HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2005-02-10, Page 19THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2005. PAGE 19. Morris-Turnberry council briefs Dog tag fees unchanged from last year Dog owners in the Municipality of Morris-Turnberry will pay the same fee as last year for dog tags, and will be able to pick them up at the municipal office. The fee for each male, spayed female or female dog will be $20 per animal, with the exception of pitbulls, pitbull crosses of Staffordshire terriers which will be $100 per animal. The license fee for a kennel will remain at $75. Any person who fails to renew a dog license on or before May 15 will be subject to a $20 penalty. OSCIA will be held in Huron County, hosted by Keith and Barb Black of the Belgrave area, beginning Aug. 28. Councillor Paul Gowing will re­ present the municipality at the Huron Federation of Agriculture’s annual member of parliament luncheon/meeting. The event this year is being held at the Betty Cardno Centre in Clinton, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on March 12. Both MP Paul Steckle and MPP Carol Mitchell have indicated they would attend. *** Mayor Dorothy Kelly, deputy­ mayor Bill Thompson, councillors Jim Nelemans, Edna McLellan and Lynn Hoy along with clerk-treasurer Nancy Michie will attend Western Ontario Municipal Water Association (WOWMA) education seminar being held March 8. The seminar is being held at the Elmhurst Inn near Ingersoll. The registration fee is $40 per person. Council approved payment of the $320 membership fee for the Ontario Water Municipal Association and the $110 fee for the Waterloo-Oxford Chapter of the Drainage Superintendent’s Association. *** Council discussed the 2005 budget of the Blyth District Fire Area Board. The proposed budget indicated a three per cent increase. Mayor Kelly said the cost of living is 1.9 per cent and as council will be trying to keep everything else around the two per cent range, she would like to see the fire board keep its increase to around two per cent. The Morris-Turnberry share of the overall budget is 24.73 per cent. Councillor Neil Warwick said the board was over $14,000 under-spent in 2004 and chief Paul Josling had a capital expendituie list that totaled around $18,000. “Some items have to be replaced and some are negotiable,” he stated. Thompson made a motion to instruct the clerk-treasurer to write a letter to the board saying they want the increase reduced to 1.9 or two per cent. / Warwick said $2,300 would have to be taken out to reduce the budget to the two per cent range. *** Council will advertise for grass cutting tenders for both 2005 and 2006. Public works co-ordinator Barry O’Krafka informed council he would like to have the grass-cutting tenders for three years. Council also favoured the three-year deal, but with only two years remaining in the present council’s term it was decided to endorse a two-year contract. Under the terms of the tender, the successful bidder would have to do two rounds in the spring and then a third round, to the fenceline, in September. O’Krafka indicated they had cut to the fenceline in September last year and it seemed to help in keeping the roads clear, especially in terms of drifting snow, this winter. *** Council approved a $100 donation to the Huron Plowmen’s Association, while filing a request from the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association (OSCIA). The 77th annual Huron County plowing match will take place Aug. 25 and 26 this year. The annual summer meeting of the Tools stolen in HE On Jan. 27 at 10:45 a.m. OPP were called about the theft of tools. The victim told the officer that last Jan. 2 his truck was stolen from the newly-built house on McKillop Road in Huron East. That truck was later found in Central Huron close to Clinton totally destroyed by fire. The victim has told police that since the snow has disappeared he has found that the house was entered and some tools were stolen, $700 worth of fluorescent bulbs, an extension ladder and a cordless drill valued at another $190. The total value is $1,250. Both cases are still under investigation. If you can help call the Huron OPP or Crime Stoppers. Make sure you get your wish. Tell your family you want to be an organ donor. www.kidney.<NC NETWORK CLASSIFIEDS "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" VACATION/TRAVEL ALL INCLUSIVE HOLIDAYS...Cheapest Airfares and Package Prices in Canada. Discounted Cruises, Hotels, Cars. Book online now and Save www.canada- travels.com or Call TOLL-FREE 1-800-563-5722. TIMESHARE RESALES - RiiOStroman - Since 1979. Buy-Sell-Rent-Exchange. World Wide Selection. CALL NOW! 1-800-201-0864. TIMESHARE RESALES - 60-80% off Retail! Best Resorts and Seasons! 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