HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-10-24, Page 8TO VIOLIN PLATTERS
The socihl assemblee held, en Tuesday
evening in Oe' WWII hall, wee in every
We have pleasure at lovitieg your : respect, a Succeas, both financially and
examination of our new E. strings otberwiee, The "boys" deserve credit
whiel , will be in stock about the 1st of for tho energy. ins, getting the affetr ,te
Nov -
We have the guarantee that theme
are no better made.
J. Game,
Book a1 d, losty Gook—main St
perfection. We undearetiand :they.. will
be bell regularly ,in future.
slew It *dense
To built 'op *town people mtzststick
together like, brick, duet Pt a bass of
soap: There Must be no'wraneling or
quarrelling or jealousies Cuttings them.
Property owners do ttiwn'Taause offer in,..
ducements to eeeure liusitot a; must ad
Mr, and Mrs. Oke leave to day for vcrtise in loyal, pttpiia, atnd have ail
their" new home lei Exeter That village things mutziot,cZpect W ULtke ' " tor'.
may thank their lucky stars' at halving time in r+ year ar tWo estabilshing
such an increase to their population in monopolies -and maintaining eatelusive
the person of :elide a worthy couple as Privileges.rees3,
they are.- Seafo><'th $en_. Thanks, wo S•1,,:atIQn Argy igwat • -
Q�+�+�� are always glad to receive two good, The Canadian Household Band, visit:
residents, which we, are aware the ed. Exeter last Wednesday and Thugs
abovereferred to are, day and held meetings in Drew's Opera
An exchange gives the following $Ouse. Their itastruentaal and vocal
which should, be remembered by all as is music wsa well mrendereds and their
might be the means o£ caning' life and testimonies and appeel;s to the unsaved
prosperity, --fires resulting from burn- earnest and sincere, one relating that
rng oil are inextinguishable with water he has been an unconverted Sunday
but may be readily smothered, by throw- school teacher for years. The Band is
ing tfouron the burning oil, If clothes composed of about 24 yonng.men* who;
are eet en firs by spilling-oll or by have dedicated their time to thiol work
bursttree of a lamp. a bsndfnl• of flops of travelling through the Pominion-•
thrown ou lame iatteke may be,. the without pay --taking up eolloetioes • On
rxigang ofquenching. tile games and thus behalf of the Rescue and ',Drunkards'
saving life Homes, Toronto. Many can testify to
lioaea; Oats thus forecasts the weather the work of the SalvatiQnArmy among.
the fallen women of that cloy:soveu
for another rnonth;- "The cold weather
naQrlthS they have received Into
o ebe the
we have had during the past two Home 3,14 women and have given on
weeks is over, For the next Month we car average 1,000 sneak in a month,
shall have in Ontario fine weather con• The current expenses amount to 870
sidering the time of year, and very per week, so it can be seen how neceas
dry. The end of October will be decid- sary it is to raise money to carry ou
edly warm, hazy and fine, and the first this good work. During their stay iza
two week in November will be flue and town they marched out a number of
warm for that time of the year, After Hetes and the lively music and soldier
they put on plenty of warm under- ly aippearane of the band boys was tip,
dothlna and warm clothes." predated by limey outside of the Army
As we pass through .the streets of wee, eo Tees eeleestese t
our town we notice several improve .
meats of late In the way of remodeling The man who conducts his bu;ine I
same of the residences which were get- on the theory that it deesn.t pay, a and
dug n little the worse for repair. he cant sierra to .adtiertisey:seta up his
Among others we notice Mrs.John judgment in opposition tathat o£ alt lia
Jonahs,hbaa been eywlypaintedbusiness Hen iu the world. WithafeW
vear'a "'Peden" In conducting
and Is now one of the handsomest small business an a few 'thousarnd dol.
tshideenceminises ourhos towben; also the staabndle an la s capital, lie assumes to know more
premen refited is than thousands of men -Muse hourly
note very commodious, ltr= ti-, Elliot transactions aggregate more than iris
rs also having has residence reshlinge,1 g�,rega `�
do in a year, and who have made their
Here Ise new way for a girl to get rid : millions by pursuing a course that he
of a kite 'beau, She gives a paper and says doesn't pay,
pencil with one of her sweetest smiles. If adverting doesn't pat-, why is it
and says:—Now Leake a row of eleven
ciphers; now Inane a perpendicular QYery town, large and small, are the
mark downward on the right of the heaviest advertisers? If advertising
first cipher; upward on the right of the doesn't pay, who does the most business?
Lent s,•—S e Imre the very newcat fourth; downward on the right of the If it doesn't pay to advertise, Wily do
tae Costutnes, Damns and Henrietta fifth; upw=ard on the right of the seven the heaviest business firms in the world
dress goods. James Pickard. tit and eighth; downward en the tenth. spend mfllons in tied way? Ieithecause
The marks should to an inch long. they want to donate those millions of
Ask him to read what he bas written, , dollars to the newspaper and magazine
The effect is electrical. publishers, or because they dont know
Yon can have quail on toast now it.
Ton like.
L,-Rlltings, Dentist, for the heat
aPtttlei>f1I teeth,
Mr. Joseph Bawdeu is having his.
barn remodeled,
'Von can kill wild turkeys if you
conte across them.
Tripping the "light fantietie" wig
soon, commence.
Mr, J. Willis shipped .a. carload of
bora to .Montreal on Friday.
Ur, Jos, Case shipped a carload of
Jambs to Buffalo on Saturday..
aifr. 1.Willert shipped, a carload. of
lands to Buffalo on Monday.
"The weather for the past few
has been cold, and fact. like -
The Exeter Anvocarn from slow
till January 1st 1891,for only $1.
Mr. John Davidson is moving into,
his new residence on Cottle street.
Mr. J. Willis shipped a carload of
cattle to Montreal on Wednesday,
--lt.L,Itilltngs.fent st;DeadpilinX[i
aaaptelaitr. Ogee n*wee O'Neil.'*ank,
wx, stems.
The baseball: season is over, but the
Municipal campaign will anon warenup
M. W. II. Hutchins, of Pert hill,sllip.
pet a carload of butter to Halifax, N.
on Friday.,
Mr. IL. Lewis, of London, shipped a
ttarload of flue horses to East Saginaw.
Mitt., on Friday.
.lar.. John Gould is improving his
residents somewhat by having it nice-
ly sided.
The boys are taking, advantage of
the dark nights for their favorite
amusement, coon hunting.
*gest and best Assorted Stock -of
In the County, bought strictly for CASH/
Everybody invited to call and in5poot
(To la t+i for Inst week)
Mr, P. J. Reef. of Jackson, Nebraska,
Is here visiting his father Mac, J.
Mr, Moore an aid resident of Jaid-
dulph, moves the ca mina; week onto
bis farm, in London towusbip.
idr. Keys, an oldtime resident of this
place, has concluded to become a citi-
zen of Lucan. Ile moves there this
week and Mr William Lewis rooves in-
to Mr. Keys hate abode.
We regret to hear of the very-eerious
illness of Mr Jame Keef, Blddulph,
He is one of the pioneers of this town -
that the most successful merchants of ship and through. industry and perso-
vor.'anee accumulated considerable pro-
perty. He is much respected by all
that are acquainted with hien.
With regret, to announce the death
of Mr. Andrew Murdock at Bay City,
Michigan. His remains were brought
to Liman for Interment on the Toth inst.
He was formerly a resident of Lucan.
and was universally respected there,
asmuch about business ns the sit -for although a young man at time of his
death. h. He had beenin the employ ofa•dollar"storekeeperstn acountry
town, who stays money spent 1n adver-
ts thrown away, or donated to the man
tow hone it le p arca! .Such, tali; iftsalrnpla-
ridicnlous, and it requires more than
the average pntionee to discuss the pro-
position of whether advertising; pays or
not with that kind of a man- His com-
placent sclf•concoit in assuming that he
knows more than the whole business
world is laughable, and reminds us of
the man who proved that the world
doesn't revolve, by placing a pumpkin
on a. stump and watching it all night.
Thursday tioveenber ith lis been I re
claimed as Thaaaiksgi.ving Day. Ser-
vices will be held in nil the churches,
Lenlgs, --SS e carry the best Black 'We received a hint, last week, that
and Coloreds Silks in
grain, a number of young ladies ha
S recs., Shot Sc. Jamas k1e,agals are about to organize anesociety in
town to be knowu as the "Tutti.I'ruitti
Association," They count on a large
free of charge an. We havnot yet re -
ti aive ;a fit. James Cel eclethe list of ofiieo sc Thecurrent
L.urrr•.s.--Wes have something new
for Jackets and, Ulstcrs, and we cut
We regret to learn that Mr. J. Park-
inson is ennfincd to the house with ill-
ness, 'We lope to soon see him around
Mfr. John Snell Jr, got a serero Kick
in the face by a horse on Thursday
evening. It required 4 stiethes to re-
pair the wound.
We are sorry to learn of the serious
illness of Mr. Mrs. A. Cottle. They
have beenconfined to the bed for the
past two weeks.
Read Frank Gidley's change of ad-
vertisement in this issue. He has re-
ceived one of the best slectsion of
tweedsto be found in the county.
The Old Established has just com-
pleted its Fall Importation of Dress
•Goods from Bradford, England in all
styles and shades. James Pickard.
The tower of the Main st. Methodist
church is fast nearing completion. It
will make a very large improvement'
to the church in respect of appearance.
On Monday Mrs. Page and family
removed from Staffa to this place and
tookpossessionthe 1 ctrop of tan.
of 2 p e
House. We welcome them to our vil-
lage. `
Mr. C. M. Acer. of Montreal, was in
town on Monday last, and purchased
from Mr. James Oke seven car loads of
fine steers which he shipped to the
Windsor distillerie.
The grape crop was rather poor this
year. One of the prominent fruit grow
• ers of the Niagara Falls section gather
ed only,nine baskets of Niagara grapes
of an eight acre vineyard.
pass word is "Buy Gum"' andd, the sign
of the organization is a perpendicular
movement of the upper and lower jaw.
Fuller particulars may come to hand
and we will be pleased to make known
the objects and aims of this t4beuevo-
lent" institution.
The ingenuity of the man who objects
to earning his bread by the sweat of
his brow is continually being taxed to
evolve schemes. While residents of
cities are not always exempt, these fel-
lows usually seek the farmer to get in
their work. The latest device announ-
ced is a machine for cutting corn and
shocking it, and is introduced to the
unsuspecting farmer by a man who
produces a pin about 8 inches long
with a double eye, which by an extra
twist of the wrist, would tie a cord of
corn in fine shape. He gives it to the
farmer and agrees to allow him and his
boys to use the machine. Then of
course a receipt is signed, large let
ters showing one needle free and the
small letter underneath proving to be
an agreement to pay $2.85. The agree•
ment is discounted -at the first bank
and the farmer' has to walk up and pay
it. It is remarkable that • susceptable
farmers are found upon which to work
But it will likely always be so, .notwith
standing repeated warnings.
Mr. S. C. Hersey has removed to the
stand formerly occupied by Mr. John
Bell, and will carry on the grocery bus'
iness as before. A first-class stock of
new groceries always on hand.
On 'Sunday while Master Fred- Willis
-of Usborne, left his horse standing in
front of Mr. Parson's residence, London
road, while he went to shut the gate,
the animal became frightened and' ran
• away. No damage was done.
While Mr. Daniel Davis was on his.
usual rounds with the butcher cart, on.
Tuesday last, he stoppcd in front. of Mr
Ed. Christie's residence when the horse,
took frigh't•at' a small bby- and ran
:away; throwing out several:: pieces of
meat and: doing damage to the rig.
i Take Assiiest-op'eneil-at Goderich'��nn
Personal Mention.
Mrs. Thompson left on Thursday to
visiting friends in Michi; an, Mr. John
E. Tom, I, P. S., Godorieh was in town
last week.—Mr. L. H. Dickson visited
Ooderich on Friday on. bueiness.—Mr.
John Willis and Mr. Alex Dow, who
have been in the North-west for some
time, returned on Friday, evening,
much pleased with the trip.—Mr.
Harry Powell, of Bollville, - at one
time a resident of tliis`placel;t;pent Sun
day in town, -Mr. Wm. Hawkshtu acid
wife of Seaforth, spent Suuddy' at , the
Commercial Hotel here...- 3r>3n pt ; Bros -
of the Gossip, Lucan, spent Sunday in
town.—A number;of-St: Meryites•, Sem:
cloyed, in tor` n. -Mr.. A. Hastings left on
Monday for Waterloo Co, where are will
spend the week -visiting friends.—Mr.
a il' spent
John Ha�vl:sh•i�v-and f a y Sun
day visiting in Biddulph..--Mr. John.
Page, of Woodstock, formerly of this
place, spent Sunday in ...town.—Mr.
Williams'of Wingham, is the guest of
Mr. John Atkinson for a few days.—Mr.
John Jamison, of Brucefeld, gave us
a friendly call on Tuesday last.—Mrs.
John Spackman returned from St.
Thomas on Monday evening, -whither
she had been for a few ' day s;. \siting
friends. -vers. Geo. Moir, sdf Bt :Mary's,
is visiting friends in the svicinitys of
the village. Master Huntington Iifg r,
son of Mr:Geo: Mbii,'o't,ee'¢f,tfais' pialele;
but now of St. Marys, is, visiting 7.here
at present. --A representative of the
Toronto Doily World waasan town dur-
ing the week.—Mrs By oce, ofM'arlette4
Mich , is visiting friends in Stephen • tp.
—Mr. N., D. Hurdon, who is ats present
in Ridgetown, deserves our thanks for
°pair of wild ducks h1•.; Di sent down
some forty seven, which wcredistribut-
ed among. hismany friends.. --•Mr ..Robt.
Sanders returned from ' Ba ice Co on
Monday'evening,where he had, been;on
shooting uX.expedition.-Mr. Chats.;
Jackie, of this place left one day last
week for Toronto wliere`l a will accept
a situation `its taiitor. 14Ir Ism?` H Dick-
son paid the -county towns Ct- +visit'•"on
Tuesday: Hp Was it -on`:';reriu*t t-'tiusi-
ries.=Mr. Jtt °`i: h 8rUditl'fir0hatl viii
Satiird` a y° fbr l Mit' dans �vlSIt. =1VIr.
'r'saad Carling,'jr,,,left bn''i1Iodd'ily- for
"porontio to •resume his astuklAes =eft °
Elliot left -for 6iyderieh dtfr'vFue:id.ly.=
We notice by the Brussels Post that
the Brussels baseball club issues a chal
lange to play any clubin the country
for $50, town against town. We hope
our baseball club will accept the chal-
lenge, as we know they can "knock the
stufliu' ".out of the Brussels club.—Ex-
eter-Auvoc Tn.0. Why did, ;they ,not do
it at;;Seaforth_last .summer? . They are
just like whipped boys,alw,ays brag and.
boast after. . they get home. Mitchell
is the only club in these parts that can
wallop the Brussels team. -Mitchell
Advertiser. , All right Mr. Advertiser
man, your Mitchell club is a -+'dandy"
but' before -they attempt to play Brus
sels, they want to come to Exeter and
redeem that score 19 to 4 in favor of
Exeter. Exeter only holds the champion'
ship of Huron.' having beaten Brussels
and Belgrave at the Belgrave tourtia-
"ment for the Championship. of 'Huron
and 835, also'ha' "knocked the tar"
out of the best league teams in Perth,St.,
Marys and -Mitchell. -Bro. Colwell drop
down and out, or "give us a rest±.
A' Mistaken idea. ,
'A good many people buy such grcl-
ceries it teats and,:cgffeesr f rom local pelt
Tuesday; Oct. 22nd, Mr. Justice„ Rose f lars, under: the idea�,that.;the.:..aare gett
';pros ding• Mr. J ,1'. Lister,, of ,S seas, - y
• pa log -better; Value'for,•their money the
conducts ..the crown' case, 'whichup when buying from town merchants. If
to the resent consist of the; Bluevale
present , ; a .. you will consider the fact that theseH.'Cbllfnrs ietl;�far` a fc;w tlana;<
'cheese factory burning ease' and a case � e ..... , hili yr
Act, ,. ,pedlars are. allowed...a, commission.of ,visit in. Hensall, Jnr �"itesds"� errc!ning::
under the .Charlton against John from• 25 to.30 per= cent. on all their —Mr. Fred Carr left, on Wednesday,,
Croft Jr, of Myrick. goods, you will readily agree that it morning for Sarnia.—Mr Itt. II. Collins,
An exchane sa s, one of the latest must be made up in the inferior quality left for' the county town' on Tuesday
g y
and meanest frauds perpetrated upon of the goods theyare offering. No town evening to attend the assizes.—Mr. Geo
an unsperting public is a polish for merchant has anything like that profit Bowden, lately of this place, but` now
silver and plated wareput up small on anything he sells and if youof. Lucan, was married to a Miss Hod-
, iny g , have
boxes.' The so called polish is nothing any regard for the quality of your 'gins, of the same place,a few days ago.
but cement; which sells for $2.50 a bar- groceries you Will buy in town, where -Mr. Heins, of Parkhill, spent Sunday
rel. Don't buy Anything from ped- competition compels a man to sell the in town. -Miss Mabel Hersey was in
dlers, best goods at the lowest price. the Forest City during the week.
Mr. E. Tennent, V. S., of Lucan forsev-
eraal years.
Sale Regil#ter.
On. Friday, Oct. 25th, 1889, on Lot 21
Con. 12,ITay, one mile gest of Zurich,
Farm .stock implements &e. Danioi
Geiger, propt. El. Bossonberry, and.
On lot 28, con. 2, Hay, on Friday,
November 1st, thoroughbred farm stock
implements, &o. Oliver L. Petty, prop;
James Oke, auct.
On Lot 15, car. 5, Usborne, on Friday
Oct. 25th, farm stock, etc. Thomas
Batman, prop; James Oke, auct.
Fortune For
It is s'tid that every person has a chance
once in their lifetime to snake a fortune, and if they
allow that time to pass may never have the opportunity again.
Yon can depend upon it that everybody purchasing their goods
at Parkinson's saves money, by doing so will soonmake
their textues. His prices are always down.
You are net asked high prices to make up losses, for debts contracted by bats
customers; don't you see there is thousands in it. Parkinson's Stock
is new and consists of Dry -Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glass-
ware, Tweeds, Boots and Shoes, in fact everything usually
kept in a first-class General Store. See -his 131;1 els and Colored Cashmeres
froze 25 ets. up, You can get the cheapest aileron! suit in Exeter made toordcr
Make no mistake. Consult your own .interests and
examine his stock bef 1.O k • n
o rna ln,� your purchases elsewhereand you will soon sa e enough for a 'fortune. You can do
better at the Cheap Cash, Store than any other place in
Exeter. Highest market .rice allowed for farm produce at
YAR,KINSOITS. First aoor noo ,;tI2IV•C en►.yvr. x vrrYa' c=' ^71.,wixe,�+Y{ VZ'.
Darts. --In Exeter, on 22nd inst., the
wife of Mr. Daniel Davis, of a
Andrew's.— In Exeter on 17th inst
wife of'Capt W. Andrew's of a son.
Kni;rrnxn. In Exeter, on 22nd ,hst.
. the wife of'rllr. Robt. lKelland, of a
Cgvrziee.—In Usborne, on 21st inst.,
the wife of Mr. Henry Coultice,
of a son.
The North-west Assembly opened at
Regina Wednesday.
Insist on yetis..., grocer giving you
London Electric Soap, it is the best.
Senator Sandford has returned from
the. North-west.
HAVING- suffered much from weak
lungs and colds,li could find nothingto
agice me permanent relief till I used`
Everest's Cough Syrup.—S. B. Windsor,
Centralia P. 0.
Send me another- half dozen, bottles
of Everest Cough Syrup, I cannot keep
house without it.—Jolin Stethensop,,
Sanilac Co., Mich. 4
absolute y Pure.
This poWder never varies, A marvel of
purity. strength and wholesomeness, More
economical than,: the ordinary kinds, and
cannot be sold in competition with the
mnititnCe of low' test, short weight alum or
phosphate powders.- Solid only_in Sane.
�AXALB.a,luo P9WDBs V0.1,100 Wang*. NY.
The popular voice. The Ays have it.
Actions speak louder than Words
The popular preference for
Carling'roa' DDBS
Is abundant evidence that if a vote were taken on the quest-
ion, are CARLING BROS. selling the
x = + = + = x = + = + _ + _ + _ +
Reapost Best Goods lk Exeter,
The entire population would answer AY', ay. Instead of
saying this collectively, they are saying it individ-
ually every day in the year by their punch-
ases. • Those who are interested
in the fact will naturally
ask why '
•0 0 0 0'0=00 0'i0 0•.0":0 0' 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0
AII. Trade With Carling-Brothejs.
0 0,0.0 0 Oo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0
The answer can be given in a . few words. People ,trade
where theycan get the beSt'Goods,at lowest prices; '
They trade where they get 'fair treatment- '-
and. a 'reliable-. deal :. -pTer -_,
" time.' 'Wild horses won't
keep people
from trading when they•
. '
get these advantages. That is ,
why they trade wi,tli PARITNG ' BROS
and that is whyyou' should trad'e witli-them
0) nI 0) to • 07'"i/s•4Y1:'' az on. t/1. n of) iQ t/1 t!1 0) w of) 0) iR U) _, ,i arc, ijy
C/2 rn CA- rr W.m to• 0'^0 :a, to rn' v, mean :. rq; m n
Is `itiirely: headquarters for the nevaand best Goods. � e
take the • lead ln• bargain snaking and will yield to, no
competitor the palm for;low' prices or 'good Goods,,,r°' At
CARLING BROS.p d, ,, taken- in exchange, Buff,
16c. Eags,18e. .A call 'solicited.