HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-10-24, Page 4THIS zeder Aboorgatet WA'i. SANDERS, Editor, rursday, October 24th 1889, lieorounty on Friday last, The ruin ery.is played, out, and unless the Liber al leaders are of the epiniou that the people are stupid Viols, the7, may as well abandon it. The people caauot be deceived by their knavish misrepreseu- ations, The Globe is .crowing' over the action. 4Arastus the Audacious," tts it styles *z: Whiten, in taking advantage of his Niagara dinner party- to the delegates to thePath-American Congress on Sun - a qy last, for the purpose of repeating sae of his3Coinali rciel Union speeches. N'e ,let the Globe conte down to hus/:.- and tell us e.utdidly if it really for ins Mr. W lural s poliey. sdlme years age it denounced proposals similar to. Whit deelared that they were such as Bocouutry hoeing regard for its com- mercial independence could afford to adopt, and it betted plainly that its natural tendeuey was iu the direction et annexation, When the. Wiman li movement was rinangr,ited the Globe Zane t some oneotirage :ent;bat when Tee true nature conte to be understood, and the party managers at Ottawa do- t -lined to adopt it as a poliey,aand deelar ed in favor of Unrestricted Reciprocity polio- which contains several of #lee nos objectionalble features et Mr. 'Wimans scheme—the Globe carne out Bat -footed in fever of the latter, A few d-►ys ag a it smiled kindly noon a continental Commerical t,7111on project, zlnd endeavored to prove that a position it had previously taken, i, e. than such trier would drove disastrous to nat- Conerieal indepeudanee, Wats al - her Wrong. .And now we have it d over, the of Fxalstus the "And, aeons." in ilif1eeting a. political speech fipvor,of commericalUuiou between the United $trtes and Canada on a Sun - any ny evening after be had given a gu, r- *ce a that neither polities nor speech seating should be introduced on the occasion. Will the Globe say how it stands towards Mr Wiman's policy noir? Cel. ID..,Tel Y"111I .R..sa PRDDUC'S The annual report ons the mining and mineral statistics of Canada for the year 1888, prepared by Mr. H. B. Brume'', has been issued from Geologi- cal and National History Survey, The total value of the production of minerals �off all. kinds for the :ear wee$16,500,000, The :most valuable mineral product of the year was coal. The output in 1888 was 2,058,13.4 tons, valued at the pits mouths at $2,259,835, an increase of 239,640 tons. Of the total output 1, 989,263 tous cane from Nova Scotia mines, 548,017 tons from British Col- umbia mines, 115,124 teras from the North-West territories, and 5,730 tons from New Brunswick. The products of all the nines lit 1886 amounted to 2, 091,9S6 toes, In 18&? to 2,048,494. tons, showing a steady increase during the last three yeas, The distribution of Nova ;Seotia coal in tors during" the year was as follows:—In the province, 5?1,093; exported to New Brunswick 40,3861 to Newfoundland, 93,772; to Prince Edwerds Island 63,111; to Quebec, 759,720 to the West Indies, 3' 484; tithe United: States, 33,822; to ether countries, 507. The quantity of anthracite coal improved during the year 1888 was 1,326,164 tons, valued, at $15,454;784, and of bitulnioes coal 1,287189 toes, valued at $3,409,025, The value of the gold product of the year was $1,098,610, representing 61, 310 ounces; shown," a fight decrease when compared with the products of 1887, which is attributed to a bad season baveing been experienced in the Ta- ken district. The number of ounces produced iu Nova Scotia was 22,407, in. British Columbia, 86,278 ounces, in the 'North-West Territories, .including Yukon, 2,428 ounces,'nnd in Quebec, 107 ounces, No production was report- ed from Ottawa, thouflt sample ship- ments were made from several local- ities in the vte4tiiiy of Sudbury, and it is believed flint small quanties of gold' were extracted from soma of the ores of the Hosting County, ant, .Ars in pre- vious years a small amount of gold was obtained from the ohwious of the Saskatchewan River near Edmonton. leVielamelea RICTIELImit RUCTION The election in the Count} of Riehel- scz>az* to fill the vacancy: in the House et laarrlons caused bs the deate of Cap, *sin Labelle. took place on Friday last, and resulted in the return ofMr.Massuo, the Conservative candidate, by a ma- Jerk- of 324. At the general election of 1887 Captain'Labelle's majority was 58. The significance of Mr. Massue's 54.r.a.. "UV/V.,! ,.,-..V,.,. •_ r, ale principal issue in the contest was. 'Unrestricted Reciprocity. air. Laurier, and a smell army* of Liberal orators stumped the county in the interests of the candidate of the party, and pro eTaimed Free Trade with the United States to 1x the allimportant question 'Upon which the electors were to decide. 'The election of sir, Massue by such n large majority demonstrates the unpop- alarity of the Liberal poliey in the county, and is a fair index of the sent- iment of the Province of Quebec on the question. The Liberals were hopeful of securing a victory, but the result will prove a bitter disappointment, aif can scarcely fail to impress ..lir. Laurier. and Ms =lieutenants that with such a (rade policy they cannot expect to carry the country, Richelieu has spoken in no uncertain sound, and as Richelieu , 31ias gone in,this bye -election a ma joritS of the constituencies of the Dominion -rill go at the next general election. Ts,it not singular that although Re- form orators and Reform newspapers tell the people that the are being sub jected to intolerable financial burdens; -that they are the victims of the cruel misgovernment of an utterly reckless Administration, and that the country Is rapidly being driven to ruin, the people continue tb return men to Parli- ament'to 'shippers" Sir John Macdonald and his coleagues. Now, it is the most nameable thing in the -world to take it for granted that if the people,:" by` sperience, fdund themselves in suehE a :misesr We• plight as the men hungry for the-spoils'of ofate represent them to be n;liey would take' advantage of every opportunity, presented to :remove the range of their troiililes, but .vee find -them strengthenieethe hands. of the CA TO 1 fortnfants• and Children i tion �+0�<H►el►irpwe2iisdiplptiggeABdt+enRhat Cs+stos!# Dares Colic, Com I� itsowmmend,1sol seralertosaygresctipiioA SOU Stou}gch, Diarrhoeactsiton, �ptratpme." 8.,�, H.D., � Worms, puce sleep. sad promoteal di. Ill Sa OsSerd eta ,a SspR u, N.Y. 'Without medication.. Tm; Ge2lTeaa, Coxgexr, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. eke. iteseaaateas eau LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! 1888 Was 78,587 tons, valued at $1,52, 068, showing an increase of 2,257 over the quantity produeed in 1887. By provinces the production in tons was as follows:—Nova Scotia, 42,g11, valued, $78,509; Quebec, 10,710, valued, $24,886 Ontario,16'894, valued, $37,710; Brit- ish Columbia, 8,372, valued, $1,050, The quantity of phosphate mined'. and marketed in 1888 was 22,485 tons+ valued at $224,285;showing a decrease of 1,205 as compared with 1887, the de- crease being in Province of Ontario; There was a slight increase in the pro- duction of Quebec. The quantity of phosphate exported in 1888 was 18,776 tons—to Great Britain, 14,957 tons; to the United States, 2,643 tons; to Ger- man, 1,176. ' The production of salt for the year 1888 was 59,070 tons, valued at, $185,- a decrease in quantity as 'compared with 18S7 of 1,103 tons. There was, however an increase in value of $19,- 066. In 1887 the average price was $2.76 per ton, where as for this year the average .price is $3.14. The value of the other leading • min- eral products of the year are thus stat- ed in the report:—Asbestos, $255,007 bricks$1,036,746; building stone, $641, 712; cement, $35,593; charcoal, $97,000 copper, $667,543; fertilisers, $21$666: glass and glassware, $375,000; granite, $147,305; graphite, $51,1.29; gypsum, $17.9x5893,? $217,472, lin,p,,r*',339,951; linietone;•$16,2331-manganese ore; -$47,` 947, xnic4r"e3t1,20 , mineral water, $11,: 456;'mouldir►g. sandy $75071; pyrites, $285,656; sewer pipes and tiles, $266; 3201,` sl ,.$01),6$9 steel, $472,6115;su1- ph`tztiiCeacid, $221;515; terra cotta4449,- 800; tile, $114,057. That Canada is rich in mineral*, alth fs a , fact =' long since demonstrated ;what i8 „required is the ,,investment of capital to being the hidden treasures of the earth to the -surface. ilcClary's famous Modcl. Stores are the Best IN THE MARKET. FOR SALE BY BISSTT BR A FULL LINBIO?1 LLX4 INDS OF PARLOR MITES • - -JUST, I,7,1. Miose"'tt i ptIn. x+c. DOWN HE PRIES In order to Make room for our'' es which •oudpIe Staeernreent by.returning',supporters tyo Parlia;tnent. What is the sigilitcance of their so acting? Simply this: They• .low that Reform repesentations are -witbout foundation; that their condit- ana is not what it is described to be by is] Leberal" leadai•s' and their organs; that finder•Couservativ+e rule!the coun-. ^h,:.cs'enjoyed a period of unpreeed-' faded prosperity; that Conservatly'a3 inleeneans'progress and advancement ami•they believe that it is.in the best In rests' of the. Dominion at large' that theeConservative party should .remain i i seewer.. ,There,is no .other .way to ac saint fez sucli results as that its Riche - Sumner 1 ess U,,sling,Prints, Laoes, llnibr also balance of Summer 711E SUCAR all puteliae- we of- oodS, 'Wise &a ,rp at cost. We have al quantity of "or oil hand which was purchased before t Heavy Ad- vance which we aro offering a . est than pre- sent wholesale cost. Our Yakut in Teas and Coffees areA-Xand aro riot ogelledin the County. A, call solicited and an inanction invited. par -All hinds of prodtho taken in exchange ' Butter 14 cents ; Emcq 14 cents. Happe! & 01 "horn, d ZURICH. ATTENTION Eyes front, QUICK MARCH ■ W. SOUTHCOTT'S Clothing and Gents �INI FVR TORE. S , Gr EKETER, - - ONTARIO. 0 Some of the finest goods that can be seeured, are arriving every day, GENTS' FURNISHINGS IN THE LATEST STYLES AT RIGHT PRICES, A CALL SOLICITED, W SOUTHCOTT, Corner chain and John Street. EXETER, ONTARIO. MARKET SQUARE ENERAL_&TORE The undersigned would inform the I'ublie that he has just received his fit in IRIS STOOK INCLUDING ,A FULL LINE QF DRY GOODS, HATS AND OAPS, AND CROCK- ERS', BOOTS AND SHOES. Those wishing anything in my line will find it to their advantage to call and inspect my goods and prices, Best Roller Flour always ou band. Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs, and all /rind of Produce, REMEM,.i3E.:R V ^.•��.Yn�jry..��hG._...Italll. J. P ROSS The 0111 Stand. (10.22-'88.) Ea I. PISS If you wept an easy shave as geed as barber ever gave just call at E. II. FISH'S SHAVING - SALOON At 'Morning, Eve or busy Noon. rtra' aka iii 41 a 3w Jdxass _E11e THE CUSTOMS OF THE FACE. Ladies'` hair dressing done to perfection, Stand near the Post Office, BREAD -MAKER'S 50 NEVER FANS TO COVE SATISFACTION FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS, • I YOU VV ANT BrC11, Blip, CMS, &C N ORTHCOTT All the Leading Lines of ,the purest and best TION..ERY. ALWAYS IN STOOK Wedding Cakes of the finestqual ty made :. onw Short notice. A TRIAL-.S.GLIGI]'E; London Electric Soap will not in- jure the hands or clothes, and dOrt more work for the money, try it. J. H. J. 011 BIALIZOMBD, jIIerckat When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoa. When shewas a Chid, she cried' for Castbii When she became Ml8s, she dung to Caatoria. r¢he i rile had dendron, she gave them Ccs' Oat" • Hardware Store. As'NELL; Main. EXETER ONTARIO, HI.s,I10w in stool AL i TER Lie has in stock some of the finest summer goods to be found on the market. A CALL SOLICITED. J. G. SMALLACOMBE, IN THE FOLLOWING LINES c West of England Suitings and Trous erings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser ings. French and English Worsted Cloths Alt made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates.. A, J., SNELL. L H. Dickson's L of fia R:t to or Ii. Lot No.22, in the 1atconcessionof the town c1Eil.oflilbbert,contining 100 acres. This farm will be ,ole cheap, and on easy term, The farm is situated nEMay between aeafortic and Dublin, on the Huron Gravel Road. Church and School within toe yards of farm. I1 Soil the best in the county. A. number of Exeter village properties. for sale on the crest of terms,iuoluaing some of the most desirable residences in town, Some property in the villages of Centralia and Farquhar, which a:a11 be bought/sheep, To Hoarding Boase keepers—On 'corn le• tion of Verity's Foundry, its calculated ghat JS from 1r to`.,'0 E m a tan 1 dd 1 a Ina►nds are to be eta, plot ed. A House to let at a small rent ean- ahle ofaEeconE dating 8 ton) boarders, About five minutes Walk freta the fotuidry, For lhrther PxrUcu1atra apldy to March 7th, 1889. Barrister. Exeter. S. GIOLEY. THE LEADING,: V,xstierta3ter ANb Furniture Dealer OF, THE, 0. I have,an unmense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which I will sell- at right prices. London Huron & Bruce Railway GOING NORTH -TIME TABLE--Pass'nr, London, depart .:.8.05 A. Ai ..4.25 r. ie. Lucan Crossing.. ,8.47 5.20 Clandeboye 8 52 . . 5.28 Centralia .........9.05 5.45 EXETER ....... .9.16 5.57 Hen sa ll .......... 9.28 6,09 Kippen 9.34 6.17 Brumfield ........ 9.42 6.26 Clinton. , 10,00 6 45 Londesboro' 10.19 7.03 Blyth............10.28 7.12 Belgrave ........10.42 7.27 Wingham .11.00 7.45 GOING SOUTH. Passenger. Wingham.. , ..7.05 A.is3.40 R.Rt. Belgrave..... 7.24 4.00 Blyth.... ....... 7.38 4.15 Londesboro' 7.47 4.25 Clinton.... 8,07 4.45 Brucefield .. .... 8.26 5.04 Kippen 8,34 ...... 5.12 Hensel!.... 8.41 • 5.19 ' - EXETER 8.56 5.33 Centralia ........ 9.07 5.45. Clandeboye , 9.18 5.66 Lucan Crossing.. 9.24 " ' 6.02 ' London, arrive , ..10.15 ; 6.45 . • ±I{E EAUTIFUL AND' CLEAR 'CUT so ism •so-- • from'* ch s' paper is prihted was 5pj.ied by the TwinTYPE FOUNDRY :Dealers in Type, " ° 4 Freeses,, and printers' Supplies. :•,,.,1n ,t, rtp•' Tit JOE-I'NS' 'ON; vi SO & 8 `Wellington St..we€ t �xtt'ORONTO, ,,ONT.. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock -Solicited. S. GIDLEY. —THE— Central Spaying Parlor, PENNYROYAL WAFERS.' Prescription of a physician who' has had a life log experience in treating female diseases. Is used monthly with ppertect:succes% by over 10,000 ladies. Pleasant, safe, effectual. Ladies ask_your drug- gist for Pennyroyal afers and take no substitute, or inclose post- age ost a e for sealed prticulars. Sold by EUREKA CHEMICAL COO., XsmoAddress a icci Sold in Exeter by Dr. Luta, and druggists everywhere. Jan.1-8. T:X'F'TER., Ontaree. .2 I stirs.gs, PROPRIETOR. Every Attention paid to Ladies' and , Children's ' Hair Gaffing. AGENT FOR . THE TROY: LAUNDRYA.- Hastings., ME,D I CA L. THE CELEBRATED DR. 'LE CARRON, OF PARIS, FRANCE, AAA : E.STABLISIiED AN AGENCY IN TORONTO FOR THE SALE OF HIS MEDICINES, WHICH ketE A. POS ITIVE CURE FOR ALL CIHRONIC AND PIRIATE'DISE`ASES OF LONG STANDING, 'ALSO Y01,1,THPut INDISCRETION,EARLY DECAY, TC`., SHOULD WRITE FOR IN- FOBMATION.,"• CORRESPONDENCE CON- FIDENTIAL. ADDRESS ALL LETTERS TO THE E. B. CRANE AGENCY, CAMERON PLACE, '- TORONTO. :Phyis its r that 'ill' other towns and surrounding country they speak SO highly of the photo- graphs that are taken in Exeter..,, And how, is it thatYlere are so many photos ,sent into the different cities of Ontario from; EXETERPIIOTO GALLERY Because Senior's work is as..;' ood if.not better gran any of the .leadingaJ.'lerie & in the', Cities' and their '. prices are $4 and 85' per: doz., ..while they,.• fret thein at. Senior's for "$3 00'