HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-10-17, Page 8BREAD -MAKER'S
paws TO OWE SAi13QACT104
OWL a(Rlrigg's BookStore. 1880-
SeteTAL. —'The shortening days of.
Fall and approaching Winter are upon
vs, an ominous chill in the air makes
itself felt art times giving its warning
that cut -of -door pastimes arra soon to be
set aside and that our pleasures are to.
be soon fowl once more by "our ain
fireside," Books and magazines. will;
be sought for and their lack supplied,
games will be used to promote the
(food Cheer aiforetime produced will
ruder sports, the latest songs by be
sought for, their inspiration to higher
thoughts and nobler deeds and choice
thoughts from the best minds in the
shape of Readings and Recitations will
be lard under contribution to provide
amusements for the social circles as
well as, the larger publie gatherings
Will not waking thought recall with
pleasure the source ;Whence much of
the heeded. material has its tunes past
been supplied arra leek once more to
the saute spot for present needs. We
trope so and Will thankfully welecene
the old faces whose support has been
sitbstancial aid in the past as well as
the new faces who may see i1 to pat-
ronize us for the forst time, Our variety
will not be les but greater.
J.Ouee0, Exeter
Te Vhf _ twat
alai. it.'lt011.luas„»euttat,zorthe beat
tllrtidtsuit teeth,
Read Bissett Bros, change of adver-
tent in this issue,
teerveat, Girt Wanted."aunts.te M.
Hrotiet;'iett. 1 burred* Ave*
11. ttldlirtgir,a rttlet.,t;old Maines
altspetlaltl;', Oflkeever [k' *+CWs Mauls,:
Mr. A, W iliert, Dashwood, received
one carload of potatoes from Brussels,
en Friday least,.
Thea Rev. S. F. Robinson intends to
preneh a sermon to the young, on Sun -
slay evening net.
t couple of American horse buyers
have beenin town during the week,
purchasing horses.
Mr. Thos. Ballantyne shipped three
carload of choice cattle to Montreal on
Tuesday for export.
Read Richard Pickard's ehange of
advertismentwhichappears iuthisissue
The Moller Rink will be opened, to--
nMorrnw (Friday) evening.l3and in at-
Laurus, —We have something new
for Jackets and Ulstors,, and, we cut
free of charge and give a et, dames
Court of Revision was held he on
Thursday lest, His Honor Judge Tom
presiding, A, large number were add"
ed. and alarge number struck off.
We notice that Mr. Richard Crocker
is putting an addition to his
dwelling, which will, when
completed,add greatly to its appearance,.
Mr. John Pineombe, of St. Thomas,
arrived here a few days ago for the
purposeof removing from the cemet-
ery 1 mite, east of Exeter, six dead
bodies, of which were his relatives, and
had them interred in the Exeter cent-
etery yesterday (Itredneeday),.
Mr. John Ratz, Reeve of Elmira
died onMonday night after a painful
illness of aboutteu days. For
some years Mr, Ratz, has
been troubled with indigestion, and, of
late his trouble took a more serous
phrase, terminated in death. g0 is a
brether of Valintine Baatz, Reeve of
.d,u editor is a mule what business is
to investigate a 'nuspaper. He writes
editorials, grinds out poetry, inserts
deths and weddings, sorts out manu-
scripts, keebs a' wast basket, blows up
tet'devil" steals matter, fires out other
pie"s battles, sets his paper for a
ollara year,takes white beans apple
as for pay when he can get, razes a
large family,woris nineteen hours out
of 24, maze no Sunday, gets darned, by
everybody, lives poor, dies middle-aged
and soluetimes broken hearted, leaves
tunny, and is rewarded for a life of..
by a short but free obituary puff
a nuspaper,
The Beuford 3fercur9 says;—Don't
you notice how quiet and peaceable
every thing W now that the Scott Mt
is dead, and anybody, can get all the
whisky they want -without itsneaking"
alter it? Every body respeets such a
"reasonable" law as we now bevel
The constables have nothing to do', or
when they have, all the whisky sellers
hasten to assist them! Nobody
quarrels! There are no assaults! All
the hotels obey the law and don't sell
wafter hours --there are ',respectable"
places now, you. know! The magis-
trates and officers have no trouble in
enforcing the laws! Oh, none shall!
In fact every thing is lovely! and all
because the Scott Act is dead,
Lames. We have the very newest
in Costumes, :Mantas and Heuriette
dress goods. James Pickard.
The Bishop of Huron has appointed
the Rev, 11. Douglas Steel, of Point F",d-
attard, to the mission of Hirkton.
LAnzes.--We carry the best Blaek
and. Colored Silks in Gross grain,
Merves., Shot &c. James Pickard.
We notice by the Wiughaan Times
that they had a fall of snow in that
section, which was one inch in depth.
Rather tarty for the fleece yet,
The Old Established has just com-
pleted its Fall 'Importation of Dress
Goods from Bradford, Englaud, in all
styles and shades. James Pickard.
Arrangements for a four round box
ing contest have been completed be-
tween John F,Scholes of Toronto and
Jake Kilrain. It will take place in
Toronto on the 30th,
Don't use robber stamps on your let-
ter heads. This is a dead give away on
your business, on the town and the
news paper in it Get your letter
heads, envelopes, and business cards
etc, printed at the ADVOCATE Office.
Some of the light fingered kind
made off with a number of raspberry
vines from a residence belonging to
Mr. L Carling. The parties are known.
and unless the same be returned, fur
ther notice will be given in these col-
umns exposing them.
The Household Band of the Salvation
Army arrived here yesterday morning
and marched through the town, send-
ing forth music charming to everyone's
ears. They held forth in the Barracks
in the afternoon and evening. Don't
fail to go and hear thein
The musical portion oft service in
the Trivitt Memorial church is now
very good. Mr. Bert Grigg;, as organ-
ist, shows considerable skill and the
choir reflects credit on the careful train-
ing of Mr Col:ins. The offertory" an-
thum at the evening service on Sun-
day was much admired.
A. Baseball match will be played, in
• ,Stratford, on Friday afternoon.between
the St. Marys and Mitchell clubs to de-
cide as to which is entitled to the coun-
ty league penant for the season. At
present the clubs stand a tie and as the
"best of good feelings" does not exist
between them, the' deciding game will
be played for all its worth from the
word "go"
$ow to pass the time during the long
winter znonths,mest pleasant and pro-
fitably in ou>a' rural borne$ is a quer
time often, asked, We do not intend to
give advice to the older Members of
the family but will content ourselves.
by suggesting something to the yew),
o'er members. And it is this: to plan
some sy stenvof study for leisure hours
which winter brings, Such a course
would be Most helpful to the boys and
girls who are impatient to cast off the
restrantc of parents and guardians
and be,free to follow their own way.
In the companionship of good books
there is help andcounsel andgood enter-
tainment, nsuch better than can be
found in the ordinary society. But in
marking out a course of reading care
shouldbe taken not to do to much for
that is the rock on which many under-
takings of the sort are wrecked.
These readings are very enjoyable
when several can read together, not as
a real reading club, but a mere inform-
al matter,° The discontent and vague
longings for the -outer world which
creeps irate the idle hours of young
peoplesin quite home during the long
winter evenings find no room in the
Minds which are intent on seine favor-
ite study.
avor-itestudy. Books and magazine are cheap
nowadays end parents would find it to
there own and their children's future
happiness if they would provide a sup-
ply of good reading matter for the win-
'The following was clipped. • from the
_Unionville Echo, of which Mr. Simon
Stahl is editor and proprietor, and who
is well known in this vicinity:—"Wnv-
DING BELLS.—, --011e of the happy events
of the editor of the Echo's life will oe-
cur this (Friday) evening at Marlette,
Mich, Mr. Stahl left Tuesday evening,
leavini his „"devils" under the impres
sion that he was going to Canada on a
weeks' business and pleasure trip, but
we, the "devils," were somewhat sur-
prised to find in getting our mail an
invitation to his marriage to a Miss
?Mary E. Payne, of the above named
place.. We congratulate you Simon
.ind hope you will live a long and hap-
py life with yotnr now better half""
We fall in with the "devils" in offering
Its duty done,
Go shoot the hat, the old straw hat,
Its served it's purpose new;
Conlrert into kindling stuff,
Or, feed it to the cow,
An 11400,
While a number of the invitad.guests'
accompanied by the Rev, Jasper Wit -
eon and wife, were proceeding to the
residence of Mr, John Sweet, Stephen,
to attend the wedding last evening, the
Warn became startled and +stopped at
the sight of a yuan tarrying a lantern,
One of the tugs became unhitched and
the horses at once began to kick and
made a dash for liberty, and in doing
so the dash of the carriage got broken
off, The horses were then unmanage-
able and ran into the (Meh upsetting
the carriage and dunapedtheoccupants
out.. No one was seriously iujuried,
but all got badly shaken up. The
carriage is somewhat damaged.
Personal )I[entleit.
Mr. Robert Sanders of this place, and
Mr. John Smith of Hamilton, left on
Tuesday morning for Bruce county on
a shooting expedition--Misst Arne and.
Maggie Shore of London,arc the nests
of Mrs. Robt. Pickard at present, --Mr.
Fred Carr, of Sarnia, has for . the past
few days been visiting friends .here.—
Messrs David Johns, our worthy Post
master, and I. Bowerman left here on
Monday morning for Essex County,
where they Witt indulge in quail and
duck shooting.—His HonorJudge Tom,
was in town last week marling the
final revision of the "voters' list. --Mr..
Wm. A'awkshaw, of Sea£orth, gave the
town a flying visit on Friday lase—Mr.
John Fisher, a one time resident of this
place, but now residing in Toronto,paid
a flying visit to the town on • wednes-
day evening.—Mr. W.R. Davis, of the
Mitchell Advocate, gave us a friendly
call on Thursday.—Mr. Wm. Sweet, V.
S., who has been on a shooting tour,
and visiting friends in the North West,
returned home 011 Saturday evening
last. Welcome home Dr.—Mr. I Hand-
ford, our village blacksmith, spent Sun-
day in Parkhill.—Mrs. J. Spackman
left for St. Thomas on Tuesday last,-
Mr Simon Stahl, Editor of the Union-
ville Echo,Miehigan,gave us a call Fri-
day. We understand he is spending his
honeymoon in this vicinity- he having
joined the ranks of the blessed Bene -
diets on Wednesday last.—Mrs. Wm.
Harding left for London on Tuesday
evening, to visit her daughter, Mrs.Wm. Gray.—Mr George Samwell re-
turned home on Tuesday evening.—
Mr. Robt. T. Smale, lately employed
in this office, left on Friday to accept a
position on the Mitchell .,idvicate. Suc-
cess Robert.—Mr. Geo. Griffin, of Lon-
don, formerly a seed merchant of this
place, was in town on Tuesday last. -
Mr.John Hooper, Bradford,Penn. is here
spending a few days with his father
Mr. John Hooper, Huron st.-The
Messrs Weeks Bros. of Caradock,is here
at present for thepurposeofpurchosing
some thoroughbred cattle' to take brek
with them for breeding purposes.—Mr.
N. Dyer Hurdon, of Molsons Bank,
Exeter; left for Ridgetown on Wednes-
day, Morning where he• will spend
ta;o•weeks holidays
The Largest and best Assorted Stock of
In the County, bought strictly for CASH.
Evex'ybod.y invited to call andinspect
Each year the local paper gives from
$500 to !15,000 in free hues for the
benefit of the community in which it is
located No other agency can or will
do this. Tlie editor, in proportion tonic
means' does more for his town than any
ten men, and in all fairness, man with
man, he ought to be supported not be-
cause you may happen to like him or
admire his writing, but because a lo-
cal paperis the best investment a com-
munity can make. It may not be bril-
liant or crowded with great thoughts,
but financially it is of more benefit to
the community than the Moeller or the
preacher. Understand us now, we do
not mean morally or intellectually, but
financially; and yet on the 'moral ques-
tion you will find that most of the local
papers are on the right side of the
question' To day the local papers do
the most work for the least money of
any loan on earth. Subscribe for your
local paper not as charity, but as an in-
Division Court was held in the Town
Hall on Monday, His Honor Judge
Doyle presiding. The case of Cameron
vs. Richard occupied the greater port-
ion of the day. Mrs. Cameron, a widow
living in Exeter North, sued David
Richards of the London Road, for a
balance of $100 on a note made by
AlexanderMeDonald, who became in-
solvent about two years ago, which
note Richards had endorsed; and also
for $50 on another note niade by Rich-
ards with interest. The defendant put
in a counterclaim for $113.90 and deny
ing any liability on the $100 note
shewed a balance due him of about $60,
It appeared that defendant had induc-
ed the plaintiff, who could neither read
nor write, to lend McDonald $200 on a
note which she expected defendant also
had signed at the time it was made,
but learning from her daughter a short
time after, that McDonald only had
signed the note, she went• to, defend-
ant about it, but he put ller.off, and it
was not until about the time of Mc$
Donald's iusolvency that she finally
got him to endorse it, and for this reas-
ou the Judge held that the plaintiff
could not recover, because she did not
inform the defendant of what she had
heard from another woman, to the effect
that McDonakl was about to fail.
Defendant paid $60 on account of the
note in, July, 1888, about five months
McDonald cDonald assigned, and after he
knew all the facts. but it was held that
this made no difference. It became
evident from the defendants own testi-
mony that the counterclaim he'4:had
putilin was' trumped up for theoccasion,
one item of $78 for the use of a 15
year old horse defendant had bought
for some cattle which turned cut to -
mean one calf, formed a big part of the
counterclaim, which was 'dismissed
without any evidence on behalf of the
plaintiff, the , result being that . Mrs,
Cameron obtained a judgment for $56
and costs. Mr. John Elliot cenducted
Mrs. Cameron's case while Mr" R. Ii
Collins` acted for Mr. Richards. We
have since learned that Mrs..Cameron
intends to appeal.
Brewer and Master
sus 1llratti pc 249
A good strong boy with a fair edu-
cation to learn the art of prieti6a, Ap-
ply at the AlvoCATle office. •
Absolutely Pure>
This powder nevercaries. A marvel of
purity. strength and wh.olesomefiese, More
economical than the ordinary kinds, and
cannot be sold in competition
ion wi the
multitude of low test, short
weightalum or
phosphate powders. Sold only in. cans.
OYA:LBAKlso Powilra Co., 106 Wail St..NY.
XXX Porter a Specialty.
A Foriue_For fflI.
It is said that every person has a chanee
epee in their lifetime to make a fortune, and if they
allow that time to pass may never havethe opportunity again..
A fresh and New Stock of
occ i & GoIttcQllwtar
Family :-. GroceryR
and SPICES.'
A beautiful piece Of glass-
ware given away with 1 Ib of
Mayell's Baking Powder.
Dashwood Roller Flour
For Sale.
Call and examine our goods
beforepurehasing eLsewheie.
W. H. Trott
wishes to announce that he
has opened out business in the
stand recently occupied by
the ADVOCATE, and is pre-
pared • to manufacture first-
for all .customers.
Our motto is good work and
square dealings.
WEAK .MEN `ui ° e:n
gacItly ens. them
selves of . Wasting
Vitality, Lost manhood, from youthful
errors, etc., quietly at home. Book on till
Private' diseases sent free (sealed). Perfectly
reliable. Over 30 ears' experience. Address--
LADIES our teatforWomea"isufeandstw.ys
reliable ; better than Ergot" Oxide• Tanq
orPennyroyal PIIie. Insures regularity.
Send for Gardeners. Address
LBEARDS FORCEDonamoothertfaces,baf
-+ on betdoet l,eada.in 0a o oe dsye- Magic. Latest ani
gqrcateet scb[evenlent of modern acianca l Most won.
doriol dlecovery.•of the -age. Lake no othee prettur0eione
Magical„euro. almost hutantanedns in tettenl Eo a with
whiskers) Bald heads "hairedI” Cunei O epecteeies, but
git absolute saftly atisffaccttan Guaranteed.aPrice SI a bottle,
or three battles for 59. Each bottle lasts one month. Address
You can depend upon it that everybody purchasing their goods
at Parkinson's saves money, by doing so win soon make
their fortune. His prices are always down.
You are not asked high prices to make up losses, for debts contracted, 1!11ad
customers; don't you see there is thousands In it. Parkinson S Stock
is new and consists of Dry -Goods, Groeeries, Crockery, Glass-
ware, Tweeds, Boots and Shoes, in fact everything usually
kept in a first-class General Store. Seebis Black and Colored Cashmeres
from 25 ets. up. You can get the cheapest all wool suit In Exeter made to order
Make no mistake. Consult your own interests and
examine his stock before making your purchases elsewhere
and you will soon save enough for a fortune. You eau do
better at the Cheap Cash Store than any other puce in
Exeter. Highest market price allowed for farm produce at
PARKINSON'S, First door north of the Town Hall, Exeter.
A preparntton that
permanently remo=s.
enpporlluoue hair without injury to the skin. Wtrrantal.;
train 10 to80doyLwarnnte& PricefortOdayatreatment, E1.
owhtnwm peoln.
pob Matter s oa- whetherIL!two-
Toteble or unfashionable—FAT leBAT TOLKS using_ ,AANT!
CORPULENCE PILLS" lose IS month. ofu s
no siekne0s - eontain n poison,and neverMPrdfor o•e
mnths treatment, It: throe moam
Stitch the akin„dere1,pp the farm. Hermis, t Permanent
in effect. Warranted. Price SI a bex. ar six boxes' far
206 Iraq eta evt West Toroutes !pa*,
The popular voice„ The" Ays have it.
Actions speak louder than Words
The popular preference for
Gariiijgos. G
Is abundant evidence that if a vote were taken on the quest-
uestion, are CARLING BROS. selling the
4= = _
C4eapest aita Dest Goods+
The entire population would answer AY, ay. Instead of
saying this collectively, they are saying it individ-
ually every day inthe year by their purch-
ases. Those who are interested
in the fact will naturally
ask why
All Trade With Carling Brothers.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
.The answer can be given in a few words. People trade
where they can get the best Goods at lowest prices.
They trade where they get fair treatment
and a reliable deal every
time. Wild horses won't
keep people
from trading when they
get these advantages. That is
why they trade with CARLING BROS.,
and that is:why you should trade with theni
U2 M fJ1 CC MWMMM r.0 tr cn U? f11. w w w w cp I/1 cn U1 rr do J - M
c2L.R :G 'Car- =mos: sTc)RE
C/1 fn U1 U1 v W. 02 to C/1 U2 i/2 :Q C' U2 t/2 t11 C11 U2 U1. U2 r,o U1 to f/1 Cr
Is positively headquarters for the finest and best Goods. We
take the lead in bargain making and will yield to no
competitor the aim for low prices or good Goods.
CARLING BROS. produce taken in eXchano'eButter
1Gc., Eggs 18c. A
call solicited.