. Priestley's, on Thanksgiving
day. Walton it is nnderstotel will Immo-
diately put him at training under the
Carefill handling of Mr. Alexander
William Munro, the Craig sprinter.
Mr,Singular the contractor foe Art
Ike -ergs having considerable troubic
with thework on account of the earth
caving iu before he can place the tile;
In position. On Monday whileoneof his
men was excavating in front of Mr.
Drought's hotel at a depth of 8 feet one
side of the diteh fell in partly burying.
At the xneetipe of the school board °ea
Saturday evening, a motion was made
to engage Mr. Althouse for another
year as Principal of the Public Sehoot,
but the motion was lost, the vote.stoei
8 to 3 and as the chairman had only
one vote the motion was lose although
a largely signed petition was present-
ed to the board on behalf of Mr. Alt, -
house. It don't appear to have had.
much effect, it appears that a good
many of the citizens 'here had. an im-
pression on their minds that Dr. Stew-
art the newly appointed trustee would
support the motion for the engagement
of Mr. Althouse but they were disap-
pointed as he voted against it.
British Grain Trrde,
The Market Lane Express, in its
weekly review of the British grebe
trade,says:-English wheats are weak, -
the average fall in prices in Londe&
has been Is The sales of English wheet
during the past week were 73,237 quar-
ters at 30s ad, against50,422 quarters ,
at 31s ad durine the corresponding
week last year. '''Flour is fiat in Len -
doe. Top prices have relapsed 2s 6fi.
per sack. In Glasgow American de-
dined6d. Foreign Wheats are firm.
California is a fraction higher. The
prices of .Arnerican red winter, owing
to the limited supplies, are against Nay-
ers. Corn and grinding barley are
rather cheaper. Malting barley is firm
Oats, beans and peas are steady. At
to -day's market English wheats were
still weak. Californian and Australian
were firm!' Eleur was unchanged.
Barley showed a cheaper tendency,.
Oats were stiffer. Rye was ad dearer.
Corn was steady.
To Our Subscribers.
appeared in our columns some ante
since, announcing; a special arrange-
ment with Dr. B, J. KENDALL CO, -
Enosburo- Falls, Vt., publishers of
on the Horse and his DiSeases," where-
by our subscribers were enabled to oe-
tain a copy of that valuable ayork
PRIM by sending their address,(andtsa-
closing a two -cent stamp for mailing,
same) is renewed for a limited perioL
We trust all will avail themselves ot
the opportunity of obtaniug this vats
uable work. To every lover of tha
Horse it is iadispensable,as it treats in
a simple manner all the deseases ayhick
afflict this noble, animal. Its plienora-
inal sale throughout the T_Tnited Stats
and Canada, mato it stancitard anther-
ity. Mention thi$ paper. wheat srazdisisy
for "Treat1es".-Oet.-31-13t.