HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-10-31, Page 1VOL III. The Molsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 3855) Paid up Capital . $2,000,000, Head once Montreal, WOLFEESTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER. Twenty Branch otfaees in the Dominion - Agencies in the Dominion„ U. S. and Europe•. Open every lawful day' fiaaa 1 m 0 a, , to 3 p, Saturdays AO a. in, to 1 A general banking business transacted Three per rent, per antrum allowed fox money on Deposit Receipts and Savings Bank. B H', ARCHER, Exeter, Jan 28, '8$. Manager, THE eXtter atworate 1a' aubli:+hee every Thursday Meriting, at. the Oillme. Nr N•STREET ESTER R x th iDER$`1'Ii1tLISIIINGICQHI'A eti. . A TERMS OP SUBSCRII'TI.o2i. 'One Dollar per annum, if paid fn Advance. 014.30, If Slot AP paid, .id.li;44rtissaag 3RANt4410 4P. ..ILI2 ?7Se4a•, 'No vapor discontinued until all arrearitgt+,s Are paid. Advertisements witho'ttt stAKAAA directionswill bepxbliehe,t till forbid. and charges. utvsordihR . Liberrl discountrasede for tr+arnselent advertisements inserted for long periods. £very deaeriptieQn of JOE P RI \TI"NG t:urrn t out In the tlta'elft stria, and at moderate rates. Chequoa,nteneyord. era, &a, for advertising, subscriptions, etc. to be wade payable to William Sanders, Ratter ?0lrarcJi 11►i[re stet •, Ttazv T Ms:KORLAr,CUURcn.-•Itev. S. F. Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, tt a, ns, and7 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.x1 p.m. MgTnof,ISr Ci,tnvli••yamos-at„ Bev. Clement, Pastor. Sunday Services, te.3Q a.m. and 6•top.m. gi►bbatbScheel, Yp.m. MAIN Sr:seer—Rev. 3. Wilson, Pastor. San der Sery toes, taws,. in. end SAO porn. Sabbath Schooli.8lnp, * . I'arT6HYTintrA:1 Ctuunv'ti.--Rev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sundayy.qrvieee, 1.1 a. man . d o..50 p. OA. Sabbath Bah d 1i OAS as. m. ler orosolovia1 Cardio. TT L. BILLINGS. Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Oatrri., Nitrons Otido Gas for painless finless extraction. II. KINSMAN, DENTIST, L. D. S., ex- tracts teeth without pain by giving Vegetable Vapor, or using the new Antosthetie on the gums. Makes Gold 1 illi rings and other dental work the best possible, Goes to Zurich last Thursday in each month. East tido df Alain street. Exeter, 11. WHITELY, M. D. Q. U.. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office and residence— Corn or Victoria, and Elgin streets, Goderich, Ontario. DR. J. A.. ROLLINS. OFFICE—MAIN ST. Residence --Corner Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. r11 A. AMOS, 1st , C. M L, C. P., EDIN.; -L • . R. C. •S., Edin.;'L. P. P. & S., Glasgow; L. M., ',Edinburgh and Glasgow• 3f. C. P. & S. Ontario; F. T.M.T,M. S., Toronto. Night bell at office. Crediton, Ontario. Ty12-S D11. COWEN. OFFICE --!CAIN STREET, Exeter, upstairs, opposite Contra Hotel. Side entrance on south—James street leading to the Methodist Church. T W. BROWNING, M. D., 11 C. P. S. Graduate of Victoria University. Office and residence, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. U7ILLIAM SWEET, VETER- inary Surgeon. Graduate Toronto Office and Residence one block east of Samwell & Pickard's store. Opposite skat- ing rink, Exeter, Ontario. VETERINARY IiENTISTRY. A.H. Preen, Veterinary' Dentist, gradairate ofProf.H. H. Davidson's Dental School, Toronto. All work in connection witiv igorses'teeth prom- ptly attended to. Examination free. Office with Wm. Sweet, V. S. A. Ii. Fuca, V.D. R11. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT. . OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office— Sam well's Block, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. T H. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR 1 .i• of Supreme Court, Notary Pubne, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan Office—Fanson's Block, Exeter. ELLiOT & ELLIOT,BARRISTEIRS, SOLIC- itors, Conveyancero, &c. Money to loan at 6 per cont. B. V. ELLIOT. ':,.J. ELLIOT TAMES OKE, - Exeter, Ontario,, License f7 Auctioneer, for . the Cowinty- of Huron. Sales promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. sales arranged at this office. :Winelielsea. BROWN,Licensed Allot- ,: • ,ioneerorthe Counties" of Perth and. Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne. Sales promptly attended to and terin s rohson. able. Sales arranged at Post office, Wixtohelsa BOSSENBERRY, Hensall Ontario. Lie - for E ?Tei Auctioneert7,e` County of Huron. Chargesmodorate and satisfaction, guaranteed.', HOLT, Uiiva, Ontario. Licensed acct VV e ' the Counties of ' Ione r for 1 C Middlesex.' and Lambton, and the townships of Stephen. and, Hay. A11 sales promptly attended to. IAFIBBER, Licensed Auctioneerfor Hay .. Stephen and McGillivray towritl,ips, Offloe—Crediton, Oaten., rteet Oat "A UNITED CANADA:'. AND RRITISH CONNECTION," EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1889. Stray Cattle. Strayed into the premises of the Under - Signed, ned, bout thelst of October, 1 one -year- old heifer, and 1 one -year-old steer. The (woor will prove property, Pay expenses and take them away. S. STANLARE, Valuable Farm, for Salo. Comprising tee acres more or less, being composed ot'Lot 29Con. s, Township of Ste- Ehen;Countyof R,'uron; 1,q miles west of xeter,. On the premises are a fans Brick House s0x40; kitetaelt tfxnd; wood sued Sex34;. two good wells; a lane oretard• 2 barns; driv- Dig shed; stable and other belidings; also a small portion of bush on the premises. There is a river renaming through the bush part which is never dry, The farm is well drain- ed and in a good state of cultivation, For further partacnlars, apply to SAMUEL RUNDIE, Bxeter, Ont. Roofs rd of rho Louses Before the Court Before llr..ruatice Rosa Tuesday Oct. Court opened at 10 of clock a,n1:,, by proclamation, ;Following were the Pit AND JURY W. J. Shannoli, foreman, Thos. Amey, David ,Bell, Benj. Churchill, H. F. .Ed wards, Frank edcailf,'',Vin. McKnight, Henry' Perkins, Alex Ross, John 'Bing hang, Alex Chrissie, Lancelot Clark, Daniel .French, John ,Hyslop, Henry Harney, Robt. Maxwell, Peter McEwcau, John Parish. The crier having made the usual pro elamation, his Lordship addressed the Grand Jury, explaining the nature of their dutyys, and refering to the emit that'would come before thein, Ittherd Tichbourue was sworn ••to take charge of the Grand Jury. TI.t.E. CASES Shiel v. Wilson --This was an action for seduction. The parties live in the township of East Wawanosh, where the offence was alleged to have ben com- mited after a brief acquaintance Ver- dict of $600 and costs for plantiff John G. Holmas for plf; Garrow, Q.C., for deft Burr v. Burr -Action to determine boundary of ];ands in the township of .Mullett, Gamow, Q.C., for phi) Owens for deft.. On appllcaatIon of hate Garrowv, trial was postponed till next assizes for this county, costs to be cost on the cause to the successful party. Dickson r. Scott—Action to recover possession of lands in the village of liar- pnrhey, Darrow, Q,C., for'p11i; Holines stcd for deft, Coui:sel consetitid'g, his Lordship directed judgment to be entered for the Or for posesalon and cost of suit. Davis eat"Al i. Wier ---Action for an account. Garrote counsel for Diff; Hot mested for cleft. His Lordship directed that all questions of enquiry arising herein be refereed for enquiry and re- ported to S. Malcomson, .Esq;loeal Mas ter under sec. 101, J. A. O. (formerly Sec. 47) The grand jury came into court -with a true bill against John Crofts the younger for seduction under the amen- ded "Charlton Act" - The Queen t'. John crofts jr.—Indict- ment for seduction under the amended Charlton Act. Defendant by his coun- sel pleaded not guilty. Lister for crown, Mabee for deft. After the case had opened Mr, Lester stated that his Lordship felt that the ease was not with in the statute he would not press the case further. His Lordship directed the jury to render a verdict of not guilty,' and they accordingly did. Marron et al. v. Reynolds—Action on promissory note. (Holt for plff; Campion for deft.) Council consenting, his Lord- ship directed judgment to be entered for the plff. for $400 and cost of suit cost of chamber application before local judge to be cost in the cause of p1. Court adjourned at 5,30 p.m till 9.30 a.m. Wednesday. , Wt. SECOND DAY. Court opened at 9.30'a.m.,' persuant to adjournment. Blackrock v. Dougherty et al. -Ac• tion of ejectment. His Lordship dis- pensed with jury. Mabee & Darling for plff; Cameron & Holt and Ormiston for deft.Jud•ement of plff, possession to be given the first day of March, 1890 Meantime no damages or injury to be done or committed by deft. Doherty on lan'd'or erections. If so, than a writ for possession may at once issue. Worktnan v. Cornish—Action to re• strain deft. from selling lime in Hen sail. Collins for plff; Carrow and El- liot for deft. Adjourned until 11.30 Thursda y. Hemacher v. Bottler et al.—Action for a drninistoration. Collins for plff.; Buzer for deft. Counsel consenting, his Lordship directed that all matters in question herein be refered to, the 1o. cal Master of this court at Berlin, un- der Sec.101 formerly 47J.A.O.,parties to have liberty to amend within ten days, as theylinay be advised. Nicol v. Nicol -Action on promisary note Garrow & Proudfoot forp 1f.; 'Holt. fol cleft. Conn sol consenting,hr his LOrd- ship,directed that judgment be enter- ed for the'plii." for $554,26; against deft. Lounsbury with cost of suit. Sheaa>v.:Fortune-Action for slander. a'ero C m &Holt plff;Garrow & and ou Prdtoot deft. the deft his'coun- y z 1 opal, :court stated that he did not intend to charge„the plff, or John Beat- tie or Maddigan with willful' and or. rapt perjury, and that if. he had used any language capableofconveying•suc, meaning, he withdraws the same, and expresses regret at having used it,dud thereupon this plff; by his counsel ac- cepts; the apology,and by consent judg- ment is to be entered for the pill; for one shilling and full cost of suit. Plain- tiff's council also states that no action. will be brought by either Beattie or Maddigan inrespeet to the words used. His Lordship directed judgment to be entered for the plff, for one shilling and cost of suit, Girvin v, Burk—Action to rescind. a contract for purchase of a'patent right. Garrow & Proudfoot for deft, His Lordship -decided to dis pansy with jury. Courtadjouriied at 7;1Q p.m. tilt 9;8O tomorrow. TilURA iVsY • Court opened at 9:80'pursuant toad= journiuent, The case of Girviu v. )3irrlie was Bolt, tinned. After Agreement by council hit Lordship reserved judgment, The Queen r, Rebecca Hooper, -This was the eolebl'att;d .test of the cheese factory hurtling at I3luevalo, partieul- ars of which were ,published at the time, After hearing .the evidenee the judge his Lordship skated there was no ease to go to the jury, an dis- charged the prisoner. h .: Inspeetor J, E. Tom,paid the school a visit on Tueiday forenoon and ex- aminedthe classes under the teacher - inn of G, W, Holman, The shooting match to be held at the Elimvilta Hotel ou Thanksgiving Day, Thursday November 7th, promises to be a greit success. All lovers of sport should not fail: to attend.. Tuesday of last week witnessed the departure of an old and familiar resid- ent of orr village, inthe person of Mrs. Bennett. Her daughter having mar- ried Mr, S. C. Stonner of Lobo. and snowed thither to take up her abode, Mrs, Bennet has given up housekeep• ing and tecomparaied them, We Bax net, his iieen a, useful member of noel - eV mei ill will regret her departure. Riiisgreeu, Fine weather at present,, fear farmers aril at present busily engaiged in talking up thein roots. The crop is ail a\•erago one, The Orangemen of this section will celebrate the 6th Nov, They have se- cured several reverend gentlemen to deliver addresses. A good time is in store for all who may attend. Varna, Beautiful mule, Farmers are busy taking up their roots. Mr, Jas, Wanless aged about 76 yrs. was taken very ill on Saturday and on Sunday breathed his last. Mr. Wanless was at one time Police Magistrate for this Bounty, Ho was one of the oldest residents. In politics he was a Reform er. Bayfield. The town liars been 'very brisk of late. Every prospect likely to help Bay- field is being talked off at present, and ere long our little burg will rank with some of our neighborings towns. The Orange Young Britons of this place will celebrate the anniversary of the gunpowder plot by having an oys- ter supper in their hall, an the ovoninx of Nov. Gtlr. Ail Orangemen and. Young -Britons are invited to be pres- ent. A good time in store for all who attend. West McGillivray. The fall wheat is coming on very slow, to dry and old, The groundhas got so hard again that the farmers can scarcely plow at all. Mr. George Leary, of the London Asylum, has been visiting relatives here for the past week. Mr. Daniel Harvey•had a very good sale on the 17th Inst. Most of the things brought a good figure.. Mr. Harvey in- tends to move out to Dakota shortly, where he is'going on a ranch. The case Stephen vs. McGillivray did not come up for a hearing at Sarnia last week owing to a crowd of business but will probably be heard at the: Wood stock Court early next month. Hensall• Mr. Geo. McEwen has gone into the. grain business in this place. Geo.' an honorable and upright gentleman and will make a good buyer. • Don't forget the big shooting match at the Centennial House,, Ileusall on Thursday, Nov. 7th- (Thanksgiving Day.) A large ntlinber•' of Pigeons, glass balls, turkeys and: geese have been secured. Every sportsman should attend. • We regret to <iui thence the death of;` Miss Isabella NlcEwwren, which sad.. and' melancholy event occurettoon 29th'iiist° She was in excellent spirits a toa very P p few minutes of her ,death , Shao;, .was young being about 17 :yearsiof: age 5age And was always in excellent health, The funeral takes' place. today from ,. r the, eside>are,ofliel.fatliel;';, Mi. Alegi. McEwen 2nd eon. Hay, and proceed to' the; Exeter” cemetery;. for interment. The survivin„ fiiends have the sy, in'p w' • .. thy of all in their '814,T hours of ti•lial. Eilimville• 'Our old friend. M tl(Sr,z ?Ilpal Halls,, hap.• returned frail Chicago, after „ l • a year and a halls absence and taken tip `hiss residence with us ;again. Ribbert, Mi US, of Hensel!, is visiting friends its the Vintcity oft: Starry MIS 4GtLonra of, Seaaforthn1 2 s .nt Suny' d:ty ww nth".her p.lronts, of the eon, Mr. W, T,hpnipson, Teacher, attended the eolavaltlen iu Stratford, last week Miss dnand .Mus, Spare, of Sea, forthhere,. 'yu, syertesday cast with; friends Rev. lb. Down and, Mies Madge, of Usboslt, paid Crerearty as visit one day last Seek. Mr?4 s Jefiey, of Stafi'aa, "were' the guensof Mr. John Westlake, of lieborne, o* osday lasts The ;wrnealplonink match will be held on Valltd ry Nov. 6. Mr, John Smite has ;inn a field for the purpose, Mr, 3(4101 Learn, near Dublin, .had a sale of Its household property on Wednesday lett. Ile left with his f.ain- ily on Thu ayforToronto,where they intend ma G their home in the fu- ture. Mcitillvray Council, Ocronnn Wit, 1889, Council metpnrsuant to adjourn- ment, Presets% )V. H. Taylor, Reeve, W. L. Corbett and G. T Johnston, Deputy -Reeve, W. Ritchie and E. Morgan, Connillore. Minutes of 1st meeting read. ' and signed. Moved'by GT, Thonijison, seconded by E. Borg >l; that the hereinafter named indivlsals be paid the several amounts as NO, ylz:- .1 Alison,'g on.A1lison's.s.r. $1(1.11Q, G. McFarlane,Across'MeF,sr. 2.00 T. Rees, Laying lank on black b 2.00 T. Dancey, graft xaist`Ststal's s.r. 20,00 G. SCai]es, gravis ACOOUnt . , .... .4.00 G. James, planet }altconat;..,.. $.80 G. L. Shipley, stripping;gray. pit 1.2.00 W. McRann, hailing sand ..... 14.70 W. Bean, oyorsteing gray. div. 8 4.00. J. McDonald, gxay. grant 14 con. 20.00 B. Pile, and others hauling ceni't 20.00 J.H. Amos, engacc. per award 6.40 J. Mcliurty, rep/bridge, 8th con. 3.50 W,Dixon, grasgi grfant.8th eon. 26.00 C. Dowker, bride Dewker's s r..19.75 W. H. Mark, rep. -.Sobel's bridge 50.00 A. McWilliams,damatgeg.to horse 2300 J, Paterson, mak'g concrete pipe 110.00 " rep mud creek. brid 2.50 Moved by W. Ritchie, seconded by W. L. Corbett, that this'eounciI adjourn to meet in the Town Hall, McGillivray; the first Monday in November at ten o'clock a. m.—Carried. W. >r RASER, Clerk-. 4411e " Fishing has been good here for the past two weeks. The Organ Factgry is fast nearing completion, and .-henyd.'nisheda will be a very commodioaas one,, , The election of a coitile}lior• to fill the unexpired portions of tRe,late t'ounoillor Morton, took plaac cn,*10,4 , .and 're- sulted in Mr, E. Campion).. ,Barrister, being elected by 1c.ma jOrityr:DL23.,'.over Mr. W. Smith. .;_ The Rei». Mr. Huttons of? the..ict ' Y ossa st. Methodist churfh,:will 1pre:iels a spec iaal,eermon to the' Oraugexnc i pf this town on Sunday next Every Orange- man in the distgicrespect fplly,request ed to attend. i;.,. . 'PEnsoiraLs•—Reeve Eelly, of"Blyth, was hero on Wednesday.—W: B Dixon of Brussels was -`hese .,fous ' day last, n eek.=E.`.Wad'e of Brussela„• ,was attendance at the court•;last •Lewyer.Owens, of Clintolip ".did” the town lastaweek.tesieYanstoile, i Barris. ter, Wingliam, Wei, here ;during• the last week.—A. 11.' B sa'iyiiiii , of""Clinton was here :last wv c1. -x,.; : jDteksoir of Exeter, spent acaihdre;aast were etr.= R.11. Collies, par i tei,o eyias Bele lest Greepw' 0 Hits Thomas 3r0p yIs visntlng b er Sister news Toronto *sees. .and anI Lizzie Eggert arlive .h ere•fr om D ti oIf a tw eek.. The rate ch' T e G`< arch. roport r t, being, #'. y s g' i rovedin a pearellee.b a '►P PP , y new fence • Mr. Alex Aiken' s et al » a v`elz was .l.s e v t, } ell attended wwf l atte, d t h, t a _d, tn. d as ,s a l of at g eat•price. I. NO. in Mr. E. If. Wilson Sr. and wife, who were visiting frisllds bear Varna and Bayfield, returned house last week. Mr. John Sherritt, has been shipping 1 irge droves of lambs and cattle during the past few weeks, He has passed through here with four large droves Mr. and Mrs. Robert English are vis- iting friends in Stanley, near Bayfield. Mr. Goliey, of Clinton, has charge of Mr. English's. shop during his absence, Mr. A. W. Humphries' roan, Rueben Jackson, spent last Monday and Tues- day putting up eave troughs on the English. house and barn for W. J. Wil - sen, No,1 coal oil, ready made clothing, fresh gioeeries, new pork, grain bags sndenew dry goods, at elose prices at the Boston house, call and he convin- ced. Mr. C. IL Wilson, has given such goad sittisfaetion as an auctioneer, in the township of Stephen, that he has taken out license for the large county of Middlesex. The Boston Methodist Sabbath school appointed the following members as delegates to the sabbath school conven- tion to be held in Parkhill, the 5th and 6th of Nov: Richard 1,Vebb and wife, A. M, Wilson and wife, Grace. Wilson, C. IL Wilson Sr., Rolert Hutchinson and W. J. Wilton, Sereral yauna Tiled who live . near Grind. Bend, have for some Limo taken delight in teasln g Mr. F. Bailehand, were arrested one day last week by county tastable C. II. Wilson, and 'Wrought before ourj, P., who after hear ing the evidence, imposed a fine on two of them which with cost amounted. 'to ten dollars. Itis hoped, that this will be as lesson to all young men, to show more respect to the aged, when they know their talk and actions arc dis• pleasing Crediton. Court of Revision was hold here on Tuesday. Inspector Tom examined the schools here on Friday. Miss Celestas Iiodgins returned from Detroit last week, Mr. Seibert, of Hamburg, is spending a few days in this vicinity. lair. & Mrs. Grebe, of Zurich, were the guests at the Central on Sunday. Messrs. Scott & Gillies' men are busy tasting out pickled eggs and packing Messrs. Handford and Cobbieiglrsh€p ped five carload of tenths on Monter lastto the Montreal marketsri Any person wanting a first class net of harness can pureh cse the sine Via+ from our new harness maker, Thos, Nairn, of Whalen, paid our taint a flying visit on Monday. Glad to see you.once in a. while Tom. Any person wanting 0. Tubber SLtaasp, ears purchase the same eheep from. W. Smith cheesemakev of this piece. Weed is beginning to Dame, to tevieit now and people are preparing for win— tee, as the world has not COM,: to art dust yet. Our boys are talkinf; of getting up a concert some day shortie to he leeks in the cheese factory, Talo. hold boss' and get up a good one. Large quantities of gra-rn 'COM 'lilt daily, but prices are ',eery low. °alar grain store is just ebeist fµ11 as it int hard' to get cars to shier fast enough, The last ear 1o;td of potatoes has cart and gone again as people were very eager to gat thorn, there were rile'!, 1,400 bnshels shipped here. G.corre. took the last load. Mr, L, Barry, of 2nd con. McGiaUvra a, sold to an American buyer, a fee one year.old colt for which he receiver. tike handsome sum' of 4250; also two sear old Steers for whiCb he received /fG- . 0, Baskerville has taken theeoutr to build a large barn for Mr. Wes, torn. He is ggotuR to put en a largos gang as the barn has to be finished this fall. Tommy Neil saw a large wild eat ow Monday morning while coming fes. Mare, It has been seen severrJ times lately and Wm. Ol:esaw it last welkin. the swamp. The sports pre Out with their old guns but pussy keeps outat reach. Mr. Glias, Sutddrs, of the 1`xeter ,iltla- yoCATlt, and: ;An Jas. Neil, of the Cent- raI Hotel, Exeter. passed through onn town on Friday morning enroute toile surrounding forests, in search of halt a. They returned, after spending a for days, with a well tilled bag of She black quadropcd game., MATHS. sus.—In Stephen, on 25th inst, flea wife of Wm. Sims, of a dauglelcr. MAKRIA.(filitd. tlienwforshlpmetlt. Oirl=- -'xuatulr—InE 'i eie;, on" ,. Messrs, Clarke & Beaver purchased Inst, at the residence of Mr. Waa, three ealoads of potatoes a north and are rapidly* disposing of them. Mr. S. Feist who went to Washington Territory last spring has been serious- ly ill with typhoid fever but is recover ing. Burglars tried to effect an entrance into the house of Mr. Chas Eilber on Friday night.- Becoming alarmed they decamped without having secured any booty. Numerous depredation are being committed lately. On Saturday night twenty or thirty dozen of pickled eggs were stolen from Scott and Giliies's ware house, also on the same night Mr, Robt. Sweet lost three geese,and a num her of cabbage from his garden. A young man from the north had t:ouble in finding his rig early Monday morning. It seems he left it in the church shed while he wiled away a few hours of the Sabbath even- ing with his inamorata. When he went. for his horse he found it had disappear- ed. Failing to find it himself he secur- ed the services of a "fashionable tailor" and together they made further search and at last found the horse and vehicle in the far end of the died, We hope that such a trick will not be repeated and that henceforth the young gallant will not bemolested-on future Sunday evenings. -Two young sparks from the vicinity of Dashwood,,struck our town on Sun- day evening. One of them took two ladies (?) for a drive and when about four miles east of this place he had oe- cession to get out of the buggy when his two companions drove off and left. him to tramp it back. to Crediton where, his companion was impatiently waiting for him, Securing a livery the two angry swans started in search of the runaways. After a long and fruitless search they returned and found their hoise:;r1n 1 rig tied to a post. ' We re. fraiR front giving the; Hanley of the mdntifie l young , men and hope the lesson will be beneficial., Centralia , IhK?ain is badly needed, just.noww. .i J.•'N' it a' •i ' r e w s`w stun fri n '•''o,: g e ds in GlarS. on:Sunda , 3 'Mts. Frans. ~Johnston was the hest of R. Neil ten Sunday lasp. guest The n)ovine• we heard about t is over all but;the.bind; but she, will ,soon a be •herb. Y Windsor S. B.'.ias'taii>en tete cbritraet to take all the trees off the road near Hooper's corner: Peopley are ex•lipectediasy ; tal ln„e: out thein roots and repent the yield much betterthanhe Howard,bl- the Be; J. Wilson, Mr. Wm. North, of Attica Mitis -. gan, to Miss Liza Maud Palmer of this place, • J lEATIEM. MCEwnN.—In Hay, on 29th 'inst., Use belle McEwen, aged. 16 years, /IL mos, arid 15 days. Sale Register. On Lot 25, con. 12, Hilbert. tit iRedl- nes November 6th 1883, farm stoat, implements, &c. Jas. Oke, auct, Henry Modgson, prop. On lot 28, con. 2, Hay, on Friday, November 1st, thoroughbred farm.tsfiock implements, &c. 'Oliver L. Petty, prop; James Oke, auct. To Our .Subscribers, The SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT wl]ick appeared in our columns some tii>ae Since, annoluicing' a special arrange- ment rrantment with Dr. B. 3. KENDALL GO, sE Enosburgh Falls, Vt., publishers of 'A on the Horse and his Diseases," where,. by our subscribers were enabled to tain a copy of that valuable work FREE by sendiug,their address ,(and. en_ closing a two -cent stamp for anaitum same) is renewed for a limited perish: We trust all will avail taemseivealor, the opportunity of obtaining this vs , aisle. work. To .every lover,' of the Horse it is indispensable, as it treats a;ai a simple manner all the diseases whisk afflict this noble animal. Its phene . inai 'sale throughout the United States and Canada, make it standard authinr-- itv.' Mention this paper when seadni for-"T1•eaiise."—Oct-31-13t.. THE•WASHINGTON TREATY. Is one of the important tol1ics,of the da',:but. More important still to a s 3 P silk„ erer from catarrh is the question wh remedy shall I use? Try - hast1e 'Ba It "'never fo-fils Mr. John 'Ke11 ,: Cousbetomi- me e,'sars.-Nesa1 Bairn hast)., i .sauIexP ested It wou3d. not t) . so well in nine years. I soot sure it: . ,.. will make a pemanent. cure - Archbishop Tache', in an interviews' M.. gave it as his opinion ,that the move- ment aove ment;'n- Manitoba was in ri' ; p n,n F , `ay. duetted not, a„alnst the French-C:titat]<'- inns: or Freneli language a but afrt5t Roldan Catholics. b b g t.. :• sSli p ierint n e danf James, of the Maui- • toile;railroad, has been arrested itt<caw- neaten with the crossing 'dispute at 'Crook-ston, Minn., and the iyaght' continued in the courts. b 0