HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-10-24, Page 5Ir F. GIDLE Merch.aflt Tailor; bas just received a line of Pa rings, Suitiiigs and Over .Coatings not to be found any -where ln. the County, and made up in styles that cannot be beaten, witlli prices in the reach of all. FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER. Nolte to Creditors, and use Haggards Pictoral Balsam, the surest, safest and best pure for .poi gh, colOs,utstinna,l. lioarspiesk lirpitchttis, and tIrbat.aecic long troubles. A r. ilw .y' accident,invlolving injury to, some 50 people, occured ae Gibson,. Colorado, on Thursdayfitight. Ask your grocer 'far London Elect rie Soap...,... , 4. Loral stanley and party were at Sampson's ranch N. W, T, on Thurs- day, all well and cn,loying themselves, The wonder of 014, London Electric Soap. W. B. Mcdougall, son of Hon, Wm. Mcdougall, is reported to be'dying "at Spokane Falls W. T^ LIFE WAS A BURDEN, Until lately I have suffered from headache, always preceded by conste- onion, my life was a burden. A friend advised Burdock Blood Bitters. I took three bottles, and now feel my self a new man, and my headaches are things of the past. .A,R, Julien, Ottawa Ont. In the matter of the Estate of John Wordun, late of the Village of • Exeter, in the County of Ilium, Gentleman, deceased.; TeTtaTIOR is nEiznWI 1"1:11,- l Stant to the Itavlaed Statutes of'lnt Arlo, chanter 110, section dial, that all creditors and others havingolailns against tho s'stato of John Werden, late of the linage of ESete r,iln the county ofRnron, (1enUvulae, . deceased, who !lied un or about the lath slay pt'April^ A.II.1889, at the city of Montreat, in the Province of Qnebeo, aro lborebv ro. gaited to deliver or seed by post prepaid to Mra.E.A.Ilro0Iss,Exeter *P.0., Ontario, the E cecutrm of the said deceased, or to the undersigned on or before the lot day of December, 1889, their(hriatian and surnames, addresses account% t, elatrus thefullnatuseQof the securities, of any) held by, them. An4Rutter tteke aotieothat after the said. rattle.! oflloteu+per Itsttl. thts FxecUtrix of the said deceased Jon \4orten,'will .roeted tesdietribat+: the meta of theeatd deceased having roget a riles entitled thereto, h r h 4.n IL IrolCa�uafv to the claims of.,rhich alto shall tI n 7iava hailnotice, and that she will not 7,e rosponttit!le #or the said **sets O elay ppaart ;beret to law Person or pentons of whose Claim. one shalt net then havo"had peace. E1.ix?yR. OST, Solieitns for theiith1 Eiseentrix. Gen. A. B. Cambell, of Kansas, has been tendered the position of council at aelbourne, Australia, and will ex+yept. London Eleetrie Soap is only made by D. Richards, Woodstock, Trade Mark Registered, A RLEAING DISCOVERY. I Suffered with neurallgn and obtain, ed no relief until advised. tai use Hag. yar111(s Yellow Oil Since than 1 have found it to bo apt admirable remedy also for burns, sore throat and rheuma- tism- ,,. AC; `''A .BELLOW OIL,CURES,RHEUMATISM FREEMAN"S : WORM POWDERS Areilkarairt to take. fiont;is, eheir own arse e?+ vJttOkressOrt.kin taii`Xel4 is T1TT WASHINGTON TREATY. Is one of the important topics of the day, but more important still to at suff- erer ur£erer from catarrh is the question whet remedy shall I used Try Nasal Balm It never fails Mr. John Kelly, Comber. morn, says.—Ncsal Balm has halpt me more than I expected it would. I have not felt so well in nine years. I am sure it will snake a pemanent cure* Rumors come from constantinople of a proposal to clothreu Prince Ferdin- and in Bulgaria. TIAs is to certify that I have known the most beneficial resultstoaccompany the use of Everest's Cough Syrup so ex- tensively mnanufacturcd and sold by him.—Rev. A I Snyder Wyoming P. 0. The students' strike in Montreal will, it is now thought, be Amicable arrang- ed very soon. MAK NO CHANCE. But depend on solid facts. Nothing egnals.Haggare s.) chow Oil for burns, scalds, frost bites, chilblains, neuralgia, croup, sore throat and aches and pains of every discription. No matter where the pain or the soreness is, or from what it arises. Haggard's Yellow Oil will give quick relief. The U.S, steamship Pensacola sailed from New York Wed.lesday with the American solar expedition. ' 1 A1tiVICE TO MOTHERS. ..Are you disturbed at night and broken of your treat by a sick child suffering -and Crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at once and get a bottle of Mitts. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING srutlP TORCHILDRRN THETHING. Its value 19 incalcul- able. Itwill relieve the poorllttle sufferer amme•. diatetyy. Depend upon it, mothera, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and dim.- ' rbree.'regulates trio: stoogae1 rand.botrele, °urea HOSPITAL REMEDIES, What are they? The growth of intelli place in medicaffeattent ban OM firie#v a demand for a class of igenuine,.reliable medicine. The opportunity of the ignorant. euaolt,,who grew rich Cur#ng everything out of a single bottle has passed. To supply satisfactorily this demand this list of rem - dim has been created Thar are the favor- ate preacriptiofs of the moat famow medical ggractitionere of the day, gathered from the inhale of London, Paris, Berlet and Fiera. na Prescriptions which coat the patient* to of these specialists hour 331A Sleeve hate offered prepared and ready for Use art the nominal pried of one dollar eseh, Not one of them le a cure ail; mach one Iia* only the reasonable power et curing it sin 8le disease. and each one keeps is contract. Sufferers from C•ietarrh, Diaeeeed Lunge, Brcnchitie. Aethnra, Consam tion, Ithetunatianae Dy- pepeia, laver end Eiduey Com<plainta, Fever and Ague, Neuralgia, Female Weekness, Leucorrhaeaor Nerrou s Debility,ahould send stamp for descriptive oatalogae to Hospital Remedy Co., 30SIe Nest Xing St., Toronto, Canada. It:your drugei.t does notkeeptht e remedies rcinitprice and sire willatend direct. EPEREST'S C UGH :SYRUP CANNOT ,�E E.X.f+a1:LL40. To x4, ls! eenviaceti of lie weederfal walk VOIstitte, FOS 9e w4itas ^ , ' The Meat t$aeeeseel .Iteue4r pier coveted. as a 7s car ee;to iiaeffects end deaths Wider, Read tweet below; 1s,stltaraxna . r. Q.. Ray 0,188?.. Dns $, .7, Macaw, Co•. Eurobond*gelis,^ait, tleatletnea.-.t'have wed Keo• si its Aikavio Prue for r.?PaY la and also la *case oflameness and 5t Ia'J9111ta mei round imam cure in every respect. >; cordially recommend it to an horsemen, Very respectfan,r,-ourt. Uuite LStates Ooneul Lcwis, against wtlolnie serious char es have been made has returned to New York front Tan- gier, 'Morocco. Mrs. E. eameron,1117 Richmond St Toronto, Ont. xlirrviry Hodge rnureic> itis wife by Cutting her throat, 'Carla mage, Wash- ington county,N.>Y. weduesday. Iia ferns lunacy. Electric Soap, .,,...-a r,asulnR: Mr. Andrew Patttullo of tho Wood- stock .Sentinel Alien, was married in Brantford', Wednesday to Miss- Isaingi Balmer, of Okevillo. ATTACTED'THREEI TIMES. "Having been attacted for the third time with Inilnnunatory Rheumatism, which kept me in bed for six weeks under medical care,witltout relief, I re= solved toetry Burdock Blood Bitters,ard' before I had finished the third bottle I was able to work again," George Rolib, Garden Hill Ont. The C. P, R. Detroit extention has been completed from London to Chat- ham, and 15 ears of Apples arrived in London over it Wednesday. Don't forget to try London Electric Soap once and you will use no other kind. The delegates to the International Maritime Congress were welcomed by SecertarV 13htine atWnsbington on Wed nesdxy, and presented` to President Harrison. Just think washing day made shorter by using London Electric Soap. Mrs. Chas. Smith of James, Ohip, writes; I have used every remedy for sick headache I could hear of for the past fifteen years, but Carter's Little Liver pills did me more good than all the rest. Do not suffer from sick headache a moment longer. It is not necessary. Carters Little -Liver Pills will cure you. Doce one little pill. small price. Small dose. Small The fishiug schooners Quilp .and Nannie, of New Bedford', Mass., drifted '• ilideolicitofteae•thegµt yiredacoin$amma=l to gather on Monday's 'pale Capt tion •and°hives toile a rlegy�tothewholes syatein. ';Dike. WIN8Low'a,stct IONG, SYRUP TOG John Flanders, Arthur Borden and CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant to thetaete,and SELllillel P Cbm n f 13 the prescription of one of the oldest and beat a,' P1 e9f.ttteQuilp, started female nurses .and physicians in the finitedd to row :ashore for bele and. were lost, *tat tho rid. Price 255 cents orris. . States anted is for ale by all ntt ugg ott through. their boat `c .i,psi,ing. h bb ALMOST DRIVEN INSANE, ' I had such distress in my stomach and heaid that t`li .d thought I would lose my rei,sanl,• hat an trying Bnrdock Blood. Bitters I the ived great, benefit: have used three bottles and am now as well rs •I everwas, in my life. Thanks to your. medicine. , A colliery explosion in Staffordshire, Eng, -Wednesday ' burned 70 minors, only it of whont.escaped alive, 4'bars'of°'Londrai Electric Soap for r - Tike stet i hies Teutonic and City' of+ New Ygqrl.. started ofl} another race across the.oceiui'Wenifesday .,> '.:THEtALERT':WATCHMAN. : Warns us aproaching danger, a hack ling;cough Warns us of:,commilt•,g cop- sumptiou. Tarin tiine liy the - forelocks Have no equal, as a ;prompt and pos itive cure.for sick headache, biliousness, constipation, pain in the side,' and all liver troubles. • Carter's-' Little, Liver Mils. ' Try them. A. y onug , male ..Atnedie Tauquay was fouud dead in bed in the' village of Beinyille, Quebec, Wednesday morn- ing, and one Lavallee have been arrested, as some marks on the body caused snspicion of foul play. Washing made easy and homes made happy by using London Electric Soap, It is unde . stood'thet the intire plant of the•Bush Eleetic Company; has been sold to the-1Thomson-Huston Electric Companyfor $3,250,000, says a Boston despatch. None but'' first-classgrocers sells London' Electric So^ I. damn: utltdis KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE, 501'ans* s, I.'' Q. A rn re. It Da, T 1,-atet4t r (a E toab b. At. oeuta; -1isayreusortafew getttiesof your Ken; dab's Sloarin Core on guy colt„ whteh wag sedertog frena, Tat* ensa lir. a very bad remand, eats 53)' thst your Kcndalleg Spavin eurae aser.Icraped cnCUM4Cate surd R react it as she best and mesh effeetivelestrot-n L "Realeeverhaadkd.1? BUOYsea*meoneotyour^ralusblel seotitied RlTre- :keen the Horse."" Toursres ria. t.lf.W1 KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL >rctat #tt4tcra rattle. 342tq l€5, lin. It T. grcmaa t,4'.i. Anesburatti elle YL glentleatten'^-- Y admire j7pe�, jlo;1r helg4a11'is S:.avlu Cera Sud Dliuter tun M!1 they 1,evn never rained. le what YOU Mate theyen have cured a 0 MARC Cpevfri 334 Otte Iwo caaeR of ,it3agbase; ofyoatastanfingon„m rciwhkh t bought o. broeal from. and have t n of eatte I theircrit 4ha as +� as ART their oarsprin TOM* Wei& r'rlta�4l rrrbottle,Orsix F.ntllettor If_ err I.,a aseitOr set it for yes. orltwdi wul& a any wickets on receipt of »r lis a ,"kgsn,eu.:t;Q..Zeo$suro vani.Vf• SOUR fiat Alla DIACCICHSTS, i:,Jxattsgc a4.4rct�-3 dry Everest's Liner Reg ator for blatant of the Luer lildoeya. kers tad .Purlfi- 1a of ibe Bloat. Price R. Six bottles, for i6. Per Sale by Aid..p$AOGl$T8. uautttactwtd only br too. H. Mara. Cnrettx, Pam; Afire t' The famous heavy bodied 011 made only by McCOLL ROS. & Co'y,,,TORONTO. ase it ono azd you win ase no other. McColl's Famous CYLINDER OIL la the #neat*. Canaan for engi.e 9713.uclem MR SALE BY Bissett Bros. =ma, , Fa nitura and Undertaking I CAKFEI(S fling IVER PILL$ 00 TO - 84 O. suss.._^,•ri.,,�R,,,.., ,,... ANIS F*AIt.LAR SUITS, iIIIEi3OARDS AND EXTENSION ARLES, LOUNGES AND EASY CHAIRS. Largest Warerocans 1 town. allRing outside of the Undertake, np, to all its Branches, CUR9ac>It Cklit alitiia deattosbit slate of t! Ile nth1 intoecrap. M' day and Alit. THE PROVIDENT Life and Lye Stook At e saonatte INCORPORATED, AUG, 18R7. ead Office room » Arcade TORONTO ONTARIO. In the Life Department this Also- ��rr III..rovides Wilt Utility for Sick- and Accident, and substantial as - to the relatives of deceased toall„ lltewbersatt'tt'TtAfia,uailwiilles In the Live Stock Department, two- thirds indemnity for loss of live stock its members. Send for particulars, ms paid atm, WJLLIAM JONES, ABS, Ilf.s.tlwl}zua DIRE T ,Qa►e door north of Itiolson's Ralik. 1�.'3AIN-S . - 'EX.FTER. andprerentimrthIsgthrarfl also °wagtail stimulate the liver *Id Ram tr they only -cured AD Ache almost priceless to those who or from Lida dietressing ertmelstint: but fortunately their goodaere does sed end hero, and them who once try them will and these little pills valuable in so mew ways that they will nor be vrlithee In deg etithekgr team. But after all stekbeal g CITY HOTEL la Mahe's of tummy Ilves that here is w2tere we make our great boast. Our pills cure It while others do not. CasrstesLrries Urge Plus are senTernall and very easy to take. 'One or two pille make a done. They are strieUy vegeta-leant* do not gripe or purge. bet by their genUe action please all DM Us* them. In vlds gth 23 cents; lite for IL Sold everywhens, or sent by mail. CAA* xibionri liter Tot /11 In 1241 Fria THE LIGHT RUNNING Irulacls 41 the eloggea avenues of tha Bowels, EldneYs road. Liver, carrying gradanUy ;without weakening the ere tem, all the Impurities said foul humor, of the ateretione., 11,t the came time Cor- recting Acidity otabo,Storaaell, eurteg Biliousness, Dyspepsia, ConlatIon, Dryness of the Skin, Drop Dimness of VISIOII, Jaun- dice, it Dheurri, 2r yslpelas. Sere- vousness,,ned General Debility •, all these. and many other similar Complaints lumpy influence of Bur.DOGIC BLOOD BITTERS, For Salo by ell 2)sairm. CO.,Fropee+ors Toronto rhe Great English Prescription. ▪ suceessful liedleine used over 80 years in thousands of cases. Weakness. Xanzsmons. Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse. (mimes] indiscretion. or over-emertion. [Ansel Six packages Guaranteed fo Cure when auothers $1. Six SS. • bv mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address Eureka Chemical Co.. Detroit. :Rich. avSeorlytlit.e17,rexe,tor by Dr Lutz, and druggists LONDON, ONTARIO. 1 per clay WEAK MEN and sea eu. ytilckly Luse tiaoa?t* eelvea of Wasxi f.:€ir7�iTi I4° . batAh3Gtt4' Aoul y uthtnt.. errors, eta. quietly at 1#orae. Book en all private diseases sent tree taealedl. Perfectly reliable, Over Mtyeste"experience. Address-- allszDEX PILL CO., TORONTO, Canada. ■ 'DIES oer"Fta:ld rptw - i5 wee endeinsrs 1M ;Ansa; bets thus Etto ?de. an!r e or Tute1,z/eey►1 Pen- thews regegultr. 5aa4 tar psrtitalert. 404re,e QUsl= P LL. CO,, TOZO>a TO, Canada. .bill:. u-s.14..t5 a ti sl t t! R teretes a NT+a.tai tut w.xn taauacl f )*, t +ranee- �eart1E'awe•«r ,i the ai,. 5.1(5 as ah.r )C. ,4tlieet 5414.1(1,wsa.elato,rtR .at+aaue+ia.el:at bng$Mrita wluelt.trtt lege S ula �i.ta+er lar*11. ett,x ewl.i. 5,01 p�eas�tneeeira(br, C.5a R9Ael5l xwl+taaaataa,..r4s.ra a t?rrreaoa'Knt4Eaattsi*s?taaa_ 4I _,0, PlI.ae*kiln r?Rt, tt 11111�E� 11111111Hflif'111J1111. .uY SNAIRalt east Inlay tothe 1,4442 ..ES AND BLACKHEADS rata ha�tiirAwsut.Watriat.a.ltieatorteda trastaawa•.0t! 1ae1ta11e1y1,CORPU NICE PILLS .r i'orrabfa 0H 0starblaeat+N->1A'' lipuria 91*1g "A$*Tt• Oop.P0LR$C5 rued' low Si nr. a teretes e7 *Wee so alaata i 7 tDaWa ao pa4wHa a. end *r 1515. Tett 404 Me maa'5cs tram ma; #95 es Ora scathe 0441.150, es.. Werreated. COMPLEXION WAFERS 4APNAi h: 111ra51► abs Ota, de.a5,p the tom. Ittrmte.r. 1arraanoa1 Warr.ate4. Prin;1 a box. aux beaw te-' a MADAME oIOV,A IN�'i"_ *6 Zing Attest What Toronto, aaa The Grand Ilnion Hotel Warged and; improved SO rooms elegantly furnished. Tables supplied with all the Delicaties of the season. 8 convenient sample rooms, House heated with hot air. Electric bells throughout. Si PER DAY, R. J. TUFTS PROPRIETOR CHRISTIE'S SEWING MACHINE. HAS So THE THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE , THAT ,G IV ES REh'ffe,r40;57P00 ILL Alta LOWS NTA GA-SatitRANtt CO.CAL• BROS LIVERY. BlgETT v,ii•A Class Horses and Rigs. RATES WITH COMMERCIAL) LliERY Orden left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware First Class RIGS And HORSES. Store, wilt receive proinpt attention. ORSDHEAT LLFITTSEATORT HTAHWE K - TERMS - REASONABLE. STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. , Telephone Connection. 12 Mite you tried the Celebrated Pounds OFWHITE CTRIC George Vickers, L'Kirkton. EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel. $75 to 32 Barley 40 to 47 Peas 0 to 153t 4 Eggs per doe 13 to '13 Butter, Rolls 17 to 17 Butter, Crocks 13 to 'IC flay per ton 9.25 to 1.0.00 ROYAL HOTEL TAMAN, ONTARIO, Tho Bar supplied with I,est brands. of Liquors and Cigars. 0 SHOE DRESSING? 0 If not don't fail to do so at once. It is not a polish' lad a wonderful leather preservative it will leialte the .finest or coarsest shoe as soft ' and ,Prtable as kid and very easy to the foot. It will make them absolutely water- proof, and if occasionally dressed with 'Olt dressing will last more than twice 'eslong Ls otherwise. —WV Mean What We Say. it is the very life of leather. It can be applied at any time. No trouble -- Shoe pan be polished immediately Sold by aU first-class stores. 'Sam - ;pies mailed --Stamps taken. A- OLIVER CABANA Jr., 69LE MANUFACTURER, ,Olts Raw sugar FOR $1. Al rHE Vital Iorth Storo. M A_THESOIC ;00E4E4 TTODD W H wishes to announce that be has opened. out business in the stand recently occupied .by the ADVOCATE, and is pre- pared to manufacture first- class for all customers. A CALL SOLICITED. Our motto is g.00d work and square dealings. W. E. TROTT. NOTICE • A Fresh and. New Stock of Grocencs St Goittectiourll JUST ARRIVED AT THE Family :-: Grocery. Also Pure EXTRACTS and SPICES. A beautiful piece of glass- ware given away with 1 lb of Nfayell's Baking Powder. Dashwoocl, Roller Flour For Sale. Call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. HENRY WELLS, BIM pi Maier ONTARIO. • 1VIANUFACTURER OF Nis' Margo PORTER. XXX Porter a Specialty.