HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-10-17, Page 4THE fgX.eter Abwratt. W#ui, S•A13.DER8, Da tar., Illursday, October 17th 18$9. TI -IE ONE QUESTION. "Heads I -win, tails you lose" is a apeeles of a wager thoroughly compre- keaaded by Mr., Oliver Mowat,for he has - , t tiled it pretty- often. Oliver 'MA t0bid, in fact,the biggest kind of tb.t Premier believes in. To env, the French Canadian vote thio. -*O. to Mr. Laurier, stats his Q4a exactiyabut he does not intend to lose the English speaking vote for eke s lac, .or in the interests of, the lead - f= Deminioa S4Reformers." Not by arm w$,tus--•whatever grist can be drawn. to. the Nowat mill must stay Vie', as Mr. liowat has a large and geed;- political family to feed; they lioueyiotaab every township io Ontario, azaado mica understand the policy of i sxryin ;, for the ery infi, child usually', sriw major portion of the milk.', Me Mowat may not agree with "1I;r. 1u i'r. the -Reext a:a"party nor endorse otaa°fin: nus up)aa cert;liu burning motes -stili on thegreat question of . ti 1 , Mowat, all eau agree, ..> paa1,3a1 .13. r - d verily when the tiuke comes ever.* XL -former in the Province will rally at tbe, party call, no matter how they tali; ;weal nt' authors of the paper say, to establish a bridgewith four lines instead of two but the probable development of the trathe dad not warrant any increase of (Allay in that direction. The provision of road for ordivary vehicles was .also superfluous, as goods would always be carried by rail. To meet objections. fro m, a military point of view. It -vas. Contended that arrangements could be made for making the span at either end of the bridge unfit for use. The two cud .spands notably, which are in contact. 'with the abutments, aright be remevalale or revolve. The authors of the scheme then gave a detailed de• scriptiou of the plans and mdthods of construction proposed to be adopted. A discussion followed the readiug of the paper, which. excited a good deal of interest. At its eouehasiou the Pres. ident—Sir James Kitson—slid he had ElfC'IC.t.\1f' 01,11)5' been ieforkned by SirJohn Fowler that he would guarantee to construct the bridge, and therefore all that was necessary was for F nglaud and France to supply the money. 5ale Register. Qui lot 1.5, eon, 9, Hay, on Friday, 4et /8th, farm stock, implements, &c. S. Cober, prof,, E. Boss.nberry, amt. On Lori' eon 14, flay, on Tuesday_, Oct 22 nd,1889, Farm, farm stock int.- ?impetus, nt-pletuetus, &e, 1 , /foss; nberry , auct, A'I3s, J,1laug, proprietress. On Lot 8, Con. 11, AfeGillivr.av~, on, Friday, Oct. 18th, 1889, farm stook &e, David Steeper, prop. his. Ole uact. On Friday, Oct. 25th, 1899, An Lot 21 Con, 12, Ilay, one anile west of Zurich, Farm stook implemeuts &c. Daniai Geiger, wept. E. Bossonberry, and, On Ni of Lot 7, Con. 2, McGillivray, on Tuesday, Oct, 22nd, 1889, Farm Stool:. Marshall Miller, Jaesiller, prop.; m Ol:e, aauet. On Lot 10,eou. 8 Stephen,on SaturdayOctober 19th, faraak, stoel; implements &c. Jas;Oke, atact;tjHandfori &,Walker, I)roprietors. On lot 28, eau. n, Hay, on Friday, November 1sµ, thoroughbred farm stock implements, &e. Oliver,L, Petty, prop; James Oke, duct. Ou Lot 15, coil. 5, Usborne, on Friday' Oct. 25th, farm stock, etc. Thomas Eat nag, prop; James Oke, auet. ,.wady reaadersaird no doubt aware, M kt there la;ys l eteak before the people F,14y,3.atad and. France for some ;„-ears St; a ;chest for eunstruetin; a t1111- the arnto two G"otu tries, and as i;sty is in er.istauee which was i~:azzwd to carry i; out. 1t has met illaconsiderable opposition in military eixcles, awl it is not probable that it jdltcverbe carried out to a satisfact- ov enmp]etion. Another schema has been proposed.; that of -building a bridge across the a'3 anal, It was the subject of a paper =Ad at the r.'eent annual meeting of Ix: lion and St. el Institute of Great Britain, held at Parii. The paper stat- v.-Atha tat- e Lthaat the amount of metal and mach - !bury to be provided for the construct - 'to -ran bridge over th4 elkaunel would =present an aggregate weight of *haat one million tons, and the assum- ytkion was that each country would ;An to.suppiy one half of this amount. it7. magi's estimate of the cost is given as,t 4,4Otf,th O, and £15,+200,000 of this 'sa4T,-alt1 l)a ONIVIItk:d on masonry sup- 'nods up- xtr and X19,200,000 on the metaile superstructure. The works for tiff', cannel and the railways of both count - would htve to be planned later on =agreement with the companies whose i ies• would lead up to the bridge, and e time required for the completion of e. works w.i,ulal be ;about ten years °'d'?e line taken for the bridge is the rsa?lowe,t parts of the channel, between Cape Grisnez and a place near Folkes- irvnt,, This arrangement has been ardoptod-so as to take advantage of two cinuits, and thus avoid -working in ,geaat depths, and diminishing the kei;ht of the. piers to be erected. The salt of rep. 3ted experiments showed .slat the ground was sufficiently solid -.?support very cxtinsivc works. The gid: covering the bottom at certain lata. cal,: ci.iliy near the shores, -a4eald, have to be removed in order to Toy the piers on more solid foundation. Mi b supporting pier would consist of a.block of masonry of good material, sa?liwitlr.Portland cement mortar, and 1166 on the sea bottom. The piers would a rectangle, terminating in semi- eludes emi- c trcles so este, oppose the least possible sistance to the currents. Up to a cer /axon height the brickwork would ex - veer the whole surface of the base d the masonry would be built inside smta] caissons similar to those used for attlihary bridge piers, and forced by oorapress,Ld air down to the solid guars[. These caissons would be sur- rounded by metal cases, and they world serve to float the piers, fixed at Mtaand 300 metres for the large spans -Rotruld not be less than 200 and 100 me tres-respectively for the small ones,and. would be sufficient to prevent their Lauvviilb an obstacle to the free navi- gation of sailing vessels. The main :dors of the bridge would be support - clam metal columns, firmly placed npuw.the platforms of the supporting p}ersp of masonry. The minimum iskigad of the proposed bridge is, 54 meteresi.andwould be amply sufficient the pass,ge• of -vessels of all descrip- ' ns. 'There xs ouldbe a double . set of nrai1s, set ingrooveS to obiviate accidents u the piers lighthouses might • be e- reeed... It would'. have been easy, the ALLAN LINE. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. EAMSHIPS. LIVERPOOL AND QUEBEC SERVICE,. Fatokt QUEBEC. Friday May 10 Thursday 44 . 4• ER. 1f A TI Frca LIVERPOOL.STEAMER. Friday, April 16,..; I1ICASSIA1v.,,:.. Thursday,; « 25 PARISIAN " May 2 . , 3 POLYNESIAN.... Fxiday, 44 10 'TCATIIHA.G1NIAN Thuasday, 44 t SARDINIAN ... . Fhxday, cc 24 , .. , , i*Cil cASSIAI Ttkursdayry " 80 PARISIAN ISI L'_*i , , . , , . June 6 .: , , , POLYNESIAN. Friday, <4 14 ' T C ART1IAGENIAN Thursday', " 20 8 SARDINIAN.,,,. I Fritlaay, 44 28 , , *CIR.CASSf AN .... Thursday, July 4 .. , PARISIAN.. . 4a 11 Pi aI.Y\l SI,AN Friday, " 19. .,, ic'SRTII1G1'NIANu Thursday, as 25.,,,, C.LIl;l1I\LL\,.,..r Friday, Aalgust 4? Thaarsday, s4 8,..+, 44 '44 15 „, pul,'4'N]..SL.N'., Friday, 44 23,, ,,, 'iC LI:T1[ LG12\IAN Thursday, <4 29 SLI;I ]T "I:LN 44 Friday, September 6 , 'Ci1lCASSI:i.N Friday October O sob ti 'Thursday, C .l~hursdrty 12 , I',LIaI I1.\. : Ro Fromm wax.m......lowomis Thursday, Friday, Thursday, 44 Thursday, Friday, Thursday, 44 Thursday, .Friday:, Thursday, 44 Sia 16 23. June 6 14 20 2`t {4 44 44 July 44 4c August 44 44 44 ember 44 44 U1lTs.--Zia Exeter, on 5th inst,, the wife of Mr. Ed. Robcrts,of a dough. ter, IilaN E In Centralia, on 14th inst., the wife of Mr. John Kenny, of a daughter. Tutsis. --In Hay, on Sunday 19th inst., Mrs. Bush, of a sou. ItICE Yr•.x.-7n Hay. on 14th inst., the wise of Duncan McEwen, of a son, i4 « 1 S4 1.9` .,. . poi., A NLS,.+ix.\'r. .... 44 « r RATES OF PASSAGE BY MAIL, STEAMERS. 11 19 25 1 23 29 6 19 27 8 10 ATTENTIO 1 Eyes front, QUID . vain= W. SOUTHCOTT'$ Clothing and Gents PU rtrI$2I a nom i`4, cabin, son, $Ti) and $80, ccaor.ine, to accommodation. Servantsr Cabin, ark. I iter; mediate, a). teerag,e, $80, notion Tido. Is, Cabin, $330, $130, $1,0.. Seaanct t44, i , coo Steerage, Circassian irca.ssxan ax other extras Steaflx4 vs. f"abin, r">q, Seii, and $oo: according to acaoma,da- tion, Second Cabin, $30. Steerag4, S-'4 Return t4ekets, X80, $410,and Soo, . Intermediate, M. Steerage, $4,5. tThe GAia,2kiAtsENIA:'t will notcarry passengers from this side. Therewinbe no -, Stea mer mrrying passengers from tiro, tie May 31st, July 5th, Aosust Oth, September 13th, Fasaengers can sail foraAtontrea, JOHN SI." A.CKIAN, the only authorized agent for Exeter, Ont. 31413Ititlfit.GIES. GLASvll,r.E.--Swim.--Attheresidence of the bride's father, Stephen, on 15th inst., by Rev. Jasper Wilson, Mr. henry John Glanville, of Ex- eter, to Miss Emily Sweet, of Ste- phen. STONER. —BENNErr —0n Wednesday evening, Oth inst,, at the residence of the bride's mother,by Rev. Wm. Penhale, Mr. E. C. Stoner, of Lobo, to Miss Naomi Jane, youngest daughter of the late Lawrence Bennett. aJ1TIF . POrPLnSTONE•—In Exeter, on 15th inst., Jane 13., beloved wife of Mr. John Popplestone, aged 56 years, 5 months and 26 days. Funeral today at 2 p. m. MORTGAGE SALE 0E -- F1111 ProDerty TJNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE tJ power of sale, contained in a certain mortgage from Donald McDonald, bearing date. the 21st day of December, 1887, held by the vendor. default having been made in paymentthereof there will be sold byp,iblic auction, by Mr, a James Oke, auctioneer, at —the -- iI. CENTRAL HOTEL, —IN THE--- OOK! L K. LOOK! EXETER, - - ONTARIO. Some of the finest goods that can be secured, are arriving. every day, GENTS' FURNISHINGS IN THE LATEST STILES AT RIGHT PRICES. A CALL SOLICITED. W. SOUTBCOTTI Corner Main and John Street, EN,ETERi, ONTARIO. MARKET SQUARE GENERAL STORE The nutiarsigned: would inform the Public that he has just received his SUMMER , STOCK 4< INCLUDING A. FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, AND CROCK- ERY, BOOTS .ttND SHOES. Those wishing. anything in gar line will find it to their advantage to eall d inspect axis and rices. yg priees. Roller Flour always . on baud, fighest Price paid for Butter and Eggs, and all /find of Produce, 11cOlary's Famus Model Stores are the Best IN THE MARKET. FOR SALE BY BISSETT EROS. YILLIGEOFEXETER, WEDNESDAY 3 GLQT4ING A. J. SELL, 1\4a1=. , s' t., EXE`'ER - ONTARIO, zrpixfsiiiiimmpa A F'ITLL LINE OF ALL KINDSIOF , PARLOR STOVES ..,,.,JUST fl .....,. 2Missett 2E3 cothess. The 23rd day of Octolgr. QUALITY IS THE TRIILTJI4LOF cia APINTE s. J. H. Ns;'HCOTT --o---I NOW OFFERING---o--- IN TIIE FOLLOWING LINES West of England Suitings and Trolls cringe, Scotch TweedSuitings and Trouser- ings. French and English Worsted. Cloths A11 ut .de up in. the Latest Style, at best Rates. J. P. ROSS 40-22-'68.) J. d. 211iatitiotimt jUeokartt Talior. BREAD, CAKES, BZ3R ETA., ETC, L. H Dickson's Ltt forSalE. Up stairs, over H. Spackman's Hardware Store. I have an innlnen.Se Stock of Cf1TY3t' tba Furniture and Undertaking Goods nolo an hand, which I finest summer: goods to be found on will sell at right prices. UDERTAKIRG Oa" =al= E=ST C27.7 -E.7. -=""Z".. 1880, at 3 o'clock p. m,, the East half of Lot No, 5; in the 15th concession of the township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, contain ing 50 acres, more or less.. TERMS. One tenth of the purchase money to be paid. on the clay. of sale and the balance with in three weeks thereafter. A portion of the purehase money will be .allowed to remain upon mortgage of the premises. Further particulars and conditions of sale will made known on day of sale or upon application to BLACKBURN &Cox., Vendor's SOlicitors, London, Ont. or James Oke, Auctioneer, Exeter. Lot No. 28, in the 1st eox)eessionofthe taws ship of Hibbert, containing law acres. Thisr farm will be sola cheap, and on easy terms The farm is situatedmiday betwweenSeatbrth and Dublin, on the Huron Gravel Road. l4=eh and School within reo yards of farm, Soil the best in the county, A number of Exeter village ELr:operties for sale an the best of tertns,in4•luning arae+ of the nxot4esira1leresidenees in toxin. Some property in the -villages' of Centralhi. and Far4luhar, winch can lie t+anght elteatp, To hoarding ]louse "keepers -OD COT( tion of Verity's Foundry, its cakeultxtmr t ant. front 35 to 80 additional hands are ta,1:e tins i !o td. au 4talett a toa 1 rent c au . bye ofaccomodaiing 8 to 10 hoarders. About five minutes walk from the foundry, For further particulars apply to J. 3 .PUCFSUN, Faarch ;till 388'd, iia/rioter, Exeter. S. GIDLEY. THE LEADING Yidextaitt6r AND Furniture Dealer OF THE TOWN ? tw •.x the market. ACALL SOLICITED.. J. G SYpI LLCOM ,r.d. London Huron & BruceRailway Of Every Description Made to Order. J. H. Northcott, ONE DOOR NORTH OF FANSON'S BLOCK. Main -street - Exeter. ,y. GOING Nolan---TIMn TAELD--PaSS'nr. London, depart .. , . 8.05 A. 7t ..4.25 P. M. Lucan Crossing ...8.47 ..... 5.20 Clandeboye .8.52 5.28 Centralia ...... .9.05.. .. , 5.45 EX.ETER..... .9.16 5.57 Hensall .....9.28 6.09 Eippen .. ... 9.34 6.17 Bruceiield , , , , .... 9.42....:6.26 Clinton... - 10.00 6.45 Londesboro' ..:..10.10 Blyth :....10,28 Belt rave .... , ...10.42 Winngham .11.00 GOn SouTnPassenger. Wingham.. , - .... 7.05 A.M... 8.40 rat. Belgrave,.,..,., 794 4.00 Blyth........ , .:. 7.38 4.15 Londesboro' 7.47 4.25 Clinton 8.07 4.45 Brucefield . , .. , . 8.26 5.04 Kippers , . 8.34::: .. 5.12 Hensall, . 8.41 5.19 . EXETER .... , .. 8.56 5.33 Centralia. , , 9.07 5.45 Clandeboye ...... 9.18 5.56 Lucan Crossing .. 9.24 6.02 London, arrive , , .10.15 6.45 THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT • from which this paper is printed was supplied by the twin TYPE "UM Dealers in Type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J., T. JO INSTON 8o & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. 6D 7.03 7.12 7.27 7.45 A SPECIALTY. An examination of ' our Stock Solicited. roil SALE- S. GIDI.EY. —THE— Central Shaalug Parlor EXETER, Ontario. 2L. asti gs, PROPRIETOR. Every Attention paid to Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting, AG -ENT TORR THE Farmers, Gardeners and Florists, A fair sized brick cottage containing dining -room, sitting -room, 3`bedrooms, en- trance hall, with two good cellars under- neath, large kitchen 14x20 feet, with wood- shed attached, two lar e greenhouses, smallstable, good well of water; .with ii/, acres of land, all well fenced and in fair condition. This property is within five minutes' walk of the Exeter post office. The land will be sold on easy terms. Apply to A. ALLEN, Exeter, Ont. April 11, 6 m. MEDICAL. TROY LAIINDRYI A. Z actings. Exeter Pkolo Studio.' TIIE CELEBRATED DR. LE CARRON, OF PARIS, FRANCE, HAS ESTAIBLISHED AN AGENCY: IN TORONTO, FOR THE SALE OP HIS MEDICINES, WHICH ARE A POS- ITIVE CURE POR ALL CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES OP LONGSTANDING, ALSO YOUTHFUL INDISCRETION,DARLY DECAY, ETC., SHOULD WRITE FOR IN- FORMATION. CORRESPONDENCE CON PIDENTIAL. ADDRTSSNit t LETTERS TO Tun E. B. GRAND AGENCY, CAMERON PLACE, • - - TORONTO Why is it that in other towns and surrounding country they speak so highlyof the photo- graphs that, are taken in Exeter. And how is it that there are so many photos'sent into the different cities of Ontario from EXETER PHOTO GALLERY :Because Senior's work is as oocl' if not better than any of the leading :galleries in' the cities and their prices are $4 and $5 per doz., while they get them at Senior's for $3.00.