HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2005-02-24, Page 22PAGE 22. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005.
By Jo-Ann
Better late than never. We wish
Henry Grobbink our best in his
recovery from hip surgery six weeks
ago. He's doing just great and is
walking with a cane or crutches.
Way to go Henry!
Our sympathies are extended to
Gene and Joyce Marcuccio and
family on the passing of Joyce's
stepmother in Renfrew. Joyce,
accompanied by daughter Dawn,
spent three days in Renfrew with
famil} and attending the funeral.
We welcome Heidi McClure back
from her trip to Switzerland.
Accompanied by her brother Bill,
and wife Darlene and their son Luke,
she spent 10 days overseas. They
HE begins budget talks
By Mark Nonkes
Special to The Citizen
Huron East councillors started
sharpening their pencils as first
round budget talks began at the Feb.
15 meeting.
While preliminary figures
indicated a 20 per cent tax hike for
2005. council instructed staff to take
another look at the books and bring
back a more manageable tax
increase of four or five per cent.
"Every department has to cut a
certain wad out." said McKillop
councillor Sharon McClure.
"Our rural people are really
starting to suffer." added McKillop
councillor Ferg Kelley.
Under contention were two big
ticket items, a new grader and a new
Brussels firetruck.
"It's better to buy new stuff than
buy new icpairs." said councillor
Joe Steffi er.
The new firetruck is expected to
cost $23O.()()() while the grader is
estimated at $300,000.
Some council members thought
the purchases were manageable if
they turned to their capital
equipment reserve fund.
Mayor Joe Seili explained the
firetruck' the department wants to
replace is a 1950s tanker.
"It should be in a museum." Seili
"1 m not going to tell a ratepayer
vour road looks good, but, by the
way il there is a fire you could
cook." Seili added.
Councillor Mark Bcavcn said
when he talked with some members
ol the Brussels Fire Department
most realized the new' truck may not
be purchased this year. Beaven
suggested pulling half the amount
lor a truck away this year, then
buying it in 2006.
When questioned about the grader,
public works co-ordinator John
Forrest reminded council the
machinery was on last year’s budget
as well but cut then too.
“You can only fix things so
much," Joe Stettler sympathized.
Other suggestions were to slash
some road construction projects or
the economic development budget.
Much later in the meeting, after
budget talks had wrapped up.
deputy-mayor Bernie MacLcllan
asked council to consider
downloading some of its buildings,
m particular the Vanastra Curling
Council will look al a revised
had a great visit with their sisters.
Margarite and Hannah, who reside
in different areas of Switzerland.
They also visited with their parents’
relatives. The last time the four
Natcr children had been together for
a visit was in 1998 and they really
enjoyed their time together.
Darlene and Luke did some skiing,
while Heidi and Bill enjoyed
watching from the chalet. It was
wonderful and even the nine-hour
flight home from Zurich to
Amsterdam to Toronto wasn’t that
bad. Any holiday with family is
always a holiday to remember.
The birthday boy. Jim Smith,
celebrated more than one party for
his 96th birthday. On Friday, over 50
gathered at JR's to enjoy coffee and
cake and wish Jim a happy birthday.
Jim's family gathered at the Walton
Inn on Sunday to enjoy a delicious
birthday dinner. About 17 family
members including Ron. Gerald and
Donna and their families had a great
time together at the Inn.
Spending the weekend in Orillia
and no gambling was Jo-Ann
McDonald. I attended along with my
sister Nancy from Ayton, a reunion
budget again in upcoming meetings.
On a positive note, treasurer Brad
Knight reported that since the new
policing agreement was drawn up.
Huron East saved more than
$115,000. The new policing
On bended knee
It was a bit of a balancing act at first for this group of skaters
as they attempted a portion of one of their routines planned
for the upcoming talent show. The children are members of
the Blyth Skating Club. (Vicky Bremner photo)
Adam Hamilton
The Twins Are
Love & Love
your b°ys families ^°Ur 9ir!s
of the girl cousins on my side of the
family. There were six of us at my
cousin’s beautiful cottage on
Sparrow Lake. It was a great lime of
remembering our younger years, our
grandparents and of our times
together growing up.
As with a lot of people, weddings
and funerals are the only times we
see each other so this was a really
special get-together. Hopefully we
will carry this on every year.
There were 16 teams participating
in the McGavin bonspiel at the
Seaforth Curling Club on the
weekend. Rick McDonald. Steve
Knight, Scott McDonald and Greg
Medd with Carmen Bernard filling
in on game one. placed second in the
first draw and had a great day.
Joan Pcrric had returned from a
four-day visit in Ottawa area with
her sister. Gaye, flying from
Hamilton to Ottawa, the 47-minute
flight was quite enjoyable. Upon
landing, she was whisked off by her
sister to a speed skating oval where
her sister speed skated, and Joan just
skated, they also skated on the
Rideau Canal, which just reopened
after experiencing a thaw, the entire
agreement provides the municipality
with basic policing services instead
of contract policing and a
guaranteed number of officers in
Huron East at any given time. It also
eliminated the police services board.
seven-km. route.
At the other end, they donned their
snowboots, and walked to the ice
sculpture park. There they saw
sculptures and lunched before
skating back to the other end of the
Rideau Canal. They went cross
country skiing at Gatineau Hills and
downhill skiing at Wakefield,
Quebec. They had great weather for
this very busy four days.
Returning from a cruise on the
Norwegian Sea cruise ship were Ron
and Betty McCallum. They met
friends in Houston, Texas where
they boarded the ship to cruise the
eastern coast of Mexico and Central
America. They stopped in Cozumel.
Belize and Cancun.
They began and ended their week
long trip with cool weather, but had
a great four days in the middle.
Always nice to get away.
Returning from a two-week
holiday to Ixtapa, Mexico were
Harold and Pearl McCallum. Paul
and Dianne McCallum and Wayne
and Joyce Hartman. They enjoyed
hot weather and a great resort.
The men spent a day of deep-sea
fishing and caught a couple of
marlin which they will display on
the wall when they arrive after being
Flea market, day trips and just
lying around and relaxing was the
main order of the holiday.
Birthdays celebrated last week
include Murray Houston, Denise
Hulley. Meagan Campbell, Mary
Mann. Nelson Ryan. Brian
Dolmage. Jim Smith. Brittany
Hymers. Alex McDougall, Jenna
Marlene, Doreen Welsh, Helen
Brenie. Steve Blake, Kathy Clark.
Tyler Williamson, Kevin
McNaughton. Steve Knight,
Christopher Becker, Joel Dalton,
Bruce McDonald, Tamara
Happy anniversary to Arnold and
Chantelle den Dekker, Neil and
Doris Williamson and Martin and
Catharine Baan.
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moves on
On the second Sunday in Lent,
worshippers were greeted by Karen
Members of the board and
session, trustees, stewards and the
congregation then took part in the
covenanting service.
Tyson McGavin returned Stubear
for the time for the Young at Heart.
The stubear is now off for a holiday
with Tyler and Brook Leslie Ribey.
The senior choir anthem was
Abide With Me. The scripture reader
was Heidi McClure.
Rev. Joan Tuchlinsky’s reflection
was on knowing Jesus and knowing
about Jesus. Discussion in groups
followed the reflection.
The offering was collected by
Howard Hackwell and Keith
World Day of Prayer is Friday,
March 4 at St. Ambrose Roman
Catholic Church at 7:30 p.m.
Many youth activities are coming
up, so check the bulletin board.
Regal orders are due this Sunday,
Feb. 27 to Monique Baan.