HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2005-01-13, Page 15THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY. JANUARY 13, 2005. PAGE 15. PEOPLE AROUND WALTON Attending the Toronto bike show at the International Centre were Chris and Judy Lee. There were lots of street bikes, motocross bikes and clothing and accessory tradespeople in attendance. A huge crowd was there to view the new 2005 models. The Canadian Motocross Racing banquet was held in Kitchener on the weekend. The afternoon started off with a fun hockey game between Duffs motocross riders and motocross industry people at the K-W arena. The riders were victorious. An hour of family skating followed the game. There were about 200 attend the banquet following at Zeke's Restaurant. Following the meal, awards were presented by the CMRC. The track promoter of the year award was presented to the Lee family, Chris, Judy and Matt, for their excellent services, maintenance and promoting of the Walton Motocross track. The Godkin family of Walton were also recipients of a few awards. Young Mitchell Godkin was awarded the Ontario Provincial Championship trophy for the 50 c.c., 4-6 yr. category. Brother Lucas Godkin placed third in the same category. Their father, Bruce Godkin, received the sportsmanship award which was voted on by the riders themselves. Travelling to Aylmer, Quebec to attend a New Year’s Eve wedding were Neil and Marie McGavin and Murray and Betty Cardiff. The bridal couple was John and Ann (Romeril) Hemingway. John is the son of Peter and Marlene Hemingway of Listowel, cousin of Neil and Murray. On New Year’s day they toured the area and returned home on Jan. 2 through the ice storm. They report having a great time. I'm happy to report Helen Williamson is coming along well since her hip surgery a couple of months ago. The “hunter” supper was held at Kinburn Hall on the weekend. The McCallum, Dalton, Glanville and Hoegy hunters, families and friends gathered to enjoy a meal of wild game. They had to shoot it to serve it and there were some delicious dishes served up along with other side dishes. Returning from a ski trip to Courchevel were Murray and Sherry McCall. They were joined by other family members including Doug, Shawna and Jadon, Brad Moore and Carrie McIlwain, Mark and Shalend Riendeau and family of Saskatchewan. They enjoyed a great week visiting with John and Marci. Congratulations to Marci McCall MacBain as she is working for the World Health Organization of Geneva in completion of her Masters Degree in Health. Welcome back to Brenda Finlayson as a smiling face at the Walton Inn as she fills in for Patty, who is taking a break. The music returns to Seaforth Community Centre on Tuesday afternoons. Look forward to enjoying many of our local musicians playing for just the love of it. Anniversary congratulations go to only two couples this month. Happy first anniversary to Clyde and Cathy McClure and congrats to Gerry and Thea Rijkhoff. Early January was very busy with birthdays. With 45 celebrants, the list is a little long, so happy birthday to all you birthday babies. NEWS FROM WALTON Check out The Citizen website at www.northhuron.on.ca meeting Jan. 30 by Sunday school on a fundraiser of Rheo mint Duff’s chocolate worship meeting is.Jan. 13 at 8 Worshippers were welcomed Audrey Hackwell to Duff's United Church on the first Sunday after the Epiphany. Rev. Joan Tuchlinsky welcomed -everyone and conveyed the thanks from the successful Thompson smoothies. committee p.m. The annual meeting is Sunday, Jan. 30. The service at Walton is at 11 a.m., followed by potluck lunch and the meeting. Glenda Morrison is the new treasurer for Duff’s United Church. Dianne McCallum is staying on as Walton-Bluevale pastoral charge treasurer. All reports for 2004 ar$ due now. A Mission and Service representative is needed immediately. Call Joan if interested. Hospitals cannot release the names of patients in hospital so if you or another member of the congregation is hospitalized, let Joan know. The time for the Young at Heart celebrated the baptism of Jesus. Rev. Joan had a glass of water and a bowl of water to show the children. She had them use an eye dropper to transfer water from the glass to the bowl, then asked if they could tell which drop of water was theirs in the bowl. Individuals are different but when they come together they are all treated the same by God, all important and all special. The anthem by the senior choir was He is Born sung in both English and French. Rev. Joan’s reflection was on answering various callings. As a minister there is a calling to serve God, and the faith community, but also a calling of relationships, balancing life, family, home, spouse, parents and friends. Ail are called to these relationships. As well, God calls people to share in pastoral care outside the church. They are called to do God’s work and are empowered to reflect God’s love in everyday life as they embrace their many callings. Cassandra Banks helped Joan in a reading on callings to end the reflection. The offering was collected by Brian Wilbee and Lavern Godkin. Greeters next week are Brian and lan Wilbee and ushers include Brian. Neil McGavin and Steve Gulutzen. NETWORK CLASSIFIEDS "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" TORONTO RV SHOW - January 20-23 - Toronto Congress Centre, Dixon and Hwy 27 at the airport. Admission $5.00, Family $10.00 - FREE parking. SEE MORE 2005 Recreation Vehicles. Visit www.rvshow- toronto.ca for more details. INVENTORS - PRODUCT IDEAS NEEDED Davison is looking for new or improved product ideas or inventions to prepare/present to corporations for licensing. FREE INFORMATION PACKAGE. 1-800-544-3327. BE YOUR OWN BOSS. Earn up to $3,000+ week. Kennedy Transportation is looking for individuals who want to start their own trucking business. 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