HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-10-31, Page 8TO VIOLIN PL TEE .
w.e have pleasure tax inviting your
examination of our new E. strings
which will be in stock about theist, of
We ha'v the gneraiatee that, there
are no better made,
3. Gazeta.
Bat ad racy goads. — -ajl 5 ,,
Yeterivary 11e tis try
The undersigned having purchased om-
1,lete, set of Dental Instruments, aid having
the necessary experience in that line, wishes
to inform the people ofthis section that he
is fully prepared l to execute all
intrusted to hint on the shortest motice.
Charges moderate,
Trial Soliei;teti.
Wenleet cents a. word each insertion. Address
XsS111hu*s„Tlesiti$t;.ototti oteeR.. Wessels
A meeting of the Cricket club will
be WI at the Band room to night
(Thuesday) at 7,$0 o'cloick- to wind up.
affairs for the Season.. AR members.
kindly attend:,
*topmasts*. 4. eeeyrr. a 'Neil's Bank,.
A good wife has cured her husband
of forgetting her orderby writing them
Get in verse, and, making him commit
them to Memory.He may be seem
marching down the etlret=occasiofaally
humming the folle ing too the tube of
{ "Yanke V.Q4 ''a
$utter► *weal raisins, eggs,
Molasses, baking powder,
Vanilla, sugar, cheese and beans,
Salt pork, and fish for chowder..
The third page of the Toronto Daily
Mail is noted for*Want" advertisement.
'elf you want to buy or sell anything.
If you want a. situktion, mechanic, a
business, machinery, lodgings,, if you
1',have oat or found anything, or if you
want to find out Where anyone is, ad-
dvertise in the Toronto Daily Mail and
Iread the advertisements on the third
t page of that paper. Thecharge is two
Tim Maze, Toronto, Canada,,
Ir Cad.INTews.
Beautiful autumn weather durbe
4. the past week,.
—8. e..Ti,tlii,ags, fl ntist, for the best
artiilcial teeth -
The Meter . zwac STu from; now
till January 1st 1891,for only 41,
Now every merchant who is wise,
doth hump himself and advertise.
The taax collector is on duty and the
taxes are being peke in pretty freely.
In autumn the fat man laughs aloud
with glue, no more tike melted lard is
HextThursday* is'l: hawks^ iving
-tFlzauksgivin„ services will be held inn
all *I3,, churches,
Leases.—We have the very :news t
in. Costumes, Dames and Henrietta
dress goods, James Pickard,.
Mr. W. IL Hutchins is at present get -
his engine to shape for the; pure
l>oso of cleaniu; barley.
rs.--We curry the best Black
°tared Silk in Gorges grain,
allot &e, James Pickard,
new flour and feed store has been.
opened by T Armstrong and S. Man-
' Stand opposite the Plast Office.
We have satnetliing new
nd nesters, and we cut
and give a ht, James
large quantity of ;rain is
eoniinh,^ to the m erket daily. The
prices are somewhat low this .year, as
to that of last year,
And flow the village sports shoulder
their guns and hies away to the woods,
returning at the Biose of day with a
solitary black squirrel.
India; summer, Squaw winter.
Take down your awning. Put up
your •stoves. Take up your potatoes,.
Put down your winter fruit.
Clothes lines thieves have commenced
opeyation. Some of the residents on
Malls street had mate of their clothes
feken on Tuesdayttvening.
The weather continues to remain'
fine, although the sky has been cloudy.
It is ;icing the fanner every thence to
get the fall work completed,
The Old F.stabl€shed bas just comes
pleted its Fall Importation of Dress
Goods from Bradford, England, in all
styles and shades, Janes Pieknrd.
The Diamond Medicine Company
have been holding forth in the Opera
House for the past three evenings They
are a first class organization and well
worth nearing.
Put out your summer screens. Putin"
your winter's, coal. Pay up ,your store
bills. Pull down your vest. Fall
moving is in order, and on the pro,
gramme, and there is a good deal of
shifting going on.
Col. H. Goodman,of Parkhill,Revising
Barrister for North Middlesex, was here
on. Monday and held Court. About 26
Conservatives were added and. Reform -
ors 0; three appeals disallowed and
thirty corrections made.
Now is the time to advertise your
strayed cattle or sheep. An advertise
ment in the ExeterAnVoCATn general-
ly manages to get to the right place.
The law is very explicit on .the matter
of keeping strayed animals without ad-
Vertismrn lets.
To morrow will be "All Saints' Day"
consequently this Thursday night will
be "All -Hallow -E'en" It is to be hoped
that it w•i'.1 not be celebrated, by the
"bhoys" in the usual foolish fashion. Of
course Constable Creech will keep his
eye skinned, and be ready for an emer-
The people of Hensall and Zurich
will have the pleasure next week of
hearing the "Diamond Concert Co." T.
J. Bryant, of New York, late of the
American and other celebrated opera
companies; Geo. Pierce, of Chicago,and
others, make a fine company which is
well worth hearing.
.Boys and girls in any city are very
much exposed to evil influences, espec-
ially those who receive little or no at-
tention from their homes, and the re
sult is they often grow up to be the
"toughs" of the city. A movement is
ou foot in Toronto to license newsboys
and prohibit girls from selling papers
on the streets. Two years ago an act
was passed by the Ontario Legislature
empowering the police hoard of the city
to deal with the subject. The Humane.
society have drawnup a bylaw which'
prohibits any child under eight years
of age selling papers on the street, and
requires that each boy must have his
name registered at the police office and
receive a badge, to be wore; in a cor-
spicuous place. This is a step in ad-
vance and other Canadian cities should
adopt simile; 'regulations.
A new band has been organized in
our town of late, which will be known
as the Exeter Mouth -organ Band, They
have already secured the services of
thirteen well -skilled musicians. Mr.
Wm. Grundy was appoanted leader; and.
Mr. A, Bowerman, Sec.-Treas. The
baud throughout is not Composed of
lrtoutleorgaus„ but of various other Moos. ale l Blt, GrR T. $>esailclerlr
struu1ents,rvhicle will melte it as bapd spent Sunday and Monday In town,
It worth listening to, We way ex' Mr, M. Y. McLean, of the R,r*vaors,
tetra Seaford*, was in town en Monday, pays
ct some +ate insets in the neat fu- ing the prise wit*nert: At the fair.—Mr.
Fred McDenell is batik,. in our midst
again.—Nr. Geo, Sarnwell left for
Toronto Tuesday morning on busieess,
Inspector Toto was in town during
the weele,4Mr. Robert 1 eatltorn re-
-turned home from Europe on Tuesday.
lard, He spanks well of the tela Sed,—
Rev. S.:1 Robinson paid fonder a vis
it last week,. --Mss S. iiawkshaw left
for Detroit to visit friends, on Saturday
last �- Air. !beat. Leathern left for Loll
eon on Satatrday last,---ir, James Jew-
el, has been a resider sot this town
for some time, left on Monday for Eu,
rope, where he internis' spending the
winter.—Capt, Ross, latex of H. M's Bor-
der Regiment, was in town ou Monday,
He intends settling in+ auade;: 14i: A,
l3. Fitch, 'Veterinary Dentist, left on
Friday for St. Thomas, He will go to
Terouto shortly. --Mrs. Wali.. Atkisson
left yesterday morning to visit her
daughter at Alpena, Alich., r ho is at
present very ill, --Alis Lewis, of 1Ss
borne,leavess today for San Franciscoe
Cal., to spendthe winter there.—Mr,
and Mrs. 3, 0. Stewart leaves to -day to
aRend a few days In Toronto.—;Mr. W.
J. Clarke and nicca aro spending a few
days in London, Miss Clarke returns
to California on Monday,—Afrs. beats;;.
ford, Jr., loaves Tuesday for her home
in Sterling, Col,—Nr. A. Bowerman
leaves tomorrow for Chicago,—Miss
Alcock, who has been visiting friends
in Sheldhurne,returned home on Satur-
day.—Mr. John Muir left on Tuesday
evening for Strathroy.—Mr. W. Guilds*.
paid the county town a visit tills week,
Grand Bend,
1 .ble90 .tr of tit S
Some of our young Men, net to be
out done by the Inches„ .al:Qeestablisbed,
a subordinattodivislon of 'tfia, above
mentioned Order' The chief position.
of High. o h
that Worths- Supreme Chief
Gander. is oc.eu piled by a young gentle-
man. tbentinor offices, Chief Baker,
Chief Rattler, dud Persuvient,,, being
also well, tilled, There were two ;alit-
iations at their last meeting, The,
Grand hailing sign is as follows*—
Pla,ee the thumb in each corner of the
mouth, bring the two first Edgers to-
gether opposite the bridge of the nose;,
forming an arch or goesehone, the
word accompanying this sign being
"catch on," Some more initiations are
on the tapis,
Perso>tat Menai*.
Mrs, Samuel Sanders returned on
Saturday evening, having spent the
past six weeks visiting friends: in Res.
pelier—The Rev,. Wra, Martin. has re.
turned from his vacation. —Mr. ' Henry
3olln Glanville and wife returned from
the U. S. on Saturday evening, where
they had. been spending their honey -
FOR PuucnAsnns Claire—The fall
Season is upon us and many of our
readers will be purchasing their fall
and winter siipp1tes in various lines,
Exeter offers many advantages to in-
tending ;purchasers, We would ask
you to=ad easefully eery annoan
infant in the advertising columns 'of:
THE Anvoe,A.Tn 'before placing your or.
dere for , fail and. winter. Those who
are represented there ask for your ens -
tom, and we know that if you call on
them and examine their carious lines
of goods and wares, you will be well
repaid for the trouble, Read the M-
veriisements in Tug Aiivoeate, buy
from those who ask you to call and see
them, and we guarantee they will use
you well.
A vestry meeting of the Trivitt Me-
morial Church was held; on Monday
afternoon, to consider the erection of
two mass taplets on the westexn wall
of the ehureh,by the donor, Mr, Trivitt.
The meeting was very haranonious,two
resolutions being passed,the .first than{:
ing Mr, Trivitt for his gifts and the
ether expressing sympathy with him
in the trouble and expanse he has been
put to by a contractor named Hobbs,_
who entered a lawsuit at the London
Assizes which was dismissed with costs,
but Hobbs having no goods, Mr. Triv
itt's expenses in the suit are heavy.
The resolution .also expresses the hope
that Air. Trivia may be long sparedto
finish his work in the parish.
We clip tete following piece of poetry
from the Paynesville (Minn.) Netrs,aand
from the tone of it are led to believe
that it has reference to Editor Dyer
and Dr. Henderson, of that place:
t"A Doctor and an Editor,
Went: to get abed of hay,
But the windy wind was windy
And it winded all away.
The: rackety rack was rackety,
The Doctor racked and swore.
And swore he'd never take an editor,
With him any more.
The Editor almost feinted,
To see the Doctor rip and tear,
pie tried to sing "Sweet Violets" --
You know Editors never swear.
But the Doctor soon got winded,
He had to much to say,
Andthe Editor he rode home
Upon the load of hay."
Targe Stock.
Our merchants have laid in a heavy
stock of fall and winter goods and ex-
peat to do a large trade. Intending
purchasers will do well to keep their
eyes on our advertising columns.
Shipments Daring the Week.
Mr. W. H. Hutchins shipped ten cars
of barley to Detroit.—Mr. James Oke
shipped a carload of cattle to 'Montreal
on Monday; also one on Tuesday.—Mr.
Thos. Prier shipped•a carload of hogs
to Montreal on Monday.
Blanket your horses.
It is moneyin your pocket to keep
your horse blanketed. The warmth
must be kept up, and if the horse is
not blanketed he must eat that much
more to keep warm, and a blanket will
save more that its price.in feed. , Your
horse if blanketed, will live longer,
work harder, and his smooth, glossy
coat will make him look $50 better than
if he was not blanketed.
To late for last wook
C. Mack. has left on a Visit to his
friends in Ilensall.
The weather is lino and very favor-
able around our burg.
Quite a few of the young fellows
around here went to the lumber woods
for the winter, last Tuesday. We
wish thein every success.
Mr, Flavin Bashand had a few ofthe
boys brought up, before Mr. W. J. Wil-
son, J P. of Greenway. for -using insult -
in;; language in his store, at G. rt. The
boys got off very safe as they only had
to pay $5 a niece.
s Largest and best Assorted Stock 4f
n the County, bought strictly for CASH.
Everybody in.vited to call, and inspect
ForIue For
Edon School Reports
Thefollowing is a, eorrect report
the standing of the pupils of this Khoo!,
in their several classes, fur the swath
of October,
Etna 04Ae5. Total875.EidiaBus-
wells 828.
Sus, p'uuuru Cuass.: Tatal,1100.---
Minnie Cave, 772; Allie Kerslake* 674;
iauraa. Hicks,643.
JUN. Pouurn O*puss.--T0taf, title,—T
Warren Snell, 735; Alfred Hunter, 491.
SmitORTutaan0u s,—Total, 1004,—
Nora. ilea men, 774; l!Iet3ie Denapsey,747;
Lottie Handford, 581; Maggie Lu=ton,
57C�, Edgar :unwell, 648; Lizzie Coates;
Ju; ion Thetas CbasS.—TOtat,ASIX,
Aline Dempsey, 720; Annie Quance,658;
idinnle Luxton, 606; Annie Smith,674;
Bernice Rook, alt?.
$neon Crass.—Total, 700..1d:a,
cave, 646; Emma Smith, 496; Myrtle
Walker, 456; Frani: guider, 3140; Nellie
Quauco, 195.
Fuer ancone Crass. --Tota' 600.—
Rhoda Kerslake, 477; Polly Fisher; 470,
Richard. Hunter, 423; Jessie Luxton
399; Blanche Rook, 654; May Thomas,
365; Annie Janes, 275; Olive Down, 179,
Maggie Handford, 176; Annie 'land-
lord, 10?.
PART Hurt---Aimeua Kerslake,
Sanusi Thomas, Rettie Esser)', Varner
Buswell, Alfred Coates, Lulu Dempsey,
Eliza, Ann Jones, Clara Lnxton, Laura
Dempsey, Lida Qunneo, Itilda Down.
The above is hissedupon written ee em -
!nation and itis low marks, taken by
soave is due to absence from school..
J. A. Dempsey.
Situation Wanted.
A.lady wishes to t ucure & situation for her
son; egad /thou 11 peas,. The situation. two.
timed is one In wldolt loo can so to school
and de the ehoros morning and evening.;
Nor furtherps rticularr apply at the Airyo-;
CATs ofiteo, Tweeter.
West McGillivray.
Mrs• Wm. Rowe, of Mitchell, who has
been in our midst for some time back.
residing with Mr. Thos. Smith, will re-
turn to her home on Saturday next.
Mr. Wen Rowe, who has been. in Kan-
sas for the past four years, returned
home again, and will remain 'here for
some time when he will return in the
spring together with Mr. and Mrs.
Henry wasnige. As neighbors Mr.
and Mrs. Wasnige will be missed.
For the past week the marsh, belong-
ing to Mr. John Hodgins, has been in
a continual blaze and is doing.much
damage to the fences and timber.' The
people have been busy day and,; night
doing their utmost to distinguish_ the
flames, and hive it no. a little..iindee
Keep Off The Track. Mrs. M. Bell, of Kalaska Co. Mich .who"
The frequent accidents that occur to has beenvisiting friends in this vicinity
people who persist in walking on rail- for the past three',menths returned
way tracks is likely to War fruit. The home on Tuesday' cast. -
Grand Trunk authorities are determin-
ed to arrest all persons found trespass-
ing in the manner stated, not only .cit-
izens, but all along the line, and the
provisions of the Railway Act will be,
strictly enforced Persons who are in
the habit of walking on the track Should
remember they are liable to prosecution,
and the agents have instructions to see
that the Act iscarried out.
A. Laudable innovation.
Cinderella parties are to be .fashion-'
able this season. In Montreal they are
said to be quite copula r already. - Cards
of invitation bear the words "Cinderella
Party." The leading feature of these
is that promptly at 12 o'clock at
night a gong sounds and , the guests
immediately depart, as did the heroine
of the glass slipper. But this means'
those Who have to be to' business : on
time next' morning have'`a chance`; to
obtain * something like a .night's rest.
It is hoped this fashion will, spread all
over the country.
Messrs. Jas. and Thos. Bell went on
their usual evening hunt on Saturday
evening last and succeeded in captur-
ing two mammoth skunks and one coon.
Good luck boys.
On Friday evening last, a very pleasant.
entertainment was held in the Thames
Road Presbyterian Church, under the
Auspices of the,'youilg ladies foreign.
Mission Society. The proceeds amount-
ed to oyer $3.00.
On Wednesday evening- asVlr. David
Brown was driving the water tank be-
long;ifig to Mr',=Passmore's. Thrashing+
Machine to the Well on' the f item of NMr,
Andrew • Hodgert, and being rartl;er,
light-headed fell off, tate tank .Passing,
over his lee% Mr. Brown was unable
for his work the next day bn` t is able to
be around again:
Inaugular•-lectures were.
in,. Queens. Univ isityy at
Absolutely, Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of
purity. strength and wholesomeness, More
economical than the ordinary kinds, and
cannot be sold in competition with the
multitude of low test, short weight alum or
phospLlhat3szxv'Pbwtasr, CO.,O6 Wail St.
Ae powders. Sold only in cans.
A certain and speedy cure for
Cold in the Head and Catarrh
in all its stages.
Relief, Permanent Clare;;
P Failure impossible:
Man" so-called diseases are simply symptoms 'of
Catarrh, such, as headache, patdiai' deaens, losing
sense of smell, foul, breath, hawking and spitting,
nausea, general feeling 6f debilit°y;'etc. if yotuare
,troubled with any of these or kindred sjmm
have Catarrh, and should lose no time in procuring
a bottle of Nessr. else&. Ile warned sap time
neglected Cold in head results in Catarrh, followed
byy cbtssnmplion and death,x, : z;..;BaLx is told by
alldruRgists or will be sent, ort paid. on re "
delivered p c of
price (so cents and er.00) baddr s � "
I�rugstcii RJLFOB0 ilk Co., Ba
• att„P v are' of imitations similar in aggro"
It is saki that every person has a chance
once in their lifetime to make it fortune, and if they
oiler that time to pass may never have the opportunity again.
Tom►.. TIME '.�. CCS E,
Yon eau depend. upon it that everybody purchasing their goods
at Parkinson's saves money, by doing so will soon Maitre
their fortune. His prices are always down.,
Yes are n t asked high: prig to make up leases, for debta contracted iawd
eustonaers; don't you see there is thousands in it, Paarkille(1111, Steele
is new and consists of Dry -Goods, Groceries, Crockery,. 'Gh ss.
ware, Tweeds, Boots and Shoes, In fact everything usually
kept in a first-class Qeaicrat Store, See bis I31•lela and Colored Casbmercs
from 25 cts. up, You ran get the cheapest all Weal suit in Exeterrnmdaiooxder
+ I SC> ' .
Itrake no mistake. Consult your own interes
examine his stock before your making � ou>' ptlrcllzlses el;s_
and you will, soon save enough for a fortune. You can
better at the Cheap Cash Store than any other I
Exeter. Highest market plice allowed for farm
PARKINSONrS, First floor north of the Town Hall, Exeter:
t t-i—F.1I— + i—FH- +4 —H i—t t -f
These men will treat you fair and square,
When e'er you conte to buy;
They'll -give you bargins rich and. :tare,
Just give these men a try.
We may not have the biggest store
On earth; but write it down,
bargins we will give you more
Than any store to town
reco 0) rA to Ob to ro rn to U) m ro rn to ua to ro co ir.•. CJS to rn rn veto
t.o m m m to 0J., rn CQ CP to 0J) m :J1 0J1 0 to rn m m tR COD. C11 m m VS CA
Our stock is fine, and large, and `new,
In every line lllecol complete;
It's just the stock, my friend, if you
Want goods that can't be beat.
0.000 O 00 00 O0 0000 000 0O OO 0O'00;
0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O.
For quality we rank Al,
In styles and prices, too;
And better bargins there is none
Than those we offer you. u,
x = °+ + = x =+ = + = +'.
x +,' x x x x x x x x x
Although our quality's so high,
We want you all to know
Wurs is the cheapest place to buy;
Wur prices is always low.
IfV ou are wise you'll come to -clay,
While bargins till abound;
There's bal n for you, anywayay
When'er you,,come around.. '
tPrece dor Farm Produce. ....