HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-10-17, Page 2trarreneatenee
xou rOI$0114D (MAMBA,
• Slespicioue Death of n rresbyterian
ues, Wife.
Areene neete onneoearee.
A last Thuzedey eight's St John, N.B.,
despatch gene ; Yesterdeyet specael de-
spatch to the Erzeire told of the terribly
anclden death ot Mrs. Mona% wife of the
eminent Presbyterian clergyman in this
eity. Evezate which have num come to
light excite horrible suspicioe, pointieg to
a feel and moat colvaealy merder. The
facte, au aeoertaieed up to Iles time, are
these: Yesterday mortireg the mail carrier
delivered at tbe bailee a Small, neatly
wrapped parcel AdOreeeed to R. Dr. Mc-
Rae. The dector wits Abeent at Picton,
end dtre. McRae opened the parcel, which
contained a few gem drops and other
candy, It Wa5 after esnieg a few of these
that she was eeiza'vii crfairetsions, 1)r.
+Obviate, who livee eirealy aerC3S1 the
gaga, was called At °zee, She bad two
apes= eller that, aed WaS dead in two
mintnee. The rigidity. et the muselee wed.
euddee vontraetieu se 31141prkesea the fleeter
that whena little later h met the !Amity
pheeiefee he *aid bin% that he neauld call it a
ettee ittryebuine etdeoning it the eirCnr4-
81412040 Cenid V.R841.0y admit it it. The
Other pheeicien weed, home, wbeu ehortlY
afterward be WeS vietted by etnuagBdoltate
who hal diecnvered the cloudy And beoughe
with him whet reentieed. The pereel wee
immedietely placed in the handl et ;be
Government amelyet, wile toned, one piece
ceVered with Str) ebnine creetale, Pre.
Ohrietie wad lltcloiree uotited the eorotaer,
wile le pence erdeeed a post mor-
tem. The body wee =stewed ao.
oordiegly an pertione et the etoreacla
aud ether orgees preserved for aualyeiti.
The luqueet bee been adjourned until Mom
day. Meanwhile Seliciter- Genera Pugeley
ia making ingeiry into the ca,se. On the
eame Monne% when the peecel wee de,
livered to We. McBee, nee of the same
theeeeter wee reeeived from the postmau
it the lieMee et Them= Deinetadt.
Netliedist clergyman Qt Ode city. M.
ceeeed the rend, her huebeed
being in bed. Iler little girl. seeing the
*mate:ate. Mimed ber abate the house
beggitig for a taste, but her mother, feeting
some anspleite which 'she la Lot yet Able to
semen* for, refused to give her any. The
suspicious/ seem to have teem sberect by her
huthancl, wbe teen laze eaekage to the
analyiet wto atilt bat in but decline* to
.give may tuformaton.Mr. Delustadt =ye
he uoticeden leciefen i 4 eue et thh Candles, Ie
weer:ea to him thee some eeratre eueoyerit
M i speaklog, ratiy have taken
fence* to give idea se de= of ekeeele, er aome
each tbing. Ile bed uct tboogszeof murder.
A third parcel of the 'ane cheraoter, %a-
drenal id the seine hanii, was delivered to
Rev. Mr. Desoyre3, ot S. John Spleens!'
Church. Tide clergyman beti no swipes
done. Re opened the pachage, and noting
eoutents, concluded to lay it by for some
ohildreu who were about the haute. Row.
ever, be bit no piece in two and found it
excessively .bitter, quteldy spitting it out,
and atippoelog it might be quanta he took
the confeetionery to Dr, larding, who
lived near. Thodoctor it onee pronounced
tbe drug to be I:teen/mine and banded it
into the Analyst Beet, who says there was
though poison in the one drop to kill a man
at once. No explanation of tbe catlea of
the plot can be made. The three clergy-
men am in no way associeted with each
other and have given no common offence
to any class ot people.
A St. jobtt, N, B., doupetele of Sunday
*eye: Zhu candy poi ti case is the all-
absorbingtople her cle excitement
upperent and witrum re in circle
lation, but no eta tune o ttempt at
poisoning bave b made. certain
that the peoleagee iniug tho 3oCOUs
candy were mailed s the city. Pro.
Vinoial Government the oily ant ities
each offer a reword o 1.000 for dis-
covery of the guilty pa
Never poesibly in the ory of the ey
was there more exciteme thau prey
yesterday afternoon when it came kno
that Wm. McDonald, a clerk he who
:gale drug establishment of T. atkee
Sons, bad been arrested, charged bei
the pardon who sent the poisone
tine:inn the men which caused the
of Airs. McRae. People flothed to
police station and stood in crowds about tb
etreete diacuseing the question ; and while
it was the unanimous opinion that some
strong evidenoe of MoDonald's guilt bad;
been secured, no one could say what the
nature of that evidence was. McDonald le
&brother of Mrs. Barker, widow of the lath
Mayor of St. John, and therefore his coil
nection with some of the leading families'
the oity made the arrest scan:nue surprise
The pence officials were sought, but the
were due** es an oyster and looked pe
featly ignorant of the hole affair, an
was a jastilleb
as ignorent of wh
soared against Mc,
public. The Solicit
Id Chief Marshall to
ed, and after a slight
Weatherhead and
ordered to proceed
mg Coe accused to
Id not want to go
King that he
of the officers
ation he was
ome paper
s found.
strange to say, their I
one. For they wer
evidence had bee)
Donald as the gen
tor -General eimp
have McDonald a
hesitation Inspe
Deteotive R. Ring
to Barker's shop a
the station. McDon
at first, but when to
could walk a few stepe
he consented to go. At
searobed, but nothing bey
with ehorthand characters o
Stenographer Frye was gent f
paper placed in his bands to deem
Coroner Berryman and Solicitor -13
Pugsley were both interviewed by yo
correspondent, but both &dined to say a
word as to the nature of the evidence. The
Solioitor-General, however, said the arrest
was made on information believed to be
strong, but in the interest of justice it was
not advisable to let the public, know the
nature of it.
While all the evidence so far seenred is
.only known to the Solicitor -General and
Coroner Berryman, your correspondent is
in a position to state that the information
which led to the arrest was placed in the
bands of the coroner by a women who sent
for the Solioitor-deneral, and on her sworn
testimony the Crown officer within an hour
ordered the arrest. After the arrest Detec-
tive Ring visited Barker's wholesale estab-
lishment and found boxes corresponding
exactly to the ones in which the candy was
sent. They were used for flee tooth combs,
and a quantity of these were found which
looked as if they had been emptied out of
the regular boxes. McDonald was for
some tirae in the asylum, but he was dis-
charged as cured in May last. Since then
he went through the heat and excitement
of the Mayor's election and also the car-
nival, serving as one of the assistant semen
tariee to the latter. He then entered his
brother -it -law's wholesale department, but
was believed to have been perfectly sane.
Previoas to his being put in the asylum he
attempted suicide in the market ' slip. He
wag about a year ago employed as a private
iteoretary to Mr. O'Shaughnessy, assistant
general manager of the Canadien Pacific
rnalviey in Montreal, and was in some
part of Qaebeo or Ontario during the Galt
poisoned candy casae. Mr. 0. A. Stockton
bas been megaged to defend McDonald, and
no reporter is edema to evenepealt to him.
A lad (Monday) evening's St. John,
dee penile azye ; The iequeet on the body
of Urs. MoRae was begun tide evening, hut
the evidence taken was purely Of a formal
nature. Solicitor-Geueral Pageley watched
the cue on nebelf of the Crow -hand hir,O.
A. Steokton for the accesed, The Othrt.
room was crowded, Kr. Alex, W. Mellitus
teatieeci as to his meting e death and his
aubeequent hearing et her having eetee of
some candy, and to bis taking the candy to
1)e. Maclaren to have it Analysed, His
Leery was corroborated by Lizzie Robert-
son, a 'demotic in the bailee. Bee. Keene.
Dienstedt, Desoyres arid ehew told of the
packages of candy having been left at their
hoesee by the postman. Messes- Sleeve end
Desoyres both tasted it and deteeted a
peculiar none but thougbt it weal from
some precticaijoeer. Miss Shaw and Mary
Fraeer, a domestic in the home, both ate
candy. Mee Shaw is quite ill, but the
ether girl felt no effecte, Oscar Grant,
Arch. Morgan read Robert ain, letter car,
riere, teatiOed to haviog delivered the din
tereet panne gee enWelueeday morning last.
Dr. Murray Madmen told of having re-
eeived a box of caney from young MoRfte,
who told him thee his mother had eaten
et it befere her deteh. Ile took it to en. E.
lieet, Aeadyticel chemise, who teed° e teat
d discovered etrycheine in eutteiene
utittee to eallee dte.111. lie thee netided
e Cormier. Poseeftice Lope:nor Xing
wits Patiefied that the boxes had been
mailed at the St. John old= betweee 7 and
$ 30 oe Wedueedey evening. Dr. demee
Clariette, who Attended Mrs. Maim, Mehl
thee whop be vieitecl her on Wedneecley
morning oho was trembling and was
slightly agitated, 'net her betide end heed
were cold, title Wee. inneediately trilese
with a viulnt epafei -cied died s few mile -
etas After, the epaem continuing all the
time. Re saw A leper box au the window
aid. Next day Dr. Maclaren told him it
tbe ebernical 50513 ss and he accompanied
hiM to tbe Coroner, and the male a
mi; -mortem exeminetiou, removing Dire.
Illelieele stoma* and part of the intem
tinge, wbieh were *meted up and delivered
to tbe Eigh Coneteble. Tee exembratiou
allowed all Mee. MeRana organ in a per,
feet* healthy eteen.
T4n inouire Wee adjourned till toellor.
row eVelang.
A Hinton deeptch of Tuesday night
Anne: The enquiry into the death et, Mae
Meanie lotted nutil after 11 o'clock tomiglet
bet =Oleg of imperteno was brought
light. W. r. Beef, enilytical cbetoise wa
the most irepottent witneen Jiu ealdthet
be bad discovered etrythnine lo ouffielent
quereitiee in the stomach of the deceased
to once d'eatb, and oleo than in the con-
fectionery banded to bine as received by
Hew MacRae, Dernatadt, Desayren and
Snew, there was etrembnine on etich piece,
rarming from belf s grain to two grains.
Who gave the information that led to the
arrest et McDonald is eull a deep mystery.
The investigation will be oontiuued to-
morrow night.
The Vienne or a Einettou Itobbere Itecelvea
Eis money Beek.
A Riegeton despatch says; About ilVe
yeara ago J. E. Brown, merchant, ot Delta,
etttuded the Provincial. Fair Imre. Ile
started at night for the 0. T. R. etation,
and when an= it same men twined him and
throw him into A vacant field. They then
dregeed him about 300 yarda andgave lune
brutal treatment. After the men had
robbed him of 5130 in bills, a $5 gold piece,
54 in silver, bis wetch, chain, ring and
other valuables, they lett bine in a dazed
condition. Xeletinr and Ahearn were me-
nded, tried, convicted and sentenced to
fourteen and eigbteen months respeetively
he the Central Prison'. Now, for tbe sequel.
On Monday a stranger called at theDonain-
ion Express office and banded in a package
for Z. E. Brown, Delta. On Thursday Mr.
Brown received tbepaokage and found it
contained. the articles stolen from bine, and
a note asking Mr. Brown to insert the fol.
,3wing notice in the papers:
John E. Drown, of Deus., who, a few years ago,
was robbed ot a chain. wateb, ring andeiso cab,
receis,ea a few days ago, through some unknown
channel, as conscience• the watch,
chant, ring and ese in ea
Tbere was also a n of inqn the
box asking Mr. Brow ow much
he lost. The writer i isted that if
(Mr. Brown) would giv notice in the
erg, stating exactly t had been
from him, be would bly receive
e works in the wa c Greeted.
A er
A New York
An exoited crowd of c
the office of A. E. Vangelder
in diamonds, in Maiden lane, looking for
Emil Vangelder, the youthful manager of
the 'business, who could not be iound.
Three creditors obtained attachments
against the firm, aggregating 512,000, on
theground of fraudulent disposal of pro-
perty. The sheriff could find nothing of
value. Emil Vangelder, it is said, has
bought 520,000 worth of diamonds on credit
sinee September 30th, and a week ago he
said be bad 440,000 worth of diamonds.
Henry E. Vangelder, the father, resides at
Amsterdam, Holland, and is said to be
worth 51,000,0 " • Emil claimed to have a
capital of 553,0 is liabilities are esti-
mated at 530,000.
Merchant Hissin
f Monday sit
a filled
Brain Has
A Chicago despatch
big black bear belongin o
got ravenously hungry -da
his cage in it barn her and
t. As hetumne. a corner
s.n ran away •ea
and •e red and gave on
officers hastened to the women's
and both fell head foremost eve
A bloody struggle ensued between t
and the two men. The officers fire
teen shots at the enraged animal
they killed him. The •woman was
'unconscious a Mock away.
The Riots at Navassa.
A Washington special says: The
Department has received a report
Mr. W. •G. Allen, consul at Xing
Jamaica, of the riot at Navassa. It a
with the press accounts, and has in
tion letter from Mr. Henson, spie
advieer of the laborers, giving their ver
of the trouble. The latter number 1,
and claim that the bowies and mans
our -
attacked them with firearms because t ey
refused to work after being improperly
treated, and that they fought in self-
defence. They ask to be mint back to
• Refused a Sight of Hoe Mild,
A Detroit deepatch says : Ellen Lavine
Frith is dying i house at the corner of
Twelfth atreet & Hancock avenue. On
Tuesday James ' Randall 'began habeaz
corptu proceedings to compel Mr. Price to
allow her to see their 4-yeamold child. The
husband eecaped the writ by going to
Toronto and taking the ohild.
Severalivee were lost in the great storm
on the frIPper lakes on Saturday night and
Sunday morning. ,
THE 4101taiSir.pi
*orreo*s. Xtevolver Vroducefi-,Was it
1,oeoded or Not?
A Sherbrooke despetoh of Thursday
Bele The twice Postponed trial of Donald
Morrison, tliit famed Negantio ealeve for
the murder of Ludas WarrenieJune.13$8,
while the letter was trying toarrest him
on a warrant elle-ging aTEOH, And criminal
gmault upon the property and person of ope
Alphonse DeQuette, who had, bought the
farm trona winch Atorrisenbadbeen evieted
for non -pee ment of mortgage, began thin
morning itt tbe Criminal Court for St.
Francois dietriot, Paid promises to laet
several days, The case is a most compile
cittee one, and attracts consiaerame atteo„
mon from the fact that Morrison defied the
whole Province for nearly it year and
was only captured by it chance abet :rote,
the revOlvere of it party of Montreal police.
m' W140 had been sent to arreet biro.
The case for the Crown was opened by
Mr. Belanger, who ridiculed the eenaa-
tippet stones about the cage publiobed by
tho.pums, and told the Jury to diesthese
them neede ot any prejudice they reigbt
have entertained. After the comer and
the medical examiner had given technical
evidenee about the inqneet and autopsy,
George W. Mayo described the shooting as
he EAU' and Magistrete Moria, who
'anted the warrent on the Areee peso, ele,
!Ailed the eirettmeteneee surreunding he
Donald Graben, llfegeutio, the pried.
pal wititesefor the Orown.then wive it lucid
statement regarding the murder, which
was very damaging to the prietteer, 'Upon
cress- exemleatiote however. ho contra,
dteted his former eVideuee and not con-
eiderebly mated, axed tbie 'somewhat
ceued the force of hie teetimony.
A peouller inoident marred during the
efterecon tieesiere The Crown mewl
it motion that Verret:tie revolver,
which was *ken up et hie side and was
produced in Coed, be taken oat and un.
loaded. Both defeuce and Court beartile
agreed to this, soul it Nvaa so taken out.
Ileeily nee it'oet when it was hAele spin,
the Ifigh Ceneteble xemerhieg that Ali the
thee:there were empty. A few momenta
before One of the WItnefifiefi,bild liWorn that,
when piched up the revolver WOO loaded,
tad. when the =Mien to remove it was
reale, the counsel for the Crown stated
most diatinetly that the revolver Wet itt
the emcee condition as when found. The
Constables =poet, therefore, caused
no email fielleatica.
A Sherbecelte despetet of Friday says;
The Manistee trial se approaching au unex,
peetedly early doe, counsel Inc the Crown
having thin afternoon, after the examina-
tion of fourteen witneesee, declared the case
eloped as far as they vvere concerned. To,
morrow the case for the defence will be
beguo, and then, after .the addresses of
conneel arta the judge's charge, the case
will be given tie theeuees.
From the„ evideuee eubmitted be the
Crown, it pretty strong ease bee been made
out evilest the prier:mar, hut the greet
drawback on this side is the nuraberiese
contradictions on important points which
have been made by Crown witneesee. Then
examined toelay were: Euetacbe Itoy,
George Itodertque, Antoine Roy, Nelson 11,
Lett and Arthur W. Goff, ot Easton. The
chief incident of toelay'a proceedinge was
the confeesion of Leet that be bail come
tore prepered to testify Inc the defence as
well eater the Crown. His externineadoeby
the Crown couneel was meat severe, and at
ono there it was thought the Court would
be requested to order We arreet for perjury.
Thera are ten witnesses for tbe defence,
and all of them will ba rigidly crose-exant-
!tied by the Crown, so that the proapeote
for concluding to -morrow ere not very
brigbt. The opinion of those who balm
heard the evidence so far submitted is that
the verdict will be either manelinighter or
acquittal, certainly not murder. The
detence will try to prove sell -defence as the
best means of getting their man off.
A Sherbrooke despetoh of &Auden night
seen: In the Morrison trial to -day the
case for tbe defence was teased and argu.
ment Axed for Monday. Eight witnessee
were examined, three of whom proved pre-
vious threats on the part of Warren against
Morrison, and two proved that Warren
pulled his revolver first. One testified to
Morrison's general good character, and
another dubbed Warren a• professional
whiskey smuggler. 11 -is expected that the
addresses of counsel and the judge's charge
ill occupy the whole of Monday, and the
diet is not expected till late that night
rly on Tuesday morning.
methane A grgnat a U.S. consul.
aehingtop despatcli of Tuesday Says:
enesenli, a'n Arab merchant from
giers, Morocco, appeared at the White
ouse to.day in Arabian costume, and
tbrough an interpreter laid before the
President his complaint against the United
States Consul Lewis, of Tangiers. Bens.
mull placed himself under the consul's pro-
tection, and two years ago, he &seethe the
consul had bim arreated for alleged con-
imiracy to kill a debtor. After being kept
in jail nearly a. year, Beneseuli was re-
leased, an investigation having disproved
the charge. He asks that suitable repara-
tion be made him. The President sent
Benesenli to Secretary Blaine, who will in.
vestigate the case.
Mrs. Burnett Burt in a Runaway.
A London cable says: Dire. Frances
Hodgson Burnett met with it serious awl -
dent to -day. She has been living at Doris
Court, East Grinsted, and while driving to
the station to -day her pony shied and
dashed up the bank. Mrs. Burnett was
hurled out of the oart and fell upon her
ead. She was picked up unconsoione,
d is now lying in it oondition so serious
that a London doctor has been called to
attend her.
A Cronin Suspect's Health.
A Chicago despatch of Wednesday Says;
Judge Baker to -day issued a writ of habeas
corpus, returnable to -morrow, requiring
the State's Attorney to show cause why
Frank Woodruff, one of the Cronin prison.
ere, should not be released on bail. The
'confinement is apparently breaking the
young metn'a health down.
A Xingstonien is under armee at Bay
City, Mich., for murderously sessulting it
disreputable women.
Michael Bittle, Toronto, in whose head
Louis Dees depogited a bullet about ten
ten days ago, bas a slight chance of recov-
ery. The wounded man had several lucid
intervals yesterday.
• The North German Gazette, commenting
upon the French eleotionn says the attack
upon the fundamental principles of the ex-
isting oonstitntion of France may be con-
sidered as finally repulsed.
It is the general opinion in Releigh,Nea,
that Father Boyle, who is mder sentence of
death for having criminally assaulted
Geneva Whitaker, the organist of his church,
will be granted it new trial.
The Greek Metropolitan Michael declines
to interfere in the annulment of the di.
vorce of ex -Xing Milan and mintiest'
Natalie. The ex Queen will therefore peti-
tion Parliament for an annulment of the
A amen wave of Fxotestantiene wept
over Boston lest year in connection with
the Public' Sohool quedtion, and 2n,e68
women were assessed as voters. Thi e year
only 1,673 women were registered, which
Caen pay taxes,
ehTowl: tnbeeysir xwoozuklOwrgertzhaebr saeostehaeli rts votes
feed for the year. The toted sabeeription
raised by *be paper amounted to16,680,74
The medical Oaf( visited nearly 183.000
families, and gave treatment to 18,597 sink
children. In additietie 8,127 persona were
helped by gifts of clothing and food. Theee
guts and efforts reeulted in the saving of
she lives of rawly children timing the
heated terni especially.
elsozught4 partiea art to be feehiOnable
this season. TA Montreal they are said to
be quite popular already. Cards of invite -
lion bear the words Cinderella Party."
The leading feature of the.ee parties ia that
promptly at 12 o'clock at night it geng
seende teed thegeeste immediately &Tea,
as did the heroine of the glass slipper. By
this means these who have to be tet lewd,
nees on time next morning have a chance
to obtain something like 4 We're rest,
QVIA ealsIe Celt= couteiuellae eoinewhat
etertlieg and eensetional etetenteet tbae
General Boulanger contemplates relaing
the seteasted of rebellion in Franco; that
ne bee actually tab= the preliminary steps
in it oup (NM, The programme of the
Generalee biotic% as outlined by cable, its
%net be will moos the Owlet, rat= hie
Ombra on Vreeich ecu, appeal to the
people erid rirMY to rally around hire, mid
then Mara on Paris, where he expects the
people will hail him. AOa liberator. All
very due, no doubt, but not quite
probable. If there is anything m the
reports the fact that bin plans have be,
come public thaws the General is not cal,
=feted to become a aucceeliful conepiretor..
France dots not went the windy warrior
and the lieptiblic cannot be dethroned by
Any such kalithumplen proceeeion as the
QUO premed.
TAO= people who Are et:45140g to Pierre,
the new eepitel of South Dakota, should
be OMNI that they do not get caught
when tbe hem burst& It' la wily 'a
couple at yea= ago when it laud boom
streets Southern California, and not a few
Remittent.= were "dretelli JO the Reit by
the proapecte of bots of work, big wow
And Ida= fortunes, It to now reported
that Ine Angeles county bap suffered Mere
than the others. A carefully compiled
relent an the subject theme that 00 towns'
which were bid out, end in wbioh Iota
were greedily taken up by tbe now corners,
now have an aggregate at only 2,351
residents. One town of over 2,000 house
bete hill but it single resident—the wets*.
man of an =pensive hotel, built for the
accommodation of gueate that never came.
The remericeble nutter° about aortae of
these deserted towne le that they are not
merely tracts marked off by surveyors'
stakes, but have well laid out etreete,
frequently with sowers, cement sidewalks
and eleotrio light poles in place. Building
operations have been eutipanned, and the
tradeemozi who have been supplying
imeteriens find tberaselvea with uneatable
stook on bend. The meabanics are /oft
without employment, end suffer more
(Weems from the collapse of the boom than
any other class.
ACCOnDXSO to the Montreal *Tomo& of
Commerce England'a debt was reduced from
1858,864,000 to 4842,43E1,000 between 1836
and 11337, though 420,000,000 ban boon
paid to liberate the slaves and the Crimean
war had cost 141,000,000. During the
next twenty years the debt reduction
amounted to 467,000,000, though 14,000,-
000 had been paid for Suez Canal stook
and 110,000,000 to extend the telegraph
systora. Since 1877 the debt has been re.
armed by 176,000,000, and it now stande at
£690,300,000, or 4153,564.000 less than tbe
amount fifty years ago. The figures show
that during the first twenty years of the
period under review the debt was reduced
at the rate of half a million a year;
during the second twenty years at the rate
of 13,350,000 per year; and awing the last
twelve at the rate of £6,333,334 per year.
Such is England's record. The 'United
States is doing even better in rapidly
wiping out her war debt. Should not
Canada follow these noble examples, 't-
abled of mortgaging the future and heaping
up it debt in time of peace? The best
preparation for war, the best advertisement
for a country, is it full treasury sae clean
balance eheet.
FATTENING slaves in a park and feeding
them up like animals destined for thetable,
and then leading them to shambles where
they are slaughtered like oxen, out into
pieties, and shared bit by bit among hungry
cannibals—such is the practice which is
permitted, acoordieg to M. Fondese, a
Isere% explorer, in some of French,
Beligian, Portuguese, and even British
territories in ilbanghi. M. Fondese was
Bent out three years ago by the French
Government to discover the Karnes of the
Niariguillon, and having returned after the
successful accomplishment of his task, he
hastens to tell his countrymen about the
terrible things which he had seen in his
travels. The "fattening parks," or pad-
locks, are, he says, to be seen in each
village, ani contain men and women who
have been taken in the war. The poor
wretches take their doom philosophically,
and same of them to whom M. Fondese
offered freedom actually refused it. They
eat, drink, dance and sing until the head
" Fetish -man " comes around, accompanied
by an orchestra of tom-tom and tin -kettles
players, selects a Befell:lithely fat specimen,
carries hire or her to the market place of
the village, and splits his or her head with
it hatchet or soythg knife. The eyes and
tongue of the victim are given to the e boss "
fetish, and the rest of the body is divided
among the atrocious anthropophagi. M.
Fondese who has gone right through the
heart of African continent, has brought
several interesting reports back, which he
proposes to read in it publio meeting.
Cardinal Leedgerie, the anteleavery
crusader, will undoubtly find a new inoen-
tive in hie philanthropicwork after having
heard the testimony of the new explorer.—
London Telegraph.
THE Vancouver, B. C., News -Advertiser
recomntends the cultivation of hops in
that Province, as the experience of Wash-
ington Territory has proved that the eon
and climate of the Pad& Coast are sped -
ally adapted for the perfection of the plant.
One grower in the Puyallup Valley, who
has kept an accurate account of the pro.
deeds of hie hop yard for seventeen year,
states that the average yield for that period
has been 2,000 pounds to the acre. During
that period the average price has been 20
cents per pound or $400 an sore, and, after
deduothag all expenses of cultivation and
picking, the net profit has been about 5200
an acre. The quality of the hops raised
is So superior to those raised in many
other parts of the world which, until a few
years ago, furnished the obief supply, that
the prices they can be sold for in London
ern sefeineet to °over ell the expenses of
traesportMion for ea great it distance and
leave the growers; a geed -margin ot profit.
The price of labor pesseete no obstacle, as
homy of the hop pickers in Washington
Territory aro lOdieee from British Colum.
this, who annually go down for that per -
'pose, after the salmon canning season is
over. If, says the Neirseddeeneeer, "some
"of the speonlatora who hold large tracts
"o! land at high prices would offer some
"of it at reasonable figures to persons who
"would make hop gardens, they would find
"their lands adjacent would appreciate in
value as seen as gee season had passed
"and the possible profits of the induetry
%vele ne)isEa.”
'Where Arsenio Comes 3Frona.
In A recent ileue of Notes and 0/04fliegs
writer deeoribes the arsenic industry in
Devonshire. The beet -known mine itt tbat
county which supplies arsenic' in quantity
is the Devon Great Consols," near Tavi-
etock. Refianal white arsenic is here ob-
tained from the rerieh ore, and the cora-
panel le working over Again in the fureacee,
for the sake of the swami°, much xefuee
thrown gado in the palmy oopper days.
In former days the fume's were allowed
to pa$3 off into tbe workshops and
into the air, causing fatal reenne among
the workmen and destroying the aground.
ing vegetation tor =me dieteece, DO POW
0410 eremite (end mit Inipper) is the moat
veltieble produot, precautions are taken to
Prevent any mime. Three Ideas ot cal.
Anent are it4 use et the "Great Console."
Fir t there is.the ordieary baud celoiner,
214,1 the well-known OxlausiNt ealeiner,
womb, is tiO conetruoted, as to require no
attention from the worlemen. The third
furnace appsare to he tbe meet efficient of
the three, . In it it cireulax table, eloping
enneiderably from tbe centre to the sides,
revolves at it aomewbet glow retie, The (tee
falls on tbie teble, which its thoroughly
beeted by the furnace beneath, Irene all
openiug near the centre; thence by the
elope heed nbe circular movement it is
geedually distributed down towards the
circumference, where, ittraoat completely
deprived of no anemic, it fella tuto a
evougli, while the fumes piss up into the
tinee through an opening above the highest
point. The operation ie au extremely
pretty one to wee*, AU tile 011aptitir irt the
ewe Calleee 0011021nd play ot blue listens
over the ankfae,0 Of the incendesceat MaSa,
while the air above ammo misty with tbe
ilue white smoke of weenie trioxide. Pee-
pered itt thie way ehe crude product haa it
dirty grey odor, and is purified by farther
roastieg in a reverbetery farnece,./aeated
only with coke or authraeite, when et nub -
limes in the flue in the form of a beauti-
tally gliatening white powder, wbich feels
to the toucb. as sett ak doer. Sometimes
Sue colorless oryatale are found, =Rectally
neer ties doore of the dam 'Visitors feel
unwell for the tern of the day after an
inspection of the fernecee. The workers
ba.vmtheir menthe and noaes wrapped np
in cloth reef natant with eottorewool inaidte
teat by ahem= any partielea of wbat the
Germane calno(fonehtor poicon.flour might
get into tin air passages; all the workmen
employed in sorting or packing the fine
powder et white arsenic Are similarly pro.
Mated! All emploeed looted powerfulmen
enjoying excellent health. The work bas
not been going on sufficiently long (about
16 years) to conipare tee lengthof life of
those engaged m it with that of those
employed in furnace work with non.
vononous, or at least, non-volatile poisonous
A florae's Memory.
I happened to be the vileness of an odd
Boone the other day wbith, when noolmted,
may possibly amuse the reader. One of
those not infrequent, hut I meet confess
nsuafly flotitious neoessitice, had arisen
which take me t0. it stable—on thie °COS -
Sion to a large establishment in the vicinity
of Chardon Omit. it was about 5 o'clock
in the afternoon and varlotte people 'were
starting for home, among them it man and
woman who hnd it remarkably intelligent
looking gray borate. Just as be began to
trot down the lane by winch the stable is
reaohed from the street, a etout "party,"
who, I noticed, bad been watching the
grey intently, suddenly cried out in a loud
voice "Dan, don't you want s piece of
cake 2" The horse stopped short, pricked
up his ears, looked around, and uttered
a faint whinney of recognition and assent;
nor would he go on until the stout man
had come forward and explained his inter-
ference. It appeared that several years
before he had brought the bores from Ver.
mont, where he °tined him for some time,
and as the beast waa particularly amine he
bad taught him the true sense of the ques-
tion the sudden asking of which brought
tbe animal to it standstill. It is well known
that horses never forget a pereon or place,
and scarcely an event. No matter how
much time has elapsed or how greatly the
horse may have 'changed in deposition,
one word from a former master will estab-
lish immediately the old relation between
therm—Taverner in Boston Post.
The London papers are full of deserip.
tions of the splendors of the palace which
is now in course of construction for Colonel
North, the " Nitrate Xing." No expense is
being spared in the oreation of gorgeous
effems. A single item, consist] of many
thousands of yards of orimson silk velvet,
with which some of the rooms are to be
hung. The picture gallery is to be 100 feet
long by 50 feet Wide, and a large number of
wetly, paintings are now being" made to
order ' for it. A few years ago North was
an ordinary laborer.
Now cooler winds begin to blow,
The solar fires less fiercely glow.
The heated term is nearly o'er,
The paper cellar wilts no more
The girl puts up her bathing suit,
Their hats of straw the wealthy shoot.
The fat man laughs aloud with glee,
No more like melted lard is he,
The yachts are fast at wharves and docks,
We're near the autumnal equinox.
And people who regard their health
For autumn clothing spend their wealth.
And every merchant who is wise
Both hump himself and advertise.
One of the features of military drill in
the Russian army is the training of soldiers
to swim in battaliona, at the same time
using, their weapons. At the recent
annual military mencenvres in the presence
of the Czar a fine exhibition of profioienoy
was given in this direction. A large force of
infantry swam across a wide lake in full
marching order, with the help of fasoines
made of reeds and rushee, or of inflated
sheepskins. At the same time they kept tip
a lively fire on the boats of a supposed
enemy who were disputing their passage.
Inspector Bell, London, is confident that
the doctors in that city are utterly dine.
garding the piovisions of the health by-law
by neglectineeto report cases of infectioue
diseases in order that the houses may be
"Now tidear,' he, hies,
But common or proper,
Cana thou tell that of it?
" Well, X think," replied she,
" To speak nothing loath ; "
While she smiled and grew red,
" Well, I think it is both."
The Bavarian Government proposes to
doubleetraok all the railways in Bavaria.
JapthteillZryftria at Blarliesyille'S the blandest
nee he etarts in a talkin' oteer fate apt to
Pears like that &cloth his'a wustet made for
nothin' else
Bat les' to tirgify 'em, down and gether in their
Reel ar:wien,yoneut4xtirn on tante er he'll talk you
And proves tee poor man pays em all—and
Jos' tech nO Jap a little audene eost ,you 'boutReligloo, law, er priz:-fightin" baro ebodt tl.e facts!
And tbo comicelest teller eveV titled altelc
And teimelleearthew nobsehex etMd. 0' nee be .4141
That's where the teller's stretigtit lays---he'aBO
common -like and plain.
They haerDinymn
tgneidre about old JaP, you bet yoll,
They lectgcl him to council &Edit never turned
And cibild6nlitealna'eke no difference what anybody
He dfdanki't—dress no fuser, zor rag out in timer
But bia voice in ccuncil meetin's was a terrer,to
hi e foes.
Do's teorintepalu
epogmitaee aver' time, and the last
He stusbiznpnecl
eanudi eftueergrtinne.mit
ouuty through the .
And belt the banner ureards frcm a-trailin' in
Tel, bYte9M4 vastg t ter num antakeeelantOM
And cut 'aut..° ou monopolies and cuss'd and
gull tell some fealty etexy ever' now mid U1814
CHted and eeeS*41
And rd finder en, to -day, to Ilea old ,7a
Term auy high-toned crater teat ever sturope
tbat Mr blamed ;op Miller, "HIM bis keen,
surceetio leo,
Itas got mere trietele thanany candidate'et ever
Don't matter what bis viewis, nben he settee
the Immo to you
meey anus coincide 'with youen the same as two
11118 iwo.
You can't take issue elide bun—er at least they
li,in't 00 eenee
1,14. Martin. in to down tem to you better not
The beat waVa ion' to listen like your bumble
Awl coucede Jai) Miller, is the best man
joum3377GiEe$ WhiiMat Dike en Ineheranoits
The Aditatois Tuttle.
Tberea 4 tittle box of pills.
Venni a beep ot ler time bins.
There% ft ettlitille letter frim it country remler,
Theron a theme tor ti 14531,
Vietnam** ther for it bell.
Tbere's5 circuit:I: abentspatent feeder,
There's a pack of cigarettes.
Tbere ere lettcrs f remote.
=terns a proid of Lighly colored lithographing,
There's n*olitary ACV.
There's a Meets of ber face.
Tinware articles to snare be Angelo/001nm
There'. it pretty citioung clock. .
There's scene mestere moans stock,
Tbere are natio et verve in every bort of metre,
There's a eottOD since bat.
There's a ly ragged mat,
Timolia beWI them width nothingeoult1
be sweeter,
There'd& gayly ribbonea rork.
There'll a anti+ f all Now entre.
There's e guide to Pelestine and one to Maeda.
There's the buS, at opera *more.
Theron& lump of Iron ore.
There's auntie( it Bernie* football rustier.
There are pate of ink awl glue,
There Hie lettere old Id d HOW,
There 1011 pi ON Of Ohl exchanges and &paper.
There's a narro.w pnir of shears,
There's a gins ut tLat which cheers,
There'a tlentge baeke41-61Gdpelated paper
Theron a wetly eneeted algae.
There's au Emollients) jar,
There's the circulatioa swearer's weekly fable
Oh, the sight will tiale Yeti
If )ou ever total li view
Of the editor while writing at his table.
My Mother's Pumpkin Pies.
Winn the beautiful autumn timeline come
With its eolith tt g..Idett (lays—
Wean rlv, r and hill aud meadow -land
Are veiled in purple bans.
Down the backeoon track of the Seetinmycars•
Unbidden nw memory files
To the nutting-% time iu ern ehildhoode home,
And to tuntLer`e pumpkin pies.
The yellow slava from the need were brought
Amid rapture of childish glee,
For well I knew the promise moy hold
Of deligittfel things to he,
And mute and motionleva I gazed, '
* On the scene with wondering oyea,
While my mother wrought the mystery
Of those famous pumpkin pies.
Meaty and juicy and sweet Were they,
• And conjured with infinite care,
Witho, thin, brittle crust of delicate brown,
And a flavor beyond compare;
And though 1 shouldlive tothree-score and toll
Yet oft will the nu.mory rise
Of those happy times in tar boyhood days,
And my mother's pumpkin pies.
—W. W. Ilanyon.
The Telepliona Girl.
rm a Central 'Won Telephone girl,
Ting -a -ling -ling, tinge -ling -ling,
I come when you give your 'phone handle a
Ting -a -ling -ling, ting -a -ling, tins;
I'm queen for a hundred holes here in a row, *
A hole for each telephone number you know,
And for each of these holes rve a cheery
"Hello I" •
• Ting -a -ling, ting-aling, tins.
I can hear every word that you speak o'er the
Ting -a -ling -ling, ting -a -ling -ling,
Even down to the weisper of love's Sale fire,
Ting -a -hug, ting.
I know all the secrets there are intthe town,
Where faithless men smile and susputiouowiveS
It would take me a year to write the half down,.
Ting -a -ling, ting -a -ling, ting.
I am just as curious as curious can be;
ting -a -ling -ling,
The faces of all my patrons to see,
ting -a -ling, ling;
If I could but MN. as I hear o'er the line,
My knowledge of things would be semi-divinei.
And my job I would never. no never, resign,
ting-Enling, ting.
A Hired Man Who Shoots,
A Brookville despatch of Wednesday says
A man named Ephraim Haskins, living at.
Elbe Mills, about eight mina from here'
was this morning shot by James Pennock.
It appears Pennock was paying addresses.
to Haskins' daughter, which displeased,.
Haskins, who discharged Pennock a few.
days ago. Pennock returned this morning,.
and a row ensued. 'Pennook shot Haeltina
in the groin, and also shot Haskins' son
in the foot. ffe gave himself up, and clainis
he did it ill self-defence. Haskins is very
low, but may recover.
Modern science is extracting from the
dry sawdust not only wood, alcohol, pyre.
ligneous acid, the bases of the anilines, .
but many new compounds in medicine, etc.,
to say nothing of its being converted into .
wood pulp, or being pressed and utilized for
fuel. Fortune and fame await the marl
who has the genius and skill to invent a
contrivance or method to convert it into a
cheap and merohantable fuel.
• Mr. Andrew Sutherland, Grand Trunk.
'station master at Fenelon Palle, was pre-
sented on Friday night with the Royal ,
Humane Society's medal for bravely olivine
a boy from drowning last summer.
First bull—Here comes a man. What,
shall we do? Second bull—Let's toes up,
• Dr. Nauten, the Norwegian explorer, in
organizieg an expedition to the North Pelee
Twenty' thouttand pounds have already been,
subscribed towards the venture and ad;
ditional funde will be forthcoming.
A grand religious demonstration will take
place in Notre DAI113 Clutch, Montreal, on
Sunday, on the occasion of the inangura.
tion of the new Montreal Catholic Unman-
ity, formed by the amalgamation of the
Viotoria and Laval Medical &hoots.
—The summer is ended, but the harveet
is just beginning—for the divorce lawyer&