HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-10-24, Page 1• "A UNITED CANADA A! ITI 'H CONNECTIONa" EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, .1889. The oIsoas Bank. abietarad# Paniement,U315,) Pahl np;Cepital. , , .. «. , $2,000,000, , Rest Fund. -.«.. 1,000,000, Head cfl6ce'*orstreai, WOLFEBSTAN THOMAS, F.ree, QEt IIIA a MANAGER. g.i cites i tUeDQ s, ,Aa Dominion. la OTerY lawful da from IQ a. auto* p. Ateiirtitty*m ea ai«m.to 1 p. aa. A generallainlciugbusiness traelsaeted Three orift,.per annum allowed for ',money an Deposit Receipts .and Saving* '�7Ba=lI. R. IL ARCHER, Exeter, i naafi,' , Manager, THE'". '' Ativocate, Ir.pulrlislxel every 'i'b,uraclay }ferning, 'at theOffeo, 3i AIN ,ZT2'T, , } 'F .ETFR, Dy theSANDERS' PlIALISIIIRO COMPANY. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION. Qru,))ellar per, annum if raid in 4ldvAaletl, IRA if notice paid, ir extematraw =atom con, ,a Cpl ca, t7.oxa No paper discontinued until all arrearagess lira paid. Advertiaolneats ..without *reedit, directions will beyt ranched, till forbid -And charged accordingly. Liberal discounimttdo for tramationt savertlsens.eat* inserted for lases rioda. 'Every ileseription, of JOB PRINTING totaled out in the tineat style, and at moderate rates, Caleeques.money oral. "ors, rot+. for advertising, subscripttons, etc. to bo made payable to '!r'V1111am Sfuiders, Editor Boy Wanted. A good boy about eleven years old to do chorea on a farm and go to school. A good berme for the right boy, Apply to the Auvo- CAT* office - Valuable Tar= for Sale. Comprising 100 acres more or lean, being composed of Lot 20, Can. 3, Township of Ste - Ehen, County of Huron; 111 miles west of xeter. On the pprremises Are a fine Bria House 30x4rxkitchen16x16-wood shed Ma two good wells, a fine orchard; 2 barns; drt: ing shed; stable and other buildings; also a small portionof bush onthe pro,n,sex. There is ariyer running tl,ron h the, bush part which ie never dry. The farm► iawell drain, ed and In a good state Of cultivatian, k'or Author particulars, apply to SA,311. E1/ RI; NALE, Exeter, Out. Drysdale, The trcea are shedding their coat. The roads are in a very fine coedit; ion, Some snow fell in this a tiers_ on Tuesday. A grand shooting =toll at g'la.a;e balls and pigeons will take el ice at Bossenberry's hotel, bore, on Friday, November that 1st. This will be the shooting match of the season, and every sportsman should attend, A grand ball: will be held at Sight,. Attrr.:h l /Weirton,. Taivrrr la raiostiai. Clil'11Cn..4tev. S.. F. Robinson, Rector Sunday Servives, it a. m, and 7 r. In.. Sabbath Stilton), 2.30 p. rn. T,(E'rnor1Ar Cllrnerc-,Jamcs•st,, Bev. B. Clement, Pastor, Stmility Servleee,10,3ea.m.1 and s.Sep.m. Sabbath School, ',p.m. 314.1N STREET -Bev. J. Wilson, Pastor. Sinn day Sorv1e4tI. 2U3) au. M 50p.an. Sabbath School: s)1, m. Pouter. lintintry ,enxacrre,,r.a..au.. uuw 044 p. m. Sabbath. School, Atli a. m. P.ro a sttvonal Cards. TT L. DTLLINOS. Office over O'NCi1'a Dank, Exeter, Ontario, Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless extroetion. Ti. ATNSAIAN,DENTIST, L.D. S., ex- tracts teeth without pain by giving Vegetable Vapor, or using the now Anrosthetic on the gums. Makes Gold F111i ings and other dee tat work the best possible. coos to Zurich last Thursday in each month. East side of Main street, Exeter. • • /EP • B. WHITELY, 0.M., C.M., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Ofllice and residence - Corn er esidence-Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Godoriols, Ontario. Dais J. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE -MAIN STs' Residence --Corner Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. r� A. eine, M. f'! , G. L., G. it.t ! 1)t 4 I,, 1' • R. C. S, Edin.; L. F. P. & S., Glaa ow; L. M., Edinburgh and Glasgow,- M. O. P.& S. Ontario,. F. T. M. S., Toronto. Night bell at office, Crcditon,,Ontario, Jyi1-s R. COWEN. OFFICE --MAIN STREET, Exeter, upstairs, opposite Centra Hotel. Side entrance on south --Jamas street leading to the h(ethodist Church. T W. BROWNING, M. D.,.M. C P. S. Graduate of Victoria University. Office and residence, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. WILLIAM SWEET, VETEfat- inary Surgeon. Graduate Toronto. Office and Residence one block east of Samwell & Piokard'ri store. Opposite skat- ing rink, Exeter, Ontario. - VETERINARY DENTISTRY.-A.H. Flxcn, Veterinary Dentist, graduate,ofProf.H. H. Davidson's Dental School,, Toronto. All work in,00nnection witli loo ilea'teeth prom- ptly attended to. Examination free. Office with Wm. Sweet, V. S. A. H. FITCH, V. D. RH. COLLINS; BA1?lISTER, SOLICIT - • ' OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office- Sainwell's Biook, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. , LH. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR • of Supreme Court, NotaryPublics, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan 0 U o-Fanson'e Block, Exeter., E LLIOT & ELL IOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- itors, Conveyancers, 8to. Money to loan ate per cent. S. V.EpLioT.. , J. ELLIOT JAMES ORE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Sales promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office, HBRO WNi 'Winchelsea. ;Licensed Auct • ioneerfpr ,the Countiet of Porth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne. Sales� promptly attended,to ,ttd terms reason able. Sales arranged at ost office, Winoheisa EBOSSENBERRY, Hensall Ontario. Lic- • ensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron: Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. BOLT, IChfva, Ontario. Licensed allot - i yV. leaser fdr the Counties of Middlesex and. Lambton, and the townships of Stephen and Hay. .AU sales promptly attended to. Dt18111Yood, Mr. E. Sipple spent Sunday. hi Zur- ich. Miss L, Tledrnan, of Parkhill, was here spending Sunday. A big deuce was held at Mr. Wire• Holts last Tuesday evening, mein good, time is was spent by all. The audience gave it. J'.Grantgreat praise for the excellent music which he furn- ished, The boys all say Khiva, is the place to spend an enjopabie even- ing, Corbett - Our cheesefactory shutaly dawn teal (Thursday) for the season, Mrs. M. Yager wag the lest et_ Mee. E. Portice for a few days last week. fair, Jas. I. \Veltman hatben e gaged to teach school,No, 7, Stephen, for year 1890. The weather bas been finelately. Most of the farmers have their fall gleam sawed anal a large quantity of alowing done. A very. enjoyable and. sue essful party was held at Mr. Jas: Laurie's' on Friday evening last. A large number & Mrs, Steele)- is in townvisit-' ing friends at present. airs. E. Tuck, of Parkhill, was visitug friends here en Sunday last: One day last weak, a team belonging to Ma Haut was left standing on the road, while he was speaking to a gentle lnau,aitd when slot alataeing them, they ran away. They ran into a fence and one of the'horses broke its kg and had to be shut. The ;Mined WAS valued at $125. Tuoliersmith. 1 1. sac e t b rs far next lzela ra ti' 'l° a lit vera with, their salaries, No. I. li Beattie $1150; No. 2. William Doig $460 :No. 8. A. Scott $500; No.' 4. Miss.Bro• tberstan$260; No. 6. Miss. Me. Riven $260;; No. 7. Miss. Mc. Kay $860, No. 8. Geo, Me. Intash $360 and Miss. belly assistant $275; No. 9. D. Johnston $500; No.10. A. H. line, Loud $860; No. 11. James Lanclsborough $8S5. Ali OIr. Fi7:zee:-Some time ago, two farmers, of this township, who had some swamp land in Essex County, thought they had struck a Bonanza, as it was stated at that time that their land was in the oil regions, and that a company of American had leased it, our two fri- ends to receive every tenth barrel, but it is now reported that the whole thing is a "Fad"and that there is no oil of any account in that district and the wealthy company is reported to be composed of "Yankee Fakirs who will however hold the land. One of these same far- mers was gulled some time ago by lightning rod pedlers. Clandeboye. The shipping of fowl seems to be an industry now, may shipments having been made of late. A great deal of hay has been shipped from the station during the past few weeks, one farmer alone having sold nearly fifty tons. On account of the large crop the price realized is not very large. It is reported thatthe yield of wheat threshed by Mr. Milton Shoults is over. thirty bushels to the acre. For•.this year that must be considered a most " excel- lent crop The arrival on our streets of several loads of new plank, seems'to betoken e new plank sidewalk to rialto the place of the rather old and dangerous one now there. Surely not before it is need- ed. , The apple harvest is now in progress Those who have been in different sect- ions of the country say that they appear more plentiful than in most others. Still our farmers do not seem to receive the price that the great scarcity should call for- • :Shiva. Weather very pleasant just now. Mr. & Mrs. -Holt :,were •visiti k'`. at Grand Bend on Sunday. R . u. Mr. Jas. Foard is at present visiting his, parents at Credition.' Mr. Wm. Hoek intends placig n a large brick cella~ :under his hotel.''` Mr. John Held, of Dashwood, has' the contract: Mr. Lonsbore,of Sea.forth,was in town eek. � couple of days during last w Mr. Wm. Sim son'of Parkhill,''was P , in the village on Friday.' Mt. John Barry and ''MISS Kassie were united in the holy bonds of matrimony on Tuesday 23.rd We wish them every •a• EILBER,Licensed ,Auctioneer for Hay prosperity, and hope they will lire long [1•. Stephen and McGillivray township. to enjoy wedded bliss. Office -Crediton, Ontairie, Mr, John Proutwho got seriously injured in. Exeter last 31i'eek by falling off a load of grain, we are glad to say fs improving nicely, and will soont be able to take his daily rounds again., Director Bowman says „they are agar - lug uo pains to make the tisborne plow inglnatch aa, suceer. They aro .receiv- ing numerous gifts for the lucky prize winners. en. makes a capital direct - a ea bili has again visited our tp., this time stopping at the door of fir. Rd, Waadiand. He was in comparatively ,g•eed health up to hist Thursday, when 'ha alga seized with violent pains and a attained so until Sunday evening, when he expired. He came to this country many years ago,` and settled upon the farm on which he died. He was a goad kind neighbor, hard work- ing induttrious Mall and was highly rtlspeetetl b y everybody who mew him He wits a ; consistent member of the ElinzvillcMethodit=t church and was' at so a hlghntandleg member ofElimville amused themselves by "tripping the Loyal Orange Lodge, lie was 65 years light fantastic" until the ;e'wee sena hours. While earning from Parkhill fair, Mr John Pollock, had an accident befall him self and buggy. It appears that a young couple were driv Wee rather swift and ran into John's buggy*, damaging the buggy conelder+tbly also injuring the occupant same1eliat. On Saturday night some: of the boys attempted to play a sharp trick on nun of our farmers, but it was seiliewltait.: chair ed wheua couple of them were composed° to realang a. gate which they had taken down, and also to go and search for cattle which escaped. The proprietor was the overseer, of raga atthe time of his, death. His. iuncznl Dolt piece yesterday and the reinainarrere ia$erred in titre. Elitnviile Ceineter, and was followed to their last reatprplaca by a rge coneourse of a/emoting friends Sind mourners. Th=e isz?i!y bave the sympathy, of all who aeacquaiinted with the facts of the Hibbert, Clinton, Mr„Iola • Carroll, is worl;in,get eon - tract in thaistoe . Rev. Jit. Livingtone, of this place, preachediznliversary sermons at Hen. sal, on.Suday last. Mt W.4C1i$0n w s away in Toronto last weeleittending ar meeting of the I ticket sailers assoteation, Mrs. Andrew Bruce, of Ribbert, spent P Miss eletepee sen, of this place, has G. Hess, examining and levelling Zur- ich drain, $7.25; W. Batt ,r, Can. Co., statute labor, ,e3; Schuettler Com. on ventre road, $188.84; R. Carlisle, do, $246.06; J, Wagner, do. on S. ,B., $79.91 P. Ben, balance on lumber, $100,79; S. Foster clerk part payment of salary,. $ao..The council adjourned to meet Mg Thursday Dec, 5th, at 10 a. Rambler. Ur. Jas. Dempsey, has been engaged as teacher at Eden for the ensuing year. Mr. Jas. Esser}, of I/sbornu, who has been away through the. United ►State$ for the pat eighteen mouths, has re- turned home, where he evill permanent ly remain. Mr. Geo. Ilodgins, the Vet, has ROW made arrangarnents to make weekly visits to Centralia, C1iuideboye, Leman and Ailsa Craig. Georgedsathorough horse Dentist, And consequently, has worked up qutte a business, On Friday last, Win Leigh, near Kirkton, was out burning brush in the field and the young boy about four years old noticing what his father was doing went and set tree to the .straw stack. The barn ignited from the stack' and the whole was con.sunieti.' Ito an thio able time w.as s�laSnt. z:fsidennce of Mr. Jas. Hennesy, el Thilrstlaty evening last, it being tale occassion of his annual raffle, After feathered creatures were disposed he younger people took possession ao house, and spent the remainder veiling in all sorts of amuse- ments, until the early- morning, when :i11 k'ft for home highly pleased with the evenings enjoyment. The and con. of Bidulph, has lost one of it's highly respected residents, in the person of Mr. Win. Keys, who left here' on 1lfonday hist, for London, where he and family will pernhaneutly reside. Certainly Bill could not carry all his personal` property, and, of eourse had a bee; all his neighbors turned out with their teams, and, when all was ready; eighteen teams took the road for Lon- don. Stewart led the processian,the rear of which was brought up in great she b • u:cle tib al: Billy, in a a e. o d y l t n � 1? "crane eand. occlssio all "sti0 ver h. it to the boys along the wzia;, and by the time the sunny valley, of the Thames, was alached all was feeling about "so" when the roll was called, all was not present, however, uncle Bob and Billy, Raving turned off on the wrong road, and gone to Sarnia. Early in the evening, when the rest was about ready to leave for home, they appeared, and put up for the night. The rest left for home and arrived about midnight, leaving uncle Bob behind,wha arrived on the. following Saturday eve. Sunda. « with her father, Mr. John Hat- tan. ry w� Ma Charles lapl,h�tli and wife, of Tuclterslnitb, were the goad bf fr. Wm. Cranford. on Sundry. Mr Zimmermann, of Heiman, has Moved to Crainarte, and diet up a t..y. .lir, George iiatnilten,'ri'fehler'rtsiel,. eatof this townshipbut n ow of Guelph, , paid Cromarty afieih visit last Sun- day. -day. a Mr. John Itenor, returned from Man- itoba last week. He hits been there for one year, and, gives a good report of the country, he intends going back in the spring. Mrs. S. Paige, who, has accupieci the Stella Hotel for many y ears,moved to Deter on Monday last, where she has bought a house, and, intends ear- m ring on the sante' business. Mr. Frank Saturday aught, at the ripe age of 82 Carlin moves int° the Staffs Retell in Years. Ieceased, was a strict adhear- her stead. ent of ilii Episcopalian church, and a conservative in polities. aceto lit Portage to rtishte,sho have - I la obtaied agood posit lea with Messrs. Raub*.&&t uthcombe,mercha ut tailors. Mr. Tbs. Armstrong, of Toronto, formal:collector of customs here. Spent part one holidays visiting friends bore leetwweek. Mr. Armstrong looks `cele anfaienrty. 7c d .a seat In t C ou ile„of weeks, attunber or elm loyiyrde, willremtve from Clinton to Goderlc.h, to take eposition in the new (Joderleh organ 'Faetort'. alt J. a. Holmes, the Toronto Bar- rister, wlo made such an able defence of Mrs.'Wltito, in the Hicks murder ease, lastweek was fertilely a student in the Clhton high School. file. Wn. Biggins, ono of our oldest and Inostrespected residents, died on Centralia. Mr. B. Coughlin shipped a carload' of fine cattle to the old County on Mon- day last. Our town is woke up . again after a fifteen years sleep.. Guess it found it could not get up to Winkle. Mr. and Mrs. R. Handford Sr. who have been old time residents of Exeter have moved to this place to live. • Quite a wrestling match occured Tues- day last, between our blacksmith and shoemaker, resulting in favor of the shoemaker. Ben refereed the match. The raffle, that was to have come off on Tuesday night, did not come off as the Proprietor, of the article in question, did not tura up. Wonder who got left, One of the yoting men of our town is, we hear, making great preparations for an event which he hats been pondering over for some time, inthe way of tak- ing unto himself a betterhalf. He, no doubt, would like to haveitpass, over very quite, but, as it must come to light some 'time, your corres";ondent. a can see no better time, as news" scarce, to bring it before the people of our town at present. We have heard several of our neighbors coni piaining of being disturbed by the moving in at a certain residence in town of the household 'necessaries. Should the event take place soon we extend, our hearty wishes, to the haippy couple and wish them a long and happy life. .' - . P „ Utsborne Rambler. Miss E. R. Shute was the guest ' of Mrs. Jos. Hawkins on Sunday. Mr. Jas. Duman, of Exeter, was the guest of Mr. Wm. Bowman on Sunday last, . Mr. Wm. Davidsota,and wife, of tie - ter., were visiting. friends 'in LJ'sborne on Sunday: Mrs. Jonathan Kydd, who has been, visiting friends;,in,Jxeter north. for a. few days has returned home. Mr. A. J.S Snell eves in our tp. coon hunting one night, last week. He suc- ceeded in capturing one mammoth` skunk and one large coon. Mr. Joseph Spears, of Cromarty, who has been assisting his intended' brother. in-lawto crit wood in the •Hay swamp. for the past week, has returned home for a rest. It is amusing to sae the squabie be- tween :me two town papers, over the alleged ralnovel of Judge Doyle from the county of Huron, and the appoint- ment of Mr. Fred Johueton. to the JunioriJxdgesbip. For the; inform - alien, of that great authority the Re- cord and the government eonfidenco, the New Era, a little bird, has reveal- ed the fact that JudgeDoy le will never be rehnaved. from Huron, but that Mr. I+'. W. Johnston has been appointed Junior Judge of Algoma, with head quarters it Sault Ste Marie. A legal. gentleman', of Exeter, was ar'i appli- cant for this position. Hay Council. Council met on Saturday, Oct. 19th. Reeve, Deputy -Reeve and all members present. Minutes read and approved. Jacob Waltz made; application to the Council to have the Hay swamp drain - cd soethat he'can cultivate his • land. Two indigent eersons, Mrs. House and Mr. Curry applied for charity' which was granted plea. Keinhardt living in Zurich, was, o `nigtion of. Mi. Geo. Mc. Ewen ee'd gib. Mr. Hess,exem ted from taxation for 0.889. Moved by Mr. Hey - rock, we'd by Mr. A. McEwen, that the bonds of the Treasurer and Collector be accepted end that the Collector have all taxes collected and paid to the Treasurer on or before 1st day of Deb:' next. Moved by Mr. Hess, seta by Mr. Geo. McEwen, that all persons , havitg Accounts against the tp. °of`Hay be re- quested to send them to the clerk of the municipality, on or before the 2nd day of'Dec., 18$9. The following accounts wereepassedte-Hart & Co. 'Toronto, $3.- 40; D.,'S.:Campbell, surveyor, $8.50; J. White &'Son.,, printing, $36; C. Baird Son, road screper, $6.75; D. Farmer, eieaningelitelf on Zurich road, $8.18; J. Gellman, rep. culvert, $1; Q. Shellig, do., $1.75: W. Caldwell, ° do., $2,50; C. Aldworth, do, 1; T. Brintnell, dos $3.12 « do 1.87 ; R. Beek do 6.2 "F. Gilders 4 J. Beeks do, $1.25; G. Turnbull, do, $6;' C. Heyrock,,do, $3; A.-14Ioss, gravel a4.- 80; R. 4.80;R. Taylor, do and Work on lake bank, $10.94; W.'Jennison, do, '$14.48;' C. Grob, boarding an indigent, $1.75 G. Ducharine, gravel $4.80; S. Rennie, do, 87.62; 0. Miller,making culvert and. grading road, $15; S. Miller, making ditch and culvert, $6.75; P. Schada, work on road, $11; M. :Curts; making ditch, $5; II. Steinbach, grading road $18; N. Mosse,Cone cn centre road,$100; 'Zurich, BRIE1'S,-Miss Gave, of London, is the guest of Mrs Lattal.�Mrs. Wing as visiting her mother Mrr. Moritz.-Cori- firmation school commences this week. -There were no services in the Evan- gelical;church. on.:Sunday morning,ow i..l ing to quarterly meeting beingg. held oil 14th. -Mr. Philip Hauch has been on a visit to Berlin. -J. and E. Murner have obtained,the services of another apprentice in the person of Master Wm. Wurm. Willie is a smart little fellow and we congratulate Messrs. Merner on the choice they have made. PROMOTION ELt]llau'ATION.-The semi - Annual Promotion Examination was held in the Public School , on _ Friday, October 18th. The following were promoted: To SENIOR FOURTH. -John Gies, Laura Williams and Lydia. Strempfer. To JUN= FOURTH. -Horace Hardy, Lydia Koehler,Alf. Moritz and William Baker. " To Snellen THIRD. -Ida Brill, Tillie Well, Wrn. Demuth, Amelia Hess, Allie Johnsgn, Clara° Snith, Wesley Scheel ling, Milton Buchanan,Emanuel Faust, Minnie Doan, Reuben Becker, Ed. &p- eel, Wm. Derstein, Ed. Geiger, Tillie Johnson, Maggie Rummel and Lovina Prang, To JUNIOR THIRD' -Garnet Stein- bach. To SENIOR SECOND. ---Tillie Kibler, Ed. Haunch, John Weber, James John son, Ep. Holtzman, R. Hideman and Lizzie Dummart. To JUNIOR SECOND.-Levina Del - chert, Lydia, Zimmerman, Lydia Bren- ner, P. Haberer, Calvin Williams, Wan. Geiger, Sam. Becker, Katie Trcmner, J. Schwalm, Alf. Smith, A. Hess, Ed. Moritz, R. Strempfer,W. Greb,L. Prang Dumart, R. Lippert, I. Lippert, H. Hardy, N. Buchanan and F. Hatter. To SENIOR PART. Ii. -0. Peine, . L. :Wurm; Clara Deichert, C. Haunch, M. , W. Randall, a Demuth, Mi W: n,, Doan and Henry Brown. To JUNIOR PART re -Maggie ZiT1 merman, krt. Kibler, N. Demuth, 'N. Sararas, E. Koehlerealf.' Pfoff,M. Hardy, D. Koehler, H. Strempfer and V. John- son. SAM. J. LATTA, Principal. (To late for last week.) Mr. Williams will soon have his largo brick house finished. This is one �E the finest buildings in our village, Although the apple crop around lure is not as good as usual, people from all directions come here to buy apples isc the winter, On the 9th inst the annual Bibb Society meeting was held io the Loth,. eran church. ltlr, Hess was in the chair. Rer. M. T. Wing agent for the soc-lete-,. in an able speech described thegrowta of the society and the good . that bas tome from it. after him, speeches Were delivered by Rev. flinch, 1agereital Stempfer. The following a!reeers were than elected, -President, M. F. Henna Vice President, Iiev, Stempfer; Treace urer, Mr, H. Well; Secretary, Mr. F. Kibler; Depositor, Mr. D. S. Faust. Next year the meeting is to be held::: la Evangelical church. Arm d ab ut us• Mrs. Erwin, relict of the late Cee. Erwin died on Saturday at the age, of 57 years, She hid been sick for along time, She lied been a resident of Eruce field for over 30 years andwas muck and deservedly esteemed. On Friday- Oct, filth, the only' churl: of John and Christina Smillie, of Greeny, Modeller a short illness aged 4 montes The funeral took place on Saturday, when a large compzaly of friends mad neighbors g:tthered to attend thefaune al, thereby showing their sympathy with the bereaved parents. On Fria -►y night last the .louse en the farm of the late W. W. Connor, ad- ,joining the village of .Bayfield w.is de- stroyed by fire. 1110 building was un- oeeupicdgild the lire is supposed to be the work of an incendiary. The build- ing is s to have been worth about $100 and then; was no zwur.u.es. Mr. John MO iilatn `vas in Baylis at few days ago and hi ctampeny with Reeve Castle inspecttd'the harbor. ' Dfc, McMillan, like every pers m else whe has visited the barber, was fully- con- vinced of the necessity for ,irnprove- lnents but whether or not he will be able to persuade the Government to give the necessary approprbatiou . de- ponent !t 'ave t:a a that. 1S► _ a second class • non itrofessiotiu`1 certificate at Clinton at the recent ex,iminatioi& uceordin ; to the official returns failed, On obtaining his marks he found :t blunder hadbeen made ou his Botany. He at once Appealed to the Department of Education. The. result being the ack:uowied gement of the mistake tend the granting of his certificate. ale is now studynig for Junior Matriculation at Clinton Collegiate Institute. John. S. Hogg, son of Mr. Jas. Hoge; of McKillop, scceeded bit passing the examination for a non-professional first class Grade C. certificate, held at °Clin- ton in July. Whau the result of this examination was published some time ago in the deny pipers, his name dirt not appear in the list, he therefore con- cluded he had -failed. However, when he received his marks, he felt confident that some mistake had been made by the examiners and consequently •ap- pealed to the Department. In answer to the appeal came his eertiacate. This adds one more name to the list of slice cessful candidates who wrote from thb. Seaforth Collegiate Institute. A meeting of the business leen of Seaforth for the purpose of forming s permanent association was held in the town hall on Friday eyening of last. week. , There was a fair attendance. In the absence of the Mayor, Mr. D D. Wilson, Reeve, took the chair. After a informal discussion of the electric light scheme, the following provisional officers were appointed,viz:-John Airii, ' Manager Bank of Coinmerce,President.; George'. Good, Vice' Presidents .John u Fairley, Secretary; F. Homested, Trees- urer, Executive Committee, -Mayor Wilson, W. Duncan, M. T. McLeaat • and the President: and See etary. Mr. Toms, I. P. S. visited the school last Tuesday: The fall wheat in.,this vicinity has not grown much so fax on account of the cold weather. • Reports in Germany'indieates a raise in the prices of provisions and coal, and consequence hard times for werking people. � i it Notice to Crud �o s. In the matter of Amos John Ptralestoliz of the village of Woodham, inthe County of Perth, carriage • arra wagon builder; an Insolvent. rCHE ABOVE NAMED INSOLVENT SAI; made an assignment of all his estate and effects to me, R.H. Collins, of the village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, in, tenet , for the benefit of his oreditors... A meeting of said creditors will :be heldbl the shop of the Insolvent in the village .ef• Woodham, County of Perth, on the 5th dayof November, 1889.,<• at 11 o'clock, it. m., far the appointment of Ins eotors and. for giving dir tions aa.,to the disposal: of the etate. Creditors are required to file their claims duly proven with me on or before the daps,$ such meeting. After January 1st, ,18fte, the sari R. R. Collins will proceed • to distribtttn, the :saki. estate, having regard only to such claims as he shall then have notice of, and he wiai not be responsible for the assets of the said estate or any part thereof, to any person or persona whose, claim or claims shall not then base been fyl.ed. R. H. COLLINS, Tnusvioa. FAieter, Ontario, OCt, 23rd3ISSSi