HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-10-17, Page 7ereolliteellelimam es • TEjEGXEHIO SVAIMARYs Wm. Hill, the young St. Thomas man charged with an unnatural crime, and in which thegrand jury at thenAssige Collet yeateratty returned *4 no bill,' nes entered an action foe 52,000 dant:teens for malicious Arrest and proeecution against Walter Travers -yea, of Talbotville. On Friday Dirs. ItenneKismatoise re- ceivta a letter from Rediera' Mille, 'which hes been tampered with. The envelope hed been cut endesseasted, Thiel ie the second letter opened.within a fen; data. Wee a°1' lara were taken out of one of tile letters. The poet -office is iteeiteagieeted. It weeds reforming, e . Adele= were received last night by In. !Teeter Stark, Toronto, from Buffalo stet. ing`thitt Georgecreratarn end Deana Irving, bette, pf Whom found Toroute an =Bate place to live Waled escaped 'rata &sheriff's Officer in Buffet°. These me* were elate friends of BootIeworth, who left on Thuredity to spend a Ave years' term in Kingstok. Notwithatenaing that the Galt gimps beve needy aamany moulders at work now as they had before the strike, the etrikers atilt profeee to be confident of ratimete enemas- Two Men arrived from St. anion K B, oxi Sunday last, to work for Mao- Grego-, Gourley 4t Co., but were captured by the steihere. The Artzl, he'd)* paid their faree, retake their truohe as security. Overan inch of snow fell eerly yesterday Meriting At Guelph, Sir ;Wien BoUncelete sailed froni Liver, pool for Amerlea on Saturday. The blechlege " at the London dente /Ave joined the Doekreenat Union. The writ for Victoria, 13 C the Beat ve nated by Mr. Baker, has been bunted, The Earl of Zetleetl, the new VicerOY of Ireland, took the oeth of dace at Dublin Cutlet Saturday. The Democrats appette to have eleoted the Governor Aoa earned A majority in the Legislature of Montane. The Geocrel Oenvention of the Protestant Eplecopal Chorale at New York voted to aocept the Nicene Creed. Hyieeinthe Beanehemien of Sent has been nominated for the Commons by the libale Of Richelieu, Quo, The State Line Warner Stiete of Georgie collided with ouother Vend and had to pnt heolt to Greenock for repairs. MM. Elizabeth Findley was killed by a Gould Trunk train Olt the tracitatTorente, meet of the Don, Saturday afterimon, Whet Boyle, a Xtelelgh, M=410=0111" prieet, baa been round guilty of criminel • assault and itontonced to be hanged. The case spinet Frank Woodruff, one of the Men indicted Meths murder of Dr. Ordain, Ime been postponed till the next Rev. B. Laugley'aud UM. Longley beve gone to Clevelend, Ohio, wbere MrsLortglely bee beeu oelled to tleepastoreteot a loading **exch. At the Blenbeira Fair on '1hu40 a emu namedWhite is.orsidentolly obot kw discharge from au air gun and fatally =Adel. Dr. Kane, the Otteage Grand Mester at Belfast, telle Secretary Balfour that he had better tees prooeed with his Catholic Uni- versity soberne. judge La Rue, or Quebec, boa decided that the father of an illegitimate obila bee the right to it oustody, hut that the mother may go and see it. The Quebec Oity Evigincer reports that a great many of the implements provided by the corporation for clearing thedebriefrom Champlain street were stolen. Mire Slater, 41 Stewart street, Terontoe who was so terribly scalded on. Monday last bethe upsetting of a bailer, died on Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock. The official Turkish newepaper, in an - mounting the coming of Emperor saye his visit -will draw closer the relations between Germany and Turkey. Archbishop Width, of Torontehyester3ay consecrated tbe new thence; windows in St. Peter's Cathedral, Lonnon, afterwards - preaching to an immense congregation. The writ has been issued for the eleotion of a member of the Local Hones in the county of Joliette. Nomination is fixed for the 16th and polling for the 23rd October. A terrible hurricane has visited the Island of Sardinia. One hundred persons were buried in the debris of buildings shattered by the storm, and thirty penman were killed. Judge Bradley, of the U. S. Supreme Court, on Saturday gave judgment in favor of Edison in the suit brought by the West. ingheuse interestain connection with the incandescent light patent. At the recent sitting of the fall Assizes at Pembroke, McLaughlin, the man who killed Robert Ferguson at Calsbogie in August, was =guinea of the charge of man- slaughter preferred against him. The Province of Cagliari, Italy, has been ravaged by a terrific etorm, in which 240 houses were destroyed. Sixteen persons were killed and hundreds were injured. The town of Cagliari suffered severely. A student named Jackson, from Elgin - burg, had the misfortune to injure bis leg on Wednesday while playing football at Kingston and will be laid up for same time. said hia leg is broken at the ankle. At 4 o'clock yesterday morning the rain of the night changed to anew, which fell to the depth of nearly six inches at Lockport, EX, greatly damaging shade and fruit trees. The snow storm continued three hours. In a speeth at Perth on Saturday even. ing Lord Randolph Churchill admitted the obligation of the Government to pursue it generous poling toward Ireland. To neglect Ireland, he =id, would be treason to the • cause of the Union. Mr. Darby, Kingston, who suspected that a letter sent to him front California had been opened and 510 taken cut, has changed his mind. The other day he received by express the $10 in gold which he thought bad been stolen. . The death IS announced in New Zealand of Mr. C. Paton, a son of Mr. Thomas Paton, for many years General Manager of the British North America Bank at Mon- treal. He was in his 34th year. His death was the result of an accident which hap- pened a few weelts ago, when, in following Ihe hounds in it hunt, his horse in leaping a fence fell and rolled over him, causing con• cession of the brain. As a freight train was going west near Pape avenue, Toronto, yesterday, a woman was struck on the temple by the locomotive and killed instantly. The woman is sup- posed to be Mrs. Atkins, who lives at 141 Bolton avenue, that city. The harbor laborers at Flensburgh, Ger- raany, have gone on strike. Many vessels remain unloaded, and the Chamber of Commerce has asked the commander of the local garrison to send soldiers to do the work of the strikers. Detective Allen, London, has been sus- pended from tbe county constabulary for mentbs for drenkenness. Constable Coulter we. reportea for itilowing a prisoner o escepe, but, it being his firs t offeoce, the matter wee overlooked, Premier Mercier anuouncedno hie friende yesterday that the Quebec Legisleture wili be cell= together for the despatela of bnei- nese about the middle ot January. - The Spaniel/. Government Saturday granted reprieve to murderer con. donned tole executed, at Ossura. There W.6 mute delay in transmitting the re- prieve Flees, and wben they eettobed the peison the eentence of death had been cor- nea out Colonel Jame Roytitz, probably the lest ef the Waterloo veterans, died at Winaeor, N,S., yeeterday, aged 95 years. He received his first contansaion, m 1814 and, beentee ceptain in 1828. Fie retired from the 30th Foot in 1844 with the honorary rank of lienteuant-colonel. There mast have been piokpookets aboard the ilmbrie on her last trip from New York. A ealeon passenger was robbed of MO, a steerage passenger lost 59, arca it poor women with two children was robbed of es, all elle hest. A theateivel performence was given on ber behalf., The 'fast returns received give a Demo - °tang majority of seven on the joirte bellot in the Mentene Legislature, with one in dolebt, vthich mity inorease the majerity to eine. In aeverel coonviee the vote wee very close, but it la not thought the ofeciel canvheeing mill make en),Inaisrial thew. While discharging cargofrom 'the eteem. ship Alvah, lying in the river at Quehee on iSaturday Afteret000, a lergeorete fell out of one of the elinge, and in itit descent felt on three yoeng men, residents of Ohamelairt tarot, named. Rankine Mnresby end O'Neil. Tbey are tether badly wounded, MO not, it 's believed, Welly. The sttike of the window -light glaten blanrers, which beget), last June and bao eeriourtly• affectea the manufeoturere and 4%000 erePlansete Most, of wham are located in New Yerk, Pennsylvanie, New Jersey and Maryland, watt =Wed at Baltimore yeaterdey by delegates representing both Ades. A. scale to oontinue one year wee tagged. Dr. Rene, of Belfaet, Grand Muter of the Ore:apt:nen ot the dietelot Of Belfeet,in * published oerd warna the Right lions A. T. Btafortr, Chief Secretary for Irelaud, that be will slienete the Onntgemen if be proposee any further moiety:tient of (lathe. lio nuditutions in Ireland. The Govern. meot ought /other," continues Dr, Moe. " to tenter its privileges and enclowromets upon every Orange hall in Irelaud as e aloe ot gratitude to the 150,00i1 Oreugerneu pledged to maintain *el:Won." A. steam threshing' engine exploded e'es. terday morning on ItinAndrese` fartzetwo miles from St, Themes, Dakota. Ed. 110 - Affray, owner of tbe naeobine, Wzn. Paul, engineer, end Charles Fraser were killed. R. P. Daily, an employee, was Wally M. Mr. James Tier end Mimi Tier, who live on con. 10, London township, were driving lenineward on Setarday night whou au they approached the Relimpth it dog frightened their home, which netted, and both otoupento 01 eh° rig were thrown out. Mies Tier had ono of her legs lirolteu. Joseph Cetitin, farmer, of St. Oatlittrinese neer Quebec, egad 50, bea his era cenglit in the machinery of a threshing inaohine, it day or two ago, and alraost torn from hie body. It bat; duce been araputeted in the Hotel Dion Hoopitel, but the victim suffers to -day the moat excruciating pain. Fortunate Berbold, I:miter of the flats No. 167 Meeker street, New York, was knoolted down, beet= nearly to death, tool robbed of 55 in the hallway of the fiats earlyeSteaday morning. Four men partite. pated in the grime. They supposed the eanitor had it large amount of money about, bini. Four arrests have been teed°. HAHITOBA. HATTEWL The Northern Pepitio Menitobe, roa will begin work this tall on art extension t 'sake Manitoba, and will next year put a eteamer on the lake. it is with A View to thie extension that the apnlieatien is now being glade at Ottawa fpr leave to ceoes the 0.B.in track at the Portage. The MaoLsod Gazette again &wets teat withio the text twe years the Canadien Ruffle will defiect in ita line south through the' row's Nest PASS,' For sometime past it 0-1' It. enghteer reamed Stewart has /seen werltinn, in that peso. An explorkeepatty of ' the bee elect been itiebeettegeth possible route deflecting eolith beta Bitten- ington TorritOry. The Pincher Creek aintriot rottild,11P began to -day.. From Present indicatione the fall braudieg will he quite as lerge AS it was thiespring. The °styes arming and °"°inigtY FKnients Templar leeve Winnipeg ori Friday for ehe Annual Concleve next week at Witebingtoe. The Vice -Regal party reaehed Greeted' to.awy, baying ridden there leore the Orooited Lek° Reserve. It ie said the contraet for 30 miles of the filanitohe Swathe/este= Railway will be letlehrt fa Lord tale/ and party arrived in Regiea at noon to -day end were received by the IdentoGOteenor, who lietrodueed,the Mayor of the towtoeed theeteeseteped eddreee wee preseuted. Mr. Afeckenzie Roam -Weft for Ottatvevia St, Beni, toeley. ileBaps the Government 0111 Mat appoint CUritOnatielitpeatti along tbe interoetitteel boundary, as bad been coil. templated, as he found the pence control the foritior sufficiently. The Or/twined. erticleo Stallgglad Are whiskey and centle, idolater lierdietn was eeriouely injured hy being thrown from Ilia rig At 13tead, N.W.T. aolan Aohisoe, the echoed teacher who was recently tried on tbe cheep of Istesbag one of his puede and taking other had his certideate revoked by the Board of Education. The Combination Tea Company lottery concern, in coneeottence of exposures made by the Sum has been aleeed out by tbe police. The Mormon, riettlemeot at AlliaLecid was vieited by hibeieter Bowel), and he is flattened that there is no polygamy. The Anthracite Coal Co. will have eon. targeted. inereedietely it line of coal ateetn. ere for the Set Francisco trade. a Dr. OiDounell and hirs A. Penne% are :already in the fleldeae .0endidates tor the Winnipeg mayoralty next year. A meting et Wheleeelere WAS held WA afternoon, at which it WAS deckled to ttoopt measuma to genre A prOpOrtiOn of the insurance upon their property effected by country retailers. Heretofore the teed° in One city lost largely through =lonely° fires ie. some country theme, where morthante ceteled littlt, or no Maumee. Lord Stanley opened the prize meeting of the Assinibma Rifle Assoolatioo tble efteermoo, and afterwards left for a trit over the diegtna *Long Lake Reed. Seventy.ilve core raetv Manitoba ttheat. phased eaet on Fridey night. • Since the death of Mr. O. T. Brydges, tend commissioner .of the Hudson Bay Company, there has been it goad deal of tepeouletion as to who would. bee his auto oessor. Mr. T. H. Lawson, of aarthish CoI- nuibia, was aent tem upon Mr, Brydgee' deetle to AO aa temporary commissioner, 613d all deeds were 'signed by. him and Mr. Hogg, of the Bank of Montreal, as joint ormoraisaionere Several names were men- tioned, but the plum'has failen Mille. Law - eon, who hits been definitely appointed. It is not, however, such it good-sized pinta as wpon Mr. Brydges had it. The corupany lies changed both title and salary. Mr. Lemon will be knovrn as land Agent in- steota of land commissioner. The record. of the building operatione of Winnipeg this season slum; new buildings to the value of 6428,850, „ Of this amount 1160,000 is invested by the Northern Pacific. 4 Lord Sianlef and party maae a trip over the Long Lake road yesterday, return- ing to Regina in the evening. They will probably spend to -day at Moosejew. The wife of Aid. Hargrave died suddenly this morning. Mr MeCeffrey, wife of the manager of the Clarendon Hotel, was found dead in her bed this morning. Heart disease was tbe cause. ,Archbishop Tache left for Montreal this "enhieng Torthern Paoifio people expect to have their trains running into Brandon early next month. . A sensational despatch from Winnipeg is published in the Minneapolis TTibUlle, stating that Attorney -General Martin is at loggerheads with his Cabinet• aontradee on railway matters. There is no truth in the story as far as can be learned. Mr. Martin is expected back from the East this The death is; announced pf Prank Hebei, formerly a well-known xi:insider' of Winni- peg. He died in Minneapolis. The Northern Pacific Railway Company are soliciting terms from Brandon, in event of locating their workshops at thin place. sthe first locomotive, twelve fiat cars and thelirst consignment' of, steel rails for the Port Arthur, Duluth LW Western Railway have arrived. One thousand eight hundred gross tons of American steel tails will be in Buffalo to -morrow, and will be here and laid before the snow flies. Already the grading of tenneiles of the new line has been completed, and ten miles more will be finished within thirty s days, and the need completed to Kaministiquia °rooming, it dtetanee of twenty-one miles, by Decem- ber 1st. A party of Canadian. Pacific eurveyors, engaged in selecting the land grant of their railway in the Souris district, recently came upon it grim memorial of the old days of rapine and bloodshed, when every hunter on the plains carried his life in hie hand. In a little valley running into the eastern pert of the elevation known as Wood Mountain they found relics of it savage fight. Several old-fashioned Red River carts, beaten by rains for many yeare until they were almost falling to plume, were etanding on an open bit of prairie. They had been splintered and torn by countless bullets. ' A small pool near at hand con - Mined -several skeletons, while on a bluff fifty or 'sixty yards away were found it pile of empty cartridge shells. These mute surroundings told the story graphically. A band of hunters resting in the quiet of the coulee had been surprised by a party of warlike Indians and slaughtered. As the place where the discovery was made is not far from the American boundary, it is probable that the participants in the trite gedy came from the tiouth side of the line. The barns and stables of Mr. Lomay, one of the best-known hunters of St. Nor- bert, were burned to the ground last Thursday with the entire oeason's crop. The loss is said to be 140,000. The' Clanache-n Pacific Railway will lay rails( on thirty-six miles of the , Sonde branch this =aeon. ' Over half a million will be spent improving the line between this city and Port Arthur. Mr. Henry Keane, merchant of this city, who has two sone in business here, cora- Exoleneen Natalie has resolved to face every coneequence of her defiance of the Government, and will dealing to accept any decision of tbe Skuptechina restricting her tarty in Servia. She contende that tbe ordinary Skuptschins is tot qualified to interfere in the matter. Ex. Queen Natalie offers to bind herself to avoid political strife, and to leave Belgrade during the presence there of ex -King Milan. The Provincial Government of Quebee has commissioned Mr. Charles. Langelier, M. P., to proceed to investigate the condi- tion of tbo Bait dee Chalmers Railway, as it appears that the workingmen have had some very grave misunderatanding with the contractors owing to not having re- ceived their wages for three months. Bes fore paying the Provincial aubsidy the Gov- ernment intends enquiring into the faots, so ae to protect the claims of the men. A HAPPY LIM The Czar in Constant Terror of Plots :against His Person. A Berlin cable Bays: Official telegrams say the Czar will start for Berlin next Thursday. Mr. Sohirinkine, Chief of the Czar's secret police, passed through Berlin to -day on his way to Kiel. He is accom- panied by the inspector of Imperial trains. The Czar's speoial train, once owned by the Empress Eugenie, lies at the atetion here, having come from Wirballen. There are swarms of Russian police here, at Kiel, and at the stations along the pro- posed route. Bastian troope. line the rails from Wirballen to Moecow. The precau- tions taken far excel those on the occasion of the former visit of the Cza,r, and are doe to his intense fears of an attempt upon his life. The Czarina leaves Copenhagen October 12th for Konigsberg, rejoining the Czar at some point on the bordOward journey. Only Court Minister Worontzow Daschoff, and Aides -de -Camp Genie Tehe- reine and Richter will acco.npany the Czar. The Czar will accord Prince lais- marok an interview. The Czar will pass 48 hours between Potsdam and Beene. Nothing is expected to result from his meeting with 13ismarok. The MOSCOW newspapers ridicule the idea that the Czar will accept any conciliatory overtures, unless they are well backed by solid con - outdone. Re Touched a Live Wire. A New York despatch of Tuesday sane A. lineman received a shook from it wire which came in contact with his body which rendered him senseless, causing him to fall moose a string of wires on top of the pole. Another lineman tried to save him but he fell through the wireasinto the street, (writh- ing in bis skull. Whentthe livo wire touched him the people in the street saw it blue flame and a greyish smoke arising from the flesh. Ulm Is He ? A Detroit telegram conveys the intelli- gence that "William Oalsraan, 72 years of age, died at the county poor house Monday morning. Before he puffed away he etated that his family live near Hamilton, Ont. Unless they send for the remains they will be shipped to Ann Arbor to be diseecterl. Gelman at one time was one of the wealthiest farmers in ()suede and a mem- ber of Parliament." initted enfolds atont 8 o'clock this evening by sheeting- himself through the head, on the Oseek ot the Rea River, The body view diseovered eh rtly afterwarde. In a letter mod on birs person he mouses his one el hie murder, Maiming they bave peeseceted him and driven him te tithe bit; lite. Spare the Children. itty learkley Ineekere But AS is Ave yew old, and don't 1409twor14,7eloeutlrerliii-t; 5-eesr-ekl is a9 Nom- . 44 Well, geed women.",repliel our !manly as a rose. Why not keep her so for a Mto My wile fgswo, Be gautrelioshw?wiseewelLab°9414re1Yt glad replied, V By 4vep:!ng her isut of the hot, close solleol-room jut as long AS reale," The alio Doter entered A whoa -bees° till elle -Wee 9 years old. She could read at 7; brit how ehe teamed, noone knows. No effort Wlisierer WAS made to teach the ohild anything from }mike. Yet within oue year the swiftly traversed all that many children ere eompeded to drag thenteelves over in drudgery from five to ten years. Nor is she any wore than ordinarily iptellectuelly eudowed. She ie, however. of rebut health, of ma nerve, of great vitality. The physi- clan was correct. Thanks to /aim, the little girl is well launched. lintieng Can exceed the urrepolien olleery of 0)011400 tont into the peison of ethoot before its time. Mute. inglorlotei (*adoring. littie fellow of my Acquaintance lecently caught eget ot it e weeping WilloW" as we stopped et A railway Bettie/a on the Beaton Oe Meuse Railroad, It stood neer itblacks with% thee. Wny do they oat/ there weeping willow ?" Poked it lady of our prey. " Tame they geolly grow near school -hu.," Wes Ole )4W/1/natant raPlYC Tho useleee grind, al it Mille te the beforeepy Bort of interest is taken in the Ethan, meat appear to hin nothing elite bat pure oruelty. A 'tyranny thee he is powerlese to result faetene him into it seat for hat?tHe le it reasi/nable liitl oreeture aud be can see tierces= whatover for tins imprihoement. There ii no motive whatever. hien toil for it motive. The ehild of Ave or aix ram call home no toostive for the 0911401 toll, except to gratify the unrovemehle parent. Nor oennyou impart to hira the One luetIVO, Wilils 40 Young—namely, the =mity of teeming. Do net do it, geed mother. Do not hurry home from the happy minutes, the green. fields, and the dewy Inmate while eet the taty streets are oven', for tbe sake of " Olin little Georgie iota school." Oh, haw exquieitely the whole tbitig is nom - aged to make him fairly bate WIWI Yes- terday be wee riding in a bay -cart up et Uncle Eph% farm in the °MOM lifonn, tabus. Boated ide is Immo in New York, and sent M school with theneercery aeleigh as bie dudgeon, Again I say don't, good mother, st tenet with the etnethcbspe. To melte a child love school is itupoesi. ble. To eniivahio intereet forth with skill. ful effort is possible with almost any child. By 8 years old, Bey, be can be made ewer° of the.greet world Into which learning is tbe vnudow. lie lOVeS & story by thet them. Ile Wards you to read to bun as often as you can died time them throe or four yertra peek Now tele bine to read to himself. He Want* nothing no meth ao to "bo A man like When" Well, whet does hie father, all day itt tbe office ? Re pritoticell this hateful arithmetic)," adding and subtracting, multiplying and dividing. You can't be it Men my boy, unleas eau havoichiskere and man, tbe multiplication table. "You are as tall AS X am," asp; his mother ; but I am a woman, who can add and stibstratin Will you allow motherto distance you? You Are bead and aboulders above tittle Tom, Equal hint in imowiedge1be can speak it piece like ate argon" 1.12 short, you must end now can easily touch his selheeteem. A child who bee permed the dirty.handeion't. °axe period will reepond to Emelt appeals. Bet them is a period when every child has the right to dirty haiads, threperica of play. in g in the dirt; it is their heaven -born right. It is a throne to rob the boy of it entirely and attempt to inspire hiin too soon to be a Bancroft or it Lincoln. Besides, you will not succeed. And if you should succeed your child would be itsort „of unnatural creature, neither infantile nor Manly. Everybody can be enticed, charmed, led into a good course far better than driven. "Why are not the good things all as lovely as the bad things ?" a child once asked me. They are—far more so. Inner. antis is bidden Knowledge is lovely. But we are jest beginning to proceed on this line in schooling. Ah, that old red school - bones at the cross-roads, where many of us begun! Contrast its hard bench, its small windowe, its box.stove, rosy hot on one sidee aod emitting smoke through a crack on the other—contrast it with the new elegance of the modern Kindergarten. Think of the mean books, the Twinning by rote without a partiole of understanding—the commingling of big boys and, little, girls and boys indeed; the culture of rudeness by strength toward weakness; and I remember that even the pretty farmers' girls took on bearish manners in the struggle of the promiscuous play -ground. The world moves. No one thing in this great century deeervee more notice than the emanoipteion of the sohool child from many of its woes which we fathers remember. Yet the forcing process remains. Too young, they are sent to school. Hear me, all ye arabitious parents! I plead for it little more time to expand the chest, to stretch the limbo, to preserve and strengthen .he young. eyes, to attune the Young spirit'Witla it sure belief that thEite is such a thing as having it good jolly time in thio toilsome world. By every sigh that, escapee it weary man's lips, "1 wish I were a child again" By every golden sky that glows on woman's vision as she takes the backward look. By the memory of sleep that came AS soon as we touched the pillow, and a waking as fresh as it new birth. By the echo of joy that comes even now as you bear far oif the ory. " Hi Spy I" and the shout of the viotor m the happy games of the past that will never come to you again. By the hope of Saturday, and no aohool," which thrilled you onoe as no hope of fortune ever ala in later, sterner years. By sweet little friendship, fit for the gods—alas, how many are broken never to be restored By all that childhood even was to the most favored reader of these lines, I pray you Etee that your child has a happy ohildhood. And since school is necessary, see to it that the school conforms to this purpose of yours. Let not the teacher be a bandit to rob your child, nor the room a prison. In no one way can you do more to these Godly, ends than by insisting that your little ones shall not begin prematurely Give them time. Renteraber that time is 'theirs. It is you who are hurried, for your time le shortening. A child's time is yet long. --New York Weekly. The cars which arrived at London from hbeernaoirlyooedwith w tha:tdwewsityessntoerd.ay morning were There is a rumor in Ottawa that Lord Stanley will return shortly to England to enter Lord Slabbery's Cabinet, spa thathe will be succeeded by the Duke of Fife. co ettecet THE HOTZt)H BOUND. Air. Jeffery's Rise Prom. office Boy to the Contra], of a Railroad. The career of General Manager Jeffery of the lilinoic Centre' Railroad, reticle like it romenee, fete's tho Chicago Tribune,. It 14 good reading for anyone Who %bloke that it was only in the good pld time that it ben' oould shirt et the bottom with nothing but braios to aia him And traVel up Steadily to positions of tile greatest reeepoeibility. Thirty-three yeare ago Mr, Jeffry WAS a litteen•year oid boy, with little edocatien and no sooial advantages outside his ewe. ability. At that time he was engaged an 4 boy of all work about the officio of the eaperintenaent 01 macninery of the Illinois Central Road, the late .Samuel J. letayern 'He was tole to report at ;he room of his employer et 6 oeslook in the morning. He waa there promptly, ;wising ;abet he should do first. '-ou way begin by blacking my boots,' saw Mr. eleote. Tbat was tbe Seat work for the Itliziois Oeetral Railroad vsbicb Ole late General Xelleger heti to 404 For eigbteeen Menthe. the buy bleeked hie einployere' boote, mode Lie bed end did the menial work %bent leis mono In We Sparc time he was given odd joba about the machine ehops. it wastet peasant work, hue it was jwit as well done As heia been hie work of unmeginge greet railrottd. He went nett, the inteannee =tap e apprentice told rem aleed there two yt are. He must heve beeste to ehow whet stuff be wee made of by that elate, for Ur. Hayed %ben took the by Mut his cffme in ebe meceameal deperimera ami taught him meoheuteal dm-Eighth:go During all this time he bad, used every oppormuity for otudy. By greet indneery he had not only rametered arithmetic, algebra and getenetten but she higher brauctiva of reethernettee whith applied to engieeerisig, Durieg this tittle and the years that followed he not alone found time for teebnical. etudiee, but gave much attention to general reading and became familiar oitle all lines; of Eeg. bah literature. After it Ebert time le hlr.11eyete ofues he he Wait outdo hie aseieteet. At she age at 23 he was made Assietant Superintendent of Machinery for the eatire reed. lie held that position for titre e-eare. When the Fold= of General Superins tendent of the read beeerne .vacant i wee offered to Mr, Hayes. Mr, Idayea bed thee grown to be rubor an old mete Ilia affeo, tiou iota regard tor youug Jeffery were to greet that he deolinedtbe positieu, and fetid so the clireotore that therfs MO only one an in the employ of tbe company wbo meeld eatisfactordy fill the place, end that rowe sVatt Mr. Jeffery. That was an iocident of eelfhletwitice and devotion not often found unclog num, nor one thet would be ioepired by the per. sonality of any etatereou reale Mr. Efeyes firmly refuted the bonor for himself, end on bia recommendation youpg Jeffery wee made General Superiueendeet of the road, and he hod no aubotaluete Wed was more loyal than fllr. Hayes. Samuel J. Ileyee lived six years after thee and died in 1883 with his band in that ot Ur. Jeffery, for whera his affection end love bed eel:indeed unbroken. far. Jeffery served as General Superin- tendent from May 114,1877, for eight years. In 1885 be wino:lade General Mausger,fill ing tbe place vacated by James 0, Clark, who had previously aotod 40 both President and General Manager. During his long ser- vice Mr. Jeffery bee to an exceptional degree enjoyed tho confidence of the manage- ment ot the road, the employeee and the publics Bis relatione with the employeee have been remarkable. . When his intended retirerneut was made knovni lettere came to hina by the hun- dreds from the men who had learned to trust in his integrity and !atrium. Beide titans were signed by. between 7,000 and 8,000 employees and patrons of the road asking him to reconsider his reeignetion. Hourekeeping of the Future. In cities and villages the kitchen and crooking stove and hired. girl are all to be banished from the home. Clotho inaking, map making!starch making, laundry work, coffee browning, yew making, butter mak. ing—all are gone. Send after them—or rather say that organized industry IS already taking along with these—the remaining work of cooking and Meaning. This state of things Is coming as Buries fate; and when it cornea the deliverance will be so wet that generations yet un- born shall rise up to bless tbe workings of the beneficent law. The city of the future will not build houses in squares, giving to every berm an indi- vidual kitchen and prison -like baok yard. It will rather build them all around an open square, and the paet now disfigured with the kitchen will be given over for a 'household sitting -room or nursery, opening into a great, green space, where children shall play in safety, and through whichthe free air of heaven shall blow into the houses surrounding it. In every square will be found a soientifically-constructed building containing a laundry and great kitchen( supplied with every modern appliance for skilled and scientific cookery, and also for sending into every dining -room any desired quantity or variety of food. The indi- viduality of -the home and the home table will be preserved, and the kitchen smells and waste and "hired girl" will all baleen- ished.—Mrs. Helen E. Starrett, in the Sep. tember Forum. Betrayed His confidence. A Meriden, Conn., despatch of Thursday says: 0. S. Pratt, confidential book- keeper, secretary and cashier ,of the H. • Wales Lines Company, was arrested last night for embezzling 610,000, Pratt was an offcer in several local onganizations, treasurer in a church, and an alderman. Pratt confessed his guilt to hie employers, saying, "It's the same old story of living beyond one's mean& 1 am a thief." • The King of Siam has arrived in Paris. Jules Dupre, the French painter, is dead. Judge Graham, of the Nova Scotia Su- preme Court, was sworn in yesterday. Emperor William hag arranged to stay five days in A.thens on his way to COnStan. tinople. "if 1 were an oyster," siglaed a crab, " I wouldn't know what to do, Far they're most always being embroiled, Or getting int° a stew." The Ruesian Government impreparing to build it railway from Askabad to Meshed, in Persia. Joseph Jefferson, the actor, was urged by his son to extend his season to thirty weeks instead of twenty. "My boy," replied the actor, "1 can't afford to waste my time in making money." . The Protestant Episcopal Convention at New York yesterday agreed to eel mit Oregon as a diocese, and gave its consent to the election of Bishop Morris asthe first Bishop of Oregon. "Do yen ever expect to become anything or do anything or make anything by loafing around this way ? " "Yea, everything comes to him that waits. I'm waiting." "Glory to God in the higheet 1" is what a visitor to the tope! the Eiffel Tower carved on the railing. PatOETatt teniZa8INE88, Haw eke Geote eel Statecraft Is VlaYed by CulitJActital Powezs., A St. Petersburg deepateb, says There has been no important increase recently in the effective force of the linestan army, nor have any neeasures been teken to meet an outbreak of boseitiee. The resources of the Government are already sufficiently strong to provide for the country's security. Far from warlike enterprise being contem- plated, ehe Gernutoophile party it court bee renewed its endeassore to briug about o friendly understanding betweeo Germany and lieesia, and the hepeis materained that the Czar eeeoraleg meeting with Emperor Williant And Brume Bitimarelt will lead to , it rapprochement between -the two oatintriege The Beeman National party, however, is tryiog to neutralize these facts througb the dorturieset offieial influmacee, and is also malting an enegetio campaign in the Mayo. Philo neweeepere, A Berlin aeepatch say_s An uneasy feel- ing Beeree to prevail la Alietrien official oirolee, it being feared that the Chancellor is about to makea new move by offering to ensign in restoring Rennin dominante itt Bulgeria, as an indneencent to drew the Ozer froze a French *Mance. Prince Bis- marck i eutapected of entering a dOnble . genie. It is thought theer on the one band be win threeten the Ozer with e movemeoli looking to the firm eenthiiihneept of Bid, gerian nedepeucleace, wbile cita tbe other he will offer AU titivate Wed On it prop:oil that Aloe% shelhheve it freer haua to dela with Bolger* eed intervene in Armenia. is certeio ;bet if tbe Ozer received PririCe prenesalli Oddly, the owe:spite:al of Prince Ferdinand by the Porte, the povsere feemiug tbe triple allis anise, and England will be the immediete wanstquence, Tbe Outten bee elreetly agreed to reCegnin Prinee Ifardhiand, 114 may awaits the vieit of Emperor Willie= before inning it forma proclamation to that effect, It is reported Emperor Wil. liaza will remain two weelte itt the Turkish capital. HO will be aeobrepanied by Conn* Herbert Bismiteck. The length or the Emperor's visit is attributed to an Wen - tion to inquire WO the condition Of ;be Turkiett army and to teak the etetement Of German ctdoere tbat the Berle is still ahla to maintain A atanding army Or 400,000s TEttettniete ternootattOAT DISASTER., .1•11.100. %pat steamer% Better. Mxpledmi —Forty Pyrite= Ietiled, A New Orleaue deepetch of Thursday oight treys The steamer COreell, of tho Otnebita Coneolidotted Itice, left here set 7.30 last evening for the Onachitit River, with a full cargo Of freight ibud it good list et pesseegers. She exploded ber beilere itt Value Itiver, utterly oppoeite Port Hudson. at 11.45 this raorniug, causing the toes of the eteamer and about forty Jives. Tbe Anchor Liue steamer City of St. Louie, reptain Jimes O'Neil, was tear by, ansi her grew and boete Raved =soy lives. The eurviviug passengere and crew were taken on tweed by Ceptein O'Neil end kindly aired for. Tbe followlog were Met, as far as known: Crew—J. W. Blanite, captain; a. V. Jorilau, first clerk; Charles O. F. Ellie, eticond clerk; Swirop Yienne, third clerk; Fred, Diale, beekeeper Fred. Verrnao, barkeeper; Bat Ryan steward Dick Cortie firereen ; Toni' Shook, enginee.r ; lienry'Doyle, porter - Jas. SwIpee porter; Mr. Tate, barber; 'Henry Dave, deck hand; Toni Coon, Heileman; Billy Young, lieciond mato; Sara Steel, Taxes boy, also both captains of the deok watch and eight roosters. Paasengers—Dr. Atwell, corn doctor, and four negro musicians ; Mr,Scott, Smith - land, Lit.; Mr. Davis, stock man, Texas; Soonich ; Mrs. Auff, of Opolouses ; hire. Kauffnien's nurse arid eldest and. About twenty of the crow end about fifteen passengers were saved. The Corona was on her nest trip of the solemn, end had but recently come out of the dry dock, where the received repair° amounting to utterly $12,000. She was built at Wheeling, W.Va., several years age, and had it carry- ing capacity of 2,700 bales of cotton. She Was Veined at §20,000. 32031ect Bis Step-Dangliter., A. Windsor despatch of Tuesday says; At the Assizee toall'a,er Themes Johnston, charged with reordering his step•child, little May Williame, was tried and found guilty of manelaughter. The prisoner' a hard-loohiug colored mare lived withit woman whom be chimed was his wife] The child in question was quite ill, and it was thown that Johnston on more than One occasion taidehat he would kill it because it ;tried. The evidence showed that death was caused by a step on the side of the head delivered by the prisoner, bat it post- mortem showed a diseased state of the brain, so that a slight blow may have suf- ficed to cause the trouble. The prisoner wore a ragged coat and around his wedge was tied a piece of ordinary rope. His wife was a person of the lowest type of intelli- gence. Sentence has been deferred. Mr. Lister appeared foe the Crown, Mr. White for the prisoner. • A. Blind ALP. Suicides, A Willi Tindal Robinson, jun., meraber df Igdon cable of Sunday says: Sir Parlzament for Brighton, committed snioide this mording at his Brighton resi- dence by cutting his throst with a razor. He was elected to Parliament in 1886 with- out opposition as a Conservative, in spite of hie unwillingness, on account of blind - nem, to be a candidate. A short time ago he sprained his ankle and wee compelled to take to his bed. He was attacked with other ailment; and became mentally de- pressed, though none of his friends ima- gined he was not in his right mind. He was it fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London. In 1882 he became chairman of the Brighton Conservative Association. He was knighted last year. He was a man of considerable means as well as ability. The Montana Elections. A Helena, Mont., despatch sir The, election of Toole (Demoorat) for Governor is now conceded by a majoeity of from 800 to 600. Carter (Republican) for Congress has 1,000 majority. The Democrats claim the Legislature by seven. The Republi- cans will not concede as much, but say that on the face of the returns it is Democratic, but claim fraud in Silver Bow ands Deer Lodge counties. The general opinion ie that there will be no contest, and that the Democrats will have the Governor and the Legislature. They Quarrelled About Jack. A New York despatch of Sunday says Julia O'Connor, aged 14, died last night from the effects of it beating she received two months ago at the hands of it girl about her own age, named Maggie Miller. The girls quarrelled about a lad named Jack, who paid attention to both of them. The police are searching for Maggie on a charge of homicide. —Man is not perfeot, of mine, but so i long as woman s it does not matter much.