HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-10-17, Page 5EVEREST'S SOUGH SYRUP CANNOT BE EXCELLED. Try it an4 b . convinced et its woaderfal carob. properties. Prise 25 cents. The iffiest Successful Remedy ever die, covered. as st Ottertail' In iia onsets and floes not blister. itead proof below. STBEETEVIrLE, P. Q. May S, 16V. D1;8,T,1LaC:tDALL Co., Enosburgh pails, VL Gentlemen. -1 have used But - dab's Spavin Cure for S1141'1;1,3 and also in a case of lameness end SciffJointa and found masers cure in every respect. I cordially recommend it to all horsemen, Very respectfully your;+, KENDALL'S`SPAVIN CURE* Sr. Tnol+es. P QAprtl 22, !S69. Dr 7L T. S:3T,Dau. t'o., Eaosbur„ h Pa1U, V. Gents, --I have 1Ls04 a few Bottles or Yearla;en* Ballo Stavin Curs on;aycolts avhtchwas suited+g from lntlu• enra is a very bad pure, and eau 1103 that Year liendair s Spavin I curia, Iea urecosunet► it 001110 bestaud roost eAAecilve lhst,nenr; ,ate'" 1 have ever handle 3. Ktndiy send moose ofyour veluahlobeats euteleal o A Tree- ttsa: on the Burse." Vours:respectfully, 1, F Waistna:r,.. KENDALL'S SPAWN CURE* roar BLur; Bor.,tlar 101 I Int. It. 3.. gremai,r, Co . Euosbmrgli falls tit. Gentlemen.-- I alwaaya lamp your 1Cendall's a3Davlu Cure and Blaster an head 014 they have never tatted: in 'Must, you state they will do. 1 and also two cases or 711nobono of years standing,oti m ares which 1 bought to breed from, and havenot seen anynhlaa of disease 1n tttelroffspring. Yours trul . D. X, o'Kerirru Frlco Si per bottle, or elx bottles for sal. all It v rot 'o a l � druggists h 4 rCan eF t 0101 er FnbO te o u o 1 sent to my address on receipt of prlCq by thq: pr .Pr8. J,letora saR. BEti'AAI,T, CQ., Euoshua'tlla'Faala, rrlR SONS 117[ Ali47, ill>wilGif'1t T8 (TRADE 1,1AI1K,) Rverest's Leer Regulator or Messes of the Myer l`;idaeya, dtc , and Purify. Inc of the imbed. Pries lit. big battles mor;ii For Sale, ?lw ALI. DTSGGOIVIS, Manufactured only Tie' GEO, Ai, NYER "1 ST, emus; Forest, Oin.. PENNYROYAL WAFERS, Prescription of n physician who has had a life long, experlettct: treating, female diseases. Is used unmanly with perfect 4t1cce33 by over 10,0e0 ladies. Pleasant, safe. effectunla ladies ask ourdrug, gist ler 1'eunyroyal Wafers tinct ake nu substitute. or inclose post. age for sealed particulars, soli by yea druegists, Slyer hex, Address BMWS, C,FiF.idiCAL VV., Dorm' -light old in Exeter, by Dr. Lets, 1sAd druggists 1' t veriwhere, Jaa.1.S. G'ARTER'S IIT LE IVER PI .LS. " ear'as. IVIYRTLE Cut& Plug Smoking To '1NER THAN EVER. See CUJ*E`, Sick lieadachefoul relieve all the troubloa incl. Gent tie p Mons state et tate system. such as Diilitiess, Nausea. Drowaineis. Distress after eating, Fain in the Side, &e. While their moat remarkable success has been shown in guying sIc,Y Iteaidache. yet Cstr;rat's i.1TTt.14 Lmnt P:la s are equally valuable ht Constipation, curing and preventingthta annoying complaint. while they alto correct all disorders of the stomach. atamulato the liver sad regulate the bowels, Even if they only cured HE Ache they would be almost priceiess to those who suffer froth, tlds dlalretsin complaint: but fortunately their goodness aces not end here, and those who once try them will find these little plll,ivaluaiblo limn aunty ways tpuit utwill aAbe b C° do wltgaut ticw. Bafter sicbead ACH is thebane of a0 many lives thn here is w;aoro we make our great boast. Our pills cu.'e 1t whiie others do not. CART; xs'fllamsLs LIvi:e Ptws are ve* +trauma 1u11 very easy to take. One 01' two 11sills talks a dose. They are strictly vegetable end do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle notion please all .who use them. In vials at costs; five for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mai4 QA8TED MEDICINE tA„ Mew Yank, Small Pit Small loser Small Privet THE LIGHT RUNNING IN BRONZE ON Each Plug ,and Package. 'NE KEY TO NEALTNI • The famous heavy -bodied 0i1 made only -14y McQO1.L,.BiI0S, & Go'y., TORONTO. ase it • once aad you will use mo other.McColl's Famous CYLINDER OIL le thefinest in Canada for engine cylinders. TOII; SALE B Bissett Eros. THE PROVIDENT Life and Live Rod sooiat1oua Furnatrre and Undertaking. GO TO INCORPORATED, AUG. 18S . Head Office room D Arcade. TORONTO, ONTARIO* in the Life Department this Assca- eoutiolt provides indemnity for Sick- ness and ,Accident, and substantial aas- aistancbto the relatives of deceased Members at terms available to all,. In the Live Stoat: Department, two- thirds indemnity for los of WO stock of its +Members. Semi for patrtioulaara, claims paid etc. WILLIAM JONES, .6,188. MA11ntkmo Diul+cro Bowe &Afl drews E.P-110031 AND PARLO)P SLITS, a�IDEBOARDSAND EX TEtiSLU f Tams, I,.t117NGE�w AND EAST s CHAIRS. The Largest W are ooll>1i:s in town. Undertaking outside of the l,'xidertalt- er$R3ing, in all its Branches. t pen day and night. TAND•=(lav door north of llolsolt Bank. T. - - EXETE) CATARRHEIVW N uREa ow C Washerwoman's friend is London Electric Soap. ATTACTED THREE TIMES. 1 "Having been attacted for the tlait'd 0`., C time with Inflammatory Rklenmatisigl, rr (� which kept nae in bed for six weeks under nnedical caro,withollt relief, I re- N Q A i xf solved to try Berdoek Blood Bittet's,and U I# 111 a liaises I 110(1 finished the third bottle I A Certain and p�epdycnre for Cls a1 lC t0 wor1C n„$it#,,' Cold ire the Head and Catarrh George Robb,✓ in ami its stages. Gaarde1111111 Ont. Hp, CtEAH$1HC, �, storm. off the Lone, Island, N. Y., instant ReIte HEAUa n :oast oli Sutl,►rd.ay did _great damage to ef, Permanent Cura,. re Impossible, sltlppiug. Many so-called diseases are simply symptoms of L011do. metric Soap r IS onl r Catarrh, such as headache, partial Bess, g Trade b D, iehardS, WOC/dstoek,. morin made b sense , g snaral, fou! breath baivlunt and Spitting. ark Registered, nausea, general feeling of t>.ebility etcif you aro troubled with any of Om or kindred symptoms, you A PLEASING DOS ir. have Catarrh, and should lose co time pu procuring a battle Of Nt%4+4t. PAW. %!F learned six time I Sufier.d while neuraali ISCga anERd: ob'taitl- neglected cold, in head results is Catarrh, followeded llo relic£ lkntil acl Sired t0 use Hal ' , by cousuwptionand death„ S,ASA7, BAwc iS sold by addruggists, or wilt be sent, past 1)213, oa receipt. of gealyd's i ellolw Oil. Since than 1 111,.! e knee (se coemaeds;-00)bya..d,:essing found it to be an admirable remedy. FUl•Fmt ti eQ., i3s©arlitlt, user. - also for burns, sore.tlitroat and rlieura- h3. IIeware of imitati©r similar xn Fame. ; tistn- London Electric Soap wiU not InTa�xolltG, C anatero31,1B P.iclamolldSt jilts the hands or clothes a -id do 7uore r Int, work for the monev, try it. The Hotel Die+. hospital at Windsor Turkish trouts have leen ilcfeatl•d Wass tldica':ell by Arch I,Isiaop Walsh an en' ac e111e1ntwith riltains. tillr:.al1*11.L , Just think washing day' made I'he wonder of today is London shorter by using Loudon Electric M Iallzetsic .sap. Soap. I.Ii•1; S A BI PDEN, The Italian (afavern111ent have del 1'13i1 lately I halve suffered from Blared a proteetorate over ,Abyssinia, head trite, always prcteeded by eOliSte- Atio11, 1113•. lite WAS burden. A ' \;1shing made cis)” andhoilis{s friend advised Burdock lamest% Bitters. tnalde hallli3 iia• using London I.tet trio I tool, three bottles, and now feel 111:."- oap• sof a'nt'sy man, amid my heattachc's,art Prof. Bastian, the German geo raph timings of the past. A. IL J Mien, sand. p-.. n, ictal explorer, has arrived at Soutar. (tttaln,a O Don't forget to trytry Loudon Electric x �LTWICE TO stornErta, soap once Dud vuu will use pa other Are yolitllant bed atnight ;mil broken ofyour l lad, rest, by a ea,:l; child sttflvrinr aunt crying with pain of cutting teeth? if so. send aF onea 1411(1 flet a bottle of aine.WYtssLow's Sofl7'Jtaaeti Sriter 'O'SLMii'TIO% Gtt.'Af p. IirilttC1ittultril "1'ttt.1IflXG. Its yahoo islnealeall• able, !twill relieve th0pooslittie autTrrinona ue. An el, -i phvsioi'atn,retired #stem Fruit c.b:t - 'diatov; 1Dcluund 14110,1 it, molhertt, there+ path? log be I, placed in his hands by iva Ea:tt lu+lits ;ailSlase about it. lSeurea Cly++watery saiddistr• missionary thefer sail a, oda sini pie vegeta a riots, regulates tllestouiutclt and bowels, cures rerectly ter tl..'.1!.re,A's Es cal pa.rnau1za•i.acur. „Y" S fuels lie,tzl:atusthegttlna.reduces i1aiiatt iste- Coraslnmlption, Bronchitis. Catarrh. Asthma, :Mil. and gives toils And -onergytOthe whole and all throat and Lash„ Affections. Al...-. a system. 31:;$ . t'a 7sseuw's Sotarnum Slue Teva positive aicviradieulcurafor nerve ti Tia B,i. 1.- t.111rta1=41 TnorrPro ispic'asalnttothe Ma -taxed and all Nerxsin*Cons gisairats,uttt•rhaving teat IB the ,garract➢P:u, n(if olioofth0pld0at;xua11am edits won.lcrfalearariasepower-nut thaiu-amps `male ntarat$ sittsl pllsgslcians 7n the United t,fcatees,L.i. 1.31 lthis tiatrtotna310itknown states. and is for sale by ail druggists through. to his suffering #.Muse, QUI:stiral by this glut tbe 'world. Priya as cont. a battle, motive:tad 14 desire to relieve Murata taufi.'r• ing.1 1 illsetad freak ofcharat) to all wise deairo It, tltlerrreipo, In (I1'n1aa.Ji, b'rcinch ort I;g .,I. 4 'bars of London Electric Soap for with diractiuua tarl�rop,arinr; anal using,- 2 se. flout by matt by saal�lm+lin with ++tans u,.il... toe tht»Epape.r; 14. A. Nta3Es, tui 1'lowtr'a TIIE .Vl..EItT\VATCIIM: N. 1110414.110c lsoater. N. Y. 7- 0 V aloe: ,^1 ell the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying Off graalw*lly iviti out weakeningthe sys. -tom, all the zmpuritia,a ;And teetiumora of the seoretiem; rt the stake time Cor - rooting Acidity of tho Stomach, Miring Ii1iausna ss Dys e s a. Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimino= of Vislo*n, Jautt- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, rysi elas,;Sero- fula, muttering of the Reaet, Ner- vousness, and General Debility inn these and many other similar Complaints yield to the happyinfluence of BURDOCKLC D BITTRS. For Edo fi:j alt 77ealsrs. T.1121111N & CO.,Poprietors, Toronto. 001.1•.....: rile Creat English Prescription. A. successful Medicine used over •t 30 years in thousands of cases. Q a �I' Cures Spermatorriaea, slerrous !..a . 1Feakness, Emissions,£n,2mtenca and all diseases caused by abuse. fnaionsi indiscretion, or over-exertion, tame] Six packages G1aaranteed to Cure when all ot1xers Fail. Ask your Druggist for The Greet Ea¢1a.h 1 r0Merq,tto,,, take no substitute. One package Si. Six Ss, by mail. Write forPamphlet. Address Eureka Chemical Co.. Detroit. 1t11eh. Solt: in 'Exeter by Dr. Tmtz, and druggists everywhere. tun. -1-3 IT : '" ROTE LONDON. ONT tA.RIO. $1 per clays 1 I 1 Nei URTIN, Proprietor& The Grand inion Biel cr.+xsT aar, 0.1== === Enlarged and Improved. 80 rooms elegantly furnished. Tables suppliedwith all the Delicacies of the season. 8 convenient sample rooms. House heated with hot air. Electric bells throughout. Si PER DAY, R. L TUFTS, PROPRIETOR. CHRISTIE'S STAN, FIA^s Fa® EQUAL. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. THE ONLY SEWING MAGI I E �- THAT GIVES NEW HOMESE ZING MACHINE C:ORANGE,MASS CHICAGO - 28 UNION SQUARE,N.Y.- DALLAS, LL1- ATLANTA GA: TEX. LOUIS MO.. .vera to, SANFRANCICce.CAL. George Vickers, Kirkton, EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bush,al.. $ SO to 88 Barley . . 40 to 48 Oats . 24 to 25 Peas 660 to 53 Clover Seed 4.00 to 4.70 Eggs per dor 13 to 13 Butter, Rools 14 to 15 Buttar, Crocks .: 14 to 15 Potatoes per bush • 70 to 75 Hay pa ton . 9.25 to 10.00 emesemmanhgve ROYAL HOTEL, LUCAN, ONT$RIO, I. HODGINS TROP. The Bar supplied with hest brands oi'Li.a-..a:a au.d C oars. • Rave you tried the Celebrated ELECTRIC SHOE DRESSING ? If not don't fail to do so at once. It is not a polish but a wonderful leather preservative it will make the finest or coarsest shoe as soft and pliable as kid and very easy to the foot. It will make them absolutely water- proof, and if occasionally dressed with this dressing will last more than twice as long as otherwise. We Mean What We Say.. It is the very life of leather. aItcan be applied at any tune. No trouble— Shoe can be polished immediately afterwards. PRICE, . 10 & 15 Cents per Box. Sold by all first-class stores. Sam- ples mailed—Stamps taken. OLIVER CABANA Jr., SOLE MANUFACTURER. BUFFALO, N. Y. TO THE DEA.7.-A person cured of Deaf- ness and noises in the head of 23 years' stamlinar, by a simple remedy, will send a description of it 1 IU'} to any person who ap- plies to NIc1:lorsoN, 30 St. Tbhn St. Illontrcal ONERCIAL) Lii) First Class RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK - SHAW HOUSE OF AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Terxaz. _ Reaaoaa.b?ea Telephone, Connection. 12 Pounds OF WHITE, SUG For $L ROths. Raw sugar FOR $1. AT THE Ihrth cii.Stoll J. MATHESON: e Subscribers wishes to inform. the ?armers and General Public that he is Prepurecl to furnish all Sixes S and Kind of ar.TMP Well'Tigging Promptly Done and at Reasonable Rates. Residence andss'hop on :inn Street,behind Christie's Livery Stable. Ai CALL SOLICITED. JOHN MOORE. 1890 SUBSCRIBE 1890 FOR THE Weekly Empire Canada's Leading Newspaper PATRIOTIC IN TONE TRUE TO CANADA TRUE TO THE EMPIRE TIIE EMPIRE IS NOW THE GREAT •WEEKLY PAPER OF 'P1717DOMINION and special +arrangement+ are being made to add now said attractive f,•atures,which will greatly increase its interest and value. As an inducement to place it in the hands of all patriotie Canadians the balance of present year wiliiie given FREE TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS, Tol",etJtez• with the "ADVOCATE” 0101 making it t6S'yO, until cud at- year. Address "Ainvoee.xn," Exeter, Ont. BISSETT CROS LIVERY. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS REASONABLE. A TRIAL SOLICITED. BISSETT BROS. actraarroestessgasesscram FREE AiV'S.._. - WORM POWDERS Are pleasant to take. Contain. their own Purgative. Is a safe, sure and eJ'ectual destroyer ofworms itis Children orAdults. i.�.�.c.: ` tC, , •tn• 0101 Bidaulph Council. The Celina! Met pur uaut to ai journmellt in Temperance Hall, Oralt- colds, astllnl;l hotxsEnit�ss, braltaSliitil,'. fou, Oct. 1 ' and throat and lon;r troufilt a. Tho Reova and all membe.ts present. The following accounts were ordered Lotti St,uller +atom party are (Miffing to be paid:— splendid weather on their North-West Jams. Mitchell, gravel ace. 3,50; ,t. tour, l3,gan' 1,05; lit, Monetor, $10,61; J. yak your grocer for London .Elect r • , tl. Soap. 4 G 00• G. mitt 1laz1X ,l rJ � Dickson, $ , Sproul, 1 $1. 1 J. Cooper, drawing file posts and wood $ Revs. Crossley and Hittite r held n re - 400.1. Lewis drawing gratvel'; 6 00;D. 0 • a 'in g •t k t 1- �. , , � lvatl service 1eC t the I>., bb 0 1 Titin tet r;,- 4,00 ;./. $G,00; A. Isaaic 80,00;W, .&t- i tiary An Sunday. k'iinson, $0,00; M. Boyle, 2 days, work The Wi isor population hos increased V.; slicrans,eontract on S• It. $vi,50;l l,000snnce 1555 and the total assess V. Atkinson, damn McsdrainMMri�t1 .lent is greater by Ile;arlr :t million $5;1 Atkinson, drawing 'Wank and ;anal;+ half work $8,55;T, ll'forkin, work au S. R. (t�i.Satnllll will leave Rome on the S%; I'. 250,'1' balaancegrnvcl"contracC 20th est., for 'Washington to represent W. B. $2.50; T. Elston, dr;ttiain gravel 1 and work Sri; F. Davis, rep.' culvert the Pope of tlae Cnpit4 $1J1O; W. N, Powe, balance of grant to ALMOST DRIVEN INSANE,. road treat $8; 7.. Kitt -slumber lace. $7.45 ; I had such distress in my stomach W. McGee, spikes, stringers &e $i.25;, and head that I had. thought I v. ould. W. D. Stanley, express charges on rolls lose my reason, but on trying Burdock and lep.40ets; R. Langford, grading S. 'Blood Bitters i deer et great beueft:. B.$1J. Leslie, deepening creek and I have used three bottresand am now ditch and rep, culvert $6:75; S. Clark, as well rs I ewer w;15 in my life. plank $5.50; J. Kennedy, grading S. R Thanks toy our medicine. $8.70:,11. Thenlow, bridge and stone T':. The will of the late Thomas. Work. - B. $31.57; R. Riddle. a pproad:li,strauLht-' /Ilan directs that the slim of 827,500 be ening creel: E. B. $150; J. McRoberts. dist "1„) d t** lIolatra;ar ch irides. rep. approach and washout S. B. 50cts "MAKE ;till CHANCE C. McRoberts, rep. culvert 87.50; J. Tykes, tile drain 50 cts; R. Radcliffe,But depend on solid facts. Nothing ditch. 50 cts; T. Been, ditching 84; J. ('quals H aggare's l eliow ()il for burns, Atkinson, ditching 84;C. Ryan, ditch- sa.aids. frost vitt°s, chiltiiuins, neuralgia; ing $0; J. Hodgins, rep. culvert c3; dlnup, sore throat and :aches and' pains Meredith & Meredith. legal services ict+� of every description. lib, matter where since September, 1h-7 to date 81,1.51; the pain or the soreness is; Or from (leo. Hodgins, one day on new road 81; W* it it arises. Haggard% Yellow Oil Geo: I yan,lowering culvert L. R. $7.50; will guts quick relief - R. Scilly, plank w15:73. The Czar presented Prince Bismarck Cllr. Jas. Harrigan. applied to have with a '* alnable snuffbox, on the lid of the Township Engineer inc er insp * t and it which is a portrait' of his Majesty. port on a certain ditch, on lots 23 and 24, con. 9, that was made pursuant to an award of their fence -viewers, with a view of having the said award re considered. Messrs. Harrigan, Dignan and Mitchell were heard on the matter. When the application was granted sub- ject to the advice of Meredith az Mere- dith, township. solicitors. The Council adjourned to meet in Court room, Clandeboye, on Monday, 4th day of november, at 10 a. m. tilt. D. STANLEY, Clerk. Warns us aloe:le fy,. diner, a hack- ino• efodoit WaarnS US of t0aunli1* con- sumption. Take time by the forelocks and use Hagg,artls Pictor,al Balsam, the surest, safest and best cure for cough, Catarah, Catarrhal Deaf fess, - IIaay Fever. A NEW HOME TREATMENT: Sufferers are not generally, aware that these diseases are contagious, , or that they are doe to the presence of 'living parasites in the lining mem- brane of the nose and eustachian tubes Microscopic research,however, has prov- ed this to be a fact, and the result is that a simple remedy has been formu- lated whereby Y catarrh, catarrhal deaf- ness and hay fever are permanently cured in from one to three simple ap- plications made at home by the patient once in two weeks. N. B.—For Catar- rhal discharges peculiar to females (whites) this remedy is a specific. A pamphlet explaining this new treat- ment is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. H. Dxxolr & Sox. 308 West King St., Toronto, Canada.--Scientitle Ameri- can. Sumarers from eatarrhal trqullles should carefully read the above.. (10 22-'8b.) If there ever was a specific for any one complaint, than Carters little Liver, Pills are aspecific for siek headaclie,and: everywoman should ki.ow this. Only one pill a dose. Try them. A census of the attendance at the Protestant churches at Ottawa was taken on Sunday everting•; The fig- ures are given 1s 7,328. The sittings'..; of the churches in question are 15,000. Always avoid harsh purgative pills. They first make yob. sick . and then leave you constipated. Carter's Little Liver pills. regulate the bowels and make you well. Dose one pill: THIS is to certify that I have known. the most beneficial resultstoactonrpany the use of Everest''sCough Syrup so ex- tensively manufactured and sold by him.—Rev, A I Snyder Wyonring P. 0. A movement is said to be on foot in Quebec Uitranlontane circles to have the Legislature at its approaching- ' session pproaching'session pass a series of resolutions de- nouncing the Italians for erecting a monument to Bruno. More cases of sick headache, b ilion- Hess, constipation, can, be cured in less time, with less medicine and with less - money, by useing Carters Liatle Liver. Pills, than by any other means - THE WASHINGTON TREATY. . Is one of the important topics of tha. day, but more important still to a suff- erer from catarrh is the question what remedy shall I use? Try Nasal Balm. It never fails Mr. John Kelly, Comber - mere, says.—Nesal Balm has helpt; me more than I expected it would. I have not felt so well in nine years. I am smelt will make a pemanent cure.