HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-10-24, Page 7tommiroestemeater CURRENT TOPICS. Some Wee of the magnitude a the form new Stetes meg be lied when it is stated SIB FDwIer ARNOLD. WHAT COULD S33 Ex1E0r ? He Gives .Hts First Impressions en the The leeward of a Faithless Wife -Her United Stew. Lower weds Her Daughter. (Prank Leslie' Newspaper.) In 1882 jacob J. Bolivian one day found that their area is about equal to that of oll Frank Leone's illustrated weekly has himself without a consent, his wife Lavinia - .nnieoe ,Eugland, Nein York, New Jersey, done Me ,the boor of deetring to have a haniog dtTantea with (31044" A.J3 PentesYlVania, Delaware. Itlanninod, -Vir- brief Meneerandelee. Of the. Aret irapressions The °purl° went t° Ilandilt°130 gat" but 'gnatlent eint Weetnnimiaia, ,:nInentuokY and Aneetiett makes on an Englishman. !The afterwarde settled Toronto, . where timeole In4iana Olad. Toot three times normal -Neater would he, eapeolollY fon Qua hent, nan um re ateee. elolewintet ate met ee. tete Beetiel) I9 es. with ineseent engagements totedediveree'prepeedings,ebethe t :,Mtter a *a lateon, • ong *hafi.4511 'tb,t3 Oan 000 Stib- :tte the improselotte of a tvavellee wee' nropped; end Soletwinte r . t9 BAliy APO, lakvini tioribed on behalf of the Johnstown soffnr- 'Who heel lane paned over aome thousand leening PnonertY. e , miles of these oast United, States mustnef Setiwinn, doingittereM *bent two ere is still in the hands of the State Flood some necessity eereve trivial and valueless' months ago Boeok came here trent Belie! Commission, and its members are Toronto and abduoted Laviaia, a nirn at this late day discassiog how best to die. But -entitle op*, the fresheIA., teat impressione tribete tlte fund while theme:Tie ere eat are alwaye st, and Telleyrand About 17 years of age. The other daughter,: bring fee the leek ot the omen:non neoe.s- earies ef ehregeartc:041:675relAynnaieoc,alialattgeoloittX,hgh4v. elYtlrteelo eeieeeh. ranger, was teken seve life. Thie`tConnetilielion Mightre 'Years aeit. Lavinia had been living on innseentinan, near Oen, with Mr. Wa,gaer easily take the first prize for incompetency °.?"P°11",°tif fit'd diu"rtlreY Irre' and Mrs. Wm. nchwinn, who were limn al7Tifaely1:4gielre-0)2AvAt4Arsel frine._944- onnionod 'tont' .4.-0.°0 99'191 114' at anyttownehip fair. ' Tu (thecae° 'feet -dry ins/mime lies again oda, ,neeonto Wasnitintommina lone Wenn. taltn9 Plate, ihet•glat Lavinia, lt is • mid, bawd an order then femele employees in ington through Baltimore and Philadelphia having reanrien Bok, leaving the mother ta tota.gotenott neeteetettne, out in the cold. Boeok And the girl ate all Mores ana ellen be provided with entee tionretstoo hag 4entos eesetete repertea haVe visited Buffalo, obtained Seats, and notlyn- atepet will bet taken to enforce the law. tevewae perme emit ,prectical identitY of 3:winner, mind' and elorfte of he r olothing ;and then departed. The property left to the girls cannot be time ago Cempelling emeloeees to make national life between ORt two countries. I otteh Previsittn, bat latteely .it bee net Veen bevel found tuyaelt everywhere in trans- mtonchned,untii ,th,,e3re reach, their nekioritY• 1 eoforceit Now, however, another effort is *Monti° Eunlana• I 'ion° 86.7 M oof 413.6* Irlmvtint; t°°4 Au°3; la a trustee of to be made to make the gi•rls sit down. Wish idea that to be "quite Englieh" is en the estate. It is. thenght tihit Alte jacob pm/4 eetpeeeeetitere You may met as well J. Soho:inn will probably return to Buffalo. Tug total popelationof SpanielieAMerittet remark that we resemble .you ; but there -Buffalo Courier. including the West Indies and Breen, the faot is limit bygone vertiere must, hove neatlinnotintni tnet of the 'Gaited Stetea exeggereted most aneurdly the auppeeed distinctive American traits, (*else thenyou being over 50,000,000, of whore not lees have ceased. to exhibit them, for I have tbau 5 per cent. are Baropeen enbjeette abd not over 3.004 natieee of the -Gaited. Mined impet a hundred ltome, wondering • tee. Timm are abet 400,000 wage in .7Oor Otrosto nod nlotn'ening On Ynnt' XRdions, confined to the interior et the On. ;lifter), 46 Am really in the New tineet et netting Araerice, and A few, emelt Worldl or drenlnintt Of it in the Old Quer' tribea ie Clentrel ittelerice, naMberiog not Hon an Amertoon arM by rnerriege More tbeu 5,000 olt toln, Tbut neenlY qmPalatleo, moot gOntesa ibn.t It every inhabitent a the two continente ot bee been whltllY delightful to Obeerve tine Clentrel and Sontlt Ameries, erod the Antillee ,umnietaltable and minate identifieetion of is a OntributOr, direetly or andiron:et to 'tile raeeM and nto with *hone tbeto ile:1111 e. tit we whatever other AntiOrta may quorrel and toe exeortg ovet eenneey lives, and degree A COMM= Of bra. _tote? into armed tot:Viten tAmeriee mot . ported noetobaediSe. ninglanak-VAMfy RaVatteu. , by the even -will by Ann by eatiabligh tie Ia. TIS OASCUReetaingly Unitrtportout ternational Tribunal composed of poregrapba and othletmeroe are fremiently the worthieet and beentrueted men Andiag their way into pnblio print that in on either side, and will refer to their Indg. Creto the 'Oblivion? am being peresieuten ment.tmler tbe 1aw ot riglat an mama - by the nuspeanable Turk. Partiettlara are withOot anneal etery questiounch disturb Ate natural AllfenCe aeldora given, • but it ie }mown that borritde threatens to atrooitiee are from time to time j' beat lag OPiniOn: fUrniehee the very tatea opoo the unhappy people. 0( 8' e beet hope of monkind. Next, your maga- , come geatame the Bowen:it thet rther teAceet diatom," although I knew them o tmmitted, It ite a wen 'Won tho mar. natant and absorb ma utragee hove bea co . er upon the b000ted n realizetion, It is wenderful for (veconamentary a ettoneenea, ot too loth eentney thee ti Briti e elt blonder to diecover whet a mere Europeoupowera eteat atep upon nour breed. Staten a abould wooly tboneenal wbile the cries of tne wattle are ao loud ranee =one. and to minutia frOM Whet be aud des *in. 'Would none ciamteuth the semi whet =met be the life, the enterprise. energy displAyen le this country by the opuleute, the energy* the natural ant Christian people defarnink One another ininstrial reeeurcea, the bounnleaa femme tbe territory be lets :14 were diverted tO tbesucotor ottbeirimetbren r ot ; A of Crete, seem feeling of glannees and cm:43mm about tho cernaly pert at Man's develop- Sreveereg jonee 'MUM in With the cold meat beyond, ell expreinion boo poitcseed weather, but there u nothing rettnankithin nte in perceiving how etrong alid emend toonlor in tbe etery tolti by Mre. Gibson in your oetionel vitality is ; how little yea A mu met ay ton eetemerea to It otter° ma reedit' lapelled ha courteey of manners, court. In it site declarea marri;t1 in civic kindliness, in mini grace, And in Christopber Gibson M Uxbridge, Cans* overence for law by your large liberties. in Vehreary, laSta. Daring Chriatmae Engliehrean no doubt noticee hero an went et the mooning year ohnetepher abeeucti of deference mad of formal eaten. teekled tho froliceeme stovepipe. lie got tiou ; but he also modem the preeenee a a mut beceuse one of tile point blank nearly univereel And moat manly emd frank refused levee anything to do with tIte eentredeebip, the blossom, parlarape, of rest of the int*. Ile etrelea with it natil wider ine and healthier lair. I mu far from raying tto flatter America. The lin- ho was n3ad trying, to jern ie into another Mapped hoe of such an intention would be length, then turned round and Uko wife in the name who no doubt had been rebuked by its itheurelity. I would be rather boisterously enjoying the tem the little girl who WOO taken by Sydney CnSmith to nee the tarthatenke et lairetne in hrietopher then retired to rent. Bat ext . morning ha was as mad AS aver Ana threat. Cornhill, and when she utrolted the largeet morn enea to em mite with a hetneet, she among the et:Aleutian, her Imola inquired : thkneleettartiturtreeeteeteet, diger/Me 'Y " VThv do you d° tb14' dear ?" "1 do u upon replica tbe Conon, " you migict. its seesione m Weabitonon on the liith stroke the dome of St. Pettit] to please the Man, Although lost sight of by the pnblie Dean and Chapter." A man wbo should, in the commotion caused by the assembling as it were, pat the oupola of your Capitol of the Pan-Atnerican Cougress, is one of at Wasbington to gratify Now York, would great importance and more than likely will be eimilarly ridioalous. Your nation of reault in more practical benefit to the world 00,000,000 anode well beyond the reaoh of than the other. Tne principal subjeots for compliments. Iliatory renter waits to are diaaussion will be • Marine signals in it you will deserve the gifts and oppor. heavy weather and at night; restriction trinities wbieh destiny has brought you "in of draught for loaded vesaela-A subjeot both her hands," insisted upon by Groat Britain, where suet' To speak of the eountless delightful por- e restrictionalready prevails; the designs. sons whom I have had the happiness to tion toad merkiog of vemele ; life-saving meet, is obviously forbidden Galen it to appliances and rnothode ; qualtficetions for say that your countrymen and country. cancan and ne3Inell ; lanes for ocean women oblige the En,gliehman to quit earth steanlers on frequented routes; storm of their towns and (Mies with regret, se warnings; reporting and moving of wrecks that and obetractions of navigation; uniformity He drags at each remove a lengthening chain. in the system of buoys and beacons, and And then, how beautiful America is! I the establishment of pent:Lament interna- certainly did not know the vales of the tional maritime commission. The Con- Susquehanna and of the Delaware we13 so gess might also, if possible, adopt some fair; or the gardens of Washington se! means to stop the raoing of the Atlantio giro:tom and spacious ; or your homesteada liners across the ocean. They have already generally eo pretty. I better understand received warning of ita dangers, but some. now Mr. Lowell's verses: thing more than warning is needed if Binding the geld of war -dishevelled hair • calamity would be prevented. On such sweet brows as never other wore. But nobody, to my mina, has better un - DOWN WITH THE WIRES! deretood, or expressed more nobly, the present andfuture greatness and the natu: A Crusade Ag.tinst the Overhead Wires ral charms of America than your trne poet in New York. and patriot, Walt Whitman, my interview A New York despatch ot yesterday says: with whom, when I offered him the tribute The Bite:trio Power Company and Mount of a profound admiration, will be one Morris Electric Light, Company to. day ,among many happy memories of this- obtaited injunctions against the city re. journey. attaining any interference with their over. . I should net be an Englishman, however, head wires or plant. if I did not grumble, and you must allow Before the Board of Electrical Control me to denounce and execrate the oobble- to-day the presidents of the Electric) stones of your New York streets that rob Light and Power Company and the Brush the Briton of sleep by night and rack his Electric, illuminating Company signified bones by day; the snake fencee, wbiele the willingness of these companies to build waste alike land and lumber, and torture their own subways if • permission Were the eye of an artist; the lack of official granted. luggage -porters at your railway statione, The sudden determination of the Brush and those nionstrone, ugly, unpainted tele - and United States companies to shut off graph poles, with whioh you mar the vistas their city circuits plunged a large section of your finest streets. But your public into darkness to -night, the time being buildings often astonish and enchant me; short to arrange for lighting nnettlionsandit your colleges, libraries, museums and ob. of, gas lanape which have fallen into servatories leave positively no excite° to disuse since the introduction of electricity. American youth. They must henceforth In Medison square and Union square . create and not import poets, authors, art- parke, around.' which the „life of the citeitfs, oulptera, scientific gebitiees and .1f astern' :an night, , an'‘ nnomet: eimpeneo ieStronomera.: really owe nee With all 'treble gloorie 'keened. tnAnumber of, .YOut glorious en -alines( a galaxy of groat streets were also derkened, and on that names. portion of Broadway occupied by (hemmer: e Stele, then, sir; are some among those .ozal hottees closed at nightfall the scene was first impressions which you have been. dismal. When the two nomptanies. notified pleased ote invitee They willt appear to Stiperintendent Murray of tneir determinao you, 1 fear -as to neeself-entirely cone - tion he ordered the police to exercise extra rnotiP160e, but I1:17.sfekat leaet Voile in migilanone .Anaericna-to'snow,4rinyeelf grateful even at District Attorney ePellowee consulted to the cost a, being dull. I am, sir, yours day with Meyot Grent rolatiOn to ereetttn ‘'obediently; • Eowre AMMO). wires in general, and theedeatit of.L'inemait Peeks in particnlar. He .assured the . Fatal Fire in a Newspaper °Ince. Mayor that if the line which .killed Ponta A Tonawanda despatch of Monday says: were discovered indtoteeente would follotn The office of the Tonawanda Press, in the The search for the wire which (=seed the Riesteree Block, Tonawanda, took fire dines on which Feekt Was at work is beset "eatly yeeterden morning, but the flaraes ,with the greatest diftionitenn were put put befdrte much damage was The argument on the injunelinne obtained Ilene. .waa _then ,disoovered that Ea. .on Se -tertian "Went, over Beekiefild, a mimpcnitorM Who slept in tnnl owing to the crowded condition of the Office, was lifelees, having apparently been malendar. . Mr. Joseph H. ,Choate, repre. asphyxiated.- He had,. spent a ". couple Mr senting the United States , and peusloCorat hours withsoreet companions, and threw ?genies, itaittlie clients had ,:sliut aann line= himself on e :Mange n ontheir, departure, nurrent and would keep it off until the about 11 p.m. This was the lasteeen of matter was disposed Of. - • hint alive. Comber Millen took charge on the, .bodere The aeceesen had tined her: Smith, Who pleaded' guiltn at ':ezrithersp; 714 'known of }lite to the ohtergaof/manelanglifermf 4841, ante6edents,_btit ,h'ee is :supposed to haiet" Barron, has been sentenced to twenty yaps. come here Mona Toronto, He waiiafl in Penitentiary. ' Englisninan and sinptated .to be about 34t, Six new ,cittee of fever were:Plaearded,On• dirtn°:°f°0°• the Hamilton road, Londonmotenerday, • i.: Windsor was Ottotiet nseet. " two on George street and three on Onfond The Hotel Don O crated yesterday by Arohbishop Walthn ' CURING COLDS. Hints That Hay Save Life if Taken in ane. When. one beoomes chilled or takes oold, says Youth's Companion, . the mouths of myriads of little sweat glands Are auddenly closed and theimpuritlea which should pass off through the skin are forded basin to the interior of the bedyemitiating the blood, and putting extra work on the lungs and other iotennaleotgans. auet beneath the, surface of the Witt LI over the body there ,ia o network nf•ralinttie blood. voesenstnner than thenotenieline.• When oonie pinged tie blocel itmefoneen, tenon thane eoptlittry viszelennte One:o "ritnen :at „ the internal. prlad,itelni...RiblinatiOn or. con. It STRANGE PROCEEDING. Rufralo juror's Note to o /Elonallton Nara Engaged in Important 14tigation. meffalo Courier.) When the catie of the Ontario Canning COMpanY . Winn -vim/oz. .Bargeinir, on trial in the Cinortit Coot, was adjourned on Tuesday ' afternoon to yesterday reetAing,„ and the jury were leaving the •mourtmoornt . One of. the • number, Addison Rion reaened o'er and handeita email note to Egerton, DoCew, the neoreteny (nal" Oeuenng .Cempany, who , noppened to fie stanniog near'by, ; It wao addressed: " Mr• tnartiteeten. e Keep:" this ' 'mite." ent. the .liret oppettunity Mrelte:Cew ,gove into Inn Carpenfee, ametone that geatlernan'a gdengero'naette Itife.u° attan QattEullg diseatiest infrprise'whem •uponoopeniug tho note, ne ,• Latina it contents tnbe-atofollows : ' Tian tiene to treat a oold is at tbe earliest ' 'Rt. Carpenter -1- shall ba foreinan in this possible moment after you li.ie tilien it. 5ue,e. I/ IN .want,hein come to; tho 8_r-ktm4 And yourmtme object shouln be M yeetore nalt.tt'a mentnen limentnnnlitintleXtrion the perspiration and the milieu eiroRis. name. . e 41., nom tion. Amsoon, them AS Yon' feel that you N.B. Destroy thisnote. ' . - have taken cold have a gent Are in your Mr. Carpenter, who is the President of , . bedroom. Put your Met into water as hot the Oatario Canning Conmeny, Mame. As cm be borne and conteiniug a table- dienely turned the erantineting letter over spooeful of mustard. Have it in a vessel toLyntan Baker, his attorney, asking if so deep that the water will come up well that wee the way justice WAS doge in Erie toward the knees. Throw a blanket aver county. the obole to prevent rapid evaporation awl Alm Beker, judge Corlett and the other cooing. • In from B.ve to ten ratoutee take otterneya in the case bad. a. eonsultetion, the het out, wipe them dry and get into a and when the court convened yesterday bed on winch there Are WO Witte blankets!. morning Zurylnen Rice was celled to the jnet before or otter getting into bed desk by judge Corlett and confronted with drint a large glass of lemonade as hot Isis remarkable epistle. as teesible or a glees of ho; water con. "Did yea write that ?" anted the Judge. teinteg 11 teaspoonful of cream of tarter "Yes, sir," reaponeled Rice, although with it little eager if dealred. Shoald tameidertably abaabod, "and t can ezplein there be pent in the dean side or beck, in" innisating pleurisy or pneamonie, dip "You Ammer Imre at 2 o'cloek," maid the a entail towel in mild water and wring it as Judge sternly, and he would, hear nothing dry se Feasible. Vold the towel so tbat it further at that time. The trial thou pro. will over A little more eurface neon is ceeded witlo 11 turymeo, afiectei by the pent. Cover tine with a Shortly alter 2 o'cloelt coati reeemened, pleee if tlannel and botn "with oiled ailk or and nIr. Rice was mem more called up for better with oiled linen; IlOW Wind A trip examination. Item being given permis. of tineeel a fent wide eeveral timearound Edon he proceeded. to Matte an explanation the cleat, or MS Weal And notion, stating that be The leeet of tne bony will warm the han, desiren toenter into baldhaes relations towehltneat frameniatein, the oiled Men with Mr, Cerpenter with reference to the and aortal will retain the beat end mots. sale ot comae oenoed geode, tura ad, steaming the Vert, will generally Judge Corlett evinently thoughtthie ex- am:use he pain to disappear. Should there cusea, very poor (Me. "The import of the lie nat or soreneaa in the throet you. Omuta note is parfeotly °ken" said he. "You treat; in a similar milliner with wet corn- inteaded to negotiate in regard to the veto poem ad flannel bartelago: ' Eat sparingly diet hotline Case. There can to no column. " rim. oimnlo food. Bahnd alnico and tion between your Wog A foremen on the other:ruin bread and batter, bread And jury an. canned goon% Tian court ettunot Miikpilk toast, baked potatoes or raw overleele an are= as aeriooe eel thin for ayatee may be eaten. By following the it atrikea At the very feltatiotiou of the Ably direetions intelligently and taitielally eattennetretion of jamice. yen 'ill orniuttrily cheek the progress of "You bave beeu goitty et eatetempt, and the dn and Prevent &`-lric)40*.iPssibliY fetal, 49 the QtkilQ9 W49 committen in open court ilium, eummory aeliJla eau be taken. The eon- Great ,ixellway Projeces in Slam. tenee ef the met le that, you, be Ilued n50 linen Siena le moving. and Patellas nem. To Measure Biel: Weal. and =go:main the Erie County awn for !mit., at any rote, to be civilised, by ran- Reiera in rimy braneheo et trele will N daYe." be end to know Ale toetben et estimating • ways. The eurveya for the iettended lined from Baaglsok to tbe northera and mastern brienorn, Maki], is obtained. from An 4 SPANISH IIIDALGO'S niternit. Provinces of Siam aro being netddlY Pushed autbeity on tho oubjee.t : Ordinary Wnn _e remoter and audierons tenon:ire or naratly forward by a Mail of earveyore under Sir Are etut eight inobee in Meg% and with the tatter joint about hell that in width, Andrew Clarke, hitt arrangement with the nrtne and Dread et Death. Siameee Government being that the actual no thaeseh brick on the net will give a Otte ot tile 11123t peculier nun comice coat of them curvoya foto ba repaid to his horizttal ourfaeo of about n2 equare miXtilre9 of a dread of death and family firm. When Siam in properly °Pelted nElo ittOheior four and a ball briche will cover pride (Imre in a prayer wbion a Spann). its mineral noti A reline foot, As ordinarily laid there are nobleman compeeed for his own benefit, lth in certain to lead to a company " /mom" on no small cale. At nine came to every 21 menu or tour and (3a)78 Zeros Sian -s. Tito prayer reads Preaent both malaria and the Isbor (meat m half') tho foot. Four end o belt coarseo literally as follows: time forbid raining enterpriee, with Inc and a half briche to the octane "0 Lord, Thom mat before Theo one of will fve 20t brions to the ouble foot. tho greeteet of all sinnere of thio witted "Vie better not to be, tnae be unhaPiteen West mating and ()loner joints vsill cattily world, His Higbneee Grated Marshal Le and no ono can be happy whose system its remit) an alletwAnee of 2/ brielm per cubie nteillcreme, • Duke of Mezarba, Knight of deranged by poisonoue ceoretions. NearlY foot, hid% will be tonna a very convenient Alenntara, Knight of the Golden Fleece, all illsthat flah is beir to, arise from torpid figurdor estimating the entoner of nricke Grandee of Spain of the lint chose, Gov- liver and. derangement of the digestive request for A wall of given height and ernor of Estramadura, Count de Menard, organs. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative thtelore, ea it time becomes nnneeemarY Bar= Is Porte and Grand Honorary Pro. Pellets correct irregularities of the liver, to fit the cubio contenta ot the well, but teeter of the Church of S. Realms, where prevent constipation, and .promete good naero to multiply int face Area or the pro- His Highness partakes of the sacrament health. Buy them ot your druggist. attett its length and beight in feet by five time° A year, hie offertory never being whic, as the thickness ie alwaye some 4' His Higlinees condeseende to aoknowl- Why He Wept. ...—...,—- .. octet fonrthe Of Re thionneas in ineheo, len on eaoh occasion than 100 pesos. roultdo of four Molten ia a very earaple edge that be is the most unworthy of all proce.-2'he Artisan. einners ; and, 0 Lora, be kind once:mit to Mrsjar oerves . Sadfece M Tommy, who has stolen take his title and hi e long line of ilbastrions a f prett-My boy, I know yen are 'Quite Froper. ancestors into consideration and condemn CO I see it in your face. him not to the purgatory of the common Tommy, raeditatively-Yes, mamma, 1 Mii Cherraingtone-tleven't you hinted am, There was a bigger jar on tho shalt that I couldn't remelt. lie o, Alm Mpeo Moilopsey-Oh, dear, no; it wouldn't bdtey 2 descended to acknowledge that he was aau oireneiv— nreath be proer, would it? e sinner, never tools the sacrament unless his Is most distresting, not only to the person Mit Charmington-Goonnese, why not 2 kiss mo coat of arms was stamped on the cense. afflicted if no have any pride, but to those rmoog to bave the young men whon'm =tarried. crated wafer. Tbisishietorioal. He "con. with whom he comes in contaot. It is a Mrelopeet(eagerly)-Oh, prayinvite nee deschidalgoended" to die in 1001. He was a typi- delicate =letter to speak of, but it has cal . to yot wedding, Miss Charmington parted xtot only friends but lovers. Bad breath and catarrh are inseparable. Dr. Very Verdant. Gliouls Disturb Emerson's Grave. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures the word Hirai -I thought that if I lay down in A Concord, Macs., despatch asys : Yes. cases as thousands can testify. the gm you couldn't land me. terdey afternoon, while attending a barial ____..,—... , Cit; cousin (who had been hunting for at Sleepy Hollow cemetery here, two gen- Very Laudable. him) I did find it hard to distinguish you. tlemen of Concord discovered that the "Do you want to hire a man, mister ? " The gess is so green. grave of Ralph Waldo Emerson had been "No, I can't say that I do. Are yon looking for a situation ? " disturbed. The authorities were notified, s Minnie Flood, fotuad that the gve hd opened daughter of the "Yee, sir," Mi and raabeen on Saturday night, exposing the casket. "Thu I hope you will get one. I like to bonana king, is the richest unmarried Whether the remains have been taken or see a man with aspiretions towards a woma in California. She works a great not is not known at present, as the atithori- hire life." amom the poor and has no thne to Mol ties are waiting the return of Dr. Edward aroun with idle yonng men. Emerson, the philosophne's son, who has "oht where shall rest, be found?" Tia iwore-out mother sighal REGULAR DULL SICIIIINING, been telegraphed for. A watchman was at Stockings to mend, s,nd trousers to darn, Then h came with a whoop and a howl, To seeltho editor's blood. once placed at the grave, but the general Dishes to west,. and butter to churn, While my back feels to break, and head and A brawey printer caught him foul, opinion here is that the miscreants accom- And stobed him through with the office towel, plished their object, and secured at least Anbilesifter:Constant friction. And heell with an awful thud. the skull, whit% was probably whet they The summer eame and went, The matron no longer sighs A nw and cheap musioed instrument were after There is great indignation Elastic her step, and rounded her cheek, in thetoy stores is the " ocarina." It is here. Willard Ferran, an undertaker here, Work seem i but play, life is now sweet, made f clay, is sweet-potetoe shaped, and is authority for tho statement the.t although And the change was made in one short week its ton is somewhat &nay. the Emerson mP menet was uncovered, it was By Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. AN IMPENDING CRISIS. not opened by the vandals, who were Positive remedy for those derangements, irre on ttirkeys now forsake their glee, apparently frightened away before they eand weaknesses so common ,alaritiw.,, could a000mplish their purpose. to womanxtud. .nd breathe a long -drawn ___.,..._ sigh ; Thy scan the calendar and see thanksgiving drawing nigh. A Heavy Sinker. A Fertile Scheme.' love later of 16 pages than it is to hear it Clariseson the ferryboat) -0, Charles dying out. What shall we do Inc ivory, do " I see the race of elephents is gradually Rig 1 great deal easier to write a vivid Mand -He eau 6Wina, and the land is you suppoee, Mr. De Dude,,when they are read tve years afterward in court. has fallen overboard I • all gone?" "I'm eueh I don't know, Miss Bensoir, Thee is to be a great fanctim in Wind sor in December ma the occasion of the close by. Clarissa -Yes, but thielt I He has a unless -ah --we buy up all the old pianos, unveilim of the Colossal equestrian statue of the Prince Consort, by Sir Edger Boehm, piece of wedding oake which. he brougdon't you know." ht which a to be erected in the Great Park as from the reception in his pocket. a memorial of the jubilee. ' The Queen and all tlae members of the Royal family who ' Abundant Ecritical condition. xperience. Senator Hardisty is reported to be in a are in lin nglamd will take part 'the •eare- mony. • • " I am quite surprised, Mr. Meeker, to aceotint Inc your wile's knowledge of Ex -King Milan, of Servia, and President Sir I,Nm. Tindal Robertson, whose eni- parliamentary MT." Carnet exchanged visits yesterday. oide by cutting hie throat was reported " She ? G-reat'esesar 1 Hasn't she been Count Von Moltke's health is fe,iling a from Brighton in the cable despatches on speaker of the house for the laet 15 years 2" little and he will spend the winter in Italy. Tuesday was a first Cerlsin of Mrs. Kendal, After all, the principal race troubles strTiltheiratr Ltle11.111, 'min athreeaDC:paairttne7 oafreFoL the Engliteh actress. . Messrs. Rich and Harris want it new and motor in paying the bets and vvalkinghome., de Calais. original name for, the great minstrel oom- , THE MINES]] BIALODN. palm which they are to taut on the toad . Her stin was the color of saffron tea, "Baby McKee " fairy lamps are the And her nose was mallet as flat could be, latest. They are . of delicete china, with next year heeded by George Thatcher. And never were eeen such beautiful eyes- hand.paiuted wild roses on shade and They,offer o prize of 0100 for the one word 'Two almond kernels in shape and size, to fellow Theteher's ----, illustrative of the set inn couple of slanting gashes globe. ' , „immensity of the organization. Lettere And npt in the least disfigured by lashes., A strong conipany has beeti formed in may be addressed to Manager:Wm. Harris, A th h f' Howard Athentoura, Boston. :F°Iun'cithileae,rdieltYvnleset"walk through me grandeet Montreal to operate a line of steamera on Sims Reeves, the 'famous English tenor, street t - , ithhee 00atrtiezvs. river, .between that oity and You might go seeking • in his bole of reminiscences makes the fol - From Nankin to Pekin lowing extraordinary statement about A pair so remarkably Stall and neat. Macready : "Strangely enough, this , —John G. Saxe. -Passionate man did not consider himself- --When„ a young lady begins to :manifest sufficiently irasoible .by nature to depict an interest iti the arrangement of a young `anger on the stage, and therefore employed man's cravat he wants to bens careful as (as I myself have seen) two unfortenate he can possibly be or he is gone. come into me parlor ? supershi, when brain/ass it was to make faces ” wyou. 'j at m, tread on his toes, kick him and oltet . "Was the spider's.cordial cry. otherwise provoke hitn, until he was in a . No, 1 tha,k yo4,,, emo hig 12enterr state of exasperation bordering on the • " Dounyou see I, too, am tly ?" demoniac. ' More 1 ' ho would growl, as he -.-Liketxxany a youn.g man, nature begins stood at the wing preparing to make a leer fall by painting thinge red.: tertifio entry ; ' smore, you beasts 1' until an. Tito Kaaba inade. a 'gintat hit in "A, exceptionally severe kick happening to Sorap of Paper" in. XeW Yotk on Blondes' eoinoide with the moment Mr his sudden evening. It was their Darin appearance in appearanoe, lae would knock down eaoh of Americo and the 'public and critics hove hie hired tormsntors and rush . upon the nothing but praise to bestow upon them. • atage like a naaniao." „Ithe Great Claleozo Pire. To -day itt the annivereary tot Ord loofa Monday which dawned upon a ruined city eighteen eve ago -a city of crumbled wells and smoldering embers, a city of benueleee relugems. For to the nerthwArd the billow of tire Was etineweeplug, devour. nag as long as there wae auythiog to demon inundating hoeuee and property, and turn- ing into mbes with its ftery spray the beercled stwinge of the people. The fugi- tives toeth refuge on the Take Wore, even prembeg into the tooter se far 4E3Si:ten dArodo while upon them reined, cinders. Truly te them it seemed that the world itself was ceme to AR eget The algae were fu1011ed, The elements lead melted with Mrvent hat; the ;noon Wan AS iteelteloth and tbe nun AS blooa ; the .heAVOna rolled together as a croll. In the mad rusk for a place ot eafety the conernoa instincts of humanity, the considered= for the comfort of otheea which menus lflu ordinarily eadurable, were all lotgottem "ave himself who ran;" was the uttiveratil ory. The aoenetee of eeeape were choked with vehiolee, arul meaty tell' never Mere to lase, 'Sem* leas, awlol than the vial= or the Apnea- lypee AllUt hAVO beeti that day. The leetures of the _people, diatorten by ieer, blackeued by otadots and rOddetteA by the hat, in ttteI remained, thou ot human beings. They were more like them) of " ebanes bot from TartarlEl." It la herd to picture all thie, It 15 bard to think et Weep, now eo noputeue And co proeperoue, lying an Open Wite.te from DeKoven Meet northeantwani to Lincoln Perk •' yet co it was. The tionthveeat gale eweptthe dames before it, And in that ungtityreverberatory ftlrlIACe iron burned lite resin and solid etrate crumbled into neaten All May long the lite roged, ever eating its way. northward. Night cArpe stud the cool rein fell upon *mends of honaelese elle3 V?hOSO only obeltee was the inty and wheat) only bed was the earth. Sorely if ever there wao OCOADiOn to deepair then WOO that occult:tn. The hoardinge of a lifetime had bee.n deatroyed in e moment. Capitalieta were penniless. There was nothing left but ratan& Ing -room; yet that was euough. Tim rnourntal toll of the court home bell as it embed dewnwara from the bleziog oupole, was not tho &stink:tell ot Chicago, as was MVO iilgtioint only another e great econotnie ern,- ing in regard to civilized as well as eavage communities of men: Tiaey live Mora hand to mouth. So long as there were bandS to work and a place whereon to work the city could not penal. A writer of the time eats that within a week Chiertgo was as well off as ever. This may have boon an exaggeration, but it is certain that in a vary short time it was as though the great fire had never been. "All gone but energy" was a huainess ate frequently seen in the days which followeelhard after that dianten. Nothing more was needed. The prophecies that Chicago would rise again ilhVe all bent fulfilled. She has risen again, and more glorious by far than ever before.- Chicago News. , Where is Stanley? A Zanzibar cable says ; Mr. Thomas Stevene, the bicyclist, who after making a tetir of the world on his wheel was sent to Africa by a New York papa to " discover " Stsuiey, has returned here, and has failed to find any trace whatever of Stanley. His mission is a complete fiasco. A. man who was employed by the Choreal Mission Society, who left the southern end of Lake Victoria Nyanza on Mania. the 30th, has arrived here, and is postive that Stanley leas not been anywhere in that quarter. The Church Mission believes this man's informa- tion to be completely trustworthy. The impression here is that Stanley feels that he has done enough for glory, and that this time he proposes to avail himself of the large stores of ivory which exist in Central Africa. When be does came he will appear with enough ivory to support him during the rest of hie life. The Invention of the Thimble. There is a rich family of • the name of Lofting in 1:1glitled; the fortune of whose house Was fattened by anch an apparently insignificant thing as the thimble. The first ever seen in England was made in London less than two handeed yeah ago by a metal worker named Jolla Lofting. The usefulnees of the article commended it at once to all who used the needle, and Lofting acquired a large fortune. The implement was then called the thumbbell, it being worn on the thumb when in nee; and its shape snggest- ing the rest of the name.„ olurney `erdodetafttetilisingi it was, steel changee, lOweyeete but the nadee. softened into " ehipiblte" remains: • . Door ontIie TrdCk. A Wilmington, Don, despetole of Sundae says .inA, south:bout:al Philadelphia, Wil- mingtme & Baltimore freight train dropped SO iron dooron. the.track between Cherieso towrienti•NOrtnetteteMI, which derailed a passenget train anditn 0.45 o'clock yesterday mortninget Thentain was partly vvreoked. Fifteert. inatinengers . Were hurt, including Mrs: W., B. Guildt of Evansville, Vt., seri. °tidy, • r„ e. Topneayneen.Will yoti share ray lot, Ponetepo ?".,ellatielopenantntes, if there isle boo wit stone froot on :1046,'Fk0.1011 Rovoi*raptIti,bas promised nom= to °Wean ,oniglettiolfar from Mexico oftthEnaentt c0ntr4:0,nd tinder the reign of Maxi:nil:lent, • e et -The imolai eergeationet Inelife,x, N. S., is thetteten Item tandem tfittlIsjor-General ali.r.aohit Ross; domMatidennt, the British 'Foreestiniotanaclit, Mailing at Halifax, has , been greeted:et divoreefrem'his wife, Lady Many.) he. causee leading to the eepara- tittle hiveleng been V keine) of, scandal in home and ooloniel military oirofes. Sie John will temetmarry the beautiful young daughter of aninagistrato et Pioton, N. S. , es .meenne • A rEna.1,74 ENOCH ARDEN. The Straugaand Romantic Story Recently Revealed by it St. Louis Divorce Case. In a divorce case filed the other day in the St. Louis Ciroait Court, metaled Miriam Miller va. Louis Killer, there is moat etrange and, roraantio history, says the Now York Norniug .Tourizal. Twenty - Ate years ago Louie Miller, then of St, Peteraburn, Buena, wen warded:to one of the nobility of that city, a beautifal lady of high birth, possemiog all of the *coerce pin:hie:tents that education, end reniternent could bring. After the marriage the couple Beaten theme tla their eAtiV,0 City. The couutry Wino etnhat time threatened by the Nihilist. Miller deolaed toneave his native learn and try his fortune araong a free peo- ple. Bidding is wife a ftewrooztteho' fare- well he came ,tef this oniunireettfidseitled in S. Loais. Here het entered iota business and anoamulated a fortune: During all of this time he fven sodium:m*00y to his wife and receiving letters -from her, but in a few months after he left home his mother, with whom he left his young wife, died, and the w,fe left to join ber triends, 500 miles in the mterior of Buffalo. All of this time the mails were very irregular, and, by orders of the Rua/neon ataborities, lettere hardly ever reached their destine- tioa. Ths yottug wife xeceinen no lettere from him and he received none from bem until one day a letter came to hira withthe Bed tiaings of her deeth. Yeare passed. During all this time the young wife could get' no newa of her busaend. Thinnieg bim lout site concluded to visit tine omen - try and leant if possible whet had become ot Bringing 'with leer their Oen, whO had groom to matihoed, ette lauded in Bal- timore, and the eon came to St. Louie and engaged in 13118n:wee. Meeting eome friende One day they asked biro where his fetter was, and be told them tne story ot his father's IiM. They field the eau looltedlike A man they know, and he Sent to his methor for A picture of hi e tither, which was AbOwn bis friends, who teen hint at mice to that gentle:3mm But in the mean- time, in July; 1857, tlee tether lead married again and WAS living in flee otyle 16 this eity. His first wife came to 'ewe him and the meeting between them was one of joy and ,sadneee. 13oth tvivee, it is declared, loved the hueband, but the good judgment of the last wife did not forsake her, and Oho raid she would releaee Tohn to again live and love his bride of Yeare leng Gone by. Acting, tea this reeolation dm bete as etated, onkel:men 40=00 to bring a it to relemte her and nine from the ties that bind thein together. Serious iimds have occurred in the Tyrol. ,ekei.............r.l.erezerrarrem&e:orommmeo=reealsres • D ft XA 43 SO, IALGENTS MAXt $100 A MONTH witb us. 'Send 20c, for terms. A colored rag pattern and 50 colored designs, W. ez P 131JSEf, St. Thoinas, Ont, THE COOK'S BEST FRIENII