HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2005-02-24, Page 18PAGE 18. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005. Court news Judge sentences man to 90 days in jail A Wingham man was sentenced to jail after appearing in Wingham court. Feb. 17. Timothy Michael Cook pled guilty to three charges of mischief under $5,000 and one charge of breaching a probation order. Crown attorney Bob Morris, said that on Nov. 20 Wingham Police Services received a complaint regarding damage that had been done to a glass window, a door, two wreaths at the cenotaph in Wingham and a nativity scene. Witnesses had seen four males in the vicinity around the time that damage was done. A security tape from a local business was reviewed and four men were identified. Through interviews with the sus­ pects. it was determined that Cook was responsible for some of the damage. He was serving a one-year proba­ tion term from June 17 at the time. Duty counsel Lynn Johnston said Cook had been out drinking for his 19th birthday that night and “got car­ ried away.” He was sentenced to 60 days for the first mischief charge and 60 days each concurrent on the other two. He was given a 30-day consecutive sen­ tence for breaching probation. His sentence is to be served intermittent­ ly- He was given 90 days to pay resti­ tution in the amount of $324. 57. Cook was also placed on 12 months probation. Fraud Jacqueline Waechter of Brussels was given a 90-day intermittent sen­ tence for defrauding the provincial government of close to $21,000. Morris said that Waechter, who pled guilty, had applied for welfare in 1998. She was expecting her sec­ ond child at the time. In her applica­ tion she said that she was not receiv­ ing support from her ex-husband who was the father of her first child. After her second child was born, she asked for her file to be updated, claiming that she couldn’t locate her ex and that the father of her second child was dead. She continued to receive payments until June 30, 2000. The total was $20,748.65. It was eventually learned that Waechter had been liv­ ing the entire time with her husband, who was father to both children. Waechter, said Morris, has a prior conviction for fraud from October 1998. Discussing the pre-sentence report Fraud scam reaches Huron Huron OPP would like to make the public aware of a phone solicita­ tion that leads to a door-to-door mar­ keting scam. Two elderly residents of Huron County in A-C-W and Seaforth received a phone call regarding a demonstration of a vacuum cleaner or air purifying and home cleaning system by Miracle Mare. Both victims also indicated that recently they had been called about a survey being done in the area. In one call they identified them­ selves as the Canadian Health and Homecare Association, which is not true. The two reports indicate that the victims were told they had won a prize valued at $150 which turned to be someone doing steam cleaning in Johnston said that the 28-year-old had been desperate to get out of financial difficulties and has since made full restitution. She said Waechter is very active in the com­ munity and is a different person than she was then. “The aggravating fact is that she committed this fraud while on pro­ bation for another one.” said Judge R.G.E. Hunter. In addition to the jail term Waechter was placed on probation for 12 months. She is to hold no position with any organization that requires the handling of money. Dangerous Driving Randy Keyes of RR1, Bluevale pled guilty to dangerous driving. Morris said that on Aug. 14. Keyes was operating a vehicle in Morris- Turnberry and drove through a stop sign into the left lane. He collided with another car in which was a man a d his young daughter. The child received minor bumps and bruises, but the father had two cracked cervi­ cal vertebra requiring him to wear a halo. Morris also noted that Keyes has “an unenviable record for driving offences.” He was sentenced to $750 and is prohibited from driving for 12 months. Keyes has nine months to pay the fine. Conditional discharge Car taken from storage On Feb. 1 at approximately 4 p.m. OPP were contacted about the theft of a vehicle from a garage on Molesworth Line in Huron East. The officer learned that a vehicle had been stored in the garage at the mentioned address last year. Sometime between the spring and summer of 2004 a person entered the garage and stole the vehicle. The car had not been reported until now due to the owner of the residence believing the vehicle had been picked up during the time men­ tioned by the car owner. Stolen is a maroon 1989 Chrysler Dynasty. The investigation contin­ ues. Call OPP or Crime Stoppers if you can help sove this crime their home. Wellington County OPP have had several similar reports. Citizens, especially the elderly are reminded to be cautious. Legitimate companies have noth­ ing to hide and don’t mind ques­ tions. Get it in writing. Check them out. Request detailed written infor­ mation, a call back number, local references and leave yourself time to think your decision over. Don’t fall for the high-pressure sales pitches. Second opinions are free, why not use one. You may also want to check with the Better Business Bureau and Consumers Services Bureau by phone or internet. Be careful, take your time and protect your cash. A teacher received a conditional discharge after pleading guilty to assault. Morris said that on Nov. 25 the victim told police he had been assaulted by his tech teacher. Gerald Schuck of RR2, Wallenstein, had NETWORK "Advertise Across Ontario or Across BUSINESS OPPS. 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