HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-10-31, Page 4THE ". .er jettet W 4. SANDERS, ditor. Thursday, October. 81st 1889. :rue RACE QUESTION ESTION Protest, lend and deep; continue to come from tat=fire quarters AS the result ett the treatment to which the race is Icing sr:;r jeeted in the Southern States. The subject was d seissed in the pub. Its of the churches of coloured people iinWashington,Chicago and other cities, au .Sunday last. One reverend gentle, man, in a, Baptist Chinch in 1Vashing- toss; larged the olprx•ssetl people to en, deavi,:i,ur to secure lauds and homes,and to detain ahem, if necessary,with the Winchester rifle, and another coloured blister, on the sante day, said there is lase iln.eppeanlin ; to eoTigress for re-: ste as two thirds of the members were sinners and the other third were truur•nrds." This race is growing in importance, and threatens to become ar Teey serious problem with ourneigh-. bots. -a pr'oblom which in the nears fu. are will demand perhaps as much at ion/acorn as Secretary Blaine's "vigorous %nein Policy"sebeme, about which wo ;li#:1r so much from his political mintix crs in L'nitedStates newspaper, RS. atalianrs feel interested in t li pzrrts of the Empire, of a ,few facts cull cal figures recently published .uglauii re garalneg the situation in the Australasian colonies, with which lkooT.esaire ontert'lined of alt expulsion Ql Canadian trade. It appears from the statement before us that the total in crease in the population of the colonies during the year 18.8S was 126,000, Vic- toria standing at the top of the list with a population of 1,000,559. New South Wales, which in 1ti8'7 was ahead by a few thausandS. comes next with 1,085,. Tit The iilere,ise in Victoria is part - ay attributedto the filet that when The computation was made the Inter. oatioual Exhibition was i;n full swing In South Austr,►Ra; New Zealand and We ,urn Australia the population 188S wiapmetiellly stationary,. Ou aside' Victory and New South Wales the year proved one of disappointment and depression :ts a whole, so far as trade was concerned, but some ilnprovement 3iaaln since reported. Tho united colonies increased their debt during 15238 by £ J,4(:'C,0uO sterling. On the 31st U: celnberthe it total debts amount- ed to, £170,000,000, equal to £46per Bead of the population. The total value of the imports of the year 1888 -was £65,5113,000, an increase of £3,000,- CCO, and of the exports £57,605,000, ur iner, ase over 1887 of £7,000.000 It is reported that stockholders suffered a good deal frmn the terrible droughts. during 1883. Instead of showing a ;large ia:ere.ise, as is usual, there was a rTi,ninutfon of a million unci a half sheep /luring the year, the total num- ber at the close of 1888 being 96,580,- 000, 6,580;000, as against 9V00,000 at the close of 1S87. 'thought it best not to do so;" but h notified lir. Cornelius B] iss of his afire moat with Mr. Wiman, When learned what bad taken place- at thd dinner -that Mr. Whalen had taken a.-. vantage of the occasion to deliver, rather to repeat, one of .his speeches his Commercial Union hobby, and ha invited Mr. Goldwin Smith to the din ner to air his eloquence on the sain subject -Mr: Curtis expressed his gr surprise, and having sought au inter view with. Commercial Union's Papa informed that gentleman that he ba considered it his ,duty to telegraph t M. Blaine that the agreement entero into in. the matter of Sunday observe- epee bad been violated by lir. Wima1,. Mr. Wiman replied that ‘..there ha been no speeches, only a little talk, But as a matter of facet Messrs Winne Goiania Smith did make speech. on the fad which lies dear to their° heart and Mr. Wirnan had his speech, whit be had put in type before dinner, tel egraphed all over the country, Surf is the substance of Mr,..Curtis' state meat, The New York,' HErAld's cor- respondent telegraphed that journal re garding the incident Mr. Wiman ha agreed that there should be no speech nialdug, but as I telegraphed you lasi night Mr. Wiman, had prepared and. printed his own speech and caused others to be made. This sort„of thing was contrary to the wishes of the State Department, This morning lir. Wim - an came over to the train and Mr Our.e tis taxed him with bis want offaith and said he would have to make a report of it to Washington. ler. Curtis was too busy to go to diener. Mr.Wiman went off rather in a huff," Whether the re, lotions between iter, Wiman and Mr. Blaine have become "strained" over the event or not, we do not know; but it affords proof of the fact that Mr. Wiman is bound not to lose an opportunity of preaching Commercial Union with Can, ads` whenever It is a0'orded. But he might as well spare himself the trouble. weak, But a eak, a very weak, approving response was given to bis original ad, vocaey of the movement in this country; and. since it has come to be understood precisely* what Commercial Union in- volves in the case of the Dominion, not half a dozen prominent men, in the in country have raised their voices in its t- favour. 0 e - he o o e cat d o d; d n n es d smaramenarmmemarameleam 312?.ri' LILANTl TROUBLE -"0 A .LITTLE TALK. That indefatigable and enterprising gentleman Mr. Erastus Wiman, the sol- icitoas- parent of the Commercial Union bantling is. in trouble, which arose in t31is: way: -Mr. Wiman was one of the New York business men appointed to look after the comfort and pleasure of the delegates to the Pan-American Con - g 'essduring their visit to New York. Ile joined the party at West Point,and awhile there informed Mr. William E. Curtis, whom Secretary of State Blaine lanced in charge of the excursion, that le would be at Niagara on 'the date that the delegates' arrival there, and that he would like to entertain, them informally at the Clifton House, on the Canadian side of the mighty cataract. The invitationwas accepted, and Mr. Wiman proceeded to make his prepay - Sons for the interesting event. Upon the arrival of the party at Niagara, Mr 'Cwrtis informed Mr. Wiman of NLr Blaine's desire that there should` be no ana,nties of any kind on Sunday dur-' ing;the e ciir'sion of thedelegates; that the.party should abstain from travel': ing on that day, that the "delegates should he left free to enjoy themselves aslii them seemed best and most agree-. ~race; that at the Wiman ,dinner, there be no speeches, and. that the: only special,feature of the interesting, si e re, A Iii„ Of r Spdnssh'peo.m descri tive "of Niarn, I!,. b•ira, ohne°pf the" dek gative., •Mr.'. Cilrtis did not attend the dinner him- ., to - use his own words; The Pittsburg 'Window Glass Manu. facturers Association have advanced the price of glass another five per cent. Ground was broken yesterday on the site of Dr. Talmage's new tabernacle in Brooklyn. There was a large crowd present. Mrs. Evans, :matron of the Children's Home at Hamilton, who was injured in the. St. George accident, died yester- day. London Electric Soap will not in- jure the hinds or clothes amid do more work for the money, try it. Notice 'to Creditors. In the matter of the Estate of John Worden, late of the village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased.. \TOTICE I5 HEREBY GIVEN, PUIt. _Li snant to the Revised Statutes of Ont- ario, chapter 110, section 58, that all creditors and others having claims against tho estate of John Worden, late of the Village of Exeter, in the county of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 18th day of April A. D.1889, at the city of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, are hereby re- quired to deliver or send by post prepaid to Mrs. E. A. Brooks, Exeter P. 0., Ontario, the Executrix of the said deceased, or to the undersigned on or before the lst day of December, ' 1889, theiand descriptions, and bill particularssurnames, clof their accounts or claims and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. And further take notice that after the said Sst day of December, 1.889 the Executrix of the said deceased John Worden, will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, 'having regard only to the claims of which site shall then have had notice, and that she will not be responsible for the said assets or any part thereof •taan_yperson or persons of whose claim she shall not then have had notice. R. H. COLLINS, EXETER, Oxr, Solicitor for the said Executrix. Dated Oct.l4th,1889. i Notice to` Creditors. In the matter, of Amos John'•Poplestone; ''`of the village ,of',Woodbaan, .in the ' County of Perth, .carriage and wagon ,builder, an insolvent THE ABOVE !NAMED INSOLVENT HAS made an assignment of all his' estate and effects to mo, R Ifs 0o'ofllins, of'the 'village of Exeter,, in the County.Huron, in trust for the bene5t;of'his preditora A meeting' of said are eitors w 1 be held, in, the shop of the Insolvent, in' the village of Woodham, Oounty'dfPertli', on' the , 5th day of Nouenber,' '1889, at 11 o'clock s. m., for the, appointment of, Inspectors, amt for giving `directions as 'to, the disposal of the estate. Creditors are required to file their claims duly proven with ine oh or before the day of Such, meeting. Afton January 1st 1890, the Lsaid R. 11. Conine will procoed to ilistribitte the said eetateSuthilin regard otriy''to siteh ciaims,as' Ire shall then have<notice of, uud he will,lot` bete s onsib f t s b e le ox he as ots of or anypart thereofpperson: or persons, whose claim or claims sl all no't^'then have beenfylec ,}',) R, H.COLLINS Exeter, Ontar'o Oct. 28 1 1889 TRUSTE. for infants and Children. NCaliorlaiseowelladnptedtocluldreatbat Castosia cures Collo, Constipation, Intoe tome." ndaupen y Ph Sour Stomach, D#arrhtea, Eructation, 13#1<t9111utas //...„. l -. T. r sou injurious sleep, find promotes di, nd onto an escri on IUSO. Oxford. ?t, ious medication. Tss Gzxeva Conway, 77 Murray Street, N. A McClary's Famous yodel Stoyes are the Best INTIM MARKET.. FOR:SALE BY BISSETT_BROS. A. FULL LINE OF ALL KINDS OF PARLOR STOVES ..... -JUST I Ny......+....}, *y + Miss eArlt Jae hey sr DOWN GO IE PRICES 1n order to make room for our ,fall purohas.' es which are now arriving; we of- fer reduced prices in Summer ZZress Goods, Muslins,Prin#s, Lacer, Dmhroideries, &c. ileo balance of Summer Millinery at cost. SUGARS! Wo'have a tniantity of Sugar on. Banti which was purchased before the }Leavy Ad- vance which we aro offering atless than pre- sent wholesale cast. Our values in Teas and Coffees are A-1 and are not excelled in the County. A call solicited and an insneetien invited. BE ;EMBER The Old Stand L It PISE If you want an easy shave as good as barber ever gave just cell at E. H. FISH'S SHAVING - SALOON At Morning, Eve or busy Noon. He wIA cut and dress the hair gracefully to Suit THE CUSTOMS OF THE FACE. Ladies' hair dressing done to perfection. Stand near the Post Office. .~All kinds of produce taken in exchange. Butter 14 cents ;Eggs,14 cents. Happel ds Oleghorn, ZURICH. BREAD -MAKER'S . C NEVES FAILS 70 OIVE SATISFAOTIOH FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. IF YOU WANT Bra Buis, Cakes, Pies, &c. -CAIS. J. H. NORTHCOTT k i p ixa x'{, All the Leading Lines of the purest and best CONFECTIONERy ALWAYSIiN STOCK eb Wedding Cakes of the finestquality.made on Short notice. -A TRIAL SOLICITLI), NORTHCOTT. fiHE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT mui atm from whichthis paper is printed was supplied by the rtORONTO TYPE FOUNDRY Dealers in Type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. JOHNSTON, O TATST , O 1\ &'82i 'Wel ' hngton St. west TORONTO, ONT. ATTENTION ! Eyes front, QvzcIC aV1.4a1c1-1 TO W. SOUTHCOTT'S Clothing and Gents "'uRNISIZINO STORE. EXETER, - ONTARIO. Some of the finest*goods that can. be secured, are arriving every day. GENTS' FURNISHINGS IN THE LATEST STYLx,S AT RICA ET PRICES. ,A CALL SOLICITED, W. SOUTRCOTT3 Corner Ma inn. ''(and. John Street, ' j[ EXETER, QTTARIO, MARKET SQUARE GENERAL STORE The undersigned would inform, th Public that he has just received. his Hill 11I WIRER STOGL INCLUDING A FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS, BATS $IM''D OAPS, AND CROCK. ERY, BOOTS AND SHOES,. These wishing anythingytbing in lIny line will find it to their advantage to call and inspect my goods and prices, Best Boller Flour always on !Bend.. Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs, and all kind of Produce, J. P. ROSS. (10-22-'88.) J. G. MALLAM, jflercka$ Tailor. Up stairs, over H. Spacklnan's Hardware Store. lie has in stock Some of the finest summer goods to he found on the market. A CALL SOLICITED. 3. G. SMALLACOMBE. PENNYROYAL WAFERS, p.• escription of a physician whc ha,, had a life long experience in treatong female diseases. Is used monthly with perfect success by over 10;0001adn•s. Pleasant, safe, effectual. Ladies asit your drug- gist for Pennyroyal Wafers and take no substitute, or inclose post- age for sealed particulars. Sold by all druggists $1 per box. Adddress ETJREKA CHEMICAL; CO., DamRor 1icm Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere. Jan. 1-8. MEDICAL. THE CELEBRATED DR. LE CARBON, OF PARIS, FRANCE, IIAS ESTABLISHED AN AGENCY IN TORONTO FOR THE SALE OF HIS MEDICINES, WHICH ARE A POS- ITIVE CURE FOR ALL CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES OF LONG STANDING ALSO YOUTHFUL INDISCRETION,EARLY DECAY, ETC., SHOULD WRITE FOR IN- FORMATION. CORRESPONDENCE CON- FIDENTIAL. ADDRESS ALL LETTERS TO THE E. 13. CRANE AGENCY, CAMERON PLACE, TORONTO. FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS Are pleasant to take. Contain their otOn Purgative. Is a safe, sure and effectual destroyer ofworms in CTaildren dr./Mats. London Huron & Bruce Raiiivay Passenger Time Table. t :DING Nonni: a.m. m. London,dep't Luca nCros'g 8.47 520. Clabdeboyo 8.52:5.28. Centralia,, o., 5.. 9 .. 46. EXETER', 9 to' 6Y. TTonsall • 9.28'.6.., Kippen, :-; 934`'6.17, Brucefield, , , 9,42 ,gg 88 Clinton 10.00'6,45. Londesboro' 10.19'7.08 Blyth 10.28 7.12. Belgrave 10.42 7 27. Wingham 11,00 7.45, GOING EQUT11. a.m. p.m. gham 7.05 340.' Bolggrave fi 24 4.00., Blyth 7,38 4,18. Londesboror 7 37 4.25`. Clinton 8.07 445; Brttcefield $ 26' 6,04:' Klimek 834 5.12.; Hensel' ,$ 41 579. EXETER 853 533. Centralia 9.07 5.45. Clandehoye 9.18 5.66. Lucan Cros'g 9 24 0.01'.' London, err 1^. 15 845. CLOTHING J. SNELL, A. st.. EXETER „ QNTARIO, Has now in stock FALL dND WIEB IN THE FOLLOWING LIRE.-. "Vest of England Suitings and Trous cringe, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser- Ings. French and English Worsted. Cloths Ail made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. J. SNELL. L. H. Dickson's Li:101110,1 Estate for tot \o.22, in the istconcessionof the town ship of Hibbert,conteixitug 100 acres. This farm will be sold cheap, and on easy terms The farm is aitua ted iniday between Sen forth and Dublin, on the Huron Gravel Road.. Church and School, within 3W yards, of firm. Sou the best in the county. A number of Exeter village properties for sale on the best of teruns,snoluliing some of the most desirable residences in town. Some propertyin the villages of Centralia and Farquhar, Which can be bought cheap. To Aoa x df n H On9 e ke e leni- Qn c o m i .tiei4#Ver1tYiy :au ndrS, i19 calculated that from aS to 20 additional hands are to ho cm* alit' o aec modating 8 to 10 boarders. A1smell ren t -out five minutes walk *am the foundry. For further particulars apply to Ifs rob. 7th. 1889, L. Barrister, EICKSONxeter. S. GIDDY. THE LEADING Undertaker AND Furniture Dealer4 OF THE TOWN ? I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which I will sell at right prices. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. An oxamination of our Stock Solicited. S. GIDLEY. -THE- Central Shaving Parlor, EXETER, Ontario. .Z3._ I3astir,gs, PROPRIETOR. Every Attention paid to Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting. ' AGENT FOR THE TROY LAUNDRY A. Hastings. Exeter P1oio Studio. 0,1 Why is it that in other towns and surrounding country they speak so highly of the photo= graphs that are taken in Exeter, • And how is it that there are so many photos sent into the different cities of Ontario, from EXETER PHOTO GALLERY -1712"="2-?.. Because Senior's workis as mood if not better than any of the leading . galleries in the cities and 'thenr prices are $4 and $5 per doz., while they get thein at Senior's for $3.00.