HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2005-02-03, Page 19THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2005. PAGE 19.
It was a wonderful evening at
Brussels Public School when over
80 families joined in for the Family
Literacy Night. There were several
guest readers from Walton including
Jeanne Kirkby, Joan Perrie. Joan
Tuchlinsky and Ken Scott.
Organizer Marie Mitchell reports
it was a wonderful evening with
many pajama-clad children listening
to the many guest speakers.
Congrats to Marie for her promotion
of literacy in our area.
Rob and Andrea Shortreed were
the hosts for a hayride for friends
and neighbours. On Saturday it was
a trial run with the Mitchell and
McKee families. The weather was
perfect and the horses behaved well.
Annual meeting at Duff’s
On the fourth Sunday after the
Epiphany, members of Duff’s
United Church were greeted by
Steve and Evelyn Gulutzen.
Rev. Joan Tuchlinsky showed a
picture of a man to the children and
had them guess who he was. It was
an adult who guessed Johann
Sebastian Bach, the composer who
wrote many songs for the pipe organ.
Joan then asked her daughter
Jennifer to play on the piano a very
recognizable song, written by Bach.
Bach wrote six pages of music
every day and he signed every page
with Jesus' name or the phrase “To
God Be All the Glory”. It was his
way of honouring God for blessing
him with the gift of music.
Joan reminded all the children that
Sunday was another beautiful day
for the Maloney, Klaver. Jim and Vai
Shortreed family and friends,
Angela Horbanuik and Calvin Kerr
to enjoy a trek through the bush, on
roads and tracks.
Returning they enjoyed hot dogs
and hot chocolate at Rob and
Andrea’s home.
It was birthday time for Sarah
Mitchell who celebrated turning five
many times over. The first party was
on Saturday with Grandpa Emerson
and Grandma Phyllis along with
Uncle Gord, Aunt Julie and cousins
Doug enjoying lunch with the
birthday girl.
On Sunday, it was Grandpa Bill
and Grandma Laura Barbour from
Bayfield who celebrated at a
birthday supper with Sarah and the
Mitchell family. A third party was
held on Monday with friends Teagan
McGavin, Lorren Poland and Sofie
Cardiff after school.
What a lucky little girl to have so
many parties.
There were five couples from
Walton, away to the LICO (Land
Improvement Contractor of Ontario)
The residents have no choice or
say in leaving their home, friends
and support system because the
government says so. If you wish to
support Barb and others in saving
this facility, write letters of support
for the Huronia Regional Centre to
the Honourable Sandra Pupatello,
Ministry of Community and Social
Services, 6th Floor, Hepburn Block,
80 Grosvenor St., Toronto, ON M7A
1E9 or email:
or check the website at:
There was only a small portion of
Duff’s congregation attending the
annual meeting after service.
convention held in London at the
Best Western Lamplighter Inn last
week: Paul and Dianne McCallum,
Ron and Betty McCallum, Bill and
Sharon McClure, Chad and Crystal
McCallum and Ken McCallum and
Meagan O’Reilly.
Paul McCallum, who has served
his second term as president,
assumed the position of past
president for the next two years.
During the three days of meetings,
discussions were held concerning
the cutbacks on funding for tile
drain loans, the municipal drainage
outlet program, source water
protection and nutrient management
There were . approximately 100
contractors with wives and guests,
companies with displays and
information on the latest
technologies as well as
manufacturer’s displays.
Cool class
Staff at Brussels Public School took advantage of free ice time at Brussels arena, courtesy of
Huron East, to teach skating skills as part of the phys ed curriculum on Friday. (Bonnie Gropp photo)
Dianne McCallum was in charge
of organizing the ladies program.
She had a fashion consultant attend
to talk to the women on fashion and
show the consultant’s own clothing
The Thursday evening banquet
had 175 enjoy a delicious dinner to
end the week’s activities.
Howard and Audrey Hack well had
a weekend visitor. Their brother-in-
law Wayne Henry of Surrey, B.C.
caught up with them for a visit as
well as with other relatives in
Celebrating birthdays last week
were Brenda McIntosh, Jason
McCall, Fred Uhler, Chris Ryan,
Tommy Parr, Michael Gill, Debra
Hams, Mark Wilbee, James Blake,
Brian Traviss, Dave Watson, Sherry
Lillycrop, Thys DeJong, Sarah
Mitchell, Elgin Schade and Brian
their gifts come from God and they
too must thank God for them.
The scripture reading was by
Marie McGavin.
Rev. Joan’s reflection was, Do
Justice. Love Kindness and Walk
Humbly with your God. She told of
seeing a sweatshirt slogan that
stated, “Do justice, love kindness
and walk humbly with your dog”.
She related her experience of
walking her dog and how it
compares to walking with God in her
life. Sometimes God walks beside us
or is just ahead of us to show us the
way. Other times we are off the
beaten track, God is also there to
help us find our way back. God
challenges us to do more and to give
of ourselves and our response should
include doing justice, showing love
and kindness to all and to walk
humbly with God in all aspects of
our lives.
The offering was collected by
Steve Gulutzen and Neil McGavin.
Joan gave the blessing prior to the
closing of the service, for the
potluck lunch following church.
There are two youth opportunities
available to attend. One is in
Mitchell Feb. 22 at the Presbytery
meeting. Supper is free. The other is
in Saskatchewan in August. Info on
both are available from Joan.
There was a request for help in
petitioning the Ministry of
Community and Social Services to
not close the Huronia Regional
Centre in Orillia. Barb Fritz and
Joan are meeting with Carol
Mitchell MPP this week to present
selections and letters of support to
keep this facility for physically and
mentally-disabled residents open.
Barb’s sister, Shirley Turnbull has
been a resident there for 46 years.
This is her community as well as her
home and has provided for her
Looking for local heroes
There are so many people out there who do
so much to improve their community.
Now you have a chance to say thanks.
Nominate that special person for the 20th
Annual Citizen Citizenship Awards,
Each year a committee chooses an outstanding citizen from each of the Blyth and area
and Brussels and area communities to receive an award for contribution to the
community. If you know someone you think should be honoured, please fill in the ballot
and send it in. You may attach a longer explanation of why you think your nominee
should win, if you like. If you have nominated someone before and he or she didn't win,
please feel free to try again.
I nominate--------------------
as Citizen of the year for
& area
& area
I feel she/he deserves this award because-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nomination Deadline April 30, 2005.
Name and phone number of nominator------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------